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tv   News  RT  June 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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is idea that everybody is deserve, and that's just that virtue absorbing here the blogs on a ton, russia is called definitely not says the us was complicit in the ukraine in missile attack on crime math, which left to children that a christian priest executed from the 7 police officers killed on a synagogue to find out on the assessments the off the mass of with terror attacks in august. all right, now as i said, the clerical is almost completely destroyed. all that's left of these birds sacred text. and absolutely shame that that's how hungry describes brussels planned to bypass his objections on using process unfroze and russian assets to buy homes. please press the
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hello and welcome to our international. we're here live from lester, so keep me company, this is what i've talked story watches for administer, save a lot for all says that there is no doubt that the us passed responsibility for sunday's terror attack on crime that she may per logs during a press conference which has been a russian counterpart during the visit to minutes. thank you for your condolences over yesterday's to our attack and some estoppel in parallel. there was another terrance atkins august on the war victims. the relative authorities are doing everything to establish those behind them. as soon as possible, but the complicity of the united states and the ukrainian subordinates is not doubted by us. weapons where use that the u. s. provides to the ukrainian regime, which can not be used without direct participation of the u. s. military. a. want to any ministry there now to break it all down or to stave sweeney. steve. some
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pretty strong watch from the russian did not even to him. just take us through what he said. well yes, very strong was from bushes foreign ministers. i loved roles. he said there was no doubt that the united states was behind sundays terror attack on crimea. now he wasn't just talking about the weapons. he said that the kind of missed all that was used in the attacks. and that's how comes us long range missile. these cannot be used without direct participation from the us ministry. now we've seen the devastating consequences on sundays the talk full of people killed. 2 of them at children, we seen a whole range of people fleeing to that lives on the beach, children's toys strewn everywhere. now cool, sunday was a very important day in the russian. all the adults calendar, it was supposed to be the day for hoody trinity celebrations, but instead it turned into a day of talent. now, at 3 days of morning had been cold in crime,
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a crime in the community remains very much in show. now russia did something on the us. i'm boss of the and it said the such attacks would not be left without retaliation. the us, which is waging a hybrid war against russia and has in fact become a policy of the conflict by supplying the training and on full, seized with the most modern weaponry base equal responsibility with the key of regime for this atrocity. the ambassador was informed that such actions by washington, which are intended to encourage the probably not seal sorry to use in ukraine to continue fighting until the last ukranian by authorizing strikes deep into russian territory will not go on punished retaliatory measures will certainly follow. so now the pentagon has this phone data, and it said the ukraine alone selects its targets. but as we heard from number of earlier that the missiles that we used simply cannot be fired without the direct participation and involvement of the us ministry. okay,
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so what about from ukrainian perspective? have we had comment on this attack at all? well, yes, we have, we heard a response from an advisor to the cranium president brought him, is it lensky? and he went to as far as to justify the attack. and he said that they're all only civilian occupies, and you cry. there are none, and cannot be any beaches, taurus zones, or other fictitious signs of peaceful life in crimea. crimea is certainly a foreign territory occupied by russia or fighting is taking place and a full scale war is continuing the very war that russia unleashed solely for a genocidal and aggressive purpose. crimea is also a large military camp and warehouse with hundreds of direct military targets, which the russians are cynically trying to mask and cover with their own civilians who for their own part, our civilian occupiers,
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as well. a quite shocking statement, as we just heard of paving, to justify the kidding of children, identifying them as legitimate targets. now, the tax such as we saw in crime here, of course, constitute will crimes. but the west seems happy to turn the blind died when it's carried out by ukraine properly. because admitting that they all will come to make them complicit now. number of also condemn the escalations in the middle east. he said that russia was doing all the time to prevent spin over this comes as israel seems to be paving the way for a ground invasion in neighboring level and at no cost as well. again, heavily backed by the west. um, i will. so, i mean, we're talking about escalation, there's so much to over rule out of goals. one feels that the one piece is neglected. what's the situation by what was that broke? did talk to him now, but he said the end of the actions carried out by the west,
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a new crime would. in fact, ultimatums to russia. he said this included the sufferings of peace steals. now these came soon after the so called peace conference in switzerland hosted by you find which in fact turned out to be something of a 5 years. some 15 countries refused to sign the final declaration of most of those, the members of the global south. many countries, of course, refused to attend the conference so well together. on the other, for an in the room was the absence of russia. now, this supposed to be a 2nd peace conference, a game. russia hasn't been invited. now, a lot of that go over some of the history he spoke about the piece proposal was outlined, but as far as 2014, of course we know what happened the minutes the codes which were supposed to bring peace and the see saw in the don't boss region that we know the collapsed, um echo and along the respective president and chancellor of the gavin tools of
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that deal gemini, and strong submit to that. really that deal was about buying time for ukraine to arm itself, not for a whole. so i mentioned this piece proposal submitted by posting on june the 14th on the eve of the switch. so cold peace conference, which the west simply rejected out of hand. so now instead of saying piece with a more of an optic of these kind of a tax with a long range, missiles, of course it was the british foreign secretary, the i'm elected, paid. no, david cameron really got the ball rolling in this direction. he was the 1st to essentially greene like attacks inside russian territory. all this in europe soon followed suit somewhere or little bit more wrecked is in some. 3 rejected those goals other said, well, they can be used in certain circumstances to targets ministry infrastructure, the president's ukraine, the united states, of course, it followed and again, green law to the top to side russian territory. and, but these attacks that we see on aging minutes,
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the target says we've just seen with the terrors hocking crime in time and time again. that was the heating, civilian infrastructure, civilian building, civilian areas, and military target. so the attacks that we saw on the, the attacks that we saw in crime here on sunday, a simply moving further and further away from peace states we need breaks. not all down for us, much appreciated steve, thanks. tons of people are now going to have died following a series of terrorist attacks on churches and synagogues, and southern russia on sunday to christians were among the victims. while the rest, when muslims in treating a police officers who for soccer games, the attack as 5 terrorist, what was so killed all this footage shows the off tomorrow hopefully of talking to touch and much color. vehicles parks outside and i found out racks while the supposedly st cred territory. now symbols battlefield, we heard from a priest to manage, to barricade the tools and protects people inside the building. this
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is when i close the church. yesterday, some people were running around the territory, i brought them into. the deacon has checked everything we stayed inside for 4 hours . regions had houses, visits available for all the charge and launch catalog to express his concern. and it says, put to it shows the rules and windows password was, but hold on. he's wasn't costs rep report they were at least 20 worshippers of discharging much color on sunday evening when they were celebrating the holy trinity day on a sunday. now that service attacked late in the evening, as you can see, the buildings here, the church, or were written with a bullet holes. now that service were killed, but before that they killed a security guard who was fine to protect the worshippers from their attacks. that security guard came to the door, it was open. another time which did was he closed and the terrace continue shooting
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. he can see this door is also riddled with bullet holes. now, the security guard, his name is me, how you was killed and he died instantly after your shot. this is what's left of the prayer holes in the synagogue and the city of their events. and russel's republic of biggest stone, according to officials, the terrorist, guardians, to synagogue from the backside, killed 2 security guards as they walked in and then said, this prayer hole on fire. thankfully the word no worshippers there at that side, but some number of casualties couldn't be much harder because the, the, the prayer on sunday was supposed to start 40 minutes after the terrorist attack the synagogue. now, right now, as i said, the prayer hole is almost completely destroyed. all that's left of these birds
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sacred text. i mean, let's just start suddenly, they came from over there and killed the security account, then carried molotov cocktails and gasoline here, killed the other gun and wounded the placement, the placement called the swamp table. from here we can see where the shooting occurred. that was the moment the terrace fled. well, the people of douglas thought of russia with us. remember what happened. he must go racing. they don't know what's going on. people are being killed or the shall god created. people for want to live in the browser, the way we altogether, we will be together and we will never surrender, shall be what did you get a couple of those stocks who didn't even it's there only a few of them in the republic with you, but it's happens before it and it's never had any impact on the overall situation and on our unity unless we defeated them and we'll continue to defeat them. so i guess for some of the level that they want to scare us, but it won't work for them, but it was a project to build to most a church and the scene go up and up. and i don't even know how to cause these thoughts. there is nothing like that and that must be a religion of it's some group of people control by some wonderful happy people
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street. so that's the name given to this pedestrian area in their bands by local residents, because for them, it symbolizes peace and unity for the multitude of nationalities that reside here. it is also at home to this monument. over here we have the representatives of judaism, christianity, and islam. and up until sunday, all of these people were alive, however, the terrorist inter bent, they attacked a church and killed a priest. his name was nikolai concerning the gulf, and that he's been here for 40 years. changing judges parish. this people here in their bands have been bringing flowers to this monuments all for out month they had, it doesn't seem to stop as people here realize that only unit so you can prevent
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horse terrorism, which is a national vice still very story of all per se so yes, you had know him, since i was a child, it was a good contest and what's happening is wrong. and i want to say that the attack is only a small fraction of people in the caucasus, the rest them the stand that it is wrong, which these people didn't give life. so they don't have a right to take it to. they said there are muslims, but there is nothing in this, none that it would allow mother or impose something on all those new stool. anybody who looked most of them, nothing can divide us. whatever happens where decent citizens living in a friendly way in one city and having our own mentality, we understand everything and separate nationality from terrorism in every 4. so we can try to influence the situation from the outside and i can say that they will not succeed. the eu has thrown off upon to bypass budapest objections
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on using profits from photos and russian assets to buy alms for ukraine. hungry is foreign minister and criticized. move brand to get shameless for side. stuff in his country is veto powers. so we don't use um, i might not. indeed, it was announced today that the european union will use the title of 1400000000 years from the european piece facilitate to finance arms deliveries to ukraine. despite congress disagreement, by completely disregarding europe and laws come great, was simply left out of the decision making process. this is a clear red line that has never been such shame, dis, disregard, and violation of common european rules before. all right, but it is precisely those who advocate for rule of law procedures at full volume and speak about the threat to democratic values for violating european regulation laws. while always on hand to help us make sense of the soft costs in brussels, it's all to contribute to rate. so mazda and i'm right. so, i mean,
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rules are rules. they say the know if things wouldn't goes away the process once it seems so it just took us through what it is that hungry. so riled off by hey, look, is there ever a time when these european piece facilities are just used for weapons? so the western establishment has, haven't, in their heads for awhile now, that they needed to find a way to get russia to pay for both sides of the conflict in ukraine. so they decided that they were just going to take proceeds from the interest earned on russian assets for. busy and in the west and well steal them. an agreement has been reached. we are able to secure this procedure with sufficient guarantees to release profits from the assets us. we're talking $1400000000.00 euros here of funding from european tax stairs in the saw piece facility that were being held. and because nothing screams piece,
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slight transferring that cache into the western military industrial complex to make more weapons for russia to just blow up in ukraine. and watch cheap, diplomatic use of perils hold the western press just recently that they found a boot pull at the you to bypass any objections from hungry because it had stain from an earlier vote for i literally said of this, suppose a legal loopholes at brussels battalion of bureaucratic, dest jockeys nines, to find, quote, a loophole, and that it flies, those were literally his words. so there's been a lot of talk over the past few months of the legality of just stealing these russian assets. and one of the benefits of european union diversity you would think is that it's made up of $27.00 different countries that can each do their own research on that and bring their arguments. or i need to send to the table. now hungry was one of those dissenting countries. apparently it's just such
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a big mystery to brussels. why do the past has been so insistent, as burrell says, on european tax payers not paying to fuel this conflict, particularly through buying weapons, even though you know, you have exhibit a, with people who have just been killed and injured yesterday by an intercepted american missile on a beach in sebastopol, the younger informed minister has literally spelled it out for them, but the issue allows equal yeah, it is clear to the intent to continue crossing the right lines shortly. we remember that in the european union decided to launch the training mission. we're not participating in this either. this training mission is about your paying soldiers and trainers, training ukrainian soldiers on europe in territory within europe and you the entire retreat hordes. however, the high representative has now proposed this mission, which involves the training of the training and soldiers by european union soldiers
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should also continue on the territory of ukraine. this is an extremely dangerous proposal. as on the seal sounds super peaceful, guess the piece facility was going to pay for that too. so the last time, the budapest dissented in the face of pressure from brussels when it opposed starting you exception parks for ukraine last december. so what happened there? well, during chance are all actual tap tongue gear and prime minister victor or bon into dipping out into the hallway. so they could all just pretend that they had the required unanimity to ran through. so would they be able to talk or bon into taking another bathroom break with the false without trick again, so that they could just have another unanimous vote. might have been tricky, this time hobbled with no massive pressure from wars. now coming from here in europe, because here they still want to press hungry into the community of european countries that was more or a moving towards war. we have to stay out of that,
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but we must wage despite nato put in brussels. so it's important to underscore that you, ross, are in a really big hurry to get this tax cash unlocked before the music stops with those same ripped off tax pairs who are increasingly opposing all of the spending democratically voting for anti establishment parties across europe. and a desperate attempt to end this whole ukraine funding charade. jokes on them. they still think they're living in a democracy and not a bureaucracy. even the european central bank president has effectively echoed hungry as concerns over just straight up stealing this interest on about a reported $260000000000.00 in frozen russian assets in the west is moving from freezing the assets to kansas. gauging the assets, disposing of them is something that needs to be looked at very carefully. it was started breaking the international legal order that you want to protect,
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that you want rush and all countries around the world to respect. sounds like la gas miss the memo where brussels and his western partners decide that the so called international order is just whatever it needs for it to be at any given time. and right now is the lens keys, incessant party barking for more cash seems to be a convenient cover for not having to really explain themselves too much, or really even pay lip service anymore to democratic process when deciding that they really desperately want to use this opportunity to boost the value of their own european weapons, manufacturer stocks. and standing on to the point that was a contributor, rachel mazda, and thanks very much, rachel went outside, bringing now senior written research fellow at the global part of the institute. think time, george, i'm wiley. i'm george, thing too good to have to you. i'm. so what all of those are equal,
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but some of me pulling up a bit of past view against disregard is, are you surprised? no, sir, this has been an ongoing thing whereby hungry is continually objecting to the e. u and the nature of father say it's uh, goes duty to me. things is going to make a stand. and then of course, um hunger is objections are even though it's because it's understandable, the hungry is isolated. it's a club with 27 members. one member cannot prevail against the other 26 symbol of a need so. so the 2 members, one member cannot prevail against 31. i mean, that's really the problem. as long as hungry wants to belong to these 2 clubs. it's going to be defeated, time and time again. i mean, o'bonham obviously has warned that europe is almost pressing for rule.
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budapest has made its position on this very clear that it wants a peaceful resolution given the state of european departments and politics at the moment. how successful do you think open can be in changing the tide is not in the slightest boar bomb is pretty much uh, isolated in your i mean he does have some support from uh, robust it so. but if you recall from that meeting that. busy yvonne had with um the nato secretary general. i young sheldon but basically um she felt a book golf over bon to agree that um, you know, well on gary and troops will not be used in ukraine. which itself is allow me because this suggests that nato troops will be using it be great. so is that okay, well why don't use on gary and troops and we won't do san gary and molly, i, hungary will not raise objections to anyone else using troops and money in the
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ukraine and or by signed onto this. so that was the condition for essentially then he, a accepted mock approved to the new nato secretary general banker wrote to himself that okay, fine if that's hunger is what i'm very well. but of course, it means that hungry is part and parcel of this nature of policy to con, get around this. so if there is this war that or by my thing is right accurately and press and the one about if there is this will hungary as a member of this military alliance, that's a will, will be a target, just as much as any other member of the state of the major will be a target, so it's kind of a loser. 8 to thing, but somehow well if we kind of, you know, fuck it around here on floods around that we somehow when the target was close, you'll be until i get if there was a war. i mean, on the, on the 1st a russian assets specifically. i mean, what's your view on this?
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is this, um, maybe i'm thinking to positivity. is this a reaction to those recent e parliamentary elections? i finally, the politicians are listening to the people who are complaining about the cost of living, who agreeing for straight with this idea of more of the money being spent of texas rising. or does the, you kind of just need it to, you know, to, for, to years it's earned money. so it's taking russian money and wanted to funds you inquiry of the, the eu has been planning to do this for a long time. they had a problem which is that the americans have told them, yeah, we'd like to use all of that, that 270000000000 or whatever and frozen as most of it in europe. we want to use all of that and hand it over to ukraine. the europeans are obviously very unhappy about that because that calls into question, the reliability and integrity of the european banking system. so they've tried to
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find ways around it or somehow what if we do it this way? you know, with these winful profits, or we use that for and if we lend them to 50000000000 yours and then the, the interest on the loan will come come out of these profits on a frozen assets. if we do that, we are still in accord with international law. they've been trying to find creative ways of, uh, staying within the law. but of course, staff this theft. and just because it's not quite as being your face as the american plan, which is just pick it up and give it a little to your grade, it's still fit on. the final thing i do want to ask is, i mean, move on, his talks about it, the foreign minister. well, so i was told when the idea of training ukrainian minute treat in ukraine as well. the see a dangerous proposal, but, but here seems absolutely adamant unintended compressing fluids on this positive escalation. why don't you think that that being so the photo clip out to is the
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a hope that the move i pay off the less the chance that it will happen. you know, i think the, i think the now absolutely whether then determine on this policy and the figuring, you know, like a gambler, you know, you keep um, uh, you know, doubling the bed that it will come right at some point these thinking that is being articulated by uh, by shed, oldenburg, uh and my, my crown is that russia will back down eventually once the actual realizes how did time and nato and the you all to go on a flight thing in your brain to go on resisting russia to go on standing up for you to grant him, but you are the ones rusher realizes that russia will back down and will capitulate to the demands of nathan the you, it's not going to happen, but that's the thinking and they think, okay, well now if we escalate
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a little bit more rupture we'll realize just how serious we are and russia will back that that's being the thinking ever since. uh, this thing started in february of 2022. it hasn't been very successful, but you know, like gamblers, they, they hope that some of the day of the, the calls will come right. well, the definition of a full, someone who does the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. as always, we appreciate your time and your inside belt distortion where the senior research but the type of policy is to thanks very much george. thank you very much. i of some fun. it was a trip designed to, to ease tensions between the ear on china. but it's ended with a job in economics minister lecturing facing on the need to find alternatives to cold. the minutes to have gone to china on a 3 day visit with hopes of reaching a consensus with face yang and the dispute over trays terrace. a scheduled meeting with the chinese premier, i was part of the effort to achieve that,
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although it was cancelled without explanation. at the last minute about how that goes into, into his chinese counts, paul, since they themselves are to blame for the terrible nations, because amazing is continued ties with russia. we mentioned that the russian hill of aggression and the chinese support for the russian government already damaging the trade and economic relationship between europe and china. and that is an important message that we must not confuse neutrality with, taking sides against the security interest of the country. the ministers prep comes amid top wrangling serv terrace the pounds to impose on chinese electric calls from july, a recent european commission investigation compared to the patient, and was unfairly subsidizing its fair quote. manufacturer was making it difficult for european bibles to compete. china brown to move protectionism. a want a could spout a trade war. and while the parties have agreed to hold negotiations,
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the years still plans to bring its duties into effect in early july. by the unlikely of michael, which i spoke with, the co editor of junction use of smokers, fernandez he believes that the trade power full failed to put the brakes on the china, electric car industry. the whole issue about the terrace of to chinese. these, it's, 1st of all is hypercritical, because what you repeat, and as i say is saying is that all china is subsidizing, it's easy. so this is unfair. so we need to impose tariffs. but 1st of all, i mean, this is how global trade works. every country subsidize some, some sectors of the economy, even like the u. p. s, u, a p. and you know, how much they, they spend those subsidies before i could go to the last year, almost $60000000000.00, even with this parents, if it would be in union impose even with that, there is the chinese cars are still more competitive than the repeal ones. so
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that's the 1st point. second point is that china is thinking ahead of europe. there's one thing that nobody's discussing now, but guess what? china is investing billions of dollars in easy factories. guess where in the roku and you know way more roku because more roco has a free trade agreement with europe. so maybe in a couple of years we're going to have houses of chinese eaves go into europe 0 terrace because they are made actually in morocco. so at this point, there's no way you can compete with chinese electric cars. why they hear thing the chinese put me. i did not want to meet with minutes that had big issue r o p show at the high level as how back and you go to another country and you criticize this country to say, oh, you guys are doing too much trade with russia. this is bad for us, i mean you.


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