tv News RT June 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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of the, the, the money all my problem suffers a major blow in the 1st round of snuff parliamentary elections and from the president's position lives in to 3rd place as the right wing national rally storms to a historic tough spots. and also at the home of the last embraced by his family, julius august, texas 1st step, spiked on a civilian soil following a grueling 14 year long retail bundled the
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what his liberty came after a british judge accepted the plea, deal struck with the us government for a guilty verdict which assault and she had little choice but to agree on the shooting that was among those who slammed washington for the overall situation. thing in the lower main example was said by getting the what can expander on us to retreat? i pricing that was fixed for the charging and conviction. public journalist for doing that job. that is a really allow me increasing. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know 3rd period to tell it harry, in country the, with the top stories from the past 7 days and right up to the moment developments as well. this is the weekly and r t international. welcome. or we do begin with
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breaking news to day and manual mccullin's centrist alliance has finished a distant 3rd in the 1st round of french legislative elections. a big blow for him topping the pallet. so this sunday wasn't reading the penn national rally and the result that has plunged the country into political on the certainty. according to the preliminary results, the raleigh took just over a 3rd of votes on offer. showing luc miller shortens left wing coalition called a new popular from finished 2nd with 28 percent. and there you go on the rise of your screen and number. the party of president emmanuel mcfall, who call the snuff election, remember following dismal results in the european parliament valid. e gotcha. or the party got 20 percent? well, maureen le pen has been celebrating the results with supporters, thanking them for their choice. does that go back to your minds the i can patch you
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that democracy has spoken? the french people have placed the national riley and its allies have defaults, rounded up for practically raising the max from this law. me please. first of all, as a political laser, i welcome the high level of participation which gives particular strengths to tonight's results. what the french have those in on the big us both demonstrated their desire to turn the page after 7 years of contemptuous and progressive. paula, we warmly sink the voters and welcome these results. step to what's and know, tentative choice as a mock of confidence that all nation and apply designs. so as mentioned, it was and mr. collins idea to call this now collections following, that's heavy loss. last month for his party in the european parliament vote. his openness to sending troops to you crane member that offer risk being further escalation, of course, in the conflict through sharp criticism from the off position that opposition
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headed by national valley leader from the end of the pen. and we can see their voting in northern friends today. here's the take on the bill. it's all to the crucial vote from part of space are to come from peter mutual morris. one of the things that the french initially liked about a menu item back home was that he appeared to be keen to slip into the mindset of former french president and world war 2. general shackled their good. the mindset of france being an honest broker between east and west refusing to go all in on either camp, but the writing was on the wall when the ukraine conflict went red, hot and maximum was 5 days walking around the palace in a dark hoodie that looked like he'd stolen it from his girlfriend, ukrainian president bly mirrors when skis passed gardener, fashion collection of the, the new vill, egoism. we have agreed on you deliveries on a long term basis, announcing the delivery of a 1st series on the last 2000 dash 5. and then the serial pilot training, which will immediately begin instructing,
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pilots and mechanics. we also proposed and decided together that friends would train and equip an entire ukranian army brigade as part of the effort to originate rates forces. that's around 4500 soldiers. we proposed we decided together. well, that's nice. know who wasn't involved in any of that decision? making as part of that, we, the french people who needs effectively committing to fighting the war against russia. starting with sending in trainers. it's not like the law makers that french voters democratically elected and who are accountable to them, have never even declared war against russia. and the president isn't supposed to have that power. if the russians were to break through the front lines, if there were a ukrainian request, which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question. i have a clear surgical objective restaurant can not when a new grade. so teacher said, not call, i certainly use all the right words the charm. the western level is the establishment
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. nato secretary general at the end, stoughton for who was effectively just the chief populace. s p r guy for the western military industrial complex lobby because a bug. busy so i'm on the red um, thank you for your warm welcome on your kind words and thank you also for an excellent meeting this afternoon. i'm at bill. so thank you for your store on a personal commitment to the transit time taking hollins on to natal. it has really been a great privilege to work, so falls through with you over all these years. but say over to somebody, i once our position to be clear to formulate it and we'd be more support president more crohn's initiative, just send instructors to ukraine. and by the way, this simply shortens the past to learning french public generosity is really wearing send at this point in light of macros attempts to effectively ease the french people into this conflict with the back of this boon. as the from saying goes 68 percent of the french don't think that he should have even
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a vote. the notion of putting western troops on the table for ukraine, 74 percent of them, don't want them on the ground over there ever. that is this choice in the french election. it's teen macola versus team pretend period. that that's hard insulting people's intelligence at all. it is a demonstration above all for peace against the spiral war into which mat, chrome, the european union and nato are leading us. we are tired of others deciding and speaking for us. we're the sovereign ones. we're the ones who must speak for ourselves. we have a salary, but despite the salary, we called me till needs because we are in fact move in on dated with bills and we have almost nothing 0 money left to live on. we are in perpetual survival. we put bucks if the economy to bump that will be people who are looking for food and garbage cans. people who have housing problems. i think we are entitled to them on the better to achieve, to who best of the history of humanity,
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the pollution of humanity, people who are already financially struggling from that home blindly following the use economically devastating demands for ukraine, asking even domestic ministries like finance ministry to cut budgets to pay for more funding and more weapons for you frames just done about the leading figure in both the european and the national campaigns for the pens party and the most likely candidate for prime minister of the party wins has at least been talking like he's thrown down a few boundaries, say that the hordes that of course, i think that this is francis roll, that they should have plates to maintain these rates line between both supports in ukraine to lobbies, to hold the problems with the equipment needed and avoiding the risk of escalation with russia when the president of the republic goes so far as to say, we can send troops before the end of the year. we can possibly consider serving the nuclear deterrence with all your pain partners. i believe that sees cross in red lines. nothing the pen herself is also fire,
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some warning shives over the back of the french president mac same over what he could expect if her party wins this weekends both to the chief of the armed forces for the president is an honorary title. since it is the prime minister who holds the purse strings, jordan has no intention of picking a fight with mister, i'm a cron, but he has set red lines. the president will not be able to send troops to ukraine . so what she's saying there is that nicole may be president, but it's the french national assembly that controls the purse strings. there's been major debate here over the past few days about how much has already been allocated, how much can be club back and to what extent macros prior ukraine deals could be real did. in any case, it's a reminder that elections absolutely have consequences, and this one could certainly have significant ones for our practice involvement and you frame as well. we spoke to several french nationals voting of their embassy here in moscow today who shared their hopes for what may come from the ballot.
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there would assume a criminal my mom, my, who's the don't relationship with russia will continue. normally the russians are all friends. we shouldn't be in conflict with russia. ok, so every time, for instance, against russia, it has a loss. so it's an interest to be side by side with an i'll show you that we see a memo said there's always my expect changes to these elections. look at the situation in front is already at a standstill. it's degrading. i can't say exactly what those changes should be. probably economic, but the social political 40, the physics on is that service. it's complementary. elections always complex. if you expect to lots of things with i don't think much is going to happen. unfortunately, the national parliament does not have a lot of talent, but i still want to support a policy that really likes, as the saying goes, expect nothing remain hopeful. especially when any cap i school owns about, it's always delicate. we can't know for sure what will be done, but we saw what happened after the european elections. the assembly was dissolved
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and more voting. now, people have shown that enough is enough that they demand transformations. the government has already started trying to frighten people, talking about insurrections or something. can i just hope that people will react to the entire situation, especially those in the governments can so that they realize it can't go on like this. so i'm probably going to go most of the, the home guardian prime minister says he's taking on the brussels that leads directly after announcing plans to form a new alliance in the parliament called patriots for europe. and now we are creating a political group, which in my opinion, will be like a booster rocket and will soon become the largest political group in europe. what europeans want is 3 things, peace order and development. and what they are getting from the elite in brussels today is war migration and stag nation. i'm going by the way as boys to take off
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the presidency on monday for the next 6 months. victor or button sees austria's freedom party on the check republics in o have joining the alliance. but it requires for more nations to be recognized by the e. u. parliament parties from at least a quarter of the $27.00. you states are needed to form a new political grouping. on the establishment forces surged in popularity among voters and the recent, the parliamentary elections in both fronts. and it's really euro skeptic parties either surpassed or gained significant ground against mainstream candidates. a strong defense of national interest is one of the main attractions for voters, according to homeless on the sending of their taxes the fund international wars is not a country's interest. do not include with this tribute, seen and handing over our techs money to europe, stats of states. it is definitely not one of them. one of germany's in here it's
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interest is that you crane is not part of the european union. the greens have caused inflation and the industrialization by interfering in the war and ukraine, sanctions and economic warfare are harming our citizens here in germany. because free and peaceful trade with the whole world benefits our country. and we want to drill that out. long gary and political commentator on call them is george zamarelli say's nationalist parties are rising in the u on victor or upon wants to be the one who steers their direction. it is obviously the exploring thing. the uh, the move in europe as was reflected in the recent um, european uh, fall of metro elections. and he probably feels that really the elections uh this sunday and next sunday in from will lead to a victory for national. right. and maybe even the formation of
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a national riley government. and then in the full, they're going to be the regional elections in germany, which are likely to result in a good results for the alternative production and positive. so yeah, he thinks of this is the moment which is kind of the nationalist, the policies in europe are a big go to the trans. and there's going to be a lot of resistance and it's not immediately clear how he is going to be able to have uh get and i look for um, you know, and national policies uh into this uh, blog. and we could probably get some, some uh, members from us or back a he has very good relations with um, a robot. uh fit. so it is, oh by prime minister. um. but he will be a little difficult to uh, to, to build this uh, this alliance after and almost decade on the half long maybe the bottle
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with the legs thunder julian, his um should be imprisoned in the u. k. has returned home to us truly been reunited with his family. its after a clean deal was this week struck with the us government the a lesson just released sparks celebrations across whose native love the court hearing which took place in the us pacific island territory of site pump. so the publisher played parcel get to via leaving american espionage law and exchange for his rings. a number of australian lawmakers say it should never have come to that they're worried about the president, his case has said, and i will, i will flag the one allow me issue and that is today on us to
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recreate a price and it was 6 for the charging and conviction of a journalist for doing that job. that is a really alarming priesthood. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know 3rd period to tell it harry, in country. it is not what we would expect from the united states, or similar country loc and stria. well, i think it seems a chill down the spine of journalists world war that this president has been sick and it means out there is more work to do to push for lady of freedom and protections for journalist. so they can do that and you'll be able to be a free man indeed, despite the massive sense of relief and joy over joining us on, just release the whistle blowers lawyer sees the case. that's how the chilling i'd come on. that,
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in washington's pursuit of investigative journalist who don't chose the line, must not simply fade into the background. mister assad should reveal the truthful, important, and news worthy information, including, revealing that the united states had committed war crimes. and he has suffered tremendously in his 5 for free speech for freedom of the press and to ensure that the american public and the world community gets fruitful and important news where the information that is full of journalists, a huge cited states, prosecuted that they dispose most for science, so for the $75.00 pairs of prison, that is what has it showing up today? the decision is time for mr. science to go home. that does have a feeling chilling. the fact is, the united states pursuing journalism has a fine, i think this is the 1st and last time. a julian, a sons', is a free man. now that he accepted a guilty plea and answered a guilty plea in
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a us federal court in the mariana island. now julia sanchez, attorney made clear that while he will comply with the requirements of the delete certain sensitive information, the work of which he leaks will continue 62 months in belmore to get this deal with the leases for work will will continue. and mister saw, i have no doubt the continuous force transparency. government use of course. so now in order for julian assigns to accept the plea deal for time served no supervised release in order to return to australia, a free man. after 14 years of a legal battle, plenty of time and a british prison, julian hassan had to formally admit guilts and, you know, plead guilty to a criminal charge violating the u. s. espionage act. this is what was said in the
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tense moments in the u. s. federal court house working as a joiner this time covers my source to provide information that was set to be classified in order to publish that information. i believe the 1st amendments protected that activity, but accept that it was a violation of the espionage statute. i believe the 1st amendment and the espionage act in concert diction with the child, the but i accept the would be difficult to win such a case given all the circumstances. it's been 14 years so that you and a sanchez been facing off in a legal battle. and at this point, we see him on his way home after quite a bit of time, walled up in the ecuadorian embassy, quite a bit of time in british prisons along extradition battle. now around the world, many are looking on and seeing this is an example of hypocrisy on the part of us leaders who constantly lecture the world about freedom of the press, the protection of journalists, freedom of speech,
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etc. let's review everything that has happened to julian assigned over the course of this 14 year saga. the . this appears to be the end of julia saunders 14 year saga, but it's not the last of which he likes. we were awaiting a statement from julian to sondra about what comes next. but at this point, many around the world who rallied in support of julian hassan protesting, making social media post, raising awareness,
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doing everything they could to highlight his case. and the danger is it pauses to freedom of information and journalistic protections. many people around the world are happy to see him free, so many are also worried about the implications of the guilty plea. he entered in the us federal courthouse. ok to nigeria and a deadly day at least 18 people have been killed on dozens more wounded in a series of attacks by reportedly females suicide bombers and the countries north eastern states on board. no local correspondent, tennessee obeys who has more and what's not to the stage. police and emergency agency has confirmed 3 blasts took place on saturday, and the town of was in north is one state, one of the epa centers of a 15 year long insurgency by both around and the split a group. as long as the west, off of the province authority, se agents, people were cute and dozens, all those injured in want to top. a woman carrying
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a baby designated and improvised explosive device at a wedding venue. i've already said another suicide bomber target at a hospital in the same town. as of the last, a talk was later carried out of the funeral for victims of the wedding blast. no group has claimed responsibility for the attacks. what's the attack beer or the hallmark of terrible operating in the region for g is both around has in the past use the women and girls as suicide bombers. thousands of survivors are being treated in the hospital with varying degrees of injuries, including abdominal ruptures, called fractures. and limp process. the town of was i was seized by many times in 2014. what was taken back by the niger and military withheld from child in forces. the following year, the group have continued to launch attacks from the child from the high adults. the
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price is spreads to missouri to my room and sat as well as the countries of the military alliance to 5 to live stream is groups. in april, i bought a house that also got counted tardy was in stomach and hondas of delegate, including the had to states to, to work together, to arrange the support of terrorism on the continents. timothy peasy, r. t, and materia, as well, we discuss this. so it's time to go over the 2nd who formerly saw to run for the countries presidency. he shared his views on some of these attack and the overall security situation across the reach the government. but the time the boys, uh, did you have a classic bowl? i'm professional more to do the pickup or was previously judy. yeah. that'd be a ways to us just inviting these duties. but sometimes when you look at the my, the detailed is by jim to saying that we are asking our school just to see where
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level one, which file to be coming to this point in the lab. and for this one, during 2001 and start to talk to you of we saw him is much more than one percent. no, he doesn't really need to talk to somebody to start. so when you said the best buy to how things really big is the grizzly diabetes, did the total keep getting born dogs total golf course to leave me behind it? and that is why you see when the americans or the united states, see the funding support. do you, you did that? there is no this high level coming to been from the 40s impulse, people substantiating, we want them to be the same from us, getting them to the point. but we do not believe me. when do you know, a group of us congressman of taking name that you can do is controversial empty homosexuality there. calling for authorities to revoke the quote for
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a quote in law which violates human rights. it is difficult to overstate the grows in humanity. have you gone? does andy homosexuality act instead of focusing on rooting out corruption or ending extrajudicial killings that you've gone to in parliament, president and constitutional court have chosen to mark l g b t 2 plus your guns is less than human. congress must not be silent. in the face of such systematic state sponsored discrimination district, coney in law stands in clear violation of universal human rights. this resolution shows that members of the united states congress stand with l g, b, t, q i plus ugandans, and demands immediate repeal of this unjust law so that all your guidance can lead safe, healthy lives, free from fear $21.00, lawmakers and all signed a resolution demanding the policy be repealed, they also support the continuation of sanctions imposed on current and former uganda and officials. a reminder of the anti gay acts, a punishes ugandans with
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a life sentence in prison for engaging and same sex relations levies a 20 year term for those quotes, promoting homeless sexuality and a bit of thought, which he said to protect the site, to the off family the law was elected in 2023 and has been upheld by you get this constitutional court. the white house was put to reduce your military and 8 to the east african countries on entry. choose multiple sanctions including face restrictions. kampala has accused washington of trying to interfere in this domestic affairs and pushing and l g p t. agenda, globally, a pro, family activists, pastoring uganda. we spoke to saves americans actions are oregon and demonstrate a security. are too complex for an interference is in total disregard this of writing to nations is a total disregard to democratic institutions which include the quotes of low cost,
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additional cost, and it has um, iron gods over racial superiority. which saves that because for us we have white americans. we. oh, oh america. we can tell you africans, what do you think? yukon, practice democracy. you can't make your own laws. you kind of decide values for yourself. i think this is very unfortunate because it's making america lose its friends because you, god is a by and large, many of them are christians and the as my united states of america. but unfortunately, the way that i was being built over many years is being pushed away because of this obsession. if we're talking about the printing democracy, we need to elect the institutions of government. but let the courts decide, not someone in america telling us what to do.
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and finally, switching gears a crowd has gathered outside the hotel in the center of moscow, where world famous american robert county west is reported leasing large numbers of funds to run to the buildings entrance to catch a glimpse of musical icon. but police and security team spoke a ride. don't seem to keep the products away from the hotel. the excited spectators were then contained behind fences chanting or continuing to jump. the artist name we heard from some of the world famous store has come through all the last country as a fan, i go through all the much inputs each on it. so here's what i came just to see. at least we hope that they will do some shows in moscow. i also hope that can come to see potential concent menus. i was just traveling by boss so that there was a crowd and decided to try my luck. i've been standing here for 2 hours waiting. of
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course i want to say lots of things to him, but even just to see him would be a thrill for me. the media reports of west arriving in moscow to celebrate the 1st day of his bronze chief designer here russian citizen, gosh, it was june, speak the comforter, verse largest tour of the capitol of visited moscow was main department store grim it was reported today as well. phones are hoping he will perform a concert while in time, but no word on that happening. so let's just keep you updated. now. the federal government's giving free cash to all us citizens, the square economic growth of the priest in a politic cut at work. or is it simply socialism on steroids or document your team exports about next on the road in america? the
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. the there's 2 things we love in this country. it's cash and freedom. anybody's ever been poor here can tell you that in america, if you ain't got no cash, you ain't got no freedom shackle jack, i'll do a job that exploits you. shackled to a good interest, right? this apps, you drag shackled to medical bills for ailments, so they could have their own student loans, their default, they know it's an oppressive in this heartening state of affairs. that leaves people doing whatever they can just describe by because they don't have any other choice and that's not freedom. but the universal basic income can give you.
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