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tv   Documentary  RT  June 28, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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will respond to no reaction from the west to what is an incredibly, a provocative modify. so like we said, this is a cool for a to against the democratically elected government inside russia. now again, we know that the legion, as we mentioned earlier, has carried out these cross bouldering cushions into overall it's killed russian citizens while the n. all right. and all right, itself is responsible for a number of assassinations which claim responsibility for a number of assassinations, including high profile military during this petoskey and for 11. and perhaps most famously the pending of do gonna, and i called them attacked in the most go region just outside most go. of course, she's the daughter of alexander to get into somebody that provides a cold, kind of hysterical response in the west to impress who comp mentioned it without quoting him. who retains brains? so the west already commented on those of practically the many of those costs
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without condemnation on some of them what badly reported on a toe. so to put it plainly, these are basically terrorists all sting nato for supports to, to lower space assassination into account pay against russians. do you think ne, so we'll go with it. well, this is, this is a big question. now according to the times article, this manifesto this document is set to be presented tonight. so it's next somebody, it's in washington in july. it doesn't explain how it's going to be presented. it doesn't explain by whom it's going to be presented, but in reality, united so it's highly unlikely to give it some tools to such an adult swim, which caused full target into the sauce and nations. and i to privately, however, is a very, very different match that we know. nato has history with operation patio, which was off to the 2nd level when it supported site behind teams. and the majority of your pains come,
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sees allied with fall by organizations. it was essentially, i'm but something else. what do you perceive as the potential rise of communism and progressive politics? i even allied with farm i, organizations and full my members of the s. s. but the whole side of the west has a long history of supporting groups including them which i have been and asked on this on met in a yvonne one way though in venezuela, the most in brotherhood and the united states has foot long and hard to shake off it's alleged to pull even for i see. so when it comes to these kind of groups, the west doesn't really have any screen pulls like the who it supports, as long as it maintains its power and had gemini, i'll say thanks for coming in and breaking down the story for his boss. so steve sweeney bringing not to as many thanks to you for joining us head on all see international about so for me, for today, my colleague, canada, and it will be with, with the top of the, the magenta itself,
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the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of his full metropolitan pro friendship. president phoenix, who save one, you ruined the country for 33 years. ensuring the interest to from the dead. the gun on deed isn't in the trunk. then there is also including his foster larry share goods was done, those who saw him and the more appropriate officer, the death of, of a one year, a new lead to bill. i'll get back the ball came to power, and i'm ready to double completed that curious to know if we're picking up from the was it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is the one that the bronze demetrius the dean. good luck, boeing. enemy, a deep political crisis is huge. walk a, the country 2nd largest since you turned into
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a theatre of last year from $133.00, the other 2 on repeating notice of how did the dramatic events unfold and how is walk a recovering from he is a bloody conflict. watch on, see the most people i know they laser 8 hour job and go home and relax, but i have about 3 or 4 more hours to go. so just keep my clothes, change my clothes, the 1st job, go to the 2nd and this keeps and keeps me from
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want to go home. what's the book about this town? oh, well it is free to shoot you a piece of mailbox. it was. it was um, ish. oh yeah. i have listen to some of that one with you. the the new you didn't have to maybe work as hard to get by you did uh maybe spend more time with your loved ones while you still have them margaret. this was my grandpa sister. she came off a horse in a curve and i found her on the bank and over. here's my grand great grandmother and great grandfather. here it's peaceful. i really lock it up here. and then since my family's buried here, how this feel like,
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i need to come up here and take care of the secretary. i disliked volunteer and do things for my community in try to make a difference. the no one ever dies and says, and i wish i had a better job, they say i wish i had more time to spend with my family. i wish i could've explored some of my interest of music or ard, or church, or being a baseball coach. and so i just think we're at a moment where we're going to have machines and artificial intelligence produce a lot of things much more cheaply than we've ever seen before. we're going to have the potential for abundance. and when we have abundance, what we should do is give people the chance to live out their dreams, whatever they are. and that's the gift of this moment. if we don't turn it into the 100 is we already spend
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millions of dollars every year in this country to try to address poverty in economic and security. what do we get for that money? we get 50 percent of americans living paycheck to paycheck. 50 percent of americans who have little or no savings in the banks to tie them over if they encounter a serious illness. 50 percent americans don't have that kind of savings to get them over that kind of an offense to come on in the house here. it is what it is, but i'm happy here much the rocks very much of over. i seriously thought i was the help this person ever. i also, they just feel like someone helped me and my spine with an x and my blood pressure was 380 over 200, a 60 and then they finally came in and decided that i've had
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a order dissection. there's 3 lines to your a order which fees all your body with blood. and mine was ripping apart both by the force of the blood. which means i have to my blood pressure down very, very low. because if it gets too high, it will rupture in use dead wherever you're at me when you're sick and you're trying to deal with a potentially fatal health issue. there's just so much stress, you know, on the financial end of it because you're getting these phone calls every day and, and every attorney, i would call it just like a $11200.00 just to file bankruptcy. and i'm thinking, you know, am i so broke? i can't afford to file for bankruptcy, you know, of my, um, cardiovascular specialist, their vendor bill, p wrote on my medical records,
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they said look, this guy does not need to wait for his disability. he needs it. now, and i still had to wait 15 months, you know, if it hadn't been for a family and some friends, i don't know what i would have done. i really don't because i mean, i, i had no money. and, you know, i had to, i had to eat the look at someone like you can look at me right now. perhaps and, and maybe think of it perfectly healthy, but you don't know what's going on inside someone's by the way. we spend another trillion dollars on spend other trillion dollars on tax cuts for wealthy people. do you see the effects of wealthy people spending those tax
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cuts that we give them? and so i know, or do you think that instead of economic activity always coming from the top and trickling down, that economic activity might actually be kind of thing, the bubbles up from the ground right with, if everybody has a decent amount of economic security and has money to spend, then economic activity will spiral upwards and a community likes a line life in the army originally. and when i got out, i just didn't come back home. i just started work for 27 years. there isn't that i'm here back in, so i is because i have custody of my 2 granddaughters. they are 11 and 10 and it's a full time saying i live here and go home, start getting ready for them to get home from school. and then of course, we have to have suffer and if their homework get their bass and it's bad time and ready to start all over. they've been through
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a lot of debate as small as they are the same things the hard things and the child should, you know, drugs is really bad thing here in this whole small town and it has destroyed many families. it sure has showed minded the world smarter live so you can do whatever to as the owner at one of the half works hard, is that you do still a lot of us live in a basement. in fact, i gave up the best job i ever had in my life when i came back to take care of girls in that it was either that or let them go into states custody. and so i gave it all up, came back. how many this there, what you have today, you know, so the
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there you go, i do think about where i spend my money and i would much rather do it here. and they have to drive 30 to 45 minutes to the foot for the nearest place. the blue because we really would like to see the town come alive again, like i said, we just need more people that are willing to invest in the community. if we give everybody money, you know, everybody has something to spend and they can spend it in, in each of these businesses. and that creates an upward spiral of economic activity that can revitalize a small town like selena. and if i can make the analogy to
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a board team, if you think about the game monopoly tray time to go around the board, the costco, get another $200.00. you didn't have that $2.03 time you pass go in monopoly. the game would be over and about 3 turns. see that $200.00 you get for passing. go with monopoly. that's universal, basic income. there no matter what, it's unconditional. you know it's come, you're getting it, whether you're winning or you lose. and if you're losing, it can give you a chance, so you can give you hope that maybe just maybe you can still pull this off the, our representatives in the legislatures, the congress, they know the investments pay off, right? they know that, for example, a $1000000.00 investments in the fish hatchery until hollow pays off the multiples of that amount every year in the tourism that it brings into this community. a lot
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of people actually travel here just to fix and buy them, come and do a lot of just to fish and say, i have to buy groceries here. have to buy fusion license. i have to buy gas, you know they, they certainly like to economy. you know quite a bit the right, this is why our representatives fight for money in washington to bring back to our communities because they know that these investments can have multiplier effects that bring in much more than the cost of those programs. go straight up the river just didn't offer, just got a crown infrastructure like roads and bridges and rail rings and business basic income is like infrastructure spending for families by the less families to,
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to pay for the infrastructure that they need, whether it's child care or whether it's housing, whether it's food closing, for a car that works for medical expenses. these are all infrastructure investments as well in the productive power of our people and our families in our communities. finally, my wife came up with some money and got yeah, it was hard on i can't imagine what you had to go through the. i hated to put her in that predicament and i would never had to put her in that project. me again. if i can't help it, but like i said, as long as hard to get work, it's hard to pay, you know, if you can get the money to pay, it scares me that the i'm aiming a a or if i know if i don't buy it after so, and they're gonna come get indictment away from a family and are you working right now? i'm fine off it on working roads and it's hard on me course. i'm
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notice you guys knows my is the, it's hard on me because i retain fluid and stuff but i get it now and i, when i have to because my kids, you know, we tried to go to a doctors office. they wouldn't accept him because they don't have insurance. and then that goes all the way back to the money saying no money. so because you don't got no money, we don't care about your health. we don't care what's going on with you. we're not going to tell you good by they've, they've all turned him down and he didn't show it to you guys, but when he slid down the hill over there to, to catch land and now i heard him a got in with the $1000.00 a months so you and i mean it would
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gone on mine the mascot, imagine what it would do. so my family may, my wife would live better. we would argue as much is mild as are valid and the and then i'm in categories, april guy, innovative me careful the the,
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the, we have 2 choices when we designed programs for the poor and for people who were struggling. we can say you need to prove to me 1st that you're worthy of my health and then i'll help you. ready more we can treat people the way we treat our families. our children are neighbors and say, we're going to help you 1st because we have space in you. we believe that you're going to do something good with that health. and that's what it basic income does. i'm just a couple of different things the free. so physician is that there is a, a belief of inherent good that was in people. there is
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a common belief in understanding that most people are basically good. i believe in that the we say that you have to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. that's a really classic southern. so you know, some people don't have bootstraps to pull up. some people don't have hands to portland. so some people don't have feet to put them on the specific move in is or what try your other police who they are or where they are not jesus,
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be good enough for us to the what's interesting to me talking to people about basic income, especially people that wouldn't benefit from it is they're often resistant to the idea. and often the resistance takes the form of, you know, some other people will be lazy, some other people will use it for drugs. some other people misuse it in some way. some other people choose not to work. so do you think it sounds like they fully be viewable monies? they wouldn't turn into uh dope a couch, potatoes, porch and while we are name. mm hm. but when i asked people, what would you do? right? no one has ever said to me like, oh, i'll sit on the couch and buy some drugs and some alcohol and be lazy. so i'm looking at this way. if i'm growing a garden in my family, what they're that with national guard and we work hard on that. so you're saying i should just open the door and let the neighbor down the road and it will work so hard. come in there and get part of my garden. how is that right? for us?
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just kind of resistance is almost a question of human nature. you know, how do people think about other people beyond their own family and friends? do they trust them or do they not trust them? and they think that's that's what we kind of have to talk about. and that's where actually pilots are very useful because we have a little bit of them. i mean, i've actually quite a lot of empirical evidence saying, well actually most people act like you and your friends in your family, basic income pilots have been done all over the world. and generally, they do not find that people misuse the cash or stop working when they receive it. in 2019, the mayor of stockton, california launched an 18 month program where they gave $500.00 a month, no strings attached to a $125.00 residents and made less than the cities annual median income. one of those recipients spent the money on surprise groceries paying bills, you know, the same things you and your family would probably spend the money onto the
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. so we are within the last 30 days of the pilot project. in this 1st year with the 20 women that we worked with, we have seen them do everything from pay off credit torrie debt. go back to school, get veterans claimant opportunities to like be or more engaged parents re establish relationships, really just have an opportunity to show up and we have their full lives. and that's the beauty and the power. okay. i use the for so maybe things stay and on top of paying the bills, the household things i'm saving to like take the baby to glaze so you know they, you know, you can't really just really have the baby is closed though. um, daycare. allow them to be somewhere where you can also not, not just be watched,
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but i also learned the me. i was able to go ahead and enroll him in daycare and the end is focused on school. start in las vegas, the military and medical building the coding. as i finish that semester, i made the dean's list, there was very exciting gamma g b i graduated in june. i was very excited about that and because it was really one of the things that he cannot hinder me from, you know, job basically when the job receiving a 1000 dollars the month, even though it is a blessing, is not enough to sustain yourself or your family so individuals took this for what it was an opportunity to get a leg up an opportunity to put in place a plan for themselves and their families. so no one quit working individuals went and got better career opportunities individually that the school individual paid off, that individuals they will show up in their own lives calls valentine's
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day. it was uh, his name's diety. you can make them with the keys 6 months along with the baby was way to got married had a we in house. c and i get up there on this line. oh my god, i have to do something to 2 years ago. the road on a row. and i looked up a blue table. he crying hard and ever worn saturday, or it was excited. yeah, she saw her to be, she started to the ripple trying a tom actually was on that and i was looking at so far as it is out. they also want our relationship goals and to explain why, you know, my mom got sick and you know, she needed a lot or she got the medicine inquiry. she here with the b o she on with key. so now her being down, you know,
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just to return the favor just to be like mom, we're for you just like you was here for me. even though it is a guaranteed income pilot, and there are other guaranteed income pilots currently being conducted. ours is the only one working with extremely low income families. so families who have various subsidies that they are dependent upon. and even though individuals had a decrease in benefits, they still say that they are glad that they received the cash because the cash allowed and the opportunity to do whatever they needed. it wasn't about share or subsidy dedicated to one particular thing. or most importantly, we do white family models, a bowling booby, we were able to celebrate the we holidays and just count actually being able to get together. i have a family that have so many things lined up. i'm actually going to be
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looking for a job in bees and ministration. i met some great people with bright things, say let me know when cost a breeze to come talk to them. so i'm very excited about the notes just saying people, you know, and looking out for you just see that you're trying to do something, you know, change your life, easy generations, many are waiting like come on and we had to use that i think is gonna happen when you know, i believe that we spent a lot of time thinking about what happens when something ins. and to me that's a clarify and i'm not trusting individuals. so if i am going to say that i trust you enough to give you money and know that you are going to do what you and your family need, i have to say that i trust you wouldn't have to have put
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a plan in place for when is money and so, so i believe that individuals are going to continue to do whatever they need to do to take care of themselves and their on the, in the end, people want to be productive. they want to have a better tomorrow than they have today. and if you give people a stable, durable source of income that they can count on, then most people will invest that money in ways that are best for them. as we live in a moment of change, it's going to happen. driverless cars are going to arrive and artificial intelligence is going to improve progress though, in terms of people and whether they're better or worse off. that is optional. this is a moment to leave. this is a moment for debate because the future of our families and our children is realistic. cash to me it's freedom and it is bringing. it gives you options that
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without and you do not have cash allows them the freedom to actually make the decisions to determine what it is that they need for themselves. you know, right now i'm an academic, let's say for some reason academia doesn't work out. and i need to take a couple of years to get some training or to switch careers. or let's say i have a parent that really needs my help. i can instantly fall back on that universal basic income and not pitch. so it's something i really want for, you know, the disadvantaged people in this country, but it's something i also really want for myself. and i think that's how you create really powerful political movements. take this opportunity and see that we do not have unlimited time. and so my ask for you all to night is for you to take this new vision of the economy, this trickle up economy, this human centered economy, this vision and make it yours. i don't, no doubt picked up on it or not, but right now things are less than ideal for
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a huge number of people in this country. people are being let go from jobs that are never going to come back rack and medical bills are never going to be able to pay, you know, by the way, a global freaking contagion level. pandemic. hard to feel very good about site traffic. don't you think you feel a little better if you had slightly more assurance that you and your family were going to be ok? we really believe in the land of the free lunch act, like it's a slip that giant economic boot off of people's next, let's give everyone a piece of the get all american pass so that no one has to start from nothing that's freedom that you be. i think about the
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