tv News RT June 8, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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the, the ukrainian strikes killed $22.00 people in residential areas of the house on region just hours after another. another deadly attack on the city of the gas pressure points, the finger at the west for disregarding civilian lives. and you crank and process there is no doubt that the western delegations, the convene un security council meeting sternly do not care about the humanitarian situation in ukraine. or the suffering of civilians in the country that unloading the board of regents of russia when it comes to nuclear escalation, we never started this rhetoric. we simply said it should be taken more seriously and they immediately started talking about us brandishing nuclear weapons. we are not lot of are putting in says russia is steering clear of escalating any nuclear
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rhetoric and paul's for dialogue with the west. that's the slight washington's plans to increase its nuclear arsenal. and r t speaks with a palestinian journalist whose recent assault added is rarely nationalized marching . jerusalem highlights the violence, members of the news, media space in the region. a suddenly dozens of settlers attacked me from all directions. i couldn't see anything. the attack lasted more than a minutes in front of the police. the police decided to stop the assaults, re talking me again, the 5 in moscow. you're watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble. recovering the top new stories from around the world. civilians have come under fire in the latest ukrainian strike on a residential area in the embattled hearse on region. local officials is
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a at least $22.00 people, including a child were killed in the shelling that destroyed a village store 15. others were injured in the attack which also damaged private property. the surviving victims are now being treated in the hospital. officials are important to have as far as, as used an aerial bomb, as well as a us supplied him are as missile systems, a hit the area for earlier on friday, 4 people were killed and another 43, including children wounded in a ukrainian attack on a residential area of new guns for city within 2 dozen buildings were damaged american supply, the outcome missiles that were used that's according to the russian defense ministry. over in new york, at the latest session of the un security council russians, deputy investor slammed the recent western lifting of some restrictions on the use of its weapons. by key of you couple was the dublin. you secrets. there is no doubt that the western delegations, the conveying un security council meeting sternly do not care about the
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humanitarian situation in ukraine or the suffering of civilians in the country, let alone the boarder regence of russia. in fact, they hardly care about such matters anywhere in the world to the united states. the european countries are not fighting for ukraine, but for this so called leadership and geopolitical emissions, or another blatant example of western hypotheses. that while the profess concerned over the humanitarian consequences of the conflicts and ukraine, western capitals are deliberately escalating it by continues before in billions of dollars into weapons, as well as providing arms themselves and recently a giving that product to jazz and key of college loans to use may to weapons against all territory so that what they propose as a solution is multi piece formula. but a formula for the blood shed when the best security council meeting was summoned by france. and it does come against the backdrop of paris, promising to supply additional fighter jets to ukraine, as well as provide training to thousands of ukrainian soldiers. this really
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highlights how bronzes, involvement in the conflict in ukraine, is only picking up steam. at the same time caves, a role in all of this has been reduced to just providing a steady flow of new comb scripts to be thrown into the mead grinders only. this is something that russia has once again tried to well draw the spoke like to during the security council meeting is the gym session. i why do the us and other countries keep sending more and more weapons to ukraine? is it really out of concern for ukrainian civilians? know, instead of hoping for peace cube has been given the goal of sacrificing this population on the battlefield for the 2 political interests of its west and patrons. every month the ukrainian army lose its thousands of soldiers. it killed or wounded the current widespread force. conscription is sending news units of untrained increasing the younger ukrainian men to the death. it's no secret of the purse slow
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. with a draw stage comes primarily from the us administration, the lives of ukraine's young generation on nothing more than expendable resources for washington. this has been openly stated by members of the american establishment to admit that such a policy saves the lives of western soldiers more over this approach benefits to west in general, as a boost the revenue use of its military industrial complex. now one of the more motor it takes about this conflict was the voice by china. use the platform to once again. stress is concerned about the pro nature of the role in ukraine on to be gene also underlined that they are indeed talking to both parties of this conference, which is of course, russia and ukraine. now again, this was not a pro russian speech whatsoever, but by being so balanced, it just highlighted how ultimatum, like the speeches of the united states and its allies, well who, who,
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who you don't have them. we call on the parties to exercise restraint. we call on them to engage in dialogue and in the negotiation process in order to achieve a ceasefire and in the fighting. we are not involved in the crisis and ukraine are you like from the very beginning of the conflict with china. it has advocated for negotiations and a political settlement. the russia foot has, for the last 8 months, used and hidden behind the tragic situation and gaza. let me just be very clear, the united states will not let the russian federation continue this hypocrisy in the council without a response. well, the word hypocrisy wasn't russia's lips as well. pressure talked about how american made weapons very often used by key to attack civilian targets, not military ones. like on friday, several u. s. made long range attack comes massage. we're used to attack the city or with guns. the total number of civilians both injured and killed and that the attack is
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in the dozens, including 2 children. now a whole apartment block and france. an entrance to an apartment, the building collapsed as a result of that may so attack. and that is very much the case how american made weapons are used elsewhere in the gaza strip. that is a very uncomfortable topic for washington. given that at least 36000 people have been killed that by israel. and israel has been so far, very, very reluctant to wrap up its military operation in the gaza strip. that's something that hundreds of thousands of people will across the world hold upon israel to do so. and so in general, is this, the security council meeting only highlighted how much russia and the west, especially the united states and its allies, are at loggerheads with each other under so much. so it has sofa really done nothing to bring peace in ukraine any closer. international consultant,
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earl rasmussen, says the west bears full responsibility for the complex civilian casualties. the clearly they're not targeting many military facilities or they seem to be have a focus of almost like a terrorist type activity and, and hitting a civilian infrastructure in civilian homes, residence this conflict would not be going, would not even have started at the west. been open to discussing the security concerns for and, and even was serious about the draft issues where the security proposals provided by rest. so it would not have happened had they implemented the minutes good chords, which we now know were a ruse to um, to build up and train ukrainian forces. nor would have gotten to this point if the, if the british specifically in the us did not disrupt the peace agreements and
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peace negotiations going on and in uh, in this bundle. nor would it get to this point if the weapons and the endless supply the black hole of money and funds was not supplied to ukraine. we would not be to this situation. i blame the west, i believe in the west for the provoking record to into this situation. the west does not care about you, correct. and that just sort of occurred both the soldiers and civilians. i put fully on the western uh, the western back sponsors was picking up a st. petersburg, international economic form president put and touched upon the legitimacy of the authorities. and key of, he says that there is no room for interpretation when it comes to the ukrainian and constitutional restrictions on the presidency, which a lot of my zaleski has held onto despite his term expiring last month on the
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display of really look on your sleeves. but almost yes, there are problems here, of course, because of the current authorities appear to have loss and legitimacy. aiming even a cursory analysis of ukrainian legislation shows that they have lost their legitimacy. there is the 3rd article of the constitution which says that the president is elected for 5 years only. and there is article $8.00 to $3.00 of the constitution of ukraine, which says that under martial law, the powers of the event coordinator can be extended. but nothing is said about extending the powers of the president. we are ready for negotiations, but only i repeat on the terms that we agreed to when we started these negotiations in minutes and then continued and assembled and not on so made up ideas. but even if we mean to take those agreements and assemble as a basis, we must still proceed from the realities of today. we see the forced mobilization in ukraine. of course, in the age of mobilization, they will be lowered, we know reliably from ukrainian sources that the americans have set conditions for
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their continued support by lowering the mobilization age to 25 and 23. been 20 and 18 or perhaps straight down to 18. what is important for us? they are now recruiting around 30 to 50000 the month before last. i think they recruited 70000. so this means that any new recruits will really be feeling that last is a nuclear issue, was also raised at the economic farms flagship center recession with president clinton saying that russia's frontline successes negate the need to use or even the test a nuclear weapons. the leader added that western claims about moscow's alleged intent to the point moves are out of touch. and then when it comes to nuclear escalation, we never started this rhetoric. we simply said it shouldn't be taken more seriously . and they immediately started talking about us brandishing nuclear weapons. we are not, that's the 1st thing. secondly, on the use and non use of such weapons. russia has a nuclear doctrine, and everything is written that they use as possible in an exceptional case. in the
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event of a threats to the sovereignty and territorial and take day of the country, i do not believe that such a case has arisen. but this doctrine is a living instrument. and we are closely watching what is happening in the world and around us. and we do not rule out making some changes to this doctrine. this is also related to the nuclear weapons test penn treaty. we once not only signed it but also ratified it, and the americans also signed it but did not ratify it. so in today's circumstances, we have withdrawn our rectification. if necessary, we will conduct tests. for now, there is no such need because our information capabilities, computer capabilities, allow us to keep everything up to date. while you listen to the white house downing street pretty much, we're off the west to meet you and you would believe the document pitch was sitting in the kremlin is pelting and cannot get in recent weeks, took about these end of the world weapons have really reached a fever pitch, so it is on surprise. and at the top,
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it was raised out the suitcases bag for him with the russian needs are for the umpteenth time the states in very class setting the record straight moscow has no intention of deploying it to the weapons. and for critics who might not take him out his what, okay, well then let's just look at some of the facts. let's take a moment to compare russian on western commitment to meet kind of, to tyrants over the years. yes, russian does have the largest beach and also in the wild font in 2002, washington pulled out of the abm treaty in 2019 washington pulled out of the on of the treaty in 2020 washington pulled out of here and scully's treat them in 2023, washington separate and no longer chest me to arms data with most go as of the time something new stop treaty. i'm also hearing now that that a costing doubts about the future of that adult 2 months as well. and it's washington, which is now saying things like this. we may reach
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a point in the coming years where an increase from current deployed numbers is required. if that date does come, it will result from a determination that more nuclear weapons are required to deter our adversaries. and protect the american people and or allies and partners, we need to persuade our adversaries that managing rivalry for arms control is preferable to unrestrained competition across domains. successive us administration's control on neutral arms control treaties, do us can diversify as we had and potentially boost. it's also and frame it as just being competitive. but washer was somehow the one who's holding the world to atomic one. so i'm, i'm also, i, i can't help but just remind what we will know of one thing. there is any one country in old walt and all human history, which is actually deployed via told me from the us in japan in 1945, twice and with a pool of a 1000000 people launch the civilians. what killed defend a strong signal to the soviet union about american might. so really,
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any attempts to portray russia as a global risk in this regard should be comical to anyone who knows even a page of history. we do seem to be entering a particular phase in the role in ukraine, ukrainians on tying in the thousands. i'm terraced. evidence of that is the cube is naturally driving its mind of the streets to feed the front. but front line is daily moving and russian space and the west is faced with this reality. but it's money, it's weapons, it's the pool that has failed to secure and to know for the victory that it promise not just be ukrainian people but its own people. but it functions in the meantime have managed to, to deteriorate their economy, bring about huge multiply routine data on the rise ation. so to distract from this failure, they resort to fame ongoing kind of cool. so like you said, there is no greater fear than the end of the wild asylum,
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uprooting seems to have taken it upon himself to expose this to debunk the narrative that is being spun out. but i think there was definitely a sense that this, this was, was a reiteration of read 9. she said at that session that on you to the doctor and is very clear. yeah. um, no nukes unless we space and next, essentially, from unless why shot is on a top on like close the us, which has of foss strike policy. the reality though is the russian light. well, come under attack from west and west buttons, both on top of that, you have a pair in the region which, which has engaging in so every dangerous talk about arming up. i'm borrowing nips from america. russia is increasingly militarized in the cleaning grad region. recently it has been relocating its nuclear weapons developers if our allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons as part of nuclear chevron and our territory as well in order to strengthen the security of nato's eastern flank. we're ready for it, so it's hot. who wants to see both days moved as esco,
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the tori and provocative. but that really is the package. all that we have to look at. one of this against now. there is, of course, it's a straight touch west, which is using control which is ramping up rhetoric, which is ramping up the conflicts which is really driving this irresponsible, took about a need to the conflict, then we have must go ahead and try to get through to here's cooling on com heads to prevail, but so just reminding nato and co, the russian, like anyone else does have a right to defend itself. the question of course, is whether there is increasingly right because politicians and brussels london on washington will take shape this morning. is really police have come up with a new way to stop a violent assault. attacking the victim themselves, palestinian journalists saved close armies says he was left unconscious after law enforcement and a mob of young has really nationalized attacked him. added jerusalem de march. he
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showed the details of his assault with our t. i know about some female journalist colleagues and i were at the entrance to the old city at the damascus gate in france. a settler put out his cigarette on my hand . he put out the cigarette on my hand while i was walking. i didn't talk to him, i just kept walking the attack to my colleagues and me without us saying anything to them. we tried to find shelter in the corner. one of the journalists with me was attacked. first i sent the female journalist behind me and stood in front to protect them. i took out my phone and started documenting the violations and the consulting beatings against us. just a few meters away from dozens of special forces and is really police. the attack on us began with insults spitting and throwing water bottles. suddenly dozens of settlers attacks me from all directions. i couldn't see anything. i tried to defend myself as much as i could, but i couldn't see anything in front of me. i received numerous blows, all over my body and bruises. the attack lasted more than
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a minute in front of the police. the police decided to stop the assault. they talking me again. one officer hit me and another struck me on the head with a stick. this is documented in audio and video, the police assaulting me while i was wearing my press best and had my press card. i told them i was a journalist and that i was the one being attacked. but they kept hitting me until i saw everything in front of me turned white. i couldn't see anything at all. the blow to the head was very strong and i lost consciousness a little while later i started to come to and realized i had been beaten and was on the ground surrounded by police. they refused to allow any palestinian red, crescent, or ambulance to venture a heavy head injury. so i covered my head and tried to move away as much as possible and reach the open area of damascus gate while leaving we were attacked again. but thank god we survived,
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which felt like an attempt on my life and the lives of my colleagues. the arrest happens after the salt in the evening following the slide march around 730 or page pm. we had just finished packing up the journalistic equipment. my colleagues and i was surprised to see 2 members of the special forces, not the police responsible for protecting the march, approaching the journalist syria. i was surprised when they called out to me personally, saying they wanted me. they accuse me of inciting and posting things on social media that supports terrorism and plus tell groups against israel. i told them that wasn't true. as i am a journalist. the interrogation lasted about 14 minutes to an hour. the soldiers were the ones interrogating me, not official investigators or police during the interrogation. there was a settler named diaz. this is a young man about 20 to 21 years old. and he's known for targeting palestinian activists and journalists. he tries to provoke them to find any excuse the charge
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or imprison them. he has been following me on social media for several months, spreading this information about me along with other similar groups during the interrogation. you did the i kept calling me a terrorist. he said i was a journalist in disguise working for home us speaking in hebrew. this is all false, but he continues to post about me on instagram, claiming i am associated with the terrorist groups. the rest of them to a march, the anniversary of israel and capturing the holy city in the war of 1967. this year is ready. crowds paraded flags through the streets of jerusalem, listening to the right wing politicians who spoke at the march local media report. it is really nationalist chanting. death to error sent several assaults on palestinian residents and journalists. the frequency of these violent attacks has increased since october 7th of the 100 age palestinian journalists have
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been killed in 44 more were arrested over the past 7 months. members of the news media have also faced in violence and threats switch. so you've says is retaliation for their coverage of the conflict in gaza? a heavy and we're currently under what is called is really emergency law. this allows any is really police officer to take necessary actions against anyone, including journalists, if they see them as a threat. journalists are not threats, but they see the emergency law as an excuse to increase arrests and assault san journalists, confiscate the equipment and attack citizens to silence during was the things happening to us after october, 7th were never seen before. similar incidents happens before, but not to this extent. the assaults have become brutal, aiming to kill journalists to silence them and prevent them from shutting lights on
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what's happening in jerusalem. the emergency law is an excuse for the police to do anything against journalists. according to the policy and journalist syndicates around $140.00 journalists have been killed in gaza alone. those registered with the syndicate. not including photographers or activists. more than 50 to 60 journalists have been arrested in the west bank and at jerusalem with many still detained in his really prisons. some had been sentenced. some are under administrative detention, which starts at 2 months and can be extended for years without clear charges. we're always at risk of arrest at any moment, even ordinary people, including children, less focus on children at the beginning of the war. my cousin, 16 and a half years old, was arrested for allegedly posting a certain picture on instagram. but he didn't even have an instagram account, they started arresting children just to intimidate them. the events of october 7th
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were a huge shock to them. they tried to hide the details from their public, the casualties and injuries to prevent and rest, and maintain security and stability. to reassure israelis that there is no war sci fi, or as what is shown on tv of the was the cation, the season in full swing russians are looking for a new overseas travel destination. in the nation is becoming increasingly popular for its picturesque resorts and the rich culture. jakarta hosted a major tourism investment form this week with russian business is expressed in great interest in the sector. ortiz, rebecca, and up at the blue filed this report on the events. the tourism has grown to be one of indonesia is most important. economy drivers during the 2nd international tourism in fassman forum held on june 5th 2024. in jakarta, indonesia is opening its arms to investments in supporting tourism, infrastructure, and facilities. the government data shows that in an anxious tourism and creative
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economy sectors attracted around 3600000000 u. s. dollar in investments throughout 2023. the door for investments also aimed at russia. it is not only intended for those who are in direct contact with tourism and fresh structures, but also involve direct business actors such as food and belfry, trys. a special round table on indonesia and brush right in freshman dialogue, also emphasized business to business potential between russian investors and representatives of the in the nation auditory piece. we're working to overcome this so we can bring more potential tours from russia. but if we fire quality such as longer stays, which may have a variable impact, not lawbreakers, but those that invest and create new business prospects and jobs in the fields ranging from the digital economy. web 3 motor versus artificial intelligence and machine learning. however, the financial payment and connectivity are 2 main challenges that the russians have
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to face. bunk in the show at the central bank has seen an expansion of its cross border beam and system to solve the payment issue. the q r code payment system has been implemented in singapore, malaysia and thailand. and now in the media is proposing the system to russia. as for connectivity, the talk off of dark slide from must go to bali in particular, has resurfaced asked a growing number of tourist has been seen in the last past years. this right that a lot of uh, requests from russia, at least for adeline. so we are in the process of making that happen. there is some technicalities that need to be resolved because the direct flights can can take place. so i am contacting uh my colleagues in the event as mrs. to see uh the process to move forward and then we can have the
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direct flight. if we have that in flight, i can assure you that perhaps double up people of the number of days from last year and that can visit the in the nation. the collaboration on tourism between indonesia and russia radiates into by new one new york club as a tourism club base and by new on the east java. it builds on a 50 percent off investment by russia and the rest for indonesia. the club has also expanded into a restaurant that promotes local tourism with the russians. you know, there is a lot of under the political pressure rushing. yes ma'am. i'm not sure of themselves freely comfortable or even given a few orders. and now they looked him up for the new roots are for the new place to go. and i guess indonesia is one of the best place in the world for you. i think it's pretty cold up. see. and the nature is fantastic. out of the $3000000000.00 us dollar target innovation has already reported investing 32 percent of its total and
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a tourism and creative economy in the 1st quarter of the year. as the number of freshman tourist grows in indonesia, the collaborations also hope to boost in nation tourism to russia, especially on how tourism, exploring numerous opportunities as both governments work to break down barriers in between. all right, do stay with us right here on our, to international up next on going underground, a option or time seeing his guess discuss the latest guys a ceasefire. negotiations to bottom up between us and israel. bye for now. the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the i'm action or that said, welcome back to going underground rule got single around the world from the way the world stands on the brink of nuclear war of to genocide. joe permitted us weapons to directly target russia. know certainly the largest country in the world, but the country with the largest number of nuclear weapons. meanwhile, people are rising up in nature of nations against genocide today in the capital of empire, i believe good biden's house is being surrounded by a symbolic red line to signal to the world. the us political causes betrayal of all humanity in gaza and jerusalem. west asian superpower, savvy arabia, fall from the lies, coming from the us state department. about normalization with israel has denounced israel for quote, continuous, genocidal mass. it goes against palestinians in the u. a. eas, deepening military collaboration with china is done, fulfilled us promises,
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and escalating is really aerial bombardment of syria of $1100.00 of them. and joining me now for montreal, canada is moving rabbani who worked with you and, and syria, as you now co edits to vidalia magazine created, added the arabs spring. thank you so much. i'll be waiting for coming on. i'm going to say the rest of your being nations, the genocide is going opposable genocide is gone, a bit quiet. they have more important things of the vessel states as they being called. it appears. what do you make the bible this evening to re hits the heat a come off cease fire plan if anything, and insisting it's in these ray the plan while supplying the munition in the bones to be had children and gods who bizarre were words, what you had is the us president joe biden publicly announcing what he stated was in his early ceasefire proposals. so the 1st question
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