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tv   News  RT  June 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the bullying stations extend their opening hours out there really is vote for a new president following the untimely death of abraham. right. easy, the helicopter crash inmate. we're on the top of the developments here and the heart of the are wanting capital as the nation chooses. its next president, stay with us for the latest updates on fix personnel office on the course of us media speculates who could replace a one year old job. i've noticed that democratic presidential nominee following lines to make performance against donald trump, that many i'm, let's say spar panic among party efficiency. critics claim washington is trying to conceal the number of debts and the gals of war following the passing of
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a new amendment. we report why the revision is so controversial, the lie for most go. this is your r t international. hello and welcome to the news. our readings are choosing their new president in a snap election. it follows the tragic death of abraham, right. he's a in a helicopter crash last month voting hours have been extended today several times with polos now due to shut out mid that i earlier spoke to our correspondent there . let's take a list. the social votes pivotal moments for iranians as they try to decide their next
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president decide their faith and choose their next president after that on timely death of the night president where you see in a helicopter crash last month's course. now the big question is whether the next iranian president would follow in the footsteps of president for you see in, in his is toward or eastern oriented policy, which was deemed revolutionary by many observers. after many, i thought that there one would hit a dead and following the united states, increasing pressure on the country and the stringent sanctions on the as well make republic of care was so now passed. we that the may rivalry is underway between 3 leading candidates. 2 from the conservative whole principle of this compound, there's one reform or, or reform is candidates by the name of maximum for this piano. so this is the main and closely contested competition between these 3 leading candidates. the principal list, of course, are known for their anti western approach. on the other hand,
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we have opposition on from the reform is gap, which is known for its uh, openness to the west. there they don't have any problem. of course they, they don't have as much problem with uh, opening up to the west uh on top of fall. his agenda, meso position on the agenda is to revive the troubled 2015 nuclear deal with wolf powers. including with the united states after washington withdrew from us back in 2018. and we say that sanctions on 151 percent voter turnout is anticipated. and due to various reasons including the inclusion of possession beyond in their ways which has reinvigorated to open the pro, roof or mercy of for reformist electrolytes in the country. but data part we see that the predictions in the united states is different. they keep talking to mainstream media on the west, i think keeping talking about low voter turnout. they've been trying to portray iranian elect to it as being
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a pathetic or disc interested in the election results. a why do you think that they are trying to promote this id or this narrative and watts nuances? are they missing here for the last 4 to 5 years since the victoria of the summit server, lucian ended on listen media outlets. the meanness sitting corporate media has been a demonizing. you're not in the, in the process of demonizing your identity demonizing guys selections and question the democracy. and you know, that's like channels like archie are important to provide the an alternative voice, a more accurate voice. the truth is that, you know, we have on the election day and no one ever knows who's going to be the next president. that's something amazing. so each one's democracy is very vibrant. you don't have to democracy is comparable to any democracy, anywhere in the world. and the talking points of this and media outlets
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are inaccurate. some of the issues that i, the support for the past assuming and cause is going to be constant. and you guys find a policy in terms of making sure that the genocide, the regime is facing consequences. but it's a matter there's, you know, given the fact that in the last couple of years associated on drug shows, relations has improved significantly. i think that that's a policy of improving relations with russia, who has it on some neighbor is going to continue no matter who the president is. the, the us democratic establishment is in public, after 2 abiding struggles to keep off with his republican rival, donald trump, in their 1st debates of the election cycle. even the liberal media outlets have admitted the verbal jewel was a disaster for the incumbent president, a game changing debate in the sense that right now as we speak, there is a deep, a wide and
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a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. and they are having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which they think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket. and they're having conversations about what they should do about it. the people who are texting me were even more panic. they actually expected it to be better then it was. and now they're in a, i won't say a full fledged panic, but it's getting panic level, particularly among elected democrats, who have to share the ballot with him. um, there is a full on panicked and i want to pull up some of these tweets and reactions here from jackie heinrich, as she's as a very well connected democratic source, tells her the house and the senate are the g o. p. 's for now everyone is freaking out. it needs to go no way. they replace him unless he agrees there. so you want to talk about them level of freak out at the moment. well, 81 year old joe biden stumbling debates performance has reinforced fears that he is on the fit for
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a 2nd term in the oval office. the easiest is the total initiative relative to what we can do is more border patrol and more asylum off for the trunk. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is i don't think he knows what he said. either i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company can not have to pay you. and by the way, my son was not a loser is not a sucker. you're the sucker you're. those are all of the things he's done. we've become like a 3rd world nation, and it's a shame you're a weiner. when you lost the 1st time, i've never seen anybody like this guy. he lies, i'd never seen if he could look you in the face. somebody said that so many other things to what this man has done is absolutely criminal. well, public reaction to the debate spoke volumes before 159 percent of those us thoughts . trump would win the head to head that rose quite a bit afterwards. but it's the bible numbers which will be truly alarming for his team. his fingers plummeted by
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a full 12 percentage points following the exchange. and after the debate, the hash tag swap to awhile it's spread on x. users are calling on democratic party leaders to remove joe biden from the presidential ticket. and a prominent champion for the party soft wrist. john steward offered this smoking, sent, and let's see how it began. both read came out and oh yes. ok. and then both letter ambulatory, they are both right. level one clear, we know the bar that's been set up for each to pass. biden has to not look a and not have a senior moment go, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the, with the coven, i should be with dealing with everything we have to do is uh
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if we finally b, medicare, take you president 5, i'd the okay, a high pressure situation. a lot of times you can confuse saving medicare with beating it. i'm sure it's not something that repeated throughout the debate, causing democrats across the country to either jump out of windows or vomit silently into the nearest recycling bin. anybody to talking well, not all fingers were soon pointed to after buttons wobbly performance with white house officials offering a range of excuses to clear off the president's lackluster showing. he was over prepared and relying on minutia when all that mattered was bigger in energy. one
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person in biden's orbit told ac's years they prepared him for the wrong debate. he was over prepared when what he needed was rest. it's confounding. an interesting leaving new york times published a pre debate article suggesting that the democrats were already planning to replace spite in with another candidate for november's pilot the piece sites, the president's physical frailty, muses. whether he should have bombed in the campaign because of how we key left compared to trump. that question will be decided on the democratic national convention in a few weeks by didn't, can resolve this by withdrawing from the race. there isn't time to hold new primaries, but he could throw the choice of a successor to the democratic national convention in chicago. the democratic party has some prominent figures, who i think would be in a good position to defeat trump in november. well, besides the pundits posters have been looking at what happens if by the the parts the presidential race,
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vice president kamala horace appears the most likely replacement. but the bad news for any den is whoever it may replace the parties know many will likely still lag behind trump in the polls. here's another survey offering up some thinking on that . the fox news pulled concluded that biden's most likely replacement would be gretchen whitmore. and in fact, mix the current president the least favorable candidate in the batch going forward . well, let's take a closer look at fines main competition within the party for the top spot, there's 3 main contenders. kamala horace is the 1st female v p. and the highest ranking, female official in u. s. history is chief reported by many of the why they're left of the party as is this month's data new, some the governor of america's most populous state, california since 2019. and we mentioned her earlier here. gretchen with murray governs michigan unimportant swing states in past elections. we knew who was the
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bill advise the bush and clinton administrations on say, democrats are increasingly waking up to the idea of replacing bibles to stay in power. the democrats right now, we're having to have that conversation with joe biden saying, joe, you can't drive anymore, you're going to hurt yourself, you're going to hurt others. and, and the, the challenge here is that he's not just politically damaged. he's the president of the united states. he has the finger on the nuclear button. he is the, the commander of our military and, and he's not capable of serving in that position. so the democrats are panicking, talking about removing him as they're political. nominate one of the reasons you're saying so much panic with the democrats right now is not just because they're concerned about the white house or the people who work at the white house. they're concerned about their own jobs and whether they'll lose their seat in congress. they're seen in the us, it is maybe their seat as governor and one of the sub blue states. so it's not just about bind. it's mainly about them. steve,
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go well among the discussions sparked in social media, but just to warm the trumpet bite and face of one democratic congressman concluded it was the u. s. which was a real loser. while the loan must tweeted good question in relation to who is actually in charge of the country changes. one incident, a mister most caught his own view as to what was the greatest thing to come from the night. the means, by the way. no, actually it on the same, it did how. how got a lot of how god, hey every legs. what the hell did you say the embarrassing, the
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the, the whole more analysis on the base and whether the call to shows by the, from the tickets actually will be in the necessary room and some more not that can be funded r t dot com the now just a few hours after the debate, joe biden returned to his re election campaign trail in north carolina in an apartment display of damage control. the american leader said that while he's not us, not be, as it used to be. he's at least honest or like his republican rival. but deborah had also defended the us economic record under his presidency of the day. we have the strongest economy in the world without exception. 15 to job
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800000 matter of factory job on the 4 percent for record 2 years in a row. historic good unemployment. i'm sorry mr. bide, but some leading financial level has beg to differ. the international monetary fund has stated that the u. s. government munching, budget deficits and escalating debt load pose a growing risk for both washington and the global economy, particularly high deficits. and that creates a growing risk for the us. and the global economy potentially fitting into high of fiscal financing costs. the ongoing expansion of trade restrictions have been sufficient progress and address and development abilities, both pose important downside risks, a c, i, a mass also question. the intensifying of us trade vari are saying the us economy could bear the brunt of such practices. its recommendations include income tax increases and reforms. i'll be entitlement system,
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such as the welfare and medicaid programs, the country's national debt, which measures what the u. s. what was its creditors? as balloons were referenced, $34.00 trillion dollars. economist richard berner sage. the financial past, the us is following, cannot go on for reaching the point where the national debt has become so long as you are we talking about 35 trillion dollars and in particular, the last few years, i mean the, the acceleration is being wind based and then show and we saw just a few weeks ago that the, you know, the expenditure now the annual budget is coming from the annual budget for just interest on his debt is larger. and then even the single biggest item, which is the military expenditure. and so it's now that com, the biggest part of the interest on the debt is the biggest item. and so it is the
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sort of late stage phase when you have really spend too much and your debt is beginning to spiral out of control. you know, what's happening means alternatives will be for me. and because the other listen from the, the us cases, that is the list of every country now is that if you just keep printing money spending and printing money, it's on stage, right? there will be price to pay being there, or is that kind of the just means that's being delayed and delayed and delayed but even over the courtesy cannot go on forever. to central gals at where local officials say is really are a, strikes, have killed a woman and child and injured more civilians and dirt out the lot. a warning you may find the following images disturbing it to the idea of attack. so how is, is formed in a residential area to other people were killed in a separate is really strong on this city as well. this is
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a reminder and made the ongoing idea of strikes on gas and more than $37.00 sizes. and people have been killed in guys that according to the territories health ministry. while the gals and media offices, israel has destroyed one 150000 residential units and use some $79000.00 tons of explosives in gas, and leaving damages estimated the $33000000000.00. and as the numbers of palestinians killed mines, washington lawmakers have voted to effectively conceal the gas at depth, or they passed the by part this on amendments on thursday to prohibit the state department from signing stubs from the gals and health ministry that's just by us state department, the news agencies having use the unclipped the data for decades, specifically since the recent conflict, because there's, i want all the amendments. authors defend administer. there are better ways to do this. i just believe that the united states should stop relying on
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a terrorist organization for this information. remember, it is a mass goal to sell propaganda to the american people to sell propaganda to the world. or here we heard the response to the from palestinian pediatrician. dr. mean psychology, who accused washington of complicity and war crimes, i am really very sympathized with the position taking by the congress. m a u. s. congress is this, uh, it's an attempt to come up. what crimes we have, what do you watch on that sort of media be bid is the explanation for that they, they are really delaying the acts of genocide taking place. and in augusta, the u. s. administration is completed in the war. crimes committed that gives
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different experience and by that estimate team describes the really trying to get away from being responsible in front of the international court of justice, that preventive b. u. m. best scenarios from inc. cutting and assessing the situation. and they have even really advanced on a lot from a heavy anything to do with a situation in gusta and yet really trying to see guys given by the uh, by the mad at bell. se me an has ministry and guess uh which you guys were actually independently verified by of our agencies. i see no reason why don't you guys given at still we have many,
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many uh children warm and uh oh wow, lot of seems bad. i'm not available. and if you guys are on that estimation of the read, the guys actually can know the story to bring you today. nato buck, the assess the nations of prominent russian figures under the over through of the democratically elected president himself. that is the shocking club page by a group of former russian lawmakers whose convene in exile in poland to ask the western military block for help i, and therefore the use of force against buttons murders, their finance. here some propagandists is morally justified when consistent with the internally recognized doors of for fair and imperative for victory. while this manifesto was dropped it at a ford, a confidence, and also by a group describing themselves as the congress of people's deputies is made up of former russian parliamentarians explain, described by the times newspaper as a shadow called
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a nobody put forward. distrust. did you notice the victory planet caused 4 increase on so you crying in the expansion of the functions raging that claims to have $106.00 members, including former russian parliamentarians even says that it has covered the setting, m. p. 's in russia. or, of course, there's no evidence to support this claim. so for somebody acts as the police call waiting, all the freedom of russia legion, of course, and known for carrying out these cross pulled incursions into russia's world, regional and of course killing russian civilians. but also the national republican only now. yeah, i keep hearing about them. they're based within rushes borders right, well the story that's supposed to be by using the that's what the site is. existence has been down to in the west, including by reuters, but it has been shown to claim responsibility for a number of highly profiled assassinations, including a very high profile. i'm going to treat you and this impacts always. famously,
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the killing of diarrhea due gonna in a comp on the talk in the most go region. that of your do, you know, of course, the daughter of alexander do didn't. who's midnight and provoked hysteria in the west. i call him mention him without cooling him. to teens brian, now this manifesto who says that he's no longer an option but simply juicy of the west to support what it describes as revolution, reactions and side rush of them. also mind if this is the former state, do my deputy area on ideals who uh, as advocate as were about to have a number of targeted assassinations inside russia. who were you, would you, i consider everybody connected to the war machine. government officials organize or finance the war. business management produce arms propaganda, warmongers as well as middle to real security personnel as combatants and their legitimate targets for both ukrainian military and russian resistance fighters at
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the pulse for you. so this plainly includes a very long and very broad list of people that hate things to be legitimate targets included on that list all to a list. of course i protected under international law liberally targets in them is a little crime. so a lot of these, he's backed by the west, and before he fled to russia, he was known for organizing. i'm to government protested, but he's deemed by moscow to be a for an agent, a terrorist and extreme is now he has some dimensions of ground to himself. he's compared himself to the for mission fighting president jerry adams. of course, he's referring to the all right. and it's decades long struggle against voting thing to be a british occupation, but what he fails to mention is outcomes. key role in negotiating piece and then to the on struggle. yeah that's, that's a key point, isn't it? right? so let me just break this down and steve, you've got terrorist asking nato to bach on assassination and campaign against
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russians. do they really expect to get some more with this? well, as the times reported, this document is due to be presented, the full coming nights or some in july taking place in washington. it doesn't say how it's going to be present if it doesn't say by whom it's going to be presented. nato in reality is extremely unlikely to buy according to such a document coating for roku, at least not publicly. of course, nato has a history of supporting these kind of a 2 attempts in a very the stuff away operation. claudio, of course, was initiated off the level 2 and it, so the military alliance allying with all sorts of organizations fall like groups full, my members of the s s. now the, this was in countries across europe, including in italy, in germany, integrity and increase, but also the west has a very long list of groups and individuals that are supported,
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including the budget dean in afghanistan, and met in around the usa as we, as he's cold wind glade us in venezuela, and he's also supporting groups like the muslim brotherhood. and of course the united states as long being allegedly linked to i say. so the west really has no scruples on the groups and individuals that it supports, as long as, as long as it maintains its power and had gemini, steve sweeney. we also got reaction to this from venice whalen, investigative journalist, an author, diego, secure of his nation, has also have to do with a western box would be to figure now and x out of we heard his name, former opposition leader one, why don't or do you mean for venice, what else? it came out of the blue. he was like a 2nd 3rd tier politician that southern he because of a certain amount of the elements was viable as a, as a resource for the rug, a certain junction this case, you know, creating
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a full shadow driver and most of the party leadership port in full was actually old radio, outside of and so in a so that's why why goal was basic, you chosen and yes, they, after it failed, it was a slow the political, the mice button. the mars, nevertheless. and crazy boy, i don't know what your tenant on the floor of the university, so that's you can see like a whole biology of this kind of political that created figures. usually this is the fate of all these kind of traders. this no other word for this, i mean did, you will show spray and in this case of so we can do kind of, you go to expect something, a light or something different us in become an expandable ben fabricating a new market. just like a big with novelty now, just finally this news, our new delhi has rejected the premise of a us state department report. the race has concerns about religious freedom in india. once again,
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the country is foreign ministry called it politically motivated. we have no didn't release by the us department of it, so they bought on international religious freedom for 2033. as in the boss, the report is deeply biased. blacks understanding of the social fabric and is visibly driven by what bank considerations and a prescriptive outlook. we data for the subject. well, this is nothing new from washington, but in this particular recorded list, dozens of incidents at that. it calls violations of religious freedoms. in india, american top diplomats, anthony blinking also it should a very personal statement that criticize the situation besides asian country, your daily, as it has done the nice discriminating against any minority. we discussed all about with veteran indian diplomats from pool dial saves the us, preaching to other nations is rich the right,
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the freedom of religion is age. trying in the indian box to judge citizens offer you to preach factors and propagate any religion at all. that george to go up, who would take this right? inside the observer, us believe that religious freedom in their role goswick is on the right. so i mean that instead of going d. c does, it didn't. yeah. the us needs to correct the wrong. the old society let me also make sure that we are concerned about certain aspects of the human rights situation in the united states. last yeah, it gets really taken up with the us. all concerns about who would rise there, such as the numerous do see the 8 grinds raised to the tax on indian nations and
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other minorities relies issues a dog, digital place of worship, wireless and mistreat, but by law enforcement authorities, off some bond estimates in the us has any genuine concerns about the other drives this religious reasons are late due to didn't do it can take up the matter to fanatic jealous um, buster prob, who died out there. no chronicling why the recent to attempting the libyan may have been about the country's rich resorts just as much as it was political division, culture, direct impact with spending who has been sold that the


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