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tv   News  RT  June 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the, the breaking news off the 5 years behind balls in a maximum security prison in the u. k. was the julian assault has landed on the island of 500 in the pacific. just try to p till with the west. no, that was convinced it. so when, when the bad news is that he had to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense in which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdictions globally to norm citizens, [000:00:00;00] the details, any 10?
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yeah. why protests to store the parliament and set key government buildings on file size. onqua boils over the approval of i. m. s pushed the tax on vaughn and said once again, plays the streets all the new toilet are now prompt to power some several pro independence activists to main them from the sam child housing for both the previous rest the midnight and most good. the saw to international a very well welcome from myself and the whole team. well, starting off with the news that it's a breaking news that we've already been covering up today, which the 5 is of to being 5 years smoked in a maximum security prison in the u. k. the which meeks co founder, julia massage, is finally out of the so the jail and the country. he's now landed on the,
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on the side panels, the capital of the nose and marianna islands and overseas us, us territory in the pacific ocean. the which and expound a is expected in court within the coming hours. where it said he'll accept a p deal with washington to end his bottle against extradition. a solid has agreed to pay guilty to a single chunk of conspiracy. according to where he needs, he left the hue case, bell lost prison on monday of just spending 1901 days behind falls. he then forwarded, and that croft and flew out of london is expected to return to his native astray to his wife. along with the chief editor of which meeks have spoken out in praise of his use. long fight for press freedom, truth and justice. 12 years on i'm visiting join in a high security prison, but this, this period of our lives, i am confident now has come to an end. and i think that by this time, next week join will be free. the cost of julia and of course,
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has been to get the price of $3.00 the for all these years in the bathroom, for journalistic freedom. freedom to publish a foundation of democracy. throughout the years of julian's imprisonment and persecution, i'm incredible. movement has been formed, a movement of people from all walks of life, from around the world who supports not just join and not just us in our family, but what to in stands for truth and justice to the way can be found. i have travelled a long way for the hearing on the remote island and the pacific is expected to be given credit for his time served in jail, let officially set free when the proceeding is over. however, as us presidential pounds, the robot kennedy genius, as the case sets of worrying precedents. the bad news is that he has to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info,
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which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this. he has heart problems and he would have died in prison, but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and dealt a big blow to freedom of the press. to be a journalist, again, the nature of weld, you have to say you're guilty, but you can be killed at any moment because they will kill you if you don't submit to your guilt that has been established by the plea bargain. this is huge. it means to everyone out there is a journalist, this is the kind of these are the kinds of or do you have to fight to be a real journalist, you know, in britain they're not even showing it on the news, particularly. they're showing some royal ceremony with the vast will stage of japan every year. and this must realize that they have to go through the kind of sacrifices that julian assigns has had to go through to be the best that they can.
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why else the north marietta islands? i know it's in your australia, but uh a uh, grouping of colonial imperial us and bar islands known for the only known destination of nuclear weapons against civilian populations. we must remember that in any bashful state like britain, what today's plea deal means is don't be a journalistic in one of these about so space. there's no such thing as british justice because he'd miles down to us just as britain can. the owners of the united states, just as development fully off the streets. you don't have to be a us citizen, put you in the maximum security prison, the doc guantanamo of britain, mail, belmont, and until executive order, joe biden says, yeah, we can come some deal. then you'll be free, absolutely passing, and a british court should be telling the law is to tell the judges in the case is dismiss them. the britain. britain is not
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a sovereign nation and brings entire justice system is a fraud. it's about to join. this will, that will be the same and it's up to join the soul around the, in the nature we area to finally throw off the shackles and understand the importance of julian is onto the global south. those already, there were lying about this guy. this time they were lying about it rock. they were lying about libya, they're lying about all the interventions with us just brings the, remind ourselves of exactly what the teacher didn't massage has enjoyed. of the past tedious.
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the . the blight of the songs comes out to the label yes, long campaign to secure his freedom, protest is have no laptop right to the takes him to the streets, to deprive of a pulse of confusion as john and as a tooth and nail to try to stop the whistle blows expedition to the us or to speak, sweeney has not always been a very long emotional, but joyous at 12 hours. i've not slept really since the news broke. i've been up all night speaking to lawyer speaking to friends of judy and campaign is activist, and we're all sharing really this sense of disbelief now. you know, we've spent the last 14 years in the pouring rain outside, so i was present. we attended protests and fridays handed out releases. we issued petitions coding for the songs to be released even
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a 10 day both the policies of waiting set of ration. so today's news is obviously extreme. the welcome c duty and leaving the united kingdom on the airplane from stylus that apple now come pay. there's a game we've been discussing this for years. not really. and. and the overriding view is in this case is deeply political. it involves really freedom of expression, press freedom, the right for jordan, this to publish information that are in the public interest, and also for the right of the public to receive that information. of course, jude insights the full force of the state. well, 2 states, in fact, it particularly the united states and breast. and now we understand in my discussions, overnight the julian has agreed a plea deal. he's expected to receive a suspended sentence off the pleading guilty to less of felony charges. of course, the united states wanted to expedite him to face charges under the espionage got,
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with at least a $170.00 is potentially behind balls. now, i've attended many cold cases over the years. a many of those julian didn't attend either due to his physical states or otherwise. i'd nitty all of them were false, it go. now the last time i was in london, i spoke to set up a song student's life. and she told me that she said for his life, she said that every time she goes to visit him, she says that it is going to be the last few sites of his pool. uh, the physical house. his mental health was incredibly pool. and she said she believed that he could commit suicide. now this was really cool of his appeal against his expedition to the united states, a and the, his lawyers, his legal team argued that washington couldn't offer any guarantees to his safety. now this is something that was also echoed to me by amnesty international, the human rights group, and i will say, spoke to naples,
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metals or the you in special rapids. so uh for toto. and he told me again that duty is conditions inside belmont high security prison. he was catching a very, very small area and he said about the physical deterioration that he so each time that he visited. and he said that this was a deliberate attack by the forces of imperialism against judy. and now again of the last hand in the united states, prosecutors said, well, we can guarantee a judy of safety. but when they were pressed, they actually admitted that judy and didn't have any rights as an australian citizen, to that protection under the us constitution. so say an effect on the mind, the whole case. now in 2021 a. y'all who used investigation uncovered in the alleged port to assassinate judy into songs on the streets of london. they came out with all sorts of funds of also now there's one was a shootout on the street outside the ecuadorian embassy. the other was blowing up.
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the wheels of an airplane. should he leave for rushing out cause this was huge. use that or again, we discussed this and she said, well, how could estate the points to move to judy and really he trusted with his safety. now again, this shouldn't be huge news applause to kill the world's most famous doing this on the streets of the pers, these capital. but again, i covered it in my use paper. i work for the time and the other, the other as a carry the story was the bbc who read the guy to the, to the somali service. now a guy and i said, i've spent years covering the songs types of, i've said, years writing about it. what is more than the uh, within my own union, the national union of gen the size, but he is really fine to get fucking for a so and it was hardly ever met with a lukewarm response. there was some vague statements, but there was never any attempt to mobilize members, for example, the last co and i, i attended they would know. and you type honors. i was no message sent out for
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people to attend and show. they sold his advocacy and support for judy and i spoke to many of the people that attended not having that come from abroad, from companies in europe and elsewhere. and they were golf ready. this lack of support and solidarity from inside bridge and not just from the national union of goodness the they started the lack of attendance from labor party members. an act of a sudden all the trade union is because they thought that this was a, you know, the, what was most important case one around press freedom. now, of course, assange pose a threat to the establish and have we seen oversee the exposure of the war funds committed by the united states. and they saw him very much as a threat, but one of the key points. and again, myself that our lawyers turn pages and others, we have worked very hard to pressure the press. freedom freaks on the gymnast unions to actually recognize judy and the status as a journalist. and also with a lot of on this took many,
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many years before they've reached the reach that after a day of fall i read cale send nairobi, the nations president william router has delivered an address, claiming the radical elements have hijacked the protest, easy, or even we might from
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the was split to to allegedly so it's demonstrates is inside the parliament building, pull some damage and lifting down slides they then try to break the way into the senate chain. no one's on the m p. 's have voted to approve of controversial finance bill. so i would say is steve wise and taxes, hundreds of little make us was said to have taken refuge in the basement. the full being of $5.00 to $8.00 to, to say, protest is also reached and library based city c. plains are seen coming from inside the window as well. take the black smoke billowed into the sky. reports claim up to 13 people have been killed and thousands more injured in the wide one across the country. meanwhile, in these images, the supreme court stuff and noise, it seemed flowing faults of water towards the protest, as apparently they're actually trying to help them. so as the crowd for attempting
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to break into the problem. so we know that the on tuesday people had gathered on the 16th street des moines, that i'm the, as a government cruise. he'll far to say he's a needed to help tail. the concierge desk, particularly to the washington based international monetary fund. according to let that all problems have internet access in the country. many light sources in outrage saying that we're ready to make ends
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the little, the latest on this developing story has on to use and all of that and the protest is overpowered. the police who had the barricade to 6 is off to, to hold one of the ministry so occupied by tens of thousands opinions of came out to, to press the low make his in parliament to do the bull. you'd remember that earlier this morning, protest as we're attempting to access condiment to the have a full see a way into parliament to just shortly after that to bill was cost. this is also we offices, blocked axis and with the low make has debated and decided on the sign is full. but unfortunately that has led to to several, also those protest as being sought to the data as opposed to so which began last
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week. it was really an absolute too cool to present williams who chose um, governments, off god, but couldn't indeed a said over the weekend that she was prepared to talk to the purchased as well praising the purchased as for the a peaceful action. i am very proud of our young people. they have the full what tre bless. they have step forward, peaceful, and i want to tell them we're going to engage them. we're going to have a conversation. so that together we can build a great mission that was with the top make the situation any better. in fact, it said that this is the 1st time in the history of kenya. that protest is broken. barry is an excess inside the parliament despite to have the security and nisa. and just because we know that the, in the me off this protest use the i am, if so that because outspoken petition and lead us off the economy, freedom fighters to this med,
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lima has expressed support for kenya's and to find his full tween to 24 in a very strongly worded statement, my name my has faced that it is time for kenya to resist the into is of the i am if and the whole bag for she has accused of pocket straight to the drafting off the boat. this is the or part of a broader problem faced by many developing nations under the yoke of the i, m f and world bank loans. the i m f and world bank having a tory is history of funds in mining the sovereignty of developing countries through there are progressive loan conditions and treating african economies. like lab rats for neo liberal templates has a firm that has foxes, stands in philadelphia, and see what the people of kenya describing the whole proposal as exploitative kenya is not the only one, most countries in africa facing in a to the cost of living prices. and rises bit to the amount after content season off for us to spend an interest payments. and hi, ms. lowe, this is austin higher than anywhere else in the world to get to it is no serious
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effort to be made to find a solution to the crisis. countries that have to go see $21.00 by one basis as if the fault is full day is and the people in the pay, the price, the phone of this tend to be those who have the lease and matches even made was by the fact that african countries a still have very little say in decision making, the will bend as the i am is, in other words, the i am if and these as us international institutions are the enemies of progress, almost every developing country in the world, low quality on those kind of some one desantis this report from the scene of the protest, the,
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the now we'll do a p d point for vision victory to the middle to the puppy. and it is the duty of reserve the noise. yeah, that's the whole noble. yeah, i'll be more talk on those. i data didn't keep it the like, put it like, well here i did. i know. but a while you think that there's some stuff with the re he's on the field for that is a for this thing. the police are using definitely the use, it's with the source on the city, the for the 20th or 15 in the car to go through what do do model, but i'm it on me to that me through debate. anybody to the right? not to book the default, and so you do a to reach us, it's most is do i believe, to rebuild records of we're not, but the votes that we don't, we are that are the quote that there what the point that we did the, the default to be scrapped off into time that you must pay. why does richard amelia,
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why the amended into autonomy to the end of the month before the end of the plan up to the money i discussed issue with the national executive on both of these and beacon ruling polity. he says that the policies of west ministers was like, the, i am i, for example, are just not helping countries on the african continent, a breeze, kansas b, kansas, obviously, because they're the ones who controlled this international institutions. and in this situation, a specific situation of kenya, i would say, actually in most of the kind of forgetting countries on the developed countries, we have a situation where these institutions come in and they preach
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a better and better mental improvement of lies. we service fully policies that do not exactly help those communities and the people in the country are not always consulted. i mean, this is this decisions on aging and the discussed over the country. so if you main, mainly the government will take decisions and governments owners, the pressure from these institutions, they've taken the decisions. and now the people todd wenzel has to pay for it. so it's very, very hard for, for them to accept and use this model for and this has to change. i mean, obviously we've seen some mozambique and independence from portugal. we so obviously the british empire collapse needs the african continent. we saw belgium, we saw front fronts increasingly on welcoming the african continent. how would you
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assess the influence nowadays in 2020 full of western countries? not just all the field moves. i'm beat, but most of the continent as a whole is still very, very di, different theme francis do very big because we didn't see it specifically wasn't being we achieve their independence. it was police going independence. we did not have an economic independence and we're still striving and fighting to get taken on the independence. and because that's we see that's very big influence from all these ex colonies and to the solutions i called bank. i'm asked and all of others solutions that pledge that support and help for the full for the country. but instead, those, those, the, that's how that comes a comes, is entering the form of loans and increases that, that the countries has to, to do international community to 9
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t washington. the soldiers have for time from you quite in captivity in a prison, not swap. this footage shows them on the way back to home soil. however, ton was the successful result of negotiations which sol washed over time, the same number of ukrainian deputies, russian defense ministry emphasize the enforcement of the u. a as a mediation between moscow on ships to secure, to do the finally, oddly savings on the streets of new caledonia as protests fled, once again in front of the seas. territory this latest on restless, boxed by the rest of a number of pro independence activist on the pacific islands. they have been sent to fonts to stand trial for renting previous on rest, all to contributor rachel lofton has the story. there is more trouble now in the
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french overseas territory of new caledonia as 7 accused pro independents after this organizes of unrest that took place back in may, who had been taken into custody were been sent to the other side of the world to mainland france. from the south pacific officials of the local government in new caledonia called the high commission and aligned with french president in menu and back home, said that they did that to be able to investigate the unrest, income and peace, talk about an epic fail then in that case, i guess the figure that these guys would just kick back from netflix need to be, or if they ever move to france instead, it's just giving them more reason to riot at home. the ones we are asking for is a little more consideration that people have reason out a couple of nice people here. it's not a social movement. it's not the movement of striking workers. and that's something the french they didn't understand and still doesn't understand. that's why we
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demand the release of the prisoners as far as where i can send. these are political deputations and political prisoners. nothing more, nothing less. so bit of background here. all of this on rest kicked off back in may . when michael and his french government decided to push through an electoral reform and new caledonia that would add thousands more residents to the voting list effectively, di, leading the voice of the native cannot people. now those opposed to mac holes, reforms we're kind of scratching their heads at the time saying look, we have so many problems right now in france was setting off another one with this issue really necessary right now, even though trees had expired and frankly supposed to get more power over this territory anyway, but there is a way to do it and there's a way not to do it is what critics were saying. but um, starting unnecessary drives, kind of my calls whole brand. at this point, he just reacted to a european parliamentary election last for his party in the beginning of june, by dissolving the french parliament in a tantrum and setting off
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a new national race. the 1st round of voting for that is set for this weekend and pull strong suggested macros. parties on the verge of getting trouts by the right and left anti establishment with team mac hole. not even set to make the 2nd round of the 2 party run off in um that takes place on the 7th of july. again, totally unnecessary. chaos has been created here by mac home, but just thinking back home might have finally reached the apex. the pinnacle of his drawing, making he, oh god, himself and basically says vote for me or there will be a civil war. i think the by the national really i'm the phones is to me is, was phone to real problems real and got real anxieties. those have the person who says they not responding to my security problem. the one who says i know recognized and protected because i am mostly, but they respond badly in my eyes by increasing conflict and civil war. the
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opposition was quick to point out that it's nicole who was the fire starter from new caledonia to the french mainland, and that it sounds like nicole who will still be friends prizes. and by the way, for 3 more years, even after the new french government is chosen is less. ringback the groundwork for evoking article 16 of the french constitution that allows the french president to consolidate all powers at all control over every thing, kind of like a dictator, basically in the event of grave and immediate danger to france. now this has been used only once in french history and jerry out back when it was a french colony in the wake of a push in 1961 by french generals who opposed then france, president, shock because support for algeria in independence. he proposed the appeal to august ago, 16. he was the one who started the civil war in new college on yet he is the cas, the dad as him installation is him. he's the rank of public services climates in
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action as him, their oppression as him. speaking of civil war, emanuel mac run is once again using the strategy of fear. the country has never been so fractured the uprising in new caledonia urban riots. the yellow best prices, uncontrolled suburbs, we don't play dice in france. so this new caledonia fiasco is raises the classic example of how that whole operates. he starts knocking around a nitroglycerin, great issue, sense in french troops for some shock and awe, 0 dollars on the lanes a foreign country for everything as adviser on of all places in this case just because they happen to sympathize with the people's right to self determination. stem dissolved parliament in a toddler, tantra which kills this new caledonia legislation anyway, but still decides to extradite activist france in a bid to calm the situation by way, giving off old school colonial lives. he's warning about chaos if he doesn't get
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what he wants in this next election coming up this weekend. but it sounds like really he has a huge problem on his hands. more than anything else here. was how things are shaping up the mouth more and those are much more to hold onto the home is the face . please check it out. as you said, the for your part and leadership and tenacity in journalism and publishing. since 2010 assign just being held in aggressively narrow i dock. cold and cooler spaces has been since the 7th of december and 2010 and one


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