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tv   News  RT  June 16, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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the, the, the, our top story that had the so called g summit, initiated by ukraine kicks off in switzerland, was only 92 the 160 invitees attending. as many say that without russia at the table, it's a one sided affair. washington green lights, arms deliveries to cranes, and thomas is off battalion despite its own legislation, previously banning support of the neo nazi linked group. and the un says different mendez, lots of live in gaza during the idea of the operation to rescue for hostages could amount to war crimes survivors recount the deadly rate to best select, the plane was bombing at random. they struck houses with rockets, people's bodies were on the streets. first the car interest,
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and then they were walking, looking like civilians. they threw a grenade into reclass, just the live and the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. this is archie international. originally initiated by key oven, organized by sports authority, is the so called ukraine mt summit has opened its doors in switzerland with only 92 out of 160 invitees, attending representatives of the global south who did attended up to the floor questioning how there can be any talk of peace without moscow at the table. and here it is essential to emphasize that any credible process will need russia's participation. gonna request the absence of the russian federation and the people's republic of china at this, based on multiple there being more resolve oriented. if the other cross you to the conflict, the restaurant plus present in the room. well this is the normal way. it's so cold
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peace conference taking place in switzerland over the next 2 days. $101.00 heads of states, organizations and other representatives have gathered to discuss a so called peace plan. now the opening site, once that we've heard happening somewhat predictable with the lens. he opened the conference and he said is based around 3 points and they own nuclear security at the return of prisoners, including those from the minute c. but he also mentioned the return of children that are accused of being kidnapped at 5 rush. i makes focusing again on food and energy security. now, he explained russia's mission. of course, russell wasn't invited to the peace commons and he said simply that if russia really wanted peace, but it wouldn't have started a war. he said to another some it will be held to flash out, the finer points, and then whatever comes are of that the so called piece proposal would then be presented to the russian that we've heard from a number of the delegates attending the conference. the chief,
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a seat of on the line, spoke a lot about the importance of respecting the you in charlotte. so when she complained about rising food and energy prices, which of course have been said across the european union and across europe. a she failed to mention, of course, the north spring to pipelines to the united states. of course they said the vice president come on, i was joe bought in is off elsewhere, a fundraiser for his fighting presidential campaign on she said the country supports you crying to preserve the cover load order and to benefit the united states, which of course remains the biggest, almost supply to your great president biden, and my support for the people of ukraine is unwavering. we support your claim, not out of charity, but because the people of ukraine and their future is in our strategic interest. what of course, the global south, um, as long as the absent from the piece come with
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a number of countries have indicated that they wouldn't attend. now, the columbia and president, gustavo petro, he said that he's not attending the conference, and this is a quote you said it's not a free for him to discuss the pol, to peace between russia and ukraine. and he said that this conference, or the outcome is pre determined that it's impossible for you to, to look for solutions at the conference. the setting of the switch form is not the freeform to discuss path for peace between russia and ukraine. its conclusions are already pre determined. i suspended my trip to the medium in switzerland, and i ask you up to discuss the ways to cease the war and not to extend it. china, of course, a, a big problem on the international thing. it's uh said that it would not participate in the peace conference that's being held in switzerland. of course, if you recall that china has already outlined its own piece proposal, which of course, a game was rejected by ukraine's a allies. and it said that it's not really
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a constructive way to move towards piece and then to the crate and conflict. puckett stone has also turned on the invitation and the president, president ludo said he's not going to be attending this. i mean, even just 5, please. from ukraine, i'm here to obviously want to talk about we cannot talk about it is it's not, it may appear tends piece proposal, but came in not sort of mega speech, the foreign ministry on friday. i mean it to of, basically not that as soon as it came out of the gate, i was there and the thing that they did discuss of the going to pick up on was hoping not. well, i'm not sure that this is going to be up for discussion in the a piece convincing sweet slim but not to move quickly to outlined a very clear plan, a full piece and a ceasefire. referred me to shape, seems to take place. now. he said that would involve the withdrawal of youth ukrainian treat from the new the incorporated territories into in the russian federation, particularly at don't yet gotten a new guns the in the, the,
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the republics that joined all through a referendum that on he said the of course the crying must, uh, let's see, it's a time to join. nice. so now this was an out. so me even if it's so cold peace confidence. but he said these things plans were agreed, but that would be an immediate cease fire on negotiation footprints instead as well that russia would have to negotiate the safe withdrawal of ukrainian food from those regions. but he was like bold, but they say if it's ignored, then the future terms will be very different. the flu wishing for us the conditions for starting such a conversation. a simple ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the dom . that's kind of the guns people's republics. gibson ends up, but it was the regents as soon as keep declares that it is ready for such a decision and begins a real withdrawal of troops from these regions and also officially notifies of the abandonment of plans to join nato. an order from our side will immediately follow to cease fire and begin negotiations. today we are making another concrete real
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piece proposal in key offending the wisdom capitals. they also refuse it as before, then in the end it is their business and their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of legit and the conditions for starting negotiations would be different. but protectively, this proposal was in cindy, dismissed by you crying. nice bikers. those gathered at the conference in switzerland. it's not the 1st time that such a proposal has been declined. of course we've spoken about china is piece planned area that was dismissed of how did we know the appeal was on the table as early as april 2022. the then british prime minister bowers don'ts of you mostly made a trip to cab, spoke to the landscape and told him that he couldn't sign base piece. they also we have the bizarre situation now where we have a peace conference is dismissing piece by piece conference. the ethics screwed in russia, but the best toll continues to rise. keeping president miguel diaz canal has visited
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the port of havana where a russian ships docked on june 12th wishing them a warm welcome. this visit to the bay of havana is an expression of the solid and historical ties of friendship, brotherhood and co operation that exist between our people, governments, and armed forces. we appreciate the opportunity they have given us to visit the detachment ships and the extensive explanations they have given us. and the later spoke with the russian marine forces representative during his tour of the vessels . the detachment of 4 russian ships will be on an official visit to the port of havana until june 17th cuban authorities noted that none of them is carrying nuclear weapons. united states send its nuclear submarine, helena to guantanamo bay in cuba to monitor the visit. and it was condemned by the country's foreign ministry. meanwhile, dozens of cubans lined up to visit the russian ships r t correspondent oliver zamora or yeah, brings us more from having a, a student that also has the most of the us over the past few days. we've been
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talking about how hundreds of cubans came here to see the cause on nuclear submarine on board. the admiral course code frequently. this happens both in sony, in rainy weather, as it can see, there is no end to the long queues to get on this ship. it is one of the most important in the russian name. what did this people sing when they entered the ship? we'll show you now as far as the research in groups of 30 people enter the vessel on the pretty, tell us that the talking about the ship and the excursions. and then there are lots of passed through one of the internal corridors of a pretty good the front of the ship godaddy. this is a short way, but for many it is a previously unknown situation. thanks to which one can imagine what the life of the soldiers at the seat is like. some of the tour allows you not only to stand at the top of the ship and get acquainted with its interior. it also offers the different through the harper band and also to get to know one of the main attraction. so being able to tax remains because on nuclear submarine data on the bottle to freak as you can see, some of the types, weapons and technologies that as a group, some visitors, the most curious as to sailors questions. it's time to take a picture to remember at this moment,
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even with the russian military for patiently and kindly greeting. we always look forward to reading from all navies and especially from russia because they're a little ahead of us into college because they always come with good up to date equipment. the suit in particular is very modern. the submarine is also more there . and whenever we manage to visit frenzy ships, we can take a closer look at the ship, see how it works, and then a little more. it's very interesting. it broke to mode. this is on june 17th. if we get around course cost along with this offering cause on into other auxilary vessels will say good bye to have on it. and another example of the strong friendship between cuba in russia will remain in memory as well as a wonderful and unforgettable memory. in the memory of many cubans, this winter of washington has approved to the delivery of us weapons. so you cranes as for gay, notorious for its neo nazi affiliations arm shipments were previously halted. due to the groups extreme, his times after thorough review,
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ukraine's 12 special forces, a soft brigade past leahy vetting as carried out by the us department of state. at the beginning of the don bass conflict in 2014, when the media was more open about the as of true colors. washington's lahey laws prevented supplies to the group as it was implicated in human rights abuses. international attorney kline preston shared his view about the arguably inconsistent policies, but actually surprised me because i think even people in the united states government realized off of gauges nazi list knox has a nazi philosophy strides and things of that. you know, as far as what's come out of this administration, one day i saw battalion is you know, for some of the non grata and not a, an organization that could be supported by the united states. and then the next week they're in good graces. ringback you know,
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one point administration was of the most wasn't what are some of provide attack homes and then later change your mind more, you know, provide certain types, web rates, etc, exchange and then change your mind. so it's hard to keep up with it to be part of the candidate for the us had band arms shipments to as our forces for 9 years because of the groups extremist affiliations. but now washington has reversed as policy as its ally, ukraine suffers a string of defeats on the battlefield. r t correspond them ran across the river, has the detail. so the line, the created, all kind the end ices as well dispenser and army, neo nazis claiming that russia is trying to describe that these poor people. the
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state department found no evidence of gross violations of human rights committed by the 12 brigades as so, which is why they're lifting their band on the units confused. oh, that's understandable. because for years they us refuse to supply them with weapons . because quote, us officials determine that its founders, a spouse, braces xenophobic and ultra nationalist views, and dolph quotes. and here it is from the horse's mouth. however, it is certainly true that a very small part of the printing and military is neo nazi and people need to be honest about that for months. viral and the doctor viral image has been circulating ukrainian soldiers with various kinds of nazis, symbols on them. this is not some incidental accidental,
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small marginal number of people in the military for us who are openly touting nazi ideology on our search for the facts. we learned one thing for certain today there are nazis in ukraine. i guess all those reputable media organizations are all the comments payrolls to do and this information to the masses. it's worth noting that russian, this information has actively worked to discredit special forces is offered aid. they have long tried to conflate ukraine's national guard unit of 12. the special forces brigade is of, with the militia formed to defend ukraine against rush is invasion in 2014, called the is off battalion. now what's interesting is that it's on clear when think it was actually list that, that bad with the us state department refusing to comment on specifics, bonds. there have been reports of adult fighters using american weapons that they didn't all the way back to 2017. a shipment of 100 dsl
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r. one systems reportedly arrived in ukraine in april 2017. as confirmed by both the contract leak by south front and ukrainian journalist, you are able to so many of these 100 p. so one systems were sent to military units in the dumbass, including military unit, 3057 based invariable, or widely known as the unit made of soldiers from the as a battalion, according to the sale of the company involved that was being done with very close coordination with the us embassy. so he was state department, the pen, so gone ends of the ukrainian government. incredible. considering that this was right after that he was banned the as all battalion, originally the state department should pressure key to dissociated itself with this group and investigated whether any of our weapons or training have already been provided to them. they were concerned at one point that seems but now all of that is out of the window. and it's a general tendency that we've been observing as sort of why to austin, of nazi as
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a how else can you explain the countless examples of western officials praising former nazis and their modern followers. you can remember the stand in a way shit. and so the nazi veteran in the canada, which became an international sensation as the prime minister boris johnson, welcoming the delegation from the battalion. so they, you take parliament praising them, calling them a heroes, and less than their banner with a neo nazi symbol. are you going on here with us or us? state departments give her the metal of cards to a ruthless, cold blooded killer, while healthy evacuated women and children from areas affected by war. ukrainian military veteran scott secretly documented russian forces committed atrocities
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during the sca easy. 3 in service come through whose towns and covered in the blood of the elderly women and children. in march, 2022, she pretended to be a mother of 2 children whose parents, she have deal herself in 2014 the bus and actually participated in the seizure of the power in ukraine. from 2014, 2018 to train new and that's is in the don't bass region. she gave me these tribes against civilians, if a leper the pallets and chains at spots, then why don't list the bad on all kinds of or isis will, they will when they need them. because this isn't about human rights. it's about strategy. veteran break diplomat le night is christian topple us says it's a high time washington. we things, but it's trying to achieve an ukraine is the situation is getting bad for the west
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intake ukraine and they're trying to use any kind of a method. do you use any kinds of people to, to, to help them fight russia? they test even deteriorated? what vsoft growth is doing there at the united states continue making these mistakes, which bring a big threat to peace in europe and peace in the world. and i talk to understand why they are with continuing making these, these mistakes. and it's about time that the united states and the west, other stuff that they can go up when the war in, in, in the ukraine it's, it's impossible for the 10s of thousands of his relatives have taken to the streets for an antique government raleigh in tel aviv, according to reports,
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at least 12 demonstrators were detained for violations of public orders, as well as in tel aviv numerous rallies had been held around the country with the protesters, calling for an immediate hostage exchange deal with a moss and demanding the removal of netanyahu's governments. 7 here's a video circulating on line of police, arresting of photographers to the heart of the daily video from the scene shows the moments a police officer wrapped photographer each a ron and pushed him in the direction of a bus carrying other detainees. despite appeals from passers by that he is a journalist. unfortunately, police have already released and is really journalist robbie berman reports from the rally. here we are the cap when french as getting by like it does every saturday night. we're trying to get down to the island highway, to block the main highway and tell it be the number of fires the police around for the please, my hours back on the call, the 0. and the reason i look forward to seeing again to
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the mazda does not taking to way too long and its time for them to come back already. and i think the colors are in is completed for up there. and the only thing about their ends are valuable in the government. the government, the government, in whatever position was in power to 15 is diploma diploma . economic growth. the problem is these deployments many, many things. and once we've got the people as a country, the protests are cap, room 3 are usually much more violent than the ones at the hospice square, hosted square in front of those earlier today. i'm here is a to choose this square and i'm here to support the families the al serra, also just the status are still in gaza and trying to pull a clean,
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shaw that our government didn't bring them a back here. every, whatever we'll take to bring the hostages home it is available for me. so it doesn't matter if it needs to, to make a deal, make a deal if you need to change the government, senior government, whatever it takes, like bring the hostages. it's not a question, it's a demand. it's something that should have happened a long time ago. now you want the government to, we give us a one. they want that all the people who we come back. i don't interesting this. well, it's all from the beginning. i think and they from things that we had to do is to bring them home and not to fight the protesters or playing a game, a cat or mouse, where they bring things out to the street. they later on fire, the police and a unit. and with extinguishers, they put out the fire, the police leave, they like something else so far. we've come back in. this goes on every saturday and i would have protested, that'd be these government to resign the houses to be read and the war we to stop. the recording from the kaplan's reproach as in television,
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as the war and guns are passes. it's 8 months mark, the desk told the enclave has risen to $37000.00. is really force has continued to launch attacks across this trip with recent idea of strikes. targeting does the city in the north a warning, the following images are disturbing. the home of a palestinian at paramedics came under fire, full members of his family were killed and several others were wounded. 2 of his children are believed to be filled from under the rubble and essential to us an idea of attack claimed the lives of 5 people, wounding 17 others, victims, for instance, the strikes targeted new era refugee camp less than a week after is ready for since killed $274.00 people. there are tragic loss of hundreds of civilian lives during the idea of operation to extract for hostages. put them out to war crimes that's according to the united nations human rights office. the manner in which the ride was conducted in such
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a densely populated area, seriously, cold seem to question whether the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution, as set out under the laws of rule or expected bodies. riley forces united nations also condemn tomas for detaining hostages in a densely populated part of gaza while utilizing civilians as cover. the idea of has admitted to causing numerous casualties during the raid, but has not specified the amount of civilian deaths. survivors recount what they endured during the attack. the best with the plane was bumping at random. they struck houses with rockets. people's bodies were on the streets. i lost my family. 14 were killed. always the vehicles with bodies tn number plates came as if the were bringing a but they were soldiers in an area filled with displaced people. it's a 10 city that has no resistance in all our civilians and children. first the car
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entered and then they were walking, looking like civilians. they threw a grenade and then they were clashes, then another bump and then an f. 16. something unexpected. more than what you can imagine. within 10 minutes, they were in the entrance of our tent and in the tent next to us. the 10th next to us was filled with dead bodies. one soldier came to interrogate me and asked me, where is the resistance? i said, i don't know any. i'm just a displaced person from kansas city in new say, right. i don't know any resistance fighters or anyone that they asked about where my weapons were. i said, have no weapons. they told me if i don't confess, they will detain and shoot my kids. i said, i have nothing to confess to. i don't know anyone from the resistance, nor do i have any weapons. within a minute, i heard gunfire in the other room. at that moment my 2 sons were shot. my 12 year old son was killed and the other son here. may god hear him. of israel
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turn it out. it's right on the news there. a refugee camp on june 8th items. soldiers are suspected of having used a trucks to enter the enclave under cover with assistance from armored vehicles and fighter jets for the hostages held by hamas were rescued. one of them is a russian national ortiz video agency, roughly got an exclusive interview with his father. minos, i believe a few days ago, a special operation was carried out that allowed several hostages to be returned home to israel from guys. and one of them was my son. he feels good, which is surprising because it's difficult to assume that a person who spend 8 months as a hostage and gaza retained all of his emotional and physical abilities. and he returned almost as we knew him before his captivity. it was a very emotional, very touching medium. he talked a lot about what happened to him during these 8 months. surprisingly, he tries to convey all his incidents that happened to him through the prism of good
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humor, probably in order not to upset us or frighten us with what happened to him during this time. despite the fact that the guards assured him that his situation was much better than that of the other hostages, they treated him very harshly and he actually never went outside during this time. i also want to know the most important point that under a constantly talks about these are the hostages, who currently remain in gaza. the only thing he constantly thinks about now is that they must be saved, rescued from captivity and achieve their release at any cost. be the deal, or be in another operation to save them. but people who are in the same conditions as he was in or even worse, they must be released by muslims around the world are celebrating. ede marketing the end of the hires: the annual pilgrimage to mecca, worshippers gathered in the russian capital to prayer, local mosques, or the correspondent roman customer, have sent us this report from the cathedral mosque in moscow. a 1000000 sofa, both lives in russia,
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joining their fellow worshippers. around the world in this celebration of e allowed or the feast of 5 sacrifice. now this is uh, marketing the end of pilgrimage to mecca, also known as hodge right now we are in the center of moscow where there are thousands of people who we are right next to the most. coca feasel most which sits about 10000 people. but there are at least 100000 in the street adjacent to the smallest going to a few words about the most good sell if it was opened back in 2015 by presidents of letting their boots in there just cant afford regency faith or begun and uh, they had also finished sidney and its on an e must move to us. now as you can see, the, there are quite a few people here. and so the patients are being held throughout russia. now, there are at least $25000000.00 the muslims in the country according to the latest
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sense of the census. with the several republics, the school in nearly one of these states that us, that's a force that gets done. changed now and in good shape. yeah, he's here, he's about to and what so the people will do next is to continue to celebrate this sort of a by sacrificing a land which is a traditional for this day, not only in russia but around the world as well, although the animals might so different certain countries that might be a gold, it might be a camel for any other animals that can be caught in 3 parts, according to tradition. one ports to be consumed, one part to be given to the family and to another ports to be given to the poor. now let him your place in the presence of russia had different rush related to muslims of the country just just after midnight on a sunday, and a, his trust that the most and communities in russia place very high value,
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a high importance on that family values of course have been instrumental in helping the russian soldiers into special minutes reparation. and by the way, according to the head move t o, a russian at least 25000 russian moves names are taken for this special miserable ration, including those most things from russia's us republics. of a dozen ask and i do stay with our 2 international up next on rosa parks, on the 6th. as miller, i go to the president of the republic as of the, [000:00:00;00]
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the hello and welcome to wells a part in political science. the turnbull can, i say sion is used to describe the process of an awful, deliberate fragmentation of a country or a territory into a smaller and open house spelled parts when it comes to the ball comes today. how sole or the current folder as well to discuss that i'm now joined by new i got a president of the republic, a sub scott, mister president. thank you very much for your time and for visiting rusher this time. and thank you for taking the time to sit for an interview, i guess from europe i read today. thank you. that's what did you decide to come for a visit every now? what was the number you're that i've been coming here for many years and i'm always glad to have this opportunity for the 31st and i'm grateful to the organizer and


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