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tv   News  RT  June 26, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the, the, to the beautiful that is a, for this case the police are using the new with the saw it on the city. the court of the 20th or 15 in the car to president very tired declines to sign the controversial call. items fill, the fox 5 receives into details throughout the 10. yeah. the days and that has been boy leg over the approval of i am acid flush type is the pause this finance bill. there will be demonstrations every day until the government gives us accountability of all taxes. we just want them to be accountable. the
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law, which can be found that you're going to solve take this. 8 on this trade in soil, we're united with his family officer, a ruling 14 yet no. the update judge accepted a deal struck with the us government, which is phones had little choice. talk to a 32 people team slammed washington assessing a dangerous process in order to win his freedom. joanne pleaded. guilty to conspiracy to commit espionage for publishing. evidence of us will crimes, human rights abuse. this is the criminalization of generally, the floods around the world to make sure you never missed the story. this is all to international. it's great to have you with us for welcome to this wednesday's
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program. well, taking things off, the kenyan president william brito has declined to sign the controversial finance bill, a concession that he says now was guided by the will of the people. what is not? well, 22 people have reportedly being killed and at least a 160 wounded as police tried to despise ongoing protests, firing live rounds and using take us and the has boiled over due to the approval of i am as pushed tax hikes local john. this kind of some one de suntrust this report the
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now we'll do a p d point 3 development both of the puppy on it is the duty of reserve that destroying the surge of homo. but yeah, i'll be more talk on those data. didn't keep it the like, put it like, well here, kid, i know. but while we think that there's some stuff with the we, he's on the field for that is a full discrete the police are using definitely the use. it's with the source on the city, the for the 20th or 15 in the car to will call it will do would do to do little but i'm it on me to that me through to anybody to the right. not to but the default. and so you do need to reach us, it's most is do i believe to remove records of we're not, but the roads that we don't we are that are be closed. that there was a plan that you did. these are people to be scrapped off the internet too much. why
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does richard amelia, why in the manufacturing into autonomy to the to the plan of the purchase and spread beyond the capital of night. very few rich and 50, across the staff for can nation fits footages from the western city of new curry. while douglas freight has tried to enter the state house, police reports of news take us to says to discuss crowd, i say not to flock, roads and hinder traffic. several people receive,
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think to with the protest as could be seen hiring the for the open house and report a new shot by security forces. who can you and then need the audio claims that roger pull elements had hijacked the protests forcing him to deploy the national army across the country to help quote the unrest. auntie is not a clue that brings us from the home of korea. kamani, the chairman of the national assembly is fine, is and planning to come and see who has been at the same 12 the storm over this tax proposals, particularly for his support of the new taxes. and as far to the police as if it's the situation at his house, almost 5 weeks out of control from too cold for reinforcements to secure his visit as kenya has now deployed military units to support the police across the country in response to the emergency caused by the violent protest as a protest also targeted the item is, but mostly kenya's,
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president william who to who would, despite to be loaded in washington has become deeply unpopular at home. young king is, we'll see you v as in a soul few respects the president, this strictly a ceiling to the i am, is model and this policy in the textbook and onto the countries. cool. what to, to a has come out holding the protest. i'm using this, noting that it is government wilson provides a response to the situation just and that it is not in florida or even conceited. that criminals pretending to be peaceful protest. this can bring tara against the people. they are elected representatives on the institutions because companies on the constitution and expect to go for free. we must isolate crime from democratic expression on separate criminals from people exercising the freedom of expression and type ident hope. in the meanwhile approaches says one,
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the government to abandon the plan tax hikes, which they all to will choke of the economy and raise the cost of living for can use our really struggling to make ends need. so this is not the 1st time a sign in school has been met with such resistance from citizens and can yeah. last year it was the same story for can you up with us? yeah. can use the say, the will not stop until they get what the, what we are here to the, to the problem. we want to walk you through. this is the pause this finance bill. there will be demonstrations every day until the government gives us accountability of all texas . we just want them to be accountable. we are going on this phase. i'm here, the government, the government who's coming up here to help people. so we're not even close to the presidents taking us government is now quotes between i m. s
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a detached, so which off it's in governments to catch the deficit and the population, the reading from cost of living increases both $1.00 fine place and, and steve, the tax increases and the protesters have evolved into space mess approaches across the country again. so this find this bull, if nothing is being done. we spoke to book on the a thoughts national, vice chap hudson of the communist party of kenya. he says that the only mess and well defined which continue to pressure kenya to implement damaging the fiscal. we're phones by responsibility. if there's violence, as really for me, uh, maybe a more complex that might say yes to be in the streets. we must make it clear that they have lots is in their hands. so i am in one bank that continued to impose their policies on and they emailed them scanned on population
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b. i am historically how the order is probably want to quote interest not just to qualify you know, loans that statement, but also use the leverage in terms of the financial capital to dictates our international, our internal affairs, and even to use them to manipulate what is clearly this key, this service i am, make sure that we do though i told them to do the relation. i'm 11. i'll invest your business was actually cute, or this did want enterprises and discount please. once the dns on that i am in front allotment for this is. so this is a tool for new millennium. but for the,
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for the united states and neo colonial, it has to be understood that even though the, that there is a position that the i met from love bank is model violence because they use local file to try and, and some pro minus our lead us to implement unpaid people and faithful of policies. but yesterday, the very low non violence from the a soft fall a technique was actually exposed to industry. so i am, you know, on a p me and i'm from, it's a story called a behavior. it's one of the colonial um projects. that's the $1.00 to $1.00 of the ones. most of the african countries including kalia, to be some vision to the dictates we must foster will
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be with external interests. that continues, don't mean that all political discourse plus leads only independence. i'm from there. i'm now, but can people do shop on the, on distance or off to a full teen a here long legal bass. one was 2000 days behind bozza julian assault house, free taking his 5 steps on home soil. his how he was met by his dominate camera. the wise baton heard him comes off to a pit stop on a remote pacific island where he appeared in, quote, i'm pled guilty to
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a single charge of conspiracy. as a deal struck with washington, us judge sentenced him to time. ready soft of the the as follows. could be seen leaving the court room a free mind, often a decade of functioning extradition to the us. i'm all his solve is going, the over his legal team says the cases how to shooting impact showing the legs washington will go to an attempt to criminalize john and as i'm a point, highlighted by his law as a wednesdays press conference is unprecedented in the united states to use the skies act to criminally, prosecute the journalist for a publisher. it's in the more than a 100 year history of that law. it is never been used in this fashion. it is certainly our hope that it will never be again used in this fashion. julian spent
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years in bill marsh. no one should spend a day in prison for giving the public news worthy and important information. in this case, information that the united states government had committed war crimes. i think the sense here with the whole a home coming is of course, one of human joy. people are really happy to see judy and assign released. but underneath that, there's an issue of you know, how he changes for you. what do you have to do? how we have to bend his knee if you like, to accept a criminal conviction. and this goes to the heart of the debate. now, you know, uh the united states will maintain that julian assigned his notice as the 7 a criminal. this has huge impact on journalism, on a global scale. the united states, of course, was the engine of the case against the julian assign. so it's understandable that
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amount of with health problems with the young family who would spend, you know, you know, almost 15 years, essentially imprisoned 7 years, the ecuadorian embassy, remember at, and then a bell marsh. while you security prism know anyone who knows that even failed marjorie security prism. this is a very green place, rapists and murderers and terrorist. it's a bit as secure a place you could put anybody on the journey and such as a journalist, quite a gentle mind. so this did, so the demarco, the brutality of the whole engine behind this. and let's listen to jennifer robinson at his, one of his lawyers at outlining the reality of the deal on the impact that this deal will have going forward on, on global journalism problem with the espionage act is there is no 1st amendment defense in the espionage act. it does by its terms, not matter. the reason why you, you publish the us for years and us government has claimed that these publications
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do great harm to day in court of the united states. government admitted that there is not a single person anywhere that they can produce that was actually harmed buddies, publications. in order to when he's freedom, joanne pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit espionage for publishing. evidence of us will crime, human rights abuse, human rights abuse and us from doing around the world. this is journalism, this is the criminalization of journalism. and while the plato does not set a traditional precedent, that's not a court decision. the prosecution itself fits a president that can be used against the rest of the media for the process in a very dangerous place. it's not, it's not evidence that it will move towards more protections, but rather less that would have been v,
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the only good outcome for the press in general. if, if the us government had to abandon this case entirely, you know, i think very quickly, the debate will turn from the, the human story, the joy and the celebration around the world for anybody and everybody who stood on the side of a science that on the side of justice, the right to report the truth. very important to remember. nobody from the united states a culpable in the crime is the wiki leaks expose the julian assign. she has dedicated his life to expose it. nobody has been charged with anything. you've got. well, over a 1000000 civilians dead in afghanistan, iraq, syria, libya, the, the list goes on and on and on. so the mind to expose the crimes is never criminal . the people carried out the crimes which he exposed are completely blame is as it seems. so again, it's going to come back to the mechanism by which the max of taking their pound of flesh, if you like, you, most things you need to us your most accepted or criminal. and it's very difficult
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to see how anybody wouldn't have accepted this deal after such a long time in solitary confinement, most brutal conditions that he had to take the deal. jude was health, but the big issue here is, what does this mean for global journalism? what does it mean for the pursuit of truth? what you get as on the spectrum with 14 your longer? yes, and including legal bass off to the next was released at 12 of them fighting expedition to the united states. here's what the voice of what i went through before. finally step in so don't have in store. the
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assumption is where these hot spots, celebrations and australia. people outside the u. s. consulate general in sydney, how the banners and balloons demonstrate as gathered to toast, the outcome of the court. hearing the sounds as long away just heard coming out to us, i received some us politicians slammed the government to criminalize john this he was arrested and that's why many people there can be a comparison here in the united states, new york times for government information, all the time,
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but it's only the information government secrets, the american the bad news is that he has to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this, he has heart problems and he would have died in prison. but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and built a big blow to freedom of the press human rights. so i said up to 9 west sides of the case of the psalms reels reveals us double standards when it comes to issues of the freedom of the press. democracy as we can not log dollars, a sort of bully and harass journalism and journalist it. do you know a not really using information,
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especially it's quite difficult as we know to come across information and ease when i go over that with you, the especially in this case of war crimes are concerned. and this, you know, is basically the hypocrisy that people across from the point out. but you know what, if you always go across the world being the policeman, and then you doubt that you will, we have freedom that then you go and you are asked, journalists like this and for work. he explored the truth. he was the reason why the, what kinds of are all going to let us on, and we're gonna move into light. and the whole persona of the united states being this week. oh, oh, that finished basically of the day. and julian finally has reached kendra and, you know, he's now a free citizen, but at what cost went out to you pray and what the situation on the ground remains tents where that'd be fighting in the hall coast region as ukrainian troops
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attempt to dislodge washing positions. successful road operations have become crucial for both sides or t. z horse donald visited a you a v squad with the russians are not special forces unit and sentenced this report. the info chomsky ukraine is on a desperate quest for revenge cube has a mast thousands of troops in the bid to keep the enemy back. we are imbedded with a russian unity. health droned pilots on admission to deny ukraine the opportunity to strike a little of my pages in your frontier and you got the enemy's movements were detected to them and they had several attempts to storm the private sector to get behind our allies. we detected everything and fired at it, so in some places with that p b drones. once the rival force is bolted, it is pursued relentlessly, either until they surrender. we'll meet the bits of rent. a brutal rule said accepted by both sides and zip as a barrel sending out the what's that what we've found them in some places,
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so it's not just that you bomb ones and they retreat, you know, they hide and holes and basements, no, to the come on to over this next month's special forces units known by the call sign, that translates as bob barry and says, their main goal is to paralyze any movement of ukrainian troops in the town. if they come to maneuver con, carry out soup rotation and evacuate their wounded. q forces have no other option but to sleep. so i thought about the way we operate pretty fast. the pilots are close to the enemy. some days later, the enemy left the positions they tried to take a cut because the drone, by its very definition, is an expandable item. you need many, many thousands of them and what the special forces of a, how much have a stablish here? it's a full cycle manufacturer for you, for the death of that other. there's a projectile preparation going on here. the dropping systems that going to fuses
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high explosive projectiles. people have played out of fragmentation, project house that it wasn't good to here. we have thermal barrack munitions for special purposes, data my bottom. so i know what the weight, but it's probably going to, i'm going to 3.5 kilograms. and here you have sub munitions, right? that's what, that's right. the bottom of it is that sub munitions for enemies, manpower, very effective for 26. you the cy, overall child is never blind. always vigilant. always lee. so that was the other one is just that i'm, that's a joke. here's the live situation in the town. the enemy doesn't operate actively during the day because it's dangerous, not only for health, but for life. the sky is so dense with the russian and ukrainian who waves drone dog fights have become a common side. senior mateo and then was we have videos. we shut down the enemy's
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magic. drawn with ours are survived. we put it above there so that, and then you will ukrainian to mount is holding back. no resources trying to out number the russians by an order of magnitude. but where one might see a problem varvara and his men see an opportunity for us to show what i tell you is much less than bring more the more we have, the more drones we hit, it should be this way. not like, oh there are so many of them. i will not go there. no, the other way around. you will not miss optimism is needed. hey, philosophy, that seems to be the foundation of the smart special forces. i'm a guess done of reporting from the russian ukraine board to see whether you are paying for it of human rights has a ruled. moscow is responsible for a string of for my license in crime. this is 2014. that's one dependency to vote. to re unite with russia, as must go with jerry from the court in 2022. the ruling was based on reports from
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the applicant government, in which case, you crate. well, that's across life now to all, to contributor rachel mazda and richard, just to costs through what are the details that we know about this ruling at this stage? so we know that the european court of human rights just issued a judgement against russia, accusing it of committing human rights offense has been crimea. so russia withdrew from the same court in 2022 effectively ending the relationship with big, which basically means that this judgment is kind of like your ex bad mouth thing. you're behind your back after break up and it carries about the same weight. frankly, there are 2 sides to every story, and rushes is totally missing here because it is just out of any relationship with this chords. it didn't even allow anyone from the court, any investigators to set foot on its territory,
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including the territory in question here, crimea. so what it sounds like the court did is just take the applicant countries version and credit like a great score, who is innovative, a hurry to get his assignment done. so we can go play video games with his bodies. and well, for guess is the applicant, country was or the above violations, namely the ruthless dumping down of any attempt of the corinthian citizens towards the board for granting dependence, for its pro western political choice or the non acceptance of the, on the law for an extension of coordinator with all the minds of the repressive criminal law machine as no tyria purpose of creating an atmosphere of the error and repression. this has been done in order to suppress any political opposition to the policy of the kremlin in russia, and to intimidate the koreans inside ukraine to force them to abandon their pro european anti tyrant and had a corruption choice they made in the revolution of dignity. as well as settle,
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so what exactly does the report accuse russia of doing the details? well, 1st of all of banding, neo nazi groups like the ride sector and the step on palm dera, all you for any an organization which is not adhere to these quiet even though it sounds like one which must be the only time in recent memory that the european court has defended the cause and human rights of neo nazis to neo nazi ukraine. drew the court's attention to the issue of political prisoners in crimea. you think they have with maybe one on laid low on that one. since even united nations, observers have reported on ukraine's persecution of citizens, including russian for political reasons, the court, excuse us, russia of band and ukrainian media in crimea. what about the use own straight up banding of russian media platforms in the you, in the absence of any due process for the largely western journalists in these
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european countries who happen to work for these platforms and are providing a voice by then the court also cut and pasted from key of again, which told the court that russia was intimidating and attacking non russian journalists in crimea. project much he of his band rushing media opposition media and whatever was left over from all that. it's just outright national eyes. and finally, the court. it's use russia of for bidding, non russian priests from carrying out church services and crimea, forcing them to either obtain russian citizenship or be deported, which actually sounds like the blueprint that t a is following right now, confiscating and reading moscow linked ukrainian orthodox churches. the for any in parliament also forwarded to outright band these churches in the fall of last year . so really, it sounds like the you're paying for it just out source, this whole report to the whiskey. maybe
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a gave him something to do on all those long flights. all around the world, begging for cash and weapons when the flight attendants run out of crayons and coloring books for him. always offering a unique, despite devout, as all to contribute to rachel mazda, many things. and finally, the foster herrings over the us to on the 7 disco that's arrested on espionage charges, has kicked off in the boston city or the a category bug. several reporters were allowed into the court room off to which the trial continued behind closed doors, onto correspondent read the closer but has no. well, the hearing lasted a few hours and it was behind closed doors, of course, due to the nature of the accusations and the trial will continue mid august. that is literally all we know so far. now there was some confusion regarding why he was being charged and you could see them both, which is 800 miles away from moscow where he's he was held all along since he was
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arrested in march 2023. but that is because he was arrested there and according to investigators, he was arrested right handed, acting on the orders of the c. i a trying to get information regarding a tank factory there. and they claim that he was arrested a rather handed with the evidence. and that is the evidence that investigators claim that they had that over since then to the court in the to the board. and they claim that he was interested in the activities of that time factory, as well as the production and repair of military equipments. now, the reporter, as well as well, street journal, who employed them at the time. they claim that he was simply gauging the opinions of russians regarding the special military operation. well not so according to the f as b, and they claim that they have the evidence to prove as well. so like i said, the trial will continue mid august and it is convicted of espionage charges and he said.


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