tv Going Underground RT June 10, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT
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to the indian government's waning popularity against the backdrop of its support. so a genocidal israel in the middle east. russia as well with nato through ukraine load, a potential new conflict between the us and china to try one. joining me again from india is capital new delhi is a former advisor to india, is national security council and emeritus professor of strategic studies in new daddy's sense of of policy research. professor ramos laney, thank you so much for a heads up our coming back on it. doesn't say much, far exit polls in your country uh carefully, but the international media sent over for me here in most of the world, just copied it down and said it would be a land slide at what happened in the so called fastest growing economy in the world, why is they don't go to a majority? that's a good question. i wish we had a clear answer to that. the fact is that the inboard is live with a stunning surprise, but denying more being so beach and we have body and all right. the georgia in bottom and sent back is unlikely to affect this template the or direction or more
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these to complement. the primary reason is that the b to b contested the election in alliance with several small political groups. and this correlation together as one of the majority of seats environment is that there's a r i n d i a. what is that? i mean, obviously it spells it in the but this is one of the coalitions. well, this summer of these bodies, they are several of these groups. they are provincial groups based in indian states. they have no national agenda, no, no national vision. so these proven sure, it looks like with the beach it be. the fact is, i'm lying on support from some of these groups is unlikely to have
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a direct bearing on both these and actually turned on his foreign policy. how do we know that as a professor, how do we know what i mean to say this is chandra chandra by move in. i do from the t d p policy in the under per dash he's currently on a low or ongoing prosecution for a ledge. misappropriation of $44.00 and a half $1000000.00 mentor, unemployed youth. he denies the allegations and the prosecution easy. and how do you know that he doesn't want anything for the body? government in return for his support? well, not to my dues, lucian is remitted to up with a some of the guy on the dish come are, was vision is limited to still be are. so these are, as i said, state level leaders, that bodies also state level bodies. they have no, no national ideas,
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no national minds. they will allow movies, government to run on inspection agenda on its foreign policy. yeah. the investigative arm, those have been ladies who have an exam, as you're saying, so surely they would care desperately about the catastrophic nature of india's economy. i mean, don't you think in return for making moody by minister they wanted a new economy minister instead of normal, or is it the roman and none of these uh, reason, a lot of cushions. i would say to be the pronouncement as strong in the have with this uh, as i said, because the reason that i made it to their state. and therefore, if they want to be a physical medicine, it will be far, you know, maybe this off the, to the homeless or all defense minister, maybe probably not even development of stuff but thinks like, um,
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minister for health care or sending paper insurance. yeah. let's camp up the account. every college of example is another to the local people at the state level . they would like one of those work orders, but certainly not for 9, certainly not farm far enough is and no, no, nor do i think any of them wants to be the defense. but as for, i mean, do you have to get onto that and the foreign policy in a, in a 2nd, as i said, but so call me this china ro, 800000000 out of poverty famously in the past 40 years and years seen 670000000 get a one percent increase in we'll say, just in 201773 percent of that wealth. going to the richest one percent. it's a deeply and secure country. is it not, in terms of it's increasing inequality while the 1000000000 is or was it over 200000000 is in india, billionaires fortunes up 10 times over 10 years. and they have a total of wealth higher than india's budgets. and $63000000.00
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a portion of over to you every year. surely these regional king make is that allow moody to become prime minister will want massive funding to sold out their provinces in the india or otherwise they going to face by it's a civil disobedience. i think um, i think is reasonable, he does, would like bait the federal government spending on wednesday as it is and is a subsidy. bill has been spiraling because movie has to be quite focused on being lower historically marginalized classes. so here's a welfare schemes have expanded the subsidy bill has gone through the rules and these provincial leaders with them on with that. but it seems as far as the quality is concerned, that it's not against that capitalism by its late h ha. remotes inequality, and not many people notice that china, even though is
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a communist state, is more on a quote that india, if you go by, i'm, is what bank data or so this policy. yeah. as an invoice. the i m f. well, bank nature ugly are given the washington consensus data, never l, although of course the 800000000 out of poverty one his name f one kayley a lot of the global. so i don't trust at that data intrinsically because they're washington institutions against it. but okay, you talk about that, that you're saying moody is it is highest household that and now 87 percent debt to g d p ratio, which is days away now from indian solver and debt entering the global debt market . is that going to affect you for moody has to make deals on that and you're saying he's not going to have to do anything in return. what about the fact that the united states own so much and in depth and risk just strangely,
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i presume maurice just being a vehicle from which is fine. ownership of indian this over in death is, is both. is this going to affect you haven't checked the, the china as own some of the data has been supposing. in effect, the social welfare programs you're saying mode is being responsible for indebtedness as a problem. but it's okay not a heavily in the nation. and certainly it's not coming heavily in the nation. it needs to get it's, um, it's not, this is an order. let's go to the fisher and the last actually are actually has narrowed. so there's some encouraging signs. in other words, the fastest growing major economy in the last mansion layer, which ended just on march 31st. india cvp grew by 8 wind to a person. that's a very impressive growth. and in fact,
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even though the last partner in this gina because was very impressive. and in contrast, china's for that they belong to nomic. well, as we actually come to men. so the fact is that it is what the subject tree know is looking like robust and also the election results. what do you have to get that is the 3rd column would represent the quote unquote new chapter of big positions. but in india, to practice politics, positions they to feel division, especially when they challenge infringed interests. we saw that in, well, the 2nd time you had to repeal as bomb reform laws up to your office or shouldn't back protest those reform laws were quite meaningful. this talk to the restrictions, not just demonstrations in world history. and when you talk about comparing
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economic growth, of course, many people saying the indian good figures of 8 percent look impressive with that just because they're in the collapse economic age during the cove. it and when you talk about fiscal rectitude, you sound like the new liberalism of the congress by the end, the b j. b that have got india into the mess that it is. and to not unlike communist china saving the lives of 800000000 people instead just creating stratified appallingly on the call that goes more starvation in sub saharan africa and so on. and in fact, that is why, of course, moody has to rely on culture, was to get people indians attacking indians for political game. although it's fail this time to an extent i think you big of a dock and on the big picture. the fact is that
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india has a very successful enlisting people out of poverty. it has been doing that her motto base, if you will speak to common indians at the cross of several, they all describe how their lives have improved significantly in the nomic. i think 3 is quite impressive. the fact is i didn't get this the same fucking challenge just given that size evidence diversity, yet cheapens of india, should not be built into why the can be achieved. what's the place? why is the last is the majority and it is remarkable as a yeah, it is remarkable how few people they brought out of poverty compared to china in the same period. know in india, in india, as it ran, is as impressive. not more impressive than china as the fact is that india began late, but the way it's lifting the rate at which people are being left her
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a property is, is the rate is even higher than what china had a cheat. but as far as why the beach epi does not translate its economic success into what's in the parliamentary democracy and here so what's not often translate into seats. for example, the beach i pres, one shared nationally only declined by a point 7 percent compared to the last election in the last election. the beach and you want to combining majority in front of a and now with just a decline of 0.7 percent of what share its shape total. it line by more then i think 6363 seats in the bottom. and so that's what
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i promise that patient and is each one with the model of defining what share because that's the actions and in yeah, depend on how many candidates they are in each constancy. i know how many watts get divided across different bodies and candidates. so it's very difficult to, to not to look at 6 and say that this represents a big review to one body or the other example, if you take the main opposition body being the national congress and only 199 seats in the bottom. and that's what a half times less than the b j. b. and yet caused so many less than publications. this was a great selection for the national congress. so i think this is talking all india's election needs to be needs to be corrected because the actions
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of india one last on very narrow ships in it one. okay. well well know when you get the one. okay. good. show that to india is in any way uncomfortable to the rise of china, but professor jan id, i'll stop you that more from before my advisor doing this national security council after this break the
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the welcome back to going undergoing. i'm still here with the marriage is professor of strategic studies. a new delhi sense of, of policy research, professor brahman celine, professor. you were just talking about the intricacies of why we shouldn't interpret moody getting can, failing to get the majority as a failure of the b j. b. actually, he did the about the same and as you said, they do, it propaganda really had judging of fall 2, favorably, the, the congress, a policy that lost a game. but actually speaking of democracy, the power of all the boxes, the infamous in west style, democracies in nature, nations, especially media magnates, of course in western europe by oregon, britain, in the united states. we have a model. it was this election fair given. you have a,
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i mean you might want to tell me in the tv and you did the tv, a big tv station on by the a dining group. is your media or increasingly being owned by these, all the gods. they've been enriched by all new liberal system and with these 1000000000 is rising to huge amounts of all the gothic power, semi fuel power in india, while the massive stuff well, um it is cool like uh, in other democracies, you'll see all the docs by media ropes that's happening in there too. is a consolidation happening. but i think if you look at the picture, this election was not just democratic exercise, but how is it fair if the media is controlled by pro moody groups as well, there is media and those media. now there, there's probably more the media,
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there was anti movie media. i mean there is a really good mark, let's see, but they banned the thing. sorry. they've band tv channels in india and they both have the document signer. there's, there's not a single cv time that i've been never banned in. yeah. no, there is no media organization that means obviously it is katara. the station the al jazeera is banned in india and they couldn't send the boat is out there to cover the elect. no, of course not. i am. i am is there's not a lot of media under which that one of the reporters of all being banned from covering the indian elections. so the sounds like a democratic country, let's get on to the foreign policy. why. why did moody sign this india u. s. military deal in just x and 2023 pentagons. lloyd austin, and the head of the bench again. lloyd austin said just the other day. that is
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going to be increased military coordination with india. what is behind is american indian military partnership, just as a brick shanghai cooperation organization. all these different groupings are very thrust aware of the dangers posed by the united states, and it's about so states and west from your yes, i'm not just one but 7 or strategic slash and then the 3 agreements with the united states is beeping and styles. the last part of the same time in there is also a leading. it's a long standing relationship and body shop with the rest year off of that you can walk again back to the solutions. tried to blame. yeah. deciding with the us. but i'd say the fact is an engine, foreign policy is fiercely independent and that independence has only
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strengthened demo the it will not change. certainly not. americans have reloaded the hard way. that's how much pressure they can apply in your will not shipped from is strategic autonomy maintain an independent foreign policy. that is the government the, the washington is today. it wants to build an international antique china correlation or the chart off to india in the well, there was style facing blind framework because in this case, any formal alliance with any bar you see on the, on the surface. i mean, obviously speaking from this region, the major story is garza, i'm the genocide and as a junk or is in russia today with the brakes. foreign ministers,
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maybe it's easier for india compared to the foreign minister, saudi arabia, the lines of that. remember it's a ron, ethiopia, that foreign ministers only in russia today because india rode the behaves like a western european buffet state when it comes to a foreign policy. as regards modi's support for the lensky moody's support for the genocide, gaza is foreign policy is basic and obviously the a valid hatred for china becoming from members of the moody cabinet. basically, india has turned into a vassal stage of the united states alone, away from the band doing conference in the 1950s a my friend, that's a very poor understanding. i've seen this on the policy and it's possession on definitions on the preamble. in the as monday, i'm the very big of a, a needs on scans. if you're still side with the rest. as one of the warren guards
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as concern in the support, it isn't the right to retaliate to the heart of. they come mazda atrocities of october 7. but the key thing and medicaid prices in gaza has come building. you have to reiterate. it's long standing support for a donation solution and as long back the bias the me costs for independent nation. it seems to me that is sort of by prolonging it's broader, more than gaza is undermining its long term security. this protection will likely for meant more terrorism against fish or media is deeply concerned by this protective warning cause. and it has to be really funny for a ceasefire. why is india being trying to send weapons to is relative netanyahu then? yes and no reference to is around initially the units i'm emulation of the big the several times of explosives, sending it to the that one to the adult at the beginning of the is really campaign
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. but as i said after the beeping and meditating crisis, i know it was last month. well, there have been no, no sharpens of late. 79, and last month to ok. well obviously india is helping to fund the war. the russians against nature, through ukraine, in that proxy, one sense that they're buying energy from russia, the simple change easily and backing up your view that in the air is indeed non aligned. it is pursuing the all important to international north, south transport, colorado. what do you think the americans will do in this new term of modi's to try and prevent the job of high porch in iran as india are in there on type is it's links and mutual support increasing the way of hearing the talk of war uh from uh, obviously from that and yahoo, uh,
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and his back is in washington when the americans were losing the warmer time this time, they had specifically exempted from our quote from the sanctions i'm but in fact they, in, they believe that india is involved with each of our what contribution to restart security, but now they have hundreds up under some the states to the follow up on the terrace melisha. i don't know what, what the approach to travel hard would be originally i think we can imagine. and then on the terrace, well, these are the most of the global south that they just recognized as a government that defeated the united states. my point, sorry to turn, how are you professor, but is do you think the united states will bum, uh, the indian port construction area is that it's applying john to hires the rebuild
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as they're building it, like they bought in the north stream pipeline supplying energy to germany, this is going to get incredibly difficult for and years now. and i mean, now that is in does x, do you live only bugging the conversations of in the abilities was, who knows? how do you think moody will continue the agenda? cargile well in india recently signed a 10 year agreement, the iran just just before the elections. and in fact, in the midst of the elections as i understand the agreement. but um, what they're on the top are all it is. it's very unlikely that americans with our bomb, each of our because divider is not. it's meant to american interests in any way. you can only be oh, spoke the american express because it provides and all the 100 and wrote to a gun is gone to a central place here at the moment. the mag,
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i wish it was. so i only on my own to agree. i mean, i, the united states do lots or things of the detrimental to their own security. you believe acadia the north south international card, or if a good start to avoid this, who is get out and use the trade route from john to, to, to russia through the, through the voltage and avoid this. it was canal. it's probably not good for. well, it's good in this sense and on the ship, so i'm going to be destroyed by you have any resistance forces, but it's not good for their um, control of the 2 is canal as well. i don't see how trim are going to be a trip to us not to, to go to. i don't think um if, if, if they, if trouble are, was a red line for them. they want to reactivate strongly to the recent in there on that agreement. there and then reaction was quite new to well, that for us is there a weapon recently
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a was used to bomb iran and we don't know about present raising, of course. so we'll have to wait and see what the eventual reaction to that. of course, the big elevator, the room is always new, clean up august on i noticed comments or moody, seeming to suggest the tone and some kind of approach more him on time was on this show shortly before his imprisonment alleging the us over through him. do you see some kind of great to piece being negotiated between india and pockets spawn under this new movie coalition? government market sounds, relations with orland snippets to remain very difficult for 2 reasons. one, aka science military means or powerful elections and buckets on of failed to begin the vice like grip offered to industry on national politics, unexpected policy. marcus stock, military intelligence, and the best of which ones have never been answerable, any so in,
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in the government. in fact, they handle pocket stones on me as long acted as a countries effectively luna. and this is will even today. and the 2nd reason is the progress on that please. long standing nexus with states not to paris. exports on terrorism remains an instrument from foxes funds or the policy even the wrong. i brought us on. something lovely about park is found to explore the terrace of kind of sign is ruled by a dotted line, which was once cassandra proxy, but the thought it was competing openly that focus on its own spring across the board, the terrorism. so unless this nexus with terrorism is broken so much for your relations, reaching to somebody is allowed to govern. august on has not become
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a normal state, it will not have normal relations with its neighbors. well, the i, as i obviously on going to come on the show, but the pakistani government to night, there any kind of response. if it, there was a little bit of heads around that to lady thank you to fix it. and that's it for the show. i continued condolences to those bereaved by u. k. u s. u, i'm genocide will be back with a brand new episode on saturday until then keep in touch my role as social media. if it's not sense of new country and channel going underground tv one rumbled com to watch new and old episodes on going underground to saturday. the hello and welcome to cross the full board. here we discuss the wheel and
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hi, i'm rick sanchez. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome, but please do have the state department, the c. i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the the
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9 people are dead and 33 more wounded and a terrorist attack on a bus full of hindu pilgrims in india. also have the, the best asian right to your end. the area as the direct result of the such as is railey, that operation which was on the president it and the gaza strip. the sole following, an idea afraid on central gaza rises to 274, including women and children, leaving us and fairly disproportionate number of hostages rescued. the plane was bumping at random. they struck houses with rockets. people's bodies were on the streets. i lost my family 14 were to.
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