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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  June 10, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

5:30 am
all the thought flashes be much more aware of the leadership what they are going to face and the leadership is insisting on continuing the. ready and also being wrong, but they want to negotiate the end of this will this day with our to international . i'll be back with much more in about 30 minutes by the last, you know, sometimes when he doesn't know the phase, sometimes the he might not be a make me happy if this is in my head those days,
5:31 am
but i don't know why i don't pay my one time the of the is a war of neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother. father again saw the name get 2 wounded capture. now just what is the legal status of these prisoners who have been fighting their fellow citizens within the borders of their own country? do they have any rights or protection against mistreatment? the only way we will you back the we them
5:32 am
we conduct the thing william wade met the old p. i'm wrong, we're loud now. the labels us and on that. and then also we just be way, i'm not paying my they will come mind that me mouth game. i do remember the c, i d a the not give a and i made a lot, but we do not over the world that are i don't, i don't know. we don't we don't,
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i don't send boeing model the only because they fully de la the one not to see them. not me before. maybe the man. no, no, no, no.
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no, no no . no no, no. i got you guys in the group to my new mom of 99. i take it. oh
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they did. a lot of uh like not to take. i love the night i the a draft on well, i'm not really doing the billing round. no problem. and then i go from there. yeah, i'm not to go buy them now for mike, i'm gonna look pretty nice. but you know, i get a higher light thing, but they uh, you know, they would, i would have to create a guy the guy not. i don't know
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the mean we're not in the campbell house tonight, so we do not move the window. no. no, no the who for the for the white one.
5:37 am
wow. the way they and the side by the time i was i know my my had had my pay not at all found me pulled off and left a my only and upside into like that have got an apple that think i can shut the phone. my been told that i'm trying to pay my down don't and when you buy it, he was a felony charge to be paid off by not when
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she went to the
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5:40 am
a jeff will waive the long dollars out too late. they all got a new little do they don't. uh i know how much the bought the, the, the, i'm not the my how we all are and how we got all of the don't come from with the 3 love all multiple. now, by the way, i know that day and while ago the don't be let, let, don't go book. i'm not the only game of the
5:41 am
county that god love the full that the so we guiding the the few things from the google down valko died the head we down. yeah. go to little that are being done by him. then the height of down less. i'm with the, with the bus on the late inside and out the felt only what doesn't mean the those be with the leading. i'm doing the
5:42 am
a lovely song we'd love to know, nothing visual and enough to be lovely. look you without a couple things. i may do, but let me, let me look at the, uh, the units that we always the by my name is the it does i yeah. i money that is all by the
5:43 am
stuff in my, on my feet on that though the, you know, well, assume that i know the russian states never is as tight as i'm in the most sense. community invest. ingles, all sun set up. the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on the russians cruising and split the r t spoke neck. even our video agency,
5:44 am
roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say to stephen twist, which is the acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show seriously. why? watch something that's so different. the pinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome, please do have the state department, the c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again,
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it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way the the
5:46 am
of the the lady to the new model. no, no, no. that's what i like to leave the lady in the face. i'm currently own. got a la lea, a vehicle? no yet. cuz i'm only the guy just see all on zillow knew why the the later i'll come come late, the fema. we got to that. huh.
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safe. bog down the
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of the the how you go about forgiving people who did that to your wife if you can, if you can on the mobile adult we like god. we call yeah. we have good. the dog.
5:49 am
how the other line navigate. good by young to a good thing. about a top down. love over how why lie they 9 anyway. lulu seeing a little bit off. god, oh, what i'll look a little time with i know full control over time trying to find you my how do we have him come to a beat? no titan? good. it's a moto, we know the for the motor. you bike of the sound,
5:50 am
you pay now. oh wow. wow. how do you pay what i take and help it out? yeah, yeah. so you're not sure. yeah. ok. what code at the bar a go back to find a more time now. just come of probably face i come pay, know who no choice. i what i'm going to do it here. we get what they do. do that way. go now the only way
5:51 am
it looked at the door sometimes move the mean or how what down while the gulf has the key to my mouth. then they don't want me to let dr.
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young the top now moving down a new way . don't you know what a mountain thought about 40 people from paying my lot
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longer a long can you be able to come to the go? i was wondering how long you go. do you know what crazy window tall loved after not during the buddha would be no matter what the
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5:55 am
i came by. yes. on sounds number number, you can call it on the mountain to become vine lane the way home. so this is the resting place. what i'd like to know is some of your fondest memories of your mom. know, who has always used up with you the name and
5:56 am
the name woke up with let's say you don't 1000, we all the packing. so the one time fee hy name glued the with all of the going out and then know the vinyl home to google, all of them down the hill, i named the little thing. yeah. go the my, the weekend. and that's how my, my know you there, let's go ahead and talk. now losing the new month over the road. i'm not the well, how come home found? why i this one now her name level, let's say we got the by life in the company. i last name goes down the road. oh yeah. you go. yeah. why not? how do we go by and drop now? what do you think you can be viewed a welcome. then go ahead and guide by your phone and i'll probably go with all the all what day you will be popular daniel? pub, malcolm boy, why they let that all of you lock on y'all's. don't go in here at noon without
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a leveling with the gum remote, we'll have totally the black mountain with all of the lead to the a a, a, a, a,
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[000:00:00;00] a, a, the, me a, a,
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6:00 am
the the hello and welcome to cross the full doors. here we discuss the wheel in the 9 people are dead and 33 more wounded and a terrorist attack on a bus full of him. do pilgrims in india also have the station right here and the arabs as the direct result of such as really that operation which was on the pre sit dented and that gaza strip to that told, following an idea afraid on the central dogs are rises to 274, including women and children, leaving us severely this proportionate number of hostages rescued. when the plane was bumping at random,


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