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tv   News  RT  June 30, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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on the palm at last we can expound our julian assigned to take his 1st steps on a surly and soil united with his family. after our ruling, 14 year long legal battled the that's after a judge accepted the plea, deal truck with the us government with which assange had little choice, but to agree strongly on law maker andrew realty slammed washington for setting an alarming precedence for newest care. a treat,
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i presume it was sick for the charging and conviction of a journalist for doing a job. that is a really allow me increase to that. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know 3rd period to tell it harry, in the country. and 20 people died in a series of terrorist attacks on religious sites and police posts and the southern russia. last sunday, the region declared 3 days of morning to come memory. it's effect on the live in moscow. you're watching r t international. i'm rachel, re well with a look at the top stories from the week done by a 14 year long legal battle we helix founder joanna sons' returned home to us. trulia, reuniting with his family. after striking a plea, deal with the us government. the
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sun just released spark celebrations in australia, demonstrators gathered to praise the outcome of the court hearing, and julian's return home. but it's truly a law makers are worried about the president. his case has set the i will, i will flag the one, allow me issue and that is to die on us territory. i present it was sick for the charging and conviction of a journalist for doing that job. that is a really alarming priesthood. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know 3rd period to tell it harry, in country, it is not what we would expect from the united states or similar country like this,
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right? yeah. well, i think it seems i a chill down the spine of journalists world war that this president has been sick and it means out there is more work to do to push for lady afraid it meant protections for journalist. so they can do they do all the assign this could be seen here, leaving the court room a free man after 14 years of legal persecution with his saga. finally over let us find a mass of sense of relief and joy over his release. the list of laura's lawyers who is the case has had a chilling effect with the us pursuing journalism as a crime. mister sanchez reveal the truthful, important, and news worthy information, including revealing that the united states that committed war crimes. and he has suffered tremendously in his flight for free speech,
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for freedom of the press and to ensure that the american public and the world community gets fruitful. it important news where the information that is for journalists of these cited states, prosecuted that the dispos most personalized under the 75 henderson prison. that is what has it showing up today? the decision that it's time for mr. science to go home. that does have its own showing, the fact is the united states, assuming journalism has a fine, i hope this is the 1st and last time julian assigned is a free man now that he accepted a guilty plea and entered a guilty plea in a us federal court in the mariana island. now julia sanchez, attorney made clear that while he will comply with the requirement that he deletes certain sensitive information, the work of which he leaks will continue 60 took months in belmore to get this deal
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weeks is for work will will continue. and mr. sanchez, i have no doubt the he continues for us to be transparent, say government use a pound force. so now in order for julian assigns to accept the plea, deal for time served no supervised release in order to return to australia, a free man. after 14 years of a legal battle, plenty of time and a british prison julian, a sancha, had to formally admit guilts and, you know, plead guilty to a criminal charge violating the us espionage act. this is what was said in the tense moments in the us federal courthouse working as a joint of this time congress my source to provide information that was set to be classified in order to publish that information. i believe the 1st amendments protected that activity, but accept that it was a violation of the espionage statute. i believe the host amendments and the
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espionage act in concert diction with the child the but accept the would be difficult to win such a case given all the circumstances. it's been 14 years so that joanna sanchez been facing off in a legal battle. and at this points, we see him on his way home after quite a bit of time, walled up in the ecuadorian embassy, quite a bit of time in british prisons, a long extradition battle. now around the world, many are looking on and seeing this is an example of have congress on the part of us leaders who constantly lecture the world about freedom of the press, the protection of journalists, freedom of speech, etc. let's review everything that has happened to julian assigned over the course of this 14 year saga. the
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. this appears to be the end of julia saunders 14 years saga, but it's not the last of wiki leaks. we are awaiting a statement from julian assigned to about what comes next. but at this point, many around the world who rallied in support of julian assigned protesting, making social media posts raising awareness, doing everything they could to highlight his case and the dangers. it pauses to freedom of information and journalistic protections. many people around the world are happy to see him free, though many are also worried about the implications of the guilty plea he entered in the us federal court house. 20 people are now known to have
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died following a series of terrorist attacks on churches and synagogues and southern russia. last sunday, 2 christians were among the victims. while the rest were muslims, including the police officers who font back against the attackers, 6 terrace were also killed. the 4 digit shows the aftermath of the attack on a church and much color. it was parked outside became burnt out racks while the supposedly sacred territory. now resembles a battlefield, they heard from a priest who managed to barricade the doors and protect his parishioners inside the building. this is when i closed the church yesterday. some people were running around the territory. i brought them into the they can, has checked everything. we stayed inside for 4 hours. so i'm warning the following . images are graphic as the church and their bands came under attack terrace targeted it's priest. father, nikolai could tell him because in his house on site,
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after shooting him to the attackers set the church on fire, father nicolai's career spent over 40 years making him well known in the local community. he was a father of 3 and a grand father of 6. we heard from his wife so that you can go through it with us yesterday. it was a trinity to sunday, so there was a lot of people in the morning service in the evening. the service, not so long, almost no one was that we came home. my husband had a light down. it had 2 strokes and yesterday he was in a move all day. so he needed to rest. when we had shirts and i went to close the door, but it was too late as the already in. one of the charter was run into the house and immediately shut my husband in the head because then that it was running through the rooms. i closed the door and i was waiting until he left, but he put this in, send you a raise, and in 5 minutes ever since it was on fire. he also said the church and saw you
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look my son in law. he is a priest too. he does it so it wasn't damaging much at all, was that the 5 was strong because it took time for $55.00 just to come get this because the terrace level to cause open the and police probably sold that there will bombs and the cause all was that ever since then to the ground, a synagogue was also in the terrorist crosshairs. this footage shows a cru clearing the debris from the buildings, chard, interior and unlucky twist of fate. the incident took place before evening prayers . so no worshippers were there at the time of the will. the regions had, has since visited the orthodox church and much paula to express his condolences, but it shows as walls and windows peppered with bullet holes. are these remind customer of reports from the i guess down they were at least 20 worshippers of this church and much color on sunday evening when they were celebrating the holy trinity
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. they on this sunday. now the terrorist attack late in the evening. as you can see, the buildings here, the church, or written with a bullet holes. now that service were killed, but before that they killed a security guard who was fine to protect the worshippers from their attacks. that security guard came to the door, it was open. another time which deed was closed and the terrace continued shooting . i can see this door is also riddled with bullet holes. now the security guard, his name is me, how you was killed and he died instantly after he was shot. this is what's left of the prayer holes in the synagogue in the city of their events, in russia's republic of the stone, according to officials, the terrorist gardens, this synagogue from the backside. i killed 2 security guards as they walked in and then said this prayer hole on fire and thankfully the were no worshippers there at
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that time, but some number of casualties. could it be much harder because the, the prayer on sunday was suppose to start 40 minutes after the terrorist attack loose in a golf. now, right now, as i said, the prayer hole is almost completely destroyed. all that's left of these birds sacred text. me, let's just start suddenly they came from over there and killed the security guard, then carried molotov cocktails in gasoline here. killed the other god, and wounded the placement, the placement cold. this won't take a little from here. we can see where the shooting occurred, and that was the moment the terrace fred, will the people of douglas, dawn of russia with us. remember what happened? they must go racing. they don't know what's going on. people are being killed or the shall god created. people for want to live in probably way we all together, we will be together and we will never so ready now shall be. what did you get a couple of those thoughts? who didn't, you didn't, it's, there are only a few of them in the republic with 2, but it's happens a 4th and it's, and it's never had any impact on the overall situation in a lot of unity,
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i'm not sure what do you see to them? and we'll continue to defeat with them. it's like, you know, so some of that level that they want to scare us, but it won't work for them. or is it projects to be able to most judge and to see the goal can do events. i don't even know how to cause these thoughts. there is nothing like that in the most of the religion of the it's some group of people is controlled by some wonderful happy people street. that's the name given to this pedestrian area in their bands by local residents because for them it's symbolizes piece and unity for the multitude of nationalities that reside here. it is also at home to this monument over here. so we have the representatives of judaism, christianity, and islam. and up until sunday, all of these people were alive, however, the terrorist inter bent, they attacked a church and killed a priest. his name was nikolai concerning the gulf,
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and that he's been here for 40 years. changing judges parish. this people hearings or bents have been bringing flowers to this monuments all for out month they had it doesn't seem just old as people here realize that only unit so you can prevent morse. terrorism, which is a me, i'm not sure if i'm still very sorry you fall prince. so yes, you had no him since i was a child, it was a good contest and what's happening is wrong. sure. and i want to say that the attack is only a small fraction of people in the caucasus, the rest of the stand that it is wrong because which this people didn't give life. so they don't have a royalty kid. they say there are muslims, but there is nothing in this, none that it would allow me to or impose something on all those new store. if we looked at most of them, nothing can divide us. whatever happens where decent citizens living in
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a friendly way in one city and having our own mentality, we understand everything and separate nationality from terrorism and every 4. so we can try to influence the situation from the outside and i can say that they will not succeed to the, to the a silence or brothers from the village of several call. other father magnet, the owner of was actually the head of the district. he has now been fired from his post and detained by police. some neighbors say the suspect of the parent brothers were radicals, russian, and the may fight or have be the number of the dogs gave us an exclusive interview in the wake of sundays project events. oscar a brutal attack on people on clergy, on the holy places of face would feelings kind of have. i don't know what this could have to do with religion, and as long as this is what offends me, frankly speaking the people when they go into synagogues or churches in kill clergyman there. where did this come from? where is this even practiced?
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where and the religion of islam do they teach such things. and i am very offended that this very situation is connected with the religion of islam. i'm offended that these moments are attributed to a certain sport or a certain hall, so to speak, to go into a monastery and kill a man just because he is of a different religion. is this something that needs some sort of condemnation? is it not clear that this isn't a trophies in an human act where and when has such a thing ever been committed? we have more than 30 nationalities living in darkest in. and well, of course, the majority professors is long, but there are also jews and christians. in my experience, this has never happened to 30 years in the 35 years that i've lived there. and there's never been anything like this. how could it be normal? my kids lived there. my mom lives there. my family lives there. my brother, my relatives. in 5 minutes away, people are being killed. there. terrorists operations are taking place. how can i react to that? how could not be human laughter. jo biden's, shaky performance,
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and the presidential debate earlier this week that raised many questions about the us leaders ability to serve a 2nd term. democrats are now scouring candidate resumes to present voters with a different anomaly. that is the total initiative relative to what we can do is more border control and more side of further drunk. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is what i don't think he knows what he said. either i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company can not have to pay you. and by the way, my son was not a loser is not a sucker. you're the sucker you're. those are all of the things he's done. we've become like a 3rd world nation, and it's a shame you're weiner. when you lost the 1st time, i've never seen anybody like this guy. he lies, i'd never seen if he could look you in the face of it that so many other things to what this man has done is absolutely criminal. so that was the standard of debate
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and the rights for the white house which defended into childish name coding. but the biggest take away was biden's poor performance. this was clear for a to see, including the democrats, us asterisk, john stewart's, i democrats supposed to responded with a scathing skits biden has to not look oh and not have a senior moment go, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the, with the coverage i should be with dealing with everything we have to do is, uh what if we finally be medicare taking presidents, 5 items. okay. and a high pressure situation. a lot of times you can confuse saving medicare with beating it. um sure, it's not something that repeated throughout the debate,
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causing democrats across the country to either jump out of windows or vomit silently into the nearest recycling. then anybody can stocking the main stream media outlets. even though you've seen this, probably the democrats already missing the debate. was it dissolved of abiding and now it seems his days could be numbered with even the new york times. editorial board suggesting the binding should be replaced as a democratic policies. no been a. as the president appeared on thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant, he struggled to explain what he would accomplish in the 2nd term. he struggled to respond to mister drums provocations. he struggled to hold mr. trump accountable for his life, his feelers, and his children plans more than once. he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence. the response from making 3 major on that's is install controls with what was being said by them. prior to the debates,
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with many even defending biden's mental capacity to run the country. and they were having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal, which they think will hurt other people down the party in the tickets. and here were concerned about joe by the agent. you probably don't know, don't buy the buyer is actually in good shape and now they're in a i won't say a full fledged panic but it's getting. there is a. busy so i'm panicked and i pray mentally, he's quite a cute denny aid who engages with him or reporters. we can see this. the gears of his mind are working the right way. media has so fixated on bite and inviting purportedly having talented of issues. it's not just making an issue of buttons and it's, it's lying. it's saying he's seen i all i'm saying is demented. the dramatic youth in comes off to biden's, poor performance in the debates. and despite him coming out fighting his prospects does look good, poses show a slumping support, even his most all the boxes struggling to justify his candidacy. previous questions
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about his mental and physical capacity. what dismissed as republicans conspiracies? before the debates, the white house claimed the videos of paving to show him freezing on wondering off on his own, what deliberately manipulated to undermine him. ahead of the election. washington even coined a new phrase for their footage. st sykes, there seems to be a sort of rash the make for them here. especially for, you know, or use a more yes, the especially worried about that yeah, we, and i think you all have called is the cheap fix video, and that's exactly what they are. they are cheap fix video, and they are done in bad faith. but now the device itself appears to be the biggest cheat psycho maybe even a deliberate move to justify removing him as the democrats know many, if not fight and then to, well,
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the mainstream media has been discussing options including incumbent, vice president, come all the iris. but, and also want to convinced with concerns raised, but she may be no better than binding in terms of foreign policy. there's nothing that she could do externally. that would be wise. her best strategy is to internally just be an amazing vice president. the bottom use for the dams is whoever my replaced biden will still likely lag behind trump and suddenly pose back . that's up a fox news to have a concluded idea. as far as popular replaced would be much good in governor gretchen wilma. in fact, most democrat voting respondents said the bye didn't put be the least favorable candidate in the box going forward. so by doing this, does office performance sees the volt just circling with a medias southern change of halts giving the impression, but it may have been planned all alone. but even a new challenger is unlikely to overtake trump,
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whose popularity opposite of bate has risen. and could see him back in the white house, often november's loads at least 18 people were killed and dozens more injured in a series of deadly suicide attacks. and nigeria is northeastern born of the state will have much more on that story throughout the day here on our team as well in you and security council meeting and research group tracing weapons use. the new crane has claimed to have found the ballistic missile remnants from the dpr, k rushes, and bassett or to the u. n. was quick to dismiss the allegations saying it's another attempt by the west to use the so called north korean threat to build up its military activity in the region for a little bit and see what it is under the pretext of the so called north korean threat. the u. s. has consistently building up its military activity in northeast asia deploying strategic, striking capabilities there and openly running scenarios for
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a hypothetical arms conflict involving the use of nuclear weapons. and since we are gathered here today to discuss non proliferation, i would like to ask my colleagues who's, how does washington's and souls policy to seek nuclear conventional integrations, under the auspices of a specialized bilateral group, correlates with their non proliferation commitments. russia is cooperation with the d. b r. k has always been carried out in full compliance with our international obligations. our cooperation with young young is of an exclusively constructive and legitimate nature. and it is of crucial importance that it does not threaten any one unlike the militaristic activities of the us and its allies of moscow's envoy, highlighted the report was based on new print in experts, opinions, and includes no confirmation of the authenticity of the missile fragments as the west, the sound of the alarm of her vladimir put in stripped to the dpr k earlier this month, warning of escalating tensions despite telling and moscow reassuring that the treaty
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they signed that the visit is peaceful. i made con, almost 3 k strategic affairs experts as the one should not be used as a proxy to fight any country. definitely in such a city is good to go out again, shows this evidence is not very much designed for that called. there has to be some more tangible, reliable evidence provided by a, by the ukraine on the native on this. otherwise this evidence is not enough to uh, to blame, not to go. yeah. providing these items because this is nothing but to an attempt to drag not gloria in this box. this is nothing but do a file. it's lee blame not to go to you about it. but as a matter of fact, i believe that inside sensitive matter of the evidence and it will, it must be very clear. otherwise it will be nothing but an effort to base and that'd be what is not good. yeah, doing this,
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you can't log in. i would say that if i should have made it to you and stuff through the rest of the united nation should not be used as a, as a proxy of americans investing was bad. they use the platform of united nation to meet guys the rest of the world. the security content by fuzzies not to to said americans are invested in trust the security concepts but should be uh, you know, very transparent and very neutral. non buyers back to nigeria. now where at least 18 people were killed in dozens more injured in a series of deadly suicide attacks, and the country is northeastern varner state. that is, according to local emergency services. we can get more details now from local correspondents. timothy obeys who? timothy, what more can you tell us about these attacks? yes, indeed. local parties that included the state police of parties and the states emergency
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services have confirmed leave these top 3 to happen. um, we have 3 from suicide bombing at fox in the st. the town of was our buddies in ne, the front stage which is no one has to be ever set. are of the same. your log in start and see bato again. ball, colorado really trying to add um, a uh explained to groups this makes it waste time probably. and so if i did say, you know about around 19 people are currently being treated, you know, you know, uh, a regional hospital inmate degree. i'm actually the last check, but the where i swear to pull people that are pilots that are weight seems you know, it's to be acquitted based back of this business. i've talked some snowballs. that's claims responsibility for the upsides with banned in each state. it shows you. ready a known tact they call, you know that carol groups in the region on top of the body shop in bottling to, you know, eliminate from the rage on the for g. s. and it's important to also know side of
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the child that charge of measures. but the government has split in place over the years, has been able to disseminate the course of significantly. but bob has not stopped the tax from happening right now. um, there are no more updates on the matter because i believe a parties are trying to, you know, uh, still get information as to what happened and how did these happen? how many people are really affected, brought to me one of the talks we understand from our reports that you know, a woman carrying a baby, you know, i had these explosive device stripes to her body and then that went off i, i, you know, a wedding start money and was also around the time the cost we do. and then the 3rd one that happened, you know, at the funeral. those people who were affected by, you know, um the, the, the 1st i thought that happened at the wedding ceremony. so, i mean it's still a developing story i the leaf at the end, but call me the hours we should have more details on this. what's important to note
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back, you know, um in april that off my, my gerry holstead, you know, be africa, talbot, tires, and somebody in applewood that he had to come up with plans, you know, and collaborations in the contents to be able to handle the problem with that but the support of, i'm tar resume on, on the continent. these acts of power have gone on 10 years and um, around 40000 people have been cured there. and we also understand, you know, according to the united nations of about so many young people are forced to be displaced by some results. that's the rates are all right, a little correspondence timothy aba 0 timothy. thank you. all right, well that is going to do it for me for now, but do stay with us. my colleague, nicky aaron, will be in next in about half an hour with more of the day stuff. new stories by the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to, well, the price, 13 years ago of board total bloody that out interrupted in syria for barry to reign supreme, killing became a spectacle for to the consumption. and the international community was fiercely


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