tv Direct Impact RT June 24, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT
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the, the question is, is our new, this is gone, didn't bell by the high call in london away had been in cost of the 2nd 2019. and now, with 2 of the healey hills identified that as found a signed state clean deal for the us attorney's office. say it has not yet been quote, but surely finalized. the tentative deal made public court fighting monday is the end of legal levels where the us look at it. there's multiple secret files including documents related to the us more than a rock i'm afghanis on was was it 12 of us diplomatic cables and 14 and traditional lead decade, including 70 is itself as an, as pull the embassy,
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the palo of the robots and we live from molto welcome to the bridge program. indeed, we do have breaking news on opposite ends and actually the song as a founder was he needs as left the u. k. all through the length of the legal bustling, which he agreed to print deals into a criminal to origin. which of being released from prison now pointing to with headings assigned to the deposit in belmont maximum security prison on the morning of june 24th office wedding 1901 days on the founder of with you. because then bought it an ass off the flew out stevenson apple in the thing that i saw and is set to be sentenced on wednesday at 9 am local time and it's the same time codes. and now judge must accept to the settlement, but 2 will most likely and credits for the 5 years he has already spent and will
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not face any old time behind boss. now let's get more on this. and costs lived on the parcel. okay, move and get a good to see late the very early hit, but thanks for joining us. that kind of years and years of legal bibles, as we know for julian as long as it seems of ended. but can you tell us more about this, please log in. perhaps. are there any updates as well? from what we understand, julian assigns the founder of wiki leeks. has pled guilty to a single charge under the u. s. law called the espionage act on that charges, conspiring to publish and acquire classified material. now he pled guilty to that charge and an arrangement made with joe biden's, department of justice in the united states. and as a result of the agreement that was reached, he is now on his way back to australia. the deal is yet to be finalized in court.
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but the deal that was reached will not set any legal precedent. that was a big issue of concern to julian. hassan was that if he were to be extradited to the united states and he were charged for publishing classified material that would set a legal precedent. whereas reporters would have to get government permission before publishing material that was given to them or leaks to that, which is what julia sanchez did not want to happen. now this is the result of years and years. we had 1st assigned, held up in the ecuadorian embassy. then after that, we had julian assigned in prison in britain because he did not did not initially go in when he based charges. then we add him being held, pending possible extradition to the united states. this is really a dramatic conclusion to quite a saga. now we understand there will be some legal proceedings that will need to happen. you know, us federal court that will take place in the us territory,
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but at the moment it appears you in assigned is a free man. after years and years being held 1st and the ecuadorian advocacy where he was given asylum, then in british prison and pending extradition. and now from what we understand, he's on his way back to us throughout the years of protest. years of people speaking up many, many international days of solidarity. this is the man who is responsible you for letting the world know about a lot of classified information leaking, all kinds of diplomatic cables, reaching evidence of us atrocities that were committed in iraq and afghanistan revealing how the democratic party leadership conspired to prevent dirt. bernie sanders from winning the democratic nomination for president and 2016. this is the man who is responsible for revealing a lot of the ugly malfeasance of the leaders of western countries and has been facing quite a bit of repercussion and retaliation for it. so this is certainly
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a dramatic moment. many people around the world are just in all of this. many celebrities spoke up in support of julian assigned western media, who you think would be championing julius on because he was defending their very right to engage in journalism. abandoned and turned against julian assigned, but many independent media voices continued to speak up on his behalf. this is quite a day, this is quite a moment. this is a moment when many people are probably very, very surprised at the sudden development. yeah. right. okay. but so i would into see what are the types of keep abreast. so how things i did the thing thing for the update from the states. thanks again. live down to slow read. these are full of us marine corps and tons of this car. thanks for joining us. a last minute. i know, i really appreciate interesting news coming out to the sides, of course, being released. he's left the u. k. as we know,
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he's on his way to offset or that he'll how to with to only the us pacific island states that but all the use of coal boxes, i mean the found to he's in woods who he's one city free. what are you a full so when you 1st heard, but anyway, i thought you'd find me learn to get out and you know, do you have any on anticipated updates on these? you know, these? uh because his case, i don't have any updates other than what is caleb and yourself of already published, but let me just make a couple of things cleared. joining us on the lake and as a publisher, he published information, just like any other publisher does, just like any editor of a major newspaper does, they receive information, they publish it. julia decides received information that was sensitive nature and published it just like the new york times did back when they published the pentagon papers that case went to the supreme court. the supreme court found in favor of the new york times. right. to publish this information, that is the inherent duty of
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a people who have a constitution, right of free speech and a free press to hold the government accountable for what they do, that you can't hide lies, and crimes behind secrecy. the veil of secrecy, enjoying your songs, the publisher did a better job in main stream editors did. main stream publishers didn't expose into lies and to just see to the distortion of true of the united states government. that's why the us government did what they did. he was riding in jail. this is not a victory. i mean it's, i'm very happy for joining and i'm very happy for his family. i'm glad they get to be reunited. but again, i take exception to the notion that there's, there's not a president here. there's an absolute president, the united states arrested, a publisher for the crime of publishing information. a. we have a constitutional right here in america to do this, and you have to put him in jail, the rotted. and the only reason why he's out is he pled guilty. this could happen
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to any americans. and that's what we need to understand. well, this is a victory for julians ability to unite with his family. this is an absolute defeat for free speech and america. this is a crushing defeat for free speech because the us government one, they broke him, they got him to plead guilty to a try. he didn't commit. yeah, that is the thing, you know how things are looking at what sort of let me think of the timely of this . i mean, why is this now happening now? is it anything to do with perhaps the upcoming elections, or is i, or the us just had enough with this beating, or hayden here in getting us on his name. but i think the united states was running into problems in the, in the u. k with the appeals and, you know, the, the, the us, it made certain conditions that you know, are promised certain conditions to
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a british judge that they were unable to meet. and this was starting to become a very sloppy affair. and um, you know, the, the, the, the decision that by the us government was to bring this thing to an end that this was an embarrassment. there's time to bring it to an end. it's like so they kind of deal this deal could have been cut a long time ago, but it wasn't offered by the us now it's been offered to him to such took it. who would? i mean, we can sit here. you're right. hi, money on our hi horse. about standing up for principal. we try roddy to jail for 5 years. bill marsh in isolation. 23 hours a day to night access to your family. and i think anybody would have taken that play. so i think has changed because there may anything on the hand that hey, i mean as soon as he gets to us 73, could the thing go bottom. so doing us onto the map in is absolutely not. i mean, we can see arise as the other thing, but he would be set free almost immediately on appeal to
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a higher court. this kind of underhanded action is not what's happening here. this is julia such put guilty key will appear before a judge. that plea will be entered, it will be accepted, and then he will be released because they will have sentenced him to time served. because this is not a trap. this is not anything of that nature. that would be the worst mistake the us girls could make. they will take something that already makes them look horribly bad and making it worse, more over they would expose themselves to having julia signed, actually walk free without having the plea deal. just so would it be the united states, the violated to play a bargain naturally or such? so you know, tell it was chelsea modeling that to at least the documents. if you remember back back in the day she thought 7th, she got 7 years. i mean, well, if you look at the do this on, she's got roughly about 5 or 6. okay. many is in the ecuadorian embassy, but uh, what would the, by the realization want an equal kind of justice for him?
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chelsea manning was an active duty us army person with the classified with a security clearance who violated her. ready to the united states government committed a crime. you can spin it any way you want. but this was a person who was entrusted with the secrets of the united states while serving on active duty and violated that trust. chelsea manning got everything she deserved. julia such as a publisher, there is no comparison between the 2 and for off. all right, so um, a little bit about uh, you know, the 1st amendment and the freedom honestly. i mean, you get quite right, me advocating that julie, i saw i did nothing wrong anyway, but she was saying that uh, some security concerns may be a publish. it needs to have some form of restrict some of them, some form of uh look at that a deal um think good, you know, this could hom,
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national security, doesnt apartments that have those rights to kind of think about the big picture. publishers can make whatever decision they choose to make on that regard, but the us government is no position to impose those conditions. look, i'm not here to say that other nations need to do what we do. but the united states of america has a constitution. the 1st amendment of which is freedom of speech and freedom of the press. this is an absolute, this is something that every american who services or country takes no double defend with their life. so this isn't a game, this is the joke, isn't something to be bargained the way it's an absolute. and no publisher is obliged to do anything that infringes on the inherent right of a free press to tell the inform the american public about the truth regarding what their country is doing. yeah, it's very interesting. you know, scott isn't content okay. robot can they do not have stated that the price of us on
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his release was that the united states ability to criminalize media and global to extend its jurisdiction to non americans. this is a really interesting thing, but what are your thoughts on, on his statement, a 100 percent agreement. this is a defeat for free speech. this is a dark day in american constitutional history. we have allowed the united states government to do that, which it is not allowed to do to prosecute like publisher for publishing, in accordance with the protections provided by the constitution of the united states of america. and julie size was not an american citizen. and so what we've done is we extended the espionage act outside the 4 corners of what is defined to be american, to include non americans. all journalists abroad today should live in fear of the fact that they ever come across information that is being sensitive by the united
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states. and they publish it, united states to come to them due to them what they did during the search. a little deep journalists. i hope not, i hope, journalist understand the important work that they do in the importance of speech and choose the power. and i hope all journalists understand that in the united states, you know, the concept to free speech and a free press should be an absolute joint assigned broke. i don't condemn him for doing this. i understand why he did this, but the bottom line is the united states broke him. he got the plea deal, but this is still, you know, a, a fights needs to be fought. it must be fought. and i would hope that in the future, if any journalist has caught up in a similar predicament, that the journalistic community not only in the united states but the around the world were rally to them instantly. and insist that this person be released school
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before the ego. this is to cause a lot of mom case. i mean, you told a little bit about how important is for goodness around the world to, to, to, to have that free speech. what do you think the law would change or could change around the world? perhaps a global where it does in 5 allowed people that they write a free speech or do you think the united states will just continue to persecute anyone that disagrees with them? well, 1st of all, i think we need to understand that the united states is rather unique in the world image protection of a free speech. other nations have determined and again, it's their right to do so that there are limits to free speech that government should be allowed to keep certain things secret. the british of the official secrets act, the russian federation has its own laws restricting this. i'm not condemning them, this is, this is their right as, as sovereign states to do so. but the united states of america is founded on the
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principle of free speech and a free press while they may not be something other nation support. it's something that defines who we are, what we are collectively as americans around the world. i don't think the world is ever going to embrace free speech to the extent that the united states has. it's frankly speaking inconvenient to the government, but as an american, it's my job to make my government feel inconvenient when they're lying to be as scarlet. i always, uh, we do appreciate everything you do. thank you for joining us here today. uh so the for us and so late and so you, thanks again for your time. thank you. bye. that's close live now to learn adult and he is done as well. he's a c, i m a c o, but a so it is larry well to do the same when you heard the news. that is it. now assault is finally being set free as well. i think the by ministration is doing a number of things to sort of the decks for the elections. number one, i think, is
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a way the likelihood of the british court rejecting the arguments of the us department of justice. they didn't want to get a black guy, you know, that's number one, number 2, with elections coming up and pointing to the fact that the tories are going to get ousted. i think the by the ministration was also calculating that the new labor government might be more disposed towards leniency and then dwayne and on the side of the sarge with the court. but the real underlying cause here was uh, australia, the government of australia had been weighing in and, and basically lobby in the united states. and the british government behind the scenes to let the saw just go. and i think this is played out in the broader context of, you know, the us is trying to gear up to go to war with china and it wants to have all hands on deck. and the last thing i wanted to have was the issue of a saw and hanging over them, where there was going to is going to become
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a political issue, potentially at australia. particularly if a science had been extradited to the united states. so i gotta remember the jake sullivan, he's a, he's a political guy, he's not, he's not a kind of foreign policy maven. he really don't like. i think he can barely play checkers, but he's always looking at this in terms of what does this mean for biden's re election campaign? what does this mean for the election in the united states without any concern for some of the constitutional issues that scott raised without any concern necessarily for some of the broader foreign policy implications? slower, you know, you say about the time and do you think this is because of, or you said this because of the next the upcoming elections and by no provide go down as a mine who freed julian at a size, but is that what are you going to do anything for, by the end of that reputation anyway,
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is this enough for biden to clinch the elections elza when we look to find his case? why in your opinion, do you think he actually waiting for the pay to is that with 51020 is an enough scales. so the vitamins, the certain trying to burner systemic try me. that's for sure. but this is not, it's not going to be a major factor. i think they were more concerned with the negative fallout that would have happened either if it would have been rejected. the extradition, 3 questions rejected or worse if it was accepted. so then this would have, this would have really created a big show trial that would've attacked attracted a lot of media attention, at least around the world of the united states, punishing a publisher of information. so it'd be the same is if the editor of the new york times has hauled into court and accused of espionage violating the espionage act,
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or the editor or the, the washington post. because it, you know, as scott is correctly discussed, a joint hassan who is now out soliciting in the sense of offering to pay people money if you bring the information and engaging and actually espionage activity. but he provided a platform or very embarrassing truths about us foreign policy could be revealed and they, they were dynamite, when they came out and they be, they also featured prominently in the 2016 election in fed into the whole, the russia gate nonsense that are either russia was trying to put its fingers on the scale and took the election in favor of donald trump. so from that standpoint that they just one of the, i think they just wanted to get rid of it. now, the joy of the saw and i, i don't think this is a serious is scott,
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for traded because one, it's not going to be part of that you dish will record as far as setting is god correctly noted, said he is not going to set a precedent and the fact that the jury massages lawyers insisted on that means that now julians out and he's going to be able to make his own case to the public to you know, i'd, i'd offer. i wonder if the, the book is in london or offering. that's on who will, who will get the 1st interview with joining us arch. my money's on tucker carlson, but you know, that may not unfold. you can guarantee join us ons. gonna write a book, lay it all out. i would even anticipate of another movie about a saw being made about, you know, he was basically held hostage by the western democracies who claim to all polled freedom of the press. and it was all because he,
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what he did was he embarrassed the expose. there lies, particularly there lies about the war and the rock. so, you know, you can't, when you embarrass a politician, that's like the unforgivable sense. sorry, what are your thoughts when uh, when we look at, we just have from, you know, us present content to robot. okay. kennedy did, he's a told about, you know, the price of us on his release of the united states ability to criminalize media and globally extend is jurisdiction to non americans. i mean, how do you feel when it comes to uh, when you hear that the, my american can just rest whoever they want all over the world regardless. well, yeah, that shouldn't be a news flash. i mean, look at what the united states has been doing for the last 23 years. and the aftermath of $911.00 illegally detaining people, arresting them, incarcerating them, torturing them, holding them without access to
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a lawyer holding them without bringing charges. me, good god, the united states has been behaving like the israelis with the palestinians. you know, you're supposed under the us legal system that the government arrest you. and then according to the constitution you're supposed to be, have a chance to confront your accusers. united states completely walked away and, and disgraced the constitution or so is it the remedy? and the, let's call up to the knock you elation against us. attempts to try to go after members of the press overseas is that other governments just aren't going to submit any more to this so called rules based international international order. that the united states only in forces when it suits the interest of the united states. otherwise, things that we declare are the legal for us to do. we decide that other countries, it's illegal, but the ability of the united states to cool or other countries is starting to slip
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. they indicated that is, is destroying the economic power of the us dollars. the reserve currency and i believe the bricks is already on the road to doing that, creating an alternative so that the countries, particularly in the global south, no longer are going to be held hostage to us sanctions. they will have alternatives . and i think what we've seen with rushes moves of light now, particularly with north korea and iran, are creating a free space where those sanctions would no longer be relevant. why would i have to leave it and sort of interesting indeed, the latest developments always good to hear your insights and loudly adults and fullness. see i, let's see. oh, but this is a patient that thank you very much. thank. thank you. more on j, as long as we're going to shop criticism from the southern policies out there visiting the documents, who is washington's batch,
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the battlefield consequences of the release of these documents are potentially severe. we will hold those responsible, fully accountable. the, the criminal any ought to be hunted down and grabbed to put on trial for loose honors and gazing terrace should be treated as an enemy combat. this disclosure is not just pat america's foreign policy, and it is in a tap on the international community. this man is an enemy of the state elite is a, you know, perhaps some sort of a virtual weapon of mass destruction for the death penalty. so i'm not doing something
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really important about what the leaks is that the russian government has engaged in espionage against americans. we're not picking leaks has delta, significant flow to us national security. this is a matter of this. gone beyond anything i'm aware of ignorance or misplaced idealism is no longer an acceptable excuse for lionizing these demons. so it was eating some of this and multiple health single involved, including don't kind of related to that to the us was in a rock, i'm out of gas off as long as the 12 of us diplomatically. okay. well, now corresponding marina costs are of those into the sort
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a little bit more. let's take a look. julian, the songs answered the spotlights with a bang, releasing a series of explosive and incriminating leaks about various state actors, including the u. s. military. well, many call him a truth seeker, for those he exposed, he is of course, an enemy of the states. so what did he reveal? well, it all started in 2006 went to then all known australia and computer programmer and activist. set up a small website that he called, which leaks it was a platform for anonymous whistle blowers wanted to share top secret information and data well fast forward for years and the size exploded onto the global stage. also known as collateral murder. it's 2010. which lakes release is classified us military floods. it's showing coma helicopters, conducting a series of attacks on baghdad. and this was in 2007, and they killed over
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a dozen people, including suv, reuter staff you to shoot them off buddy. my gosh, pick up the sportage calls outrage on one side and of course panic on the other. it was not the 1st such incidents and definitely not the last but this time. not only that, it involved the journalists, but more importantly, there was video evidence which was made worse, while the fact that the perpetrators were so adamant in the claims of innocence. we regret the loss of innocent life, but this incident was promptly investigated and there was never any attempt to cover up any aspect of this engagement. the words that kept forming on my lips were
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cold blooded murder. the u. s. military. they just, they lied to us, it was all lies, southerly. everyone knew about what felix and julie on the songs the thoughts as was so shocking. it was picked up by most international media outlets. it may be west, looked bad, so the homes was on and eventually the source was exposed. and american soldier at the time called bradley manning and later chelsea after his transition or he leeks around $0.75 to military and diplomatic documents. mounting was court martialed and convicted of espionage among other charges and jailed by us authorities. finally signed was a tough a year for the us, as with leaks delivered, a nother bombshell, and that one would have blew the legs on the true scale of devastation caused by the american military's actions abroad. the iraq and i've done more diaries became
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a sensation. the rock files revealing a huge stuff. so as well as cases of abuse and torture by us led coalition forces to the reports detail, 109000 32 deaths in a rock comprised of 66081 civilians. 23984 enemy. those labeled as insurgents. 15196 host nation. rocky government forces and 3771 friendly coalition forces. the majority of the dust, 66000, over 60 percent of these, our civilian deaths, that is 31 civilians dying every day. during the 6 year period. there were nearly 400000 military logs. it was a mess. washington claim that which leaks was put an american soldiers in danger by releasing this information.
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