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tv   News  RT  June 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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the bonner's flags and flowers dpr, k leader kim, jonathan and braces. russian presidents loved him or was visiting the neighboring country for the 1st time. in 24 years, the head of his arrival, the russian leader emphasized the need for a joint hush. bach with the asian nation against western sanctions and forging a new security framework for your engine. our correspondent is covering the visit in the field. the 1st time in nearly a quarter of a century, vladimir potent as punching down and po 9 per day of negotiation. document signing and even music with kim john was also add on the program. china washes out at the u . s. for sending officials to engage with tibetan spiritual leader. the dalai lama probation considers a separate test the,
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the back you waited, families with children from rockford, the full victim to idea strikes on central gals. that while the us secretary of state's assurance, israel, more weapons are coming to the from us, go to the world. this is our to you little welcome to the news over the russian president has touched on in the democratic people's republic of korea, marking his 1st trip there in almost a quarter of a century. let him know if it was when we met in person on the red carpet at sp young young airport by his culture part kim, german. mr. cameron, brace, mr. pitts. as the russian leader stepped out from his plate, there were seen, casually chopping for several minutes as they strolls along, while being flanked by owner. guards from both countries. then invited conjunction to ride in his presidential office, limousine leaders or do the sit down for talks. and that's significantly 1st thing
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by law for relation young young has been preparing for the arrival well and at the switch sites representing the dpr. k is a star. it ties with russian full display, the 1st time in nearly a quarter of a century. vladimir putting his, touching down in pyongyang for a day of negotiation, documents, signing and even music with tim john on the 2 leaders and there delegations are set to talk cooperation and all different fields from the economy and security to
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agriculture and energy. and last scale was ready to meet or to make this all happen . today, as before, russia and the democratic people's republic of korea are actively developing a multi faceted partnership. i am firmly confident that through joint efforts we will be able to bring by lateral interaction to an even higher level, which will contribute to the development of mutually beneficial an equal cooperation between russia and the d. p. okay, strengthening our sovereignty deepening trade and economic ties. developing contacts in the humanitarians via and ultimately improving the wellbeing of citizens of the 2 states. just last year, trade turnover between russia and the dpr take root in nearly $35000000.00 worth. that's an over 9 fold increase from 2022. that's expected to rise even more with the upcoming signing of a new agreement on strategic partnership that's expected to take place on this trip . no doubt the dpr k is looking towards the future with optimizon,
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a meaningful ties in close colorado. the relationship between us, which will continue in the future, will further consolidate the terminal cornerstone of dpr to a brochure relations in the new era. and on this basis, strongly promoted because of building bar reformations in the 2 countries and make a positive contribution to realizing global peace and security and general and international justice. only the victory and prosperity are always in store for the peoples of the 2 countries who affirmed was united with chrome and aspirations and ideals. the harbor us side, some stuff made life difficult for a socialist korea. it's one of the main reasons why trade volume between young young and moscow had been so low for so long. and on top of that, you were essentially suddenly the dpr k semi reliance on monetary and the $87000000000.00 of which russia sent to the country between 20202021. unfortunately, it's for canary people that stuff for the most by henry, north greece, economic development and the delivery of humanitarian aid sanctions have reversed.
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the gradual improvements that north korea had made in recovering from the arduous march thing to a national community must accept north korea sovereignty and provide support rather than isolate vilified or strong arm that that's why most definitely, okay. for thursday, the bank spurts things. and if you have said the franco restaurant, understand southwest wiper, nice sanctions, we cannot calmly watch one of these emergency measures turn into the indiscriminate weapon for punishing certain states in the context of the situation or on the korean peninsula. this is exactly what happened. it is clearly visible that unless sanctions are completely useless for shipping, the state of goals, but the to a financial and economic blockade of the entire state with old and suing consequences for the population. parts hard. washington said it's going to be following good about speeding very closely. and they're definitely not the only one
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. the whole world is waiting in anticipation to see what developments are going to come out of this historic speeding donald porter park see young yes. head. all of them are put into arrival in peeling young western media was filled with headlines about the us on that side. create an allies, quote, sounding the alarm about the russian presidents arrival on the peninsula. washington's top diplomats, anthony, blinking was clicked away in, say, log some strong allegations, and even threats and both must go. i'm the dpr k, as well as some other nations. as russia try in desperation to develop into strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression that it started against to crate. north korea is providing significant munitions to, to russia and other and other weapons for using ukraine around has been providing when the re, including drones that have been used against civilians,
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is really an infrastructure. and we'll continue to do everything we can to cut off the support that countries like the ron and north 3 are providing appealing, young as well as beijing and tear around up to 9, providing any military assistance for most goes operation in ukraine. i spoke with anti imperialist commentator jeff he brought this is russia, i'm the dpr k are taking their partnership to new levels in defiance of unprecedented pressure from the west. koreans, a very hospitable people in general. and they believe very much in protocol when a president of another country comes to visit you, it would be expected that the president wouldn't greet him, but it's absolutely right that doing so at 3 am, a says something above and beyond the usual levels of courtesy and that is, this relationship is one which is highly valued by the korean people in the 3 and us state secondary, anthony blink, and has said that washington is going to pull out all the stops to cut to north
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korea is a legend, military support to russia, but kind of public to you, what measures couldn't washington actually not resort to, especially considering both russia and north korea are ready to have the most sanctioned countries in the world. a well use you summed up fuel cells said there's nothing left to them to do apart from shout and fume, but they are essentially inconsistent and that was really making them right. so much bye. have a truck and one thing they could, the po, tyler for everything they couldn't russia, it has failed with the coming together of the 3 most targeted countries by imperialism, russia, china, and the depot. okay? all of which have long history is of developing strong self defense. what we're seeing is the bedrock of a whole world and computer is movement, which is going to give confidence, not only to those 3 countries, but to the whole of the rest of the world, which is struggling to throw off the, the us imperialist order in the right place for all the latest news regarding
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a lot of our put and then peeling young will make sure you're capt. drive up to date with the rare visits and all the big news lines emerging from the landmark talks. the nato should self reflect rather than arbitrarily smear an attack. china was the response of the countries for an 1st ministry officer, the alliance. the secretary general took aim in beijing for its growing alignment with most as well. so what kind of way do this is the international community has its own opinion on the role played by nature as a product of the cold world and the world's largest military block in the ukraine crisis. what naples should do self reflect then arbitrarily smear and attack china . j. lynn gym, also words nato, to stop shifting blame over the ukraine crisis. here's review came off to the blocks chief claim. china has been providing vital technology to russia. that could
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aid law school in developing military equipment used in the ongoing ukraine conflict over china has repeatedly denied sending any such replies to help russia special operation you and according to mr. stoughton berg, though beijing faces at decisive response from the west, has made it very clear that it cannot continue in the way. it is like, uh, it is today, which china really tries to have a normal relationship with you to be in. and they tell us that the same time are enabling a restaurant to conduct a more risk against you being country. this has done about how this trying to change has its behavior and what kind of consequences should and these have for, for instance, our trade relations to are they to say. but it has to be an issue that we need to address because to continued us to do today is not a viable r t contributor. carl john spoke to the program earlier. he believes nato tries to
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impose its will, out of frustration because most school invasion there under able to stand off to the block in china and russia are one of the few truly sovereign states in the world right now. russia and china can say no to the united states. this is what nato alliance does, not like me to not believing and sovereignty of nation states. and they like to impose or will. and this what they mean when say when they say they will impose a cause, the act like the whole world. is there a sandbox? yes, it's a huge catch. a monic virus that's on the brain of all the natal bureaucrats. i think that's making the them the enemy of most of the country in the global south. at this point, nato is not the only blog pointing fingers at aging. recently, the final declaration of the g 7 liter summit, i accuse china of supplying russia with weapon components. the countries foreign ministry, spokes person criticized the economic grouping. calling it
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a tool that's being used by a global minority to the g 7 does not represent the world. the 7 countries only account for 10 percent of the world's population year after year, they're sharing the global economy has kept dropping. the g 7 has long straight from its original purpose of coordinating force, the buick team to global economic environment and has increasingly become a political tool to perpetuate the us and wisdom supremacy. or to contribute our call. john, again, phase of the west keeps attempting to flex. it's might want other organizations like bricks are coming together and getting forward momentum. as they still lived in the past. g 7 has been useless by the end is total aggregate g d p of ricks already. and that trend is just continuing when they try to dictate to china and russia. when the g 7 is own aggregate power has
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been declining. it's, uh, it's, it's, it's a sign of desperation. this is not a sign of the strip. you know, when you, when you are strong naturally strong, you don't need to emphasize to people that you are strong. you told me to flexion less those they and then so far aware that there they are belonging to the declining cap and they want it. they still want their last glory in the sun. but you know there's, this is their, their, their errors passing. fishing has also blasted washington over and me thing with the dalai lama considered a separate as politician by china. former a democratic leader, congress, wilma nancy. pelosi is leading an official us delegation for talks with the exile. spiritual leader planned for wednesday, the chinese foreign ministry called and washington to rethink them this just as an ally, the 14th di lama is not simply a religious figure, but
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a political exile engaging in anytime the separatist activities. this guys does the really just figure. we're gravely concerned about the relevant of reports and search the west to fully recognize the inside china. separate this nature of the dalai lama group on its commitments on the 2 bit issue. refrain from any form of contact with them and stop sending the wrong message to the outside world. show way too high level bipartisan you was under the soon as we get caught on sean. all this is a number stage of the module for the, the navigation, nancy below see the former us house speaker to somebody who was norm for her, the china style. somebody who's been very good, we don't need to size china pharmacies. not the deb you should've expected to meet with the july lama, and this visit to by the us delegation. of course, i've had a shop reaction from china naturally as expected as cool stuff. the point of view of charlotte is home to the 9 amo, that's where he's been maybe
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a for several years now, but it was, this is where many divisions and they may have their offices. so this is a piece that nancy below c and the team has shown before this particular i'm meeting a meeting that has a china. let me also point out here to discuss these off to the us exempt either the foster bill or just child re engage with this need also comes days before the end, sells east saddle to the us. this is sometimes the 1st week of july when big oh for a medical treatment for his knees, but oh, we don't know if there will be official agent ways that the us be present data that, that is on the clear at this time of day,
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insisting the developments here also remember nancy for those the somebody who west of tihawn this is back in august 2022 and the lien had millions of viewers of perhaps um this was the 1st time that allowed me had so many views ever since about perhaps landed on the moon, this was with a, with that of china, had us to reaction from china back that as well. and now dedication is back in this time of the india. oh, really will be meeting the deadline nom up. this is a developing story and you will be keeping a top of it to the middle east. idea of strikes and gaza took the lives of at least 17 palestinians. overnights, according to local health officials casualties were reported in the southern city
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of rasa. and the new surround comp, in the end, they've center the warning, disturbing images i had the after my from a series of raids on the last her report as they left 2 homes destroyed by idea of 4 planes among the victims are displaced families, children on the elderly who had recently relocated from nasa, its belief more people remain trapped under the rubble and officials expect the number of casualties to increase gases authority stays the death total in the strip since october 7th. now sits a $37300.00 palestinians. the us secretary of state says washington remains committed to arming israel around so many blinking and confirmed that the delivery of one specific batch of american bones suspended by the pen to go last month is still up in the year. as we, as you know, are continuing to review one shipment that president bible has talked about
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with regard to 2000 pound bombs because of our concerns about their use in that's the populated area. blank for off of that remains other under review. but everything else is moving as it normally wouldn't move at. and again, with the perspective of making sure that is israel has what it needs to defend itself against this multiplicity of challenges. while we just heard that the washington will continue to support and to ally on all levels, including providing these role with even more weapons, to continue to warrant guys or to deter his bonaza threats as ro is currently facing. there's people here in jerusalem and others protests and in other parts of the country, just want this whole nightmare. israel has been living in, in the last 8 months too. and they say their country might need arms to protect itself. but what they believe is really, really needs now is political changes and other governments capable of fixing things, agreement with the enemy to bring their hostages home, rather than more bombs. my wife,
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i was my, those to us. we had been gone. i'm in the looting bed. the season is one of the bed. the season is going thing was the wall. mary bed the season. let's why it will on here. on the free we do. we uh we like it. they are against the people in the band with their role, with their behaviors. we don't, we cannot leave anymore. and the more we can think about it as every few years we have a more we have and we have people who are dying of both sides. i'd say maybe i'm not like, oh, here i the some of the law. they want stuff tomorrow. so we need the agreement. the agreement for this
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again be trading it's people. he's the rober ring directly to build the navy body that this is the day in a row that is really that protests and across the country to month in crime. and as soon as you happen to step down and calling for elections to be here from time to time, the crowd trying to pay all that salvage means a lot. now in here, we are in front of the mass of as rarely problem is. now size is as easy as you can see have gather here. it was earlier in other places, also protest. so rob to demonstrators have been in danger and we've felice, burning fire isn't locked in the road. several people have already been arrested. public is divided. people are losing patience, there is
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a place and we think this is really leadership on monday. as you know, the country board cabinet was dismantled up to 2 of his 6 members, including guns, p, or position cedar. we decided to support the ruling called mission of israel face october 7th, friday, last emergency cabinet done as well as people here waiting list on yahoo. prime minister haines, that's the lack of tools and support from america that prevents a israel from getting the job done. here's the thing. yeah. who just earlier asking for even more assistance from the secretary was recently here we are kind of the conversation. i said i deeply appreciate the support to us is given is the beginning of the war but also said somebody else. i said it's been consumed that in the past few months, ministration has been with the whole weapons, munitions to israel americans closest allies fired for it's like finding the
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density wrong and our other commonalities. secretary clinton showed me that the, the destruction is working day and how to remove these bars. i certainly hope that's the case. it should be the case. during world war 2, churchill told the united states give us the tools, we'll do the job. and i say give us the tools and we'll finish the job a lot faster. none of the goals and things really. milton operation in the palace, teen and in place has been achieved. 120 is really hostages. as you remember, i still have some way you guys are probably in underground finals these dia conditions. we don't. yeah. who is the ultimate harvey to back america, post austin to do a proposal that has been on the table for more than 3 weeks already. and the total once they go to main israel at the arena, relations with relations with
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these people, i understand that you will be able to finish the war, returned all the trouble of israel published any inactive based on commentator dimitri daily, on a stage there's plenty of figures in the us who would like to see the gas and war continue. you have to understand how that certainly works when it comes to the weapons money and the political pressure. well, you have be, in this case we have the industrial complex weapons and the 2 carpets, major weapons companies, the biggest in the world, at the same time. yeah. it is really lobby, mainly a back. and then you have the politicians, regardless, democrats, republicans, white house, congress center, whatever it is. now you will have the industrial complex has an interest in selling
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what it's so along with the 8 back big rush or the congress to approve. and the white house of the politicians in general, do you have 2 arms deals to israel? israel receives those always deals and it's in the agreement that these are all made by the same companies that pressured for b s decision in the us government. so you'll have everybody in the space that the benefit be the white house or the politicians by receiving donations of money from a back end being done through the complex it back by serving the interest of the state of israel even does contradict the interest of the united states of america, i am the big width in scope. these industrial companies are making money. so everybody benefits who pays for it? you have the american taxpayer,
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it's their money paying for resources and you have the receiving due balance. the new symbol is full and children and women especially or be involved. so this money circle is very well know the members of the islamic state terrace group could've info traded the european union via ukraine while posing asylum seekers. the bombshell revelation come straight from the chief of germany's federal domestic intelligence agency, a c s because she's gay, has also managed to bring supporters to western europe, possibly through a wave of refugees from ukraine for now, staying here in various western european countries, security authorities across europe are working very closely together on this issue of a country. intelligent service isn't, has a nights out on veiled, it's the latest report on the terrorist activity in the us. it saves the eyes. k
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groups currently poses the greatest threat to public safety est estimates are calling from major terror attacks. several suspects have already be interested in western europe. germany say use they had all entered the e u via ukraine. the fun when sky on july 6th, 2023, called any search measures for canada out of various locations in low saxony. no fraud was fall in the netherlands again. just biggest supporters of the terrorist organization is lubbock state. so when people are arrested, there is a suspect at nationals on various central eastern states that in germany from the drain almost simultaneously in the spring of 2022. they are suspected of having joint forces deform, etc, is group with the aim of carrying out high profile attacks in germany. well, just days ahead of the revelation fairly in a nightstand that will continue well for support for you printing and refugees. the federal government has rejected the liberal parties proposal of treating ukrainian asylum seekers the same way as refugees from other countries without issuing them
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monthly payments. less post live now to get our back german politician and former member of the european parliament from the alternative for germany party. you're most welcome. quite the alarming revelation there from the german federal office for the protection of the constitution, at least 7 suspects have been held, but couldn't nearly be the tip of the iceberg. yes, i'm sure it's the tip of the iceberg. in the site it's, it's not a little too surprising. lot, the domestic intelligence services, our apologies, have revealed that if millions of refugees from ukraine flooding into jeopardy at without any serious folder checks there, it's inevitable that all sorts of people whose it is refugees and
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our garage, it takes you to germany. so what speed revealed is really in addition, all the, all the is called to enter somewhere. yeah, i the enter to who may just re in both ukraine. it's also costing german taxpayers. what do you make of the german federal government's decision to keep paying? well, for to you printing refugees on that point, or what is a continuation of a longstanding policy? the germany has admitted that shortly i'll stop the calculations on this. not too long ago, 2 months ago since 2010, the germany has admitted a round about 8000000 refugees from around the world, including the ukrainian space of them are coming from the middle east,
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africa. each of those refugees on average, according to several recent past studies on the cost of migration cost, the german techs pay uh, around $625000.00 euro is over their lifetime. uh, it works out until $55060200.00 a month. the overall cost of aside in migration to job and the, at this point stands out to rod a minimum of arrived to take a $110000000000.00 euros every uh, obviously the country which is an economic difficulty such as job d, cannot afford such a stair, uh, ways of spending its money money that should be going into modernizing the economy
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and subsidizing households as part of his job and industry at for the much huh. cost of energy. as a result of the interruption of the plentiful ad, predictable and cost a and a cheap supplies from russia. can i just briefly touch on what sort of security check some screening for refugees? what are they being subjected to when entering germany? how easy or otherwise isn't for potential terrorist to actually get through? well, i think you have to distinguish the that's supposed to be controls at the use ext uh front. yeah. but the effectively, these are k dogs, a very stringent leave for example. they should be taking that fingerprints and check uh excuse me, information about the i did.


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