tv News RT June 11, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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state but means they had agreed on the need to reform global governance systems, which he said, but of course, with the western countries, especially with the leadership of the united states of abuse, the global as a boss status by a breach or re sanctions. and which has global impacts on economies and so on. he talks about the funds, the. busy so touched on the price, the situation, the europe and asia, middle east and africa, and the need to come together to rally round and see how they can form a created resources for, for the benefit of countries. he also said that they know to the urgent need for the multiple r t of the world. and that is where as a recognition of independent states, which is even rotted, 5 by the united nations, chopped up. and so these are some of the things we've talked about. he also mentioned that a briggs accounts or breaks countries, accounts for 45 percent of the global g, d p, and is growing by the day. well,
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we expect the heads of states of breaks nations to meet it later on in the year. and this is just a build up to that. and the little countries are sharing a notes on how to move their economies forward. the need to build bridges between economies, between of cultures, between regions to ensure that, that they cooperate with each other. those are some of the things that be talked about. all right, let's bring you the news right now. the vice president of the east african nation of milan. we has been killed in a plane crash. all 10 people aboard the aircraft perished in the incident. and that's according to a government statement of corresponding no of we'll come get has details on this. the costa and extensive search reparation. the ribcage was discovered in chicago,
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a forest with no survivors. of course the my law and government was clinging to the hope of finding survivors off the plane. carrington people including the countries, the vice president, a winter missing yesterday. but this morning, a statesman accompanied by an announcement has been made to by the republic of malawi, infected by the presidency that to the vice president. so less that should be my a 9 as is what killed in that spring crash. we know that at 7 o'clock on yesterday, yesterday morning, the across departed from the long way and was in tombs was for a 45 minute flight. however, due to pro, with the conditions in low visibility, it traffic controlled individuals who advised the pilots to return to the long with a capital from allow we saw the officer that communication contact with the across to was lost and it disappeared from a radar. the last known position of the plane was a tractor using telecommunication towers within
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a 10 kilometer radius in one of the plantations in the mountains. and we also know that base last night to the presidency of the neighboring countries that had offered supports, including the use of specialized technologies that, that would help find the plate. and su, non, fortunately, this is what it has come down to. for now, the president says funeral plans will be announced later on today. and of course the people of malawi, i'm not taking this well. and socials are saying that to their country as last a few to president as to the most value for peace can see the next is evictions. about washington has to approve the delivery of us weapons decrease and detours as a brigade well known for its new nazi affiliations. previously on shipments with band because of the group extra mist dies after thorough review, ukraine's 12 special forces,
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a soft brigade past leahy vetting as carried out by the us department of state. the other beginning of the dumbass conflict in the early stages of the ukrainian con, comfort they, the western media was at least somewhat honest about the eyes of battalions, true colors of the new nazi affiliations with clear to roll us legislation. no, not the lazy little prevented supplies to the group as he was implicated in human rights abuses. fast forward to today, and the us big department claims that the as of brigade canals could delete he, lo, without any issues, are to use it goes down of reports in the us has lifted its years long band on supplying weapons and providing training to the new now it's the as of flights as just a bit of context for you. yeah, well that was under the sofa, the heats, which is a human rights statute that bids washington from providing any sort of military
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assistance being it equipment, weapons or training to or for an armed forces who have a trick of reputation. and especially those who have been found guilty of human rights violations were even so much so as suspected as human were as file agents, human rights, and committing more crimes. now for years b as over thailand fell under these criteria. now, a special committee has said that they have conducted you to another review and deposits now the reputation and of the as of brigade is a clean slate to these. by the way, it goes and start contrast with the findings of the united nations. now this follows a lengthy campaign with spearheaded by key of to white flush, the reputation of its as of fights as now. the group are away through a through several stages of rebranding. sides resolved battalion. we started as a volunteer initiative. it's still being a battalion into basically joined the ukrainian national guard and now you won't
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find what is of on you, premium admitted c papers. now they're just a good, a separate, a sold 3 day to it. but it doesn't mean that the people who make up the is own fatality and that they need different. they are known to have repeatedly branding, just wearing proudly patches with nazi. i'm not seeing spite and cd when i say nazi, i mean that of the nazi germany back into fort caesar of the previous century. at the same time, these people, they dwell, they have been known to be on the subject of control, this the all over the world, back in 2022 to wednesday, cj on as of styles. do you works in mario for ended with the ideas on fatality and surrendering in september of some of its veterans. they travel to the united states on the went on to on a little to around the united states just to addressing ukrainian communities over
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the weekend. crazy and challenges to deliver speech is on the sort of the crushing that would be probably moments of, of that, of that to, to was, of them go, we to the us congress. so they literally stood together, stood shoulder to shoulder. and right next to americans, roommate is, and so that was concerning for many, many people. now at the same time the, all of this comes and made a larger you premium push to bolster the capability over the army. basically, even though the shipment of weapons, this lifting of the band is the pause of the same strategy that is conducted by cubes for years. they have been saying that he is on the fight as being provide that access to american weapons earlier at the if they had access to american framing, this would have made the group more effective because right now this brigade is used as well as a fire brigade,
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really because they are being sent to the most part and the most difficult parts of the front. and they're expect to be we're expected by the praying tomorrow just to stop the rushing force that was being split patients. one that was sent to a big cause, that was the expectation when they were sent to the village of attributes in the right next to off to you if that off to of the fail, despite all the efforts. and many experts have be say, that's what that was not because as all they did try not because they did their best to stop the task, but rather they changed that. and they said, oh, well, we can't really do anything here. we don't have access to the funds preparatory to american environment. we so sorry, no can do. this was the sort of the something that the military experts, especially in ukraine, what they've been saying mcclendon spokesperson, dimitri pasco, besides a, be us all being, as of shows washington's readiness to do anything to suppress russia. we are
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talking about ultra nationalism ultra nationalist armed units, and in fact, to such a southern change in washington's position suggests that they do not shy away from anything in their attempts to suppress russia using of course, you crate and the ukranian people as a tool in their hands, they are even ready to float with neo nazis ready for this into and once again confirms the relevance of all concerns for in connection with the trend towards the creeping spread of the idea of neo nazis, them in the world. right. let's cross now live to mike my last a foremost seen a security policy analyst at the office of the secretary of defense for more on this is nice to have you join me and michael. now the yours. thank you that the us has lifted it's 9. your band on, on being ukraine's new, nancy as the brigade you had initially imposed the band because of the group extra mist geology and human rights abuses. why do you make up a decision to lift the bad, the specially the timing?
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i think it's all desperation trying to build morale, perhaps a clearly the as of group didn't to go from much centers to science overnight. and so it because they, they, there still is a list of, of atrocities that they've committed. human rights abuses. the un recently reaffirmed that, notwithstanding, whatever the state department comes up with, you really can't the, from my point of view, you no longer can really believe anything. the state department says, let alone the intelligence community. uh, this is a, uh, this, this does show a, an effort to adjust, to put the, to pick the, to print the, the, the, the, the russians because of their adamant the opposition to the, to nazi as a, which is, it's clearly evident here. but as of you still see them marching around as a, as
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a group with their, with their symbols, with their, with their commer oddity and their, and their discipline well in support of fascism and they, they have a, they're not restricted just to the area to your to the, to the training area they, they, they, they have an international network for recruitment into the united states. and that's why you've probably seen them in the united states meeting with a policy makers and thank and, and, and members of congress. this is a, this is a, a, a, a weight and group that is, is a potentially very serious may link it to other right wing groups. they were, they are linked into right wing groups and all of europe that were very instrumental in support of the that, that may then cool in 2014. so this is, this is not just an isolated group. this is a, this is an entity that it has a network that is so widespread and they, they carry their influence, their, their,
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their, uh, their audiology, beyond their own borders. and so this is something that really needs to be watched and, and carefully monitor. but given how the united states are so desperate to support ukraine, and that would include as of, as of the times because they are integrated now into the ukrainian services military services. and i might add that they are, they're also integrated into the, the police force and, and, and every other law enforcement entity inside you crime it's, uh, they, they, they, they just permeate everything. so this is, this is the united states and the american people are not aware of what they're really paying for in this regard. and they've really and, and if we wanted world war 2 to 5 naziism, we got a re, re evaluate why were continued to support ukraine given this position
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and, and, and support that the, it's now trying to show to the as well. all right, that does the timing of the lifting of this band to signify anything. what are you reading to it? well, i think it's a sign of desperation on the one hand, by the by the ukrainians in united states to try and bolster in black morale. i mean they, they, they are a unit, they are fighting unit. if they're, if the notion was to put this fighting force, uh, on the front lines and they haven't really performed and they want to give them advance weapons. i don't think it's going to matter any longer. we sell, even when they were in mary a pull they, they, the russians defeated them. so i, i question the rationale of wanting to continue to support it. and that's a nazi outfit like this. because and, and the entire war effort, that's my personal view because of the war is basically lost already and,
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and to support the as of just adds fuel to the fire because of the concerns that the, and the, and reinforces and bolsters. russia's point of view that this is about 5, a nazi as in, in ukraine and, and we're seeing this. and now we've got the united states basically endorsing it. right now, canceling the band had been a top priority for your trade in officials who say that the brigade could have been more effective during the battle for mario pull 2 years ago if he had access to you as a quitman of the year. think this decision now will make a difference on the battlefield. i really don't. uh, i think they the, the amount of equipment that they will get that's considered advanced would be limited. and also, uh, with this, with the summer coming. uh, you're going to see more of a russian mechanize efforts to bring in more tanks and artillery and, and,
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and open up on multiple fronts. this is the key, this will and, and no matter what, what weaponry they get at this point. they don't have enough manpower, and the supply chain is also a week. so, so it's, um, it, even if the, even if they are reinforced with more advanced weapons it's, it will be very limited in nature. but i think the, you're gonna, you're probably going to see more of a, a russian off sensitive it beginning next month. so it's, it's a, i think them we're going to, we're getting, it really won't matter if i'm much more weaponry or advanced weaponry. as off or anybody else gets in the ukraine. all right, we have to leave you here now mike mallow for, for my senior pedagogy and security policy analysts. thank you so much for your time. thank you, mike. now from a member of the ukraine security service, the s b, we said that the us views, anyone who fights against russia as a friend,
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a washington even knew nazi's. i thought i should ignore bravely. and this is another manifestation of that very american policy. it's not even a policy of double standards, but this is our son of a and we will support him doing it because they all know perfectly well. they all see perfectly well. but since now, anyone who is fighting against russia is a priori, a friend of the united states, even outspoken nazis respectively. they will help their friends. don't be surprised by this. anyone who harms the russian federation will be a friend to the united states. things are very bad and ukraine right now. everything is real from the economy, energy mobilization issues to the situation on the front. well, accordingly, the once he's power is also shaky. so really shaky. and the attitude of the forty's with representatives of national was units such as a is off,
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is also not very rosie. naturally, the american side cannot allow any internal disagreements, misunderstandings, or even the outright confrontation to begin between its satellite states such as is key. and that is why the american side is taking such steps, including to smooth out some contradictions. occurring at n g o with links to the us state department has lashed out that city of american officials who have opposed sending more rage to key it. now it posted the block list including the republican governor of florida, roland desantis, as well as soon as a mike lee and congress man, john lana. now you are in total, your keys more than $450.00 entities, including individuals and organizations, saying that very reflects quote, crowd leading propaganda in their views against using taxpayer money is due
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supports the last case regime international law attorney kline preston is one of those on the list, as he said, he would be at that button as a badge of honor as well. i'm proud to be on my list. my position has been and, and will continue to believe that our tax dollars not going to be funding this conference and ukraine. um, so i'm proud to be on that list. i'm on that list for some some big fund fee. i'm already on the mirror for it and i'm already paying for the car in, so i don't know the printing government can be much more to me other than maybe to kill me. but i don't expect they'll be any repercussions here. united states, we have the constitution that marked most of the time. and um, we have a 1st limit, right. and to speak our minds and speak freely and associate for you. and so
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i feel pretty confident that you know, i won't have any problems with united states. i've been outspoken about what's happening in the price for quite some time on 5 in a week since last fall all the united nations with. busy the food program decided to pause a deliveries from the us made dock in guys are due to security concerns. meanwhile, the well food program, colleagues to tell us that we are temporarily pausing operations at the floating docks until a thorough assessment of the security situation is conducted to ensure the safety of our staff and our partners to humanitarian projects. that's cost america. $320000000.00 and was supposed to ease the sufferings of the guys in the civilian population, which has been suffering from months long food and water shortages is not
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functioning right now, but we cannot say for sure why you as world food program confirming it stops, it's deliveries to the us, build dog side security concerns and concerns about the safety of their personnel following these really operation. and then the say rock refugee camp and the central parts of the guys a strip that's killed nearly $300.00 palestinians according to gathers health ministry. while the rest screen for was really hostages from a densely populated area. so media reports speculates that israel used in american floating peer for such a days attacks, although the americans have denied any involvement. these really side hasn't commented on this. and here is what the un has to say. we've seen some of the media reports, we've also taken note of the very public statements by the us of think central command said that the, the floating p or had not been uh, had not been used in the, in the operation by these really forces regarding the hostages um i think it's only
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normal uh after such a such an operation takes place with, with such a large number of, of victims that are humanity and colleagues take a pause, look at the situation and hopefully it can be, it can be returned to use. uh, as quickly as possible. uh, from our end, the punch i go into see you to the social media and media allegation stating that no aspects of the dog o 8 equipment were involved in suffolk days, milt or operation of the idea of the ad stats and areas south of the pier was used for returning the freed hostages to israel without specifying exactly how reports say that toll for how woman and 3 men were taken out of the gas a street by how the cultures, us national security adviser,
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confirmed us assistance and what a 0 calls a rescue operation but gave no further details. the united states has been providing support to israel for several months and its efforts to help identify the locations of hostages and guys, and to support efforts to try to secure their rescue or recovery. i'm not going to get into the specific operational or intelligence related, matters associated with that because we need to protect those. i can only just say that we have generally provided support to the adf. uh, so that we can try to get all of the hostages home, including the american hostages, who are still being help. well, whatever the reason behind its bottom line is that the american build dog is currently out of work. on such a day before the necessary information started, approximately 450 tons of food were delivered into northern garza to the pier. but the idea of attack stops distribution, the us military now say they plan to stop pile a shipments. wanna secure beach and guys a do are in
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a un pause and this is not the 1st trouble. the multi $1000000.00 project has faced, as you remember earlier in may, it was damaged by strong winds and heavy seas just a week after becoming operational president joe biden, old and the construction of these floating platform to provide an alternative maritime route for delivering aids to palestinians to ease the sufferings, but it is actually difficult to assess its impacts on the ground right now, according to official data. at least as tassels gaz is still continues experience and catastrophic food and security and the situation for a 2300000 population. allstate and claim remains dire. well, an opportunity to stop the ukrainian conflict, and that's how home go and prime minister of victor all buttoned characterize the e u parliamentary election in which anti establishment parties made strong gains throughout the block. among those as friends, sweat on, gary, and lead us as
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a re law uprising has occurred. making sure that that is in france, which was the country most strongly in favor of the war. there was a real political uprising. the european election is an opportunity to slow down was still drafted warner for you to be in both directions. if we cannot win this match against the wall for the benefit of the beast bodies, then we will get involved. we will soon be tied in a war in europe. now in front as the right way national riley party dominated this. again, of course it gets the see an option or rather with 51 percent over the in the vote against the voted by president. my cons rent is on potty that from with 14 percent of the vote. now, these is all in support. i'm being vocal for your trade. it has expressed concerns about the direct conflict with russia and objected to making financial right just to keep the following b. you will actually about crying his cold for news not vote. that would need to
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report has said that my car has been considering resigning. if national radi winds of the friends got been, has denied that's claim, have now the car and try on for the national radi, his spots mass demonstrations of all across the conservative stances. and you can see all across those cities in front of people voicing out and say no to the support and the voting of arms for your trade about thousands of protests to stick to the streets of paris in the western city of dentists to speak out against the right wing politics as the domestic election is approaching local political forces, such as the nationalist and the yours skeptic pay, pay towards party all forming alliances. the leader of the party, his last out my car calling for his resignation and saying is going to bottles, stoppages have been danger the country. the surprise,
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the solution of the national assembly announced by emmanuel mcfall. and on june the 9th aims to side step. the major debates that the concert needs the way agreed to move towards that. so as was more do, we really won't be repeating union to become a state. we are at the turning points in history. the only way to force the bates on display just sell objects to swallow. the tribe by micron wants to take everyone by surprise. been while enjoyably vote to show the preference for the alternative for jump new party in the you election that you can see the difference in the outcome in percentage and not potty has rejected sanctions against russia. imposed by chancellor shoals ruling as social democratic party d. s. d, p and the members with click the pre decides their opponents with the time. so let's say that the public should pushed back against right waiting parties. while i get this off from the drive, it gives protect the result. the election was bad for all 3 governing parties.
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nobody should be going back to business as usual. the votes for right wing populace parties in our country and the other european countries must concern us. small questions of a reason about what will happen to germany's national parliament following the pivotal e u election result. apparently the. 2 and gap and his hosting's item is the last key for a conference about ukraine. such visits have become a regular occurrence in european capitals over the past 2 years, apparently with a string of bad luck as our t contribute to the rates of marsden explains. of the german establishment that by chance, oh i've sold so still recovering from a major electoral hang over after voters just pick the anti establishment alternative for which lines. busy verse alters social democratic party by 3 points in the elections. so what the shots do, maybe decide to step away from ukranian koolaid serve. got verizon ski. know
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instead, schultz, this happens whiskey come in to hand out even more of it to parliament during going to start with the speech right after a shock. search a voter signal, their electronic preference for the anti establishment, f d, which has made it crystal clear. they have 0 appetite for whatever zalinski is pouring, especially because the guy never seems to have his wallet on him when the bill comes. gets the figures hey, why should he, when the european leaders light shots are so willing to just stick the german and european tax payers with the cost of whatever it is that he's asking for, usually weapons and money. just last week, zalinski was in france working his magic on the french national assembly, sucking all the oxygen of the french parliament in the very last day of session before the vote and making all about him. the new frame. yes, french president,
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emmanuel and my call figured that would be a good return on investment for french voters. they can barely afford to make ends meet, but they get to listen to this when you talk about how great and maxwell is, policies are for ukraine. so how does that turn out for maximum money in micro cooling us now? collection following his policies crushing to face in sundays, european solomon's elections present in menu. and my school has shocked phones by announcing a snap parliamentary election. author of the lines suffered a big defeat by the populace rights, in your opinion, elections resounding defeats in the european election addressing of the country macro on said the results of the vote on that for his government were grim and could not be ignored. the 1st casualty of the elections a week and french president emanuel mac crones tardy, was trounced by candidates for marie le pins nationalist party. what? surely, just a coincidence of the party that's routinely expressed the least interest in
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indulging zalinski as incessant demands had the best of luck to all result in france with the anti establishment national rally party trouncing mac holes establishment party by over double the votes lost the temper zalinski dropped into the canadian part of it and fished pumped in actual world war 2 ukrainian nazi who served in heinrich him. lawyers watson, s as alicia of division canadian primary, suggesting true dell also stood there smiling next to zalinski and cheering. while the house speaker from tree goes on the liberal party. he prays on this nazi for killing western allies in world war 2 because they just happened to be russians. i read your aid my profound regret for my error and recognize in an individual in the house, doing the joint address to ball them and by presidents of lensky, that public recognition has cost paying to individuals and communities, including the jewish community in canada and around the world as well as.
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