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tv   News  RT  June 25, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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that stuff without please, is that spelled part of the the breaking news right here in arlington, national gina unassigned laser printers prison after being held for 5 years. i need the route to a us territory of the pacific to finalize a plea deal for his freedom or us presidential candidate. baba kennedy julia describes a sondors confinement as the criminalization of joining listen. the bad news is that you have to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states, succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to non citizens. this was a riley and citizen. he was not a citizen in the united states. he was not in the united states when this felony is what i say was,
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was credit. he did not steal the information. assigned is homeland australia, expects him to return there after the final us hearing. and that's often serious concerns about his health was deteriorating in the u. k. for the police use what that come down into a gas to stop out them. last demonstration in kenya as a public speaks up against the government, raising taxes to pay off debt to the us pays volume at the public for tutoring, our reports of the latest trends shaped in the world right now. this is our international i a michael fortune. now this is the latest photo of jude and
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assigned us. he's en route to finalize a pre ball game to secure his freedom. the founder of the media organization we can meet has been released from the british prison and that's blown out of the country after a lengthy legal bible, dallas sanchez agreed to plead guilty to a single criminal, a charge of the us to end his battle against expedition according to a get leaks assigned to left the case, but laws a maximum security prison on monday. after spending 1901 days behind bars, he then boarded an aircraft, and few odds of the london spawns dead airport. while the non dissipation of us sanchez eventually returned to his homeland australia, his wife and the chief editor of we can. these have spoken out in praise of these years long, 5 depressed afresh. press freedom, truth and justice. 12 years on, i'm visiting children in a high security prison, but this,
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this period of our lives, i'm confident now has come to an end. and i think that by this time, next week join will be free. the cost of julia and of course, has been deprive of free the for all these years in the bathroom for journalistic freedom. freedom to publish a foundation of democracy. throughout the years of julian's imprisonment and persecution, i'm incredible. movement has been formed a movement of people from all walks of life from around the world who support not just join and not just us in our family, but what to him stands for truth and justice. assigned has landed in fi lined him from there. he is still slide to us territory, the pacific ocean, the northern model on the island to appear before our court fees expected to be credited for the 5 years. he has already been present and not face any more jail
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time. let's take a look at the us case documents from at least 2009, and continuing through at least 2011 and at a fence, begun and committed outside of the jurisdiction of any particular state or district of the united states. the defendant julian, paula sanchez, who would be 1st brought to the district of the northern mariana islands, knowingly and unlawfully conspired with chelsea manning to commit the following offences against the united states to receive and obtain documents, writings and notes connected with the national defense, including such materials classified up to the secret level for the purpose of obtaining information, respecting the national defense. it seems that this decision to a full this please do think he took it on his own or do the with pressurized? well, i think it's a bit of a mix of both because if we look at what the united nation says about solitary
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confinement, it's julie and assigns is literally been tortured in prison. and it's, it's clear that his health has been deteriorating over his years. of confinement, so it's, it's a really understandable why join assange would plead guilty to this charge of conspiracy. when the u. s. is essentially ready to let him walk after the bad news is that he has to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this, he has heart problems and he would have died in prison. but the security state has imposed a horrifying precedent and delta a big blow to freedom of the press. the font is australia and it's on america. and i mean, there's a new mean, expedited to australia. well you would think, right? but because this involves the united states, washington's once again proving to the world that it feels like it can do whatever
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it wants, it can break whatever international norms it wants. it can completely disregard what it so called. it's so called rule of law that it always says it world so sacred. i mean, this case that i saw, i'm just going to go through this court cases. not even going to take place on the mainland of the united states, taking place and overseas territory. and the western specific called the northern mariana islands. and i think it's safe to say that if this situation or a situation like it took place with any other country in the world, this would all be going down a lot differently. this was interesting, riley and citizen. he was notices in the united states. he was not in the united states when this felony is what they say was, was credit. he did not steal the information. if the dissemination of this information is a crime, then every person where i now stand in the palm of the strategies of the site is on the way to the united states of america. because your printers and you know that christ method confusions. i didn't want to, i don't want to place in australia where if i offend the crown i'm of to read. if
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i've seen the chinese communist party, i'm of to badging i or the strange citizen who has friends alone in the united states as of the north side, unless he's in the united states need. when he commits that. and that's the case. that's a, that's a completely different issue. but from what i read, and of course we're all very new to this it's, it's do a plea deal on a felony. a lot of people are saying that this is a great developments they're celebrating and to a certain extent it is. but we also have to remember that julian, a sons' already paid the price of for, for just being a journalist, staffed her over a decade of contending with the raft of washington. and it's, you know, this, this decision by the united states to do this really looks more than anything like a conveniently timed political play by the, by an administration. because we've got only a couple of days left before the upcoming debates between trump and biden. and now it's, you know, by no doubt is hoping to look like some sort of merciful progressive fresh in the
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minds of the american people. it's great that julian assigns will finally be released in what smells like a desperate bite and gambit for libertarian votes. but it's shameful that he had to spend years writing in a foreign prison for doing what other reporters do regularly. it all goes back to when again joined us on, received the materials from a former us army soldier, chelsea manning to receive sensitive materials that basically it's supposed to us work crimes across the middle east. and for that, she was on the run from the law from the united states. again, even though he was an australian citizen, he had to uh, find refuge in the um, echo during embassy in london for 7 years. he was confined there. um and once the uh, government eco door to ended up changing hands, they ended up handing them over to the british authorities there. they spent the next 5 years in a maximum security prison being tortured in solitary confinement. so this is uh,
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basically, you know, why it looks like doing the science has gone through the saga just for receiving materials and doing his job as a journal. but let's cross live to kevin, because let's see how full us defense department sub contractor on sabbath right. kevin, it's good to have you join me right now. now after i sort of and thank you. after years of legal battles, the founder of we can be just finally released from prison. what are your thoughts on this on, on dissipated updates on us, on this case. well, i think it's all timed specifically for the bite and administration and they have had the opportunity to deal with this case for quite some time. it really had been dropped by the obama administration back in uh, you know, 2019 and it was picked up again by the trumpet and ministration. and,
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you know, why is it being dealt with now? you know, 2 weeks before julian assange is appeal hearing on the expedition case in the u. k. so the u. s. may be thinking that they could lose that case um 2 days before the us presidential debate. so, you know, bite and we'll get to stand up in front of the united states audience and say g, look, i'm a good guy. and people demanded that assange be released and i released them. it kind of takes a talking point away from trump because trump has been talking about when he became president, he would you know, drop charges as well, even though he's the one who, you know, trump, them up quite a bit. and you know, we have the elections in 4 months, so it's, it's good timing and right now. now you're welcome to the us defense department.
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how big of a thread did julian assign you represent for them? he really didn't represent a big threat to them. you know, he was the guy who really pioneered speak, you know, and telling the truth about what governments do. and we now have this entire industry based around this world wide. and uh, you know, part of the problem is, is when trump became president, and mike pompei o became the director of the c. i a, and this is one assigned really, uh, of you know, released information about iraq and others, things that embarrassed the united states. so the c, i a, stepped into it at that point and you know, there were
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a meetings that talked about, kidnap being assigned from the ecuadorian embassy, um, potentially assassinating and or for using the in him. and, you know, pompei or west for other scenarios or options. and they had meetings with the u. k . who did say that they would agree to look the other way if the united states did this, you know, in 2017 palm peo, called wiki leaks, a non state hostile intelligence sort of us offering to betted by state actors like russia. so this really was a, you know, a play against what they viewed as a foreign intelligence agency, worked in under the guise of the russian federation. and you know, what you're assigned released at that time was paul 7,
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which really hurt the c i a towards core. this is files from their ultra secret hacking division. and they essentially used a loophole to go ask for him, you know, normally to start doing surveillance on wiki leaks, their employees on, on a sancha themselves. they would need a signed document from the president that was then presented to the house of representatives and the senate to get their approval. but because they had classified wiki weeks as a, another spice sort of us. these actions really became comfortable intelligence offensive, and therefore the c, i a did not need approval. they even went so far as to have the company called u. c. global hired to guard the ecuadorian embassy. but you see global
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was actually providing intelligence to the us and the u. k. so this is one of those things that they have done with several other people where they want to keep control of the narrative that they want to put forth. they want to defy, wants julian assigned, and they effectively did it. all right, now we can lead to release evidence of us will crimes in the rock can of ganesh. 10 . why that in the west of the weld entered into a legal battle against the us over those claims. instead of going after the messenger assigned, what is your take on this? a well might take on it is a large part of the west is under control of the united states. they're good about going into the back rooms at the you when meeting with different countries.
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who might, you know, go against what the us wants or want to have charges filed against them. and they will have secret meetings and say, you know, if you don't vote in our direction on this, we will sanction you. we will remove for an aid from you, and this is how they control these countries. you know, fortunately this is becoming less and less now as other countries wake up and say, wait a minute. look what you've done to russia, you've sanctioned them. you've made it difficult for them. you've done this with countries like or ron, you're talking about doing that to china and, you know, you have a lot of these countries now coming around and saying, you know, we're, we're not open to having a new support around our neck, effective way. so the us, um, basically runs the you when they run nato and they run most of the western
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countries. they provide security guarantees for those countries so that they do not have to spend their money to defend themselves against their neighbors. france doesn't have to worry about the u. k. attacking them because they're guaranteed by the united states. this won't happen. so it reduces their spend expenditures. and, you know, this is the control the united states has put over the entire world. you know, over the last for several years now with julia and assigned us labeled by washington at the time of the security threats, as someone who put the lives of american opportunities on the ground at risk. was there any read evidence of that? well, the thing they got him on, which was a real charge, a lot of people say that this charge is usually only used against the defense department or military people,
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but title 18 of the us code. section 793. it's called the gathering trends. the median or losing defense information. and it applies specifically to anyone who gathers secret or top secret information about the locations of military bases, operations of military aircraft or ships showing their locations. and what they really got him on was uh he had, you know, released a video of an apache helicopter attack in baghdad on civilians. so technically he fell under that release of information about the flight of a military helicopter. it's a goofy charge to charge him with, but uh,
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this is ultimately what they got him off for all we have to leave you here. now. kevin mccain need see how from the us defense department, subcontractor on site, but all right, thank you so much for your insight here. thank you. mike of the odd 1000 episodes of judah. sondra is 2012 show the. busy tomorrow had been broadcast and are cheap and they included intervene with has the lita hassle enough for all life and for my equal dory and president will file career will be both costing highlights from those programs throughout the day right here on our team. now moving to africa, yet another mass protest is adopted in k. yeah. at the public as voice, it gets outrage of a tax hikes pushed by the government, which is desperately seeking the pay off. it's dad still the washington based on math, are now that these are lives, pictures,
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it gets the visuals from the narrow being can you are right now. the people gathered on the streets of the national capital, narrow b to speak out against the government and access. now please use to a gas and water turned on to try to disperse. the crowds, the east african nation has been trying to collect more money from the citizens so we can reduce its dependency on the foreign lenders, especially. i imagine that many locals of the cried that move saying that they're already struggling to make ends meet local john list and others have been speaking to us on this demonstration. kind of, i'm on the let's get from there. c c yep, i'm gonna do it. i probably got nothing to see on the thought had nothing to report that to you, that both se, that'd be monday is the few of the dresser that well it will be to do by not sitting or to a default. nobody did that need to have done. it was visited the output to man in the face. much talk civic. what say i'm not the ultimate and it's us is that people
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rep what is freaking dead? all the members of the individual that the monday did talk to, so i or the viewed the video did one of the dresser. most definitely in this smell . so facility that you bought in the other but not the default. so really just that enters out of the email to be we've got 30 i bought for nissan is breaking the to that, that the forecasting police that is clear about this out of the war talk. i know it's all about the pick up cozy. now for more details, less cross live to our to correspondent know we will come gate. no, no, he's go to have you join me now. what is the connection between what is happening in kenya and the government's deck to the us base? i am a, as well the protest that's was seeing in tenure has an unexpected in the me, the international monetary fund. i may have dictates, have this kenya. and so a spiral of rising dates and an affordable prices for food and fuel. new loans have
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come with strings off conditions and to make the crisis even with those conditions require. yeah, that's um, kenya becomes an even bigger linda to the west. this is good news for linda's and the wisdom fact. and even though i present who to assign to improve kenya's, fiscal position mostly is trying to comply with the i am if rules and programs that are required and i will be to increase living use. and as, as much as he has shown willingness to sit down with demonstrates is indicating you to find some sort of a solution. the president has defended to these missiles, seeing that they are a remedy to solve the did to bed and to pay taxes. and for kenya to become independent in developing the nation with its own money and even get to a point where instead of 10, you're borrowing so much money if can lend money to other nations. but adding the high cost of food to the mix. that is because the ticket has made to that canyons
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are starting to go hungry. and as we're seeing, covering fees in response to due to those taxes on the plot and slapping of subsidies mass of pro to erupt in there will be in other parts of the country even last year. and there will be, had purchased in march and july 22 to 3. and the end of those protest people were killed by police and hundreds of what a risk i like now. and even in this case, kenya is still furious. that to the government is strictly as sharing to the i am the model and it's costing the tax burden onto the country is poor citizens shooting. so that's a high cost of living prices. the prison who to had the tape in, in previous, just into the print shop before it's difficult to think that you won't do this in this. yeah. and this also speaks to the pow wow that to the i am if has a would come see such as 10. yeah. and unfortunately this is nothing,
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especially for kenya. and as i meant for me, says the model of the fame to boost the economy goes and pull between. but it does not mean that in fact, it is doing the opposite of economy is supposed to be continued over 7000000 people lives improving. all right, another vehicle in the our cheat for us, but, and thank you for bringing us up to speed on this. thank you. all right, the crab being says preparations for india in 5 minutes under under moody's upcoming visit to russia are in full swing and other dates i soon to be announced by both sides. i can confirm the we are preparing for the visit of the indian prime minister. i cannot comment about the dates yet because they will be announced jointly by both parties. we are actively making preparations this visit will happen by let's cross live to non done new nutrition on the head of your asian studies.
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i've the opposite of a research foundation is nice to have you join me right now. not done. now the criminal has confirmed that they're under moody set to visit russia soon. what would this visit mean for russia, considering that the indian prime minister hasn't been to this country in the 5 years? what a thank you, mike, for inviting me. uh, it is obviously important if you keep in mind that this is the 1st visit, 1st, bilateral was it uh, mr. montes undertaking off to being re elected as prime minister of into the relationship with russia despite what the room was exist. gunter. busy room was, is still very, very important forwarding job. and i think the fact, as you mentioned, that he's not being here for a couple of years. there are many questions which the 2 liters would like to
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discuss face to face, rather than over video, cause the right, how would you characterize the current status of biological ties between russia? any idea of what is your assessment? so i think the bilateral dies given the complexities off, got an geo politics by luck to those guys that are in a good place, despite the pressure zone and to distance themselves from russia. given the most situation in ukraine, india has stayed a neutral in the conflict in ukraine, but has continued its relationship with russia. in fact, today, russia is the biggest supply of oil through india. and i think that the bi election road level of intense uh, consolidation stake please. at the official level at all levels,
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shot off the top level. now a blush out will be the fast country that more the will be visiting after his re election. like you mentioned area, what is the significance of this well, i think it is important to tell the whole was that uh, india and russia still on the same page. uh, it is important for the 2 leaders to sit face to face and understand the concerns that have developed in each of those countries over the past couple of years. they can sit face to face and find ways to solve some of these issues. and there are many issues that are issues of payments pending between india and russia . there is the whole question of military technical cooperation. there is also the question of widening economic dies off introducing new areas of cooperation. so the
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government of questions is very, very wide us, and i think it's very, very important to top level meetings to sort out any impediments that may exist. now, recently they have been some western attempts to impose sanctions against indian companies over they'll work with russia. what do you think about that but you know, india has always opposed unilateral sanctions. we adhere to only sanctions that are imposed by the united nations. so from an indian perspective, we of course do not agree with the policy of unilateral sanctions. however, countries do we impose them and we have to live with that situation. but india is not about to give up its relationship with russia because of sanctions by other
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parties. now they have been a lot of new projects between india and members of the priest splost group of countries. what kind of prospect does that when i, they shouldn't have the car in time from your assessment when i uh firstly think that uh all organizations that are working towards more equitable avoid voltage, economically and politically would be organizations that india would cooperate with . because in guys interested in the world moving to. busy it's multiple attitudes to the world that is a distribute spotlight on a more equitable basis. and there is also very keen that in goes voice be heard on the international lady now. and that india is concerns be taken on board when the rules of the rules of right running the way decided. so therefore,
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i think all these organizations, similar to this, have a very good prospect is not the countries of the global sounds as well as briggs have been moving away from the us dollar for international trade. why do you think this is happening now? one of the primary reasons for that is sanctions and sanctions forcing countries to trade to a greater degree of national garden sees. uh and i think in the world support moves towards the shifting trade to national guard and sees that would be something that even be able to support. but i don't know whether we can at this page speak of the dollars issue. and as such, i think that is still a long way off, but all moves to strengthen the national gardens. these would be welcomed by and
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right. we have to leave you here now and not then jimmy chris. none had all your agent studies of the opposite of the research foundation. thank you so much for your insight. thank you, mike. thank you, right, that is the update. now see you again with more stories of the top of the out. still with also in are the international, the many people question, the name was true provocative. collateral murder instead of collateral damage shifting the information. but as a former marine company commander, i knew enough about more law, the launch of war to know that that was in fact murder. there is no video of more market in the history in the pablo.


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