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tv   News  RT  June 26, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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of the the breaking news with the lower julian assigns leaves us court on the pacific island of side on a free man after a judge except to complete deal, he's struck with washington. nevertheless, his legal team slams the us of are pursuing journalism as a crime. showing the fact is united states pursuing journalism has a fine this is the 1st and last time celebrations erupt inside the u. s. consulate and sydney with people praising julian, a sanchez, frieda, amends await his return home. well, kendra decries the courts,
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verdict type friction. it was fixed for the charge again, conviction called a journalist for doing that job. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know 3rd period to tell it, period country. it is not what we would expect from the united states or similar country like this. try it. here's the deal for that is a for this thing. the police are using depth of them use. it's with the source on the 50, the port of the 20th, or 15 in the car to well. and deadly pay us in $10.00, you know where protesters storm the parliament and said she government buildings on fire f. as anger boils over, the approval of i am asked pushed in the tax side. if the positivist finance bill there will be demonstrations every day until the government gives us accountability of all taxes. we just want them to be accountable.
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the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international. we start with breaking news that we've been covering all day here on our tea. a judge has sentence weekly looks founder juliana saunders, 2 times served as that for he pleaded guilty to a single charge of conspiracy and a deal with washington. the heare you see mister assigns, leaving the court room a free man after 14 years of legal persecution with the side are finally over. he is on the way to his native us trail am, despite a massive sense of relief and joy over assigned his release as worse as the case has had a chilling effect with the us pursuing journalism as a crime. my name is mister assigned to reveal the truthful, important,
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and news worthy information, including revealing that the united states had committed war crimes. and he has suffered tremendously in his flight for free speech, for freedom of the press and to ensure that the american public and the world community gets fruitful. it important news or the information that is called journalist of these cited states, prosecuted that the dispos most for science will come to the 75 prison. that is, what has it showing up today? the decision is time permits for science to go home. that does have a showing, the fact is the united states pursuing journalism has a fine, i think this is the 1st and last time jewel and assigned as a free man. now that he excepted a guilty plea and entered a guilty plea in the us federal court in the mariana island. now julia sanchez,
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attorney made clear that while he will comply with the requirement that he deletes certain sensitive information, the work of which he leaks will continue. 60 took months in belmore to get his deal weekly weeks is for work we'll we'll continue. and mister sancho, i have no doubt the continuous force transparency government use of power force. so now in order for julian assigns to accept the plea, deal for time served no supervised release in order to return to australia, a free man. after 14 years of a legal battle, plenty of time and a british prison julian, a sancha, had to formally admit guilts and, you know, plead guilty to a criminal charge violating the us espionage act. this is what was that in the tense moments in the us, federal courthouse working as
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a joint of this time covers my source to provide information that was set to be classified in order to publish that information. i believe the 1st amendments protected that activity, but accept that it was a violation of the espionage statute. i believe the 1st amendment and the espionage act in concert diction with the child, the but i accept the would be difficult to win so suitcase given all the circumstances. it's been 14 years so that you and a sanchez been facing off in a legal battle. and at this points, we see him on his way home after quite a bit of time, walled up in the ecuadorian embassy, quite a bit of time in british prisons along extradition battle. now around the world, many are looking on and seeing this is an example of hypocrisy on the part of us leaders across and we lecture the world about freedom of the press, the protection of journalists, freedom of speech, etc. let's review everything that has happened to julie and assigns over the course of this 14 year saga.
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the . this appears to be the end of julia saunders 14 years saga, but it's not the last of wiki leaks. we're awaiting a statement from julian assigned about what comes next. but at this point, many around the world who rallied in support of julia sons' protesting, making social media post, raising awareness, doing everything they could to highlight his case and the its dangers. it pauses to freedom of information and journalistic protections. many people around the world
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are happy to see him free, though many are also worried about the implications of the guilty plea. he entered in the us federal court house. all right, some breaking news. juliana sanchez just arrived back home and astray. you can see his airplane on the tarmac and behind me we understand has landed in just the last few moments, arriving from the side pon islands where he was released and following him, pleading and guilty to the charge of a conspiracy centrally in his arms. finally, home in australia, arriving in ken vera the country's capital. just a few moments ago, he will be giving a news conference scheduled to at least to take place within the next couple of hours. of course, we'll bring a, bringing new that to live as well. here on our tea international. well, a sons' is a release, has spark celebrations in australia. people outside the us consulate general and sydney are holding
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a banners and balloons. and i'm upstairs have gathered to praise the outcome of the court hearing, and julian's return home as trillion law makers say there's through all the signs is on his way home. but i worried about the president president, his case has set a pellet harry in the country. it is not what we would expect from the united states for a similar country like destroyer. well, i think it seems a chill down the spine of general as willed, was at this price it, it has been sick and it means out there is more work to do to push for lady afraid and protections for journalist. so they can do that job. afraid you accept the important ally now of the united states and united states, the engine of this whole case against the assigned and well, i'm afraid the lawmaker on his legal team and commentators can come out and say this is, you know, it's, it's a victory of sorts, but it's also a very concerning development for openness and journalism. the australian prime
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minister himself husbands, condemned to the incarceration. he hasn't come out and said that he did nothing wrong. the 1st place you should have been free all along and he's me to just come out and said, you know, well look, it's a great day at the grace the day of celebration. because remember, australia it's positioning and pacific down in the asia region as pensions around for, for china. australia doesn't want to step on the toes of uncle sam who is becoming more, more influential in the neighborhood. let's say it was the us after all that, when after assigned for for years, what's been the reaction in the west when it's been mixed. subsequent to this release, we've had the american official america, the justice department's come up with a lengthy statement, essentially saying that he's a criminal. he has been convicted of a crime. it's a felony. and no one in the united states who is a guilty of the crimes which is essentially exposed, has been convicted of anything whatsoever. afghanistan, libby, rock, the list goes on. and people like mike pins that coming it said it shouldn't have
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been a deal at from sex v p. the should have been a deal with the, with the science whatsoever. politeness weeks you shouldn't have done it. and there's a bomb. now, from the united states introduced on, you can never, nobody would want to, you would imagine stick to never return to the united states against you. as you said, no one has been convicted of the crime, said julian, hassan exposed it. was julian assigned himself, that was the one who is a woo, as chased out for a foot for so many years. there must be people in washington who are critical of this 14 year persecution. mm hm. yeah. there are voices of sanity and reason. and it's strange, many of these voices of sanity and reason, a line on other issues around american foreign policy and the oppression of freedom of speech. one in particular, marjorie taylor green, who's been very vocal in our opposition to the funding and the prolonging and the few and the other one ukraine. she came out with her views on the release of judy aside. some of the, some of the that he was and
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that's why many people here here in the united states, new york times for they released government information all the time. but it's only the information that the government secret, the americans what are the repercussions of this case? when it comes to freedom of speech worldwide, essentially, julian assange has been forced to bend his knee if you like to accept a criminal responsibility and culpability, which has a huge impact potentially for freedom of speech. the bad news is that he had to
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plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism at extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this. he has heart problems and he would have died in prison, but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and dealt a big blow to freedom of the press. why now the election, a stone out of issue for the by the administration, which is a, it seems something which gets this off the table for bite. and as the heads into the election would or f k has really sustained the put the points here as, as to how this happened, assigned force to bend this me force except a criminal responsibility. while the actual criminals who are responsible for the death of millions of innocent civilians remain allied as cost live now to the director general of the pakistan, afghanistan that use form solomon javits. someone good to have you on the program
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it with us. a julian hassan, she had the had to plead guilty to a felony charge in order to secure his freedom. what kind of precedent do you think this resolutions of the case is? that's the president. i'll just say it's not good for the freedom of pressing and the freedom of speech as of a sudden model, the problem. forget about this a lot. and this to that to unless there is no fear, don't suppress a speech and the word there will be no to talk to that. but over the case of the massage, we see that this is going or, and drug declines. probably we would like to be hitting a lot about the of the well trains and the limit like to reduce the flux that's getting out in the comfort zones of the unit found. one was, it was one such figure, one such wives which was giving a platform such to people who would want to be said on the water tank of the states and the end to for, to the probably under a different conflict zones. so i think it is a bad precedent that has been set and the probably doing it is i'm really not the
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same uh, in the best and more than in the us. and other than a, such as a condition of the deal assigned was ordered to instruct, wiki, likes to destroy certain information. what are your thoughts on that? obviously the standard of all these go up to any subject it would be, which should they think that the dead goes against the support of their lead national interest and the national interests of american uh, state that wants to you know, bit better in the water inside to clean them, you know, the temperature also in the south depression region as well, particularly in a one this time. so we need, if you remember, we used to hit about to, i'm going to have to use your head about from the job you used to had about the, uh, the use of chemical weapons inside at ok. and a want to sign has got to be used to get aboard when, if i'm on the, you'll see it about the nitrogen when it's done, all of this really go down the drain and really bored into the rest of this not really not be all right but some other by some of the others that got 15 minutes on has to come to the deal. then i think because this will be facing
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a class and don't. and most of the information that is there no doesn't deal with that. it's going to be lost, so it is not a sponsibility off other general this i know, that'd be the best notes that they should, all kind of all those references so that they're coming to nations may get to know what that work happened. indeed, contract on it talked about the threat this poses to journalism the way that the us cited the threats that it posed to countries. national security as justification for silencing julian assigned in this way. everyone does this mean for journalism? does it put others at risk for reporting the truth doesn't put off journalist from doing investigations in this manner? it's obviously very, very, very. i mean there's part of us know that the list a, if you're, if you feed the amenities because i'm and up and the bundle of the restaurant media and the students on skate as you will see that they were already already heading to the, to the red line start related on by the americans and, but by itself,
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you would not see any prominent supported by any of us from journalists and go to our end lives for they don't have funds for the other person doing it for the parts of. so this shows that the american a positive but a james behind looking behind the scenes to be able to come to hand the lines, murder, but severed all those elements. all those people who are working in the media industry, do you have time? don't on the effort so you're going to find it. so if i'm already there, this steve just has solidified. so kind of, you know, the guy and put it in a mechanism that doesn't, this one did, and i'm at the same model. it has been solidified, but this the effort of a meaning, the case again, certainly in a sense. all right, we're going to leave it there, director general of the pack a stuff dentist and use form solomon drive it. thank you for turning the canyon. our several people have been killed by police firing live rounds of protesters trying to storm the countries legislature. that says anger
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boils over the approval of i am a push to tax hikes. local journalist kenneth amante's centers this report from the scene. the now we'll do a p d point 3 development both of the puppy on it at the, to the old reserve that destroying the surge of homo. but yeah, i'll be more talk on those data. didn't keep it the like,
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put it like what he did on that. but while we're going to put some stuff with the we he's, i wouldn't appeal for that is a for this thing. does this with these are using wu? it's with the source on the city before the 20th or 15 in the car to go through with the to do little bottom. it on me to uh that went through today the body to the right. not too good for the full. and so you do need to reach us, it's most is do i believe to remove records of we're not but the rule that the we don't we are that are the clothes that they want to plan that you did. these are default to be scrapped off the internet too much. why does richard amelia, why? in the winter time between the people on the
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plane up again and president lam, router claims radical elements have hijacked to the pro test and announced that the national army will be deployed across the country to help with qual, the rest are to know who you can get it brings us more of the home of korea kamani the chairman of the national assembly is fine, is and planning come and see who has been at the center of the storm over this tax proposals with particularly for his support of the new taxes. and as far to the police as if it's the situation at his house, almost 5 weeks out of control from too cold for reinforcements to secure his visit as kenya has now deployed military units to support the police across the country in response to the emergency caused by the violent protest says, approach is also targeted. the i am, if, but mostly kenya's, president william who to who will dislike to be loaded in washington has become
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deeply unpopular at home. young can use. we'll see you as an associate who is that the president is strictly assuming to the i am, is model and as well sing the textbook and onto the countries class. what road to a has come out holding the protein. i'm please, and this noting that it is government wilson provides a response to the situation and that it is not important or even conceive of the criminals pretending to be peaceful protest. this can bring tara against the people, elected representatives and the institutions to publish on the constitution and expect to go for free. we must isolate crime from democratic expression on separate criminals from people exercising the freedom of expression and type ident hope. in the meanwhile approach, this is one the government to abandon the plan tax hikes in which they all to will
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choke of the economy and raise the cost of living for can news already. so i'm going to make ends need so this is not the 1st time a sign in school has been met with such resistance from citizens and can yeah. last year it was the same story for can you up with us? yeah. can use the say the will not stop until they get what the, what we are here to the best interests of our to the problem. we want to walk you through this. what is the pause, boost finance bill? there will be demonstrations every day until the government gives us accountability or fall, texas. we just want them to be accountable for the state and government to help people. so we're not too close to the president taking us government is now quotes between i m. s a detached,
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so which off it's in governments to catch the deficit and the population, the reading from cost of living increases both $1.00 fine place and, and steve, the tax increases and the protesters have evolved to scale mass approaches across the country again. so this find this bull, if nothing is being done. less cross live now to booker. i'm all a national vice chairperson of the communist party of kenya. we're good to have you on with us. how do you view the role of the i m f and pushing for these tax hikes in kenya? yeah, the tests and most importantly, as we, ma'am, uh, many of our comforts that might say yes to be in the streets. we must make it clear that they have the lot is in their hands. so i am in one bank that
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continued to impose their policies on the e mail, sams, king, and population. these blogs that is being shared in the streets waived into one of the property of the united states imperialism through may. i have mentioned in one month think that he's a month cup shows by international for an interest and he will not body. i'm the he's on says the wishing to daylight seem to do so in farms. big inflation majority lead by the appointment as much of getting them to such in just a sense of that kind of click on discrete events. agree on this statement that was released yesterday by the united states embassy. the you can,
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you and me on in the payments to the flips this process as a process of one sense, that's a member of the united states, something in tennessee. i mean, you know, a tunnel of sans seems pretty didn't william some way to until came to power in fox painfully, if not the united states and the internet's on the local public. here at home has only closed meeting to the king and people on they find most states that have been passed to to be both those dimensions to each box tax where the people are not where the money is. i'm to be, oh no, it's to. they can have people to leave this the glitch. 0, one question. we out there once international, but i always do sions like the find them in this is the most of i don't got into
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the and we have, we knew yesterday that the kind of problem and of course we didn't know how much for some of them, but they can have a problem and you said they had, or would you need to actually lies don't piece by rejecting these you know, this one sided. why must be right? i am in front. why, friend, why and the spot fit to you book or why? why does the government comply with the i m s demands despite such strong public official opposition despite the protests because they, they believed there was any kin. i'm not making those divisions by themselves as they come should buy it special for an interest, but certainly not just steps in business. so however much they continue to push
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the interest of daddy's national apartments, the mold at leeway to make any divisions. divisions are not being made and they will basically be something about being measured and under the interest of the kind of people in fact, the decisions that we are relying on them to, to, to make in just the thing. and people cannot make them because he how he went to, you know, they've been tutor was in washington. he meant to move them. you don't mind doing a problem use that's like for example, this is telling us that skin has been to be, i'm not, i'm not to, i like paved in william some way to jump in less than 3 years. i've opened it is, i just mean it's already app. it's for united states in what daily now own country . so he continues to some of them. but i also bring it to the, to the, you know, to the dictates all then regional needs institutions and the interest of the ruling
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class, particularly the united states. and to be on west on, you know, putnam's so it, based on the model we, we have, we have going to be on the scripts, vice president william some way to do kind of what the situation is, the ones because tomorrow, if that was the president of this country, you just need to say to offend the seat. mitchell to these 2024. why not speak? what is the basic means? is that it's 123 by months past we did them stay in force and then appropriate. should i put this on the bill for the 2024? we didn't pass in parliament. and then that wouldn't be the kind of the issue. see mcdaniel, today's event. the key was defined nicely to tomorrow is the must see unemployment . so they can you on the people above the most?
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you can you explain to us what the proposed tax hikes mean for ordinary kenyans? how well it impacted people in the country festival. the president has given docs really is for margie mesh notes in pharma, in big failure, the united states on board program to basically say what you put this special if i'm in psalms where there is no dignified label in, in those special requirements on the desktop screen, of its own deliberates, but you have given multinational tax, what do you need? he have given subsidies on what that you have given subsidies on electricity. he has gone ahead and given was subsidies for capital gain, but the increased uh, what you can execute if you have increased funding. i did tax on basic when,
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when did you invested commodities get talking about the smile we're talking about right. we're talking about, what are we talking about? well, the been you know, is explicitly the young people that are trying to make money to be just digital content creative. he has loved them with another, you know, 15. so he's fucked and started up to 5. know you're going to do it to 15 percent. so they talk of you out of seem on the streets. i'm not quite the some 7, but they're fighting any money that yep. waiting to get when the content is, one of them is a, you know, what is the, the, get some one to 10 of these young things? don't we just stop by based in just the williams. i'm waiting to talk essentially.
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did you what we have seen, the celebrities coming out, the mid report is coming out. why? because not the president wants to what introduce? i'm not that tax. they want to be able to tax. okay. does that mean anybody in this country it onto the vehicle? i'm going to pay taxes, not be on the taxes. the planes produced last year. remember the landlords so you can think of those those uh they boxed those boxes to actually the attendance and the level of discounts. you don't think that okay, same lungful. okay. book, i appreciate your time. unfortunately, we are completely out of time, but do i do want to thank you book or i'm only national vice chairperson of the communist party of can you thank you all right and do stay with our 2 international . i'll be back with much more about 30 minutes in the meantime. be sure to visit our website or to com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the.


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