tv News RT June 9, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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concerns their attendance that this ought to be the special ceremony. may i go to the man of the special guest? the includes neighbors who were involved in the central vista re development project on the rock hole miners to assist to the rescuing full. he won traps construction workers from a ton of and with about tons last year a to dig job with 30 c b. yeah, i've got to do all the stuff and then find somebody was formally elected on friday is the lead to all the national democratic airlines. the n d. a coalition assessing the stage for as the to him as a prime minister. very well, mr. moody's doing so both shows of the majority markets, $272.00 seats. when they go to you $240.00 seats and it's on right. the and the coalition together was $293.00 states. and some 61 had a view of position in the alliance, which was led by the congress policy, the, the
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so what lies ahead for india? well, a modern range remote is promised to turn into your, into a developed nation by 2047. he wants to transport and the country into a global manufacturing have indeed under moody, india's clouds on the global stage has definitely risen. making india the country can do right. commitment is what it is for public over the matter. as long as the economy, one of the fastest growing and the, well it's on my side is that needs boosted as ryan's as an emerging global power. this selection result will absolutely be reverberating fall beyond this board is capturing the attention of the united states, china and russia. in particular, the problem, a peg yup workshop. and while maintaining
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a balance approach new delhi has increased is ties with the countries at the global south base we've seen with the brakes alliance bridge. becoming one of the main focuses of the mode, the governments which is just continuing to expands, the brakes and lions. india contributed to the lines and expansion and assessing his position in the multilateral. well, it has also been a vocal suppose a view in reform with an aspirations to become a permanent member of the un security council to make the body more representative of the following the official ceremony that will be of band quits held for all attendees. and indeed, would like to see policies across india, celebrating this big occasion for the country.
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the city you're good because not done with it, the lady that we keep seeing on ground, that is of course, the indian presidents to potty the matter. we did was up. it's hot up here so we don't get to be such to shut off or ms. carter can go met products. keep up with all arkansas up to the mess and he just joining us here on the sea international. we're watching a big momentous occasion for india. the world's most popular country we watching
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the inauguration, the swearing in ceremony of new, rend remote d for he's the to and this is the holding the held that the presidential policy in new delhi prime minister has yet to announce to be serving in his cabinets the utility supplement modi's victory in this election is given the 73 year old and his hindu nationalist, perhaps hedge, and also the policy and not the 5 years in power. and it was a long, long election cycle closing the gun on april, the 19th and early ended on june, the 1st best, more than 6 weeks of the closing. of course, a lot of people in india, hundreds of millions of those would cost subjects and it was billy and indians were eligible to vote for $543.00 seats and the low house of parliaments with a record breaking 642000000 of them exercising bad rights to vote. they wanted that voices had as we said, moody's party managed to go on
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a $204.00. he sees but south 32 shows. in the 543 men below a house of parliament, registering this week is showing an off to a decade. the dominating indian politics parties had, is expected to be hosting a den, a full moody and the new cabinet off to this very special swearing in ceremony with, with an $8000.00 people in attendance. the city silverado thing on the move, given us a mutual hon, is what it gets up a little we met redid, why does puppets of december the 100 would be? of course, the photos of moody, of all indians, a hosting,
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but the next 5 years. and it has to bring more to prosper us times for india split up. somebody has promised to turn into you into a develops nation by 2047 and transform the country into a global manufacturing hub. and the price isn't the thing. guess we've seen that during his last 2 tons, moody has 14. this is, it really made india a force to be reckoned with on the global stage, which is why a lot of major economies around the world will be watching cars base very closely mid days. of course, one of the fastest growing economies and the wealth boosting is rise as an emerging global power. and also india as role in the brakes alliance. those say a little more than mates and start so definitely want to keep an eye on that's up
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to the place we're just not, not okay, right now i do believe we're seeing the b j. b president j. p. nanda, taking his o, says minister in the n d a government, this is the 1st time. that's not the been a pause of the moody cabinet, so he's now signing his degree. the the city must be minimal. see thought among the not taking this done. the is india is finance minister. all right,
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let's see that i'm going to take advantage of the name of the board that i beat the weights and i leave them on the, on the 600 on may i ask by law established that the sofa that the integrity of india that i've been finished the faithfully and conscientious and in the old in the office, a major event taking the place of the presidential palace, our load of v, i p. guess including wellesley to the polls. prime minister tons king the vice president of the se shells on the primitive marissa so. so bandwidth dash has prime minister and for long because presidents, both that concerns, their attendance at the ceremony set the old accepted that invitations. a notable invitation has also been extended to the mold dates of president mohammed moved to 2 or 7,
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but as opposed to the accepted meaning he set to visit india for the 1st time since this evening office in november last year. and it does come a bit strange relations between the 2 nations. mister mussa, one, his election within india out town pay does align his government more closely with china instead. so it was very interesting to have him of the swearing in ceremony the the most interesting power in 2014 much is moody support has been down to a roster of development and well, 5 programs. he's supposed to see him as a self made wrong leader. it was improved, india is standing that it's image in the wild i i, i so, but i'm,
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i'm the, i'm just trying to do sway the indian foreign minister is now taking this not through faith allegiance to the constitution of india, as by law division minister with extent of the fact that i will uphold the sovereignty and integrity of india. that i will faithfully i'm function, chest, me discharge my duties as administered of the union and that i will do rights to all my normal people in accordance with the constitution. i'm the law, without fear of fable affection or i. i submit them on m dash unco dues red in the name of bob that i will not directly or indirectly communicate or review to any plus or all questions,
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any mazda richard, to be brought up under my consideration, or shall become known to me as a minister the union accept as may be required for the du discharge of my duties. a search for me it is the can be just joining us here on all the international. we watching the arrangement moody os ceremony live in n y, a prime minister. the new team includes the tea cabinet and ministers
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so this could go on for a while. and then because condiments, like you to take b o says most of the council of ministers include all the b j. p. lead is why the mission gets car. a ranch and i've thing p you style 10 symbol. additionally, the come a swami. j. d was like he joined the ministerial ranks and other potential appointees include a cheer on pass one around not tucker, and just on monday. so this is indeed a very big day of so in the last many of them will be watching this ceremony is sunday and they'll say i is across the globe to say the room i in this event, very cassidy, which is of course, a big, big deal this isn't a range or mode a 73 year old reminder already. beings warning. last appointment if the game a rat,
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the time is it, which makes a moni. the 2nd person off the india is independence hero. i'm specify minnesota. dela hollow narrows who wins. 3 consecutive elections as a big ship. who has that double hollow a narrow will of course one. the 1950 to 1957, 990. 62 is the general election. so it's a big deal for moody. today. the the
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navy, 1000000000 indians were eligible to vote for the 543 seats in the lower house of parliament. and plenty of people came out. one thing to have that voice is a record breaking 642000000 people caused the votes. embodies public policy gone. it's $240.00 seats. but those 32 showed in the 543 men below a house of parliament registering its actual week is showing for deck in the decade of domination, pull the water for me. those waiting. the name of the guard that i've been been doing faith and evidence to the constitution of india as by law, establish that i was aboard the. so i'm going to do an integrative india that i've been faithfully and consistently discharged with my duties as
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a minister for the union. and that i've been to the right to all of them run out of people, you know, gardens with the constitution and the law without fear of villa eviction or even i, i out of another this debit or a lot of what i mean the hot and the minister, already medically communicate, oddly, realty, any person or persons any met the would simply broadband of my consideration, also become more for me as administered for the union. accept as may be required for the use of my duties as such a minister the special events which is being held to the presidential palace in new delhi. the 8000 people in attendance were fortunately the
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so if you just joining us here on, on the international what we showing you, our live pictures from new delhi were watching the range remote these swearing in ceremony. so he's taken the most of us to office at the presidential palace in new delhi bodies. victory has given us 73 year old leda and these hindu nationalist bar t a. to know it's a policy another 5 years in power. so think began on april the 19th sides ended on june the, the last thing more than 6 weeks with hundreds of millions of votes cost. maybe 1000000000 indian citizens were eligible to vote for the 543 seats. smith got below a house or a parliament, and a record breaking 642000000 and use that rights to vote. or modi's policy gone to 246, but felt 30 to show types of majority needed registering,
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gets weakest showing off to a decade of dominating in the opponent indian politics. and they formed a coalition and want to keep the top office ahead of the routing policies, expecting to host within a full moody and the new cabinet off to this very special swearing in ceremony. go through. different publish and members will have demonic concession is remote, including ministerial pilots, in the cabinets and bodies. previous cabinets have $81.00 ministers to if we had the results from 2019 and this year for the b j. p, we can see the policy and its allies of most, some seats, the policy go to almost 56 percent of season 2019. well this time received around 45 percent, but nobody is still very popular. vega in india on the own. and since assuming power in 2014, much of body support has come down to his roster of development set and welfare
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programs, which really resonates with a lot of his supporters. if you see him as a self made wrong lead to, it was also just doesn't go to improve in this image on standing in the well, he's b j p as sense it is minus best dough on creating more jobs and fighting poverty. and to a big focus on women and the under privilege, the pool and the farming community. he also promised to turn into you into a, develops nation by 2047 and transformed the country into a global manufacturing hub. and indeed, as we've seen over the past decade in d as clouts on the global stage, it has really come to the full on the low day it's economy. one is the fastest growing and the world has certainly boosted india is rise as an emerging global power. and this election result will of course,
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resonate far beyond this board is capturing the attention of many big countries, including the united states. china will be watching place to be on balance of liam's washer, as well as being that building strong ties within the in recent years. and well maintaining a balanced approach, new delhi as increased as ties with countries of the global south sol. so under the brakes alliance of bricks and lines which has become one of the main focuses of the mode, the governments, the country has contributed to this alliance expansion and associates and gets position in this new multi last row wells with seeing a much an india has also been a vocal supposed to of un reform it. it was an aspirations to become a permanent member of the un security council to make the bow, the more representative which a lot of a sound lies in africa will also be resonating with some
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of the swearing in ceremony. it's expected to witness the presence of leaders from a number of neighboring countries, including find a dash for land cub latan. new poll marissa is the se shelves in addition to the mo, these as in this is positive in this neighborhood. first policy is being reported that all those leaders have accepted the invitation are in attendance at the ceremony of the many thanks for joining us. a on, on the international we've just been watching in the big special day for india as they swear in that new prime minister, which to so happens to be no render remote a for us the, and felt well the time. and so we've just been watching that life will bring to all the latest updates from new delhi and the presidential palace as that continues.
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but for now, let's move on to some of the news. the thousands of process this around at the white house on such as a coating on washington to stop supporting his way to actions in gaza and, and the will the crowds chanted on t will protest will carrying a loan, red banners on the capital streets is meant to symbolize the so called red line president gliding through it as well potentially invading rafa. frequent guest of the programs, human and labor rise attorney down to violate was among those riley and in the us capital. he spoke with as early as on the cost of the protest. i'm here in dc the
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genocide and the you know, the, the slaughter of over to the rock. and we are saying no to them. and what we've done is put up this red line around the white house, which you can see the message that we have is we have a red line for israel, which would cause them to stop supporting israel. the people of the us have to be the red and so that this symbolized and inspired people from all over the united states and the genocide
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one of the protesters in this video for motions of is holding a mosque resembling joy biden's hes covered in floods. the president is in paris on it. officials visiting the place as well, has his full back, came to pringle remaining hostages time. one echo president mccain's comments welcoming the say fresh cube for hostages at for a return to their families whose he won't stop working until all the hostages come home and a cease fire is reached. that is essential to happen. and that the video from the post tests and the capitol shows active is throwing plastic tubs, the police. they also installed a smoke bomb on general of fi. it's not to across from the white house covering it's in pro palestine proceeds a professor and those that daniel show satisfied is legacy will be washington suppose of the ideas. terrific actions in dawson. 0 job, i didn't do. remember,
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it is genocide. jo, giving card lines the green light to the genocidal. colonial is really projects to leave guys a desolate, bombed out desert. one study found that at this point is really the forces of occupation have dropped the equivalent of some 9 hiroshima atomic bombs on guys in a tiny ghetto. the march today, the surround at the white house calls upon humanity calls upon china, russia, the brakes plus nations to stop this genocide. because the united states is not going to stop at the west is not going to stop him. well, the president, the landscape pulls out all the stops to which fox asian countries to the upcoming, so called p. somebody in switzerland, combo de is taking
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a phone stone saying the event is pointless without russia. in a video meeting with the speaker of the training in parliament, while informing him that ken bode year is considering a piece plan and whether or not to join. i also informed him that the piece summit would not be successful if relevant policies, especially russia, were not invited to join. somebody has repeated the course of reconciliation and ukraine urging both sides to negotiate the guns we previously expressed concern that the key of the let's use of close the munitions tunnel will also pos on the summit, assessing of pro western media to blame beijing for the low attendance numbers, combo, the essays, this decision was made independently. cambodia is an independent states, and i have worked with chinese leaders for many years. i have never heard any chinese leaders telling me to do this all that to fulfill the chinese wishes. on the contrary, those who accuse cambodia are following china always come to put pressure on
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cambodia to follow themselves. that's often leading toward classes with me. cambodia is decision not to attend the piece. somebody is kimbo hughes right. cambodia sees it is unsuccessful. we spoke with allstate contributed calls all earlier and his view town body of stones is reasonable and the somers in zurich is more, is a landscape campaign than a genuine effort to resolve the conflict of the 1030 is stating the odd years. how can you have a peace conference we value inviting, wanted a participant of the conflict right now this piece um, it looks like to be a far it's, it's just nothing but a p. r for on, for zalinski. if just rush that does not attend. why would you expect other countries to take this seriously, including cambodia and china and why? why should others take this somebody? it's seriously given when a washington itself is not taking it seriously by sending campbell harris attempt.
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see, we're clearly lensky or ukrainian leadership. they're not in charge right now. they're not acting more as potted in washington and and, and natal. it's really up to the nato establishment when they wanted to have real piece. china can bodya are friendly nations, but cambodia is not a basso state for china. china to not dictate to cambodia what to do on like what washington does to the european capitals. cambodia sees no reason to attend the meeting when russia is not invited. neither does china right now. washington has a china complex. they try to blame every, basically see china behind every, every seattle. what this really is is the symptom of the, the west decline. and you said gemini and the celebration impose in de forest population of 81500000000 appointment is the new rangel mode useful and for a record of the 10 ladies victorious,
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given the 73 year old lead and is hen do national as far as here to know it's a policy another 5 years in power. both thing began on april the 19th and ended on june, the fast last being more than 6 weeks. as with hundreds of millions of boats, costs and equal 1000000000 indian citizens were eligible to vote for these 5436, making up below a house of parliament. the rent codes right. uh, 600 was 42000000 used by a ride that says those bodies policy donated for 240 seats, but bells 30 to show something majority needed. like a steering gifts. we kids showing off to a decade of toman, a thing in the, in politics. they phones, how would they sent you a person that you could talk office. they had to all be rooting policy is expected to host a dinner for moody and the new cabinets off to the swearing in ceremony. coalition members will have the amount of concessions from moody, including ministerial posts in the cabinets, bodies, previous cabinets,
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had $81.00 ministers. what we're seeing here live on screen is the square again, all of that new cabinets. now if we compare the results from 2099 this year, so the beach i pay, we can see the policy. it is allies have lost them safely. the policy got almost 56 percent of 6 in 2019. well this time it was saved around 45 percent. i was noticing that says a saving power in 2014 much of low day support has come down to his his last of developments and welfare programs. moody is a, the kind of mind this with the, into the big picture and his supporters see him as a self made strong leader. it was really was hard in improving india's image and standing in the well. and his b, j. p. i sent a did some on assess the one creating more jobs on, on people with the programs and also would have focused on women on the pool and on
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the farm and communities. his big promise to india is to turn it into a develops nation by 2040 stuff. and he was through 12 people in the country into a global manufacturing hub. and indeed, as we've seen over the past decade in d, as clouds on the global stage has more than definitely risen. and the rental mode d. i'm the kona me is now one of the all states growing in the wealth, which is only boosted just india as rise as an emerging global power. so they selection results on today in particular. a lot of eyes will be trained on india with this uh, this was a resume using fabi on this board is capturing the attention of the united states for one. china, of course, sounds washer as well. and also well maintaining a balanced approach. new delhi has managed to increase is ties with countries of the global south. the brakes alliance has become one of the main focuses of the
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