tv News RT June 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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the, the breaking news on all the deadly tales in kenya web protest assume the parliaments inside the document buildings on fire. on preventing the boils over the approval of the amount for pushed tax heights and all the breaking news today, flying to freedom off to supply is incarcerated inside a maximum security prison in the u. k. the width of the community into thousands of, with thousands of the country, often striking a p deal with the u. s. but not everyone convinced it. so when, when around the bad news is that he has to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense insight, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and
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extending the jurisdiction globally to non citizens. and for rubbing the rich to pay the on the e. u agreeing fee is 1400000000 euros and profits from photos and russian assets to buy yet more weapons. the ukraine, the good evening from most goes to school and 8 pm here. this tuesday, the 25th of june, as was it is great to happy with us while come. well, like i mentioned, we also have some with breaking news coming out of the canyon and capital, the sour, wherever pools play, but up to 10 people have been killed, and dawson is more injured as riots, rage and 9 very be protest as furious of attack sides have stormed the parliament building, southern parts of it on fire. the, the,
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well, the split into a sentence, i protested, is where the inside the apartment building closing damage, working down slacks. is that and try to break the way into the senate chain box moments audio and please have voted to approve a controversial finance bill that would cease deep wise and taxes. hundreds of m p 's was said to have taken refuge in the basement for food being a saturated to say, a protest as well. so reach the city who at night if the same is you can see coming from inside the window as well, stick the black smoke fellows into the sky. meanwhile, in uh, these images here, supreme court stuff and lawyers all seem throwing photos of rule to tools to protest this report to be tried to help them outside of the proud. so trying to break into the parliament building father and the day people gathered on the city
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streets to voice that he's got government tax move forward to say they all need to help pay off the countries that let's take today to the washington based international monitoring fund. according to the course that all problems with the internet access in the country many does, is it the outraged saying they all where the struggling to make ends the, the, the
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photo, the latest on this developing story has all to use motor vehicle. the protest is overpowered to police, who had the barricade to 6 is us to, to hold one of the many streets the occupied by tens of thousands of can use it came out to, to push the low make has impact them into the bull. you'd remember that earlier this morning, protest as we're attempting to access condiment to the have a force the a way into parliament to just shortly after that to bill was cost. if this is also we offices blocked axis and with the lawmakers debated and decided on the sign is full. but unfortunately that has led to to several also those protest as being sought to the data as opposed to so which began last week. it was really an absolute to cool to present with them who toes. um, governments, off god,
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the canyon need a said over the weekend that was prepared to talk to the purchased as well praising the purchased as for the a peaceful action. i am very proud of the young people. they have the full what try, bless. they have stepped forward, piece for, and i want to tell them we're going to engage them. we're going to have a conversation, so that together we can build a great mission. so it was with the top make the situation, any data. in fact, it said that this is the 1st time in the history of off kenya. that purchase is broken. barry is an excess inside the parliament despite to have the security and nisa. and just because we know that the, in the me off this protest use the i am, if so that because outspoken petition and lead us off the academy, freedom fighters through this med lima, has expressed support for kenya's and to find his full tween to 24 in
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a very strongly wooded statement, monday my has faced that it is time for kenya to resist the into is of the i am if and the whole band. he has accused of history to the drafting possible. this is therefore part of the broader problem faced by many developing nations under the yoke of the mess and the world bank loans. the i m f and the world bank having a tory is history of funds in mining the sovereignty of developing countries through their oppressive loan conditions and treating african economies. like lab rats for neo liberal templates. my is the firm that is fox who stands in solid dotted c with the people of kenya, describing the volt proposal as exploitative king is not the only one, most countries in africa facing an acute cost of living sizes and drives is it just the amount after content season off, forced to spend on interest payments, an item as low as it is often higher than anywhere else in the votes. here to there
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is no serious effort to be made to find the solution to the crisis. countries that have to go see $21.00 by one basis as of the faulty whole day is and the people in the pay, the price. the whole of this tend to be those who have the least and matches that even made was by the fact that african countries a still have very little say in decision making, the wolf and as the i am, as in other words, the i am if and these are the international institutions, are the enemies of progress, almost every developing country in the world. hello john, this tennis, i'm on the center of this report from the scene of the protest. oh, wow. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, now we'll do a p d quintal, vision, victory development. both of the puppy on it is the to the old reserve that it's going be at the 3rd the whole oh yeah, i'll be more talk on those data. didn't keep it the like, put it like, well here i did. i know, but oh well we're going to do some stuff with the re. he's on the appeal for that is a full dispute that the police are using definitely the use. it's with the source on the city before the 20th or 15 in the car to well, we'll do what do to do little but i'm it on me to uh that went through today the buddy to the right. not too good for the full day to reach us. it's most is do i believe, to rebuild records of we're not, but the roads that we don't we are that are be closed. that there was a plan that we did. these are people to be dropped off into tennessee. you told me
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i was richard amelia. why in the in the, in the last week before the end of the clean up, the wall was already lock, you know, to be joined by was in the component titian. some more of my co junior, it is a pleasure to have you on the program. thank you very much for your time. i am sure that you are a very busy mon some more so it is a little more appreciated. i mean, the 1st thing i do obviously we have to talk about the situation in 10. yeah. i mean, i think we will expected protests, right? i mean tax heights on netflix popular, but you possibly did you imagine that they would kind of reach this level that
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we're seeing right now in the capital? no, it does not expect to this thing. um the people of can yeah. and the government just kind of put this in, talked about it and discussed all blanks to make sure that the situation don't get to what it is at the moment. what do you think is driving the level of i'm guy? is it the depth of the frustration of the people who say it's, it's very difficult in the country one. uh so yeah. do you have the levels of warranty that do not match the expectation? i mean that's, of course you go over to a higher than the expectation of people and it's not very easy also for the government to discuss this, this is the mattress with the, with the people when they have uh,
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the issue is that got to be solved with the likes of world bank and i m s. i mean, were you surprised when the pond, when actually pushed to pause the controversial tax hi tool? or did you think that at the last minute they would maybe pull back because they would novice about exactly the public reaction to them? and i would have thought that it would be past due to at least giving us themselves a bit more time to discuss and, and interact with the people because it would be expected for the people to react in this matter. i mean, it seems almost that the forward t's was a bit pool of gone. i mean, we're seeing all this in very vine and it seems especially on the streets of nairobi. are you um, would you maybe have expected to forward seems to have per pad a bit more to the level of violence. i don't think the authorities
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expected this, the reaction from, from the, from the b bow and thus doing the best for, for what, what is happening at the moment. but still this time to go back and discuss where the window depots and make sure that the beautiful piece comes back to the streets . i mean, we're to, was elected to the president of the single uh, august 2022. and since then, the government has raised a number of taxes, which obviously have not been particularly pop. could i do you think that we're chose government virtually possibly is a risk here. if he called souls the master on the street, i would say that the trees, but it's important that she manages people and then the government. mine is just the, the, the, the, the issue with the side of the community to society in
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a way that them know so many trucks went into the, in the, in the, in the way that the people see the government. i mean life, it's not, it's not always easy and it's not always easy for the governments to take decisions on this. so to a mattress and then the government is looking at improving the situation of the country. but at the same time as the level to find that the communities, the societies and not so much for those decisions. i mean that sofa will ferry. um, interesting. i was ranting and you can see the protests really seem driven by the use. and it seems that that move politic p engaged the maybe they have been in a long time. i mean, why don't you think that is, is it because with some pain, nothing in more difficult times than the older generations experience. all we
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genuinely move exactly, like i said, politically engaged, we want to express our emotions well, the, the african population has dimension by the majority east. yeah. this is the young and the expectations are very, very high. the way they interact with the oh, sorry, it is different from what you used to have in the past. changes 3040 years is as you see, the world is mobile bro. bye. so the more information and the see and this thing and always seek better solutions for themselves. and it's, it's normal that they, they used to be the ones taking charge all the advancing for these projects. i mean, obviously we know that the, uh, the young guy is about the tax hikes, the tax sites of logic being truth. and i'm an amateur economist, so forgive me here, but it's um,
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but obviously by the need to pay external debt. i'm not that is low to be owed to people who are wise ations like the i m s on well bang, which uh. 9 let's say, let's buy so it's in western nations with voting and balance and to say for b, u. s b, u and japan specific k. i just want to talk about little bit if i could this criticism that the i, a mass has new colonialist policies. but it drives poor a nation's into debt by forcing them to raise tax privatized. public goods like will to reducing well 5. so the average pos and let's say on the african continent or shoreline, co restore, as well, very dramatic scenes. they are always the ones that lose out because of the big countries rich countries always when unfortunately reached kansas,
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the kansas obviously because they're the ones who controlled these international institutions. and in this situation, a specific situation of can yeah, i would say actually in most of the kinds of countries on the developed countries, we have a situation where these institutions come in and they preach a better, a better mental improvement of lies. we service fully policies that do not exactly help those communities and the people in the country are not always consulted. i mean this, this decisions are most they can and the discussed over the country. so he main mainly to go visit with the seasons and the governance owners and the pressure from these institutions, they taking the decisions. and now the people are the ones that have to pay for it . so it's very, very hard for, for them to accept and use this model for,
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and this has to change. i believe that today it's based on beaks independence day of when it gains dependence from portugal back in 1975. is that right? yes, it is. uh, congratulations. depended. we have an independence of 49 years. so today trying to fix the joint is all 49, so i knew this independence on the bus. well, happy birthday. uh, some more on that occasion. yeah. but i do what i wanted to ask you specifically about that is, i mean obviously we've seen some mozambique gained independence from portugal. we so obviously the british empire collapse needs the african continent, resolve belgium we so front fronts increasingly unwelcome on the african continent . how would you assess the influence nowadays in 2020 full of western countries? not just all the field moves. i'm beat, but most of the continent as
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a whole. it is still very data. different theme frances do very big because the independence we in the specific day mozambique we achieve the independence. it goes police going, we do not the comic independence and we still striving and fighting to get to comic independence. and because that we see that very big influence from all these ex colonies and to the suggestions that will bank i mass and all of other institutions that pledge that support and help for the full. ringback for the country, but instead those, those, the, that's how the comes a comes is entering the form of loans and increases that, that the country has to do with the international community. but it's a, we believe we believe that the, in the long run, we're over to, by, you cannot make independence as well. well, i mean,
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it's interesting because you're talking obviously about how this is a work in progress that you're watching towards economic independence. i mean, one group of nations which seem to be consigned for some reason about the thriving of independence african nations seems to be the west. and they have been increasingly warning the world uh, against nations, co operating with russia on china. specifically, when it comes to africa i'm, i mean, what do you make about that? we do seem to be absorbing this tendency away from that said the traditional western partners and towards cooperation with, like i said, russia on china, which will take a 1st of all actually i'd like to say russia or the people of russia and the soviet union for helping supporting was
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a big 2 of the ration war and helping us getting independence was a me, is a part of the non aligned states. and we believe in peace. we believe that that every nation can corporate. and we do a just that we need scope ration from all or all the comes in what to make us to make it possible for them was and beat to develop. but i don't think any country can dictate on us for we can go face with or we can work with. and that's our home decision is a nation. do you think the mozambique we want to maybe join the bricks alliance in the future? is that something that you feel would be beneficial for you nation? to proceed with it. if we, as a country of a nation, we proceed to join the brakes or really will apply for it. then if we,
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if we have did the all directly needs to be part of the brakes for the would be beneficial and what not for a look back in terms of thankful for, for a membership on just before let you go us more, i do want to quit to return to kenya. it was interesting because we saw some news come out from the washington yesterday. the us president job item designated kenya as a major non nato ally, and they made a big announcement about it. i mean, how do you think, i mean, what, what's the rationale for that? and how do you think that was perceived? not just the intent of it, but also in neighboring states that and um, well, it was a announcement made by you by the united states. i don't know, i said the canyon government does,
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it can president easy was aware and a states that that's it should be the way we think that the world is becoming is actually marching to a situation where as the goal of war is immune and use of both other countries, as lansing, blogs for attaching different nations is being a project. we don't, i don't think that should be the way we should leave out of the country to decide what they want to do in my opinion. that to something discussed with the goodwood. there are between the 2 nations. we mean i, we, i wouldn't have a st units. i just think that the east coast should be left alone to decide on the futures. i mean, i'm on the, maybe i'm a bit of a suspicious pos and by nature some more, but i mean,
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we saw that memorandum being signed. yesterday. we see a kenyan who may cause approving those tax hikes today, and we see no, i wrote would be streets on fire today. i'm like being suspicious. what do you make up the timing? i'd say that yes, i mean i would also be suspicious of on or making it on those events as a sequence of events. but once again, i say that i think the society, the community and nation in the canyon nation should be able to discuss and decide on what they want to do. probably they thought i didn't know if i agree with what the sides yesterday. probably do the asking the government that telling the government that this is something that they need to discuss before. something major
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has been decided for them. and the final thing i, i want to ask you some more of the say on this day we said maybe some books independence day. what is your greatest her for your nation moving forward? what would your changes would you like to see uh for the generation of your children and your grandchildren? a lot of them because every to reach country, we've been in the lot of resources. we have gas, we have a strategic minerals. we have uh, the c. we s at woodside funded casa, and this thing that the bank would make the biggest change in this country one step by having a better educational system of having a very good health system. and obviously, going into the interest structures improving our infrastructures, making sure that the country can have
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a very good logistical system to make sure that all the, the, the, the votes reach all the parts of the country. and. busy so that we can help the intellect in countries to develop. so all ports a piece is very important, and this is what the conscious inpatient thing ever sees, independence, the respect for this respectful equality. these are the most important things that we need for our country to develop and move forward. and also to make sure that our company generations can also go into a very good country. what a wonderful parents show you paint and not just for your own nation, but all of us. i wish that we will hope spread. do come through. we have very much appreciate you giving us your time, your insight, your experience. that was, there's a big component session,
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some more of my couch and yet thank you very much. some more. thank you. let's just put the return to all the brakes and use what you've been covering all day here on all t of to 5. he is not inside a maximum security prison in the u. k. the which makes co founded union phones is finally out of his cell, the jail. the country has some of the footage of the legend dream whistle the on board his pain. while to end his boss of the games text edition, a song which has agreed to plead guilty to a single criminal charge in the us now according to what can exceed less to the case belmont present. on monday, i'll talk to spending 1901 days behind falls to the unfortunate across. throughout to london, he is actually expected to return to his native a strange. yeah. his wife, along with the chief editor of what's next. i've spoken out in praise of his,
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his long point for press freedom truce on justice. 12 years on i'm visiting julian and a high security prison. but this, this period of our lives, i'm confident now has come to an end. and i think that by this time, next week join will be free. the cost of julia and of course, has been to deprive them for the, for all these years in the bathroom, for journalistic freedom. freedom to publish foundation of democracy. throughout the years of julian's imprisonment and persecution, i'm incredible. movement has been formed a movement of people from all walks of life, from around the world who supports not just join and not just us in our family, but what to him stands for truth and justice. one is long at johnny back home has just stopped off in thailand to refuel. he's now taken off the gun and headed to
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a remote us territory in the pacific ocean. that's the most mariana islands are the wishing to find a way to pay and hold on is expected to be given credit. so that's saying so his time served in jail. so officially set free when the proceeding is over. however, as us presidential candidate, well that kind of junior says the case still sets a worrying precedent. the bad news is that he has to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense in so which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this. he has heart problems and he would have died in prison, but the security state has imposed a horrifying precedent and built a big blow to freedom of the price. to be a journalist, again, the nature of weld, you have to say you're guilty, but you can be killed at any moment because they will kill you if you don't submit
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to your guilt that has been established by the plea bargain. this is huge. it means to everyone out there is a journalist, this is the kind and these are the kinds of, or do you have to fight to be a real journalist, you know, in britain they're not even showing it on the news, particularly. they're showing some royal ceremony with the vassal stage of japan every year. and this must realize that they have to go through that kind of sacrifice is the julia science has had to go through to be the best they can. why else the north marietta islands? i know it's in your australia, but a grouping of colonial imperial us m bar islands known for the only known destination of nuclear weapons against civilian populations. we must remember that in any bashful state like britain, what today's plea deal mean says, don't be a journalist again, one of these best to stay. so there's no such thing as british justice because he'd miles down to us just as britain can fight the orders of the united states,
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just as development fully off the street. you don't have to be a us citizen, put you in the maximum security prison, the guantanamo of britain mail, belmont, and until executive order, joe biden says, yeah, we can come some deal, then you'll be free. absolutely passing. and a british court should be telling the law is to tell the judge using the case is dismiss them. the british britain is not a sovereign nation and brings entire justice system is a fraud. but to join this and will that will be the same. and it's up to join the soul around the, in the nature we area to finally throw off the shackles and understand the importance of julian is onto the global south. those already, they were lying about afghanistan. they were lying about a rock. they were lying about libya, they were lying about all the interconnections of apply to all the songs comes often. yes, one campaign across the world to secure us freedom protest as decried what they to
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