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tv   News  RT  June 16, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the breaking news on our t 6 isis linked prisoners are partly take to guard costs to enjoy the rest of the rest on the, on demand guitar lessons and to be released from the detention center. the so called pace. some of the initiated by ukraine picks up in switzerland. it's only $92.00 of the $160.00 invitees attending, as many se without russia at the table. it's a one sided affair. and washington green lights arms delivery is ukraine's infamous. as of the tie in this fight, his own legislation previously bounding supports of the neo nazi linked group, the
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you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow for following breaking news from russia. southern city of ross, stuff on dawn, were to captured prison guards have reportedly been freed after they were taken hostage by convicted isis. members of the can hear gunshots near the detention center where the convicts were held. all of the terrorists were reportedly filled during a police special forces assault on the center. earlier, the hostage takers demanded a car weapons and to be released from the detention center security forces headquarters off the streets around the site. russian law enforcement agencies report the hostages were taken by 6 prisoners. they declared themselves to be members of isis. 3 of the 6 prisoners were caught and captured. last year we are planning to commit a terrorist attack honest supreme court building in one of the russian regions.
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they were sentenced to 18 years in prison. are right. what you can see now on your screen is the rest of these terrace back in 2023. and while they were planning to blow up the card tied to our custody, a supreme court by saying the russian federal security service managed to stop that . and after being detained, they were transferred to the facility where the incident took place. today, the russian investigation committee has opened a criminal case the investigative committee of the russian federation for the rest of the region, open to criminal case on the grounds of a crime. under article 2 or 6 of the criminal code of the russian federation, up on the effect of hostage taken in one of the pre trial detention centers in the cedar frost off on dawn. right, let's cross live now to better on war journalist eliza magneer. eliza, great to have you on with us as we were reporting there was a hostages, have been rescued. all the terrorists have been eliminated. was this predictable outcome in this situation?
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thank you for having me. yes, indeed, the dues, because when there is a case like this, when prisoners at a god as hostages, then the authority have several options to prioritize the safety of the hostages and minimize the home. so 1st, they stopped with the crisis negotiators and they deployed, trained, negotiated to establish communication with the hostages takers aiming to resolve the situation peacefully. but then some of the things they, they use specialized blowing for some of the units trained in hostages, rescued to plan and rescue a tactical intervention. and make sure that the outcome would it be in favor of bill tara t, because it is impossible to see to the terrorist when they take hostages in the prison. and the case like this. and in some cases, the industry units are deployed with expertise, income to terrorism,
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and also use the rescue that they may be core to intervene before that they have to gather information, use intelligence and surveillance, and understand how, how many prisoners are involved, and how many hostages are taken without relying on the of, on what the terrorist all saying. they have to monitor them in communication in and out of the prisons. and then they can use that the, the billing cycle, logical team to influence their hostages take goes and the sway them to surrender without violence. if all that fails, then to secure the government the and then they have to assault the location without giving any possibility of to hostages takers to get away with it because it would set at bad examples. and it was right to other places where other prisoners
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can do exactly the same aliesha. we're hearing reports that this incident had apparently been planned for several months. how could prisoners with in the detention center have planned something like this? is it likely that they have external health? it was any prison in the way of the heavy condemnation with the intention not to remain in prison with look for the weak points and present or habits of the gods over when they can take advantage of asking for a favor or an unusual the measure. and trying to gain the friendship of the gods or allow the god to know what the god of the attention and the defense it. it is possible to establish this thing. this is not the 1st time it happens so often and looking for weak points. it's always possible because
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there are always soft areas and particularly when we're not talking about at the prison where very heavy leak. and then people be on that this kind of condemnation, when they are responsible for getting these people were responsible for kids not being in the where behaves that were there as such, they had 18 years sentenced to go through the young. and perhaps they did not know the consequences. so yes, all the scenarios are possible without outside head or perhaps as in some cases there are a possibility of outside had, but these people ask for a way out the safe passage. but uh they did not really have a good decline to come out and they did not understand that well, sorry to can not negotiate with them and can not allow them to leave. so they are
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really not expert in what they were doing. so this were a convicted terrorist, they've been arrested in 2023. i'm putting an attack in russia. why is russia becoming increasingly a target for isis terrace in russia? is it all good because it is involved in one ukraine and because the russia is having the upper hand and this war? we see how all the tax off emitted against restaurant because it has been demonized and is can 40. the west has used isis in the past 8, sir. we are in the rot enough guns done. they moved on says from here we have to have gotten this done willingly. that was a common information and not the secret. and they also have seen how iraq in iraq isis was growing and with the intention to goes to syria and allowed it. so in this case, because russia is having the upper hand in ukraine,
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it is important to these, the eyes, russia from the inside, and to send the message to the russians that they are not safe as long as there is a will. and ukraine, we haven't seen i cystic dvd in iraq, for example. where it is the center of attention of the, of ice is we haven't seen major attacks. so isis in syria, but only sporadic because they have lost the base infrastructure of course. and i, the only do cannot be defeated, but they can no longer cause home, but we have seen any wrong and, and russia and increased activity of ice is exactly by going to all right, but that has interest ticket or mexican people. oh, okay. so eliza, you said that the, the goal is to try to destabilize russia from within, is that the main aim of isis and, and trying to carry out these terrorist attacks and rush. so that is,
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the goal is thanks to the stabilize the country. not isis. because isis games is just to be talked about and to be on the media. so they can the truck more fight the is that used to be done when ice as was in control in the event and middle team . yeah. a rock and syria, but is no longer sick a the case. isis has lost the possibility to be organized as before, but it has not lost the possibility to be a gun for hire. and then attack specific places like iran and russia, and the a 2 distributors, eyes rush out from the inside to make sure that dresser doesn't feed safe in the country by continuing these kinds of attacks that we have seen. some of that in here on, in the last 1015 years. so that did the end of the west, but not ices, the major and are the more valuable objectives in maybe the east for isis today.
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if they were honest about the objective to head the near enemy and not the fall, i knew me i like or how you doing. all right, we're gonna live with our veteran war journalist, elijah magneer, elijah, thank you. thank you for having me to right in front of me now in the studios are to correspond to roman customer of with more on the developing situation. romano more. do you know? well, so far we know that so all of it service had been liquidated. we are receiving this news from russia, federal penitentiary service, um, at the moment, all of those people they say are killed. and thankfully the hostages had been left unscathed on the harm. so the situation was completed in itself. and we have sort of a breaking news within this, the breaking news at the moment. so what we know so far is that in the morning of at 3 o'clock in the morning and their hostages were taken up by, uh uh,
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the 6 people that were in the rest of the prison. they were apparently getting ready to be ships, also penitentiary. and so they were in that temporary detainment at that point. in any case, it looks like, according to some inside sources to the house, just several months to prepare this escape. well, they haven't escaped, obviously, and uh, according to special services they must have had help from the outside as well. what they did was they loosened the grill over over so, and basically took it out. that's how they escaped into the, in the yard of the prison, and eventually took a little more than and the man in charge of the supervisor who took them off as you know, judging from the videos that we've seen, we've seen their weapons. and so they didn't have any firearms whatsoever, but they did have a fire axis that didn't have knives. and that's what they used to threaten the prison garza and thankfully,
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they weren't able to get into the weapons room because the situation might have, might have been folded completely differently by the timeframe that did not happen . now. that service right away, they demanded weapons and they demanded a car and so demands as a safe passage to a foreign country. now thankfully there was a quick response from the police from the special services they were immediately on the scene. locals reported for outages on so social media so that was taken care of as well. but we had to why police there the entire central, the city was cords, adults as well. now in terms of what happened before, that all of these prisoners, they were held in different cells as this temper detention facility. but somehow they still managed to coordinate and that's what law enforcement is looking at at the moment. try to figure out what actually happened there. now the terrace were
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boasting videos of what they were doing. so they had access to cell phones, smart phones that access to the internet initially that was later cut off for obviously. now obviously we can not show the videos that we're taking but service, but we can definitely tell you what they were saying that were saying that this group was prepared by a lie himself. and so these 4 there are legions to, uh, isis, which is the for illegal in any country at this moment in time. and now once again, the demands of courts leave um and uh, let me just say once again, the same for the this particular scenario had ended without any harm to the hostages. and so all of this savings, all of the service had been liquidated. according to the federal penitentiary. so what can you tell us about these 6 terrorists who took the hostages and said what, what do we know about them? well, the, they already received
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a lot of sentences for selling them 18 years, some of them over 18 years. now, these man there from church in republic, from english, shakia, and other places in north, other places more so congress is now there was sentence for and it sense a to blow up a supreme court in the north congress. us the republic also kind of tribal share, guess yeah, the story about all those names. but, you know, here we are talking about the north congress's and now they're all sends to read along the terms of, for plotting those service attacks. and in prison they were, they were already given characteristics as it usually happens when people are detained. and this is what the federal penitentiary provided for us saying they were characterized as persons who study propagandized, profess, or spread extremist ideology and up prone to committing a terrorist attacks. the one that one of the people was also registered as
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a person for ones who committing suicide and the self harm. so these are the kind of service we're looking at right now. and all of those 3 people that we were talking about initially. and we found out very names for sources. now, there were all included on the list of service the next few this year in russia. now we also know from the special services that's uh uh, these people who will liquid liquidated. some as a v o had to contact so it was uh with medicines in syria. my various social media. busy and so when the reporting there terrorist attack in a rush, think about you. i was your case. yeah. they were operating under instructions uh from the military uh, in the middle east. uh now. so negotiations were continuing throughout the day
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this sunday, which is a full holiday for many muslims for well, for all muslims around the world. the major holiday will, thankfully, this one ended with the terrorist receiving the ultimate punishment and the hostages. freed. yeah. is certainly the best case scenario so that the hostages were not harmed. what do you know about the guards themselves? now they initially were told about 2 guards, one supervisor, and one of the wardens. but as the information is coming out right now, they could have been more people on judy there, but i can tell you about the 2 people that were talking about initially because the terrorist showed their videos and showed who was there that one of the hostages was a is just a 23 years old. his name is victor contra golf. now the guy started it's architectural college. she completed military service in the russian army. she returned home from the army and found the job at the uh, the uh,
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the detention center. uh now the other man who was, uh uh, who was uh freed. now she's name is alexander bald my, he's the head of the operations of this. but then it century ends a, he actually had the terrorist asking to make a comments when they were being held hostage. and this man, alexander said, listen to these people very serious. and as we know right now, the special services to give them very seriously and let me say it again, that service we're liquidated. all right, and those hostages for you to remind customer, oh, thank you. all right, to delve deeper into the events of today and stay on top of all the news about the hosted sticking and raw stuff on don to go to our website ortiz. com there. you'll find all the latest information from the ground and more on all our other stories that we're following on are to international originally initiated by t, a vend,
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organized by specific already is the so called ukranian. p summit has opened a stores in switzerland, with only 92 out of 160 invitees, attending representatives of the global sales, who did attend. it took to the floor, questioning how there can be any talk of peace without moscow at the table. and here it is essential to emphasize that any credible process will need russia's participation, gone to request the absence of the lesson for the reason and the people's republic of china at this be so many people there being more resolve oriented. if the other costs you to the conflict the restaurant plus present in the room, well this is the normal way. it's so cold peace conference taking place in switzerland over the next 2 days. $101.00 heads of states, organizations and other representatives have gathered that to discuss a so called peace plan. now the opening site once that we've heard happening somewhat predictable lensky open the conference. and he said is based around 3
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points. and they own nuclear security at the return of prison is including those from the minutes he but he was, i've mentioned the return of children that are accused of being kidnapped f i rush i makes focusing again on food and the energy security. now, he explained rushes admission. of course russell wasn't invited to the peas comments, and he said simply that if russia really wanted peace, that it wouldn't have started a war. he said to another some, it will be held to flash out the final points. and then by whatever comes are of that the so called piece proposal would then be presented to the russian that we've heard from a number of the delegates attending the conference. the chief, a seat of on the line spoke a lot about the importance of respecting the you in charlotte. so when she complained about rising food and energy prices, which of course have been same across the you are paying union and across europe a she failed to mention of course, the north spring to pipelines, to the united states. of course, they said the vice president come on,
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i was joe bought in is off elsewhere, a fundraiser for his fighting presidential campaign. and she said that a complete support ukraine to preserve the color load order and to benefit the united states, which of course remains the biggest on supply to you. great president fighting and my support for the people of ukraine is unwavering. we support your claim not out of charity, but because the people of ukraine and their future is in our strategic interest when of course the global south. 2 as long as the absent from the peace come with a number of countries have indicated that they wouldn't attend. now, the colombian president, gustavo petro, he said that he's not attending the conference, and this is a quote you said it's not a free for him to discuss the pol, to peace between russia and ukraine. and he said that this conference, or the outcome is pre determined that it's impossible for you to, to look for solutions at the conference. the setting of
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a swiss form is not the free form to discuss path for peace between russia and ukraine. its conclusions are already pre determined. i suspended my trip to the medium in switzerland, and i ask you up to discuss the ways to cease the war and not to extend it. china, of course, a, a big problem on the international thing. it's uh said that it would not participate in the peace conference that's being held in switzerland. of course, if you recall that china has already outlined its own piece proposal, which of course, a game was rejected by ukraine's a allies. and it said that it's not really a constructive way to move towards piece and then to the crate and conflict. puckett stone has also turned on the invitation and the present in president moody said that he's not going to be attending this. i mean either, despite please from you christ, i'm here to obviously want to talk about we cannot talk about it is it's not, it may appear tens piece proposal,
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but came and not sort of mega speech the foreign ministry on friday. i mean it q of, basically not that as soon as it came out of the gate. i was there anything that that they did discuss of the going to pick up on was hoping not. well, i'm not sure that this is going to be up for discussion in the a peace conference in switzerland, but not to move pretty soon. outlined a very clear plan, a full pace and a ceasefire. and so it may go, shape seems to take place. now he said that would involve the withdrawal of youth ukrainian treat from the new the incorporated territories into in the russian federation, particularly at don't yet gotten a new guidance. the in the, the, the republics that joined all through a referendum there. and he said, of course, the crying must cease. it's uh, a time to join nato now. but this was an out so me, even if it's so cold, peace convinced. but he said these things plans were agreed that that would be an immediate si, fi negotiation for persons head as well,
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that russia would have to negotiate the safe withdrawal of you probably need food from these regions. but he was like bold. they say, if it's ignored, then the future terms will be very different. the flu wishing for us the conditions for starting such a conversation. a simple ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the domestic and little guns people's republics. gibson ends up. what was your agent? as soon as keep declares that it is ready for such a decision and begins a real withdrawal of troops from these regions, and also officially notifies of the abandonment of plans to join nato. an order from our side will immediately follow to cease fire and begin negotiations. today we are making another concrete real piece proposal, if in key offending the wisdom capitals, they also refuse it. as before, then in the end it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of legit and the conditions for starting negotiations would be different. but protectively, this proposal was in somebody dismissed by ukraine unexpired because those gathered
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at the conference in switzerland. it's not the 1st time that such a proposal has been declined. of course we've spoken about china is peace plant area that was dismissed of how do we know the piece deal was on the table as early as april 2022. the then british prime minister bowers don'ts of you mostly made a trip to cab, spoke to the landscape and told him that he couldn't sign base piece. they also, we have the bizarre situation now where we have a peace conference is dismissing piece by piece conferences excluding the russia. but the best toll continues to rise to washington as approved for the delivery of us weapons to ukraine's as of regain the torres for its neo nazi affiliations. arm shipments were previously halted due to the groups extreme, his time after thorough review ukraine's 12th special forces, a soft brigade passed away. he reading as carried out by the us department of state
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at the beginning of the don best conflict in 2014. when the media was more open about the as odds, the true colors, washington's leahy laws prevented supplies to the group as it was implicated in human rights. abuses of the us had band arms shipments to as our forces for 9 years because of the groups extremist affiliations. for now, washington has reversed his policy as, as ally, ukraine suffers a string of defeats on the battlefield. r k correspond that we're going to close to worry about has the details. so the created all kind the end ices as well dispenser and army, neo nazis claiming that russia is trying to describe that these poor people.
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the state department found no evidence of gross violations of human rights committed by the 12 brigades as so, which is why they're lifting their band on the units confused. oh, that's understandable. because for years they us refuse to supply them with weapons . because quote, us officials determine that its founders espouse braces, xenophobic and ultra nationalist views, and dolph quotes. and here it is from the horse's mouth. however, it is certainly true that a very small part of the person in military is neo nazi and people need to be honest about that for months. viral image after viral image has been circulating ukrainian soldiers with various kinds of nazi symbols on them. this is not some incidental accidental,
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small marginal number of people in the military for us who are openly touting nazi id, ology on our search for the facts. we learned one thing for certain. today there are nazis in ukraine. i guess all those reputable media organizations are all the comments payrolls do, and this information to the masses. it's worth noting that russian, this information has actively worked to discredit special forces is offered aid. they have long tried to conflate, ukraine's national guard unit of 12. the special forces brigade is off with a militia formed to defend ukraine against rush is invasion in 2014, called the is off battalion. now what's interesting is that it's on clear when think it was actually less, but that bad with the us state department refusing to comment on specifics box there been reports of as all fighters use in american weapons, they didn't all the way back. so it's 2017, a shipment of 100 dsl. our one systems are reportedly arrived in ukraine in april
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2017. as confirmed by both the contract leak by south front and ukrainian journalist, you are able to so many of these 100 p. so one systems were sent to military units in the dumbass, including military unit, $3057.00 base, the mary uber, more widely known as the union made of soldiers from the as a battalion, according to the sale of the company involved. that what's being done with very close coordination with the us embassy. so he will say department, the pen. so gone ends of the ukrainian government. incredible. considering that this was right after that he was banned the results battalion. originally, the state department should pressure key if to dissociate itself with this group and investigated whether any of our weapons or training have already been provided to them. they were concerned at one point that seems but now all of that is out of the window and it's a general tendency that we've been observing that sort of white washing of nazi is of how else can you explain the countless examples of western officials praising
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former nazis and their modern followers. you can remember the standing ovation, so the nazi veterans in canada, which became an international sensation as the prime minister boars. johnson, welcome and the delegation from the battalion. so they, you take parliament praise and i'm calling them a heroes and less than their banner with a neo nazi symbol. to the state department given the metal of herbs to a ruthless, cold blooded killer, while healthy, evacuated women and children from areas affected by war. ukrainian military veteran scott secretly documented russian forces committed atrocities during
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the sca easy, 3 enters cup through whose towns and covered in the blood of the elderly women and children. in march, 2022, she pretended to be a mother of 2 children who aspiring she had killed herself in 2014. the person actually participated in the seizure of the power and ukraine from 2014, 2018. she's a new now to is in the don't bass region. she gave me these crimes against civilians. if a leopard apparently contains its spots done, why not list the bad on all kinds of? or i says, well, they will when they need them. because this isn't about human rights, it's about strategy to stay with us right here in our tea international. i'll be back with much more and about 30 minutes by the


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