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tv   News  RT  June 23, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the washington president robin put in trouble into the dpi. okay, out of it now, giving his agent. so an signs, a mutual defense agreement with the only guy provoking the author of western powers the policy needed not to do for i just need to expires. and this was ultimately provoked russia and to the comfort today. and so you claim, as ease to as up to west and pressure to speaking the suppliers to europe, support from the us for the 1st time. and to use this flight to the determination to cut this energy dependency on most of
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the hello and welcome to audience. and i don't recall seeing live from almost the today . we're looking at the tech stories, the change of the week as was the latest news headlines, rather inputs and have visited the d p. okay. and for the 1st time in 20 full years, we're saving a welcome lives, lead a team doing one in the national capital, feeling young of the
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put this into the dpi, okay, result to the name use. so to partnership between moscow, i'm feeling young booths, i'd signed a mutual defense punch plugged into supporting each other. if either is a tax thing, government has insisted that their agreements accelerates on the creation of a new monkeys pulling the world order and put in that process does not exclude the development of men, fee corporation with the neighboring p, okay, is still young, has the right to take reasonable measures to strengthen its own defense capability and show a national security and protected sovereignty. the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document. i would like to draw your attention to statements by the united states and other nato countries about the supply of high precision, long range weapon systems, at 16 aircraft,
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and other high tech weapons and equipment for striking russian territory in disregard. the russian federation does not exclude the development of military technical cooperation with the democratic people's republic of korea. in accordance with the document sign today, the people saw this powerful agreement between the dpi, okay, involve choice and nothing more than the document until a constructive forward looking exclusively peaceful and defensive nature designed to protect and defend the basic interest of the people. so the 2 countries have no doubt that they will become the driving force accelerates integration of a new multi pull the world free from the rule of had gemini and violence. relations between all countries have reason to the high level of allied relations. a legal basis has been laid with the help of which it has become possible to put them on the 20th plan of the leadership of 2 states and all peoples to relied. we protect peace and security of the region and the wells,
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and build strong states in accordance with the common interest of the dpi. okay, and russia. this is the 1st time and nearly a quarter of a century the vladimir potent, the russian president, has touched down in pyongyang and this meeting that he had with him, john was all about establishing a new, basically a new era of cooperation between russia and the dpr. k and a military cooperation and it has to do with the fact that both countries are in a very similar position with respect to the west sanctions. and this common western . this common position in relation to westman regression is one of the main points in which the dpr, k and russia are looking to unite and fight against not just the increase, consistently advocate for the formation of a more just and democratic multiple a world or both russia and north korea pursue independent and autonomous foreign policies and reject the language of blackmail and dick tact. we oppose the practice
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of applying politically motivated sanctions and restrictions. these are legitimate actions only to stabilize the global political and economic system. we will also continue to resist the practice of sanctions as a tool. the west is a custom to using to maintain its had gemini in politics, economics, and other areas. in this context, i would like to note that the indefinite restrictive regime of the un security council against north korea inspired by the us and its allies, must be reconsidered. military cooperation was not the only sphere that was covered in these negotiations. this was an agreement that was signed across many different squares of cooperation. the russian present mentioned economics. the fact that in 2023 trade volume between the 2 countries grew to nearly $35000000.00 worth, that's a 9 fold increase from what it was in 2022 and the educational spear that's also expected to grow. the russian president said that right now,
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a 130 students from the dpr k are studying and russian institutions as part of the joint programs between the 2 countries. but that's expected to grow as well as such a grandiose welcome like the one that we received in pyongyang, i have never received ever before in any other countries. and earlier i was able to take some uh, videos of what was going on there. i was in the press bleachers right in the middle of the action. i was able to get up close and personal with some of the residents of young young. so let's take a listen. what does it give define the image of thousands of people from the dpr say has gathered here on the most on square to celebrate this meeting between vladimir mccain and john,
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the dignitary. welcome on criminals, on the square in the center. just come to an end that the people of the democratic republic of korea organized for this russian president vladimir. there's thousands of them on the square around $50000.00 all toward a warm, warmly welcome, the russian friends here in po 9 for the 6th. we're driving at 2 different location
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now. so many people from the streets, we've been saying this whole time as any crowd of people down the road. 4 kilometers the kilometers here to welcome the russian validation and vladimir from here. i mean, by aren't even getting tired of waving so much. put this into p o. u. i was followed by a trip to the vietnamese capsule, handle it for a to a state visit. this guy says include a full range of issue, the rough, some of it, and we just have to partnership this year. also mom's the 30th anniversary of a treaty on the foundation of friendly relations between the 2 countries. so they made these capital. it was decorated with russian and flags lining the streets. expectations of high that new agreements would be signed to expire in strategic corporation between the countries. as for, believe the problem, some locals in how do i am?
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i'm very happy that the leader of the republic of vietnam, invited, present, put in to visit the country to discuss cooperation. you have a nice people are very welcoming and happy because the 2 countries, vietnam and the russian federation have a very long and strong friendship. i also hope that the ties between the 2 countries will grow day by day. so the most, we love russians, people very much the people of russia very kind. they have supported the country so many years. we're grateful to russian people and president, 14. so now, in a tense world situation like this, russia in vietnam should strengthen the relationship because there are many threats to the security and peace. there are some presidents, the room all came during immediate confidence that rots off his trip. these images are from his visits to the non holden pen. the documents were assigned to the end of put the state visit to vietnam, include the a statement on the dates and in the comprehensive strategic partnership,
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a form of it. and them is definitely defend smith and told all to you that the russian president's visit could simply charge for the bi election relations. okay, to go to vietnam and the russian federation are taking new developments at a higher and more practical level in old areas in politics, culture, trade, science and technology. and i also expect that after the visit of president food and it will reach a new level industry gigi partnership, the comprehensive cooperation between the russian federation and via now historically, vietnam was very interested in russian equipment and weapons that had helped vietnam and to desist. new voice against france, and especially against the united states and in the cutting period, vietnam is very interested in a new technology of russia. that is for drone and electronic welfare as well as other areas such as the air force, navy artillery, and all the equipment for the army. vietnam and the russian federation are all
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members of the cm block. it has a very important meeting. that is, it conveys the message the vietnam is a bridge between countries and the region. and countries in the world rushing via now will contribute to building trust stability of the region. as you develop world wide base for form a u. k. policy leader, nigel for ross, is once again cool to come to the see among the british political establishment as he is i the money. so i do that. nato fashion is what approval process the end of the corporate again see plain and responsive to the scandal. he has said that the collector west has only exposed the weakness of it's outcomes. i don't blame me for telling the truth about peter's war in ukraine. the west errors in ukraine have been catastrophic. there was no easy solution to the war, but facing up to the truth about the causes and consequences must be
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a start. that is why i simply want to tell it as it is, and have done for a decade. those slanders who claim the telling the truth makes me a mouth piece for prudent only revealed the weakness of their own case. not surprise them on anybody knows them. uh and i, i do some was, uh, you know, he's a very pragmatic, he's a good speaker. and he has no problem. courtney conference back a controversy. he's happy if you like to stick his ground and digs heels in a little bit. and he's doing that at the moment. and this all comes to the context . remember of a u. k. general election. and it's a general election where the governing party originally soon act faces complete devastation if we listen to the pulse they could. so for the biggest, the feet in living memory, certainly even back as far as 19 o 5, they could lose dozens and dozens of seats. i think the majority that they had asked this of a listen to some of the criticisms of add knowledge offer i. she has a position and we take from there what. what do you said was completely wrong and
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only plays into patients hands, and this kind of appeasement is dangerous for breast and security. the ferocious comments about russia and ukraine, all disgraceful the predictable outrage from add the establishment that the leader of the labor party there and the leader of the government right now, obviously, so not very, very energetic supporters of ukraine. and i think what the reality is, is that the, for i just connected with the british public on the reality around you find on many other farm par policy. s groups, if you like, that the british are following the american lead in europe. i need to ukraine and find what, let's listen to the actual statements from arise to actually lead to the assess 5. if you like. i stood up in your sample element in 24 say, and i said, i like quotes. that will be a war in you cried. have we taken leave of all senses? do we actually want to have a war with pacing?
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because it we do with suddenly going about it the right way. we directly entire ridge, the uprising in the ukraine that led to the toppling all the president. you have like a bitch on that light of colors into a divided man who's in reacting on the model of the story is if you put the russian bear with a stick, don't be surprised when you were yes. why do i say about it was obvious to me for the ever these with expansion of nato. and the european union was giving this man a reason to his russian people to say that coming for us again. and to go to war. we provide this war. i get it, of course it's his fault. he's use what we provide you the invasion to try. and very interestingly, once again, 10 years ago, what i predicted is the way i'm the only person in british politics that predicted what would happen. so the seems to be very common sense objective views and analysis you had with many analysts and myself include many observers and many more
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people now around the world that in europe. and we see this in the european elections. bring more people now connecting with nigel fragile view. maybe that's why it's such a threat to be established as a visa. i mean all of the things that he says do make sense, but who is nozzle for us? i mean, you and i know who is off view is, may not, i mean wants his reputation. like as a politician, is this, the only comment is that he's made it to see any controversy. that's a reasonable spot. so you know, people's attention here. well, for us is, as i said, a from point a rock on to or he's a great speaker, and he's been around for quite some time since the 1990 since 1990. he's been a very big euro skeptic in the u. k. and the british have to do keeping quite skeptical to the european project. they left it after all. fragile course was at central to the departure from the european union. he left the u ship u k. independence party f pete for
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a period he was in the european parliament where he continually was this stone and issue for the establishment. challenging that corruption any pointed that's a very, very valid points as well. so you can see, this is really the reality of, of why right now as the british election comes as the project. you train, it gets uh, worse and worse, the slow motion car crash. that's like right, that's really what it's all about, you know? yeah. so it interesting, um, you know, there's a rise in a recent optical shade tools about all the mistakes the western powers are, may think in terms a little bit about. but yeah, i mean, knowledge of french has continually held up to the british and american foreign policy record, which for anybody who could read anyone who understands this, the can see this catalogue of interventions, this intervention list attitude to foreign policy. he said, discuss libya. he's discussed the rack syria, and he's a skeptic of that. and also he's also
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a very prominent influence in the united states. and the my guess come in with president from present, told us ask them to appear at various events and he's been a champion for it from. and he's also leading this make britain great, a great again movement. a part of that is saying that we don't need these forever wars. he's basically pointing to the fact that some of us, we have witness vanity taking the place of reason and foreign policy. and the result has been to destabilize a series of countries with dire effects both there and here, we should recall how around the same time is pensions with russia were being ramped up. us president obama and his secretary of state hillary clinton with the full support of david cameron's tory government and reduced libya to a smoking room. and in order to remove the dictator good off. you know, this commonsense approach, fact based approach. and i think the viewers should understand and the bigger picture, the wider picture as to why now,
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why certainly what the british press on the 2 big political parties in the you gave me so interested in the fragile s view pointing to position on ukraine on british and american foreign policy, you sell these of you since the 1992 spoken about that again and again, it wasn't convenient for the british press and the establishment media to highlight that it seems to be now in an effort to undermine his growing popularity in the u k, as u. k. reform party looks to challenge the conservative, i could take up to 10 seats in the election. so it's important that people understand what the motivations may be in the british press right now to certainly start talking about nigel for i just added you to the forever was sort of proclaimed this new jersey is dead false. even despite his son, some of the game was a, out of the support of the claim. but does it really work like that? i wasn't to so it seems so cold, you claim peace, confidence
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a final push towards choosing aside for monday to ios. i'm so i'm a co young board offices looting for questions and reveals more in the latest episode of going undergrad. we shouldn't baton see for now is a preview or we are in a visa or wherever the bees are periods of time. in fact, uh, because obviously this conference less definitely to not have a good publicity for neutrality. but the whole policy, switzerland has waged in the, in the framework of ukraine in conflict or the unit cleaning crisis is in fact to be the abandonment we can say of the neutrality policy was wrong with these wasteful additions that they wanted to a band. and i mean, they, they, i, it depends on who you are away. so obviously bad to be blinking. wouldn't say they're going wrong. he says, you doing the right doing. but what, why do they want to abandon neutrality?
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these guys saying conduct to because a russia is considered as a non democracy or always china. oh, where whoever, then we all know how to use any i any policy to find them. in fact, what, what this conference has shown besides the, the outcome about, about 2 grand, which is basically no real laptop come about the piece, a new grain. but what he shows clearly is the a precinct a split between the western world and the rest of the world. and if you noticed the final communicate of the conference was not signed by the most important countries of the, let's say the grow, this, the drop of sauce, meaning that those who could have had some kind of leverage on russia didn't sign that the, the communicate meaning that this, the whole exercise was
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a total feed or from the very beginning, even before the conference. in fact, the president of the conference, me system, y'all, i'm at who is incidents and the also the, the defense minister. and the same time. she said that probably she should convene another conference after 2. it was the end of may. i'm but the by the way, but little that 3 weeks ago she said probably we should convene another conference off the birkenstock conference because we don't have rush on board. and you know, because due to, to, and it failed, and it's the only outcome i think, is to show this a split between the south and the, the western world. the 1st time in 2 years, russian gas supplies. so you have sup, off lose from the us, that despite the 8th,
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the termination to come this dependency on most because of the play and conflict. it's striking to see the market share of russian gas and l n. g entire in europe. after all, we have been through and all the efforts made to decouple under risk energy supplies. russian pipeline gas and l n g continued to be supplied to e u. countries as well as to the united kingdom, switzerland, serbia, bosnia and herzegovina, northern macedonia, europe deliberately exempted impulse of russian energy from sanctions, which it needs for heat and electricity transport in industry, and cannot get any other way. europe is frustrated as it finds itself going around in circles with more data revealing about the consummate tens caught its ties to roster. and what's more, it's growing in use dependency. but more than that, a little bit later before we begin, let's just take a few seconds to remind ourselves of the west determination and confidence that
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they can survive without the process of resources cheaply to which one of our major successes has been to reduce our considerable dependence on russian energy to almost 0 o work of the last month really pays off. because at the beginning of the war, if you look at the importance of gas, 40 percent of it was russian gas since a long time. today we're down to 9 percent only let me russian gas will have cost for you or but it's not only the right thing to do from a moral standpoint. is going to put us on a much stronger strategic foot secret rush. so use this energy has that to use as fluid as a weapon of war. i think we have to prepare today for a scenario where we have to g without boss and gas sold together. because that scenario is mostly a radical, well they've been trying and failing miserably. and once again at their own expense, this was a great business opportunity for the wes,
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not so much for the europeans who have to pay more now. but they've also been convinced that they need to develop a legit infrastructure, which many ex would say is a total waste of time and money. this is the world's most expensive and in this is the re insurance policy. europe must carefully balances gus and ellen g systems and avoid seeping the scale from reliability. and so it ends and see boston give up southern g infrastructure. well, not necessarily increased reliability. there was 10 triple risk that says could becomes transit all this, and they're still importing allergies from russia. moscow, in fact, the accounts as for over 16 percent of the confidence allergy supply so far this year, and that is an increase from the year before europe is still importing l n g from russia. it is because there is a need with our other main suppliers such as norway,
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operating at maximum capacity. it will be hard to completely stop the flow of russian l n g. we are still not completely out of the crisis friends and ports us the most in the 1st half of this year, given russia over 600000000 euro as well. maybe that is why present mccolan has been so angry lately. russia also controls nearly half of the worlds and rich do radium capacity, which is of course, another problem for the west. they us present just signed the lots of band in ports from russia box starting from whence each $28.00. so it's all looking good visits, even then the forecast is up because of these restrictions, prices will rise and once again, you know, who will end up paying for it. the structure of the international supply chain largely includes russia, not only the us here in europe. there are many water powered reactors that depend
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on russian fuel and services needed for further maintenance. i'm talking about the countries of eastern europe, where the percentage of nuclear energy use is very high, 3040 percent. and these countries simply need their reactors to work properly. of russia is also responsible for supplying a substantial amounts of fertilizer to the continents with exports. we to record levels in the last 2 years. there is a real risk for europe to become a junkie of russian cheap. you refer to eliza from the perspective of european food security. it's terrible. europe is not reacting to this new dependency that we're seeing being developed. it's time the wes woke up the reality that makes a business with politics as not a great idea, at least when it comes to russia, something which latter were approved and it has been talking about all along. but that is, of course, if you have your citizens best interest at heart for washington, it's all about strategy, not walk, make sense?
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obviously, we support you train not out of charity, but because the people of ukraine and their future is in our strategic interests. they're sitting on $10.00 to $12000.00 of critical minerals in and ukraine. they could be the richest country and all of europe. i don't want to give that money and those assets to put into share with china. if we help ukraine now, they can become the best business partner wherever dreamed of that. $10.00 to $12000.00 are critical mineral assets could be used by you train in the west, not given to put in china. that's what it all comes down to a race for minerals and geo political power. what i'd see here that's being drive then. so this and being made to look like a fool in the process. well, russia is still cash and then a full us 3 enough for me is a tyron. can i as well, says the urban gas longer,
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it is actually not so appealing for russian companies because of publications connected with sanctions. that's we know the energy companies are buying the russian natural gas to key if they still a buy a russian liquor on gas. uh, for instance, why are important um for its like a lot of times she put um, but uh russia and she can easily send its uh, either northern c route to uh, clients in the east which by the way, who is paying a higher price when it comes to mt over the last the year. so then you pay market is not that interesting on various levels because uh aspect definitely is uh democracy given uh then use sanction packages. uh we,
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we forget. so rather than that, current one is non of a 14 or 15. um it's, uh, i would say it's a rather help less effort because as a us congressman who is message section. so sanctions from have, uh, they did not bring russian economy to, it's nice that we know as an arrow on the history. um es, essentially just took economic firm. there was one panel for how to become number 4 . and the world economy and the executive had same day when that powell was held, world bank data was published and rush, she's frustration is already the 4th uh world economy. so it jumped from place 6 to place 5, overtaken germany. and i always remember for, well that rumsfeld, this is always good to have your company in the show to check out about to in dot com. i love great stories that will be back as the top of the,
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the the


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