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tv   The 360 View  RT  June 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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to the, the the real november chairman, celebrity billionaire person of the year president of the united states. these are just a few of the titles which have been either achieved or given to donald j. trump, over his lifetime, over new or just as a merchant, just to send his donald trump the title of felon. for the next 30 minutes, we will discuss the future of the 2024 campaign, and if the republican nominee can still win the presidency, scale hughes, and this is perspective, the
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former president donald trump was found guilty on all counts. and there's a manhattan hush money trial marketing end of the 1st criminal trial of a former president, as well as the 1st 2. and then a conviction that trump was charged with 34 counts of falsifying new york business records in order to conceal damaging information. and unlawful activity from american voters before and after the 2016 election, each of which carries a sentence of up to 4 years in prison. and a $5000.00 fine. i wouldn't normally would have been charged as a misdemeanor in the past. it was the only in the closing arguments to the public, as well as the trump defense team learn how all of this was being made into a felony. district attorney alvin brag was able to convince the jury. the former president trump falsified business records in new york state to conceal another
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crime, the crime to influence the election and election for federal office. you know, a crime which the federal justice department refused to even handle. people outside the courthouse erupt into cheers and boos. some holding giant signs celebrating the jury's verdict. it was unbelievable to describe this a lot. why didn't stupid old us look at the mental people why those are the you're going to take the. c i'm glad to happen, but we've been living in this comedy so nightmare. i don't even know what to call it up to him. i love your site. no, it's the very 1st moment where we got to my time like our democracy, salvageable, and maybe at some point we can turn it into something that actually represents all
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of us instead of just the feel really good about the burden because uh no one above below and i believe that next step base would be lock up. i go by the end of the month. so we were the house or the president who's a convicted felon. trump even spoke immediately after the ruling and blamed the judge and location of the trial. this was a disgrace, this was a trial they wouldn't give us a venue change. we were at 5 percent or 6 percent. that is the state of this area as expected, almost immediately as it would have been planned and prepared. the binding ministration used this verdict to fund raise. there's only one way to keep donald trump out of the oval office at the ballot box, and then asked for donation. but was actually donald trump, who saw
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a record fundraising following the judge's decision in the history of politics, i believe maybe i'm wrong that somebody will find that i'm wrong, maybe, but i don't think so. as they raise was small money donors, a record $39000000.00 in a about a 10 hour period in the 1st 24 hours following the verdict. the trump campaign had raised $52800000.00 through the online digital fundraising platform. that's more than $2000000.00 per hour and nearly 30 percent were 1st time donors were never even given through when red before to trump has made the promise to appeal the decision . the next step will be sentencing, which merchant will deliver july 11th at 10 am. just 4 days before the opening of
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the republican national convention in milwaukee. as soon as the jail time it would be expected, the judge would have trumps or all time concurrently. and could happen even before an appeal hearing date has been set. well, that's the breakdown this case, the burling, the impact, the presenter election with our panel, our friend, lionel. there's a legal media analyst and host of vinyl nation. davin wax, who was the president of the new york young republicans and robert patello, a civil rights attorney and political activist. thank you so much for joining the gentleman on this very historical moment in time that we're living here in america . and i want to start off with just some perspective, so we can tell sort of our audience where the 3 of you were coming from. present your bottom one, the manhattan district by 85 percent of 2020 judge won merchant has donated to present you about his campaign. $35.00 and other progressive organizations. i want to ask each of you with this jury pool and the judge was donald trump. given
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a fair trial and due process, i'm a start line. oh yes or no. you know, so absolutely not. it's actually very quickly. it's not just if he gave her a $35.00 the river, his daughter was a very and he's a very, very key operative in democratic, of fundraising and the like and, and p r moves. remember also that just as a leaders, wife and just as thomas's wife, both of their wives had been bases for their for demand for their refusal. public judge motion, by the way, it's a state court judge who does not enjoy lifetime tenure. when he was asked to refuse, he said, no, no, it's irrelevant. this was a kangaroo court. trump never had a chance from the moment he walked in there. and the next time somebody brings up a motion for a change of venue. they're going to cite this case a lot. all i bets and to are an attorney, you are in new york. i'm sure that you're very familiar with this court. let's head down south robert. you're in atlanta. do you think trump was actually give, induce chung due process and all of this split b as in due process of
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a word of art that has a definition. that means you have notice and a hearing that's with due process sales is not some kind of magical word. the donald trump know that there was a hearing from you. yes. do you have a hearing where he had the opportunity to control some charges against them? yes, therefore, due process was, was satisfied with that situation. now on the question, did he get a fair trial? yes, he got a fair trial and bear with reversible error, then that will be taken to the, to a higher tribunal and will be reversed, are worth will error. but the extensively, we're having lots to trial the thing where we, where everyone else have. i didn't see any of the sort of prejudice be issue to give present drum based upon who political affiliation. now we're going to start saying that, well, you have to look at the politics of every single judge prior to trial. the nice thing, there's many places in this country where you have african american communities, the vote for democrats of 80 and 90 percent. but then you have republican federal society, judges other weapons in a very different world. viewed, of them having all those people say they're not getting a for
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a trial once you start breaking american judiciary or the american to do terry down by the political, massive agent the brighten the entire system down. that's how that's how democracy . i think president trump has them started supporting the idea of actually having an independent judiciary. oh, i know that made you laugh final, but i've got a gavin here on this conversation because i want to know, i imagine gavin probably agree the final that he was not shown. but i've got to also talk about the response by republicans, gavin, because well, bite and try to fund raise off the verdict. trump campaign send out a statement saying it shattered fundraising records by bringing more than 50000000 in the 1st 24 hours. and now i know it's even beyond that. what does this tell you about how the public is handling this verdict as well? the vast majority of the american public are losing faith in our institutions, particularly in the judiciary in the courts. and this politicized which ones only added fuel to that fire, and we're seeing with president trumpeting all you know, all time high fund raising numbers, approaching, i believe, 200000000000 last time i saw far exceeding anything the president biden has brought
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in. it just goes to show where the american public's perception of our judiciary is right now and, and to answer the original question. president trump never had a fair shake and had, i mean, any judge of any sense, whatever cures themselves, given the background of mirth of wine were john and his family and his political, you know, affiliations not to mention the jury instructions were absolutely ridiculous. and let's look at the very basis of this case. you know, they, they contorted into a felony to get beyond the statute limitations. but they never exactly explain what the underlying crime was. who was the victim no more to prosecute this in any other jurisdiction. and even in this jurisdiction, alvin bragg's predecessor refused to prosecute until the entire thing was a complete joke. we were never going to get an acquittal the best we were hoping for was a hung jury. i was hanging on hold for that, no pun intended, but obviously that didn't pan out. and what we're seeing today is a complete disgrace on the american traditional system. devin, from your observation, can our republican especially know republican get a fair trial in new york city as of now going forward?
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no, i don't believe so. i think this is an issue that we're going to have to address in a serious matter. i. this is not a place in new york city where i'm right now in manhattan, that a and a well known established public figure that happens to be a outspoken, conservative, or republican, can get a fair shake. and i think it all adds insult to injury when you consider the fact that this district attorney and many of these politically appointed judges refused to prosecute real crimes. we have tons of felons walk into the streets convicted felons who have rap sheets. going back years violence felons that they refused to incarcerate, that they let out to walk the streets again with slaps on the wrist. and here they are wasting taxpayer, money, resources going after the leading contender for present the united states on these trumped up charges. again, no pun intended, it just goes to show what a disgrace of you know, the manhattan, new york you to sherry have to come 1st thing a felon. one of the biggest question is, can president trump still vote in this presidential election as a convicted felon? there's actually some nuance around it as well because he's technically
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a resident of florida and was convicted by the new york state court. well, i know i have to look to you on this. can you explain where we stand? can trump vote? yes. yes, absolutely. in fact, the governor just had just already guaranteed it, but i, i've gotta say something. it please. it's got a, a to my dear friend, my fellow brother, a member of the bar mission patillo. you've gotta be kidding me. you're one of the best civil rights lawyers around and you're telling me that if you walked in with some clients who was absolutely railroaded, you turned to your client. is it? well, we got to do process here. we have a notice and the opportunity, we're sorry they're about 40. if the cases were moved to federal courts versus state courts in mississippi, they had noticed they had federal, they, i mean, they weren't going to notice, they needed a federal court to get away from this entrenched this, this racism and understand something as my, my, uh, my colleague, my friend here from the be a public and society were very quickly president,
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according to count one and falsifying business records and the 1st year we have looking at the indictment section $175.00 gen imagine is got a you are being charged ready for this with the funding or excuse me, was intending to defraud someone any attempt to commit another crime, something and concealing the commission of something. now if you think that is due process, i got a bridge to sell you one more thing. let me explain. so because this was in harsh money, there's no side, there's no log, it's harsh money. by the way, if there is why the hell wasn't stormy, daniels charge was committed a crime because she's signs that she sees elizabeth isn't the 1st place. there's nothing wrong with this, this was and, and, and the idea that he paid her that this is an election thank for, for paying to, to for, to cover a bad news. that's not according to the federal election commission, which mister white would have testified you had he been allowed to. absolutely, and, and so i've got to look at you on this on robert because there is a fact now that the trump is entitled to secret service protection. as looking at
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the case from the law from also a democrat standpoint, it put behind bars correction officers would in turn be responsible for protecting the secret service agents as well. july 11th is a sentencing to actually think there's any chance trump serves jail time. and i don't, but we also have to look at the fact that this is not a unique situation globally. i would just have the pro present park a strong, the wrong. com who was jail. we had world leaders who, who been drilled internationally. so it's a lot of that stuff this the 1st time this has happened. we've had governors to be jailed here in the united states in the united states, or they think the rob, believe it. we've had mirror who have senators. so the idea though, there's no way to make the type of a type of accommodation for a president to serve jo time i, i think that it's creating a new class. it was never intended by our founding fathers, a new class. and so all you simply cannot be jailed once you reach a certain status in america, and that's where you start becoming a nation of, of me and as opposed to a nation of laws. i don't think that is what the federalist intended when they
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drafted our constitution. so of no, i don't think he will be jailed by thing, but if he wasn't as to being so the we will be able to make these types of accommodations necessary in order to ensure his safety and security. while also he, he will be able to pay his debts and society or figure recommendations. we also have a political campaign going on. so gavin, i've got to ask you, there is a room where the r c potentially could be moved to july 4th, just in case this judge decides to put donald trump behind bars. do you think that is a good move for republicans, and do you think it will actually happen is representative corey mills has called for oh, i think it's a great idea. i think we need to do this immediately. nothing about how this judge has conducted himself throughout this trial gives me any hope that he won't try to immediately send president trump to riker's island. so i think if the warranty was the smart, they would move their convention, at least do it virtually, which i believe the democrats are doing to allow a fight and on the ballot in ohio. so it does have precedent. but speaking of precedent, the former speaker on the show just compared uh, you know,
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what happened in, in pakistan and other countries to its happy united states. i think we've had a real low. we're comparing our judicial system to that of pakistan or many other countries that routinely do jail, political opposition, do jail up and members of the opposition and whatever party they happen to be in on charges that are completely ridiculous in order to win a electoral fight. i think this is a new low for our country just because it happens elsewhere. it doesn't justify it and listen, no one's arguing that just because you're a politician, you should be immune. but there are certainly many cases of other notable figures, whether in the democratic party or others who have been, you know, guilty of any crimes and the public guide. and they certainly have not been prosecuted and are certainly not facing jail time. also we're seeing is not just an issue of immunity, it's an issue, a double standard for many people. if they happen to be within a certain ruling class or ruling party, are able to walk scott free on many, you know, suppose issues of, of, of criminal, the criminal nature of a legally nature. the president trump is held to
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a completely different standard. it's the standards that are at issue, not just this argument that everyone should have blanket them, unity for anything they happened to do if they happen to be an elected official vinyl, i'm know your body and get back in. let's hold on, stay right there. a line or gavin and robert stay right there because we need to take a break. but when we come back, we're going to continue to discuss the fall out of the trump and guilty verdict. as this goes beyond just the 2024 election. and we will ask, how could this impact the many cases, the former president is still facing the the water is part of one of the valuable posted isn't the deepest of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present?
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let's stop without collision. is that spelled out of the as known in vietnam as the american war. the vietnam war lost its almost 2 decades and drained in numerous countries. not any time right now, and then you don't see it now. why it's all on the empty. hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to bank the south vietnamese on me. and the american soldiers murdered resistors mercilessly burned down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals and lee. by all right, did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did and on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive?
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yeah, yeah, yeah. that's, that's a ways to but yeah, the welcome back to perspective, i'm your host scouting now. he's going to focus on the judicial aspect of this ruling as the impact might not just be limited to the present. and donald trump, let's bring back in our panel line on legal and media analyst, and host of original nation, gavin wax, president of the new york and republicans and robert patello civil rights attorney and political activist. i said line oh i knew you were waiting to get in on this. i got to start off by asking you can, you can finish your thoughts from the previous section. but how does the district court get the power to rule and a federal issue that's making this a felony and eligible for jail time? because they're going to be claiming that there are some can competed state fraud
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at the provision for this is scotty let, let me just explain somebody. this is law fair, plain and simple. and i want people out there to understand if you're the band and the rudy giuliani or roger stone, or alex jones or, or harvey weinstein, or peter navarro, or daddy or epstein little late. well, that one, alec baldwin, richard nixon, throughout our history. we've. so we've seen how, when you are targeted, when you don't serve a purpose anymore, there after you, let me say one thing about these democrats, they are so good. they are vicious. and the biggest thing is that with the republicans in particular, that they never thought the people would be this route was. they never thought for a moment. like from biggest mistake was he never went after hillary clinton, who by the way, it was just surfaced this week, the 2016 she and her campaign basically did the same thing involving uh, this uh, a steel memo where she and her, her basically her, um,
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a committee or what have you, basically paid for this particular lie and called at a business expense, or rather a legal expenses versus something else. so this is goes on all the time. be careful, joe biden. as he said, jack read you remember, you wanted this, you one last year. 2 people can play it. this saving goes for your evolves bon under. but why don't i got? i got a question. you gave me a long list. some of those people deserve to be convicted, some of those people deserve to be target. i hate to put all of that grouping together. regard will be a service that some of them are really, really bad people. so how do you, what are they charging well, but what i've seen, why was to our why, why, why they would agree they didn't need him anymore. they had all the information for them. but that doesn't mean that they why does not have been brought to brought to truth. the point is he was railroaded because they use pass to pass the bad acts, which is just a privacy. so this is law farrah plain and simple. oh yeah,
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good person show up there. well, like i said, somebody likes it. i, i just to get some of these crimes probably didn't need to come to the country. it's the same thing. we're stay with kevin spacey right now, but i digress. i would bring a robert because alvin bride case was supposed to be the weakest of the 4 criminal cases against trump. but it was the timeliness to happen for the election. robert, you just recently ran an election against a judge and another one of trump's cases. i like your perspective, could this verdict change the game in trumps other cases? let me point out your in atlanta, that's kind of where the focus goes next. and i don't, i don't think that it will. i, i think the very most is prosecutors are operating very independently. the funding will list case doesn't depend on any operative fact from the outcome. brad case, for example. now when it comes to send that thing down, the line there for somebody comes in for our 1st tenant thinking they have 34 felony convictions previously, then that will go into the senate same for future cases. but i do think that when we start making these cases, what can we about the judge and it's a slippery slope for example. and the, the,
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the rates are just ran in of the conservative media kind of rallied around the other judge and make it making kelly, if we did about it. and steve sat out with it about it, but then we start looking into it the other drugs and the same person with the inspector general that we do to certify the trouble that can be a little pointed by brian camp who's an intermediate president trump. and i think very conservative later realized that, well, we were rolling around this person because we thought this be pro, for a person and a reality in a place to buy your own card. so i think that you have to make these issues about the rule of law and not simply about trying to take judges. you just need to have judges were fair, unbiased, and who apply the law. and when we started attacking these judges or individual basis, we start losing the essence of our criminal justice system. well, it's interesting you bring like someone go back up north to gavin to new york because we've seen this mass exit of exodus of businesses from new york in the past . do you think you're going to see more do this case being broad? do you think this should be worry so to businesses in the area that don't agree
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with necessarily the political agenda of the city and do you think that this is my consider relocate? i mean, look at what just happened to the n r i in the state of new york. oh, absolutely. we're going to see uh, continuing accidents of new york, not just the businesses, but of individuals. i mean, many businesses that operate in new york understand that this is uh, you know, a pay to play town. you know, you have to buy off the local democratic party machines, the party bosses to get favorable outcomes in a variety of matters, business or otherwise. and this just makes it even more explicit, but it also goes a step further and says that if you have just across the political boss is the machine, see we're in new york that are incredibly entrenched and effective. we pick all of these judges by the way, these judges are handpicked in these democratic party contests. and these democratic primaries, they're all hand picked by the machines. if you have an across this machine, they will come after you are ruthlessly to would lie on those said earlier, the democrats are ruthless, i admire them to a degree. i wish we were only a fraction as ruthless in return. if we returned to a semblance of reciprocity,
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i do think that this last there would end overnight, but the democrats understand that many republicans are weak and are unable to punch back with any sort of effectiveness, whether in law, state or otherwise. so they recognize that they can get away with this and continue to do it. but i, i worry for the future of our country, the future of our institutions, if this continues to unfold, because it's going to be a, you know, a circular firing squad. and we're all gonna go down with the ship if we continue to use the law as a means to an act political ends against our opponents. but basically the present scottish. yes, robert is going to do this real quick as somebody who literally just went through this ending a week ago. meanwhile, family got desperate, trained literally the day, but we announced we were running for the, for judge and this, it was from people from the far right fringes, i received a letter from, from a faraway right person saying that if i tried to get 12, the, and they will come after me and my family. it was a picture of me going to my mailbox. so they had taken from the st. louis idea, but somehow republicans sitting around reading the bible, emitting at once in
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a pile with a mall would take care of the constitution. that's not the reality. we've gotten to a point in america now where you have the far right wing forces that threaten the lives of any individual, whether be a person on the grand jury, a prosecutor or even a candidate for judge will violence and just being involved in these cases. this is a tipping point, and i have to go on the radio in atlanta remind people in my household, every 2nd amendment, household come get it if you want, but you're gonna find out the hard way. and i don't think there should be a prerequisite for running for office in this country. and the idea of just keeping a couple a ours by the bed just because you have a political disagreement. ready outside of the aisle, and unfortunately that's what our country's turn into. so line, oh, i know you won't respond, but i've got to also talk about these last few minutes. presidential binding, writing this fine line with the trump case. now there's o son hunter is facing his own trial. it came out chastising those who called fell on trump's verdict. but then so the charge against his own son were politically motivated. so his bite and trying to have it both ways just like it was just made
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up by robert that it hated just on both sides. in this case, there came yeah, the by the way, to my friend robert that is discussing the despicable anybody who would do that. that's horrible. i don't care for any particular reason. so i stand with you and i'm, i'm so glad this is the one by the way, georgia last i with a great judge like you and i'm not being gratuitous. i mean, that sincerely, let me explain to me what things gotta be, not to correct out. and brag, didn't bring any case. it was a d o j. it was matthew cologne, zillow, he didn't bring his case out, been, but turned this case down before i was inside. vince as of the 2nd, as the southern district, as of the p. c, i never jump if you'll think fanny willis in georgia is sitting back with her lover, boy crafting racketeering charges on her own. you gotta be kidding me. they are given direct orders with this. if you want to go far in this world, if you have one day, perhaps the governorship, federal judge, whatever it is, you play ball with us and will pay you back. so this idea that they on their own,
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that sandy willis came up with racketeering charging him with like some kind of game be no crime family. what happened? those folks never even met each other. don't even make me laugh. well, good is what it is. it's law fair, it's unfair and it's on our ara kid and that's what it is period, and that's how we're going to end this. thank you so much for our panel. vinyl, gavin wax robert per to thank you for joining me. a. thank you. i think in 2017 buzz feed reported $27000.00 was paid by democrat congressman john conyers settled previously disclosed sexual harassment complaint. now this was the most information we the public received about the more than $17000000.00 of taxpayer dollars, which have been paid out since 1997 to settle a variety of congressional workplace claims including sexual harassment. in light
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of this, it seems quite dramatic for donald trump to be facing paying $450000000.00, plus the possible jail time for verdicts, which were handed down in new york district court room. all decisions being handed down by judges and district attorneys with long histories of con, contributing, and campaigning to the democratic party. the party is current president is a member of and the only person standing in his way of re election is donald j. trump. how any of this can be seen as anything but targeting one's political opponent is beyond me. but hey, that's just my perspective on sky. no use. thank you for watching the, the,
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to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion. by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
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the man the buick. i'm the northern. how do we have now when you say no good now, why why, why, why? being genuine, labeled out monday, the only problem that we got told me to do by yeah.


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