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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 1, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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has been part of the problem in this case against the sauce, is that not that he actually has classified materials, stone classified materials, but that he knew how to do it somehow and remotely talked, bradley manny through this process. it was absolutely, and not only did they not have the evidence that he did that, the witnesses that they used cars, the with the main, the witness, a guy named durgy or something, whatever it was of the guy was, you know, a prophetic witness. he admitted that he lied, he was a convicted pet of, i mean, it was an absolute disaster, but i think a big part of it was they didn't want him to come to court because a, they spied on the uh, defense team, which means, i mean, it would be difficult to get that past the supreme court. you could not make an argument that he would have that he got a fair trial. i don't think they wanted to get him there because they didn't want to get in front of the supreme court lose number one and number 2 clearly because of the election. so they got, they got a conviction of some type and they moved on because i think they knew they have
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enough trouble. right now, politically and joe biden was looking for this was about the election in my opinion about the 2024 election. yeah. trying to get the left flank such as it is of the democratic party to kind of get off of his back a little bit. yeah, i agree with you. i think it's very politically motivated, but look again, this is what's happened with the saw. what's happened with trump and a lot of his trials, what happens with the most whistle blowers in their trials, right. is that you get these, these crimes that are process crime tried so they never found him guilty or even got him to plead guilty to come in in the crime. it's a conspiracy charge, which means it's a thought crime. but let me say this a court had ruled that his actions had not endangered anyone. right. and so again, it's a fault crime. no one was in danger. because of this, however, the state department spokesperson matthew miller, he seemed to miss that memo. he insisted to reporters this week that a song didn't do wrong without really explaining what the wrong was. listen to this, but are you satisfied that the case is over? so look at the just the department spoken,
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then i don't have anything to add. obviously the, obviously the, the master put out a statement that said, we're happy to work with our streaming colleagues on it and that remains the case. i do think it is important when we talk about julia sons' to remind the world that the actions for which he was indicted and for which he has now to guilty your actions to put the lives of our partners, our allies, and our diplomats at risk, especially those who work in dangerous places like afghanistan and iraq, i actually did talk to the state department. and i don't remember there being any public that there was a public concern that was raised about the potential security risk. those 2 sources who might have been quoted was there actually any, did you ever discover anyone who was injured? killed had to go into hiding. so because of them, so a few things about that one. i can't give you a definitive answer only because i wasn't here at the time. you know,
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if you drive drunk down the street and get pulled over for drunk driving, the fact that you didn't crash into another car and kill some one doesn't get you out of the uh, of your direct was actions and endangerment that you put your fellow citizens and it's the same thing. same principle applies here, right? well i, i, i don't think that it does, but the fact the matter is that the state department has been leased, as far as i know, and maybe i'm wrong. but there's been, as never been able to point to anyone who was compromised or killed or, i mean the guys, there's so much wrong with everything that was just said there in that news conference. let's start with the fact that 1st of all, what kind of analogy is the, if you're driving down the street drunk and you don't crash anyone, and that has nothing to do with what we're talking about. secondly, the fact that you make a very definitive statement as the state department spokesman saying, there were lives at risk, they were partners and people whose lives were endangered. and then you say, give me an example. and he says, well, i can give you an example because i wasn't here. so then the,
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what do you even talking about please react, go ahead. he doesn't pay, he doesn't know what he's talking about. yeah. and what this really demonstrates is the power and how far they will go to control the narrative. this is about the story. this is about the narrative. this is not about reality. and this is the same story that's being told by the new york times. it's the same story as being told by the washington post joy of the saw just free. and julian massage uh, pled guilty, and julia massage, put the lives of people at risk. he didn't put lives at risk. what he did was embarrass american diplomats. he, he tarnished the images of hillary clinton and then her ill. 1 m, m and, and their sensibilities. this has nothing to do with putting anybody in danger or impair all that did not happen. why girl? and he embarrassed the bush administration. he embarrass permanent washington. he
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embarrassed the obama administration as well. my rightly says he embarrassing the, the clinton's, the truth is though, is that i think you make the argument. julia massage, didn't in danger. people's live, see save people's lives by exposing a war in iraq and afghanistan, where civilians were dying of an incredibly high rate. it wasn't until a function which he makes were brave enough to reveal this information that the public said wait a minute. all these people who are be in killed over there aren't going to be combatants. they aren't so called insurgents, whatever that means. and they started to realize there are civilians in massive numbers who are being killed in these wars. i would argue that a fun save people's lives by revealing the stuff, not putting people in danger. what say you well, and what we saw with the state department spokesman was the good, think of the narrative. they all get together and they say certain things and not say he was quite flat footed when he made this statement that he put people's lives
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at risk with in his group. no one would say, well, give me an example. there is no, it pissed them illogical context within that group. it's simply let's make a statement. he put people's lives at risk. he's not. obviously, he was not accustomed to someone saying give me example of that. it was just that. what within our group, this is what we all say. this is the story. and no one's going to challenge that story or poke it that story and his group and they and, and you see the state department spokesman get caught every single time someone is given the opportunity to ask a question. that digs below is superficial narrative that they have, they always get caught flat footed. well, that's so well said because engine, you're absolutely right because the reality is he's not used to anyone's saying who with what he's talking about. and so instead he says, well, i don't know, i wasn't here. well the why are you? we were talking, why are you up on this mind? this podium right now talking is as if you have some kind of knowledge, your expertise in this area. and i think this is again, this is
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a problem in permanent washington, is that there is this prevailing narrative that surrounds everything. and it's in this ridiculous kind of groups speak in which they do say things like working leaks, endangered the lives of our partners. he lives in danger anyone's lives. how about how about the military pilots who are shooting journalists and in the interact and killing reuters journalists. and that's where they'll bi weekly leaks where's. where's the condemnation of that in the lives of journalist that was put on the line? the danger comes to the 1st amendment, the in terms of the attack on the freedom of speech. the danger comes as americans are not being told the truth by their government. about how their tax dollars are being spent, how atrocities are being committed in the, in the names of american people. and unfortunately, there are too many people in that press corps that are so desperate for excess that they won't do with that state department reported it. they will question the
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narrative. they will not put those individual standing at the podium or at the dies on point and ask them you just said something. now can you provide data to support it? they won't do that because they want to be sure that they get to ask questions. they don't want to get the reputation of going against the grain and not following the narrative. well, i hear you guys are both right about that. you're both very brave journalists in your own right. but the reality is, is that when you have this, this merging of, you know, permanent washington, the bureaucratic state, the state and these agencies that run everything with the media, which we've seen now for at least 20 years. we're no one questions, anything anymore that's. that's precisely the problem. but guys, let me hold you over because don't go anywhere. when we come back, we're going to delve into the controversy surrounding us missiles. immeasurably used to kill civilians in ukraine. plus, we're going to unpack the dramatic failed to attempt that rock south america this week, our panel returns after the break to discuss these pivotal events, say to the
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by the early 1950. can you became one of the centers of resistance to colonialism if africa, the british invaders infringed on the most basic rights of the local population? great britain pursues the policy of squeezing out the local population from their indigenous lands. the best airable areas were given to white farmers dooming canyons to poverty and hunger. this caused the sharp protest of the peasants and led to the emerging of the mile mile movement, which started the fight against the invaders. the rebels called themselves canyon land and freedom army. this spiritual leader of the movement would be anti colonial, active as domo kenyata, the freedom fighters used carrillo tactics and attacked individual units of the
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greatest troops. the latter responded with massive air rates and artillery effects . when suppressing the uprise of london relied on maximum cruelty over $50000.00 canyons were killed. about 300000 people were thrown into abrasions and concentration camps where tortures, in no way inferior in girl z to the nazis was widely practiced. the veracity of the colonial list only led to the temporary success. in 1963, the british empire had to recognize the independence of gain. yeah. however, the colonial raising left behind a trail of blood and wounds that canyon nation has not recovered from on sale. now . the, [000:00:00;00]
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the oh, what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to shape out the application and engagement because the trails when so many find themselves worlds of parts,
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we choose to look for common ground the the, what is part of the the employee would post good. isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present good. let's stop without cases let's go products or. 6 the,
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[000:00:00;00] the permissive use the model, i want you to see if you can show better. so let's come, you need to go to somebody. me. so i'm trying to go to new and go over some new move from me to the porch. somebody just a little god's username and then for us do something. so most of the items to some of the things you must pick with the stuff i did the meals that the goal of man is are you know, the lose problem. so kind of so much so mental issue,
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oil you so you don't have to in the 100 you're dealing with for 2 levels of the and welcome back to direct impact on bins one in for rick sanchez. and this is the we can review switching gears now. to southern russia where ukraine launch strikes on sunday targeting the city of stuff is still full. at least 4 people were killed, including 2 children over a $150.00 people were left injured and many of them. as you'll see in this video, we're simply enjoying the end of their weekend, of the, of the car from the body. i was relaxing at a result when i heard an explosion that a 2nd explosion understood something, flew into the building from the sky. i went out into the balcony to see what was going on. everything was covered in smoke. people was screaming, i saw something full into the building. it was about the size of a bed. people were shouting your fire,
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your fire from all the neighboring buildings from the residential complex. people ran with everything they could to put out the flames. go. and it is an incredible story. but maybe the most interesting part of the story though, is that russian defense officials say the strikes were carried out using american attack in most missiles, which can only be operated. we're told by us experts, reportedly all flight coordinates need to be input by american specialist. using american intelligence. so let's bring back my crew of guest. now doctor wilmore leon. and garland nixon hosts of the critical our on radio. sputnik. all right, let's start with you girl in here. um, i mean, obviously this is a major story if, if what is being reported is true, that these were american missiles fired by americans. that's already a big part of the story, but maybe even bigger is remember this, this strikes replacing crimea. we've been told for years now that crimea was illegally amex, and it actually belongs to ukraine and it's full of ukrainians. and yet these missiles were fired, undoubtedly by ukraine,
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which means that ukraine was firing on their own people. and a couple of things here. number one, and that is that we all know that these are, these were americans the technically as r f k, junior stated recently, that's an active war to buyer. um for the us that this was not new brain that ukraine does not have the technical capability to fire these missiles. this was the united states government firing weapons at civilians in russia. it's an active war, which is in fact, a constitutional violation because the president of the united states does not have the authority to commit an act of war without running it through congress. number one, number 2, i'll say this, the idea that your brain wants to re annexed millions of crime meetings and millions of easter, a people in don best who speak russian and their, their, their, their, their, their language is outlawed and their religion is outlaw number one and number 2, if they came back in his so called democracy, they'd be allowed to vote,
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which means that they vote as a block and put in a but a pro russian government in, in ukraine. so even the idea that they want to re exit that they want to bring these people back into the ukranian. um, you know, a nation is in, in, in, in of itself preposterous. uh it absolutely is a boomer, i think, to, to garlands point about this being an active war. the reality is it's not just unconstitutional for any who was president to, to engage in war without a declaration of warrant congress. but that hasn't happened since world war 2, so that's not going to happen. what i think is even more striking here though, is that they're not even admitting that they're doing it. so it's not just that it's illegal, it's that it's illegal and it's being done in secrecy as well. this goes back to the point that i made in the previous segment. and that is the united states and citizens of the united states. not being told the truth about the actions that are be being taken by the american government with american taxpayer dollars and,
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and they aren't being told what, what is being done in their names as to the issue of ukrainians firing on ukrainians to the earlier point. the garland made, these are considered to be ethnic russians. they, they speak russian the they follow the rough russian orthodox church. in fact, this was done on a sunday on a holiday when the beach was crowded full of, uh, uh, crimean slash ethnic russian in individuals. and this was not some benign event by the united states to your point attack homes are only used by american soldiers. this was as robert f kennedy junior, so aptly said, this is in fact a war, correct? absolutely. all right, let's, let's move on here. so we got a lot in the cover when i show you guys video that we've collected here, arm demand rate, bolivian government policies in an attempt at seizing power and it fails,
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checked us out the . all right, so this is where things get interesting. juan jose is any guy, the legs, leader of this code, was now under arrest and claiming this was all a plot to boost the popularity of the president louise are say, the do you guys believe that or could there be other reasons behind all of this darling go 1st. well,
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what as soon as i found out that the believe the government had signed a deal with russia to my lithium, i knew it's just a matter of time before the resume changed crazy. so over at fault the bottom made their move. but this just to me shows that let's just say they've lost their fast ball. if you look at the, in from this debacle called the bay of pigs with where they sent a bunch of guys in wandering through the jungles who literally lost a gun fight to fishermen. right. and you realize that they just don't have it anymore. and now what did they do? but if you look into this, they like occupied the square in front of the presidential palace. that's how far they got. so i mean, it's the area was the original name of the change attempt. yes. in, in, in, in, in practical application, if this is the best they got, i don't think they could overthrow you know a, uh, a fast food restaurant at this point and i'm glad of that. well, it seems like that is the problem. it does seem to be getting worse. i would say if you track, especially a lot in south america, the,
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the competency of coons going to be in his way line. and this whole thing that was tried with one of why no, it just, none of it makes any sense. what we're, you know, it doesn't and cruise i think have been going on in, in bolivia for 1946. 1945, something along those lines. we know that the ball morales is waiting in the wings waiting to run for re election. and if this, if this was a cool attempt, please, no one try to present a call on my behalf because with clean slaughters like this, who needs enemies? absolutely. all right, let's look at the coup waters. let's say i finish up here with the us secretary of state anthony blinking announcing a new state department partnership. you can make the stuff up with youtube music according to a press release. it is all part of an effort to further the united states elevated commitment to use music to promote peace and democracy,
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promoting peace and democracy through music. anthony blinking. i mean, this is again, it's called the called the secret stuff will work. come on, anthony, blinking i, when we know that he's like an amateur guitar as has something like awful rock band from the sixty's. but this guy working with youtube, i guessing the thing that makes it not funny to me is the fact that youtube is such a sensor around the world in terms of what they're able to do when you ever use a partnership with the state department. it's not a good thing. you know, it's not in been, i don't know why you're trying to insult amateur guitar is by calling back stuff. think. yeah. blinking an amateur guitars. he's an amateur. yes, no question. but am sure good. but the, the already here is that the bite in ministration is on the march against social media big. but if they really want to promote peace, they would allow a free or dissemination of information within the sphere of social media platforms
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. but no, that's not what they want to do. they want to clamp down on media platform. so it is very ironic that they are turning to youtube music to promote peace. and i wonder what artists are going to use to do so. well, not only what artist they use, but all the money taxpayer dollars, then you're going to get pumped into youtube music. now, in order to help get, again, push it up. but you know, we do something for you and you've got to do something for us. so i don't think since the 19 sixties and seventies have we actually had music that was a part of a resistance to anything that government has done. that's been pretty much wiped out, but this almost guarantees that that doesn't come back, does it not girl. yeah, yeah, and this is the larry is because, you know, as a person who does the youtube show, i can tell you the one thing that you're going to get censored for on youtube is trying to promote peace and democracy. so the idea that they somehow thought of 180, or they had a lot of lead a bit of, i could say a 360 it's kind of hard to believe. but the other thing about his did so now tony blanket wants us to believe that he's trying to from the piece of democracy. how
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that going? totally blanking. i mean, let's look at his record. i was totally blinker efforts to promote a piece of democracy in the world since he has come to office working. i have a funny feeling that if you evaluate the results of his work, you'll uh, you won't, we will come to a conclusion that the either he is not good at it, or he's like, well, or, or got a general eventually be pacing ukraine walter. the piece and gaza won't there, but when you get to read the find the words piece and democracy when you create your are own meaningful those words. and i, i suppose it can be that we're living in the time we're up is down and down is up freedom in slavery and slavery is freedom. democracy and peace are actually tyrannical. regimes like what zalinski is running in ukraine right now, but blinking sir. busy about that stuff, guys. great, having you on with us today. thanks so much for your insight. you back there next week and that is our show for you on been swan will see you next time with more
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stories that make a direct impact. the, the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such orders at conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously is to create a trust rather than to the various things with artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the most protect this phone existence was alexis, the
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hello, and welcome defrost of full force. here we discussed the wheel in the 1935 passes, italy, led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial empire in africa and take over the opiate. by that time, ethiopia was the only fully independent states on the continent. back in 1896, its inhabitants were able to defeat the italian colonies and defend their independence. since then, rome craved for revenge for the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october, 3,
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1935. without any announcement. the fuss is attacked, ethiopia, and bombarded most severely. d. d. o. b. an armed forces bod, courageously. but the roots have a d. a. b, a. tell you and knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also chemical weapons. toxic gas is this james the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia by the fascist 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval. britain and france recognize the annexation giving the green light to a further fastest expansion in the world and paving the way for the outbreak of world war 2. decades of the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast,
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remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan. pro french president, felix, who said one year, ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest the from the dead. the government dean isn't in the trunk, then there's no single new foster larry ship goods was done. those who saw him a little more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to long come back. ball came to power. and i'm ready to double for example. yeah, 2 is why do you know if we're picking up from the standpoint? isn't good enough for tiffany to one is the one the bronze demetrius, the dean. good luck. boeing. enemy, a deep political crisis ensued. walk a, the country 2nd largest se turned into a theatre of law almost from 130 to the other 2 voters of mortgage or how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is black a recovering from?
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he is a bloody conflict. watch on see the power of the national riley policy take the lead in the french legislative election with president not chrome defense on the called the nations prime minister issues of the tall warning the public to declare our objective is clear to prevent the national riley from obtaining an absolute majority in the 2nd round from dominating parliament and therefore from governing the country within a serious plan. it has in mind this the basement of the government definition and


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