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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 19, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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up at checks and germany calls afford to spend funds. this should be used to modernize the country. what is a continuation of a longstanding policy? the germany has admitted? what germany? i saw the calculations on this not too long ago, 2 months ago since 2010, the germany has admitted a round about $8000000.00 refugees from around the world, including the ukrainians. most of them are coming from the middle east and africa. each of those refugees on average, according to several reasons, a test, a studies on the cost of migration cost. the german techs passed around 625000 years over their lifetime. obviously, the country which is in economic difficulty such as job g,
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cannot afford such a data ways of spending its money money. that should be going into modernizing the economy and subsidizing households as part of his job and industry at 4 much huh. cost of energy as a result of the interruption of the 24 deductible and cost a and a cheap supplies from russia coming away next page level with the latest episode of cross talk. and i'll be back with more news in 30 minutes. see you then the the
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hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle. this was hosting ukraine. peace conference was an object failure. it failed because the issue of peace was not on the agenda. they did everything they could to escalate and pro long becomes like. meanwhile, moscow has its own plans to cnn, to the fight, the cross searching ukraine. i'm joined by my guess, make a live petro in kingston. he's a professor of political science at the university of rhode island in brussels. we have looked relay. he is an independent journalist and in bows when we cross the andre dealership in co. he is a former ukrainian diplomat. right. gentleman cross that girl is in effect, that means you can jump it anytime you want. and i always appreciate nikolai,
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let me go to you 1st here because we have had a lot of events happening very, very quickly. let's take a look at the end of last week when we had a present in coding addressing russia's diplomats and sending very clearly messages about how i negotiated and to this conflict could start at least the beginning of negotiations. we have to parse that there. and then of course we have the media coverage of the swiss a so called piece initiative by ukraine. um, i think, you know, when i look at, i look at that all of its in, in its entirety, its still talbot t. we had russia and yeah, and uh, i can see how to do that. really, you clayton's would disagree with what to put in that just say, but it least was a starting point. what we got over the weekend was no starting point at all. it was just more of a propaganda have for 2 per long be the conflict and to give the appearance. but it had some kind of global consensus. so your thoughts over the last week or so, go ahead and i think you're right to call the
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designation of peace summit into question. because again, how can you have a piece negotiation without want the major people involved in the conflict of so what it turns out to be is essentially a grouping to put a pressure on russia. and that is in the, in that sense that it really didn't move the process forward any and, and then came putting this talk to the international diplomats. and i think to be fair, somewhat eclipsed this with summit because at the end of the russian as a result of what points instead of 3 things happened to move the piece process forward. if that is the desired objective piece of the desired
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objective rather than victory. right? so one is both and clearly simplified the negotiating process. we went down from ukraine's 10 points to produce one point. and there is only one voice that became mandatory. that is an official statement that ukraine does not intend to join nato . the 2nd thing that is, initiative accomplished, is to offer something that ukraine is not offering and that is to end the bloodshed now. and that is done simply by withdrawing the troops separating the troops. and i would highlight something that hasn't been typically highlighted that there are in buttons proposal. no initial concessions required is simply to get to the negotiating table. let's withdraw the troops stop the blood shed. we do, however, want this commitment on good faith to not to join nato. and i guess the 3rd
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point, which is more of the public relations of cool, i would say for a bulletin is that he proposed for his proposal rather put the lie to the frequent western statements that rush it in. tends to conquer all of ukraine and from there, move on into europe. because in effect, russia has defined exclusively and its territorial objectives before occupied territories, which are the 4 occupied territories. well it, it's interesting locates a, uh, you know, and watching the coverage of the so called peace conference. it's a shelf life has been remarkably short. i mean, for the reasons that the nichol i just presented to us because there's a fuller picture out there. and you know, i see it with every passing day. well another country takes their name off of the the but you communicate at the end of the conference here. and even you have the me,
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you create him for administer saying basically maybe next time we should invite the russians. i mean, the whole thing turned out to be a complete waste of time and it didn't help ukraine it at all. i don't see how would move the needle for ukraine whatsoever. so it was a real bus that way. and i agree with nikolai. i mean, if you look at the broader picture here, there is something to start negotiating, but it's not coming from the ukrainian slash nato. side, go ahead, look a pound, i think as you say that it's the beginning of the end. but your brain on this cultural shows clearly that the support is dwindling. among the supposed partners. i mean my toll our eyes later, the summit and the left early bite. indeed, they even gone, etc, etc. at the same time, all of those and ask you one to the point to stopping berlin and tubes esl, bring us to evaluate that is and there, there was nobody to listen to him or if any, if you the last and the right or told him absent and the center,
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my goodness center, for example, we're very scarce, so it's not all that it was a brand new scares, bulletins and down the crate again. and of course the bricks did not accept the branding of the confusion so. so let's be. so what, what's the purpose of this strain? it doesn't work, mr. savanski, you know, andre, one of the thing, you know, i look at a lot of commentary and to be honest with you commentary that i tend to agree with . okay? and it, but they talk about the beginning of the end of ukraine. i don't want to see the end of ukraine at all. i want to see the end of this sense list more. and so what does it take? and i've always wanted to ask you, you are ukranian diplomat. you know, even they, they use the phrase that you, ukraine is a victim. but if you look at zalinski and the people that as he is surrounded and so they volunteered for this, why do they have the right to keep volunteering, young, ukrainian men to go into a meat grinder and today?
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sure, you're totally correct. there's a nice to came into this when he became ready for president of the on a piece deal, but he's going to make peace with the bill himself. there was a plan. i work for the last you see while he was also president 6, there was a plan for the last week. you come to don't boss and make a speech 2 weeks later after this migration was up to the people have done boss together with the russian federation. knowledge that these are you bringing people and we should get the most records on track. it was great inside that house piece in ukraine and tile autonomy for the eastern part of the crating. and have you bring back together without the civil war. but all went upstairs once when basically you're honest, you went under those article section really and, and on the west and the agreed to this for me to this for 2 years before the war even started. she was preparing for this war, money was stored, everything was be prepared, the master court from the side. we remember that process when the russian negotiated this whole issue to both peace, ford and i as
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a premium. i spoke about peace for years and years before even this war was happening. while there was still a war, he don't boss, nobody listen. we had the position channels pro that spoke about peace. we had people who spoke about peace putting on to lose. so we to kill you crazy. this is what does it last you are seeing? any grain government went into today, i believe, was the graham. and then as far as the battle adjustment president on the article one or 3 these and they're long term dominique re add until this time with the early brain needs to change. if you clean once piece doesn't need to go for the narrative. well, the warmongers in washington and london, it needs to decide, but it's on have a sovereign decision, let's say, like a personalized, for example, what his regime we will waive we will. sorry. been really months. we're moving away . we're having, you don't really pray and have the premiums decide what they want. we're going to be won a piece government or a war and government. i believe you. the koreans,
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on the ground for what would work for peace because we're more and more. you train us today are looking for a peace deal with russia. they understand that there's no way out. you put it in the ready as losing in the last. so before leaving the work together, i'm exactly neighbor and it said they, they, it was determined on the 1st day, nikolai, i mean, looking again at putting in speech to the diplomatic community. which gets so little coverage in the west. they do. it's really, it's really appalling considering the stakes and i don't see, i don't see any more real patients, the strategic patients that we've seen over the last 2 and a half years. and i think the, the russian authorities know that there, there is no good faith in the wes, this conference proved it. and that they may start pushing a lot harder. and again, we're given the environment your nato is say, is going to have half a 1000000 men, then it'll be around more radiating and we're talking about activating new killer as um, um, strategies and all about this is get to get very ugly,
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very quickly. i'm very worried about the nikolai. well, the diplomacy involves a lot of pastry. and then the posturing is exaggerated by the media. you know, there's an old uh, austrian saying that um, how do war start? politicians lie to journalists right then, believe what they read in the newspapers back. that was gotten so much worse now with the internet. it's literally impossible to know what is true and what is not because respectable figure or people that we are told they are informed and respect the role. so absolutely contradictory things. so that leaves me as an observer to suspect that if anything is going to happen is going to happen outside of the public eye. and here we can simply speculate. i do think it
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is likely that there are all sorts of private contacts between ukrainian military officials and russian military officials. you know, of course, to work out the details about the prisoner exchanges and things like that. but you know, discussion that go on one thing leads to the other, they try to feel each other out. so there's all sorts of the discussions among the diplomatic community, some of which gets leak to the per hour. yeah. but nickel really quite. i agree with you, but we're rapidly, rapidly coming to the break. but do they have enough agency to make decisions? i guess, you know, this seems like, you know, this is mia crane project. run out of london, brussels and washington. they do if they want to. and what is interesting about the recent spade of re arrest firings of the senior political
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officials in q is that some people in the west are interpreting that as a way for is the landscape to try to give himself a little more maneuverability by all right. all right, hold that thought nikolai, cuz that's fascinating. we have to go to a hard break gentleman. and after that hard, drake will continue our discussion on ukraine. stay with our team. the what is part of the the employee would posted isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without collision. let's go products a
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hi. i'm rick sanchez. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what could i please or do you have the state department? c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way and say look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is it conflict with the 1st law? should we live in justification for should be very careful about the personal
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intelligence at the point, obviously is to place a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean, with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the payment, the robot must protect his phone, existence was on the same wrong. just don't you have to shape house because after kids and engagement equals the trails, when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the
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the welcome at the prospect where all things are considered i'm peter will build to remind you were discussing. you create the luke. um, uh, over the weekend we, we had a uh for administer, loved it off. um, the speaking to the media and he did it this time in english. and he brought up, you know, i'm paraphrasing here, how this is an elite project in the west this ukraine project. and what about the democratic processes in, in europe, in the united states? i mean, as you well know, you that where europe and elections here and um, the issue of ukraine, if it was mentioned at all, it was not a vote get or it was a vote loser. we have uh the governments of france and germany and a tail spin because of the election outcome, even though the u. k. is no longer part of the european union. they're having to
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pay the cost as well for their, um, um, interest uh over the ukraine over their own people. how does this play into it? we have this farcical peace conference and we have, you know, europe in revolt, you in revolts go ahead. look a bout the, hold on for the moment in europe. is that every party on the last or people, right? especially on the right, that substances don't rush out all day at the same fuchs as russia, on many options, all on the ceasefire. and they keep silent because they are afraid of the, the global moved into west. and we all bombarded by a press, which is really supporting, you train permanently for a link to pull the patients involved following the leads wall supporting the government of savanski. they cannot turn back any more. and so of the people really where what happens and ukraine was not really your topic during the european
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elections, not much. everybody tried to 40, you know, and to take 2 out of the room. if anybody talked about training, what is the thing sure for the coming months and years is the fact that it's probably the replacement all reduce that bought out the high representative of europe for, for the phase will be replaced by kayak, killed us, the estonian prime and i stuck. oh, great on the water you will see on not i am for you, right. wonderful. so this is the danger, you know, this one good. create 3. it will have to enter your pin permission with her if you . well, mean, of course, you know, you, they, they talk a lot about ukraine, but it doesn't really help you create and today, well, you know, way as this conflict goes forward here. how much do people in ukraine have an input in this here? because i am very cynical about this whole project because i couldn't,
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i think any realist person thinking realistically that this conflict is going to end this lot gonna end and ukraine saver. but those in the, in care of. and they loved a power as a and then have power. they just want to keep this going. i mean, it's very profitable for them. i mean, how many of the already have homes in miami and, and tell a v even bank accounts? you know, i'm, i, i think my cynicism is warranted because that is one reason to keep the complet going. of course, joe biden doesn't want to admit it was a mistake. joseph burrell doesn't want to admit it was a mistake. nobody in the european union empower, wants to admit this. so it's kind of a nurse. so going on. the money just keeps flowing on today. yeah, we use it for these people. our whole owns alaska is owned by washington, london. wash in london is owned by the most investor complex, and with each state there's no solver and leave there in all these problems, even though all the g 70, usually it's a rapidly,
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all of those meters are all controls when washington are wondering. so the only solver meter, now this is the frame, is to it was talking about peace from his own perspective. and you, craig, and the situation is somebody out of the perspective of washington. unfortunately, i just have to say there's no sovereignty brain. there's oh no independence after the 240, she pray and told her was like she was holding onto power a for as long as possible because he understands there's going to be a change. it might be a change soon because of the tensions of the people here in the brain or grow. they are basically the government that you're talking about in public at their site. but the, he, the government moved to reduce the government. so the west will make a change between what time they don't really pray for one of their home, for the price change to, to remember and change as long since the best of what we're gonna look forward to. so low. and the tensions of the people are retraining, so they will come with pitchforks on their home or try to top of the government issues as something somebody independent was the need this to happen at all. and
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that's what people in the training are looking forward to. they're looking for to lead or they can trust to make a piece for them or to get out of this for the best one relationship where you crane as possible. i can tell you that their diploma headed for and your brain best austic is presented with different labs that all of the state abroad. nobody came back to the price, 60 percent of the better for me, the rates as last. the diplomacy collab is taking all of these people. wait. it's not even asking them to come back because they are not looking for the policy. well, they're looking for what was more because that's what the west wants them to be. because that's why how they stay in power. nobody's thinking about the cleaning and on the grounds, they're just pushing them to, to the blood shed and to the graveyard. that's more than 700000. the prayers have died for $400.00 each or 12. this process. you know, nikolai, what do i worry about? i already made reference to it, but you know, we had this uh, quote unquote peace conference. they didn't result in much, i mean,
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even even look at the find them you can commit, communicate was really watered down. it really didn't address the, is a lensky piece proposal, but there is no willingness on the part of the west to, to relent here. there they won't even get and go into negotiations when they, with the russian government repeatedly say, you know, well, you know, make my day to test out. so, you know, we want to negotiate. they won't even negotiate here. what, what's all the alternative is, is just to escalate and i, i, i'm, i'm very, very worried that we're going to continue up the escalation lighter than you know, what russia it keeps following them up. that's the problem with the escalation. um, i have had some very so real conversations with american diplomats supporting ukraine. they are now retired. but um, as the impression that i get from talking to them is
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a certain calm about the prospect of putting going beyond a certain level of threat. or they don't think any nuclear weapons or, or any serious incursion into nato is at all likely. although there's no, no, no nichol, i, i have to stop you there and you know, serious. so what's a less than serious meaning what? well, i mean, for it, for example, they've vaunted at 60 ins. everyone's talk all about, well, they're not going to ukraine is lock at a station. those uh, the that aircraft inside of ukraine. okay. number one, the maintenance is, is enormous. the, the runways are very sophisticated. uh, these planes need to be for a landing, you know, on uh, basically an ice skating rink. it has to be really, really flat. so they're gonna station them in romania and poland. why would russia refrain from destroying those airfields? because of a reluctance of russia to escalate the matter which
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turns basically the give the initiative over to nato. i think what we're likely to see is a number of air skirmishes over you cray. and if those should, for some reason not go well for russia, then i think the military options expand. but i suspect that at least initially russia expects to do well in these conflicts. and again, we have historical precedent. we have a fighter jets from russia in the north korean war and china and in vietnam. so again, there is historical precedent and we don't need to expect always the worst standard real i visited really i, i find it really as founding. i mean, i think you should, to, is there, there is, there is a hypothetical. well,
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we might get into error skirmishes. we, you know, with that leads that goes to greater escalation. i mean, nobody says, oh, we won't. if you use plain sir that wasn't a good nobody know we have to be more planes and we have to escalate even more. the problem is the pass that we're on right now. and uh they, there's only one track. it's the award track in the west right now. what we need used to activate a diplomacy track, but the forces in the west, the political forces are not strong enough to do so. and therefore, probably the, the global south of the thing is, it's now called needs to become much more insisted on promoting diplomacy as a solution. but well, look, i mean, how many young men in the european union want to put on a uniform and go fight in the ukraine? i would say nobody, i would say nobody to, to, and the baltics probably you would find people in poland. the politics to believe
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what, what some major was saying, but for the rest, your mind don't long to go to war on the ukraine issue. absolutely not nowhere from spending to too long, sweet and often not even fin up. nobody was the of the war with the, with russia that's been the feeling soft. and people really, you know, and the for the golf months. when they say, for example, belcher man, i'm in brussels now. he built and they said the going to give o r f. 16. they wouldn't give to by the end of this year. and the rest will come probably closer to 2028, one by then, the conflict will be furnished with gloss and they know it. so they just put the brake on the whole issue. and they tried to find some money to send the grain to pay in full that. all right, let's try local glo rapidly running out of time. and then when they get the last minute of the program to um, great, go ahead. andre. a peer today we have to talk about when you see the war and i
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agree with everybody here. there has to be the west has to make a call and ask for call from the white house, from the bible ministration from originally solves to food. and they say, well let's start to go cheap. and then this is the cost of putting on the train. uninstalled will not be able to the euro has other, in the ability to do this, only watch them the one who started this one feeling this one for you free to enter this process by calling to do an image. but he won't do that because the electrons are coming to somebody will do this before you actually. he's done, it's over for him. so they're going to wait out with children, electrons and good morning training and rush lives into the ground. you know, you know, that's, that, i think what it's a really important, remember, it is people, you know, we've had disobey ukraine's going to the west ukraine saying, and the he's ukraine is right where it is. and it isn't going anywhere. and we should save that country and as many people as possible, that should be an end, the war. pursue peace or a gentleman that's all the time we have on a think, my guessing kingston basil and in brussels. and of course,
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i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c and next time and remember across doubles the the hi, i'm receptive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what could i please or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again,
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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside. the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this doctor, president vladimir pay retained the phase rush of new partnership. agreements with the p o. k includes mutual assistance and the case of a question against i, the nation that so the price is killing me. young school support for most goes special military operation in ukraine. color, full lines boasted official ceremony welcoming the russian. preston took place in the house of peel. young, a correspondent, don't quote, it brings all the details from the events of grandiose on, well come on to milton square in the center of just come to an end that the people of the democratic republicans organized.


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