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tv   News  RT  June 30, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the, the time at last, when he'd expounded julie, the songs takes his phone, 7 back calls, squiggly in store, were united with his family after a grueling 14 year long legal baffled. th, that's off to a judge accepted, a play deals truck with the us government switch off with the stones, little choice, but to agree australian know make andrew wealthy slammed washington for assessing other law being precedent on us to retreat. i, president,
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was sick for the charging and conviction, public journalist for doing their job. that is a really alarming priesthood. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know 3rd period. we'll talk to la, terry and humphrey positive. a problem centrist alliance could be delta, a major blow o, find the pens, you are skeptical, position policy, as not for elections and problems are in full swing today. his willingness to send both troops and weapons to ukraine. house with helps and phones coalitions holding po number, the hello and welcome. this is the weekly on, on the international bringing you the latest wells news updates along with around that. but the stories that shapes the week is good to have you with them. but after a 14 year long legal battle, we can expand the julia to sanchez returned home to australia and were united with his family off the striking of please deal with the us government.
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as long as it's released, spots celebrations across australia demonstrates as gather to praise the outcome of the quote here rank. and julian's return home with australia. and we'll make the worried about the president. his cases i will, i will flag the one allowing issue and that is today uh on us to recreate a pricing that was sick for the charging and conviction of a journalist for doing that job. that is a really alarming priesthood. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know. 3rd period will to tell it harry, in country,
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it is not what we would expect from the united states or similar country like destroyer. i think it's changed. i a chill down the spine of journalists world war that this price that it has been sick. and it means out there is more work to do, to push for lady of freedom and protections for journalist. so they can do that. you'll be able to be a free man. the most honest can be seen leaving the court room a free man off the 14 years of legal persecution. his saga, finally owned by the massive sense of relief and joy, his release that was the lowest, as the case has had a chilling outcome with washington, sisters of journalism as a crime. mister assad should reveal the truthful, important, and news worthy information, including, revealing that the united states had committed war crimes. and he has suffered tremendously in here is 5 uh for free speech for freedom of the press and to
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ensure that the american public and the world community gets fruitful and important news where the information that is for john, it was a huge cited states, prosecuted that they expose most for science, so under the 75 henderson prison. that is what has it showing up today and a decision that it's time for mr. science to go home. that does have its own showing. the fact is, the united states pursuing journalism has a fine, i think this is the 1st and last time julian assigned is a free man. now that he excepted a guilty plea and entered a guilty plea in a us federal court in the mariana island. now, julian, a sanchez attorney made clear that while he will comply with the requirement that he delete certain sensitive information, the work of which he leeks will continue 60 took months in belmore to give this
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deals weekly weeks is for work we'll we'll continue and mr. sanchez, i have no doubt the continuous force transparency government use of power waste. now in order for julian assigns to accept the plea deal for time served no supervisor release in order to return to australia, a free man after 14 years of a legal battle. plenty of time and a british prison julian hassan had to formally admit gills and, you know, plead guilty to a criminal charge violating the us espionage act. this is what was said in the tense moments and the u. s. federal courthouse working as a joint of this time covers my source to provide information that was set to be classified in order to publish that information. i believe the 1st amendments protected that activity but acts out that it was
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a violation of the espionage shoot. i believe the 1st amendment of the espionage act in concert diction with the child the but accept the would be difficult to win such a case given all the circumstances. it's been 14 years so that joanna sanchez been facing off in a legal battle. and at this points, we see him on his way home after quite a bit of time, walled up in the ecuadorian embassy, quite a bit of time in british prisons, a long extradition battle. now around the world, many are looking on and seeing this is an example of hypocrisy on the part of us leaders who constantly lecture the world about freedom of the press, the protection of journalists, freedom of speech, etc. let's review everything that has happened to julian assigned over the course of this 14 year saga. the
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. this appears to be the end of julia saunders 14 year saga, but it's not the last of which he likes. we were awaiting a statement from julian assigned to about what comes next. but at this point, many around the world who rallied in support of julius on protesting, making social media post, raising awareness, doing everything they could to highlight his case and the dangers it pauses to freedom of information and journalistic protections. many people around the world are happy to see and free, so many are also worried about the implications of the guilty plea. he entered in the us federal court house with elections to the national assembly kicking off
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today. the french presidents, a manual croner, finds himself in a tough sport as the popularity of his son, tristan lines on some black plummets and the poles, millions of french bo just calls pallets alongside the incumbent, president's code for snuff elections off of the policies heavy last as last month, during the european parliament voting is opened us to sending troops to ukraine on to risk, but otherwise, collation through shop 1st. this is him from the old position. i think it's national riley to maureen, the pen. he voted in northern fonts today. posters have projected a majority winful depends policy on to contribute to rachel mazda and brings his overnight to see. so one of the things that the french initially liked about a menu item back home was that he appeared to be keen to slip into the mindset of former french president and world war 2 general shot the gun. the mindset of france being an honest broker between east and west refusing to go all in on either
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account, but the writing was on the wall when the ukraine conflict went red, hot and maximum was spotted walking around the palace in a dark hoodie that looked like he'd stolen it from his girlfriend, ukrainian, president blackmore, zalinski, posh, gartner, fashion collection of the, the new bill, the verizon. we have agreed on new deliveries on a long term basis, announcing the delivery of a 1st series of new rash, 2000 dash 5, and then the sincerely pilot training, which will immediately begin instructing, pilots and mechanics. we also propose and decided together the friends would train and equip an entire ukranian army brigade as part of the effort to originate rates forces. that's around 4500 soldiers. we proposed, we decided together. that's nice. know who wasn't involved in any of that decision making as part of that we, the french people who needs effectively committing to fighting the war against russia. starting with sending in trainers. it's not like the law makers that french motors democratically elected and who are accountable up to them have never even
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declared war against russia. and the president isn't suppose to have that power. if the russians were to break through the front lines, if there were a ukrainian request, which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question. i have a clear surgical objective. russia can not win and ukraine. so teacher, a sped black hole, i certainly use all the right words to charm the western level as the establishment . nato secretary general, the end stilton for whose effectively just the chief populace, s p r. guy for the western military industrial complex lobby. because about. busy so i'm on the road and thank you for your warm welcome on your kind words, and thank you also for an excellent meeting this afternoon. and let me also thank you for your starting a personal commitment to the transit time taken out in san to nato. it has really been a great privilege at your work, so full share with you over all these years. but say over to somebody,
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i want our position to be clearly formulated. we, we support president mark crohn's initiative to send instructors to ukraine. and by the way, this simply shortens the past to learning french public generosity is really wearing send at this point in light of natural as it tends to effectively ease the french people into this conflict with the back of this boon. as the from saying goes 68 percent of the french don't think that he should have even a vote. the notion of putting western troops on the table for you frame 74 percent of them. don't want them on the ground over there ever. that is this choice in the french election. it's teen macola versus team pretend period that that's on solving people's intelligence at all. it is a demonstration above all for peace against the spiral war into which mat, chrome, the european union and nato are leading us. we are tired of others deciding and
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speaking for us. we are the sondra and we are the ones who must speak for ourselves last time that we have a salary. but despite the salary, we called me till needs because we are in fact move in on dated with bills and we have almost nothing all 0 money left to live on. we are in perpetual survival with blue fox. if they can do meet the ones that will be people who are looking for food and garbage cans. people who have housing problems. so i think we are entitled to them on better to achieve, to who best of the history of humanity, the evolution of humanity. people who are already financially struggling from back home blindly following the use economically devastating demands for ukraine, asking even domestic ministries like finance ministry to cut budgets, to pay for more funding and more weapons for you frames just done by the leading figure in both the european and the national campaigns for the pens party and the most likely candidate for prime minister if the party wins has at least been talking like he's thrown down a few boundaries. see that the hordes that of course,
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i think that this is the process of all that it should have plates to maintain this rich line between both supports and ukraine to lobbies, to hold the problems with the equipments needed and avoid doing the risk of escalation with russia, when the president of the republic goes so far as to say, we can send troops before the end of the year. we can possibly consider serving the nuclear deterrence with all your pain partners. i believe that sees crossing by lines. nothing of pen herself is also fires, and warnings shives over the balance frames. presidents maxim over what you could expect if her party wins this weekend. so the chief of the armed forces for the president is an honorary title. since it is the prime minister who holds the purse strings, jordan has no intention of picking a fight with mister ma crohn, but he has set red lines. the president will not be able to send troops to crane. so what is he saying there is it not for maybe president, but it's the french national assembly that controls the purse strings. there's been
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me sure to be here over the past few days about how much has already been allocated, how much can be club back and to what extent macros prior ukraine deals could be real did. in any case, it's a reminder that the elections absolutely have consequences and this one could certainly have significant ones for our practice involvement and you prayed and the un security council meeting of research group tracing weapons used in ukraine has claims were found ballistic missile remnants from the dpr, k rushes on boxes, it to be one was quick to dismiss navigation. this thing is another attempt by the west to use the circle with north korean. so as to build up its military activity in the region. let me see what it is under the pretext of the so called north korean threat. the u. s. has consistently building up, it's a military activity in northeast asia and deploying strategic strike capabilities there. and openly running scenarios for
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a hypothetical arms conflict involving the use of nuclear weapons. and since we are gathered here today to discuss non proliferation, i would like to ask my colleagues, how does washington's and souls policy the seek nuclear conventional integrations, under the auspices of a specialized bilateral group correlate with their non proliferation commitments. russia is cooperation with the d. b r. k has always been carried out in full compliance with our international obligations. our cooperation with young young is of an exclusively constructive and legitimate nature. and it is of crucial importance that it does not threaten anyone, unlike the militaristic activities of the us and its allies. it was envoy highlighted that the report was based on ukrainian experts opinions and includes no confirmation of the authenticity of the missile fragments. that's as the west sounded, the alarm the vladimir putin, his trip to the dpr k earlier this month,
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warning of escalating tensions to spots on young guns most go reassuring that the treaty, they signed it, the visit is peaceful. i mean, con luxury k certificate says x, the say says the you, when should not be used as a proxy to find any comfortable definitely in searching the cd is good to go out again, shows this evidence is not very much designed for that tall. there has to be some more tangible, reliable evidence provided by uh, by the ukraine or the native on this. otherwise this evidence is not enough to uh, to blame, not to go. yeah. uh, providing these these items because this is nothing but through an attempt to drag not gloria in this was this is nothing but to fall and sleep, blame not good about it. but as a matter of fact, i believe that inside sensitive matter of the evidence and it will,
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must be very clear. otherwise it will be nothing but an effort to base and that'd be what is not good. yeah. doing this, you can log in and i would say that if i should have made it to you and stuff through the rest of the united nation should not be used as a, as a proxy of americans invested was bad. uh, they used the platform of united nation to these guys the rest of the world. the security content by busby's not to to said americans are invested in trust the security concepts, but should be uh, you know, very drugs being in a very neutral non buyers. well, north korea has taken name of the us, south korea and japan for rounding up military activity in the asia pacific region . young young stage this tri, lots will cooperation resembles in east the nato in the u. s. is now claiming that the us, japan, the k relations adjust co operative ones with strengthening regional stability and
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security and do not mean and they tow asian version. but it is nothing but rhetoric to evade international criticism of the formation of an aggressive blog. would it be okay, is responding to the united states, conducting its 1st multi operation military exercise with japan and south korea in the east china sea on saturday. he's an american nuclear power cross carrier and south korea being prepared for the event. the drills have been dropped, freedom edge on the south korean foreign ministry, se, se way and boosting defense capabilities. the use of the countries involved freedom edge expresses the will of the republic of korea, u. s. and japan to promote trilateral inter operability and protect freedom for peace and stability in the endo pacific, including the korean peninsula, the participants will focus on ballistic missile defense, air defense, and to submarine warfare, search and rescue. maritime interdiction and defensive cyber training. or let's close that life, announce evicted, tao, a check professor at su, child university. many thanks for joining us. it's good to see you. so south career
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saves the sole purpose of the so called freedom edges drills is to boost the allies defense capabilities. what do you make of that? thank you very much, i think to the rising tension on the korean peninsula and in east asia as a whole is because of the computer literate exercises. on many con, c o being the lot of states, japan and our k, including for example, the city of the nuclear submarine from the united states to the vicinity of the korean peninsula, as well as the station and office could be of the korean peninsula. now this is very dangerous because this can only add to the attention. and strictly speaking of allow me to mention this joint military exercise as far as japan's compensation should be declared to illegal. why? because according to the pacifist constitution of japan,
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the defense forces of japan are only for from us because the buses and they are not supposed to be used outside of the boundary of japan. and apparently this joins military exercises, is not happening on the soluble of japan, it's way outside of japan. and i think relevant country is really need to condemn such exercise because it is a my best judgment in violation of the constitutional requirements in japan. and the soul of japan stops such a violation of its own constitution the best. because otherwise, if you add to monetize in this part of the world and it will be, and i'll think about she's not real. if japan will be involved in any military action, a get outside the salt territory in violation of its own constitution. and indeed, um, well this is all going on in the east to china. see the us pacific place in hawaii
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is currently hosting room pack, which is considered the world's largest international maritime exercise. what kind of impact do you think this operation could have on the already tenants? we just i think that this is a strong indication that the united states is not doing its homework to promote peace, but just the contrary. they are really agitating for more war preparedness or cold war or even talk more about this is the last thing that is needed in the world of today. i hope the united states can really exercise this global leadership by advocating peace rather than standing for. yeah, because the wall will be neutral and destructive and even the world of today are with nuclear weapons by far the fuel countries will be t, animal major powers will need to. i'm again to and i will boss into will really appreciate is point rather than at the one to disregard all of the huge stakes
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involved, any war between and among major countries in the world of today. and the timing is also very interesting, isn't it? because it comes that this increase that we're seeing in us military activity does con, just solely off the announcement page and paid his visit to north korea. what do you think washington's reaction is to the most appealing, young alliance? well 1st of all, i think the united states is the main sauls for the continuation of the warranty ukraine, because it is providing a huge amount of capital, financial resources, intelligence, and military equipment, bombs, a more and more sophisticated weapons of all kinds to ukraine. so that the wall cannot be stopped. the wall is continually and the continuation of the great new war is really adding more to the anxieties. and the fragility of the piece on the you ration, continent as a whole. now, for russia and dpr k, they're all neighboring countries. they have full rights to conduct their financial
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relations a natural way, according to their own decision to it is not the violation of the united nations security council resolutions. therefore, i say whatever the united states is thinking about the bottom natural relations or to bundle the by that's what releases the to russia, dpr k. the united states does not have a legitimate reason to give to a few or is a v e. the bottom natural relations between tpr k and russia and i just felt the war your credit will not spread around to other parts of the world, including, for example, to east asia or other parts of europe and the federal way as well. you, craig and russia to really sit down on the table to negotiate a solution to achieve the ceasefire as quickly as possible, rather than allow the war you credit to be used by other countries to achieve its
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own deal political gains rather than to really solve the issues, but you, russia and ukraine, if we, if we're just as clutch the surface of the issue for a moment, the main, one of the main reasons reportedly for the us person for tie one's independence is because of is leading semi conduct to industry. and now we see south korea is also based and gets chipped production. so how does this connect to washington's efforts to cooperate with taiwan and south korea, as opposed to as long time democracy narrative, whatever the united states is doing regarding taiwanda is the serious violation of the one china policy, which the united states committed to. as i do 79 and subsequently in the joint communiques between china and the united states, it's apparent that washington most likely, allows to use taiwan as a proxy to start off with more patients. even our parts of the world, or even a war between the 2 sides of the taiwan strait, the why they see of
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a one time the policy which the united states has acknowledged a fund since 1979. now from the chinese perspective, this team 5 washington will never be seen because there is a new one, china and taiwan. this part of china and the chinese nation will be fed to the very last amended to achieve reunification, one way or another. and no forwarding countries, including the united states, will have any well with the whole 2 steps in the way to prevent the unification of china. therefore, i think washing day is really very much in the product, the move because he wants to solve different things in different parts of the world . either one or a decision for war. all, for example, intervening being the last to go fans or bother kansas because the tie one issue is purely a domestic chinese issue. it has nothing to do with any foreign country. and the united states attempt to promote taiwan separatism. well, you making defenders do,
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does they do eventually? thanks for speaking to us. it's good to hear your thoughts on the situation to fix a gotcha professor at state university. thank you. thanks for having me. by moving to a stand for her now west several waves of anti government protest have swept across kenya, demanding the repeal of a tax and budget bill being pushed by the international monetary fund that also demanding the resignation of president william root. so he's about to take action that goes, riots is, is still owned and set 5 to parliament buildings in the capital on tuesday. while we're doing mobile and those who set fire to parliament are not our children. they are criminals. and we are going to look for them. they are not our children, we will find them. they can't escape because they can't destroy human beings. we will talk to our youth. we have the strength of our youth before but the keyless, the chorus, and those criminals. $2.00,
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we will also deal with them as far as syria is concerned, no one can go and destroy another person, business or destroyed government houses destroyed public property quite a bit. so we must separate the issues our young people are raising and the criminality of those who are looting people shops, the destroying public property is dreaming. protest is still in the parliament building on, on tuesday, assessing it on fire. can use on good a controversial finance bill which cool. so steve tax increases to pay off the countries that especially those to the washington based on this human rights watch . suppose any 30 people were killed as police jumped directly into sling pro testers and others trying to enter the building. the n g o condemned action. shooting directly into crowds without justification, included as protests, as tried to flee, is completely unacceptable under canyon and international law. vacating authorities
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need to make clear to the forces that they should be protection peaceful, protest is, and that impunity for police violence can no longer be tolerated. a sponsor concessions to withdrawal. the bill from president, we were told that with violent flashes between police and protest is on the say, can use high code, jumped into the fray, ordering security forces to stop firing alive, munition rubber coat dismissal next to a gas and was a canons into the crowd. people argue that the country's problems a bigger than just the finance bill. the,
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we've heard from leon mazda is a south african and pe, deacon nomic, freedom fighters parties, spokes person. and she stays out for kinds of paying to higher price pollutants from the us based on this is the biggest picture. yeah. outside of the restrict to the best that these loans come with is that they did african countries, particularly african countries because we all want to some of the regents content in the world in terms of mental resources, deeply indebted. this is one of the ways of getting in and giving be a has their tea and steven our resources to that one over again. so who would be not just the i am, it's a changes, it's home low, just upper right. and not just in kenya, but in the entire well, of course they do to come and act. oh no, this is not something that we wanted to see, but feel the forms to restricted in this and the way they managed and go around or across the country. the old poor countries around the world keeping out these loans
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is what is quoting at the dates that i've seen quite seeing here in african countries in equity. that'd be happy to pitch will poverty. so we can see, i think you'd see be getting out of the pocket to cycle because as what had happened here in kenya is that they have to introduce the bill of finance bill to raise like over 2 $1000000000.00 a to be able to finance the dates that the heck the take you to the i am at the end of world bank, so we need to stop. and we need to get one if we can kind of just need to be just in the interest here is by the i m f and the world bank because that is the job calm because the problems that they do on our continued. so they generally come get to pause debility, i mean, you can see what's going on with the d r c. you can see what is happening inside the dash. and this is all the result of having the width company. then we noticed that the i am at the bank, that's the power base. the.


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