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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  June 21, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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at some time, nate kane is a us army veteran and cyber security engineering expert who served as a government contractor for more than 2 decades. with service at the pentagon, the f b, i, the national security agency, the drug enforcement administration and elsewhere. he's a patriot. he's a strong christian, and most recently he was a candidate for congress from the state of west virginia. like all whistle blowers needs personal integrity has been of the utmost importance to him. his faith teaches that the truth shall set you free, and he believes rightly in my view, that telling the truth under difficult circumstances is the only right thing to do . in 2017 while working at the f. b, i need discovered that f, b, i and justice department leaders were refusing to pursue criminal cases against hillary clinton and the clinton foundation, effectively obstructing justice. this was just months after the f. b, i appeared to take a side and the 2016 election supporting hillary clinton and beginning the false
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narrative that donald trump was a russian agent. and that the russian government was somehow influencing american voters. it was then that neat, blew the whistle to the justice department inspector general and to the house and senate intelligence committees. as i'm sure you can guess by now the f. b, i almost immediately began to violate his civil rights. he was put under surveillance. the f b i rated his home, confiscated his property, victimized, his family smeared his reputation and then leaked his identity to the press. this dragged on for almost 5 years, and then the end he was never charged with the crime, nor was his top secret security clearance ever suspended. but that's how government works. ruin the whistleblower professionally, personally, financially. and then just hope he goes away. we were very happy to have me it came with us today. welcome to the show, nate. hey,
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thanks for having me on me. you well, i have a lot in common. we were just 2 guys serving their country and trying to do the right thing. we saw evidence of wrongdoing and we reported it and then the entire weight of the us government stolen our heads. tell us your story from the outset and you were doing work at the f b i. and then what did you see? well i was, i was, there is a contractor and a subject matter expert for cyber security. and i came in one day and overheard a conversation that honestly i wish i had not heard. but it was one that involved a cover up involved senior leadership at the f b i. and somebody had seen transcripts of a conversation that occurred on the 7th floor where they were going to essentially shut down a lawful investigation on the basis of political reasons. and that's something that i can't abide by when i took my oath,
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my oath was to the constitution support and defend the constitution against enemies, all you know, foreign and domestic. and there were things that were being discussed, words like treason were being thrown around in this conversation. and they had no evidence and things like that that they were going to shut down because they felt that hillary clinton was going to be elected. and, and so they were worried about reprisals from her and that is no basis for you know, for equal justice under the law. in fact, uh, it's the exact opposite of that. and so, you know, if there is a legitimate investigation into somebody, no matter what their political background is, it needs to be equal justice and, you know, and that was the problem that i had was that i saw it politicized f. b. i, and i don't believe that that is a good thing for america. i think a politicized f. b. i something that's very dangerous to our constitution and to
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you know, to our country, you did exactly what you were supposed to do and you went to the inspector general's office and then to the oversight committees. frankly, you should have received a whistleblower award for that, but you didn't. what happened next? so so i, i did go through uh the i g. um the department of justice i g. michael horwitz, actually i was very nervous about that, to be honest with you because many of the people who were in my chain of command, you know, there was a problem. so originally i reached out to the house permanent select committee on intelligence and, and i, i reached out to them and spoke to one of the senior staffers to, to um, uh, to the, the chairman of the house permanent select committee on intelligence that would have been devin nunez at the time. and after speaking with their, you know, their,
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their senior guy, he asked by go back in and get more information on. so i did and, and i came out and then eventually i got kind of left twisting in the wind with this information that i brought out at their request. and so i ended up then going and reaching out through a lawyer to d o. j i g horwitz. again, like i said, i was a little nervous at the time because um, you know, i didn't know, you know, where he stood on things, you know, he was appointed by a democrat and i, you know, i was concerned because this issue, you know, had political implications and, but i will tell you that he was a stand up guy and he actually fulfilled his oath. and he did everything he could, you know, to protect it, to protect me, including giving me anonymity. and so, you know, i was grateful for that. but nonetheless, eventually it took up almost a year to get through that process. and once we got through it, i had protection under the i, c v. in fact, i was the 1st ever, you know,
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was of lower to utilize the intelligence community was the blower protection act. what the deal j. and i was given permission to take that all of the information to both the house and the senate until committees. so i did, and they asked if i would testify to which i refused because honestly this was kind of stuff that, you know, i was concerned that it could put my life in, in a, at risk. and i and so i didn't see the point need for it because i was taking documents that had already been validated and verified and had already been given a designation as an issue of national security. a virgin concern by horwitz. and um, but uh, i wanna say it was 4 months after i completed my disclosures. uh, the, the, i rated my home and 16 agents ended up in my home going through it uh, taking all of my electronics. they added me publicly. uh, to the, uh, you know,
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it's out there out of me through the public. uh, this happened through somebody leaking my name to the new york times, forcing me to, you know, go public. and which did in fact put me, you know, put me at risk. i had multiple death threats. eventually, you know, i was poisoned, i believe twice. definitely one time for certain that i know where something was sprayed under my door handle. that gave me a stroke like symptoms that lasted for 9 weeks. i had somebody listen the lug nuts on my vehicle before i went on a long trip and you know, and it was just uh, something that you know, no one who is blind, the associate ever have to go through. uh, not to mention that the, the f b i agent who was leading the investigation. uh, you know, he targeted me and went on, which i'm trying to, you know, basically smear my name in my community and amongst the family and friends. it created a lot of stress, you know, for my children and,
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and for me and my wife. and eventually it put us in a position where i didn't feel safe in my home. and so we ended up having to sell our house and move. and that's where we ended up in west virginia us, but uh, you know, i said clear clearly our whistle blowing system is broken and there needs to be major reforms done to it. uh, but uh, you know, in my case, you know, this was not a matter of me being a disgruntled employee. in fact, i gave up, you know, the highest paid job i ever had to do what i believed was the right thing to do. and you're right, you know, i should have been honored for that not destroyed for that, but they went after me in this a, f, b i agent in particular assault to it that i lost my job with the va and, you know, and then in the, in based on the conversations that were brought to my attention by people that he
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had interviewed and interrogated, the demand clearly have bias. at 1 point, one of the people who had gone to which really, you know, this was somebody who it was not somebody that i knew very well, but it was somebody who may have had potentially, you know, something negative to say about me. it was my, my uh, my sons, uh, ex wife's uh father its so like why would even go bother to talk to this man? well, because he was looking for dirt. and this man turned out to be uh, not to be somebody who was going to, you know, you know, make up some negative about me. and so he told the man the truth. and when the man got sick and tired of you know him with his line of questioning and he told the man that you told this at the i agent that he didn't, you know, wish to talk to him anymore there. and asked him to leave. uh, you know, see what's going on, his stuff and off the porch. and, you know,
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he said do this at the eyes and he says, why, you know, why are you guys always trying to destroy people's lives and the f. b, i agent turned around to him and said, oh, you just watch too much fox news. i mean, this is the kind of f, b i that is supposed to be non biased. i supposed to be conducting themselves in a professional manner. and by the way, most of these interviews that he did, he did alone. he was not with another agent. so there was no been there, you know, monitoring when he was doing this clearly, you know, a rogue attempted at, you know, trying to set me up for free me or, you know, get some dirt on the or something like that. so i eventually did report this to, um, you know, the senate judiciary and, uh, and they, and you know, their, their general counsel, they investigated. and i don't know what the, you know, the end result of that was. but i can tell you that about a week after i made that, you know, that filed the complaint. all of it stopped. so we have a problem. we have a problem in our justice department,
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and that's not something that should ever be allowed. you know, there has to be, you know, i think you need people who are going to be in there who are going to put aside bias. and that is why there should always be, you know, a, you know, an extra witness there. you should never have just one f b i agent there, but i think he was violating and breaking you know, the internal rules and policies. so plus, i know that i was likely surveilled illegally. one of the things that was kind of interesting was that the daily caller now, and i say this, look, i my background. prior to me go into the f. b i was i worked for and a say is detached from mar for cyber. i was ran on to tools like section 7 know to advise and you know, and other surveillance tools and surveillance authorities. and i can tell you, i know what the signals look like. and i had all the signal showing up on my phone . so i know i was being surveilled illegally and the daily caller put out
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a for your request to the federal magistrate to ask if, if she was notified that i was a protected whistleblower before signing off on the search warrant of my home a to which a clinton appointed judge clint appointed federal judge, put a seal on that answer and then she put a seal on her justification for putting and see you on that answer. i believe that that was correct. i think that they knew darn well what they were doing. i think that the justification for the search warrant was illegal and, but yet, you know, all never know because of the, you know, some federal judge putting a seal on it. and in that's tyranny. you know that our cost petition makes it very clear that unless there's probable cause, you know where to be free from illegal search and seizure. and yet uh, not only did they search me, not only did they surveil me of it, they also seized all my electronic assets. they, you know, they went out and, you know, basically leaked my name to the press. there was
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a lot of things that were done that were illegal and unconstitutional, and corrupt what they did. did your repairable damage to my family and you know, cause such things diety to my son that he passed out while it was on the cast. the only reason i even know about this is because we had a moment of, of, of attempted reconciliation. but you know, it's just, it's my life, this is to a stressful into, you know, political and everything else that he just, he can't, you can't be around me. so it's just, it's what, there are certain things that i can, i can let go of, you know, and i can just, you know, forgive me. but when you attack a man's family, you try to destroy their family. and that's something that's unfair. google named hang on to that thought. we're going to take a short break and when we come back, we're going to speak with nate cain about the nuts and bolts of the wrong doing the hand covered and not wrong doing involved some very important people. stay tuned
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will be right back. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 of the stuff for the summer shift for the opportunity such as you deal with the bishop should do this vehicle. is it the economic model? have us what it means? different experiments you've used as a particular test. okay. even though is then you must sort of deal with a company in some village, developing bio chemical weapons inside you create the guns. good to watch. we use
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the solution, you know, where some cheaper to use the white glove service cost, but he's because of the sanctions because the sugar high of you need polarity velocity is, has actually colored out the the well spring of state craft type abilities within the institutions of the american political system and it has essentially lunar golf devices, logs tags, and mary tom, news the welcome back to the rest of learners. i'm john to
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reaku. we're speaking with epi, i with the blower, neat cane. me. thanks again for being with us. absolutely. you say on your campaign website that the f, the i to the side in the 2016 election. that was the side of hillary clinton. i think that it has proven to be absolutely correct. first, tell us what illegalities you saw related to hillary clinton and the clinton foundation. and 2nd, why was a decision made to not pursue cases against hillary in the foundation? you know, i didn't necessarily believe the rumors that i had heard right away. i held onto the information for quite some time, you know, i, i heard that, you know, they were going to basically cover up hillary's client, you know, crimes and all of that. and i thought there's no way you know, how could they get away with that? there's no way it's too big. but we're dawned on me that what they were saying, because remember these files had case numbers. they had, you know, the field offices that they were being worked out of. and i just, you know, the,
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knowing what i knew about the yeah, i didn't think that was possible to, you know, completely cover something up like that because you had different field offices involved and paste numbers. you can't just make that stuff go away. but what became obvious to me that that was not the case was when jim call me, came out in front of the f b i headquarters. and he gave that press conference and he said, look, hillary clinton has committed all these crimes. she has, you know, had thousands of, of e mails on this e mail server that were classified. and he mentioned, i think there was, there was but what really shocked me was when he said that there were 7 e mail chains with special access programs. that john, you know what, that means, i know what that means. most of the world does not, but to have a special access program. when, in my lifetime i've been read on to several of them. and when i was right onto those, these were, you know, basically for the layman's time is above top secret. i don't like that to them but,
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but that's, that's the way that most people understand it. it's something that is even if you have a top secret clearance, you don't have access to. or even, you know, because you don't have a need to know. and because the information in there, so damaging, you know, to, to american security. if it were to get loose, you know that it could cost lives and things like that. and the special access program. i don't know what they were, but the fact that there were 7 of them, an e mail change on a non classified private server in her back basement bathroom, ever home and shop a clinic. now i will tell you the times that i worked with that kind of information . i was working in a skiff and i couldn't even read it at my desk in a skiff for everybody in that skiff had a top secret clearance. i had to read it in a closed room, you know, basically a special room designated for reading that kind of material. that's how they didn't want even somebody with a top secret clearance accidentally seeing it as
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a walk by my desk. so the fact that that would be on a private email server, there's no way that that could be a, you know, a spillage or an accident. you would have to knowingly violate the law and break the law to get that kind of information out. so when he said those things, and i'm listening and i'm going, oh my gosh, they're going to indict or, and he goes, but no, reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against her for this. and remember right around that time that her just been a case brought against a navy sailor who was a submariner. and he had had a, a, had taken a picture of his hot rack, which isn't even classified the hot rack. that's the sleeping quarters. you know, he took a picture of it and he posted it online. and because of that, the guy got like something like 5 years prison. so how in the handle, it's hillary clinton get away with special access programs being linked onto a server, which then he also comedy said in that during that during that press conference
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press conference. that there was, they had determined that there was likely for an adversaries at access that server . i reached out to some of my friends and, you know, in the cyber security community. and i said, is this all right? i so i know what i'm thinking and they confirmed that they were thinking the same thing that i was thinking that this box, the server was a dropbox. it was a way for her to be able to leak information. and it would explain why words were flying around like trees and, and things like that. so. so at that point, i knew and i knew something, you know, was seriously wrong. and the guy, and it wasn't just rumor. and in fact, my boss, my, my unit chief, was cussing and swearing and his office knew during the, you know, all this was going on television. and i walk over, i had a good relationship with them and i just walked in. i said, hey, so what's going on? and he, and he said to me, he said the f
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b i only investigates. it does not make determinations for indictment. that is not the guy's job. and so he was pointing out the fact that the call me was making the decision that there was not going to be any indictment against hillary clinton, you know, for these crimes. and so that he was violating, you know, policy by doing that. and so i, i told him, i said, well, i said, do you think that maybe they're going light on this because they've got it, you know, and he didn't know that i knew about this other information method. do you think they're going like because they've got other things on her that they're going to bring to light and they're going and died or for something else. and he says, no, it's not how it works. he says they're covering this up. and at that point, i knew i had to do something. i couldn't just ignore it. you ran for congress in west virginia. you were not successful, but you showed very respectably what's next for you and work and people find out more about your work. so look for this run for congress was it
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was important that i did it and i was unsuccessful. and largely i think the reason i was unsuccessful was because there were certain assumptions that i made going into this that were just flat out wrong. i thought that you know, that you could win an election by being a good candidate and working hard and you know, and getting out there, running a grass roots campaign. i mean, i started very early. we did, you know, we did, we had respectable numbers. i mean, you know, almost 13000 people voted for me in this district. and the fact is, i did not have, i, you know, i raised about a $100000.00 and that was not enough. my opponents. all of them had you. most of them had, you know, a lot more money to run advertising in the last 2 weeks prior to the election. and in the case of my main opponent riley more, you know, he had raised about
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a 100000 or maybe more in his own personal campaign. but he also had $700000.00. that was given by a crypto currency company into a super pack. that was running ads for him 7 days before the election. so he was able to just blanket the airwaves with the, you know, advertisement. and so what it boils down to is it came down to, it was hard for, you know, people to know who i was. so, you know, 13 thought i was able to reach out to 13000, but it wasn't enough. and so you know, so what comes next? so i mean, ice, you know, i, i wish the riley, well, i have major concerns about him and, you know, and especially about his background. he was a he was a foreign registered agent and he was a former lobbyist and vice president of the pedestrian group. or i think that should concern anybody. and for those that don't know who the best is are. john podesta was hillary clinton's campaign, sherman. clearly
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a 700000 thrown into it has re 7 days before the election. there were people that were nervous, i think about me being in this race. and uh, and i think that, you know, they did not want somebody like me, you know, getting in there. um, but you know, they may be able to keep me out of the, you know, out of the, the capital, you know, or out of congress. but what they can't do is they can't keep me from being active . uh, what the showed me in this experience was that we have a role to play. whether or not we're elected officials, we've got to take back control of our government. and we have to do our duty, you know, to save this nation and hopefully pass on something to our children. you know, that is, you know, that still maintains and has freedom. because right now there are people who are working against, you know, our liberties. they're working against, read them, or they want to destroy things like private property, things like our civil rights. you know,
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our right to their arms are right. the free speech are right to actually be free from illegal search and seizure are right to due process. i mean, all of these rights have come under attack under this administration and, you know, in previous ones, you know, but the thing is that we have to, we have to fight for those things. and so, um, so what goes on, what happens now? um, i am going to be taking my websites, my social media accounts, and i'm going to convert those into uh, you know, something for me to be able to continue to be a voice. and so i am going to be starting my own podcast. and right now i'm not committing too much, you know, can i commit to 2 days a week? one of the pod cast will be specifically talking about issues here in west virginia at the state level. and then the other one will be talking about national issues. i'm still also very engaged with a group called the
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a military accountability i group. and this is a group that i was one of the original $231.00 signers i'll be you know, also focused on, you know, dealing with this issue of military accountability for those members of the, you know, those flag officers are basically forced to illegal vaccine on many of our soldiers and i'm not talking about the code vaccine that was that everybody else didn't know . i'm talking about something that was not even approved. that was not even covered . you know, in, in the courts have already ruled that this was a legal, but there's been no accountability. and um, and so there needs to be accountability and that includes court martials for those who have done these things. so i'm going to be continually involved. i've got so many things that i can get involved in and can continue to be involved in, you know, to, to be active and, and that's what i intend to do. and then, you know, we'll see what the future brings. me thank you for everything you've done. thank
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you for your hard work and for this interview, this was really truly eye opening. i appreciate your time very much. confucius, the chinese philosopher said millennia ago that an impressive government was to be feared more than a tiger. an american founding father thomas jefferson, the 3rd president of the united states said that he was not a friend to activists. government for an active us government is always the press if they were both right. this is not a new idea. it's thousands of years old. why is it then that oppressive government never learned that they are the problem? not the solution to the problem. i don't know the answer to that question. what i do know is that we need more whistle blowers like nate king, to keep our government honest. thanks for joining us for another episode of the width of lowers. i'm john to reaku. please follow me on some debt at john kerry i coop. we'll see you next on the. 2
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2 2 2 2 the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this. but can you see through their illusions, going underground can and when you do that, you attempted to collect the extra
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a month. i thought she sat there for the show event. it will be a job to love for the cause of a dish. uh, international law for the defense, i see the setup button and that's the printer and i thought someone did you lose it? us for that. and if i said the media, i loved be focused on the 2 reasons. could you say with the city video camera in the service and they're going to be presented as for the work you don stimulus and just get a little less money from self real life. sure, sure. william farmer shots, my goodness, we have good car started. oh, decisions in my lab and what was that man? it was a, what was, i mean, did you look for on the best one today? and but you know, so that's what it is that you want to set. i'm sure those are pretty sure june was on page. did it for? she's kim. those are the best. do what i mean?
12:00 am
there's a camera for this account. i shot the, the chess willis. i am the. nobody's telling me that a humorous automobile. this was the 4 digits of bill, but i thought you still there about some of it from the umbrella dealership within the what it says, this woman hides her face and identity because of the nature of her job which she's been working for almost a year. and a team gathering evidence on the existence of sync with us lives in ukraine. the russian interior ministry suspects that we use to test biological weapons for the 1st step is that then they saying that she's the real quick. let's say we shift anybody have to escalate to expedite, didn't.


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