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tv   Documentary  RT  June 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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aside the orders of the united states just as development fully off the street. you don't have to be a us citizen, put you in a maximum security prison, the doc one time to move from bridge e mail, belmont, and until executive audit joe biden says, yeah, we can come some deal, then you'll be free. absolutely passing. and a british court should be telling the law is to tell the judges and the case is, dismiss them. the british britain is not a sovereign nation, and britons entire justice system is a fraud. but to join this and will that will be the same. and it's up to join the soul around the, in the nato area, to finally throw off the shackles and understand the importance of julian is onto the global south. those already, they were lying about this guy. this time they were lying about iraq. you were lying about libya, to align your by little, the into mentions or all the flights of a songs comes off to yes, one campaign across the well to secure us freedom protest as decried what they to the prosecution of john listening to the tooth and nail to try to stop for some
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close expedition to the us onto steve sweeney has always been a very long emotional, but joyous at 12 hours. i've not slept really since the news broke. i've been up all night speaking to lawyers speaking to friends of judy and campaign is activists . and we're all sharing with the this sense of disbelief now. you know, we've spent the last 14 years in the pulling right outside by almost present. we've attended protests and riley's handed out leaflets. we've issued a petitions coating full salons to be released. we've even attended both a partings, both and policies. i'm waiting set of ration. so today's news is obviously extremely welcome. seeing judy and leaving the united kingdom on the airplane from style instead, apple now come pay. there's a game we've been discussing this for years, not really. and the override in this case is deeply political. it involves really
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freedom of expression, press freedom, the right for doing this to publish information that are in the public interest and also for the right of the public to receive that information. but of course judy and faced the full force of the state. well, 2 states, in fact, it particularly the united states and breast it. and now we understand that in my discussions overnight the julian has agreed a plea deal. he is expected to receive a suspended sentence off the pleading guilty to less of felony charges. of course, the united states wanted the extra, the item to face charges under the espionage act, with at least a $170.00 is potentially behind balls. now, i've attended many cool cases over the years. a many of those judy and didn't attend either due to his physical state or otherwise, a nitty old of them were false. it cool. now the last time i was in london,
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i spoke to stead a song, students, wife. and she told me that she feared for his life. she said that every time she goes to visit him, she is. but it is going to be the last few sites. it is for the physical house. his mental health was incredibly pool. and she said she believed that he could commit suicide. now this was really the cool of his appeal against his expedition to the united states and his lawyers, his legal team, all good that washington couldn't offer any guarantees to his safety. now this is something that was also echoed to me by amnesty international, the human rights group. and i will say, spoke to naples, metals at the you in special rapids. so for toto. and he told me again that duty is conditions inside belmont high security prison. he was catching a very, very small area and he said about the physical deterioration that he so each time that he visited. and he said that this was a deliberate and this was
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a deliberate attack by the forces of imperialism against judy. and now again, at the last him in the united states, prosecutors said, well, we can't guarantee a judy of the safety. but when they were pressed, they actually admitted that judy and didn't have any rights as an australian citizen, to the protection under the us constitution. so they an effect on the mind the whole case now in 2017 the c i a was a so we 2021, a you all who use investigation uncovered an alleged port to assassinate judy in the songs on the streets of london. they came out with all sorts of funds of also now there's one was a shootout on the street outside the ecuadorian embassy. the other was blowing up the wheels of an airplane. should he leave for rushing out? of course, this was she, as you said, the right guy, we discussed this and she said, well, how can estate the points to move to judy and really be trusted with his safety.
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now taking this should have been huge news applause to kill the world's most famous doing this on the streets of the pacific capital. but again, i covered it in my use paper. i work for the time and the only other outlet to carry this story was the bbc who ran a guy to the, to the small, the service. now, a guy and i said, i've spent years covering this on the case of i've spent years writing about it, but it's more than that within my own union. the national union of jen, this ice, but she is ready for it to get funding for so and it was already have a met with a lukewarm response. there was some vague statements, but there was never any attempt to mobilize members, for example, the law school and i attended, they would know. and you type honors. there was no message sent out for people to attend and show. they sold a diversity and support for judy and i spoke to many of the people that attended about having to come from abroad, from countries in europe and elsewhere. and they were almost ready,
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this lack of support and solidarity from inside britain, but not just from the national union of doing this the, they started that lack of attendance from labor party members. an act of a sudden all the trade union is because they feel that this was the was most important case one around uh, press freedom. now of course, assange posed a threat to the establishment of it. we seen oversee the exposure of the war funds committed by the united states, and they saw him very much as a threat. but one of the key points i'm a gave myself that our lawyers can pay those and others. we have to work very hard to pressure the press freedom groups and the gymnast unions to actually recognize judy in states as, as a june list and also whistle, blah, blah. and this took a many, many years before they reached a reach that as well, which makes has, of course, published numerous classified us documents implicates in the american military. and we are crimes and exposing all the control facies correspondent, we're in
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a culture that has the details, also known as collateral murder, it's 2010, and which lakes luis is classified us military floods. it's showing coma helicopters, conducting a series of attacks on baghdad. and this was in 2007, and they killed over adults and people including 2 reuters staff thank you. to shoot them off buddy. my gosh, pick up the sportage calls outrage on one side and of course panic on the other. it was not the 1st such incidents and definitely not the last, but this time. not only that, it involved the journalists, but more importantly,
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there was video evidence which was made worse, while the fact that the perpetrators were so adamant in the claims of innocence. we regret the loss of innocent life, but this incident was promptly investigated and there was never any attempt to cover up any aspect of this engagement. the words that kept forming on my lips were cold blooded murder. the u. s. military. they just, they lied to us, it was all lies. southerly. everyone knew about with the leaks n julianna songs. the 4th is, was social and it was picked up by most international media outlets. it may be, wes looked bad so the homes was on and eventually the source was exposed. and american soldier at the time called bradley manning and later chelsea after his transition. well, he leaves around $0.75 to military and diplomatic documents. manning was court martialed and convicted of espionage among other charges and jailed by us
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authorities. 20 ton was a tough a year for the us as with the legs delivered another bomb shell. and that one really blew the lead on the true scale of devastation caused by the american military's actions abroad. the iraq and ask and war diaries became a sensation, the rock files revealing a huge stuff. so as well as cases of abuse and torture by us led coalition forces, reports, detail, 109032 deaths in a rock comprised of 66081 civilians. 23984 enemy. those labeled as insurgents. 15196 host nation. rocky government forces and 3771 friendly coalition forces. the majority of the dust, $66000.00 over 60 percent of these are civilian deaths. that is 31 civilians dying
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every day. during the 6 year period, there were nearly $400000.00 military logs. it was a mess. washington claim that which leaks was put an american soldiers in danger by releasing this information to learn. the songs, however, argued that it was necessary to expose just how many lives were senselessly lost around the world due to us policies. what is the most single, damming revelation? the real story of this material is it, it's for, it's one damn thing, often another most of it this in this for our as a result of the everyday scala or for these leaks cover the us military's actions during the war and of gun this dawn from 2004 to 2010. 0, they revealed call us and forces attacks on civilians friendly fire incidents as
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well as, as gun forces attacking each other. and once again a much higher death. so including hundreds of civilians previously on reports as by the coalition. and here's just one example. maureen then fired $56000000.00 made around at the bus. there are 4, ex coalition forces wounded in action to ex civilian killed, 13 next civilian injured. the main salt from the lakes was washed and it says cover up of the true scale of civilian casualties from the media and the public with a staggering amount of attacks by coalition troops on ask and civilians. it also, p is the evidence of all crimes. and this, the 3 of these files bring to light what's been a consistent trend by us and nato forces, the concealment of civilian casualties. despite numerous tactical directives, ordering transparent investigations, when civilians are killed, there have been incidents i've investigated in recent months where this is still
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not happening. 2011 brought new leaks and this time it was about those that changed at guantanamo bay, courtesy of the u. s. department of defense, so 779 people were imprisoned there from 2002. the eldest, been an 89 year old as gun village are suffering from dementia and the youngest of 14 year old, innocent kidnapping victim. some people were caged up for reasons like were a cost fuel watch being suspicious, apparently because there were use this timers by all call you. i was sleep deprived . i was beaten till they broke my and i was not given food for a very long periods of time. i was situated, assaulted on multiple occasions, seem to provision the for 72 is mostly an all to 0 reporter was obtained for 6 years to prove non existent links between the news outlets. and i'll call you that
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. even if you put someone in how they are going to say it's great because they just left guantanamo. the media is not asking the real questions. how are they going to be reunited with their families? what are they going to live on once they are released? hundreds of lives destroyed in secrecy, with no fair trial and 0 regard for the law. now made headlines around the world and the world seemed grateful about us. songs had exposed how the us illegally the tape and even tortured innocence, people for years. crucially, the files also contain detailed explanations of the supposed intelligence used to justify the prisoner's detention. the documents drawn the testimony of witnesses, in most cases, the prisoner's fellow prisoners, whose words are unreliable, either because they were subjected to torture or other forms of coersion. sometimes not in guantanamo, but in secret prisons run by the ca or because they provided full statements to
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secure a better treatment in guantanamo the. 6 authorities that all that they could to destroy with lakes and so islands, julia saunders, who ultimately paid the heaviest prize for exposing their on the accountable corruption and war crimes. calvin, because that ca, for my us defense department sub contract on cyber threats says that as long as his release is linked to biden's p all campaign. i think it's all timed specifically for the binding administration. and they have had the opportunity to deal with this case for quite some time by it. and we'll get to stand up in front of the united states audience and say g, look, i'm a good guy. people demanded that assange be released and i released them. but because of they had classified wiki weeks as a,
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another spice sort of us. these actions really became comforter intelligence offensive. therefore, the c, i a did not meet approval. they even once. so huh. as far as to have the company called you c global hired to guard the ecuadorian embassy, but you see global was actually providing intelligence to the us in the u. k. so um, this is one of those things that they have done with several other people where they want to keep control of the narrative that they want to put forth. they want to defy, wants julian assigned, and they effectively did it fine. if the sound would be your opinion. a piece facility is spending money on the eu has agreed to is 1400000000 euros and stolen profits from frozen russian assets to buy more weapons
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. few credit. as a comment this morning and the waiting for pro fish caught me in from josh and i switched roles and in new to not dash itself will be use in the safe to as possible man of for the benefit of ukraine. $1400000000.00 will be available in the course of next month, and another 1000000000 by the end of the year. and these will be uh, allocated to ukraine. but for these 3 purposes of defense and one issue. and as reporting of the new canyon industry, the decision was made despite hungary as a position to the scheme of buying weapons for kids with the profits generated by those 1st and assets. the hon. gary and foreign minister spoke count against the you move saying it crossed a clear red line through the new show room. and indeed, it was announced today that the european union will use
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a total of 1400000000 years from the european piece facilitates to finance alms deliveries to ukraine. despite humphreys disagreement on the bi, completely disregarding european laws come great was simply left down to the decision making process. this is a clear red line that has never been such shame dis, disregard and violation of common european rules before all righty. but it is precisely those who advocate for rule of law procedures at full volume and speak about the threat to democratic values of violating european regulation laws for you . it's not a fast deputy child, the wash instead of ations council defense and secure to commit to the ultimate church of change of believes that the steps taken by the show that it is committed to follow. the escalation of the, you know, recently mr. burrell has made many statements aimed at promoting the escalation of the conflicts. i'm not even talking about his brought up passages by the blooming garden and the jungle just a couple of days ago before the start of the meeting of
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a you foreign ministers in luxembourg. it was monday, he said the sanctions he's convinced of working grades and that therefore we need to continue and build them up. but according to his logic and he spoke directly about this, the russian economy has suffered serious damage. but he, however, did not say that it was told friends, apparently he will do this a little later. but nevertheless, as for the money which is virtual for now, at one time when i was working in the bulk of the state, was this to find the money in relation to foreign aid. that is money that seemed to go from one plan to another, but never materialized. this means that now we're talking about using potential profit from frozen funds belonging to russia and not just the use, but also the imposition of an additional tax on this income. well, they have the right to impose taxes on anything, even air and water. so, and apparently this will have to be done, has your opinion as a claim, succeeds in destroying rushes economy. but in this case,
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economy is suggest that we all have costs talking about a small amount and that even in the case of a positive decision, and the decision is still up to the ministers, they'll be european union. this money will be enough for 2 or 3 weeks at most spoke . you have given its glass and they, they've paid quite a lot of attention to finding ways to bypass hungry the objections of recent months . and basically, these recipes boils down to presenting the relevant decisions. now the general d u ones, but is national ones. and let's see what it might look like this time of the models . in the meanwhile, brussels continues to openly put pressure on belgrade with the foreign policy chief joseph barrow saying that stop in hopes of joining the block. and it's continued close relations with russia don't belong together. so that the an m. p at it's on to poverty, believes that if his country bowels to the used ones, it will be political suicide. the deal has been pressing, so it'd be out to give up. it's to go up. it's ties with russia,
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especially since the start of a special military operation. and the worse it's going for nato in the west and ukraine's of the, the big of the pressure is a v e. you to get a serbia to step into the falls. because really, serbia is practically the last holdout. the problem with the, for the, for the serbian government is that the vast majority of people in serbia are against sanctions against ourselves. uh, all the surveys they've been conducted in the past year. so in, in serbia show that at least 80 percent of the people are against the sanctions apply towards the russians. so it is the government of serbia decided to comply with these, with this uh, these view demands as to come to the pressure of coming out of brussels. they will
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be very unpopular. they would have protests, they had truck, we have protests here in belgrade. and um, late winter, early spring of 2022 when the initial um, pressure uh, from the view to impose to join sanctions against russia were delivered. and people took to the streets. you know, we had, we had huge, all, you know, we, we had a huge crowds in belgrade and, you know, protesting against even the possibility of applying sanctions against russia. so if the, if the serbian government did that, it would mean that they were give their a black males threatened, or that they want to commit to local suicide because it would be an extremely unpopular measure and serve you while we are right now. pay and most goes to this, so we will thought in about 8 minutes. so we'll see you then the,
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the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. and the point obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various job. i mean, with the artificial intelligence we have so many with the him in the a robot must protect this phone existence with alexis
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the credit lost the points of the pony prestone isn't much fuel that showed us. cuz a couple of interesting to you. if you put them leave for those bonus points, we sort of loose and for some reason that we're going to have them for the future, just about richard studs used to produce boom
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. doesn't deal to deal with the because the the for the
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cars, they already see guys they cut the scroll so i did that and then use familiar email fewer which is great if in to the your roles the non c theory of racial superiority finished style 4 years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war, labor comes 10 prisons daily. well, you know, thing to do is go level, choose them union venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest, the leading enrollment. i couldn't lift and i'm assuming people's gonna sit in approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff dumbly level if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the snyder stuff. so young congress that, i mean, you know what the found in disease forced labor to which you have by the word.
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so formulas. what was the last, it also need you to do that? it's a deep, it almost human off. what does he put in his name? pushing these things up, the give you what feeling that due to the cause of those thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more when you've got here, you know, wanted to do this, but it's not even a good idea. yeah. for the good i see it are really supplements. they decided to do it because we don't want to see it. but there's being yet,
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that was put in the middle of the, of the 41 percent of us adults have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical. then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . the simplest way, like explain the basic income, is that it's like social security for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached to you. so have i, i would like them maybe i don't know,
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i just wanna go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then just by virtue of your being here, the breaking news on all the details in kenya web prototypes to stay in the parliament and set key government buildings on file size. angle boils over the approval of a m s. pushed tax heights and all the breaking news today, flying to freedom. after 5, he is incarcerated inside a maximum security prison in the u. k. the width of the tv and the phones is whisked out of the country after striking a p deal with the west to not everyone's consensus. so when,
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when the bad news is that he has


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