tv News RT June 21, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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this sounds like a blank check to cross spinning in the old red one. the we don't need a preemptive strike yet, because in response to account to strike, the enemy will be guaranteed to be destroyed. lot of inputs and promise is a tac toe soft like this positive russia is news that stuff warning, right? so i put this agent to model with the historical visit the p. okay. south korea pages to review is policy over the diesel office, supplies the button, the process size, a new certificate, type with the dpi, okay, window is a house sold by the movie in directory, providing key with more munitions, the home of the or the right. so essentially, games watch at this time and solve the same music will 5 that full gas, it wasn't broken. so we'll keep the temple thing and then g, from the country,
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we write down why agent economies in particular it's software fits also at the time the idea almost garza with really negligible involved with these many minutes in miss. i read disagreement with the pin to me, i just said it would be impossible to complete it, but a company come to see, we're going to make how much disappeared. it seemed before we sign in the eyes of the public em us is an idea. it's rooted in the hands of the people the company did. i put a link to global news on the, i'm rode him on me and this is all the directional to the west on the lines of security in the asia pacific region with moves against russia, china and d, p. okay. now not see a lot of
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a message from russian reform is the 2nd number of he spoke out against natal. russian. i'm said regional security must be based on the principle of mutual respect, a label jim toyota that stay with both on the defense. the need to preserve the principles on which the security architect change. the asia pacific region has so far been based. this has sunsets around the association of south east asian nations by some principles of equality, be called an indivisible security and consensus of mutual respect. the west wants to destroy these structures. the thrust through you rage and security that are appearing come from different directions between the overall majority of cases. the source of these threats is the aggressive line of nature which wants to privatize and subjugate issues. that's all in one way or another, related to insurance debility, you know, boss region. that is why we no longer want to rely on the mechanisms crated in the
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context of you roadside tech security. this is natal of course, and they always see. but we want to work with those countries that are well the nationally to us. so the console. so if you raise and security out this cost and agreed upon the country so that you raise and confidence $5.00 or more on this s plus live now to russian devotee for mass, mrs. so again, we have cost joining us. so thank you so much for joining us here today. good afternoon. now, so far i saw with this new sort of strategic partnership between rossa. i'm the d p . okay. how long this affects the balance of power in the region, in particular, on the korean peninsula. what signal does this send to the west and what we action can we expect from them as well, thank you for having me. i want to stress uh that, uh,
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what's going on in the northern east in asia and beyond. uh, currently is quite worrying in terms of uh, exponential growth of military activities by the us, uh, and its regional allies. uh, the purpose of this is to phones. uh, number one, to detour, china and russia as major adversary's uh, as many be leaving the us. and unfortunately, the in the region and number 2 to make sure that growing a growing interaction and cool duration, not least between law school and feeling the young a would be, uh, you know, uh, and is loose upon which further the restrictive on the lo phone be legitimate measures by washington with being should use
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a gaze thrush. so this is an escrow authority course that we see in a very old us full and a v street t which you referred to earlier as are ease of course, in a sense of products. over this warning development. our 2 countries, the purity and russia, came much closer to one another. the speak to provide for mutual assistance in the case of aggression. and so this provision, i would say, we send the message that this is a purely defensive arrangements which our 2 countries concluded, and only in case of aggressive actions against any of the parties. the other side would provide the assistance as described and as provided for in the street. so we look for better growing stronger secuity and interaction between our 2 countries. and we're not doing these to threaten any one,
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not to threaten the republic of korea, of course, know the us for that case. but this is a message of our resolve. and our written is to stay firm on what we believe are the basics of international or international relations these days, despite folded or undermining activities, all of the collect your west and it's allies in the region. you have very interesting. so they use use the word defensive, the very interesting, the now the lesson media, you may be aware, but the lesson media was actively follow a lot of input to visit to the dpi. okay. many were right, seen that it was a signal that russia is moving in a crate that needs a mid fi assistance from the dpi. okay? pointing out a full nature of, of so called the painter axes. but so what, what do you think is the reason that the western media as presented the visit in
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this light, then on how true is it to hello, this is a rubbish. i mean, we do not follow every single piece. every single article, every single all tab in the mainstream west media. but we try to make sure that the, we know, uh the, the core we, the message is completely failed and very wrong in its very essential elements. we are not doing this because we are a, we are pressed into it. we're not doing this because of, we want to use the situation in ukraine and yet around ukraine as a prep x to create troubles for any of the western areas. so they'll say in the russian far east or north, east neisha as such,
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we are doing so because we have driven by very well acknowledged and recognized and considered national interest. both young, young and russia felt this is the right moments to complete a very important chapter in development of our relationship. and the took form of these 3 d and the number of understanding send agreements that we concluded in the recent time. again, this was the very same us and each specialized set of lights that preached for decades for us and others that every nation is very free to change or choose each security arrangements. and this is exactly what happened here. the fair key and russia felt free to choose the security arrangement, which is not against a new one. it's for our deep partnership,
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better security, better predicted, predicted village seats, and protection if you wish it against the excellence of our address or is originally uh they are eating it. i would say uh, full steam uh, efforts to create a very different posts, chair threatening posts. sure. compared to what was the case before that? very interesting. you said actually that brings me to my next question. really quite smooth the nato cheese un stilton, but has all, you'd say that for a need to put native's new, clear, awesome on a lot. well, what do you think was the purpose of this statement and what real actions may follow as well? the purpose is obvious. it's uh, the only purpose that natal currently, uh, you know,
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has the for itself. and it's the result that the old nato of these days. and this is still threatening the russia to try to bring the russia into defensive to try to expose the rush out for fill the dangers. and all this is been done by a member states in natal, individually and collectively. and also through each international secretary of including currently our going as a secretary general young stolt and back we follow these trend attentively. we, i'm not deterred, we are not impressed by these kind of threatening messages, but we make our conclusions based on what we see on the ground on
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how we feel about the ex show redness of the nuclear forces, which a number of major allies have under their command and several of those are need to members of the form so called nuclear sharing activities, which is even complete contradiction with the requirements and obligations that these countries undertook on the non proliferation treaty. so the so called nuclear alliance essentially, and the minds, the international security architecture. and the, these type of messaging on these shows how you responsible the leadership of the national secretary at the needs of these, these, these and a while. as you said, quite right new that there will be a new general secretary with block watch in october. no dial but so you know,
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you're a seasoned politician. the bride intentions in the world all shaping a trend tools. so the results from the overall items race, in particular, nuclear also do you think that that's, that's such a trend will eventually lead to a direct nuclear compensation all will call them cents per barrel. so i mean, what actions is brought to taking to adapt the national security dumped to into the current realities. uh uh, i think this is, uh, a very important question that you ask uh and many around are intrigued by what's going on uh, in this area. i would refer to what my president said to a broad international audience in recent days. in particular, when he spoke before the media while visiting handily,
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a socialist republic of vietnam. but i will also tell you that our system provides for so to say to tier dr. no documents in this area of the old what our team document being the russian military doctrine we share in red strokes describes creation which we all hope will be on the hypothetical ones. when the resort to nuclear weapons is, think about this 2nd tier document to use so called. 2 guidelines for state policy on euclid deterrence. and this document is uh, i would say it detailing, if i may use the word of the military doctrine describing more
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specifically words, what circumstances could be conceived of for eventually resort to nuclear option. and uh, as situation generally. and particularly in behavior of the us and nato is a whole towards russia becomes more and more strange and troubling. we have no other choice but to analyze how appropriate these documents is and in particular the 2nd one. this is the guidelines are given a given the circumstances and i cannot exclude that at some point in future, we may see as some adjustments that will not undermine the basics you know, approach to eat. we are very firmly committed to the uh, several times confirmed the idea that the nuclear war can
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never be one that should never be forts. and by the way, this formula was rec, confirmed by our president in his multilateral statement, some time ago. and also by his other russian officials, but uh, even situations where uh, existing, so our states, our critical assets are threatened and if someone wants them to destroy, we need to calculate, we need to hedge against this risk. and this and the electrical work as well as some practical undertakings, like the very reasons exercise that was conducted in the cell. the military doctor started a district where our armed forces exercised for
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a practical operations with the non strategic nuclear weapons that these things will send a message that we are serious. we are not threatening a new one, but we are prepared to go the full way. if need be to protect our core national interest and no one is shown under estimate our result. and the president, the president was very articulate and the quite straightforward in terms of these messaging. yes, very straightforward in dates. so i may change the topic slightly. now, if it turned to perhaps the plane, look the connect as it was issued ukraine, an ultimatum that in order to join nato, you claim must not exit the war, but emerge victorious. first of all. so why was the ultimatum issue? why don't we see a more dialogue from the west? why?
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why is this on sense for or should i say outset? but did it not plan to take it to decide that it wouldn't. it wasn't going to planning. it was a planning to take you quinn into nato in the 1st place. it is interesting that the use the word ultimatum in this context, and it is indeed an ultimatum. the west led by the us tries now to use the interest of the leads that perform functional governments. even t. you've to join nato email that to bring them in the situation where they have the only options, the only choice. and that is to continue fight against the restaurant until the very last ukrainian soldier, uh on the front line. this is extremely tragic and it shows how
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uh some more than that, how uh, completely arranged by the others. these people in ukraine are. and this is a tragedy for ukrainian people. i will tell you that what we believe wouldn't be the right way out. was described on several occasions directly, including directly to the ukrainians when the all identification and bad delegation set at the same table. in 2022 kirsten bella rose and subsequently in turkey and they moved forward. they progressed a lot and the document which ship is now a common knowledge was the initial there was very close to what we have set as objectives for the special media to appear is now on june 14th, president 14 while appearing at the rest and foreign ministry i presented
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a comprehensive road map for a solution there and in terms of nato, we stressed the president on this course. it is now and again that there is no way that the russia can ever accept ukrainian membership in nature. so if anyone wants to bring those 2 positions, the 1st step towards the direction would be inevitably not to allow ukraine to get more weapons. more legal levels met weapons, small, long range weapons. because this is a direct way to growing confrontation between must go and need to be the must go and collect the west. we do not by the argument that ukrainian government decides for itself. it's completely guided, a ruled and led by washington. so washington should understand if it's one piece, all these what's going on shouldn't be stopped in terms of
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a visa scale of 3 actions. otherwise, we will come even further uh to the edge of the at least no one wants to end it. so if i may, perhaps, if we could elaborate a little bit on that, i mean, in your opinion, exactly what is necessary to create real conditions, you know, to eat you points out. yes. uh, that nato shouldn't get involved, but was going to bring russia and ukraine to the negotiating table. and do you see any immediate prospect for such negotiations to happen on your 2nd question? unfortunately, no, i don't. i don't see at the moment any signs for a possible move towards any goal. she aging table. and we also saw these through immediate, i mean, met momentarily produced reaction by us and some
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leading governments in europe on uh, president boynton statement. as of june 14th, they are in the rejection mode. they want to present russia with feather can please, they do not believe with serious when we are saying to them that playing with fire, they do not believe we have prepared to continue our flight and to stay firm on the objective as set forth by the president on this special needs population, each failure on not on the, on the west and policies. but it's also a failure of their cognitive capabilities. they do not understand messages that are being sent by our selves. it's mostly on. unfortunately, it's a big question. what type of leaders and what type of leads west has
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now as at, at the top of their pyramid. so to say, we have said everything, what we believe is needed to get these negotiations. the stock started and the presidents also underscore the moment we see the movement towards this conclusion of the conflict fighting will be stopped and we stay firm on this message as well. i hope with we we heard, at least by some responsible fee guys on both sides of the atlantic. yes, so very informative, andy, but i have to leave it the sadly very probation subtleties. mississauga gate rep for russell devotee for a mess. so thank you again for your time. i as thank you. thank you. russia has no need to consider a pre emptive use of nuclear weapons. however, any such a tax on the country will be met with a devastating response grove, mazda parts,
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according to present volume inputs, in speaking on thursday, off the roughly of his state visits to vietnam and the dean p. okay, this, that goes a way to like we have still thinking about how nuclear dr and could be changed. we know that the potential adversary is working on new elements associated with lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons. in particular, ultra low powered explosive nuclear devices being developed. and we know that didn't expect circles in the west. the idea is that there's nothing terrible with using such weapons. it may not be terrible, but we must pay attention to this. we don't need a pre emptive strike yet, because in response to account to strike, the enemy will be guaranteed to be destroyed. while the main subject to that was probably one of the most important ones during this question and answer regarding the agreement, the new agreement on strategic cooperation that platinum are approved and signed with the leader of the d p r. k. came john on latimer,
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put and said that of moscow was not ruling out the potential of sending weapons to the dpr k on the basis of this new agreement. what was the thought it was? those who supply these weapons believe they are not that well with us. i said that we then reserve the right to supply weapons to other regions of the world, bearing in mind or agreements with the democratic people's republic of korea. i do not exclude this either. and where they will end up next. we can also say in the same way here, the west supplies weapons to ukraine and says that they are out of its control. and it doesn't matter how they are used. we can also say that we have delivered something to someone, and then we have no control over their use. and let them think about this topic. ukraine conflict was also discussed. there's no getting around that. russian president vladimir putin spoke about the heart of offensive. the recent part of offensive by russian forces saying that there's, there are no plans to actually take or make an approach on the regional capital
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park of the reason why russian troops needed to take territory in that region is because is to basically put the ukrainian artillery positions farther away from civilian targets in russian territory. russian president also spoke about the russian nuclear, dr. and essentially, because there are heard talks in the russian government about potentially revising it right now. the russian nuclear doctor and only allows for the launching of nuclear weapons in the event of displaying a retaliatory nuclear stripe. or in the event that the russian government's very existence is at stake. and vladimir putin said that it seems like the west is trying to accomplish, just that you've sued in the west, is escalating the situation all the time? can you do? it seems like they are counting on us to get scared. at some point. they also say they want to achieve the strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield. what do you mean? what does this mean for russia? russia, this means the end of it state, which is what it mean by this means. the end of the 1000 year history of the
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russian state. i think this is clear to everyone to change. and then the question arises because why should we be afraid? wouldn't it be best to completely accomplish our goals? he also spoke about the fact that the russian president doesn't really see the lensky last thing much longer than the 2nd, then the 1st half of next year in office because of the fact that he has absolutely lost his legitimacy. since his presidential term has expired, a free and you're clear is a decision from the constitutional court in 2015. what it is directly written that the president's term of office is 5 years. and that's all. it's just that the west doesn't want to change the lensky. now, the time is not right. it is obvious all the unpopular decisions, including lowering the conscription age will be blamed on him after that, they'll change it. so this political tar that vladimir potent has been on in the dpr k in vietnam, had involved a lot of important negotiations. a lot of important documents were signed and this
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press conference essentially went through the outcomes of these historic events. and the main takeaways from what we can expect in the future as a result of these new list, the old agreements was that was quick to quit the size, the mutual defense pack between rush up on the d p. okay. us national security spokesman don't, gladly also it's a job, but both on the, on the, on to run, as he reiterated allegations that russia on his allies have repeatedly denied. argue, is that this agreement is also a sign of russia's desperation. i mean, they're reaching out to north korea from missiles read say they are still getting the one that they don't have a lot of friends in the world and they're trying to do everything they can to pull on the strength of the friends that they do. do have and so security gonzalgo resumes and says foot since the decision should not be viewed as a threat, but rather a well placed response to western policy. i think he's taking this step,
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the correct move and, and i have, you know, you, i should not be surprised by those statements on that side because they do not rush . it doesn't want to be the 1st to use nuclear weapons. but if the existence of the russian state is threatened, he will. and what is, does it exist? most of the west threaten know their pride and their political appearance is threatened. but, but not the existence of, of the united states, not the existence of europe. maybe their reputations will be hard. maybe they'll be huge changes even more so than we saw on the european elections. but, but the threats that are being made by the west, to, to russia, towards russia verbally, as well as the escalation, militarily. it's uh uh, no, this statement is not the, i think i think it's well placed and it should be, it should not be taken as
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a bluff by the west because he does not for he's been very patient and very diplomatic in, in his procedures. a lot, but then also commented on south to raise announcement that it might re considers current policy on supplying weapons to key to and this comes in response to the new comprise of food to the treaty, signed vibe, puts in on the dpi case. go on, the russ, anita said. soft, who is decision would have unpleasant repercussions for that country. little fortune, but assure issue that wouldn't be a very big mistake. i hope that this will not happen. if it does, then we do will make decisions that are unlikely to please the code in south 3 and leadership was 2 years. now since the beginning of the call, vic, south korea has been supplying, playing with humanitarian and financial aid. the asian countries registration. but hibbits sending nasal agent to a policy of war in total since february 2022. so has said $900000000.00
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to give in a non legal assistance. but this mike, that south korean ministry, i just have grown significantly over the last 2 years before the crane compet south. cuz i know lived tech support amounted to $7300000000.00. they have been significantly increasing since then. this was primarily due to multi $1000000.00 bill, poland and the us which of sold to replace their own stockpile offer. they were defeated by aging. you crate. oh, interesting. lee enough will also bind washington all 2 of the main. a dentist, 2 keys last year po, run to receive an initial back to south korean and flight to just add other equipment. software have physical.
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