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tv   News  RT  June 27, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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the, the bolivia arrest failed to later general juan jose to the gap. he's facing charges for terrorism and armed insurrection, the, the bolivian president hills, his people for standing against the military during an attempt to 2 locals express their unwavering support for their government. we are a fighting people and we will not allow any cool, especially against the constitutionally elected president for the people of getting to have started be that would be that there was nothing to do with these finance meeting the 2020 for i can seat in
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a dramatic, you turn the canyon president scraps that controversial. i m. s. back tax build. that's part of that, like protests and the east african nation. and the opponent. last julianna's sons reunited with his family and takes his 1st steps on australian soil following a 14 year long legal battle, the whistle blowers legal team told the plea, deal struck with us government, a dangerous precedent. you're watching our t international live in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. to begin in bolivia where failed and who later general juan jose zuniga has been arrested and charged with terrorism and armed insurrection. bolivian police also detained. another general, allegedly involved in the 2 attempts of general,
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is unique. i had previously refused to go into retirement over his antique government position. well, as news broke up, the crew attempted the bolivian president, called upon the nation to stand against the perpetrators. the
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people quickly gathered near the presidential palace to stand against the army. locals, expressed of their anger as the attempt to remove the government. for a moment. we are a fighting people, and we will not allow any cool, especially against the constitutionally elected president. we are defending a democratically elected government, and that is why we are here to support our dear president. it is outrages that there are meal true man who still think that we are in time of dictatorship, the presence to up for the whole country. general juan jose zuniga claims the president orchestrated the insurrection himself to boost his popularity. a symptom of the will, the president told me some of the situation is very complicated. this week is going to be critical. so it is necessary to prepare something to boost my popularity. so i asked them, do we take out the armored vehicles, take them out. so on monday,
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not sunday night, the armored vehicles begin to defend certain daniel shop, former professor of latin american in the caribbean studies at the city university of new york says there's the vision and the current bolivian government with different sections trying to take control general. so need goes a long time in myra, of the cool, in terms of the past of what was call, i get sushi. there are different fractions within the believe in it leaves in the start the cruise area area. we've also seen in the past 18 months that division within the ruling party, within the movement towards socialism. this is something that does not bode well. unity of the different producing sectors. bolivia is extremely important. so we hope that this moment, this moment of attention, this moment of the showdown of uh, the different class force in the country brings back both present in our city and
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the former and probably future president able to show unity the the president called on the bolivian people to unite and stand against the army. crowds quickly gathered near the presidential palace and the classes erupt in, officials from neighboring states, have it condemned to the attempted to let me see who it is. it will say just because we are aware of the events that are occurring right now in the sister, republican bolivia. we want to express our deepest rejection of any attempt to violate the rule of law. we hope that the full re establishment of constitutional order can soon take place. i reiterate in the sister nation of bolivia, from some of the month of the meal, we are absolutely aligned from the too late in states in defense of democracy. in bolivia, we condemn the attempted coup d'etat. we called for the institutions to function for the constitution to be respected for the laws to be respected, and we hope that no one is injured under the legitimate government of president,
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luis, on, say, is maintained and can continue with the mandate given to him by the bolivian people on the receiving end. i am either from venezuela with the immense love we have for believe you, we call on the people of believe you to defend their democracy, their constitution and their president. at total, an absolute insolence of the army come under the pretense to keeping up the president for pretence diagnoses legitimate authority, granted by election. only the people save the peoples, only the people save democracy bottle on. on tuesday, the blow van foreign ministry accused the u. s. embassy staff of interfering and the south american nations internal affairs. annual shaw again says the paper 12 washington's involvement and they attempted ousting will be revealed. this is a desperate moment, a scary moment, not just for bolivia, but for all of south america. this is almost a carbon copy of what we saw are in 2019 or 2019 or successful
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with the blessing of the organization of american states. when all of the paperwork, the paper trail comes out shortly. uh, washington's hands in the hands of general laura richardson in the southern command are behind this. the bolivians have been warning now for weeks, months, and really years of the us embassies and involvement in this cool. this is something that we've seen hundreds and hundreds of times through the years across the caribbean, across south american, across the global solid visual r c's, presidency has been enhanced imperialism presidency. of course we heard you on my skin, others say that they could cooling bolivia and if they could cool any, where did they want? so was seeing that play out in real time now the voice of the kind and people has been heard. those were the words of the countries president, announcing the scrapping of a tax hikes bill that sparked days of protest in the country. at least 23 people
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were killed and 160 injured in the unrest. here's what else way and we're just sad about the i am a fact build during his concession speech. having to put that on the corner to include the vision. but i wouldn't have gone at the end of that plan has to be 2024 . i left a journey for the paper of going to have scope it out, but they were nothing to do with these by non speed of 2024 feet. and therefore, i would not sign the 2020 for 5 months, but and subsequently been with a drop off done on president a few days of chaos and divide as president william who to hesitate to the tech
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store while addressing the nation for the 2nd time. since the protest broke out, the present state to the king is due to has reduced by a tremendous amount of this is it has become quite evident that some members of the public still insist on the need for him to make more positions. she runs a government, but he also needs to to and the people have spoken. those are some of his words asked me to see that she will not sign you the boat and to move. what do you mean by? yes, it is between me and part of the cost would be controversial. fine is full, which would have increased the taxes, and price is a face of goods. and as a says, so items following that protest, i'm rocked to the capital of know b and police open fire on crowds around parliament. some protest is even menaced into upon them in the
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to all football to keep the demonstrations going until the high schools. and i missed those classes with and to ride police in the capital off can yeah, the medical association even confirm that at least 13 people have been killed in that protest. the move by the president could be seen as an attempt to try and de escalate inches. but the same city, the presidency, is kenya as in paul to listen, it states good. we have pete. can those to be here the that that are the word and try to for us as the own government make a maiden last installment of $500000000.00 last week today found out that by the length of time under the name of a country in front of the discount of debt that full really aim to integers,
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unpopular tax proposals that to the reason for so much and the across the nation. the proposal consisted off what tax reforms and increases on monetize digital content creation. tax increases on digital payments like banks on fluids and digital money payments, which will take increases on braid and visible. and those are particularly hard key things in the country. this requests reliance on the mobile monday and this is the reaction from some of those citizens. we are here to the, to the problem. we want to be to walk you through this one is the pause this finance bill that will be demonstrations every day until the government gives us accountability or fall taxes . we just want them to be accountable for the
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government to help people who are not. we're not human close to the president. this the constant attacks increases in can you one of the many reasons why the, by the end of restrictions, the, i am if and i, the international financial institutions were quite happy with prisons until at the same time, he has been fortunate between the competing demands of of linda, such as the item is, which have it's the government of kenya. to cut this, this is to obtain more financing and a hard to push the population. so it will be quite interesting to see and yeah, how deluxe. so if we, if we move at to, to this move us and they can, and president also said the government will adopt a steady measures to slash spending. that includes the travel and hospitality sector as well as vehicle purchases ahead of land route to address mass protest spread across the east african nation. the,
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the so this footage is from the western city of not crew, where demonstrators tried to enter the state house. police report and they used tear gas canisters to disperse crowds as they attempted to block roads and hinder traffic. several people died from injuries sustained in the classes. the protesters could be seen caring the body of a person before delay shot by security forces. we spoke to booker, i'm on a, who's the national vice chairman of the communist party of kenya. he says, i am as in the world bank, which continue to pressure kenya, to implement the controversial fiscal reforms. there's ultimate responsibility for the violence as really for me, uh, maybe a more complex that must say yes to be in the streets. we must make it clear that they have the lot is in their hands. so i am in one thing that continued to impose them for the phone and the email sends king and population be
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i am historically or we probably want to quote interest not just to qualify you know, loans and sustainable, but also use the leverage in terms of the financial capital to dictate our international, our internal affairs, and even to use the money police police could be this. see this, i am and make sure that we don't wait for them to do that. elation 11. our invest, your business wasn't actually q one is did one enterprises and discount was one piece on that. i am a fund loveland for this sort of the seas as to the
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for the, for the united states and canada. neal, it has to be understood that even though there is a solution that the item is not biased because the use of the file to dry and telephone lines our lead us to implement unemployed people honestly for, for uses. but yesterday, the very low non violence from the a soft fall, a technique was about to expose can discrete. so i am, you know, i'm from, it's the story called the behavior. it's under the colonial um projects that they want one of the ones, most of the african countries, including pena,
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to be some visions to did. we must, 1st of all, the external interests that's continued to strongly met all political discourse, plus leads only in defendants. i'm from there now, but canyon people jumped on the on disk after a 14 year long legal battle and almost 2000 days behind bars. juliana sons' is a free man and is now home in his native as early as on his wife and lawyers visited australia as part of meant to thank the countries lawmakers there his legal team said the case should not have been criminalized in the 1st place. it is the case that never should have been brought, and i hope that we never have another case like it. the united states has never previously prosecuted. somebody for publishing classified information, in this case, information that was put in the news where they and,
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and the public's interest to know information, the field for crimes by the united states government. that is not just journalism, that is journalism at the highest level. and it absolutely should not ever again, be a crime. the waking legs found or made a necessary pit stop on a remote pacific island, where he appeared in court and pleaded guilty to a single charge of conspiracy. as per a deal struck with washington to us, judge there sentenced him to time served. he is now home in australia. this is the moment he reunited with his family at canberra airport. the, the, the, it was us maintaining on the tarmac, but it was the entire world who was celebrating
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a julian tons to swim in the ocean. every day. he plans to sleep, to sleep in a real bed. he plans to taste real food and he plans to enjoy his freedom. assigned his release ignited jubal, and celebrations across the street. la crowds funded the streets of 10 barrow waving posters, flags, and balloons, enjoy a celebration of his return after and during 14 years of relentless us government persecution for exposing their crimes. many still can't believe he is finally free . she cried for hours. you know, weeping campaigning. he is really wonderful. has taken such a long, long time. never forget julian aside and never did anything wrong. he reported the truth and home american administration and all, no yaks, or even saw the new ministration guy spend the time lying, shooting,
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and deceiving. they got caught out by g o n s h c. i didn't believe it. to be honest with you. i thought i saw a news clip also. now this is, i hope, despite this ons, pleading guilty to one espionage charged. the court ruled that his actions did not endanger anyone. however, it seemed. matthew miller missed that memo, as he insisted during the heated news briefing that a sanchez actions had caused harm. no, even the state department's books personally couldn't quite pinpoint to exactly had been harmed. but are you satisfied that the case is over? so look at the justice department spoken, then i don't have anything to add. obviously the, obviously the investor put down the statement that said we were happy to work with our sterling colleagues on it. and that remains the case. i do think it is important when we talk about julianna's ons to remind the world that the actions for which he was indicted and for which he has now planned guilty or actions to put the lives of our partners, our allies and our diplomats at risk, especially those who work in dangerous places like afghanistan and iraq,
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i actually did talk to the state farm bank. and i don't remember there being any public that there was a public concern that was raised about the potential security risk. those 2 sources who might have been quoted was there actually any, did you ever discover anyone who was injured? killed had to go into hiding. so because of them, so a few things about that one. i can't give you a definitive answer only because i wasn't here at the time in so much time and the hold on. so the my math, let me finish. i have a full answer on it. one, i can't speak to that because we some years ago and i don't have a 4, you know, accounting of what happened. but number 2, the state department did an extraordinary amount of work. when we found out that these cables were going to be published to get people out of harm's way, to go around and look at what might become public and take action. so people that
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would be put in danger and would be put out of harm's way. but 3rd, you know, if you drive drunk down the street and get pulled over for drunk driving, the fact that you didn't crash into another car and kill someone doesn't get you out of the uh, of your direct was actions and endangerment that you put your fellow citizens and it's the same thing. same principle applies here, right. well i, i, i don't think that it does, but the fact the matter is that the state department has been leased, as far as i know and maybe i'm wrong. but there's been, as never been able to point to anyone who was compromised or killed or, you know, that we spoke to international human rights lawyers side of the armoire. he says, julian assigned his case exposed american double standards when it comes to freedom of the press and that democracy we could not let go lose a sort of bully and harass journalism and journalist into, you know, a not really using information as the street. it's quite difficult as we know to
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come across information deeds, when i go over to deal with these, especially in this case of war crimes are concerned. and this you is basically the hypocrisy that people call should be point out that you don't. if you always go across the well being the policeman and then you doubt that you will, we have freedom and then you go and you have asked journalists like this for work. he explored the truth. he was the reason why they weren't crafted are all gonna want us on, and we're gonna move into light and the one person are on the united states being this week. oh, oh, that finished basically. yeah, that would have died. and julian finally has reached kendra, and, you know, he's now a free citizen. but at what cost? meanwhile, a trove of more than $44000.00 emails on the week. it looks website, has mysteriously gone offline just hours after julia massage was released. the
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files detailed how leading us democratic party figures conspired to support hillary clinton over bernie sanders for the 2016 presidential nomination. and we can leaks website where they were previously displayed now shows an internal server error shortly after the e mails are published. hillary clinton reportedly discussed killing julian assange . can we just drone this guy? clinton openly inquired, offering a simple remedy to silence a songy and some other week you weeks via a plan to military drone strike. according to state department sources. there's quite a bit of outrage about these remarks in us media after all she was calling for the extra judicial murder of a journalist. now hillary clinton denied that she made these statements and this happened as mainstream us media went into an overdrive saying that the packing of the emails had been akins, we received from russia. emmett, julie, amazon was somehow
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a russian agent. let's recall the media hysteria back in 2016 and bmc was hacked. they believed by the russians. communications were likely seized by a group of tied to the russian government and cyber security experts are blaming the hack attack on the intelligence agencies of russian president vladimir potent russian state. actors broke into the dnc, stall these emails. now, no evidence was ever provided to prove that somehow russia was involved in the events, or the julian assigned was working for russia when he published. i'm out. but these claims were repeated all across us media to feed what became known as the russian gate narrative that hung over the trunk presidency, much of which was completely and thoroughly debunk by habit, instead continued to serve as throughout the trump administration. now, after a 14 year long grueling legal battle julian assigned, she was forced to plead guilty to one counter violating the espionage act to use
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now selling in the united states. but he has been released to return home to australia, and many people around the world are looking at the case as a pretty blatant example of hypocrisy when it comes to western leaders and their calls for transparency and human rights, and the protection of journalists and freedom of the press, etc. right. do stay with or to international up next to can watch our interview with the chairman of the a mom council of the see as much color and rushes republic of pakistan who discussed the recent terror attacks in the region that killed 21. people buy from the the south. sometimes they bring the central juma mosque of my hatch, co op, and today we're talking to him on abdullah a house chairman of them, a had to go a mom counsel. mister howe. thank you for being here with us. we'd really love there to be
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a more joyful reason for our meetings. we have what we have. please accept our condolences. well, unfortunately, officers have been killed and civilians have been killed as well. most names of jews and christians in the spring can be felt everywhere. what are you feeling right now about the situation that has to be to nobody richard? good evening, please welcome. i'm very glad to be here. and i also welcome old of us watching us . let me say a big hello to everybody from biggest on and it's capital city, much color as well. your question? indeed, there has been a terrible strategy. it is a great pain. i'm every single person and i just on every believer shares, despite what happened is something that we have not seen here for a long time. but as you said, what's happened has happen when trouble happens, a lot depends on how one behaves in the time of trouble. the people of that you're still in a strong, they're used to or deals like this. and they know what to do in times like this.
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thank god almighty, who gave this people so much patience, the druggist, dinings have immense patience. i am calling upon everyone to stay calm and prudent to the class for i feel there is a lot of exotic and pain or it's most painful inside when people do things like that and use words like a lot hawk bon old business a lot. when these words, they use in vain, in situations where there's not a hand to face, it's very painful inside the model where it's twice as painful inside. when some people leave vista is law, we must understand what happened. this strategy that broke out has no relation to the religion of his love. homicide is condemned in all religions and his lamb condemns the motive. this is evil, equating that to the murder of the entire human kind. what can we do? we express our condolences to the families, our spiritual leader, she gets a lot of fun. dea has extended condolences on behalf of the in time with the so i
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can only wish a long life to those who lives in patients to the families of the victims. i listen to the interview given by the wife on the orthodox priest killed in the bands. and she says that what's happened has happened. again, what happened has nothing to do with the religion of islam and does not mean in any way. the muslims have a bad attitude towards people's out of confessions. it shouldn't have any impact on inter religious relations. as she said in the interview, they had listened to bend for 40 years and everything had been perfect. i don't remember and neither do all eldest any conflicts or cases of misunderstanding that does it. the apartment community ment of the habit st symbolizes exactly that. these units of people, regardless of their religion, the laws about the exactly friendships. and this is how we lived for ages, just because to remain the same. people have perpetrated this abominable act. we shouldn't blame everyone, and we must lay blame on the inside of public of that gets done on one nation,
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hold on one religion. and many of these things, the messenger calls upon us to be honest and respectful. a to believe it is one who does not home all this bead with histones. all his hands. there are many examples of mazda and apostles, called up on muslims, to be friends with people, of other concessions amount of even up to us. these, the 5th ruler of the muslims, one sent a letter to a governor, and to all the people of the community. in that letter, he called upon them to show respect in mind the living conditions of the no mazda and people with whom mazda and signed a peace treaty. so, in his letter to the government of over provence, mont, a binoculars, these asked, seeing to take scandals. the living conditions of no mazda is leaving them in the same lead. he calls upon all of them to be the spectrum for those people. and another important thing in that letter, he likes that if no muslim people reach an elderly age would find themselves
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without substance. then the government and regular muslims should help such people and provide them with everything they need. and if such people who have signed a peace treaty with muslims have someone brothers then the rule, the proven should be non those brothers provide for those people. so you can see what a woman dispatch of all just you there was a more was about to today. yes, i can confirm that i visited the sun many times over several decades. both for work and leisure to dislike canyon alone is a must see. and i have many friends here, and all of them are muslim. and i know them as very generous people to make donations to charity and help children, especially after the start of the special minister operation ukraine. yes. so i know from experience only good things about the muslim people and i guess, done. thank you. thank you. and you know, the very 1st question that came to my mind when i heard about this tragedy. and when i came to day to our mosque and i saw a young man approaching you in the streets with such respect. and you told him some .


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