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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  June 15, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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and in the new geo political conditions, i would also like to say that we are actively helping crimea, that in that, in the libyans, people's republican is up rogia and her son, reasons to develop their foreign relations. to this end, the ministry of foreign affairs has already established its representative offices, internet skimming guns, and strength and the capabilities of the representative office and super helpful. i am confident that today's meeting will allow us to elaborate on areas of our practical work in the international arena. allow me now to give you the floor for services. thank you very much for calling good afternoon, i'm pleased to welcome you all. and at the beginning of our meeting and conversations, i would like to thank you for your hard work in the interests of russia and how people we met in this large group setting at the end of 2021 in november. during this time, many important no exaggeration, momentous events have taken place both in the country and in the world. therefore,
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i believe it is important to assess the current situation in global and regional affairs. and to set the appropriate objectives for the ministry of foreign affairs and all of them are subordinated to the main goal and the creating conditions for the sustainable development of the country, ensuring it security and improving the wellbeing of russian families. and i see still working in this area in today's complex and rapidly changing realities, requests from all of us and even greater concentration of efforts, initiative, perseverance and the ability not only to respond to current challenges, but also to formulate our own long term agenda. we must propose solutions together with our partners, and we'll discuss and open and constructive debates, the options for solving those fundamental issues that concern not only us, but the entire global community create a conf. i repeat that the world is changing rapidly. it will no longer be the same in global politics. you cannot mix or technological competitions get more and more states are seeking to strengthen their sovereignty and self sufficiency and national and cultural identity established in the countries of the global south and
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east. so coming to the for and the role of africa and latin america is growing. since soviet times we have always talked about the importance of these regions of the world. today the dynamics are very different and it is becoming apparent with the pace of transformation and you asia, with a number of large scale integration projects of being actively implemented. as also accelerated, significantly human. it is on the basis of the new political and economic reality that the contours of multiple are and multilateral world order are taking shape today on august. and this is an objective process. it reflects the cultural and civilizational diversity that despite all attempts at artificial unification is organically inherent in human beings. these profound systemic changes will undoubtedly inspire optimism and hope because we establishment of the principles of multiple already and multilateralism and international affairs. including respect for international law and broad representation, make it possible to solve the most complex problems together for the common good to establish mutually beneficial relations and cooperation among southern states in
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the interest of the wellbeing and security of people. so this went to this vision of the future is in line with the aspirations of the absolute majority of countries in the world simulating. maybe you can see this, among other things in the growing interest towards the work of such a universal association as breaks, which is based on a special culture of trustful dialogue, silver and the quality is quite disciplines and mutual respect. within the framework of this you as the russian presidency, we will facilitate the smooth integration of new bricks, members into the working structures of the association to try us the government and the ministry of foreign affairs to continue substantive work and dialogue with our partners in order to come to the break some of things cuz i'm in october with the substantial set of agreed decisions that will determine the vector of our cooperation in politics and security. economy and finance. are you from science, culture, sports and humanitarian times? in general, i believe that the potential of drakes will allow it to become one of the core regulatory institutions of the multiple the world. or are we shipping in this context? i would like to note that the international discussion on the parameter is an
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interaction between states and multiple world and the democratization of the entire system of international relations is of course already underway. this together with colleagues from the commonwealth of independent states. we have agreed on and adopted a joint document on international relations in a multi polar world. we have invited out partners to discuss this issue in the context of other international platforms. first of all, in the seo and bricks of middleton, we are interested in seeing this dialogue seriously developed within the united nations. including on such a fundamental issue of vital importance to as the creation of a system of indivisible security that was placed. in other words, the establishment in world affairs of the principle that the security of some reason cannot be guaranteed at the expense of the security of others. is it possible to do that for you? let me remind you that at the end of the 20th century, after the end of the acute military ideological confrontation, the global community had a unique opportunity to build a reliable and just order in the field of security exist did not require much less
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simple ability to listen to the opinions of all the interested parties and the mutual willingness to take them into account alone. our country was determined to do exactly this kind of constructive work, but not however, a different approach prevailed. the western powers, than by the united states believe that they had won the cold war and had the right to determine how the world should be organized yet. and the practical manifestation of this outlook was the project of unlimited expansion of the north atlantic lock in space. and time, despite the existence of alternative ideas for ensuring security in europe, they responded to are justified questions with excuses, claiming that there were no plans to attack russia. and that the expansion of nato was not directed against russia. they effectively forgot about the promises made to the soviet union and later russia in the late 19 eighties and early 19 nineties. that the block would not accept new members. even if they acknowledged those promises, they would grant and dismiss them as many a verbal assurance. it is said what not legally binding in the 1990s. and later we consistently pointed out the flood approach taken by western lives. instead of simply to sizing and warning them, we suggested options and constructive solutions,
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where's least emphasizing the need to develop a mechanism of european and global security. that wouldn't be acceptable to all parties involved. i want to underscore this point. we would take too long to list all the initiatives advanced by russia over the years of age. and let us recall the idea of a european security treaty. if we propose in 2008 and we but it was an issue, a new decision, december 2021. a memorandum from the russian foreign ministry was submitted to the united states and nato. most of them are you addressing the same issue. however, all are repeated attempts, it is impossible to list them all to convince of progress as well as our explanations appeals warnings and requests. screw up method with no response issues . wisdom countries, confidence not so much in the right, just most of their cause as in their power or inability to impose whatever they wish on the rest of the world to simply disregard it. other perspectives, even though you do my best to propose discussions on less significant matters that did little to resolve the actual problems for matters that only benefit in the west . and it soon became clear that the wisdom concept seen as the only viable option for security and prosperity in europe. and the world was in fact to actually and
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effective in the let us recall the tragedy in the balkans sort of through thing. meanwhile, domestic issues had certainly contributed to the problems in former yugoslavia they were greatly exacerbated by intrusive external interference. at that time, the main principal of native diplomacy manifested itself most vividly which i deeply flawed principal that is of no use in addressing complex internal conflicts or even innocence. this principle aims to assign blame to one party, often disliked by the west for various reasons. and unless the full political, informational and military mind of the west deep including economic sanctions and restrictions against 6 later these same approaches were applied in various countries. which we know all too well, which you kind of show up with them is of my iraqi or syria, libya. and that's kind of stand you because these interventions have done nothing but worse than existing problems. room in the lives of millions of people. this will destroy entire states and create hubs of humanitarian and social disasters, as well as terrorist on classes or in fact, no kind of in the world as
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a means from joining this tragic list exigence example. the west is currently trying to brazenly meddling the affairs of the middle east. they previously held the monopoly over this region, and the consequences of their actions are now evident to everyone make of the south focuses and central asia are also prime examples of 2 years ago. and they made assignments in madrid. it was declared that the alliance would now deal with security issues, not only in the euro atlantic, but also in the asia pacific region. they claim those areas that cannot do without them. clearly this was an attempt to exert more pressure on those countries in the region whose development they have decided to restrain. as you know, russia ranks high on this list. let me also remind you that it was washington that undermine strategic stability by unilaterally withdrawing from the treaties on anti missile defense on the elimination of intermediates and shorter arrangements house and on open skies. and together with exp, nato satellite, dismantling the decades old system of confidence, building measures and arms control in europe, can use last name to self centeredness and arrogance. of western countries have let
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us do a highly perilous situation. today, we are entering dangerously close to a point of no return, which case you calls for a strategic defeat of russia, which possesses the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons. she demonstrated the extreme recklessness of western politicians. you must do it. they either fail to comprehend the magnitude of the threats they are creating. part are simply consumed by that notion of invincibility and exceptionalism. but both scenarios can result in tragedy. and his evidence of the entire system of the euro atlantic security is crumbling before our eyes. at present, it is practically nonexistent, and must be rebuilt. to achieve this, we must collaborate with interest in the countries of which there are many ways to develop our own strategies for ensuring security in your range and then presented them for broader international deliberation. hamilton, this is the task set and the address to the federal assembly. when i say, to outline a vision for equal and indivisible security. mutually beneficial and equitable cooperation and development on the origin continent and the foreseeable future. so we can just do it as a need to know what needs to be done to achieve this stage and on what principles. first, it is important to establish that log with all the potentials participants look
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around some of this future security system, which i would like to ask you to address the necessary issues with countries that are open to constructive interaction with the russian. during my recent visit to china, president eugene thing and i discuss this issue. it was noted that the russian proposal is not contradictory, but rather compliments and aligns with the basic principles of the chinese global security initiative. it needs to be february. second, it is crucial to recognize that the future security architecture should be open to all your original countries that wish to participate in its creation. and that's it for all includes european in maple countries as well as to them is this loan of georgia. we share the same continent and we must live and work together regardless of the circumstances. geography cannot be changed. yes. russia's relations with the you and many european countries have deteriorated, and it is important to emphasize that we are not to blame for any of the rest of the propaganda campaign involving senior european politicians. some of which is accompanied by speculation that russia intends to attack us. i have addressed this issue beforehand so not quite time, there is no need to repeat it again here. see what we all understand that these
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claims are baseless. and so i have only to justify an honest rice with some one. yeah. in this context, i would like to make a brief digression to make sure it's still a threat to europe. does not come from russia. but the main threat to europeans is that critical and increasing dependence on the united states and military political, technological, ideological and information on aspect of speech escapes. europe is being marginalized in global economic development. plunged into the chaos of challenges such as migration and losing international agency, you should have cultural identity for me. it was different, always close. sometimes i get the impression that therapy and politicians and representatives of the europe and bureaucracy are more afraid of falling out of favor with washington than losing the trust of their own people. so the recent election to the european parliament has also demonstrated this uniform. politicians tolerate termination, rudeness and scandals such as surveillance of european leaders. while the united states simply exploits them for its own benefit. the sports would be, for instance, if they are forced to purchase expensive gas, which could to $3.00 to $4.00 times more in europe than in the united states to do
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is. additionally, european countries are pressure to increase. i'm supplies to ukraine. the demands are constant and sanctions are readily imposed on your opinion. on a corporate is without any hesitation, and they are not pressuring their partners to supply ukraine with more weapons and increase their capacity for manufacturing artillery shouts. who will need these shows once the conflict and ukraine ends. how does this ensure european military security? it is difficult to understand the united states is investing in military technologies, particularly advanced future technologies such as space explorations, modern drones strikes systems based on new physical principles, pdc principles from united states as funding areas that will shape the nature of future conflicts. as well as the military and political power of nations and the standing in the way we meet in these countries are expected to invest in areas of interest to the united states. however, this does not expand european potentially let them do as they wish. we would probably benefit from it, but in effects, that is a situation. if you're
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a points to continue being an independent center of global development and a cultural civilizational told on our planet to come in, you should definitely maintain good and friendly relations with russia. most importantly, we are ready for this. indeed, politicians of truly european and global scale, who patriots of the countries and nations understand this simple and obvious fact, we see, they think in terms of historical categories and on not me, it follows of someone else is willing influence bleach. how's the goal and spoke about this? during the postwar period? i vividly recall participating in a conversation in 1991 with german chancellor. helmut kohl emphasized the importance of partnership between europe and russia, and i hope that new generations of european politicians will eventually restore this legacy. speaking of the united states, the never ending attempts by the current global as liberal that leads to spread their ideology worldwide to maintain their ontario status documents in one way or another are only further exhausting the country leading to its degredation. and clearly, contrary to the genuine interest of the american people, if it were not for this debt in policy,
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which is driven by aggressive mechanism based on the belief in their own superiority and exceptionalism. international relations would have long been stabilized. the 3rd, it is necessary to significantly intensify the dialogue process between multilateral organizations, already operating in the ratio to promote the idea of regulation, security system. of all such organizations as the united states, the collective security treaty organization, and the your agent, economic union. the commonwealth of independent states and the shanghai corporation organizations that we consider it possible that other influential, your agent associations from southeast asia to the middle east will join these processes in the future. for us, we believe that the time has come to start the discussion of a new system of bilateral and multilateral guarantees of collective security in your ration. at the same time, it is necessary in the long time to gradually phase of the military presence of external powers in the region region. here, of course, we are aware of that in the current situation, this point may seem unrealistic, but that will change. however, if we build a reliable security system in the future, there will simply be no need for such
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a presence of out of region military contingency system is about to be honest and issue. there are no need today either just occupation and that's all in the final analysis, we believe that countries and regional structures and the ratio should themselves identifying the specific areas of cooperation in joint security. so sweet, so in your sleep is a guided by this, they must also build a system of working institutions, mechanisms, and agreements that would really serve to achieve common stability and development goals. now, in this sense that we support our miller russian friends initiative to develop a program document, a charter of multiple r t and diversity in the 21st century bugle. and it can formulate not only the framework, principles of your region architecture based on the essential norms of international law, but also strategic vision of the nature of multiple entities and in a broader sense you pretty are with them. and multilateralism as a new system of international relations team, which would replace the wisdom centric world edition of something that i consider it important. i would like to ask you to thoroughly look out on this document without partners and with all interested state documents. and i will add that and
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when discussing such complicated and comprehensive issues, we need them as broad representation as possible and a consideration of different approaches and positions usage. and the 5th, a crucial part of the nation security and development system macbook should definitely be the issues of the economy. social well beings, mature integration system and mutually beneficial cooperation from the city. as well as addressing such common problems as overcoming public key can equality the clements of the environment and developing mechanisms to respond to the threats of and to make some crises in the global economy. all that is important to us that the west not only undermine the world's military political stability by his actions as compromising. we can the key market institutions by sanctions and trade voice using the i m f and the world bank and twisting the climate agenda. it has been restraining the development of the global south yielding and competition even by the rules that the west has written for itself. it applies prohibitive, barriers, and all kinds of protectionism. cbs, the united states has abandoned the world trade organization as an international trade regulator. everything is blocked where meanwhile,
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the pressure is exerted and not only on competitors, but on their own satellites, who suffice it to see how they are now going to siphoning off the juices from the european economies which are teetering. on the brink of recession, western countries have frozen some of russia's assets and currency results, and now they are trying to invent some legal justification for their reversible appropriations. on the other hand, however, despite all the crooked lawyers and festival obviously remains theft and will not go unpunished. the issue is even deeper by stealing russian assets. they will take one more step towards destroying the system that they created themselves. and that for many decades, making sure that prosperity allowed them to consume more than they onto this land attracted money from all over the world through depths and liabilities. see now it is becoming clear to all countries, companies and silver and wealth funds that their assets and reserves are far from safe, both legally and economically. and anyone could be the next in line for expropriation by the united states in the west. those far in southern wealth funds could also be the one that found that there was already a growing distrust of the financial system based on western reserve currency. as it has appeared us now slower funds from securities and bonds of western countries,
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as well as from some european banks, which were until fairly recently considered to be absolutely reliable to put capital in. gold is also being taken out from those banks. and this is the right thing to do. i believe that we need to seriously intensify the formation of effective and safe by that the multi level for an economic mechanisms as alternatives to those controlled by the west. this includes the expansion of settlements and national currencies. the creation of independent payment systems and the building of value changed to that bypass the channels and you belong to compromised by the west, is naturally it is necessary to continue efforts to develop international transport car doors in your ration. the continental is russia, that's its natural mutual difficult costs, but through the ministry of foreign affairs, i instruct you to assist as much as possible in developing international agreements and all these areas. they are extremely important for strengthening economic cooperation between our country and our partners. and this should also given new emphasis to building a large your asian partnership, which in essence may become
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a socio economic basis for a new indivisible security system in europe for as a me colleagues out of proposals and to establish a system where all nations can feel secure research, a framework we could approach today's numerous complex in a different way. because more constructively, the issues of insecurity and mutual distrust are not limited to the original context. reprising tensions of evidence worldwide in the interconnection and independence or 5 world are constantly apparent with the ukrainian crisis, serving as a tragic example with its rip percussion spreading across the globe. do you want to clarify right away? the crisis involving ukraine is not a conflict between 2 states, so people stemming from issues between them. so if that was the case, there is no doubt that russians and ukrainians, united by shared history and culture, to spiritual values, and the millions of familial and human connections would have found a fair resolution to any disputes and disagreements. meanwhile, the situation is different. as the rest of the conflict on not end bilateral relations, actually, the events in ukraine are a direct result of global and european developments from the late 20th and early
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21st century. so a, b, c. they stem from the aggressive, unrestrained utterly reckless policy that the west has been pursuing for many years long before the special military operation began. the leads of western countries. as i mentioned earlier today, the set of costs fulfilled the geopolitical restructuring of the world. after the end of the cold war, they came to establish and enforce the so called rules based order, strong solver and self sufficient states simply do not belong with this explains the policy of containment directed against our country as something is in the united states in europe openly declared that goes of this policy speaking today about the so called the colonized ation of russia. so essentially, this is an attempt to ideologically justifies the division of our fatherland along ethnic lines. the dismemberment of the soviet union and russia has been a discussion topic for a long time as everyone in this room is well aware is confusing, pursuing the strategy, western countries, ink absorber and militarily, and politically develop territories nearest where you and your police to that have been 5 now, 6 of the waves of nato expansion. they sought to transform ukraine into the
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stronghold and anti russia. to achieve these objectives, they invest in money and resources in both additions and the entire parties. rewrote history and educational programs and not you in groups of neo nazis and radicals, and you want it to stay for it because they did everything possible to undermine our interstate ties. divide us, you can turn out people's against each other. they would have pursued that policy even more brazenly and unceremoniously, had it not been for southeastern ukraine, the region that had been part of historical great to russia for centuries, which was in their way, the people who lived there and still do, continued to advocate veteran closer ties with our country, including when ukraine declared independence in 1991 ethnic russians and ukrainians, as well as representatives of other ethnic groups, even though they were united by the russian language, culture, traditions, and historical memories, ukrainian presidents and presidential hopefuls simply have to reckon with the opinions of moods and interests of those people through the millions of people living in the southeast ukraine and politicians needed their votes. however,
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having used their support when running for high posts, if they later maneuvered out of doing what they promised got out of it lied and cited the so called european choice. they did not dare several times with the rush of though, because se in ukraine had a different view. and one that was to be reckoned with this to ality has always been present in the ukrainian government's policies ever since the recognition of independence, the west. and so that, of course, the request and politicians have long been aware of the problems in ukraine. that could be reg coming through, should they also realize the importance of the se as a restraining factor. and knew that even use of propaganda could not radically change that they know that they were not trying that way, but it was really difficult to reverse the situation with these tries, they might, there was not a chance they could distort the historical identity and consciousness of the majority of people in southeastern new cream, to eradicate good feelings for russia, and the sense of our historical communities, even from the younger generations. and they decided to use force again, whisky to go and break the people in the southeast as if they didn't matter to do this. they masterminded,
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organized and financed an armed crew. clearly taking advantage of the difficulties and political infighting and ukraine. they pretended purposefully inconsistent. they will squeeze the massive wave of riots, violence and murder. so swift, federal ukrainian cities finally radical nationalist seized and use of power and cancer with their aggressive nationalist slogans. including the rehabilitation of nazi henchmen for proclaimed at the level of state ideology. they know great to the policy of abolishing the russian language and all aspects of government of society and stepped up pressure on orthodox believers and interference in church affairs, which eventually led to a schism. no one seemed to notice that interference, like it was no big deal. let's try something like this. elsewhere. everyone will go so ballistics, you will regret it to them, so that over there, this is allowed to use because it is against russia as well. knowing mutual millions of people residing in ukraine primarily and its eastern regions. they made a stand against the cool. they began to be threatened with violence and tara, in the 1st place, the new authorities and gifts started preparing an attack on the right. so speaking,
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claim is, which so many as you may know, was transferred from the surface out to ukraine in 1954 with the violation of all norms of the law and procedures. even those in effect and the soviet union at that time. because in this situation, we certainly could not have benjamin leave without protection of the people of crimea. and so if i step on, they made their choice. and as is common knowledge, the historic unification of premiums investable with the rest that took place in march of 2014, and even the peaceful protest against the cool in cod gulf coast on odessa is that the internet's against unmarried, but were suppressed with the key of regime and nationalist groups unleashing the reign of tara human, but there is no need to recall. all of this for everyone is well aware of what was happening in those regions. in may, 2014 referendums were held on the status of the the net screen lewinski people's republics, at which the overwhelming majority of local people voted for independence and sovereignty. or what i mean this bids the following question. so if people generally express their willing this way and declare their independence people present in this room know that they certainly could and had the full right and
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reason to do that under international law, including the rights of people to self determination. and there is no need to remind this to you, of course, but since the media are at work, i will say that article one paragraph to me of the un charter. it extends this right now, but it was not letting me recall in this connection, the notorious cost of a precedent, which is much we spoke many times about this in the past, but i will say it once again. now, the precedent that the western countries created themselves an absolutely identical situation. they recognized kosovo succession from serbia in 2008 as legitimate to assume that plato, the international court of justice issued it's well known advisory opinion based on article one, the kind of graph 2 of the one shot to it ruled on 22 in july 2010, it's cool, that's my quote. so easily since, you know, general prohibition against unilateral declaration of independence may be inferred from the practice of the security council. stewart's next quote, the general international law contains no applicable prohibition of declaration of independence. it is it more than that? it said that the pots of any country which decided to declare their independence, one of them likes to apply to the central organs of their former statements. i,
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they wrote all this with their own hand in black and white, so that the denette skimmed against republics, have the right to declare their independence. and of course they did exist issue even can not be considered in a different way. but what did the key of regime do in this situation? she keeps it fully disregarded people's choice and unleashed a full scale war against the new independent states. and the people's republic have done best with the use of aircraft artillery and tags when they launched, bombing and artillery attacks on peaceful city stores and resorted to intimidation for you today to the will. so what happened next up in the system? a lot of people have done best took up arms to protect their lives, their homes, their rights and legitimate interest in the west issue. the prevailing narrative is that russia initiated the war with its special military operations and is therefore the aggressor. so it is allowed to attack the russian territory using wisdom weaponry. it is argued that ukraine is merely defending himself and is justified in doing so. i want to reiterate, russia did not start the war. it was the kia, presume that initiated hostilities. following the declaration of independence by
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residents of southern parts of ukraine in accordance with international law, and continues to do so. if we do not recognize the right of these peoples to declare their independence, then this is indeed aggressive to keep students from. those are those who have supported the camera zooms war machine all over the years. the are there for accomplices to this aggression and bruce cities. and then you school back in 2014, the residence of dumbass refused to surrender. to be released. that unit stood their ground, somebody felt the punitive forces and eventually pushed them back from the net squeaks and have little gun screws pretty recently. we hope this wouldn't bring those who initiated the violence to their senses. you, me to hold the bloodshed, you rush. i made its customary appeals for negotiations. besides, adults began involving cuban representatives of the done best republics with the support of russia, germany, and france, we took them pen. the docks were not easy, but ultimately led to the conclusion of the men's grievance. in 2015. we took their implementation very seriously. so just hoping to resolve the situation within the framework of the piece across says an international law says there was hope that
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this would lead to the recognition of the legitimate interests and demands of done by us, including in training the special status of these regions. and ensuring the fundamental rights of the people living there followed while maintaining your brains territorial integrity. we were prepared for this and sought to persuade the residents of these territories to resolve issues through such means that the the, the water was 3. i mean, we thought on, i mean i was trying to meet you, which i your ship was traveling since the middle of a hair dresser, a bus driver, a sales person, anyone could become a victim. that's how private negotiators 1st appear to be looking for the best
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assist you don't want them to go to seek we started this summer. ok no no no. ready yes, that's the reason why you avoid the, by the name on that, on those over those. and i mean, it is you want the feasible mission on from the yes to the studies boys took over the series b, u, d, z. as in the middle that there's a quiz just in the room is the
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the we're being told to move out because the, there is a very high risk of this building collapsing. so the ends on the fire at 7 people are killed after on the apartment block in the russian border, town is headed by ukrainian shelley once again, the privilege and the pleasure to serve this great nation and the position of president 5 more years serve. i'm opposed to his re elected as south africa's president opposite his monte strikes to deal with his main rival to form a coalition government. and on the brink of catastrophe the u. n. ones, half of guys us population that.


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