tv Documentary RT June 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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a direct impact, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the we are in a rush or southern region on where the mighty folder flows into the cafeteria. forming of the largest as to where in continental europe, which means it's a great place to learn about the
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projects that you thank you for bringing us out here. i think we have the best office in all of russia today, but at least the best view more relax. um, as a fisherman, i have a couple of questions to ask you. um, 1st of all, i've heard that it's best to go fishing at dawn. why is that? that's because fish getting very hungry over nights and bellowed and also in some of the warranty cools down by doing it. and that's when pageantry finish become more active. now i know that you have some rules as fishermen that you go buy. one of them is to release younger fisher, smaller fish when you catch them. are there any other rules that are mandatory for you? like next we release younger fish as well as very large specimens that can produce a lot of all spring but on. so we were the smaller fish,
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the minimum allowed standard, and also launch vase useful for reproduction. what sounds like though, i know that sometimes fishermen have some, for instance, like maybe eat a big meal before you go out so you can get a big catch. what types of superstitions or traditions do you guys have look like what would develop fishermen? we never bring finished with us. when we go fishing. what do you think that people should understand or should know about what you do out here? what beautiful the prostate people shouldn't have an appreciation of the volume, the river you. they should act responsibility and keep it clean. and then if they do that stuff too nice, you won't take care of the rest of the show along with of the, from the humble beginnings of food of fishermen to a symbol of the elite and wealthy. we've come to one of the best farms in the world,
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just see how black caviar is made. the . so this is really cool to be able to see how this is done. thank you for bringing this out here. so i have to ask, what kind of a fish is a sturgeon and why do they like the caspian sea so much? most gross dungeons belong to a group of ancient fish. do you know that the surgeon has no buttons? skeleton has both material on the outside and what's inside is called to that called solution is what holds it together and it's on the surface of its body, but it has bony plates escape. why do they love the caspian sea because it's searching tomorrow. it has many, most solemnity and his home to the surgeons food chain. we're talking about
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mollusks include played a natural food for stature. the guys took over, i've heard that they're kind of like dinosaurs and they have room, maine to these ancient creatures. how they stayed with us, so unchanged for so long. oh, not scarlet. it's true that they once lived among dinosaurs, they adopt easily. and are you into deceased? this for celia's has help them survive to this day. i understand that they kind of have a navigation system of their own that they go out to the caspian sea, but they always return to where they were born so that they can give birth themselves. talk to me a little bit about that process. the 3. yes. they do have a so called homing and but it's the west fish pulled in a specific type of food to come back to it to support them at the sturges are anonymous. fish, which means they mature and spend most of their lives at sea. but come back to the place where they were born, where they had to use the technical to for breeding purposes already. yes. so your bill of lading, you say that you treat your surgeon here with love and care in this farm system,
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but a farm system is still not a natural system. talk to me a little bit about the differences in how are they treated with loving care? the just recently, yes, it's true that it's not the same as a natural habitats. however, we do everything we can to make sure that the conditions have much those in the wild. they have a natural flow through system. we use water from the boulder and we give them the typical food, such as the caspian sea sprites and hiring for the florida. understand that they're going to get really hot. if they stay up here in the shallow water, should we give them a rest? the yes, let's do it. the so i know the surgeon doesn't produce um caviar until it's at least 15 years old. maybe. so tell me about the adolescence. what happens in the 1st 15 years of
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officious life? not because i started with russian statues best for one when they reach 14 years of age. males reach maturity, a 12, we have several species of search and here at this farm apart from russian sturgeon, we have believed in boston stretching, which is a rat, an unusual time of the mature of different ages beluga mature between 16 and 18 years of age, almost like humans until that time, the fisher kept in ponds when they grow around the age of 3 or 5 foot beluga. when the sex can be identified in males can be distinguished from females. they are placed into separate phones until they reach maturity, the butyl. what was the divine, you know, you practice what you call lifetime caviar production. what does that mean? is it, it can to given childbirth in certain sort of way. mcgill and b know, kill harvesting method, which allows us to milk the fish without killing it. by the time of that the sports dungeons on to go annual assessment to establish that production capacity for each
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spring and full, we pulled the fish out and checked the size and weight and do an ultrasound. and the ultra sound helps us see the development stage of the road. once it reaches stage 4, we know the fish can be transferred to the supporting points throughout the as a rule. since we imitate a natural environment, all fish get ready for harvesting in may, which would be a natural time in the wild. so each may we have fish, the ready to produce eggs own lined up and waiting for the ton. we perform a minus surgery, it's a tiny, bloodless incision, and then we massage old milk, the eggs out. what are these x of them either send to be processed for copy all at all? factory at auster hunt, we finalized so that we can get larvae and juveniles which we also raise him years . this couple different questions here. first of all, how long discharging live, and how many times can they give a caviar in their lifetime? russians dodge and live for 50 years and go to the balloon discharge, and as a lonely living fish with a lifespan of around 100 years. we have
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a 50 year old beluga at all from so do to over fishing. the surgeons relation has become endangered species. is it safe to say that the only way that people can get caviar now is through a farm system like yours? that's not entirely true such as do you live in the wild. there are scientific institutions in russia, the make this happen. there's also a state programs designed to increase the walls, dodge, and population fish hatchery is breed young fish to replenish the staging population in natural environments. and i understand that you have a role here at your firm that you release a certain number of young sturgeon so that they can go out into the wild and naturally they've, when does that process take place? and how does that work? well, we have a special program that has been implemented for over a decade now at school stages, cost present, and future. we're trying to engage children to show them that there's a unique species of fish that lives in the caspian sea. we want them to be able to
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touch it, to take it in the hands and release it into the bulk of your that's why on june, 1st on international children's day, we hold an annual event to release fish into the river and invite school children to participate the number of fish released is different every year, but it always takes place on june. first, are we using the thank you for bringing us into the facility. see how this is all done? it's kind of fascinating for me to watch. what makes good quality top and caviar what be 1st of all, as well known good products only come from top quality. raw materials is the time gap between the farm and cover production facility is minimal because only the
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cover that goes immediately into processing is considered high grade. and a good part of both or require skill and experience from the staff involved in the process causing nights and nights and process. it may sound like a strange question, but i've heard that you can actually hear caviar. what do they mean by that? what do you here know, yesterday we have, i know to if you take a job god there for example, you need to make sure it's full to the brim. the pool is to use the what would that good for pretty shaken like this? and if you don't hear a girl going sound in the jar, then you can be sure the product is of high quality and you can buy it. but if there is some noise or gurgling, i don't recommend buying it. so caviar, comes in different colors, is that it comes from a golden brown to the black cover that we see right here in front of us. what makes a caviar have different looks look good you have here has a natural pigment. it is located on the membrane of the ro pounds. the color range and pilot are so rich. the color of gather also depends on the species i'm afraid
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of the fish. if the cover is obtained from the sturgeon, then the shades of yellowish green greenish and brownish dark dogs will prevail in the color fill out. and if the carrier is obtained from the little guy, then it strictly ranges from library to gray in the caverns obtained some starlet. sturgeon, then it can also have shaped from log gray to gray to black. it's such a ridge color, pull out the codes that way if i need to. so someone who takes wine a good smelly, i can tell the region that is from can tell the age of the the of the vineyard. what can you tell from the taste of caviar? what can a good caviar smile, yay! tell from the fish itself. so you could have got them all together. were process comes from maturer sturgeon's deficiency or dense and firm. they should all be uniform of the same color and size. so knowledgeable person can easily spot any defects. now i know that you've prepared all of this for me, so thank you very much. i'm going to take this and see how much i can eat tonight. the
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11th, thank you very much for taking the time to talk to stay. there's a lots we can talk about fish. nobody's in yellow. i'll be more than happy to tell you everything you want to know. so there's a, an idea that um caviar specifically, sturgeon's caviar is good for your health. is this true? the thing is, the black coffee all is a product, but like know of is rich and micro nutrients and victim in scott. capital is also exceptionally which in protein and all of that protein is easily digestible. which
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means that 97 percent of its protein content will be fully digested by all systems . copy of also contains a lot of healthy fatty acids like omega. everyone has heard of that one and caviar is also exception the which in a particular variety of the omega 3 fatty acids cooled dpa, that is particularly good for syrup of vascular health and for the amine system. now what about the size of the fish? there's an idea that eating smaller fish is better than bigger fish because of mercury contents has talked to me about that. the us. yes, sure. you're right. about fact, it's not just an opinion. it's a proven fact that big a fish have a high and low creek content than smaller ones. but it's important to remember that what we're talking about is some very big fish indeed like shocks who sort fish with tina. because team that can be re huge old, very big catfish or pike to avoid health problems. it's recommended to eat no more
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than half a pound of such fish per week. you know, what about salt water versus fresh water? there's an idea that salts actually disinfect the fish and gets rid of parasites, whereas fresh water leaves all of those impurities and isn't the truth inside you might yeah, right. you see, the important thing to know is that both salt water and fresh water fish have parasites when it's who and cooked fish. but if you cook it properly, it will be completely harmless and safe to eat. the key is to cook the fish properly with you. boy. let's do it or fry it. oh, bake it. just do it until it's well, coach. there's the pool. is that sort of the
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thank you for bringing us into your lab. you are doing things with fish, that is kind of thinking outside of the box, for example, the scales and the bones of fish, things that we think of as a waste product. you're doing some creative things with. tell me about that. what can we do with fish phones and scales? lets you see the skin scales and bones are rich in college and then all this waste can be put to good use and not buy households, of course, but by enterprises like ours producing some very valuable products. since these parts of the fish are rich in college and it's naturally a product we can extract in various forms, one of the things we produce is unable college in the city. it's a recent innovation, it's been discovered and researched over the last 2 decades. so it's a fairly new products as me, but 1st of all it's college and peptides that help your system stay young. there's also gelatin that's used in the food industry for making deserts,
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candies and so on. and fish gelatin is a hollow product, which is also important for most of the. so you mentioned the gelatin. what makes gelatin made from fish and byproduct, better than original gels, and let him gelatin can be produced from the bones of pigs and cattle and from fish to making fish gelatin is a new technology. well, cows are prone to certain diseases, fish or not. and that's an important factor, and it's a bio available substance that's easy to digest for humans. but the really cool slide with some national guard using. i also heard you mention college and i know i've or is that you can make edible packaging out of college. and what does that look like? what does that mean? i mean, can i wrap an ice cream in this college in packaging and be able to eat it down with you in blue? and yes, we make some from these products. it's biodegradable even edible packaging. by the way, a very important point is that it has no odor. raw materials from fish have an odor
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that is very specific. we use multi stage processing to remove this odor, and this film has no odor. let's check whether there's a note or not for the most you got the feeling you with you have some time opening account of college and lunch with me. mm hm. what's the, this is the product. does there a note or no, you wanna come and look. i also really liked that it's very transparent. i mean, when it's at room temperature, it's like a liquid. just look, now it's cold, cold, me eat and look at the strength of that you're going to school. it's a very, very dense jelly. and there's a huge amount of amino acids for each floor, even though there's $6000.00 units of amino acids in this product. you wouldn't be able to. and so we immersed it in water. just push this to move over the shape or do you. and this is very important for low molecular weight college and which
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will dissolve very quickly is just because it's good right now. as we're talking it will get completely dissolved disability, which includes 2 comes out. it's also very beautiful here when it's in the water like this, the hook the e book on. and while it's dissolving, i'm going to show you another type of college in cosmetic college. and so we also have cosmetic college and which is used for the face. but it's because food college and is set up to synthesize our own college and you will see the effect only after a month. everybody wants to get younger really fast, but one pill doesn't make you younger. it's all about prophylactics. you need to take this product consistently. after the age of 40, you should constantly drink these amino acids that are like building blocks. what this means that after one month, you will see the 1st results. hair will grow well,
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skin will be more or less stick, firmer, denser nails will grow. i mean, every thing that has to do with the skin and this is cosmetic college and see what it gives you fast results. and as far as smell goes, this is a college in base here and look, let's do a business. can i see the back of your hand this much else? so we're going to do the college and toner 1st. and this is that we're going to create a moist environment because college and as a moisturizer for the scan. and then we dropped the call june and spread it around and you will feel, 1st of all, there is no smell like you said, it was presented. i mean it's a light sense of natural hydro lights. we combine planned tide relates and college and you just have to wait a little bit for this because it's very concentrated substance. it's going to be sticky at 1st. it can you feel the stickiness? now just wait a little bit for to and just like that. and you're going to notice that your skin
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feels different. can you feel that move? i feel like you're already that loop because we're just dissolving the low molecular weight college and we're going to put that stuff and i'm looking, there's just a little bit here and it's going to dissolve the stop the questions. okay, i'm going to give you a treat. okay. here goes ladies and gentlemen what side there's like water doesn't have any of that too. so it's good for my body. yeah. mm hm. okay. so i should drink whole thing. yeah, sure. yeah. we're not talking about an unpleasant smell or taste already, feel younger. all right. it took just a little bit of affinity just a little bit and just a little bit from me. some of the things that we're trying to make it tasty. so now i'm going to live longer because i have a glass. yes,
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of course i for not just for cosmetics, but for other medical benefits as well. for example, burns, the columbia skin can actually help him. burns. is that true? only for to lock your skin or is that other fish as well? any fish can be suitable because the skin is of the covering tissue. it is also college and this is that is the active ingredient, the structural unit that benefits it's college and. and you can get it from different products. so when we use our fish from aster hon, the volt, the caspian basin, because we work here, i was born here, i grew up here, i studied here. my grandfather was a fisherman. my father is a fisherman. so we know our fish him, but we have a lot of diversity and with a lot of fish, which in the composition of species is changing brittany i. there is all culture. there is what's artificially grown. but the sense does not change the,
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i'm empty. hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to back the south vietnamese on me. i thought about that not, but the american soldiers murdered resistors. most of us like the down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals. and even lee by all right, did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah. yeah. that's that way. it's too
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late. but you have the or the only 41 percent of you have to don't have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. if we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's
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a conditional system you have to prove to the government that you truly need help. the simplest way, like explain the basic income, is that is like social security. for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached use i have, i would like the main i don't know, i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then just by virtue of your being here, i don't mind is. whitehouse continues to insist it has little left branch over the israeli government to bring a whole to the fighting and goes on more or less. this is obviously an absurd claim . at the same time, it appears to us has resigned to a wider conflict that includes lebanon and beyond.
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the syrians, the beginning of its history, the united states of america has officially declared this driving for freedom and people's rights to happiness. however, in reality, having won independence, american colonists headed for the total extermination of the indigenous population of the continent, american indians were deprived of their land. local residents were driven into reservations and given the worst agricultural territories. while the best land was appropriated by white colonizers, the strongest blow to american indian tribes was the extermination of by some native americans lived by hunting these wild animals. colonists slaughtered the bivens, and in fact, made them nearly extinct. every buffalo did is in india and gone, said colonel richard dogs,
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a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars cynically. the indigenous population was simply exterminated us army general phillips sheridan express the evidence of this policy in the info his words. the only good india is a dead indian, the genocide of native americans of north america lead to a demographic catastrophe. the exact number of deaths is still unknown, but the number of victims is in millions. having been a majority on the continent before being digit, as people make up less than 3 percent of the us bottom elation today the the sam. but if you happen to have one, welcome to the 1st episode of stall bound. i'm ego piece going off and joining me today is constantine voters over
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a russian cosmonaut who flew on the expedition $6970.00 to the i ss of mine who spends a total of about $200.00 days in space. hello, konstantin. nobody. good afternoon. i found on any points, charities, trip to the stalls, began to fall back in 1961 when soviet caused you to get caught in became the 1st human to over here. it didn't store their cost to more than $50.00 is now 1st. so the, and then russian scientists and engineers have been assisting space explores from around the world. the bricks, countries play a special role in this relationship today to take a closer look at the long history of corporation, between roles calls most an india top to space and to use yes from that country and even have a live chat with the i assess cruise india and alternate space journey 40 years ago when the soviet union helped reca sharma become the 1st indian to travel to out of space. on april, the 3rd 1988 indeed entered the era of manned spaceflight. for the 1st
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time in history, an indian citizen went into space, his name with nationwide reco sharma. he was born in 1949 in northern india since childhood records dream defined. and at the age of 21, he became a test spine at the indian air force, the flu, 1600 hours in this job. in 1982 trauma was selected to participate in a joint soviet indian space flight rash underwent intensive training and joins the crew. the so is the 11 space flight communities depot. so lot of things and you know, so it is getting you squeaky pleasure. your dream with black except interest is moving, you know, it's a late to be so is t 11. don't with the salute 7 over to the space station.
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the about the soviet space station show most of these countries, northern regions in search of natural results this and even held a direct line with a prime minister of india in derek. and the old part of st. mazda service by out, but it's not a cost down for just showing me is space slides last it for $7.00 days. 21 hours and 40 minutes. suppose graham. i but because each so it could have less. they assume. yes. group us. that's cool. please go to the article in the, in the story of russia,
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