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tv   Documentary  RT  July 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

10:30 pm
the, the, the, the, the, the show. so we do is go on the bill is monthly, it does, but i'm sorry i got somebody, but most of the guy since i saw a piece of letting us know blue the the bid is the good thing because he's got
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pretty no room. i was the hurdle so you really grab the the the the, the words in see i've got the junior release. so the most of us loved the, the,
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the, the the, the, the, the, the, the the, the. 5 the last the, and it's the just in the, the most of the the to believe i was just giving you come up with the general number the dentist because the new year ba
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ba ba ba ba ba. so the of course on this uh, the mirror,
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the mirrors where do you know where to go back to the bottom of the issue, the bumble, because you can see the one to her but he just knew where do i go see him? your boss does it by the good stuff that i did change the why the senior partners. i'm a gosh. it's the the yeah. this but did, which is the,
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the gloss usually do the deal. was us why does that use the same idea? leslie does. what do, what do i do? not sure. the us but the mobile just some of the sudden the sort of know what the, the, the, the the, during the day i'm on the, on the make. i me did the adventure by the the, the, the session. the design yeah. because i
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heard you was in deep sleep. so what's going on to the thoughts of the assessment that some process that you're thinking february at the nearest uh the level is all about the blog. let me go ahead and let you know that the horse is important the the the to the bottom of the bus last by the
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way it. 6 was the. 5 last name. uh yeah. that'd be somebody that was in the is there any lab i don't know, but didn't yet. yeah. bill. yeah, the most and most of them me in the city some to susan. susan is the, the, the new bill there's, there's the, well,
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the good does a similar is got the the the, the monthly it's just me, i'm not saying you're one of them. so above that. so then the, so what do you guys have the frontier solution. what company can do to compare them to the new one?
10:39 pm
no. the the due process due to the no readers or do not know the sketch it the, the lydia da da da . out of on the computer that was in bed. most of course in the master. ringback on the, on the,
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the sounds so small do it. there's nothing to do to sort people are going to do so i'm sure, but what else with a lot of money or vision? i don't, i wasn't diagnosed with leslie as the bus was supposed to go to the is it stable speed by mazda facilities? the items that i need comes order for that. so the the modem on the shuttle. i'm gonna place you pretty nice to be difficult to deal with the best buy in the even a few months. so
10:41 pm
for example is the. 2 the, the, the doing the using the lease of the product to good. what do, let's face the show is girlfriend solutions that are there on the hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discussed some real in the
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what is part of the blog post that isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present during that stop without felicia is that still part of the a month lease but it isn't. 2 the purchase price is mother didn't do much in the one that says that the good you good, which was the do you have to do is go to the. 2 the
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that's the lower the what do we do in the month of a did you want me to stay the middle? initial darn you just wait a minute. so what additional that wasn't the smart da da da da da da the butler
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the philip bruce. but somebody bought them as dump them lives in phillips, there's remember on the quote for just my point is my point, the the next symbol example of the butler. this is the one that's on the eyes. you know, it's the mileage from you know that because it is a fairly did the
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genuine to abuse that that'd be the way to know this. but more of the 40, what am i doing? yeah. and it is, i did the got a new jersey. what was the schedule for the students the are you still want to visit the about the bill from sort of this night the. 2 the for the
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is the yes it's the. 6 the just the, just the the, the 2 more where it was enough. this is why as i said, is that you, this will pay attention to the to the customer. do not need the bus will be easier to do the smallwood as the most in my view and worse and put in what's in charge for the you know,
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from, with hands explore money, continue to let you know, and you want to as nice, loyal as the use of. ready the the thought we'd be good because each of the views of communion i just saw it was i did one but i for the year at the
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moment that wasn't about to be sort of the biggest piece by layer lizard just that as a dealer of the of the house, the sound of the somebody in you the was the and if you but the especially for do i the good. what are you?
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good. good, good. good. yeah, it's the i'm on the way with you. yeah. and you're welcome. i do lessons of them, which is the, oh god, what was, what do i put you? i'd rather just good for smart tv is just good on your system. no, no, no, no, there's nothing more as much about it. so i was just put the modem for the guy you were saying, actually the price of probably you'll still need to send you do i do that? but it was pretty, you know, for the, for the worst it was those 3 that i said,
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yeah, it's quotes. get those food. put fast foods getting you. but yeah, because the like the flip, the style it to them you, yes, good zone for 3 part throwing up was simple grocery store and you needed this my the new month with dismissal the boys. and when you said it was soon must be as much as if so that's why we're still. yeah. so v as in silver. cool. cool. and then you live locally. well the yes. the both of them from the bank there's nobody the the,
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the. 2 the at the, to the good the, i don't have that i usually the, the fluids and then you go with some of the shows mean is that you look to lose go. here's the,
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is the pause the gosh, if this is what the gods. but certainly blue bodies. yep. what is the oh it says boom. but the what? so, but the atlantic well, i thought this was, it was the, the what the launch do you need the super nobody in the side. you said you, most of us about those done in the c o b, i should say, revealing the beloved with the money or should i be able to frontier this to my budget for what you see. so definitely is over the phone. no changes as far as like a smart tv. yeah.
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for the 0 on the troopers. uh why that was actually this budget a little bit less lee between the valid sellers dealer they need to sort through what that does to was. so a lot of money to do so much as means. but i look for the united states. the so who, who is a little, excuse me the, the the, the
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in the, not the i'm just like the large piece of the steel cords and also speaker to the, to the, the the some of the, the the the, the, the,
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the, the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the
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the numbers source might even need some in which and see which one he is on the success of the year. and model was easy to show you some of them you need to go to some of the so i'm trying to build new on the go and listen to the move from me to the porch. so i'm just a little good using it, but i see something here because most of the most allow me to somebody to find you must, the glue was always stuff i did the meals, that the gold on a video, the agenda blue. oh, so kinda so much here. so length, i'm sure you're still going to see the move of the in
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the show. they just don't have to shape out the application and engagement because the trails when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look so common ground, the the, the magenta itself to gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast, remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan pro french president, felix, who saved one year, ruled the country for 33 years,
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ensuring the interest to from the government deed isn't it enough. then there's no simple new foster. larry shifted that goods was done. those who saw him a lot more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to bill on come back. the ball came to power. and i'm ready to double open a free nipple. yeah. curious to know if we're picking up from the infinity for tiffany . 21 is the one from some easily deemed good luck. boeing, enemy, a deep political crisis ensued the walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of war from 133. the only 2 voters of this. how did the dramatic events unfold and how is black a recovering from? he is
11:00 pm
a bloody conflict. watch on the hello and welcome to prospect bullhorn time peter a little here we discussed some real news. the american presidential debates demonstrated job, i'm is unfit to continue and office. the question arises and as to who we is in charge of 2 major military conflicts. also school elections in france and the u. k . change the course of neoliberalism. to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess towards samuel we in budapest, he is a pod cast or at the goggle, which can be found on youtube band locals in america as we have martin j. d. as an award winning journalist and commentator, i gentleman cross type rules and effects, that means you can jump any time you want and i always appreciate it. right. let's


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