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tv   News  RT  June 16, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence. the 2 hostages being held in southern rushes, well stalls have now being free while these fixed eyes, this lynx terrorists holding their prison dogs for wrong sense of being neutralized 12 countries, including key players from the global sounds with thieves to sign the final declaration episode pulled the case stomach in switzerland, initiated by new price and washington green lines to arms deliveries to you frames the infamous. i love battalion to find its own legislation. previous read findings to full would have been me or not the link for the very well. welcome to you. this is the weekly on notate international when you the
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latest world news updates, along with around that. but the stories that shapes the week is great to have you with us. i was starting from russia's southern city, a roast of and done with special forces, how successfully fried to prison guards, who were taken hostage by convicted ice as members earlier on sunday. russia's federal penitentiary service report was the hostage takers involved have now being eliminated during the special operation to free hostages in the russian pre trial detention center in the roster fridge and the criminals were eliminated, the employees were held hostage were released and were not injured. gunshots will hurt a special forces stones, but the tension sense of where the situation unfolded. of the the hostage takers, how the mon did the release as well as a, gets away call and west, as well as security forces at the streets in the area quote. and off to protect the public before the terrorists were eliminated, special forces all set to a fee,
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negotiating the release of the hostages. washington law enforcement agencies report that the hostages were taken by a 6 prisoners who declared themselves to be members of the office tower group. 3 of the 6 prisoners will in prisons last year while planning a terror attack on a supreme court building. and one of the russian regions there was sentenced to 18 years in prison. and i was you can see on your screen since the rest of these terrorists back in 2023 for they were findings to blow off the tower che chick test seo. supreme court, 5 men to be russians, federal security service money to stop them off to being detained. they were transferred to the facility where the incident took place. today, i'll take correspondence, ramon called her of joins my colleague ritual. we believe in the studio with more details so far, we know that so all of it service had been liquidated. we are receiving this news from russia, federal penitentiary service at the moment. all of those people they say are killed
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. and thankfully, the hostages have been left on skates on the harm. what we know so far is that in the morning at the hostages of were taken by 6 people that were in the rest of the prison. they were apparently getting ready to be shipped off that penitentiary. and so they were in the temporary detainment at that point. in the any case, it looks like, according to some inside sources, if you took the hostage just several months to prepare this escape, according to special services, they must have had help from the outside as well. what they did was they loosened the grill over over so and the basically took it out. that's how they escaped into the, in the yard of the prison. and eventually took the warden and the man in charge of the supervisor who took them off as your service right away. they demanded weapons, they demanded a car and demanded a safe passage to
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a foreign country. now thankfully there was a quick response from the police from the special services they were immediately on the seed. locals reported outages on social media, so that was taken care of as well. and we had to why police there. the entire central received us chords, adults as well. now, in terms of what happened before, that's all of these prisoners, they were held in different cells of this temporary decision facility. but somehow they still managed to coordinate with that's what law enforcement is looking at at the moment. try to figure out what actually happened there. now the terrace were posting videos of what they originally so they had access to uh, cellphones, smartphones that access to the internet initially that was later cut off, there was saying that this group was prepared by a lie himself. and so these 4 there are legions to, uh, isis,
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which is the for the legal. so what can you tell us about these 6 terrorists who took the hostages and said what, what do we know about them? well, the, they already received a lot of sentences for selling them 18 years, some of them over 18 years. now. these man there from church and republic, uh, from uh, english shakia and the other place in north, other places more. so congress is now there was sentence for an attempt to blow up a supreme court in the north congress, the republic of a kind of tribal circus. yet in prison. they were, they were already given carriers that are 6, and this is what the federal penitentiary provided for us saying your territories as persons who study propagandized profess force, fred extremist, ideology and a pro into convincing terrorist attacks the one that one of the people was also registered as a person from committing suicide and a self harm. so these are the kind of the terrace we're looking at right now. we're
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all included on the list of terrorist and they see this year in russia. now we also know from the special services that these people who are liquid liquidated, they, uh, they all had to contact. so it was um, uh, with medicines in syria, my various social media and uh, whether a plot thing. their terrorist attack in a rush think of, i would sure is. yeah. they were operating uh, under instructions uh from the militants, uh, in the mid least felt deeper into the event solve today and stay on top of the news about the hostage taking. and most of them don't. you can follow on websites off a don't. com, where you'll find the latest information from the ground and more on the stories of joints communicate has come out of this article, ukrainian p summit,
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but k of pushed full on swiss to look over t's organize, not only attendees were on board with representatives from 12 states, so they event refusing to sign off and coding p global south play a saudi arabia in the south africa and resume as find out more on this. now i'm doing the studio biology correspondence. phase 2, a nice day. thanks for coming in. so quite a strong song from a 10 days we have refused to sign, not into and communicate that. could you tell us more about that? well, yes, so the, a 2 day circle piece of it that was held in switzerland has now wrapped up. and of course, they've left us with plenty to talk about plenty to pay cobra. most importantly, i guess is that the just the ac countries out of the 92 that were represented that there were other bodies present at the conference. but these are countries which i don't have 19 to have signed up to the final declaration. now this 12 companies, of course, the, the refuse to sign the fund will communicate these. the companies made me from the
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bible south, including saudi arabia to live on india, mexico to south africa, brazil. now the indian represents, they've made a very, very strongly wooded declaration on behalf of his delegation. and he said not only with a refusing to sign up to the final declaration, but anything that came out of the confidence a toll can all of you on the, those options acceptable to both bodies can lead to a biting piece in line with this approach, we have decided to avoid association with the joint communicate or any other document emerging from the summit. now some of those countries were reticent about joining the conference, a total and an express regret that russia hadn't been invited to attend the mistakes. it was something that was absolutely crucial for any serious discussions around peace on the goals, leave. so lock you all use around this table because we want to support every piece
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initiators, body, it is necessary to have whole stakeholders involved in the process. and here it is . a central to emphasize that any credible process will need russia's participation . gonna request the absence of the russian federation and the people's republic of china. at this time, it's called that being more resolve oriented. if the other costs you to the conflict the restaurant 1st present in the room. now many countries had simply refused to attend the conference. a toll practiced on was one of them. but perhaps most importantly, china who of course had outlined its own piece proposal, which was rejected by ukraine on his allies. now the columbia and president, gustavo petro, i made a particularly diving statement saying that he wouldn't attend. he said that the outcome was pre determined, but he said the dialogue between russia and ukraine was absolutely crucial in any peace negotiations. the setting of the swiss form is not the free form to discuss
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path for peace between russia and ukraine. its conclusions are already pre determined. i suspend my trip to the medium in switzerland and i ask you up to discuss the ways to cease the war and not to extend it. i will say when it comes to the actual text of the community that it has been published tons and it could you break it down for us. well, this communicate revolves around 3 main points. now the 1st one is nuclear security, and it mentions is that for us, you a nuclear power plant and it says that it must come on the ukraine control. but when it fails to mention is that ukraine has subjected the facility to constant shedding. it fails to mention the attack on the couple of good time, which of course is crucial for coding for that we act as in that plan. it also talks about food security and it mentions the ships in the block on the as all cities. but again, it says that food shouldn't be weaponized, but it's,
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i also mentioned a game that is russia, that is provided tons of free grains african nations, and some of the porous and most valuable countries i'm finally mentioned is the release of prisoners. and i was talking about these alleged kid not children, but it mentions of soldiers and members of the armed forces. but again, if i was to mention is that russia have presented a list very recently of around 5 hundreds of prisoners. but the ukraine had up to, to any, take a handful of those which would make the as a fighters. but then again, the statement says that we believe p region piece requires involvement entitled between a policies. but of course, russia wasn't invited to attend at the conference, express is respect for the you and job to. one of the points express is, was about respecting territorial integrity. but as all the, perhaps signing up to that's what is well and costs of over. so, without any hint of irony so, so there's nothing waiting you,
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nothing but to the groundbreaking in the, in this community. and we have to say that the confidence appears to have been something of a false. remember, just over $100.00 of the $170.00 invitees actually attended the conference in the 1st place and it was a conference that came a huge cost with around $11.00 meeting in us dollars spent on just secure with the yellow. it sounds like a very expensive p r a has been to me. and just before the stomach kicks off on saturday, the day before the russian president actually spoken, proposed another piece, initials to is that ukraine on his allies, promptly reject it. and tell us more about that. well, yes, that's why on the eve of the conference, russian president vladimir putin outlined a piece proposal that would lead to ac. so now he said that ukraine in foods must withdrawal from the territory snooty incorporated into the russian federation. a bunch and particularly at don't yet new guns can. he said that like that ukraine must give off his plans to join nato. now he offered some food to facilitate the
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safe withdrawal of troops from those areas. but he also warned the if those terms when accepted next time, the offer would be very, very different. now of course, this was instantly dismissed by ukraine audit spot, cuz some of the lights is coming from uh, the american national security advisor, jake sullivan. who on sunday you said that uh, signing this deal with the crime dissolved. it would leave it vulnerable and it defies common sense, but the kremlin specify press bytes when the beat you press. golf said that it was, it knew quite as best interest to sign the deal with the situation on the problem. listening is as good as cutting down put every time poor and speaks of peace initiatives. and when attempts are made to enter the political diplomatic channel. and i just, there are certain conditions on the ground because each time they get worse for ukraine, do not make the current dynamics of the situation at the front. clearly demonstrates to us that it will only get worse for ukrainians. that's. but probably
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a politician who puts the interest of the mother land above his own and even above his masters would think about such a proposal as well. let's see what happens. i repeat once again, this is not an ultimatum. here. this is precisely a peaceful initiative which, which is made taking into account the realities on the ground. one put in does not reject anything. he does not reject the possibility of negotiations such as to his constituencies. now the other responses were perhaps fairly predict to the government johnson the old off show said that the proposal was what meant as a distraction from the peas come, but some he said that they weren't even discussed. the g 7 liter summit company taking place at the same time. and it's me, but apparently he didn't even stay till the end of the peace conference. he slipped away a us president job. i didn't attend the to he preferred to attend a hollywood fundraiser with a lot of george clooney and julia roberts preferring those actors over another. but
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the vice president come, all i have is did attendance. she was clear, the extending the conflict in ukraine was in the best interest of the us. as i'm finding in my support for the people of ukraine is unwavering. we support your claim, not out of charity, but because the people of ukraine and their future is in our strategic interest or so here we have the absurdity of a peace conference dismissing a piece proposal. please conference without russia on a piece confidence that fail to attain any sense of security. now, at the end of the proceedings that let's get announced a 2nd conference where the funded details are going to be flushed out and then proposed to rush up. in the meantime, the psalms will continue to flow on the death toll. we'll continue to rise, indeed finds the coming and stay of appreciate that the south east, east sweeney washington has approved for the delivery of us weapons to
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ukraine's obligation story. as far as neo nazi affiliations and shippers were previously hold to do so between 6 during this time after thorough review, ukraine's 12 special forces, a soft brigade past leahy bedding as carried out by the us department of state. at the beginning of the don't bass conflicts in 2014, when the media was more open and about the as all true colors, washington's ne laws prevented supplies. typically it finds it was implicates been human rights abuses and he was hon. bond on shipments to and so forth is for 9 years because of the groups extremist affiliations. but now washington has no substance policy as it sounds like you claim stuff as a spring of defense on the battlefield. i'll say correspondence. marina calls are about how's the details, and so the create it all kind the end ices as well dispenser and army,
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neo nazis claiming that russia is trying to describe that these poor people. the state department found no evidence of gross violations of human rights committed by the 12 brigades as so, which is why they're lifting their band on the units confused. well, that's understandable because for years they, us refuse to supply them with the weapons. because quote, us officials determine that its founders a spouse, braces xenophobic and alter nationalist views and dolph quotes. and here it is from the horse's mouth. however, it is certainly true that
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a very small part of the printing and military is neo nazi and people need to be honest about that for months. viral image after viral image has been circulating ukrainian soldiers with various kinds of nazi symbols on them. this is not some incidental accidental, small marginal number of people in this military for us who are openly touting nazi ideology on our search for the facts. we learned one thing for certain today there are nazis in ukraine. i guess all those reputable media organizations are all the comments payrolls to do and this information to the masses. it's worth noting that russian, this information has actively worked to discredit special forces is offered aid. they have long tried to conflate ukraine's national guard unit of 12 special forces brigade, as of, with a militia formed to defend ukraine against rush is invasion in 2014, called the is off battalion. now what's interesting is that it's on clear when
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think it was actually list that, that bad with the us, they department refusing to comment on specifics box. there's been reports of as all fighters use in american weapons, that they didn't all the way back. so it's 2017, a shipment of 100 dsl r. one systems reportedly arrived in ukraine in april 2017. as confirmed by both the contract leak by south front and ukrainian journalist, you are able to so many of these 100 p. so one systems were sent to military units in the dumbass, including military unit, $3057.00 based in murray, uber or widely known as the union made of soldiers from the as a battalion, according to the sale of the company involved that was being done with very close coordination with the us embassy that he was state department, the pen. so gone ends of the ukrainian government. incredible. considering that this was right after that he was banned the as of battalion. originally, the state department should pressure key to dissociate itself with this group. and
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investigated whether any of our weapons or training have already been provided to them. they were concerned at one point that seems but now all of that is out of the window. and it's a general tendency that we've been observing that sort of white washing of nazi is . how else can you explain the countless examples of western officials praising former nazis and their modern followers? you can remember the stand in a way shit. and so the nazi veterans in canada, which became an international sensation as the prime minister boys johnson welcoming the delegation from the battalion. so they, you take parliament praise and i'm calling them a heroes as less than their banner with a neo nazi symbol. here's to see the
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state departments given the metal of cards to a roofless cold blooded killer, while healthy evacuated women and children from areas affected by war. ukrainian military veteran scott secretly documented russian forces committed atrocities during the sca easy, 3 into his cup through whose towns and covered in the blood of the elderly women and children. in march, 2022, she pretended to be a mother of 2 children whose parents, she have deal herself in 2014 the bus, and actually participated in the seizure of the power in ukraine. from 2014, 2018 to drain new and that's is in the don't bass region. she gave me these crimes against civilians. if the left for the parent, they can change its spots. then why don't list the bad on all kinds of or isis? well, they will when they need them,
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because this isn't about human rights. it's about strategy of it's in the middle east now the i d. s. has reportedly a band and they plans tactical pools off the v is ready. permanent council, dealing with the army has announced establishments of daily 11 hour if you want us to hurry and current on sunday to allow a deliveries along the main road. in southern garza, the proposed post follows in his way of tackling round file when a id of soldiers were killed on saturday. is where it is believed the ominous vehicle explosion was close by. i planted explosives, so unsafe tongue file to palestinians will report to be killed and several other than just during the offensive as ideas get struck, a neighborhood. the shelf is hundreds of palestinians displaced in 5. the war lights across the lines. now to gary the oppenheimer, a member of the peace, now movement board of directors. many thanks for joining us on the program. it's very good to say so we have quite a confusing situation here. the idea announces
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a tactical pool was ms. russell operations sunday morning, but reportedly trump said, let's just say well, most immediately, what do you make of that? it makes it a very good example of specific j streaming which we are. and these are the government is open the gate to allow you mean if they're in a b 2 guys like to us? and those are the problem to do it because of the i 5 check point is close. so most of them humanitarian aid today getting to south discussing different ways. therefore, in order to open the boulder and to allow the human 7 a not to be stocking the easy way to but to go into grocer, it was a minute the decision not to ever cease fire. it's not about the fed. the. it's only talk because a decision to allow human that to and trucks going on one vote in guys that you know the to allow the monitor in a inside got immediately after the announcement. is there any right dream? the think these way, the government, the problem is the,
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in the i'll me about being too soft. we defined a spinning and given just choose the palestinians. therefore we know that then you all know that it's something. so the 1st i immediately reacted and, and now, and this is cancer and it was not according to his policy. but this is the policy that is read totally excepted. and you know that to advise you know, and the crisis at the moment, they're in crisis and depression from the outside, including from the dimension of just the school. therefore, we again we see miss and y'all was smoke politicians that these making the political decision and not the decision that to be taken in order to save easily interest and also to keep human human rights. it seems, peo, tech doesn't, are the how to, into the idea of plans the announce without the knowledge of the wall carpenters including the is ready appointment is the, i'm the defense mean to send me what is this saying about possible disagreements
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between the rules? dorothy is in the army field kalonde and we, we, we do see the. ready the continuous. ready conflict between the political evan and . ready the military live in south and the on the 7th and behind the scenes, you can see still the tension and the willingness of the politician to slow all the blame on the. this is what the, and these government, the info. immediately after the ethics. you say that into the, on the phone to know the petition. they know that to avoid the criticism. that's all for the politicians, including at the now it's a very good day because they can get a clear, a show that the army is making their own decision. he's out of the beach. the really mean behind the story is different than you know. i don't know if you knew about this specific announcement, but the new, the days where the army obligated to allow you more than a, then this is part of the application slip to cease fire. it's only to allow tracks good, the name to guys. and once we left them to go,
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we can assume that eventually this shouldn't be the case. we doubt may be a person of these, but is when we allow the trucks to get things done. and we promise the people that are driving the trucks, not to take the specifics, a lot, a initial appli manage if it was announced, if it's an opportunity to deliver more a, it's a gauntlet which crucially needs that days. do you think that was really intention to think it was genuine? and i think that these are these know, these little do need to because if you would like to do, you do need to because it has to do according to the international level. and we know that there is a huge campaign against these. read about what's going on and off 5, mean garza in do you, when you do in cases, it's not something in the media, it's the really free. and that this up in the mean does, therefore eventually is what it should take, the popular decision among user, at least, but the right decision to all the international community into a low a,
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into wi fi in a dress. this is whether it's trying to do your drive to and i'll be, you're going to throw in a into guys that you know that to gain more time to fight against come us. but the politicians immediately understand that they might, they pay a price politically with inside it's on the political base that they owe. again, he's moving away of this section the same. this is look my oldest and try again to gain to bolt him on his way in on the expense of the interest of the state professor. it's interesting isn't it that the you, when have knowledge to officially welcome this plan before it was a band and how might this positive global response have affects the decision of the his way, the whole combination and what all the perspectives of the humanitarian aids to, to reach concept, which it did with the funds the support was supposed to be, but now it's against negative feedback. and it says, you know, it's a, it's a,
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it's a, it's a, it lose lose situation for years. but because not only that, these when is not getting the support is getting a lot of criticism because of this page is kind of the definitely today. and regarding the ab, it says i, i can assume that the eventually is when, when it has no choice but without the 8 into gaza. the problem is that the dry, the drivers of the truck, so it's way to get to because they know that sometimes these are the how many use executive districts because they suspect that they come us, people are not just you meet them and therefore there was not a really list of the fucking drivers to go into the boulders, to take the same. and you're going to turn in a and these, these a huge amount. so if you want me to throw in a that these, these are just waiting to get the guys, i believe that maybe with the other person or these with the outright games to both are. and while i'm doing that without a trying to and a pre,
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a to be issue out of receiving these with the meter, he really allow the trucks to go into big day of the aid and there is no other chase for ease, right? otherwise, the lesson, i suppose, the vision, the international section can be much bigger than what it is now. i guess i like to say things to us to say, i really appreciate your time on your insides, but we've been speaking say public system comments as a member of the director of supportive pace now movement garrath open. hi my. thank you. thank you and thank you for joining us. there are no to international. we always appreciate, you'll come to the web back at the top of the level, the very latest data, the
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hello and welcome to was a part in political science. the turnbull can, i say sion is used to describe the process of an offer and deliver its fragmentation. of a country or territory into a small or an open house filled parts when it comes to the ball comes today how solid occurring porters will discuss that. i'm now enjoyed by new i got a president of the republic a subsequent. mr. president. thank you very much. for your time and for visiting rusher this time. and thank you for taking the time to sit for an interview, i guess from europe i read today. thank you. that's what did you decide to come for a visit or what email. what was the number that you're that i've been coming here for many years and i'm always glad to have this opportunity for the 31st and i'm grateful to the organizer i'm president present for regular and.


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