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tv   News  RT  June 19, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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of the crimes of white australians against aborigines has not been resolved so far . the, the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today, but also provide some other provision of mutual exclusion in the event of aggression against one of the party. president vladimir, who is in phase russia's new pa, the shape agreement with the d d. all k includes mutual assistance in the case of aggression against ivan, nation that says he prays is shown young soul support for most goes, especially when military operation, indeed crate, colorful and festive official ceremony welcoming the russian president took place in the house of peel. yeah, all correspondence, donald closer brings all the details from the events. well, come on to milton square in the center of the people of the democratic republic.
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i'm not in front of me while we us save everyone must be concerned about most of those deepening ties with p on. yeah, russia has advised washington so minded sun also ahead the, the idea of kind of resolved for a strikes on southern lebanon solely off to these, waiting for him and his, the open, the valves and old out against has the very welcome. because on the international with the lights as well needs uptake is great to have you with us. on top story president vladimir putin say's russia's new partnership agreement with the d. p. okay, includes a mutual assistance in the case of aggression against one of the nations following the historic agreements, the russian leader expanded on the deal, highlighting that the partnership now entails
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a commitment to defend each other. it should won't come on just to us. few young young has the right to take reasonable measures to strengthen its own defense capability and show a national security and protected southern passivity to the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document, think of it the way i would like to draw your attention to statements by the united states and other nato countries about the supply of high precision, long range weapon systems, f. 16 aircraft and other high tech weapons and equipment for striking russian territory in this regard to the russian federation does not exclude the development of military technical cooperation with the democratic people's republic of korea. in accordance with the document sign to the people showing this powerful agreement between the dpi, okay, involve choice, nothing more than the document until the constructive forward looking exclusively
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peaceful and defensive nature designed supports hearts and just found this basic interest of the people. so the 2 countries have no doubt that they will become the driving force accelerates integration of a new multi polar world for free from the rule of gemini. and why, let's see the relations between all countries have reason to a new high level of large relations. a legal basis has been laid with the house of the ways it has become possible seems the 20th cloud nobility disabled the 2 states and all peoples through lively particular geese and security of the region and the wells, and build strong states in accordance with the culminates 1st of the gpo tate and brought it to you to to work from kim duncan has insisted that the treaty is peaceful and defensive in nature and exhilarates. the creation of a new motive, polar, well, due to russia on the dpr, k, oppose the use of sanctions of a tool for the west to maintain it, said gemini, 2 weeks as soon as the russian presses in the west. so basically,
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it's kind of supply weapons that countries that can strive russia most fuel has a right to respond by providing military aids to countries that can attack west in facilities opposing visits to the dpi, k double down on those previous menu item. we're thinking that if someone believes it is possible to supply such width ends of the war, so in order to strike our territories and create problems for us, and then why do we not have the right to supply of weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where they will be strikes on the sensitive facilities of those countries that are doing this against russia. so the response could be a symmetric unless we think about this. and of course, such actions will finally destroy international relations and undermine international security. ultimately, if we see those countries being drawn into a war against us, and this is the direct participation in a war against russia, then we reserve the right to act in the same way all in all. this is a fact,
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a very serious problems as get some more details on this. now from michael, the faithful, my cd, a security policy on the list in the us defend secretary's office. many thanks for joining us on the program. always get to see mr. malays. so it's not the right person has responded to the latest west and saber rattling and southern russia time, the supply weapons to countries that will boost its defense. so given the military agreement that russia and the dpr k of just signs, what kinds of military age can most go provide to appeal on young one? i really like to ask you is what kind of range are those weapons capable of which countries could be potential targets to? well, thanks for having me. in that case. the, this is a, a very intriguing and timely strategic development. particularly given how the nato countries are reacting to russia. and i think russia is only responding. and i think that that's important. it isn't that russia is, is being aggressive in any way. but it is seeking to reinforce an already existing
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relationship with north korea. as far as the type of weapons that could provide, it's anything in the, in the quiver, any, anything that the, that the, that the north korea feels that they're going to need. and that can be in response once again to what the western allies have been providing to the ukrainians uh from, from uh, from the nato countries, including the united states. so, um, the, the other intriguing thing is that the right russia and north korea i have, uh, as i said, been uh close for quite some time. this is a reinforcement of that. and also north korea has been providing some arms to, um, uh, russia as the and, and there's nothing wrong with that since you have all of those other nato
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countries providing arms to you free. so it's a tit for tat and, but i also think to that it was very and treatment. they talked about the, the recognition of dealing with countries that are, that, that will not be sanctioned daily with countries that provide economic bet betterment and, and a multi polar world which, which is a signal to me that north korea soon could be invited to bricks that would help bypass the sanctions, the west and sanctions that have been imposed upon or north korea for quite some time. so i, i envisioned that that may be where this is betty and, and that's the same time it, it puts, it puts a barrier to any further expansion by the united states in particular, into the pacific. even though it's trying to set of defense arrangements with north
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south korea and with japan principally against china, but also aimed at the north korea. so i think this is going to be, this is a very significant visit. and i think the pomp and ceremony that uh, displayed here is, is remo. as a reflective of the import is that both countries hold up for each other as a partnership. the, the most striking dsl base agreement between the 2 sciences. the sense that if you're under attack, we've got your back. how do you expect the west to respond to disagreements as well? they're going to feel they're going to be bluster and, and, and, and, and accuse rush of potential aggression and what have you. but, you know, it's the united states does it all the time itself. so again, this is a tit for tat. we have entered into agreements with, with uh, with uh,
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south korea and with japan and, and other countries in the pacific against the north korea. so it's, it, it, this is, this always stands the reason that if one side can do it, the other side can as well. so i, i would not harbor much too much concerned about the us bluster and, and complaints about it because it's a russia is just doing what the west is already done. yeah. like you say that is a tit for tat. so what consequences did you, do you think the west expected to come out of giving the go ahead to k up to use west and on strike russian territory to think that russia would back down. what do you think they, they might have expected best move. i don't think they thought that for nicky i i just uh i find that uh uh, going on. the way that they have been as though um, russia is up and down of republic. it's just unbelievable. there's
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a history of us policy makers talking down to russia and they just belittle them, not realizing that they are dealing with a world power a and that's, and even though russia has exhibited regional power capabilities, it is now displaying the possibility that it can become a world power by moving its fleets around the world, as it has done recently in, in the us, in the caribbean, just south of the united states. so it's not, i think what russia is showing is that if it has to, it can. and it has the resources to do it, but it doesn't want to and it in the i think it also displays the fact that it's not. it had no aggressive intentions on like the united states, which has been in the black sea area in the pacific. it says a gemini is everywhere in order to re and in order to enforce it. so rules based
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order, and i think the world is now getting a little tired of it. and that's why you're seeing the creation of the multi pull the world order. it isn't just talk any longer. you know, it's, it is a fact through the bricks. organization. great talking to you. thanks for your time is always welcome to leave a form, a cd, a security policy on the list in the office of the secretary of defense. thank you for your time. thank you. making or during the visit does may have posted a gift? it's kim john, good. a new coffee russian made or to latest decided to hit the road with the russian president, guessing behind the wheel, and the deep kaylee to joining him in the passenger seat's correspondence owners quotes and gives us the details of how the visit on folded. this is the 1st time and nearly a quarter of a century that vladimir potent, the russian president has touch down in pyongyang. and this meeting that he had with him, john was all about establishing a new, basically a new era of cooperation between russia and the dpr. k and all the different spears,
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including culture and education, economics and science. but the main one of course is as we recently heard back of a military cooperation and it has to do with the fact that both countries are in a very similar position with respect to the west sanctions. and this common western, this kind of position in relation to west regression is one of the main points in which the dpr k and russia are looking to unite and fight against. i'm not sure if the increase consistently advocate for the formation of a more just and democratic multiple world order. both russia and north korea pursue independence and autonomous foreign policies and reject the language of blackmail and take that post the practice of applying politically motivated sanctions. and restrictions, these illegitimate actions only to stabilize the global political and economic system. we will also continue to resist the practice of sanctions as a tool of the west as a custom to using to maintain its had gemini, in politics,
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economics, and other areas. in this context, i would like to note that the indefinite restrictive regime of the un security council against north korea inspired by the us and its allies, must be considered military cooperation, was not the only sphere that was covered in these negotiations. this was an agreement that was signed across many different here is a full operation of the russian present mentions economics. the fact that in 2023 trade volume between the 2 countries grew to nearly $35000000.00 worth, that's a 9 fold increase from what it was in 2022 and the educational spear that's also expected to grow. the russian president said that right now, a 130 students from the dpr k are studying and russian institutions as part of the joint programs between the 2 countries. but that's expected to grow as well as such a grandiose welcome like the one that we received in pyongyang, i have never received ever before in any other countries. and earlier i was able to
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take some uh, videos of what was going on there. i was in the press bleachers right in the middle of the action that i was able to get up close and personal with some of the residents of young yang. so let's take a listen. but as you can see behind the 10s of thousands of people from the dpr say, have gathered here on the most on square to celebrate this meeting between vladimir mccain. john, the
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big well, come on to middletown square, and this center down the line is just coming to an end that the people of the democratic republic of korea have organized for this visit. russian president vladimir, put thousands of them on the square around 50000, all happy to warm, warm, warmly welcome. the russian friends here in po 9, were driving at 2 different location now. and so many people from the streets we've been saying hi to them. this whole time as any crowd of people down the road. 4 kilometers the kilometers. here to welcome the russian delegation and vladimir from
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here. i mean my aren't even getting tired of waving so much they took him don't good. how do you did the receptions? there were many to on the russian, russian leaders visits all the latest had been up, the russian president proposed the ties to the friendship between the 2 countries and well beings of that people. he also describe the nature of that talk the shape . i'll move to ones i've seen today. both of our countries fight against the gemini and neil colonialist practices of the united states and its satellites. we stand against attempts to impose on us development models and values that are alien to russia and korea have similar proverbs that sound like a close neighbor is better than a distant relative. i think this book, wisdom fully reflects the nature of the relationships. if you know, we discussed the russian presidents trip to the p. okay. on the coast, attention the west has given it without correspondence. steve sweeney for us to
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sound the alarm and said the western countries should be extremely concerned about the growing and deepening of relations between the 2 nations, the us secretary of state, on the blinking. how's it getting the sound to be along? he's accused russia of desperation. he said that it's seeking support for what he describes as is war of aggression in ukraine. clinton used to have the, the kind of the bogeyman of ron, he mentioned the dpr k. and he said that he's keen to cut off the support that countries like iran on the d k, a providing to russia, russia try in desperation to develop and to strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression that started against you, craig, north korea is providing significant munitions to, to russia and other, and other weapons for using ukraine around has been providing with 3,
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including drones that have been used against civilians. is really an infrastructure . and we'll continue to do everything we can to cut off the support that countries like the ron and north 3 are providing not much is known about the d. p. okay. in the west, the west of media use, the reports of uses terms like reclusive state home it sites. it says that came is a brutal dictator, a pricing who's paying for it. and it comes out with all sorts of salubrious titles that the citizens of the day be okay. or even forced to have came john and had cuts . now the west always goes into a collective meltdown. it seems. every time the detailed type tests, a ballistic missile, and the reports in the western press over this visit and no less hysterical. washington is watching this meeting between vladimir putin and kim joan on a match rate and haven't in between these 2 prior stage certainly is concerned from the west about this phase. it's a few of america's fiercest adversary is together on north korean soil fits his 1st
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visit in 24 years. the trip is raising plenty of concerns to the united states army dialogue. prussian president vladimir putin as a north korea for a meeting with its leader. and it is a meeting the us officials are watching closely for ministry, spoke to them. there is a have a headset that perhaps the west of its media would be better focused on the u. s. president job, i didn't, she spoke about, all right, concerns about his mental capacity, especially given that he's in control of the world's largest needs are also and there's one thing that worries everyone is biden's condition, both physical considering that he leads the nuclear power and freezes up more and more often and financial due to the criminal nature of its appearance associated with ukraine and corruption scams installed to move and they say chief has a game. he's expressed his concerns about the potential support that russia will provide to the d. p. all k for a weapons program and it's
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a nuclear capacity. and he sounded that the alarm he's mentioned to support china is given to what he described as rough as war economy. and he's got one eye on the forthcoming nato summit, which is taking place in washington next month. and he said that of course, the relations between russia and the t p. okay, are going to be central, today's discussions, and for nato, it will be looking to spring and it's relations with his regional allies. we are of course, also concerned about the potential support that to the restaurant that provides a to north korea when it comes to supporting their me solid on nuclear programs . we see how much mutual support of rashaw gets from north korea. but also from there on, on how china is popping up, their war economy. and this is also one of the reasons why of nato, and i have to wait till sunday, head and washing next month,
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spills for the spring. some our partnership with all the parts destination, pacific region, australia and a seat on south korea and japan also to address the fact that the challenges they see, we see in, in a shot and they show pacific dollar thing to the challenges we face in your start with somebody that mention china, which of course it in 2022 nights i've labeled a security challenge for the very 1st time. but what he failed to mention was the 2021 oldest security pack between australia prison on the united states, which was condemned by china at the time. it won't of cold war mentality with the pack. so you will be around bringing nuclear submarines into the region and uh, also officially intelligent sharing. he also didn't mention the potential for a nice site to open an unofficial headquarters or advice in japan, of course,
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up young young, but would say this as a sweats. no, it would be to itself, but it was a 2 regional stability. and then there's a 5 eyes security uh, security oh, i guess kind of a more of aspiring ready. and this is a volt south korea and japan as well. so, and of course we haven't mentioned the but it t by uses which are the us military bases surrounding the region. so when it comes to the real threats, it's questionable as to who poses the great, the threats to regional stability. as a lot of my patients trip to feeling young, wraps up his next stop will be vietnam the we make will make sure you kept rise up to date. and well, the latest news on this landmark trip to stay with us, or the see what they do use now as the will in dollars or wages,
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as well as apparently preparing to open a 2nd front with neighboring lebanon, or the small plains of power about the series of ass strikes in the country south. according to local reports, the 2 sides have been exchanging cross folder wall case a tax for months. these right in the military announce yesterday that it's ready to invade 11 on with quote, operational plans for an attack approved. the as ready, foreign minister has directions to acknowledge the husband, the minutes in which they say we are very close to the moment of decision to change the rules against hezbollah and lebanon. in all 4 has will, i will be destroyed and never and will be severely hits. he is ready for him and it says harsh comments waiting response to hezbollah drove footage, demonstrating its surveillance of multiple locations in israel. the almost 10 minutes of video shows the way the poor city of high for less than 30 kilometer is
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from the lebanese border. a day time footage films, both civilian and military areas, including an alms manufacturing complex with missile defense systems indicated the head of hezbollah. wilton's back in november that they using surveillance to and so the hyphen a senior us advise the 11 on try to calm down the escalating situation between us, but the end as well during his recent visits to favorites. but let me be clear of the conflict along the blue line between is wrong. this is bella has gone on for long enough. innocent people are dying, property is damaged, families are shattered. and 11, these economy continues to decline. the country is suffering for no good reason. it's in everyone's interest to resolve it quickly and diplomatically. let's take
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a look at the cape and the capacities. what on that of those? the ideas on has been assigned to is a major wash, washington thing, tongue states. hezbollah is able to mountain effective towns where attack against is ready forces. and the group is estimated to own up to $200000.00 rockets and missiles. it also boasts around $30000.00 active sizes. meanwhile, the head of the idea recently report to the lack of soldiers in order to quote, fulfill its missions. we discussed the escalating conflict with that quote dory. and to les dusted on korea of his size as well. and doesn't have the capability to fight on a 2nd front. and i would say, era is a, at this point the settings smoke, he's, he's, i can beat by dream is roll. it is not ready to open up a from, against his ball that look at what's happening in the augusta street is being 8 months and the resistance continues to 5 day in the out. a is ready to accommodate her. as an army. officials keeps saying that the policy and resistance has managed to replenish itself, despite that they must, based on the cost in gaza,
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not considered as bala a for as much larger. don, how much, much better we much better train, much better positioned, and who has essentially blinded israel in the northeast as one of the reasons why we have these unprecedented food is of our reconnaissance drones flying over these really not showing facilities of sensitive maybe terry facilities you know where they keep the submarines where they uh, you know, the raphael and defense factories as something that or you could have never imagined just, you know, a year ago, march of it. now today we see that uh, this space has completely changed. so because the statements from uh, from these re, the army and from these ready for him and is there, you know, is just another of these ground, the low point uh, eh, statements that they like to make to make them. so some thoughts, despite the fact that we know now know that they are not ready to fight a war against hamas for use the smallest fraction within the axis overseas. best.
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my firm belief that the moment israel decides to march 11 on is the moment that they will find out just how quickly their entire army can be on the uh, the to south africa where incumbent president, serial obama pose that has been integrated for a 2nd to well guessing, so my goal was not to assess and see them oppose as african national congress policy lost as parliamentary majority. if the 1st time in 30 years without any 40 percent of the vote. only amc has the phone to the lines 50 for the policies, including the okay to remain in power. i'm opposed to address the new power balance and his speech quoting on the coalition. the differences for the benefits of the south african people men right now to the hawk of region where the russian defense ministry reports that ukraine has lost up to 300 soldiers. a t
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z goes down up springs as a report from the ground on how russian troops use motors to provide backup. so the only reason we can move like this right now, i mean, how soon the open in broad daylight is because the morning missed still has not been completely chased away by the wind. because otherwise, this is the tv because because the drone prowling ground, we approach and unassuming shrub that turns out to be a, well, this guy's more to so there's exactly one line of russian infantry between this a 2 millimeter more to as well and ukrainian troops. so whenever that 1st line need, some will powerful support. this crew comes to 8. first. we are amy uh, 40 kilometers away from ukraine, 2nd largest city,
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or highest of the troops mission here on the russia, ukraine board. that is to deter q forces from trying to take over russian territory to retaliate for most goes own operation in the heart of region. and the border guardian now enjoys the extra fly, a power of the much special forces. to show me, our motor is located a kilometer from the ukrainian positions. it hits 3 kilometers deep covering a fairly wide area. the main advantage of our mortar battery is that the fighters themselves determine the targets and when to hit them, we have eliminated the entire chain of confirmation with hire command on the rushes . vigilance is molten and founded ukraine had carried out such attacks before and now has a master for making the garrison on the border once again, nor change them over. there was a very large concentration of enemies here. at least several 1000 were brought here all along the front line. but if the forces are accumulating the big of the pile, the easier it is for us to hit the target. so we feel is the best job in the world
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of you. so far the sides here exchange are totally fine and use drones for constance and target hunting. but the infancy is one away from jumping into the enemy's trenches. how much is done of t islamic states harris could have infiltrated the european union via ukraine, will oppose it as a sign of a c. cuz as a bomb show revelation from the chief of germany's federal domestic intelligence agency. a, c, e has been kind of kizusky, has also managed to bring supporters to western europe, possibly through a wave of refugees from ukraine for now, staying here on various western european countries, security authorities across europe are working very closely together on this issue . the german agency have a valid this latest report on terrorist activity in the u. s. a. is the i says k groups hardly poses the greatest threats to public safety.


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