tv Direct Impact RT June 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT
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it is it possible to have peace in this region ever again? the okay, here we go. hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about. something so you know, fine, we must end the war and ukraine and not escalate it further. and further, this is minus madness, mag this, that's what austria's defense minister is calling the permissible bombing of russia by the us, germany and france. i'm rick sanchez. let's do it. the . okay, so here's what's going on. some us and nato countries are playing a very dangerous game with chicken right now with the russian president vladimir putin. presidents buying them, a crown have been especially adamant about this thing, right?
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some would argue mad about this thing in their decision to give you credit missiles to choir into russia. here's the point. you want to make a nuclear superpower angry. telling me you're going to be attacking his people with missiles and just see what happens. let's see what happens. this happens potent is now saying essentially, okay, you're going to take my country well to could play that game, at least in the end. if we see that these countries become involved in a war against us, what they are doing makes them directly involved in a war against the russian federation. we reserve the right to act the same way overall. it leads to some serious problems less so we reserve the right to act the same way here that look, there's a lot more to talk about when it comes to president clinton's warning. and i'm going to bring you that in just a moment. but 1st i wanna show you something else, natal reaction from those, and really disagree with their peers,
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and really disagree with the united states, the french and german decisions to allow the bombing of russia. i'm going to start with the austrian defense minister. her name is claudia tanner saying the west has crossed a red line. that's her. here's another one. this is us politicians. this is vivek ramos swami. we all got to know during the republican debates. he's on twitter calling, buying, and others who want to do this morning at 6. he says they loan and 6 are starting to sound like they want a full on a fence on russia. is right. i, here's german left. when i call no sarah wagner. she says, western leaders are playing with fire for wanting to allow their missiles to attack wash. it was her just assembly. there will be a point where something happens. what happens then? it's so terrible that you don't want to imagine it. and that's why we can only appeal to everyone who bears responsibility and our country, and in other western countries to stop playing with fire. we stopped playing with
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fire. she says, meanwhile, i decided to go to havana this weekend to do some independent reporting. what i found there was a lot of agreement with mr buttons position, which seems to be sensible. now, cuba, just 90 miles from the us, has long had a friendly relationship with moscow. and it may be the most perfect place for booting to make his point about the fact that 2 can play this game of a missional fire. and right. and lo and behold, look what showing up and have on see that right there. it's a nuclear powered submarine cause i'm, it's called, i think it's cause them, i'm not sure about the pronunciation, seen here, and images, etc, as well as the frigate emerald gorge. golf is 2 vessels to a 4 by the way, arriving, and how about on the next couple of days? none are caring nuclear weapons. thank god. but they are planning on conducting military exercises in the caribbean. and what certainly seems to be
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a message that's being sent by the russian president along with his cuban allies. now, to be fair, i reached out to cuban officials, and they told me that this is no big deal. don't. over reported russian ships. i've always been going to cuba, they've been doing so for decades. but, and that's what he says, given the geo politics of the moment. it's hard to avoid the optics. now, what you're wearing a lot of people around the globe regarding what this, what this could, which is could lead to my god. we approaching another missile crisis has occurred in the 19 sixty's between the us and back then the soviet union. i mean manila, what do you make of this? well, rick, i mean, we can call this the cuban missile crisis to point out. but the problem is, we have joe biden as president and he has certainly no j, f, k. but the russians are,
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are right. i would say to play this game of muscle flexing because look, this is in response to us meddling. i am thankful that this is all that they are doing. let's be clear, the us is it flexing in russia's orbit. it's beyond pastoring at this point. what the us and collective west is doing is flat, out, seen as a physical threat to russia. it's an existential threat to their national security . breeding nato weapons along their, their western border and creating these hostile relations with their neighbors. not only creates an impediment to economic progress, but poses a physical threat to russia sovereignty, but here's the difference. rick, the cuban missile crisis back then, me was fraught with, i would say far more risk then it poses today based on modern technology intelligence. there's less worried that the cause i'm sub will be subject to any sort of misunderstanding or, or missteps with the world above water like that sub in the 1960 is of course the u
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. s. is gonna spin this into some sort of escalation. the fact of the matter is russians, russian relations with the island have always been good. yeah. and just this past year, rick, a 100 russian companies have launched business operations in cuba. so in the past with the course i agree with you i, i think give your point is that there seems to be. busy or show then go, i think you're right. i think, i think there's a lot of show here though, and at what point does a guy like vladimir put and turn the show into a go and i know people on both sides who are looking at this and they're worried and they shouldn't be worried. i mean, this is getting to the point where a couple of wrong moves are wrong. decisions can take us to a point, essentially speaking, once again, where we don't want to be, by the way. meanwhile, for there's something i couldn't help. but notice as i was reading through the news breaks uh, just this weekend and,
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and it's got me thinking about the elections in india. remember, we're talking about the elections of india last week as this question, why does it seem to me like the west, the southerly, celebrating moultrie, a modi's, a prime minister modi's electoral defeat? i mean, i know he didn't lose because he still but it was kind of a defeat right. for 1st here's a somewhat humbled moti giving his acceptance speech. after all he won just not by as much as he was supposed to advise, so let's listen. so that will be i the renter a demo. doris moody used to swear in the name of god. the high will bear true faith in the regions to induce constitution as established by law audits. so i and a few others have been perusing the new york times, the washington post the economy as a financial bind, lamond deutsch. well, the wall street journal, france, 24 bbc, others western, you know, media giants. and it's hard to not notice that there seems to be an orchestrated
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campaign against motor and all of a sudden in his re election attacks him also come from the us international commission on religious freedoms. redone and sweden, the george soros foundation. interestingly enough, and the us state department, the why, what is the, let's see on gaza. right manila. marty has continued to support a 2 state solution and has cited with the un general assembly against israel. now that that's not washington wants. right. and, and em, ukraine, india has continually remain neutral if anything, maybe side, slightly, a little more citing with russia while also buying its gas and you know, other energy products that is especially not what washington wants. the funny thing about this story, and the reason i wanted to bring it to your attention is how parallel what the western media coverage is to exactly what the state department seems to
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be saying and demanding how that works. what a coincidence read to. so rick, i mean, as we discussed last week on moody and the b, j. p, they still won a when is when is a when they just didn't? when bagley, as trump would say, if you want a super bowl by just a field goal, you still when the super bowl. yeah, but the, the us mainstream media spin machine, as we know, is simply an extension of the state. it's access journalism in effect, in a state sponsored media, laundered through private sector interest rates for media is, is mostly at this point's tanagra 1st for the us government and, and india. and that's led by moti insures some level of stability in the global south. remember the i in bricks is india. yeah, of course he wants to keep his country fair and neutral when it comes to russia.
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ukraine is in the interest of his country to maintain a, a balanced approach regarding the are in bricks that make sense. and modi's position on gaza reflects basically 90 percent of the world, whether those countries are represented in the u when or not. but even those wrapped in the un, like the u. s. those are pointed representatives aren't even speaking honestly for the, the feeling that the american people have. most americans are not on board with this ongoing assault on garza and india. and this is, is speaking as a true representative of what their constituents are actually feeling that such a great point that you make just a fantastic point that you make about them actually being state tv because it seems in my lifetime, after having worked at all of the networks from fox and cnn, the nbc, etc, even univision, that it's, it's gotten worse and worse, more and more. i see them parenting essentially, parenting exactly what it is that the administration or the government or the state
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department of the see i want them to say and how sad, right? because i'm not, that's not, that doesn't mean the state department is always wrong. so you have pharma does a lot of good things, but they shouldn't be in the business of running what anderson cooper's every night because i'm, we're not getting any information. and how in the hell can most people say we for example, or state tv or some other entities or state tv, when a better example of say, tv, than anybody in the world right now. there you go. i said what i wanted to say, and i'm glad i did it, and i'm glad you're in the audit bags. vanilla will talk to you again, little bit. you got it. when we come back is one of the country's most outspoken advocates for human rights, and it served as the council for bosnia and husband are going to actually that right. here's the governor. he will speak. we will speak cousins a with university of illinois. professor francis anthony boyle, who says there is a direct tie by the way between the natal actions that we're seeing now historically and the war and ukraine don't go away. he's good. we'll be right back
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of the the daily corner board. and if it can table, did you get to, excuse me, any of the went go to come across the 1 of january or people just february? you said the deadline after the well, and i mean if i can hear from you when you might be able to move my car for you. hey, this got you see what we can use because it shares bumper to your phone to to confirm. send you out the
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like i said the the ok welcome back. let's continue this conversation. i'm rick sanchez, the noted professor of international law council francis anthony boyle. recently said that the conflict and ukraine can be directly tied to essentially what became intentional or not a live once expressed by the secretary of state. james baker during the 1st bush administration. first of all joins us now to take us through how we got to the place where we are now. professor, thanks so much for joining us, sir. thank you very much for having me. i'm looking by best your heart and thank you. um, take us through that. you say it was all about baker a what he said the turned out to be a lie. why and what not. well,
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all right. secretary state jim baker under bush. she made a promise to, uh, sophia, from your corporate drawer, that if he agreed to the unification of germany, all that the nato alliance would not expand one inch to the east. uh, and on that uh, 3 minute uh, gorbachev one along with the re certification. journey. no. let me point out. uh, 2 points. one. uh, some scholars have contested the paper promise, but the national security archives has a comprehensive study. you can look at of the promise case and not only by baker, but part also uh, european foreign ministers and prime ministers to v. o. so the cup and at the time
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. number 2, fodder international law, a agreements are binding as a matter of international law. all provider, they are made all by high level government officials acting within the scope. is there a reform which secretary baker did? now, president bush senior. i seem to honor that promise, but when president clinton came to power, he immediately proceeded to violated by expanding nato to east. oh, and that then brings us up to the you are sponsored food, a tall against a democratically elected government. uh holds. you look right, but put that together for us. a lot of people in our audience are saying, okay, how do you get the ukraine from their draw,
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the roadmap for us for how it is one day. baker says to uh, garbage of who i interviewed by the way, at one point and that we're not gonna expand one inch. and all of a sudden we're practically starting. busy or 3 because of ukraine, what ukraine got to do with that well, was part of the, of all plan to expand data rate up to russian voltage. sure. me. and it moved to inevitably starting with the clinton, then in 2008 of bush junior said that he wanted to incorporate georgia and ukraine into they go up uh bush junior, encouraged all the soft gosh, dealing company in georgia tech, russian peacekeepers on the shelf and send you setting off the war there. and on
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the 3rd, then they continued with their show a policy with ukraine finally culminating in the 2004, all cool against the democratically elected governor of the crate and installing the regime. we see there today. so if we were, if we have a mac in front of us right now where we don't, but you can almost put them out together in our heads as we look at. and everybody has a map of europe in their heads. everybody knows pretty much we're russia is you, if you draw essentially and you start coloring in professor everything from germany toward russia, you start to see that suddenly a stony log, the pole, and all these countries in that area right there. suddenly start getting filled in as nato colors all the way up to the border. the only thing that's really missing is that little piece in the bottom. and that you crane. right? that, that's corrected. oh oh, you have to understand it. oh, you don't version sky of signal version sky had the song spoke the grand trust for
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that. uh ukraine was the key here. uh for going after russian. sorry we thought ukraine, his opinion was a rush. it was more so we're seeing the continuations. these policies here that's excellent, that's amazing because that's funny because i mean you have so many electrolyte and savings that relate back to brzezinski as well as even henry kissinger. i mean, that's how formidable, how experienced you are you, you, you've watched this happen so that in 2014 attempted cool, or i should say, cool fomented by the united states. do you think i can put you in mister pollutants had? but do you think that's what took him and the russian leadership over the brink where they said, okay, but that, that this is just a bridge too far in that moment. that's where they started thinking. we've got to
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block this from happening. we're not going to let you create to be taken away as well. let me say this during this entire crisis from your call until today. hi state. uh, who has acted as best he can uh, cool, collected. uh, you'll know, he do agree after the cool to go along with the uh, minutes agreement. mm hm. which if you read the events agreements are providing very don't boss. those 2 provinces, vanessa regard, would remain perch of ukraine, but with a federal structure of government along the lines that we have here in the united states of america. but it is clear that the president, the whole lot of german chancellor of herself, others have admitted that means was just
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a small job on all present. and it was not a reasonable good faith negotiations. and in the meantime, they were arm ukraine to the teas. tornado states, uh which they did, but problem did go along with the main score cards. and it was uh, the american nato states that they basically deceived him. what do you say to those who work as i would say? i don't know if you heard my conversation with my know a little while ago, but i think to a certain extent, a lot of people in the news media in united states today, just parents, whatever they're told to say by the state department. but one of these arguments that's apparent it is that the united states must do this. nato must do this and ukraine because of not russia putting in particular wants to go back in and take over europe and pick the rest of ukraine. and that he's just as unbelievably crazy roughing at the mouth expansionist. what do you say to that argument?
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its total square mockery. i don't think anyone who has studied the history of uses the soviet union or russia seriously as an objective matter would go along with that. yes, you're right. i are going through the same ph. d program at harvard that produced brzezinski before me. and i did offer both silvia politics and russian history on my ph. d. oral general examinations at harvard. they're required to qualify me to teach those 2 subjects time don't to graduate. that's not my reading of record who was provoked here. indeed before the, you know, here's special military operation and she calls it, of ukraine. she did offer to treaties one to nato and one to the united states to try to circle this matter. i read those for you, sir, very reasonable the go shovel treaties. indeed, at the time for mister love,
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raul publicly stated that what we really want here is a commitment that frame will knock troy off nato and will remain a neutral state. that's really what we want and i regret to port the bible ministration. actually refuse to negotiate in good faith with the russian government over these 2 treaties. yeah, here we do today. yeah, i think that's a fascinating point. let me switch gears with you for just a bit, because i know you're also writing an awful lot and commenting an awful lot of what's going on right now in the gaza. over the weekend. it appears that 2 of the big war cabinet guys, there included gaps many gaps in um, in, in, in, in, in israel have apparently they walked away or they're quitting or they're, i'm not sure what they're doing. but the, the, this, this possible between the minutes at yahoo apparently and his work cabinet has been
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increasing for some time. now, what do you think is, is going on in, in this dynamic and what might be, it's effect. it will be a set price mates will mean that method yahoo will be completely dependent on these extremist hardliner, jewish fundamentalists, in his work cameras. i got very big gear, many severe and smoked, which is that's it that he has to rely upon them to stay in power. so things might get worse. i don't really see them getting better as for dance. i think he's positioning himself or the next elections over there as an alternative to i'm not a yahoo. so you're saying that, i mean, how can i, can you just, you just said you think things can get worse as a result of what happened over the weekend?
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my goodness, for the sake of the palestinians, how much worst can a get? you are correct. ricky could get a lot worse. uh uh, we have $36000.00 that are the minimum $10000.00 dead. uh, uh, under the rubble uh high advice. the panels on their piece process. and a new government came to power. uh, tore up the tray a piece, negotiations. grievance are we working on? and starting in january of 2009 to may of 2009 to exterminate the 146000 pounds. so i regret to say things get a lock wheels here, and uh, what, let me see. uh were see if you take a look at it, the by the ministration is completely on board with what? uh, nothing, yahoo is joy here. i haven't seen him not exercise any,
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any restraint of but there it is. yeah. a lot of people are saying that they're glad to see these guys go. that's interesting. you with your experience are saying this is not something that will probably bode well. the final question on this iran, what, what is the specter given what's going on now with the fighting on the northern front with has bola that iran will pick up the pace or to speak and that we could be seeing a real conflagration between these 2 countries. it's extremely dangerous. what's going there on the nose or boulder of israel, if israel warranties what even today is reported in new york time to call for a preemptive tech attack on the webinar. hm. it could be disastrous, not just for the people's webinar, but also the people of the future. personally, i think that has, paula has a lot of independent agency here and they are not up on for
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a ram or is nor is how much they make their decisions on their own. but of course they, they do get support from outside, just as israel gets mastering support from packaged states government from the outside. while francis anthony boyle experience of and certainly a man is intellectually curious and has the writings and the connections to understand the politics of our world right now. and what a pleasure it's been to have you take us through it in ways that make it easy for us to be able to understand and then maybe just kind of get on our next 4th. go to bed at night and pray that this thing can work itself out, professor and you're delight. thank you, sir, for taking us through this. we appreciate it. thanks, barbara. thanks look forward to having you back. that's our show. remember, i always look outside your own box when it comes to troops, cuz we don't believe troops live in little boxes that only you can maybe relate to
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another parallel world truths are everywhere. so that's what we believe i'm rick sanchez, will be looking for you. next time. the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures. design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows you a few fractured images presented to this,
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but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the the what happened on october? the 2nd was a deal breaker for it. was the slaves revolting against the master? when slaves revolt against the legitimate masters, that is not going to be peaceful and it is going to be violent terrorist here and that will take care, right. and is there is there there. and just surrounding the entire area of the party became ready for us. you know, they knew we're gonna scatter like ship terrible tragedy and terrible revenge. i know who they mean to come off the the on off know especially the play shall
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be the good this of being prevented. but it seems to be that we don't want, it needs to be what he wants to do, peoples of the land, to leave in peace and prosperity. is it possible to have peace in this region ever again? or houses because it makes you fear prisoner bite and gave his 1st commencement speech of the graduation season to morehouse college. the only males, historically black colleges, united states.
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