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tv   News  RT  June 26, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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it is this idea that everybody is deserve, and that's just that virtue absorbing here. the breaking news whistleblower julian assigns leaves us court on the pacific island of side pan, a free man after a judge except the play deal. he struck with washington. nevertheless, his legal team slammed us over, pursuing journalism as a crime. shows the fact is united states pursuing celebrations, a rep outside the us consulate in sydney with people praising julianna's sons freedom and to wait for his return home. or ken buranski, the cries,
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the parts of product saying that send a chill down the spine of the journalists worldwide type pricing. it was paid for the charging and conviction. public journalist for doing their job. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know. 3rd period to tell it harry, in the country, it is not what we would expect from the united states or similar country like destroyer. here's the deal for that is a whole dispute that the police are using delta w. it's with the source on the city, the 4th period star testing team. they've got to well and sadly chaos in kenya. we're protesters on the parliament and said government buildings on fire at those anger boils over the approval of i am f pushed packs heights. we are here to the, to the we want to the,
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to the you are watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble live in the russian capital . we start with breaking news, which we've been covering all day here on our tea. a judge has sent us the week. it looks founder julian, the sons' time served. that's after he pleaded guilty to a single charge of conspiracy and a deal with washington. how's it feel to be a free man? you see mister assigns, leaving the court room a free man after 14 years of legal persecution with assault. the finally over he is on the way to his native as fairly close by a massive sense of relief and joy over at sanchez released his lawyer since the case has had a chilling effect with the us pursuing and journalism as a crime. mister assad reveal the truthful, important,
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and news worthy information, including revealing the united states that committed or fines. and he has suffered tremendously in his fight for free speech, for freedom of the press and to ensure that the american public and the world community gets truthful and important news where the information that is cited states from boston prison. that is, what has it shown today is the united states pursuing business the 1st and last to julian, a sons' is a free man. now that he accepted a guilty plea and answered a guilty plea in a us federal court in the mariana island. now julia sanchez,
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attorney made clear that while he will comply with the requirement that he deletes certain sensitive information, the work of which he leaks will continue 62 months together. i have no government now in order for julian assigns to accept the plea, deal for time served no supervised release in order to return to australia, a free man. after 14 years of a legal battle, plenty of time and a british prison, julian hassan had to formally admit guilts and, you know, plead guilty to a criminal charge violating the u. s. espionage act. this is what was said in the tense moments in the u. s. federal court house working as
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a joint of this time covers my source to provide information that was set to be classified in order to publish that information. i believe the 1st amendments protected that activity, but acts out that it was a violation of the espionage statute. i believe the 1st amendment and the espionage act in contradiction with the child, the but i accept the would be difficult to win so suitcase given all the circumstances. it's been 14 years so that you in a sanchez been facing off in a legal battle. and at this point, we see him on his way home after quite a bit of time, walled up in the ecuadorian embassy, quite a bit of time in british prisons along extradition battle. now around the world, many are looking on and seeing this is an example of hypocrisy on the part of us leaders who constantly lecture the world about freedom of the press, the protection of journalists, freedom of speech, etc. let's review everything that has happened to julie and assigns over the course
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of this 14 year saga. the . this appears to be the end of julia saunders 14 year saga, but it's not the last of which he likes. we're awaiting a statement from julian assigned to about what comes next. but at this point, many around the world who rallied in support of julian hassan protesting, making social media post, raising awareness, doing everything they could to highlight his case and the dangers it poses to
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freedom of information and journalistic protections. many people around the world are happy to see and free, though many are also worried about the implications of the guilty plea he entered in the us federal court house. lessons as relates as part celebrations in australia and people outside the u. s. consulate in general and sydney are holding a banners and the balloons and demonstrators have gathered to praise the outcome of the court hearing. and julian's return home. this really in law makers say there's real. the sands is on his way home, but i worried about the president. his case has that i will, i will flag the one allowing issue and that is to die on us territory. i present it was sick for the charging and conviction of a journalist for doing their job. that is a really alarming priesthood. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know. 3rd period will to tell it harry,
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in country, it is not what we would expect from uh, the united states, or similar country loc and stria. i think it sends a chill down the spine of journalists world war that this president has been sick and it means out there is more work to do, to push for lady of freedom and protections for journalist so they can do the job. all right, let's discuss this further. now is my colleagues say both and joins me here in the studio is a what's been the reaction to these developments in the last? well, i mean the us, of course, where this was the engine of the case against julian, the sondra member and astray and citizen, accused of crimes against the american state, basically the crime of revealing us war crimes. after all is very important. we remember what this is all about. so you can imagine in the states there's been mixed reaction. so haiti, and as a, as a victory against a human story, he's a junior. so as you can see from the pictures a, he looks almost a broken lot at brutal regime and develop my expression as well. so you can imagine
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there's, there's mixed reaction somewhere saying it's a victory for a transparency. so i'm saying that it's a, it's a, it's a back door victory for the united states, if you like, that some big names in the states have come out and made some statements on it. i want to pictures of marjorie taylor green is far beyond republican. there's, they, famously committed against the war and ukraine and many other issues that some of this is what margery taylor green had to say about judy, the son just case. and i for was that he was and that's why many people here here in the united states, new york times for a release government information all the time. but it's only the information
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the americans yeah. so interesting view and robert kennedy, the sort of that present presidential candidate now and outside of book has also been a, an outstanding voice if you like, a many issues at regarding, at the current reality in, in the u. s. world to the he came out and he highlighted many of the real issues here about this case of julian. besides being freed, he highlighted at the relevance of the deal and what it means for journalism around the world. let's have a listen to what robert f kennedy say. the bad news is that he had to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this,
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he has heart problems and he would have died in prison. but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and built a big blow to freedom of the press or so well the human story is celebrated and i, i've got to know the cell assigned briefly during the, the campaign. many people in journalism are relieved to see him free. uh, colleagues, here steve sweeney is doing future work. he's attended valleys and bell max prison . he's attended as many of the protest. so many people been drawn together this campaign for journalistic freedom. but the core of the issue now is about what does this feel mean? the fact that the united states essentially brought the funds to his needs, if he was on his knees as of where from this brutal regime in belmont, i should over turkey, heading for 15 years of incarceration of one kind to another. and what does that mean for journalism, for people who want to have an independent voice for people who want to share information about the big states, their crimes have now been criminalized to set
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a president. and some other interesting details about the deal, which might be as well known as the fact that assign just re united states also bound julian massage from entering its territory with no permission. and you've also got some voice to some very hawkish voice to steal in the united states as saying that she should have been freed. he should have there shouldn't have been the plea deal done with the science after the terrible things that he sought to endure him. and his you'll find me that people like mike pence at trump's excess of the pe coming. obviously there shouldn't have been a deal. so the deals still decided you that a assigned is a criminal. whereas the criminals, who under an international law of the measure of international law, was applied to the people who were behind the illegal behavior in afghanistan and iraq, syria libby, a cetera, and none of them have been charged with anything. meanwhile, julia massage, although free today remains a criminal and what does that mean for journalists around the world? what does it mean for a pursuit of food, an openness about the behavior of,
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of the big powers? this is the key issue or some of the implications say both. thank you. well done to react to a host of the whistle blowers and former us intelligence officer says as on walked free because his release benefits the by then administration ahead of elections. well that was the sticking point and it's been the sticking point for at least 6 or 7 months. now the justice department was adamant that that they would negotiate a plea for time search or so long as that goes. pollution took place on us soil. they want to julian to 1st be expedited to the eastern district of virginia, but then they would agree to the police and then he could go, he touched fairly, he didn't believe that they would be true to their word. i wouldn't believe it either. and he stuck to his guns at the same time. you know, this, this case was a, an acre around the neck of the bible industry should make clear when with this case
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. and so they wanted it to go way. it's an election year. we have elections for president and just a few months before this was this was better for joe. busy biden, to this thing, just to end the what's her name to kenya now where several people have been killed by police firing live rounds that protesters trying to storm the countries legislature as lawmakers wanted to pass a contentious finance bill that was like taxes, local journalists kind of the mondays sent us this report from the c, the, the
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now we'll do a b b clinton, victory to the puppy on it at the, to the old reserve that it's going be at the 3rd the phone over. yeah, i'll be more talk on those data, didn't keep it the like, put it like, well here i see it on up. but while we're going to put some stuff with the re, he's on the appeal for that is a for the screen. the police are using the use, it's with the source on the city the for the 20th or 15 in the car to well we'll do . we do do model, but i meant i need to do that with you today. the buddy to the right. not too good for the full and so you do need to reach us, it's most is do i believe to remove records of we're not, but the roads that we don't want to quit or that are be closed. that there was the point that we did, these are people to be dropped off into tell me too much why does the
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1000000 why in the into autonomy to the people in the. 2 to the plan of the hello is cross live now to our to correspond to another for you couldn't gay. who joins us from johannesburg. hoover, what else can you tell us about the slightest unrest that we're seeing in eastern africa or several people were killed and hundreds injured as thousands of demonstrates a storm to canyons parliament to protest a controversial tax. both those and repurchases is seen the nipple home problems,
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but also the home of the 40. i kamani the chairman of the national assembly is fine, is in planning committee, who has been at the center of the school over this tax proposal, particularly for his support. so off the new texas and despite the police as if it's the situation he at his home almost 5 or out of control prompting a pool for reinforcement to secure the premises and the residents of the member of parliament. but can, yeah, has now to provide some military units to support the police across the country in response to the security emergency caused by the ongoing violent protest. the protest also targeted to the i n s, but mostly king as president william who told me despite to be moved it in washington has become deeply unpopular at home. his winning parts are pushed through the checks bull that sold the pro to entering a stage. it's never seen before in kenya,
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and among the clauses in that tax bull that we're talking about our proposals to increase tax on food products such as brandon boyles and taxes on the contributions to social security funds. the protest is on demanding. the lawmakers who endorsed the both scrap the entire plan would have seen on sunday president william brutal trying to calm the rising tension, saying that he was proud of the young ken hughes, who came all 16. besides the democratic through chief in early approaches to last week, but those of the young kenya is we'll see you. we as the president is strictly adhering to the i am if model and is costing the tax a bed and on to the countries of poor a citizens who had been to austin a narrow be attending and applicants union um, submits or rather a receipt. she was expected to sign the sign is bull in to move to now has 2 weeks to as to what faces goals to think. again, also facing pressure from the if to go ahead. but the present has come out
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according to protest fees. and this noting that to this, or rather he's government will soon provide and response. so to the situation, just move on that is not in florida or even conceited. that criminals pretending to be peaceful protest. this can bring tara against the people, the elected representatives on the institutions to publish on the institution and expect to go for free. we must isolate crime from democratic expression on separate criminals from people exercising the freedom of expression. and type ident meant to abandon the plan tech side stuff, which they all you will, choker the economy and raise the cost of living for can useful or really struggling
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to make ends need to. this is not the 1st time this has happened in kenya, and it's also not the 1st time that a bull has made to with sex resistance from many citizens and kid. yeah. last year it was the same story. the hide. yeah. okay. i think we've lost her connection with us, so we're gonna move on now. i think so to lulu and olivia to day reporting for us in johannesburg. earlier my colleagues, jessica taylor discussed the issue with a national executive member of the mos in beacon ruling party. he said, the policies of western institutions like the i, m f are not helping countries in africa, a breeze, kansas big guns is obviously because they're the ones who controlled this international institutions. and in this situation, a specific situation of kenya, i would say, actually in most of the kind of again,
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countries on the developed countries. we have a situation where these institutions come, you tend to preach a better and better mental improvement of lies. we service fully policies that do not exactly help those communities and the people in the country are not always consulted. i mean this, this, this decisions on aging and the discussed all over the country. so if you main, mainly to go visit with dave decisions and the governance owners, the pressure from these institutions, they've taken the decisions. and now the people are the ones that have to pay for it. so it's very, very hard for, for them to accept. and these, these models are for and this has to change. i mean, obviously we've seen some mozambique and independence from portugal. we saw a busy, the british empire collapse needs the african continent. we saw a belgian,
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we saw front fronts increasingly on. welcome on the african continent. how would you assess the influence nowadays in 2020 full of western countries? not just all the field moves. i'm beat bruce of the continent as a whole. is to very day different theme frances do very big because we seems to be specifically mozambique. we actually go in band successfully is going to we do not have an economic independence and we're still striving and fighting to get to get on the independence. and because of that, we see that very big influence from all these ex colonies and through the solutions i called bank i'm asked and all of the others solutions that pledge that support and help for the full. ringback for the country, but instead those, those, the, that's how that comes a comes is considered a form of loans and increases that, that the country has to,
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to do international community. 90 russian soldiers have returned from ukraine in captivity in a prison or exchange. this footage service, the moment the group learned that they had finally made it back home. exchange is the result of a successful negotiations which rush to return. the same number of the print in p. o w's versus defense ministry emphasized you a is role as immediate or helping to secure the data. well, that is, as the situation on the ground remains tense with heavy fighting in the harcourt region as your current in troops attempt to dislodge at russian position. successful drone operations have they come crucial for both sides are tease. it goes down out, visit the u a. b squad with rushes off, lot special forces unit and file this report. the info chomsky ukraine is on a desperate quest for revenge cube has a mast thousands of troops in the bid to keep the enemy back. we are imbedded with
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a russian unit. droned pilots on admission to deny ukraine the opportunity to strike a little of the union frontier and you've got the enemy's movements were detected to them and they had several attempts to storm the private sector to get behind our allies. we detected everything and fired at it. and so in some places, would that be be drones? once the rival force is posted, it is pursued relentlessly, either until the surrender will meet the bit to read. a brutal rule said accepted by both sides and zip as a brutal sending out the we'll talk what we found them in some places. so it's not just that you bomb ones and they retreat and you know, they hide the holes in the basement. you love it. no, to the come on to over this, that's not special forces units known by the call sign. that translates as bob barry and says their main goal is to paralyze any movement of ukrainian troops in the town. if they come to maneuver con,
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carry out soup rotation and evacuate their wounded. q forces have no other option but to sleep. so i thought about the way we operate pretty fast. the pilots are close to the enemy. some days later, the enemy left the positions they tried to take a key cause. the drone, by its very definition, is an expandable item. you need many, many thousands of them and what the special forces obama have established here. it's a full cycle manufacturer. so you've got the split out of there's a projectile preparation going on the coordinator here. the dropping systems is occurring to fuses, high explosive project, 1000 people instead of a fragmentation project house value. and i was good to hear. we have thermal barrack munitions for special purposes, the my model. and what the ways to respond and you can leave it at 3.5 kilograms in here. you have sub munitions, right?
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so that's, that's what, that's right. the bottom line is that sub munitions for enemies, manpower, very effective. such an issue to the side overall child is never blind. always vigilant. always nice. so the other one is just that i'm, that's a joke. here's the live situation in the town and go to the enemy doesn't operate actively during the day because it's dangerous, not only for health, but for life. the sky is so dense with the russian and ukrainian who waves drone dog fights have become a common sized commercially. senior mateo is the image videos, so we shut down the enemy's magic. drawn with ours are survived. we put it above there so that, and then you will ukrainian to mount is holding back. no resources trying to out number the russians by an order of magnitude. but where one might see a problem varvara and his men see an opportunity for us to show what if i take
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yours, that's your that's can bring more, the more we have, the more drones we have. it should be this way. not like, oh there are so many of them. i will not go there. know the other way around. you will not miss optimism is needed for you to have to look at that. a philosophy that seems to be the foundation of the smart special forces. i'm a guess done up reporting from the russian ukraine board to see the arts and the rest cosmos are launching a joint project star bound. it's a direct line to the international space station and allows people from bricks, countries who are passionate about space to communicate live with russian customer lines. our table moderate the program from his moscow studio with 5 episodes planned each dedicated to one of the bricks countries the program will future information about space projects, prospects for space development and exclusive photos from the i assess along with content on famous space. if this is in the block countries, you can watch the 1st episode right here on our
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t on thursday. the
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this thing with our 2 international app. nice. continuing our documentaries. there is the trustful about julianna's sons and the weekly controversy by the a, a 2nd super city and involve 18 charges which includes 17 charges under the espionage act. and one charge under the c. s. a leasing dot net relates to the 2010, which he likes publications. so to clear the amount of publication, the rules of engagement, rock the diplomatic cables, feeble along the same respect of iraq and afghanistan, and the guantanamo bay files. we filed a legal challenge against that expedition, which was heard over the course of around 18 months. we raise concern about
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a piece of process related to the spinal and also he's legal team. and on julian and his medical professionals, the way in which the united states is described, the facts in order to justify his expedition. we also raise concern about the application of the u. k. us treaty, that treaty prohibits x regarding someone for political offense. the united states has applied for his extradition, but is treated as a criminal. and this was car to this is, julian is a dangerous terrorist who is going to flip out on a k installed gunning everyone down in the cold. i was sitting up in the gallery
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watching this a stronger.


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