tv News RT June 10, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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the, the breaking news, a search and rescue operation is in full swing in malawi after a plane carrying the country, vice president disappeared shortly after take off all to a head on the congress. the people have clearly expressed a desire for peace. if they have to choose between war and peace, they will choose peace. the message from the hung, gary and prime minister following you parliamentary elections of the establishment parties made strong gains in both germany and france, losing a challenge to brussels and it's fueling up the ukraine conflict with weapons set off for getting foreign minister calls for a conference that would bring most going together last thing,
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so called peace efforts, that excluded russia. that's on realistic to, to meet the, at a rather than a real focus on achieving a cessation, or indeed the appropriate piece negotiation the debt. so from some of these id, f, opperation central gallons that reportedly rises to $274.00, including women and children of israel lord's the mission that rescued for hostages of a success. locals with color, the deadly rescue rate. rattle, debt heard a big bang from nearby. so i looked out for the window. i rushed to tell my family that there was a special operation force. just at that moment i heard an exchange of fire in the palms dropping. we hit in the kitchen in a corner of our house for over half an hour the
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or from us close to the world. this is our t international. good to have your company. this monday we begin with breaking news from size, east africa, where a military plane carting 10 people, including the malawi, vice president has gone missing shortly after leaving the capital's city. well, now let's get the details from or africa correspondent you look for you couldn't get a new for you. a search we know was under way, but tickets through what else is known about the incident at this stage as well. so . so we all understand have access to that hidden version, search and rescue operation is underway in malawi after the paint and caring bus presence of the cinema. we'd off the radar and cannot be tracked. it is see if that's a pain to lift the capitol of my lowering the long way, but failed to make it so i'm scared to of landing in terms of international airport abuse and i saw a cheese
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a i've also said that they've lost complete content with the play as it did go off readout, putting to them and all the government statements as well. if it's to make content was the across to failed the president of my law, we left them as to where i had not ordered regional and national forces to conduct an immediate search and rescue operation to locate with being 8 across the might be the president wants to travel to the bahamas, the for what you visit but has now time. so the to do to this incident at the moment he is the mounting that something bad to mind. couple really happened to the vice president of the 9 people that to well with him, especially, you know, the government of malawi has confirmed that to contact with the profit has the offices 10 am in the morning, but them and i would document is also promise to give the public updates and information on the situation. as soon as the concrete, intangible information becomes available, not much information has been made available at this point. um,
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that's all we know for now for you. thank you. okay, we'll be keeping across this story very much as that more details emerge. what bring them to ortiz knew that the you couldn't gay their, the voters in european parliamentary elections have given establishment parties a bloody nose ruling blocks in germany, france, austria among those all nursing their wounds with hon. gary and prime minister victor or balancing many sold a pallet as a chance to push back against mainstream hawks on their stumps, on the new cream company. a little poly follow up as you follow slash of these as to the message of the political concept of the european parliament directions. it could be summed off as follows, that hungary today, but the people have clearly expressed a desire for peace. because they have to choose between war and peace. they will choose peace for they. here's the picture as regard some of the
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frames pop at weapon suppliers in the ballot. german voters favored the alternative for germany party which has rejected you sanctions against russia over chancellor shaw says ruling social democratic party in front. sabrina depends national rally and opposition dominated pulling in twice as many votes as president columns. when the assaults party and austria's freedom party, another grouping, calling for peace in new prank conflict, finished the boat, the ruling people's party on what's being called a big result for the right. here's our to contributor rachel marston. a. hey, look, be joke. real bill has been like that guy weaving all over the highway with a bumper sticker on the vehicle that says, hey, how's my driving call 1800, get lost to let me know. and no one ever answers that complaint line because in the use case, they're too busy flirting with their girlfriend, zalinski. so it really did come as a big shock to the european establishment inside the car,
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when voters decided it was time to force it off the road with the selection. because the drivers were too deliriously drunk on their and ukraine obsession to be allowed to stay. the course without causing even more damage than they already have . the clown car has mowed down the livelihoods of european voters, handing cash out to crane wallace sticking its own voters with the bill when it's increasingly challenging for them to make ends meet in their daily lives. as a result, and with no end in sight to any of it because they really don't see the risk in what they're doing worse, their lives. liskey himself, take the wheel of their clown car by deciding exactly what he can do with their weapons. western weapons with total, reckless disregard for whatever you happens to get up to, including stripes on russian territory which rests obvious escalation with the west . so voters in france, italy, germany hungry, the netherlands,
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austria slovenia. all insisted on pulling the clam of beale in the exact opposite direction from which the establishment has water to go. it's being qualified as a hard, right turn all of the winds and the selection, but in reality is just the rejection of the establishment. reckless joy ride the then we use the a f d r strictly against sending arms to ukraine. we have already rejected the 1st arms deliveries to deliver weapons. now that can expressly attack targets in russia, we categor or cleave reject. this is an escalation of violence that we do not want that we reject and considered very, very dangerous. we are the party for democracy and peace and against the war. hey, but you know, a great way to win hearts and minds of voters who have just use the selection to tell you that they are happy. just call those for whom they democratically voted
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a bunch of nazis like this guy did from german chancellor. all i schultz is party snowball. i also believe that the result of the european elections will wake many people up to the fact that did not cease and become stronger in the selection. i believe with many people who wake up and fight for democracy. so it will be something different to what is happening tonight. who are you talking about? you know that i mean the f d and you you just called me in the party nazis? yes. okay. interesting. so a few highlights from some of the biggest anti establishment victories. first, there was a really huge victory in a show of support for georgia maloney's party and policies and also in belgium. the prime minister was spanked so hard that he actually started crying when the votes were known and the results. and then he ended up basically biling out and saying that he was residing. i guess it was a little bit too much. and over in france,
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where am i being depends, national riley party more than doubled the result. the french president, a menu and my close party. it was a big victory for 28 year old just that invest the who had enough that list and grew up in send, send in the parisian suburb that's been transformed over the years. that there's something to now resembles a wasteland, straight out of a grand theft auto video game, and results of establishment policies. to be such clear, i believe this clear message address to remind you one of my chrome in european leaders marks are countries, determination to see the european union change direction and move towards greater democracy, protection and consideration for the people of europe. a window of hope has reason in france, and it's only just begun. okay, so how did not call reacts all this? well, he tossed the results. i was it from like a toddler right after the vote and announced that it will be done or nothing, dissolving the french national assembly with
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a vote scheduled for june 30th guess having zalinski monopolized french permit on fridays the last day before you voting for france. as one final reminder in the final stretch of the election campaign of the high price being paid by french voters in the daily lives as a result of ukraine's non stop for an interference in hijacking french priorities and the country's economic viability. and that, of course, a french voters as well to blue up writing knox space. zalinski is a mass god of sorts now for establishment, se in the same way that another clown, ronald mcdonald, is synonymous with big macs and fast food. and the deputy chairman of the russian security council has weighed in with a sort of yell for a google style review of this whole circus. well, well respected by knowing my con sholtes. have you send that? do you follow me in elections results? they come as a reflection of your,
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in that policy of providing support to the been there authorities in ukraine and because of your own citizens, your idiotic economic and migration policy waiting see what comes next time to retire to be as cheap a piece. 3 sounds like a one star or maybe a 2 star review investor resigning would actually fire self awareness as queen ursula vander line the. i'm elected still, she didn't stand for like some this time, although they one or 2 for a democratic credibility between that right? your commission president said right after the vote, she's more motivated than ever now to find to people who just won. because apparently not these screams democracy in the u. louder than vowing to defeat the democratic freelance people, we will all will us whistle blower. edward snowden took to his exit kind as the election at results came in telling president biden, it's time to give peace a chance. now. we spoke to brussels based independent journalist lucrative
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a who sees a big shift is emerging in europe's political landscape of the old. your is your pin, the calling on me, can you come on market as common market and, and to buy things easily across borders with all the rest of the pro jake, what they want now is the federal is a united states of europe with an elected government line to one, not with a slot on the land, not collected in brussels, doing their own stuff. we not even, you know, the consulting countries, the member states and refusing to talk to 2 people bank qualify as is extreme. now, what seemed the result process? probably the worst way to see molly was the talk to me perform all into the order against russia being totally piece of out by history. but we are really fast. sol,
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solved the west. now. always countries like germany day by american equipment. and we follow until now at least we have sold exactly what the washington wanted. russia has many friends and many friends, some on the spot is what the witness to be in the coming month. we will see probably a shift in the spot is these right wing punches, will it be moon pro russian that were in the mall? the beginning of negotiation staff will be home russian time. such was because russia is winning discomfort. it's evident for everybody fits the ever something that nobody wants to speak about. while hawks in the european parliament are losing power, a prominent us politician has admitted western age. ukraine is really all about the resources. senator lindsey graham says the country is sitting and trillions of dollars in minerals and it's better if the west how's it comes on that?
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well done. russia, and they're sitting on $10.00 to $12.00 tree and dollars of critical minerals in and you train, they could be the richest country and all of europe. i don't want to give that money and those assets to put into a share with china. if we help ukraine now, they can become the best business partner wherever dreamed of that. $10.00 to $12000.00 are critical, mental assets could be used by you train in the west, not given to put in china. while another republican thomas must see show the discord within the party over yet more leaf. so a making its way to keep saying it's ukrainians who have to show to the human cost of washington's policy. as i've heard the argument that i think it's immoral, but i've heard the argument that, oh, this is a great deal. we just spend money and we're grinding up rushes capacity to wage war, particularly lots of russians are dying. and so we're told that's, that's
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a good thing, you know, for, since the cold war began, we've been taught that it would be good for russia to be diminished. but there they've goes so far as to say, russians dying, you know, to the tune of 300000 casualties. they say, is just such a great thing that we need to keep this, this thing going. and my answer to that is, why don't you tell us the ukrainian casualties, they, you know, i have been in classified settings with c, i a, a, the secretary state secretary of defense, not, not their assistance, but those people in the room. and they're bragging about how many russians have died and been injured, and i asked them how many ukrainians have died been injured? and they claim they didn't know. i mean, that's just a flat out lie. and they said they would get back to me and they've never gotten back to me. like, not only is, are americans being fed propaganda about this war?
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congress is being fed propaganda by our state department or in our secretary of defense in our intelligence agencies. and you can just ask a few questions in these classified hearings if nothing else, my colleague should be convicted of a lack of curiosity. like they, they sit there and they believe everything they're told because these are supposed to be the authorities and they know things we don't, but you can expose them with 2 or 3 questions like how many ukrainians have died. a lot of your putting has spoken on the death toll in ukraine conflict. the russian leader said he has lost his or are 5 times that of russia. and that 130000 russian soldiers have died. since the start of the operation. he added t as has been losing around $50.00, increase every month to quote for the western interest. we will images of coney and mobilization measures and ukraine are flooding social media as key as suffers heavy losses. men on ukraine streets are essentially being hunted before joining the
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front line rights to face russian fire power. new draft policies came into last month, including up to 5 years in prison and for that was refusing to fight on longer is pointing over. this video apparently shows a recruiters car set ablaze. well finish journalist. yeah. let's put comment has been covering the conflict on the ground for some time . now. he says it is clear ukrainians do not want to fight russia in spite of the war mongering. rhetoric being heard among western relates a, it's a still a serial war, and it has been since 2014, when the worst made to group in, in, in, on my dad during this whole conflict of when the people stood up, their brothers against brothers and of course, my joy to do for craniums know that, that the they are slavic, from the core and, and they don't want to 5 the browsers there on the 6th streams forces which are
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leading the, the, the fights like they have been leading since 2014 the odds of the, of the i, the, the, the small drugs, football hooligans. they are the ones who are fluid and organized and mass and then it to new fight this war. but the, my jewelry doesn't have these and, and they really try to hide, there are millions of people praying is doing the right thing, not to drop off the natal weapon. no, to be involved. and to fight the brothers in, in the eastern reprint. and i think that they are running out from all possible man resources. and because no sensible foncher will do that to their phone. people, what we see in daily basis from craig, this, those videos 5 just terrible. it's not the only new crane where people doesn't fly to russia. it's also do your parents know that the russia haven't been threatening any part of them. they want to find some kind of way for way to express the. i
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don't want to be part of this vision. this is not the interest of congress not to be involved in a friend in the civil war in cran, between the problems and just lot of countries. they want to leave their own life not to get involved. and o, and then you repeat a new, a new direction, gave it, at least some kind of a possibility for many nations to raise up their voice against these agendas, which are of course, a horrible and terrible and terrifying possibility for the, for you are of us the interest r, portion of the european union leadership pride, the global is the lead, but the regular people, they want to leave the lives that wants to risk their children. they don't want to see their signs and brothers die in the war against russia because russia absolutely do do everything in order to get the situation. now i was speaking exclusively to r t. so it's africa's top diplomat has called for
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a conference that would include both russia and ukraine of the negotiation table of efforts that exclude moscow are not viable foreign minister and the lendy pond or suck done with us on the sidelines of the bricks. plus ministerial meetings taking place in listening. norfolk or i do, you can watch the full interview in around 10 minutes time right here for now. here's a snippet as we would like to see the 2 in the room. and we increasingly working at persuading that that should be a meeting in which ukraine and russia are present with concern that they have been many way it is only crane and other countries that i invited. you mentioned the, the importance of getting to people in the room to people around the table. there's an upcoming peace conference to be held in switzerland. what are your views on that? i mean, asking ukraine to essentially host
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a peace conference excluding russia. what is your view on that from a diplomatic view point to rational? does that have a realistic is that i'm not quite sure what's it hope would be a cheap our own advice was that it may be beta to have a meeting of the officials level between russia and ukraine and then subsequent to that, move on to a bigger conference, but before deliberations between the 2, even if it's such a inception stage, we felt this wasn't really a good step to take because it took me to that. and rather than a real focus on achieving a cessation, or indeed the appropriate piece negotiation. so we all, we all concerned and it, we will attend at the level of one of our advisors. but our intervention would always be that that has to be the 2 in the room. and great effort must be
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directed to engaging russia and ensuring that we bring the to into a space where a way for 10 be mapped out a list of ideas rose and will start to africa. started off the legal bustle against israel by bringing to not the case before the i c j. in december, you recall a choosing west jerusalem of committing genocide against palestinians in gallagher . israel has repeatedly the nonce, the allegations. now the court has ruled on a series of entrance steps on the case side africa's urging, but a final verdict could take calls itself. so that forgets foreign minister again told us the unfolding prices in gaza is a test for humanity. as the international community is failing to protect innocent civilians, no one should breach international law in the manner that israel is doing. no one
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should preach international humanitarian law in the manner that israel is doing. you cannot have such a large scale killings and the world just allows you to get away with it. so i believe this is a test for all of us as humanity to stand up and really fight against such abuse of human beings with respect to the i c. j. we believe the court has clearly indicated on the provisional measures that what should be achieved as an end to hostilities, a permanent ceasefire. and that's in the cause of the conflict. the people of palestine should have access to humanitarian aid and their rights should not be abused. the court has also been very clear about the responsibility of an occupier
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to those that they occupied. because often when we discuss what is happening to the palestinian people, we don't refer to israel as an occupying force, which it is and its responsibilities as an occupier, a well set out in the united nations, a job. and these have been neglected and disrespected i c, j has called for the establishment of an independent u. n. create to investigate, to body to both collect and retain evidence on activities that have been underway against the palestinian people. for me, that was a very, very significant decision, and i hope that the united nations will act on it a no, let's move to the aftermath in of israel's hostage rescue operation in central augusta on saturday, 270 for palestinians, including $64.00 children, were killed,
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according to the eclipse health ministry. a warning he may find the following footage of the aftermath, disturbing video published by the id f here. so cases forces taking part in its operation to recover account that's held by some us. a total of 4 were rescued. not journalists in guys that have been documenting the many civilians killed and wounded during the incursion, while low culture, we can't, the deadly is really right. what happens here is something i have never seen in my life is real, said the rescue for people here. and what did they leave behind? it's a devastating catastrophe. as you can see, these really forces we're taking the lives of these palestinians for the lives of the 4010 needs a lot of english, but on to more than 2000000 of us in gaza. hostages of israel and higher to we will be, the town was a bomb, killed or arrested whenever they want to. and the watchful eyes of the international community in global media wants to not stop that. we heard
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a big bang from nearby. so i looked out for the window, and some people wearing black uniforms in the army caps, got off the truck and set up a ladder and climbed, dumped the neighboring house. i rushed to tell my family that there was a special operation force in just a moment. i heard an exchange of fire and bombs dropping. we hit in the kitchen in a corner of our house for over half an hour before a fight continued. so we could only hide like fast. after half an hour, the gunfire gradually, wayne's, but was still there. do not come out. a few minutes later the is really forces started incense bombardments on this street. after that, we fled to school. we found that they had destroyed everything in this area. a will self today's must killing of thousands has sparked a globe like cries, thoughts, africa, condemned issue of for quote, targeting hundreds of civilians for the sake of freeing for hostages quote at the organization of islamic cooperation, slumber and talk as well. labeling as an example of organized genocide,
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not holding back and the un special proper jordan palestine within as well. i'm good particularly bias really trip using i q monitoring truck for coverage during their deadly rate. relieved that for hostages have been released, it should not come at the expense of at least $200.00 palestinians killed, including children and over $400.00 injured by israel and allegedly foreign soldiers. well, per city, a slave hiding and in a truck. this humanitarian camouflage at another level, israel could have fried all hostages, alive and intact 8 months ago when the 1st seas fire and hostage exchange was put on the table, get israel refused. in order to continue to destroy garza and the palestinians as a people. something else significant to tell you about joe biden's, national security advisor jake sullivan, has confirmed that the us assisted the as really hostage rescue operation,
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but declined to expand on the details. the united states has been providing support to israel for several months and its efforts to help identify the locations of hostages and guys and to support efforts to try to secure their rescue or recovery . i'm not going to get into the specific operational or intelligence related, matters associated with that because we need to protect those. i can only just say that we have generally provided support i to the id f, so that we can try to get all of the hostages home, including the american hostages, who are still being help. let me say that the box to be good, so take it science on how long is it that we can somehow to even like give you more information on duration because the damage is the phone service because he is a jewel side in the 2nd of the gym and
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for leasing or is it oh, it's got to just the fight or this people use destruction on the area was sikes are the ones from dc divide by the end of the day 3 there, hostages, to park. this is working of the most important thing is and so on. news seems like to keep its own discourse, their own story, what's going on? always they short themselves as the victors. now this thing is now a lot more working and people know the distance on job. so you teach the at that goes on the research and just find lead time to reach for the stars r t cause launched
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a new joined the program with the russian state space agency to produce live interviews with cosmonaut mining b. i s s. we want you to submit questions for the cause, make adventures to r, t with the best receiving a prize. so get thinking more details can be find a r t dot com. good bye for the well minister. it's a great pleasure to have you with us here. at our tea uh, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule. you know, you're very, very busy and, and very interesting time for the breaks association to feel like, yeah. and one of the big challenges in many ways i'm exciting things about this week has been about expansion for new countries. have have joined many more have registered interest in joining one of the challenges and opportunities to so.
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