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tv   News  RT  July 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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law cannot see the region way above russian forces broke through create in front floods and cap just as well from territory along the border. ukraine, whose marshal tremendous amounts of material results, is not in power, as the russian forces continued von thing all along the front lines in the ukraine conflict. gm's buying power is running low. now, mobilizing over $3000.00 prisoners to fill the gap. our release today indicates that there were no charges against us. there was torture on an almost daily basis in these really prisons breaking the trains. the director of the i was chief hospital in gaza. city describes 7 months of torture he endured while the hell that ms. riley prison without
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a single jump. and the us supreme court ruled that presidents have full immunity from prosecution for official act. it follows the january 6th, the case against donald trump expanding executive powers to a level never seen before. i talk about a twisted city right here, san francisco, lowering the bar just on you will pride parades, spirals into debauchery for the attendees. performing sex acts in front of children . as you can imagine, fucking out for the right at high noon here in moscow in 31 degree celsius. it's a hot one today with a truck load of stores to get to you this island live here or not. so russia has taken over the presidency of the un security council for the entire month of july, assuming the buttons, the russian ambassador to the united nations, spoke with the press on monday, basically, outlining what to be,
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what should be expected? a head i should say. and when talking about the ukraine conflict, he noted the western position that denies clear evidence, the key of continues to use tactics. the tara, and so we've seen governments by the us state department, and you'd have been commission. what struck me mostly was the goldman from the european commission, which they presented have set that, that to the, of the proof and the evidence that actually is providing uh and then close to 0. or even below, which is of cause of the shameful a shameful statement. so have a look at this for this right here. capture at the moment when key of struck the cry, me and beach and stuff of stuff all over a week ago, civilians who were resting to the blacks. the result suddenly finding themselves on the fire, full people were killed, including 2 kids over a $120.00 people wounded. moscow, said washington baz!
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equal responsibility for the terrace strike. as key forces hit the area with us applied attack them dismissal is equipped with cluster munitions. and now to fill its ranks courting up prison convicts to replace your troops on the battlefield. of course, due to a lack of manpower, according to revolt, over $3000.00 prisoners have already been mobilized. and the low to recruit inmates was signed by the landscape back in may with ukrainian justice ministry, stating that around $27000.00 inmates could potentially be eligible. or ukraine search for more man power comes as russia continues, that balancing old off and down the front must go says that his forces have now taken control of 3 new areas in the nice republic. it also make gains in the heart of golf region. ukrainian troops retreated from the village or by step avaya, noble sea or in the south. the russian army now has control of our middle. yeah, that's in the separate orgy region. it comes off senior correspondent,
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he filed this report so long as it pains move in for the very simple model of drones swell and grew thousands of drew operators and pick nations on both sides by for security. they want shouldn't track peo and creek. we think the news is potential grey. the we are visiting a drew control station. it is, or it was as always, temporary. these squad is always on the move to avoid detection, especially rece close to the enemy. this hopefully would cause actual openings over
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here. so the large settlement and their main strong coal here, which we watch everything, vehicle movement, men, power, movement, and watts. if you see a squad run into a house, recorded and get our children to target the location and destroyed, understand that they don't show themselves much. well, everyone wants to live, we also try not to go off much. mistakes are punished immediately, nor during nations on, never far away. you paid in full is is often losing ground along the border. have repeatedly tried to couch with zach. they don't any more. additional theory would try his luck, etc. positions had on the bicycle. i did a noon, you know, there are 2 tanks, the other runaway dro, see them and they decided to go on the offensive, launching and probing attack these zip what and have they tried again since? no, they haven't. quite sure how the troops holding out. we'll figure the pressure you
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make. i thought we'd rather push on guard. we're ready to push on his come on, but we have our orders were men of the military. we've been ordered to hold the border, the, we'd rather push on with pleasure, though with some hard copies just there. 60 kilometers. from belgrade. what do you want to return to school? oh, we do. it's ours. it's our land. since russia's surprise offensive earlier this year, and kind of give region way above russian forces broke through credit in front lines and captured as well as of territory along the border. ukraine, who's marshal tremendous amounts of material resources, non power it, what does it plug? it's holes as well as a lead units. downside is the now one of the a down range from russia. now it's hillary well need to is manage to secure billions more and shows and rockets for ukraine. k of is running off of the one
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seeing that the west con land. so who needs to it's man. so just faced with terrible losses in schools and manpower zalinski has intensified conscription. lovely ukraine then snatched off the streets and pressed into service. the dross has moved into a campaign of terror, prepaid in men. unwilling to type in zealand skis more. they all 100 be violently fools into service. it is a key assigned to who ukrainians the war. isn't feeling well, and it is getting worse. the tide of ukrainian men seeking to escape the country because of the grown, they pay tens of thousands of dollars to guides with new guarantees for
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jobs to get out of ukraine. but even met on the border with europe zalinski, his res bob was senses said, drones and patrols notes to keep russia out, but to keep you premiums even more. i guys the of the from bill good region. you are discussing the situation with out for my c, i a on the list of laurie johnson, and you told us what these things ukraine's plan should be in order to end the complet. because particularly when you consider right now today, the current state of affairs that ukraine is on a true directory, that it's almost like suicide watch. they're being destroyed, piece mail, and they haven't figured out. they've got a surrender to put an end to this. think their odds are very so if, if you're military age and you just because you holding this rarely passport as
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a means you're going to get a free pass out of the country at all. you know, i think it's uh, you know, highly likely that they will be kept in country and put it into the front ranks. ukraine can say is democracy. it's a democracy in the same way that a pig inclined to be a human being. just because you say it doesn't make itself. and so to be a democracy means you have all physician political parties. you not jail in your political opponents. well, the lensky, his band opposition political parties and his jail, political opponents shut down opposition media. so there's nothing democratic nor free are about to ukraine at the present time. and the, let's key is a symptom of the illness that afflict ukraine. meantime, online defied roughly 20000 sanctions imposed against russia by the west. russian economy is strong and growing outside the world banks annual report shows the
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country has advanced to what it calls now a quote, high income category will details awaiting you right now on our website. you know what it costs out here in moscow. shifting gears as the director of the out chief of hospital has been freed from and is really prison, where he was held for about 7 months without charge. with them on 50 other palestinians released and locked up mohammed opposed to me, i should live on his treatment saying he was tortured. nearly every single day. they arrested me to propagate to their people and their governments that they had arrested the director of al she for hospital. the claim to great treasure was hiding their hour released today indicates that there were no charges against us. we were released without any deal or exchange regarding the torture i was subjected to. yes, we were subjected to severe torture. my pinky finger was broken. it still can't
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move completely. i was hit in the head multiple times, causing bleeding. there was torture on an almost daily basis in these really prisons. however, here's a new found freedom. so can i start the controversy in israel? the country's prime minister was clicked a goal for an investigation. he called the decision to release the doctor, a quote. sylvia mistake the release of the director of chief a hospital is a serious mistake and a moral failure. this man under whose responsibility our abilities were murdered and held belongs in prison. the decision to release the chief a manager was made without the knowledge of the political echelon or the heads of the organizations. when mohammed alyssa mia and chief of guns as large as hospital, i'm chief, i was already back home telling journalist about his experience and it was really jail and heated debate. a rock to denise row on how such a dangerous person, according to these really authorities managed to end up a free man in the midst of
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a more the countries national security administer criticized what he called security negligence. blame and is really intelligence and the military for acting counters to the political leadership. the time has come for the prime minister to stop defense minister gallons in the head of the sion bed from conducting an independent policy. contrary to the position of the cabinet in the government since last october of the idea of has been accusing her mass of turning on she the hospital painter, its command and control center, a place to launch me files and direct attacks on israel from as well as to store weapons and ammunition battles and arguments beyond the used to justify its been balls meant of civilian infrastructure. the army claimed the hospital gave shelter to hundreds of chemists militants involved in the october 7 attacks on israel. off today supposedly returns to being played, as well as probably help tide is rarely hostages,
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as chief off the audio status sites on an expensive net of underground tunnels and military base that can be entered through the hospitals doors. if true they had of the hospital could be tapping unaware of this defense minister galandes office was quick to deny any responsibility. the prime minister's office replied, that's natania. who owed it an immediate inquiry, but it was ching bad or shut box, and he's real security service, which reports directly to the prime minister at which let the man in question go, as well as around 50 other detainees, including on chief personnel. the service claimed it was to clear a space for others seen by the accused band. here is a national security ministry, involve remaining dafter, its calls and threatened to conduct more releases. unfortunately, these requests written in a row which are forwarded to older relevant policies led by the national security administrative,
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which is responsible for these were of no use and practice the number of places of incarceration did not increase and amount or appropriate to the need without a choice without an immediate solution to the shortage of places of confinement. the rest will continue to be cancelled, and detainees will continue to be released opposition later is work quick to slam these radius ortiz for freeing a suspected criminal. the news this morning and the chaos and the government in regarding the release of the director of the el cheapo hospital, is a direct continuation of the recklessness and dysfunction of these rarely government, which is causing an outrage to the security of israel citizens. the defense minister did not know the national security minister was not involved. there was an exchange of accusations, everything is leaked. this is what moral and functional disintegration looks like. was it a mistake or negligence? a devil may care attitude this organization among various branches or perhaps the hospitals chief was not as dangerous as ease real initially claimed. after
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returning to guys, i had told trellis that the court never pressed any charges against him. this raises another question beyond what caused the release. why was this man detained in the 1st place? reef an ocean or 2 revolting from day or so. then we had a big chat about the situation with, with a full mcconnell of israel security agency. mr. i'm the asa explained the decision making process behind the circled release list. as soon as the case it was of a meeting with the manager the days is the sheet that i. busy see that the, the, the all motion protected you uh, interrogation and awesome connected. you mean intelligence? we mishawaka all righty. so maybe they have something to say about it, but may and most of the,
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all the blame we are talking about some glasses on. the use of failure is and she is putting the name and this was the name is what i'm supposed to release it. so you're saying that the people that is connected to the, to the face of the center of the ceiling position. so we have a lot of all these things we uh they uh, um she back in position officials to from the so as we can understand, everybody is covering. so i need to know how to do is i'll be going to a situation, photos real estate side. now with a us supreme court has ruled for my president's have absolute immunity from prosecution for official act of those comments coming into the case against donald
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trump, who was indicted for his conduct the following. the 2020 elections and the court did note that trump's options unrelated to his presidency, may still be subject to prosecution. but just a reminder of what transpired on january 6th 2021. it was called an attempt to beloved the certification of the election. of a trump recently issue is not c polosa. you cutting down a suggestion to bring in $10000.00 national guard troops to protect the capital at the time something polosa is kohl's and outright lies. many media outlets are very quick to react to highlighting the supreme court has now created a dangerous potential. we discussed this with filmmaker and blue eyed list of shown starting and having us the traditional republic is supposed to be the, the congress is supposed to hold the president accountable. it gets into this very blurred, murky realm of, of clandestine operations, national security, right? things like this, things that are, is there a top secret?
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so you end up with the shadow government that essentially has immunity to do what it wants and ends up control, you know, essentially influencing or, or controlling the department of justice. if we had a real, a republic where people could bring the questions around executive privilege and immunity, to me should have been raised around things like assassinating american citizens, which obama did. how about bringing cases against the abuse of the war powers? for example. um obama, as a war against cut off the without congressional approval. so i think that there is a whole scope of, of legal issues that if you want to raise real questions around, what is the presidential immunity from, you know, let's say it's creating morris or the stabilizing countries, or bombing people killing people without congressional approval and oversight. i think there is a real case for, you know, for this, the idea that executive, the executive community or, or whatnot has its limitations. all right,
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you're ready for this one because once a year, san francisco goes full frontal displaying what the city holds. they're unclear without binary pride, x rated fetishes or a penalty good to go as local authorities stand back and let everyone pull down their trousers and let it all hang out. it is illegal for community to be present in front of kids within certain minute. what are the boundaries, you know? yeah, anything coupled with mood act or anything, been done for sexual gratification for this event wouldn't be considered for sexual gratification. now, if they're, what if they're walking around right, that be different than if they're massive. what i'm saying is there is no laws against that actual immunity portion of it, so we can expose yourself to children and oregon again, if, if you're not doing it for sexual gratification, or the gratification of somebody else, yes, you are allowed to walk around and public make it yeah,
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tough gig for that cough while, while those involved seem to be pretty happy, walking freely and openly gay on the streets, disturbing images of most of twisted practices involving your a nation. however, a power to devise problematic parts of the parade was said to be the overall sexualized behavior, which included public acts of oral sex in front of children. you could imagine the comments that came on line off to which we should find out all the sponsors of the san francisco pride parade. see what companies are supporting this event and then send them that video, asking them how they can sponsor an event with dfcs happening in an event where children are present per one dances make it in front of children, arrested and added as a sex offender per to dances make it in front of children and pride parade, applauded and encouraged, their actively grooming children desensitizing them to random adult immunity on sexualized behavior. another post referred to simulated sex, including oral, in
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a family friendly pride parade. making it easy for pete a false to prey upon them. what about their pride pirated featured people publicly to remain on each other and having sex? is that bravery, or courage, or debauchery and in front of our children? so yeah, we talked about this with the pasta martin in the sense that he's a pro finally leader. he's also the founder of the straight nation movement. he pointed out the obvious, it's unfair and it's dangerous to expose young kids to the explicit content on display. the pride parade. how in heaven's name, and no more grown up, man, and wait a minute before me 6 you asked in public. and i, it's shocking. it's troubling. but in some ways, it's also surprising that america underwent, was sold at a very psychological pen. this year we were told that the, these homosexuals are respectable citizens was looking for their civil rights. you
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could argue that you can do what you want. okay, and i think that's the case that has been made in wisdom world, the adults. what consenting adults in the privacy of their bedroom is. nobody's been ok, but it's no longer the privacy of the drum now. it's in everybody's face. it's on the streets, it's on social media, it's. it's what you're saying. and i'm the trouble advice. but more important ladies, the issue of children is extremely unfair to the young children who have not yet grown up to make decisions about what right, that's cool to be pushed into a place where they they don't do it, the boys or girls, they don't know the agenda, they don't know if they should be this so that know, so i think that was a definite effort just to use to recruit the young children and make them part of this debt. could that lifestyle? it should not be. it's a violation of the children's right. it's
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a violation of the adults right to protect the children for evil, but they are not. and i think this is an outrage for when the rest of the world sees this, we're like, no, this is not what we want. all right, it is a 12 23 pm here in moscow. it's also a 12 23 pm in nairobi. that's where we're getting some breaking news. and coming right now from the canyon capital, we understand antique government protests have kicked off the old. the main roads to the state house have been law of police, almond vehicle stations are on the premises. water cannon is on stand. by near the state house and heavy security presence demonstrations are coming off the last weeks, riots the spots by tax hikes paused and a finance bill, which were like a band. and by president rudo, the police have use a tear gas to disperse across the now while
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a certain western partners impose their agenda is back at home globally. it's a rules based order is getting shredded by the barrel. why? because part of the a has resumed importing oil from iran, of the use of abiding by western sanctions against town around to visual use agencies or for the ankara is backed as a trading partner. often every few. ready years of complying with us, sanctions report highlighted the bulk area and poland have also started buying iranian food this year as well. we heard from professor of economics and politics, jack ross most who says all of this highlights the fact that at the end of the day, united states is losing its influence around the world. turkey and the ran are going to be part of the bridge now. so that's likely they can trade more with each other, but turkey is probably looking at are mountains and well, you know bulgarian paul engine, porting her engine oil wash in day. so i think those are probably the,
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the 2 main reasons why did they resuming the sanctions that working on oil anywhere . so why should any country really try to find why the sanctions and other countries are not? you know, us policies and have been pretty much in effect of us has thought that it can sanction whoever wants and everyone go along. but, you know, the rise of the bricks, i think, is really the, the big factor here. now a lot of countries say in alternative it, before, it was uh, you gotta to play ball with the american international military system and the dollar. you got to use a dollar and so forth. but now when you have an alternative, your se, uh many of them. uh, i mean companies like bolivia and malaysia are now looking at to that alternative. and that alternative is going to excel rate uh at a time that the american leadership has been really prophetic. a political as well
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as economic, i mean, uh, buy into all his, uh you know, all of, all his headings in, in the ukraine project in the ignore and everything else. and that's coming back in the, you know, there's of all back going on. and us next week, this week here. well, it is being said far and wide, the us economy and the global rows of dollars are on the very fitting ice these days. calculus countries, i'm moving away from the weaponized dollar and seeking assets elsewhere, as now numerous nations of the global south, demanding the united states and united kingdom, return them, their gold reserves looks like they know something is brewing on the horizon. it says off the international, the the, to us the joy, this is joanna sash walk out of prison. i suspect he's
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a great here of yours. well, yes, um, i mean, i remain somewhat speechless. this is happening to tow. it was very abrupt. i gather from sources place julian that he has been very optimistic over the past year to an extent of the hasn't been before so that he knew this was coming. but now, i mean it's like an extraordinary victory for many hundreds of thousands of millions of people as well in march to arrests that are really acted. representatives have tweeted, have written about him. um yeah, it's really quite extraordinary. and. ringback appears that he's been given a green light to keep on coming now, and i'm sure he will. what to you was the among the reactions to his release, which was the most distasteful one. the ones were, i mean i can't make my mind between the ones who are saying she's not really journalism and the ones for lying while the fact that he endangered his forces that she has blood are in his hands. yeah, well i mean it's a difficult tradeoff. i think that we know for
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a fact based on us legal submissions in the trial of chelsea manning and also julian's own trial that nobody was at the homes by which leaks some disclosures. so i mean to see people trusting out this perverse libel is pretty repulsive, but it's also to be expected. and i think that the to it as a means of maintaining this main stream. stigma around julian without of your, even while he's a and a legacy like say dispute as a thing of what we've seen. a lot of this me is been directed a site, a site and over the past kind of decade in a huff i spun out. but the majority of people are listening, you know, nobody takes the mainstream media service anymore. nobody believes that the liam is a russian agent or a or right the store, a threat to national security. they see him as a valid entry,
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tyler who was persecuted and tortured. so the crime of publishing secrets the us government didn't want it in the public domain. you'll come from the cradle of democracy. indeed. and then i'll wait. here in the balkans we have always a, as we have been for decades asking for those standards of journalism and that kind of freedom of the press. so could you start by telling me how did you get in trouble with your own government, practicing journalism. so yeah, sure, well, um, when i flew back to the london last which was in may 2023 and there was a team of on accounts of terror, police charity waiting for me on the thomas. and i've been expecting to potentially be this stuff to the border. and ever since i made these sites lever, reporting on pull masons leaked e mails this pull. my son is a precious journalist who has been distinguished himself as a nosy,
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18 propagandist, the nato and the proxy were in ukraine since february 2022. and a, i'm was targeting a number of people that i need, including journalist and academics, and activists who were opposed to the proxy will. and these lead email showed that he was towards making his activities in coordination. so he was coordinating his activities with a, a position intelligence officer link to my, my 6th. um, uh so i mean, the public's interest in reporting on the seemed like pretty clear. and then subsequently received an email from a persist detective, inviting me cool daily to an interview in london. what did they do? this they did, and they just said they fingerprinted. you take took your dna that also says darn your electronic equipment, right? yeah. and so effectively, august thoughts under legislation which is called the 2019 counterterrorism in both direct which effectively creates suspicion with.


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