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tv   News  RT  June 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the bonner's flags and flowers. north korea prefers the welcome russian president vladimir putin for his 1st visit to the country in 24 years. we just arrived in north korea is great in the russian delegation with western flags. are also few boards highlights differentiated between tonja and moscow. while the russian leader himself provides insight into what might be discussed with his north, between advertising the product common pushed by against western sanctions on the news security framework in eurasia. also head on the program, china last year is all it's up to us for sending officials to engage with the veterans purge, believe it, the dalai lama to beijing considers
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a separate test and fucked you with families with children, from the rough uh, full victim, to idea of strikes on the central gulf from the us secretary of state assures is real of what they need to the so the welcome to our, to international. my name's you to know mainland 30 minutes of news. you start snow russian. north korean ties are a bite to be boosted significantly. lot of are putting the set to sign a treaty, establishing a comprehensive, strategic partnership between the 2 nations pen will be put the paper in pyongyang where it rushes president will begin 8 to date states as it shortly. it will mark mister putin's 1st trip there in over 2 decades. russian flags um portraits to all
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of the nation's leader are now lining the streets of the capital under concentrated kim il sung square, where a welcome ceremony will take place on wednesday. a day of meetings and events for the visiting north screen leaders will follow as the city awaits vladimir, put into arrive of sites representing historic ties with russia, with their own full display the
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we just arrived in film. yeah. north korea is reading the russian delegation with washer and flags. there are also billboards highlights and differentiated between po, yeah, and most north korea is meetings, let them are put in with portrays and slacks of rush back and forth. those can be seen on almost all the street, the city, surprisingly beautiful and clean. there are also a lot of modern areas contribute to stereotypes, is the grandiose event celebrated on a grand scale. whether we're putting was lost here in 2000 as well on the eve of the trip, the russian leader praised the most close relationship with the d. p. r. k. highlighting the united stance on the international arena. telling young was and remains are staunch like minded support to ready to resolutely resist the desire of the collective west to prevent the formation of a multi point. a world order based on justice, mutual respect for sovereignty and consideration of each other's interests. how does it visit, printing is highlighting the emergence of a new multi power in
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a world one which the west and in particular the united states seems to undermine the ferrying i lost all power. now this is the russian presence. first trip to po, i'm young. in 24 years, this is usually significant, is a very high profile delegation, foreign minister, so guy leverage has joined the trip as has defense minister by the use of now this follows chemist visit to russia in 2023. he went home to invite food team to visit the democratic people's republic of korea. now in this wide ranging all school coaching also assignments north korea for support for the special ministry operation. and they also praised the dpr k for fighting to defend this interest. despite this huge pressure from the united states, we highly appreciate the dpr k strong support for the russian special military operation in ukraine. it's solidarity with us on key international issues and its
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readiness to defend coming priorities and views at the united nations. it is gratifying that the korean friends, despite many years of economic pressure, publications, blackmail and military threats from the united states, are equally effective and defending their interests. we see with what strength, dignity, and courage, the people of the d. d r k are fighting for their freedom sovereignty and national traditions came and says he's looking forward to consolidating the relationship between 2 powerful nations on strengthening peace and stupidity. meaningful dice and clothes and become a report which would continue between us in the future will. so that consolidate the total cornerstone of the p r k. a russian relations in the new era and on these basis strongly promoted because of the 2 countries building powerful nations and make it positive contribution to realizing the level of peace and security and genuine international justice on the victory and prosperity are always installed
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for the peoples of the 2 countries across the united with common aspirations and ideals, perhaps on surprisingly the west has been apoplectic, would range over the visit. i'm particularly the dean, putting relationship between the 2 nations. now, the west has constantly accused pyongyang of supplying russia with weapons to use and you find something which both nations have denied. career, of course, is placed on the very heavy sanctions. this is made me would like to to uh, its weapons program and phase of the expansion over its new to also now in mulch, russia vetoed a un security council resolution. what you would have expanded the mandate of the panel of experts, a tossed with enforcing those sanctions of the west. of course, we know we watching very, very closely the western media as go into a title spin about the visit m. washington says, what it say is the security on dependent you that but also uh over the d for the relationship between russia and north korea. we're not concerned about the trip.
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well, we are concerned about trevor is the deepening relationship between these 2 countries . not just because of the impact is going to have on the ukrainian people because we know north cream ballistic missiles are still being used to hit the crating and targets. but because there could be some reciprocity here that could affect security on the korean peninsula. now, so has also expressed its concerns, it says that it doesn't want no relationship between north korea and russia to develop into some kind of ministry cooperation. now, no 3 of costs have strengthened dates. military, we've seen the westgate rig side to the re ballistic missile launch, but kevin says this is justifiable and he saw seats us minutes. we are unable drill was carried out with south korea and japan, which it sees as an escalation that it, as soon as i saw 2 people, because security part, which it says not only the stabilizes the region, but it probably is, is a direct threat to pay on young stake sweeney taking us through that. now we also
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heard the thoughts of asia based financial, consulting, angelo juliano, essays, the visit suggests there's a new dynamic that could offset the west power in the region. yeah, i would say there's a, there's probably a frog which is created on the lines of uh, they will not coordinate an alliance, but the partnership is thought we did, you know the p restaurant in china. so we see clearly here russia in china, they've got to go along with the connect. the west is as they were doing before, when they put the sanctions on north korea because they were weak. uh, knock and the gloves are off. i think it's the stage was, you know, we see what sections don't work and it's, uh they are just words. it's just with tories. in reality, nothing with happened. but of course, i think it's important just to it's a way of sol for putting to put pressure on the collective west and show that they
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got to know by meeting together that this sending us a clear signal that question each day. and uh if, if, if it's needed, rochelle, we stepped up with china while you are in the right place for all the latest news regarding flooding. we're putting in north korea. when he lands, we make sure you're kept right up to date with what comes out of it over the next 2 days. the more use to bring, you know, late so should self reflect rather than arbitrarily smear um the tax shina that was the response of the countries far enough for his ministry. after the alliance, the secretary general took direct aim at paging for its growing alignment with multiple phone calls of what kind of way do this the international community has its own opinion on the role played by nature as
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a product of the cold world and the world's largest auditorium looked at the ukraine crisis. interesting with naples should do self reflect, then it's really smear and attack china. j at one form yet. well then g, and also urge nato to stop shifting blame over the ukraine crisis. his review came after the blogs chief claim, china has been providing vital miller treat technology to russia. it kind of continue in the way it is like, uh it is today, which china really tries to have a normal relationship with you to be in. and they do all of us at the same time, are enabling a restaurant to conduct a war of aggression against european countries. this has done about how this trying of change has its behavior. what kind of consequences should and this have a for, for instance, our trade relations to are they to say. but it has to be an issue that we need to address because to continue to do today is not a viable or are to contribute. our college are spoke to the program earlier,
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he believes nato tries to impose its will, lot of frustration because china and russia dare to stand up to the block. in china and russia are one of the few truly sovereign states in the world right now. russia and china can say no to the united states. this is what natal alliance does not like me to not believing in sovereignty of nation states, and they like to impose or will. and this, what they mean when say, when they say they will impose a cos, the act like the whole world. is there a sandbox? yes, it's 6 hedge demonic virus. that's all in the brain of all the nato bureaucrats. i think that's making the them the enemy of most of the country in the global south at this point. and they to, it's not the only block pointing fingers at beijing. recently, the g 7 liter spinal declaration accused china of supplying russia with weapons components. the countries foreign ministry, spokes person criticize the economic grouping, calling it
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a true that's being used by a global minority. she would use the g 7 does not represent the world. the 7 countries only accounts for 10 percent of the world's population. and year after year they're sharing the global economy has kept dropping. g 7 has long straight from its original purpose of coordinating force, the buick team to global economic environment. and has increasingly become a political tool to pitch with your lesson wisdom supremacy. or to cultivate our carl john again saves the west once to re label glories from the past. while other organizations like bricks are dinning forward movement still lived in the past, the 7 has been useless by the total aggregate of bricks already. and that trend continuing. when they try to dictate to china and russia, when the g 7 is own aggregate power has been fine,
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it is a sign of desperation. this is not a sign of the strip. you know, when you, when you are strong naturally strong, you don't need to emphasize to people that you are strong. you want me to flexion much. those they have done so far aware that they are belonging to the declining care and they want it. they still want their last more in the sun, but you know their, their, their errors passing or paging has also blasted washington over in meeting with the dalai lama considered a separate test politician by china, former democratic leader congress women, nancy pelosi is leading an official us delegation for talk with the exile, spiritual leader, planned for this wedding state. now the chinese foreign ministry, cold in washington to rethink the move just as an ally the 14th daylight lama
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is not simply a religious figure, but a political exile, waging in anti trying the separate despite duties disguised as the religious speaker where gravely concerned about the relevant of reports when search the west to fully recognize the inside china, separate this nature of the dalai lama group on there. it's commitments on the 2 big issue. refrain from any form of contact with them and stop sending the wrong message to the outside world. show way too high level by bosses on you was done edition is the cut on sean. all. this is another stage of the module for the the navigation to nancy below. see the former us house speaker to somebody was norm 400 sign us down. somebody who's been very good, we don't, we need to size china's pharmacies. not the deb you should've expected to meet with a divide mama sometime tomorrow morning in get off time and this visit to buy us that additional score. i've had to shop a reaction from china naturally as expected as cool stuff. a bit
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shallow way is meeting when take face to model essentially is home to the no, that's where he's been maybe a for several years now, but this is where many to me it's a bit to have is there is. so this is a piece that nancy pelosi and the team has chosen for this particular meeting that has china to point out here to discuss these off to the us exec foster view, but oh, just china to re engage with the law i law. this need also comes days before the end, sells eastern sahu to the us. this is sometimes the 1st week of july, when big o 4 of had a good seats meant for his knees, but a widow and also there will be official engagement with the us be presenting to
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that. that is on the clear at this time of the day, insisting the developments here. oh, do you remember nancy? lucy, somebody who west just died long. this is back in august 2022 and her lane had millions of views of perhaps um, this is the 1st time that a lot of the had so many views ever since about perhaps landed on the moon. this was, was a way of showing off how this to reaction from china by that as well. and now that edition is back in this time of the india. oh, really will be meeting the line mom off. this is tomorrow for us. this is the do better be story and we will be keeping a truck or i to them at least know or idea of strikes. one guys that took the lives
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of at least 17 palestinians overnight, according to local health officials casualties were reported in the southern city of rough or on the news to rock camp in the entry of centre and warning, disturbing images a head the aftermath from a series of raids reportedly left 2 homes destroyed by idea of 4 things. among the victims are displaced, families, children, the elderly, who had recently relocated from its belief more people remain. trump, under the rubble of officials, expect the number of casualties to increase the housing authority, say the debt total in the strip since october, 7th, not a 6 out over $37300.00 or less than the us secretary of states. sage washington remains committed to arming israel, however, on some people and can confirm that the delivery of one specific batch of american palms suspended by the pentagon last month is still up in the air. as we,
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as you know, are continuing to review one shipment that president bible has talked about with regard to 2000 pound bombs because of our concerns about their use in a definitely populated area blank for off of that remains other under review. but everything else is moving as it normally wouldn't move. and again, with the perspective of making sure that is israel has what it needs to defend itself against this multiplicity of challenges as well. that's as fellow citizens of is really is, are rallying in jerusalem against the netanyahu government, humbling all of the gals of war that's not across to ortiz, middle east bureau chief, maria, finish the who's covering the protest evening. we're yet familiar. a scene is really politicians. we know have faced months of months in public pressure isn't working. what's being said, i'll see event today,
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the well over to you and then well, i have to say that it's really verbal and teens original in tonight's people who have data nearest thousands of them are in grand rated. it's very loud. you, your people want to make their voice heard at a while, we just heard that the washington is ready to space, to vent committees and provide israel within a weapon to continue the war in job to bizarre. his phone law. and the address for us is ro is currently facing these people here just want this whole nightmare. e's real has been leaving here in the last 8 months to and they blame the 10. yeah. for, for that, this is the 3rd day in the road that is really the protest and across the country, demanding crime. it has to step down. i'm calling for elections to be here from time to time, the crowd trying to pay all tax, which means electrons. now in front of the mass of is really problem and now
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thousands of the as you can see have gavin here. but. 2 other places also protests, so rob to demonstrators have been endangered. we believe burning. fire isn't locked in the road. several people have already been arrested on monday for the test. when filings to we saw series clashes on as a streets. this is where you can. yeah. who's residencies located? full police officers? i'm a link to civilian for one that is really forced to disperse the crowd. one medical worker was injured in her eye and last visions they were a rash says wow, how earlier in tuesday you are and in the world, everyone named tel aviv baby once again said the division is weakness, unity grand. there is anything but do need to that we can senior in israel, public is divided. people are losing patience. there is a place and we think this is really leadership on monday. as you know, the country board cabinet was dismantled up to 2 of its 6 members, including guns,
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key, or position seger. we decided to support the ruling called mission of israel face october 7th, friday, last, the emergency cabinet. he criticized before politically and has a patient accusing from minister of being too busy with his own political survival in had of acting in the country. national interests allow guns as well as people here waiting. listen, yahoo prime minister haines, that's the lack of tools and support from america that prevents a israel from getting the job done. here's the thing. yeah. who just earlier asking for even more assistance from it. recently here ago we had to kind of conversation. i said, i deeply appreciate and the support for us is doing is over from the beginning of the war. but also said somebody else. i said it's inconceivable that in the past
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few months, instruction has been holding weapons and ammunition stores. israel americans closest allies fighting for its like finding the against the wrong and our other common enemies. the secretary lincoln showed me that the, this jason is working day and hard to remove these bars. i certainly hope that's the case. it should be the case during world war 2, church will told the united states give us the tools, we'll do the job. and i say give us the tools and we'll finish the job a lot. that's why that's important to remember it as a massive brand to government protests have been shaking these role even before the guys a war. but this was some conflict between israel and her mom. and the way is really, their shape has been dealing with people who are say, just provided ex reasons for them to be frustrated and angry. none of the goals of these really milton operation in the palace, teen and in place has been achieved. 120 is really hostages. as you remember,
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i still have some way jobs are probably in underground tunnels, in dire condition within yahoo, alternate harvey to back america, post austin to do a proposal that has been on the table for more than 3 weeks already. at the same time, her mass is capable of sending me solves to israel. i d. f. true face serious resistance on the ground still and not only in the southern part of the guys of the tree but a wrong way. they pushed the militants during the 1st months of the war, but now the back of this tree began. and all that with the norm, as human law says, god, the people say more than 37000 palestinians were killed. hundreds of it's really military guy, didn't guys as well, pensions continue in his phone, what his attack and he's real and support. oh really. so
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the entire region remains dangerous and the told me israel relations with the syria raise it. and these people are asking, they understand that you will be able to finish the war, returned at home from home. all the trouble is israel back to you before the guy from a vocal jerusalem, re, if most of the site published any an activist and commentator to meet her duty on the safe. there's plenty of figures in the us who would like to see the gals of war continue. you have to understand how the circle of works when it comes to the weapons money and the political pressure. well, you have be,
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in this case we have the industrial complex weapons, industrial, complex, major weapons companies, the biggest in the world. at the same time. yeah. is really lobby, mainly a back. and then you have the politicians, regardless, democrats or republicans white house, congress center, whatever it is. now you will have the industrial complex has an interest in selling what it's so along with the big rush or the congress to approve. and the white house of the politicians in general and deals to israel. israel, we seize those arms deals and it's in the air the grandma on. we've bought the companies that pressured for the decisions in the us government. so you'll have everybody in the space that the benefit be the white house or the politicians by receiving donations of money from
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a back to the complex it back by serving the interest of the state of israel even does contradict the interest of the united states of america, i am a big within scope. they use the industrial companies, so are making money. so everybody benefits who pays for it? you have the american taxpayer, it's their money paying for resources and you have to receive again about the new symbol use who and children and women especially, you are be bob minus. so this money circle is very well know to bring it to the u. k. were active as of storm the factory intent that manufacturers targeting equipment for each bill online for it shows the group named palestine auction smashing really anything in the way recent trade data shows that wishes to next government has improved more than $100.00 export deals with israel since november,
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almost how are from military related products and the risk to include equipment that could be used by it's really force. meanwhile, pro palestinian pro testers in the french capital have again taken to the streets to condemn the countries arms dealer supplying is real. the world's largest international defense and security trade show is taking place. and part of this we well, the is really prime minister. how does the pride of decision by the idea of to implement daily humanitarian pauses in fighting to a lot a to reach civilians in the southern gaza. we've ranked on that plush plus more in depth coverage and analysis of the ongoing more r t dot com. check it out. when you count the brain drain of educated africans to the west, fluid by bigger wages and the dream of a better life has left many nations on the confidence simply on naples to grow their economies. invest the circle of poverty roommate. so who should take the
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blame for that? next we focus on one nation attempting to achieve fruit, independence. 6, the and there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth . is the case for the madness of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a pursuit. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. what are you living online? we have very close propaganda. you know, price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions, ask the better. the answer is will be
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the a hi, i'm rick sanchez. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions
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that he won't get anywhere else. welcome, but please do have the state department c. i a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you, go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside. the brush remains the only colonial empire that still exists in the building. well comprised of both it's colonies. just guys disapprove of seats territories and numerous officially sold for an african states that full under frances, so called from south africa sphere of influence. it's no wonder that any of.


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