tv News RT July 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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[000:00:00;00] the the degraded security service claims is for the sat by active is just one of the countries parliament and off the common leadership about some of the questions of a lot of means. the last key is legitimacy as this to be expired in may. it since the thoughts of having a novel was really come on, guys wake up and facebook savvy on the way to and the ukraine conflict, and that's according to renown position and acquisition. georgia. once i get an exclusive interview with our team, and the us supreme court has ruled about the former presidents have maps to the
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theme unity itself. of the prosecution for official acts commenting on the case against donald trump, who was indicted for ways to contact you with the 2020 election. the . this is our team to national routine. you live from my new center with moscow? i am michael caught you up with the updates or by your great and security service claims. as for the planned by so called civic activist could take over the countries parliament had removed the current leadership of this comes that made questions over let them use it as these legitimacy after his presidential time. well, for some expired at the end of may write down my colleagues task at taylor, this cost of this with audi corresponded martin that go sorry about the details are the following. that they were supposed to plan a protest that was the guys the premise to get themselves near that ukrainian parliament. apparently they even runs out
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a whole that could hold 2000 people that were trying to recruit soldiers as well as private militia. they is. this is a local public union ahead who apparently has a history was fine to create confrontations and conflicts and problems for the ukrainian government, but not very successful, apparently didn't know very successful this time either. let's hear some more from the ukraine in the security service and i'll place more be debate with them providing it. but as long as we reach you, under the guise of holding a so called national gathering their tuckers blend to announce the removal of the current military and political leadership of decreeing from power. then they hoped to seize the billing of the for holding their router and blankets work and local citizens were charged by prosecutors for i'll call him for a violent overthrow of the present governments. and as well as the constitutional order. they said, of course, that russians would be very happy about this, but they weren't involved. clearly. i do want to ask you, i mean, i mentioned obviously savanski is presidential tom came to an end at the end of may, there being discussions about his legitimacy. he counseled those elections,
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allegedly marshal, and move time. yes, that's what he claims, which is something that actually brought him a pollutant called him out on out 1st. we heard latimer pollutants angle ukraine. really needs to look into it's laws right now because even if we were to continue with peace folks who would we sign with? because legally speaking uh, zaleski is expired. he's no longer than ukraine and later. and also flattery offensive again a little bit later. literally 2 weeks later he looked then, so the ukranian constitution and said, well actually since a crane, as we know is not a pet of presidential republic, instead of holding out either it's the crate in parliament that actually can extend its powers during martial law. not depressed, and so it's actually they right now is should be the permanent body responsible for making decisions. so once again, if we are to talk about peace of who would find the document, it should be someone from the pull that out there, but they insist that it has to be their lives getting a nice, interesting little power load up, let them up with made since 2014,
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do you do is get to the bottom of the presidential time of the previously elected head. them ukraine has expired, along with his legitimacy, which cannot be restored by any tricks. the executive power in ukraine is once again as in 2014, his upton held illegally. in fact, it is illegitimate to say more of the situation with the cancellation of the elections is an expression of the very nature of the real god of the current regime in cuba. which grew out of the cool of 2014, is tied to it and has its roots there before. and i guess these 4 active as tried to repeats as sort of a my that who what we saw there. but maybe this time it didn't work out because it has no cookies, no help from the west. who knows, but this group, it seems very low scale. not a lot of people involved in much ado about nothing really. but it does show the general dissatisfaction with the landscape because the accomplices came also from a t, if not only from the east of the country. so i will talk to you about this general
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dissatisfaction. i mean, zalinski is popular to seems to be declining, obviously a mid battlefield losses as well where rina's just took us through if collections of this general mood and the country at the moment. we're all these videos that we're seeing with the forcible mobilization, not helping matters. and also you create in seems to be losing their patriotism as fewer and fewer people wants to go and fight for this one. i don't even know what they're fighting for. at this point, and they have this explore are leaders. so there is no one that they can reach to. also, of course, we know about the sake up and ukraine's military top brass. they can seem to agree military speaking politically speaking. so it seems to be a very unstable time. plato's pause again, they show that zelinski and just one here. he lost 20 percent support and also 37 percent and not approve of his accent. having said that, 70 percent want him to stay on till the end of this war. ok, fine. and hold the elections because your constitution actually allows the president to be changed for someone else to come in,
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or let them putting out the training upon them and being charged then. and while this coup attempt has been wanted to another one, how everybody's going arrive. one your train and member upon him and pointed out that the trains a keen on the collapse might become the trigger of a new might done. the comments potential has been exhausted and destroyed. the country has long stopped making money, will leave at the expense of the tech space of other countries, probably. and you might on a way to us even more ruthless and even more destructive. and the trigger for these will be a complete collapse. so they cannot make stability, which is only still survive in of the help of the west. you create it is defective in default on its debt. now they have to ask for it so, but huge, something like 60 percent debt forgiveness, which is just not going to happen. i think the will be the problem is that this is
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a very expensive games with. they are having to support you. crew to the tune of separate off on the $1000000000.00 a year, and they running out of money. and i do not see where they are going to come up with the something like trillion dollars, which is going to be necessary to rebuild the ukraine. deep the western moya teeth, a few crew. now there is certainly very important agriculture production. but the problem is there, they have to integrate with the you and the you already have some technical to crisis. the farmers are rebelling against the system. now we see that mr. mccaul is, has been humiliated the french elections. and uh, he is not going to be able to provide support for you. grades that he could, which was merely political employed, to save himself physical, the future in france, which is very compromised in the united states. it's so good test at this point,
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you don't really know what's gonna happen when it gets cut off. he stopped functioning as far as a, as far as financial inc. let's get kind of. it's not function is not early on my colleague rachel ruble, this cost of the training and prizes with a renown me the musician inactivation village of water. as a founding member of the british rock band, a pink floyd, he's a peaceful negotiations between the ukraine and authorities. and the bottom of putting all the on the way to end the conflict. and you can watch the full interview with roger waters care throughout the day on our team to national. but here's a little sneak peak on that for the fall as the war and the ukraine as well, a pretty close they have since it started in february 22. so that, so for me know, most interest to me. i cannot believe there are people in ukraine who still support the continuance of the war against rusher and new crime. i mean, everybody with hall for brain could see it was perfectly obvious that the people
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few credit and have an absolute right to live in peace. and hopefully some prosperity to bring up the children like everyone else in the world. but i believe that because i believe in basic human rights for every one, all our brothers and sisters, russian new brain in chinese, palestinian. let us not forget all over the world, irrespective of that misty or the religion of a nationality. so the soon as that we know, go negotiations and begin that between the russian federation and the government of the crate. and the better because this war has been complete since since the since the moment it started. i've been speaking about ukraine, figured the war should never have spelt it. and if the west were prepared to negotiate and listen to both sides of the conversation, it never would have done. it is friendship that all those ukrainian lives have been
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lost for nothing. it's not like they're going to get bad deal then they would have done 2 years ago in february 2022. when a peace deal has been done, let us not forget and the extent of agreements, and it was covered by the us government id by borrowers. johnson, who was the prime minister of incentives and stuff. it is tragic biondo measure. so i'll keep my fingers crossed that they can call an end to it now. and i'm come to a reasonable conclusion to it that supports everybody's securities, not just in eastern europe, by the way, not just ukrainian security in russian scourge. but the security of the rest of europe as well. because the, the, the, the, the governments of many a e u countries, rap thing, this savers as hard and loud as they come to french, the germans, the english to. and it's insane. the thoughts of having a novel wo,
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really, come on guys wake up. the answer is no, told to one anava. vladimir putin wants to talk, talk to him. what another topic discussed is the story of julia and assign you who was finally set free last week. roger waters who has been one of the most vocal assigned supporters for many years, believe his story shows western elite don't care to bother one of law. a drilling a song says the magpie and the head to the game keepers in the united kingdom, killed magpies, and they hang the dead bodies in the hedge as a warning to on the buds that might steal pheasant, said so whatever is there trying to protect the way that he was treated by both to you as some of the u. k. government is absolutely important. what they have done in the treatment of a song is they have freely and openly admits it,
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to the rest as well that they done gave of faith for the rules of law. you know, the americans always told him about rules by store to put rules based international by sort of but what that means to them is you do as i say, or we're going to carry. that's basically those are the rules by which the, by roger you had a, we miss you, i say a long day. oh that's, that's great. i've had to hear that you're a fan, a roger, and you had a chance to visit songs in prison last year. and can you tell us more about that visit? what did you see? what were, what were the conditions like that he was kept under? i was chatting to julian and he was, he was there and we were talking and the kids for running around and going off and, you know, getting a packet of crisps is stella and bob julian and nice tools. and i said, you're looking good because it was, he didn't look and he was smiling and i think he was glad to see me and whatever.
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and he looked to me in the eyes. anyone. i'm not i'm not good at all with my hop. so, fella po and not my motto. of course, you know, you're banged out for $23.00 and a half hours every day. you've been in a nearly 4 years now. before that you were locked up in ecuador, an embassy for a is and for why? because you told the truth about america, more crimes, among other things. yeah. was risk is the well, the face again, what should we expect from june unassigned to do next old. as in more on the full interview with our i don't want to watch it on our t dot com. the the us supreme court is rhodes, that former presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for official acts commenting on the case against donald trump,
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who was invaluable. his conduct during the 2020 elections events in the capital of january 2021, or quote the attempt to block the certification of the election were also on the list of the federal criminal cases that are now unlikely to proceed on the court. also note that transactions on related to his presidency may still be subject to persecution. at the bye, didn't campaign was quickly slammed the ruling despite the court stating it stems from the nations constitutional structure. while due by the end is rapidly losing public support in the wake of thursday's debate, which saw him take it up a beating from the arrival of candidate dillman from on live television. his family is reportedly urging haven to remain in the race while some permanent democratic figure. i suppose it till the coffin pointed out that the special role of the 1st lady fighting is, quote, unusually good source. the relations between the obama is and the bindings have
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never been home telling, save being hostile, but recently they've deteriorated further, mostly due to jo, bullied, and in the hours and days off to the debate, she kept her husband posted away from any one who might convince him to drop out jill by then is the driving force behind her husband's re election campaign just as she was in 2020 when other members of the family, including bite and assistive, val considered him to impaired to run to. now joe biden was among the 1st to back joe, after the debates liza stating that they can defined the president's diamond office . and that the, the re election campaign was still on the bottom. and sub tried to steady the the ship after his poor performance saying that the fight honda while acknowledging because the quote didn't have a great nice. that was what he said. let's take a look back at the highlights of the events work across people are still going to be the, the, the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more
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asylum of present drunk. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is who they don't think he knows what he said. he, that i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company can not have to pay you. and by the way, my son was not a loser, was not a sucker. you're the sucker! you're those are he sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the way we put the coven? i should be with dealing with everything we have to do is if we finally b, medicare, take the president by the while national opinion polls have shown growing a position to the incumbent president the bank in february, 63 percent of us, the respondents were against body and seeking the 2nd to following the debate about figure out has risen to 72 percent of the number of americans who say he's mentally
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on fits to meet the nation. has also increased that most respondents to a recent survey, 781 year old democrat, is simply too old for the job of following the debates. even the media, traditionally loyal to democrats, have had to change that teen a mr. boy didn't, has been an admirable president under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long term challenges and the wins ripped open by mister trump, have begun to hill with the greatest public service mister biden. to know before mister announced that he will not continue to run for reelection about job, i didn't support as a now grasping at straws to somehow justify his poor debate. performance for my house began as the policy has been urging the public not to make any decisions based only on one debate. but some of biden's allies have been claiming the president was simply exhausted at the days of pepper preparing to face off against
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the drum. others have even tried to put it all down to the event being held after biden's regular working hours. but let's trust not live to sean spilling political analyst on the feel. make out to give us insight into this . sean is good to have. you join me right now. i know you have heard so much of the watch. so much of the us for the debate. but let's talk about some of this issues right now. so the president's entire court is, is doing everything possible to save god biden's position off of the debate. although i've been managing so far how i've been doing, what's your assessment of what's going on here? it's very, it's very curious. i mean, i think um you have in the new york times, editorial staff, right, which is basically the liberal establishment you could say. did it not that right after i think over the weekend basically saying that for the go to the country
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bindings that step down. well, that's basically, again, that's the liberal establishment, basically telling you the way things that are flowing from the lip, from their perspective and the democratic party. now the democratic party itself is and the at least the bite. and that's why the obama factions seems to be rallying around by themselves. the obama basically public is a boarding. i'm saying it was about to be there basically trying to hold on to bite in, which is a surprise, i think, considering that it would seem that by that is now the weaker candidate that i don't know that you know, i don't know the pulls around. newsome or, or others, but it, it seems that he is in a week or position to actually be trump, given what the country just witnessed. and you know, there, i don't know what they're expecting. they're expecting that by the next debate will be stronger. maybe if they sneak, they put them on more drugs and more of i don't know suppers and things to can to get them going. it, i just think it's a very difficult position. they,
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they basically put themselves in here. so there is a real class that seems within the liberal establishment as to what they're going to do. now, what we'll see in mainstream democratic media, slum bite in for his performance during the debate. now how long use all this this in us politics to? yeah, it does seem relatively surprising. again, i think we talked about right after the date, it almost felt that he was being set up a bite and was being set up in a sense to show to the public how frail, how checked out. um, how, basically what you know, people say is, you know, how demented or how much dementia he's actually suffering from it was, this was there was no better opportunity because it wasn't like he gets it is control the stage as he does during, let's say a state of the union address, in this case, trump is to be trump, the energy is high, he's attacking by that and he comes across as, as, as, as shar, progressive, commanding, biting in next, the trump looks even weaker, even more passive,
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even more frail. so i think this was a great example, maybe where you could say that the democratic establishment set this debate up to get rid of bite. and as people have suggested before, the democratic national convention, right, where they could basically do some kind of deals with superdelegates to replace them. so again, this is a very curious moment where it seems that there was an establishment that's greater than the vitamin, vitamin obama clan. that's wanting to remove bite in and yet bite, and obviously is not necessarily gonna have to, well, he's going to do what his handlers tell him to do. i think at this point, all right, now let's delving to something else. developing right now, the supreme court has ruled out for my president's can not be persecuted for the official actions. so the case against funds a legend, deferring to the 2020 election is likely to fall apart. now the binding campaign has reacted to this with out rage. how would you characterize this reaction
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considering this reading would also cover by the mean, casey. lucy, selection is 2024. well, you know, again it's, it's, it's one of these things where i believe there is arguments be made for executive privilege within a limited scope, but not necessarily unlimited executive privilege. the issue around, you know, what trump did around the 2020 election. i think it's, it makes sense, the supreme court ruling, excuse me, because you're talking about trying to get to the bottom of, you know, was there really and it's not like these, these are not stretches of the imagination. ok. a dimension median wants you to believe that it's impossible to influence elections. going back to the 1960 election, whether it was kennedy versus next, and there was all kinds of allegations and this is not, this is just the recent history to go back through american history. has always
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been suspicions and accusations and all the way through 2002004 we there was all kinds of, you know, questions around the bush, the machines in 2004 in ohio and whether or not there was freaking against kerry. so the fact of a president basically saying, we want to make sure that this, that this has been done properly. i think that's within the executive purview. the questions around the executive privilege and immunity to me should have been raised around things like assassinating american citizens, which obama did the almost prove the fascination of, of the american american citizen and his son and blake in the name. but they were in the middle east at the time, they were called terrorist, there was no trial, it was an execution. those are the kind of things where if someone that actually brought a real case to question what of what constitutes executive privilege and immunity? that's an exciting, a great example of figuring out what the limits are as opposed to something like the election, which again, it wasn't like trump did anything over to actually overturn it. he helped riley's key. you obviously. ringback as you know, closing his perspective, but there was rigging,
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but it was nothing but he did. he didn't do anything you could say specifically tried to overthrow the united states. so i think this is a case where it was much clearer and something like obama assassinating american citizens. me. now, according to this ruling that the potters is granted absolute immunity for their actions provided this day in the constitution to look forward to not come. this is seen as a precedent to allow any president do what ever they want. i don't again, it's limited to my understanding of the law and i'm not a legal scholar, but i understand that it's a limited amount of executive immunity. and so this is where it gets very curious. so they said, i think that if there was, if they had brought cases, for example, how about bringing cases against abuse of the war powers? for example. um obama, as a war against cut off the without congressional approval. and i think lyndon johnson basically went toward the vietnam with a very, they expanded,
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i think they expanded mixing as well to expand it. what was allowed by congress, you know, to engage in war nixon's, bombing of cambodia, for example, that was part of the impeachment initially they were gonna go after him for so and i'm mixing isn't the 1st person or the last president, the bottom countries without congressional approval right, we saw that very clearly in the 2, thousands and the 2000 tense. so i think that there is a whole scope of, of legal issues that if you want to raise real questions around, what is the presidential immunity from, you know, let's say it's creating morris or the stabilizing countries, or bombing people killing people with the congressional approval and oversight, i think there is a real case for, you know, for this the idea of the executive, the executive community or, or whatnot, has its limitations around we have to leave you here. now political analysts in the field, my gosh on stone. thank you so much for your insight. now, staying in the us government plan to offer a controversial plea deal to american aircraft produce
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a boeing has spots resentment amongst families. of the victims of 2 fatal crashes. out of the plea deal reportedly includes a financial and penalty and imposition of funding, defending money to do what did the company for 3 years on the plane make? i is expected to the side by the end of the week, whether it will plead guilty to a full charge and avoid trial of the till fatal crashes. the bullying is accused of it took place in 20182019 claimed the lives of 346 people that the victims loved ones are not satisfied with the car in punishment. with often these accusing the federal government of cooking up a quote, sweetheart deal for boy. the justice department is prepared to offer to boeing another sweetheart plea deal. the families will strenuously object to this plea deal the memory of 346 in a sense,
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killed by boeing demands more justice than this. the issue is that the penalty is being proposed by the d. o j are totally inadequate both from the perspective of accountability for the crimes committed and from the perspective of acting in the public interest by insuring a change in boys behavior. i know we spoke to friends surveys for the next button for my pilots here with the logic pieces of the plea deal isn't the interest of the both the united states government and boeing itself. and so the on their interest to do as a bullying to another for the trial with the situation. and this is actually, so that's all the interest of the united states government to solve this problem then quietly, even if it involves things. the addition of the financial penalty and imposition of an independent monitor are long. the deals reported terms, i know nothing could compensate for the lives of 346 people, but is this enough punishment?
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well, no, that's not enough. but you have to understand that regarding the 737, max problem on the 2 crashes that you have. we had the experiments that grinding, a complete fleets of craft to solve the problem is costing, unfortunately for the lives of those people is costing much more money than to paint entities to fan the families of victims. and it's not the 1st, it's not the 1st time that i happen, that it is the 1st time that the complete fleet is grounded. and there was that there were so many problems that it's absolutely not surprising that boeing comes under strict unity of the if a and they have a trailer for this. what is surprising is that it should have happened much sooner to as just departments plans have infuriated the loved ones of those who died in those 2 crashes. what could the families of the victims do to get what they would
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could possibly consider injustice? is there anything that boeing could possibly do? well, nothing is going to bring back that live in any way. no money will bring back the the sorrow off the loss of that. so it's not someone that is beloved. what could bring justice is that bullying drawers? the problem? what could bring justice? is that being put in place all the processes and quality processes and manufacturing processes to uh to make sure that this problem that this problem does not happen again. um, but the problem is that bullying is facing so many problems today. if you've been listening to the news, you know, for example, but the bullying space shuttle that he's actually being cd the, the i ss may not even have to come back to earth within the next 3 months. because the need to solve the problem with this. so it's an for the us government, it's impossible to see boeing disappearing because you have going civilian. but boeing is also military and considering the time being unfortunately they cannot
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afford to lose this. so they have to find a solution. not bowling has been making headlines, as the number of incidents involving its aircraft rides is around the world. the federal aviation administration has opened multiple investigations into the corporations with the us department of justice say it may filed criminal charges against the company because of ongoing quality and safety said he is now pulling manufacturing processes have been on issue of concern with employees accusing the corporation of putting prophets over safety radio. we spoke to a bullying, whistle blowers add pearson and joe jacobson, who sounded the alarm over bullying plain quality gaps. the department of transportation in the united states is this is the overseer of the fx. and what we're seeing is the department of transportation is completely unengaged. they're
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