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tv   News  RT  July 2, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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covering some g is a bloody conflict watch on odyssey. the breaking news here on our t classes between police and protesters are wrapped in kenya's capital, a met a new wave of anti government protest demonstrators. paul, for the ouster of the president brita, did the report that you reported when you get this in front of you to good talk to you a tony and i'll give you a ring on drawers. all i want is a peaceful country where our lead that think i use and read you more about rushman poor to route through you, great in front lines and captive wealth of territory along the border. ukraine has marshall tremendous amounts of material resources and manpower. as russian forces
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advance along the front lines in the brain, complex kinsman power is running low, mobilizing over $3000.00 prisoners to fill the gap. our release today indicates that there were no charges against us. there was torture on an almost daily basis in these really prisons. breaking the chain is the director of the l. c. if a hospital in gaza city described 7 months of torture, he endured while held additives rarely present without any charges. the live in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching archie international . we start with breaking news from kenya. we're anti government protests, our rep thing in the nation's capital, and i, robi, police have used to your gas grants, the crowds. this all comes after. last week's deadly riots which were sparked by a tax bill that was put in place to satisfy the demands of the i am f despite
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president retail cancelling the tax hikes. protesters are out on the streets once again, as they say, the government is filled with corruption and unfulfilled promises amid soaring inflation. so all the main rows of the state house have been blocked with place armor. the vehicles stationed around the premises, water cannon are on standby in the area. i met a heavy security presence. crowds of canyons are protesting against the william root of government saying they have no faith in him. 8 the no no, we have he lives in ports, we can talk more with him and we do we support or do we booked it for you for us to do it? to save this? i'm going to be too good. but you have tony know to be, i've been on drawers, i use that bar and i do the thing that i've done before
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the event. yeah, we put the the feeds. so have you do, brother? good, definitely. did you put your life? just know one thing, the be the only thing. all i want is a peaceful country. we're our lead that i think our lives and the last, the, let's cross live now to r t correspond to know who you can go to get more on the situation of google. what's the latest elective us and citizens have get up for a new round of protein this weekend can. yeah, this is the most serious crisis to be confronted by the government to present with them roots, us as a took office in 2022. we understand at this moment that police have blocked roads, nia and the round state house in nairobi. this action is of course,
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taken in response to fee is that protest is my attempt to march to state house. once again, you put on the economy side of this vitamin and race that has left to the countries . if i'm, if targets in dallas to ad could make borrow, we even move costly. now we know that present to eventually bought to public pressure last week and announced that she would not sign the controversial bill which sought to raise taxes on items such as bridge oils to that and send it to towels. but the spot that the prison backing down and the i'm if extending support to can yeah. the protest as a not buying any of that. and they have turned their attention to lucas resignation . now, calling for the president to step down, they see him at this moment to as well know you'll to the likes of the i am if then to his own people. we know that to this past sunday, the president says that 19 people had died in the protest,
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but insisted that he did not have blood on his hands and has also played an investigation into the dates. but if you stay for months on subjects, that's of the kenya national commission, off of the human rights, stating that these 39 people have been killed in the protest. the commission even says that the dates were all due to 5 and passes between the most states is ad uh, police, across the country and at the cities off um can yeah, but he has defended the police eviction saying that if they were doing that out, i suppose based on the difficult circumstances, even, he blames the violence on the criminals who he says had high to feed them in spaces . in the meantime, polls have been making problems with social media, with the hash tag occupied is a way of who to him, us go and some hash tags even say reject to budgeted corrections, so it is no longer up off the find the school it more citizen say present,
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which is election companion to enter the to promise a lot for security, improve housing health care, but she has not to do it in any of those things are to correspond at nova, you couldn't go, boo boo, thank you. a low security measures came after protesters broke into the grounds of the country's parliament last week. this was as and peaceful the to approve of controversial finance. phil that would see steve rises and duties. parts of the apartment building have even been set on fire. hundreds of lawmakers, a said to be, to have taken refuge in the basement. according to the national rights watch dog, at least 39 people were killed and over 360 injured in the protest. so far of business owners are closing their stores in fear of rioting as they say, they are not taking any risks as you can see around town. so many businesses have close to that.
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so yet most of the businesses today, the 13 on hooked up and on that day we are not taking any of this. and once you add the canyons that they have the peaceful demo, sits us. we heard from kenyan high cor advocate, steven monday, and the long day he said local as are dissatisfied with the government because they think it is working, not for them, but rather in the interest of the western powers. the. this, the reason for today's broadcast is basically, you know, on all the 59 people walk heated doing the product, the walk you the when the while visiting peacefully. i'm communicating the message that the government that they need not want the proposed finance meeting. i sent it
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to all passed by the national assembly, and therefore, the protest i or not, of those who died suddenly the corners by a fictional member of the family for the president to design the finance beat. it was only a symptom of the law. the problems that exist with the government, and therefore they're not the right useful even means to do cuz i have to put it into these governments. and especially when a lot of what i've shown on the phone to my desk all expended nobody's government. and one of my doesn't really affect distinctive injury over the country. the people, i think the problem is not in the collection of payment due by friday, probably between how they've been. he's being spent. we don't want to be changed into one, you know, into the, into one box and not with the i am a have for the one to buy as a nation. we want to approximate we own, you know, one question of why it's not with us. we've alternate this saturday um, you know, giving us the conditions, but really far the input. what is the nation?
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the method by the use of this country is that we should do away with the, i mean, nothing is coming from that. i, it may have the conditions that they imposing when our government, in including that one diesel read, agrees that if any collect the only means that you do the cdns will be out there. but on the i am, it seems the most to get, i'm definitely will still need is a government working for that. it may have always the government watching for the people hungry and probably minister victor or bon has traveled to quito for meeting with lot of arizona in skiing or bonds, said after that he insisted ukraine. consider a ceasefire as a pivotal step toward restoring peace in the country. the visit came a day after a hungry assumed the rotating 6 months presidency of the council, which aims to resolve issues within the european union. it was or bonds, 1st visits, and they bring ukraine since the conflict with russia broke out 2 years ago. russia
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has taken over the presidency of the un security council for the month of july. the selina venza, the russian ambassador to the united nations, spoke with the news media on monday to outline what had been talking about the ukraine complex. he noted the western physician that denies clear evidence. kev is using terror tactics. we've seen governments by the us state department and the european commission. what struck me mostly was the goldman from the unit been commissioned. we should have presented, have said that, that the, the of the proof and the evidence that actually is providing uh, a close to 0 or even below, which is of cause of the shameful a shameful statement. so that's what is captured at the moment when q of it struck the crime in beach and some estoppel over a week ago and civilians were arresting at the black sea resort. came under fire. 4
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people were killed including 2 children in the attack, which left over $120.00 people wounded. moscow says washington bears a full responsibility for the tower. strike as care forces that the area with us apply. the tech comes missiles equipped with a cluster warheads. well now to feel it's res cube is calling a convex to replenish its troops on the battlefield due to lack of manpower. according to reports, over 3000 prisoners have already been mobilized. zalinski signed that the law to recruit inmates in may with the ukrainian justice ministry, stating that around $27000.00 convicts could potentially be eligible. ukraine's search for more man power comes as russia is advancing along the front. moscow says it's forces have now taken control of 3 new areas in the don't ask republican and also make gains in the archive region. as ukrainian troops retreated from the village of the step avaya, nova zillow. in the south,
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the russian army now has control of your noise in those upper rows of region. our senior correspondent reports from the front. along the pains move in void, the veritable uh, model. drones swell and grew thousands of drew operators and technicians on both sides by precipio yara to, they want shouldn't track peo and trick. we think the news is potential great. of the we are visiting a dru control station. it is, or it was as always temporary. these squad is always on the move to avoid detection, especially rece close to the enemy. the so hopefully would cause that's your local
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news over here, the large settlement and their main strong coal here which we watch everything. vehicle movement, men, power, movement, and watts. if you see a squad run into a house recorded and get our children to target the location and destroyed, understand that they don't show themselves much. well, everyone wants to live. we also try not to go off much. mistakes are punished immediately, nor doing new nations on never far away. you paid in full. this is often losing ground along the border. have repeatedly tried to catch with zach. they don't any more additional to really try his luck, etc. positions had on the bicycle. i did a noon, you know, there were 2 tanks, the other runaway 0 and you see them and they decided to go on the offensive launch an appropriate attack. and have they tried again since?
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no, they haven't. got quite a few percent. how would the troops holding up that one will fit with pressure? you? like i thought we'd rather push on guard. we're ready to push on his come on, but we have our orders were men of the military or we've been ordered to hold the border. the we'd rather push on with pleasure, though, with some hard copies just there 60 kilometers from belgrade. 20th, or for the lowest. do you want to return as for, oh, we do. it's ours. it's our land. a sense, russell, surprise, offensive, earlier this year and kind of give region way above russian forces broke through credit in front lines and captured, swells of territory along the border. ukraine, whose marshal tremendous amounts of material result is non power. it. what does it plug? it's holes as well as and these units, the downside is the now one of the a down range from russia. now it's hillary well need to is manage to secure
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billions more and shows and rockets for ukraine. k of is running off of the one seen, but the west con land, so who needs to? it's man. so just pace with terrible losses and shows and manpower zalinski has intensified conscription, lovely ukraine then snatched off the streets and pressed into service. the draft has moved into a campaign of terror, prepaid in men. unwilling to fight in zealand skis more. they are hunted, be violently fools into service. it is a key assigned to who ukrainians the war isn't feeling well and it is getting worse. the tide of ukrainian men seeking to escape the country because of the grown,
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they pay tens of thousands of dollars to guides with new guarantees for jobs to get out of ukraine. but even less on the border with europe, zalinski, his res bob was senses said, druids and patrols notes to keep russia out. but to keep you premiums in wide gas v a r t from bill good region. we spoke with a former c, i a analyst, larry johnson, who told us what you crane's plan should be to end the conflict. given the current state of affairs, the ukraine is on a true directory that is almost like suicide watch. they're being destroyed, piece mail, and they haven't figured out. they've got a surrender to put an end to this. think their odds are very so if, if you're military age and you just because you hold them is rarely passports as
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a means you're going to get a free pass out of the country at all. you know, i think it's uh, you know, highly likely that they will be kept in country and put it into the front ranks. ukraine can say is democracy. it's a democracy in the same way that a pig inclined to be a human being. just because you say it doesn't make itself. and so to be a democracy means you have all position political parties. you're not jail in your political opponents. well, the lensky, his band opposition political parties and his jail, political opponents shut down opposition media. so there is nothing democratic nor free about ukraine at the present time. and those zaleski is a symptom of the illness that afflicts ukraine, or the spite, roughly $20000.00 the sanctions imposed against russia by the west. the russian
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economy is strong and growing. that says the world things annual report shows the country has advanced a bit of caused a high income category. for more on this our website r t dot com. as you covered the, the director of el cheapo hospital has been freed from and is really prison. where he was held for 7 months without charge. it was among 50 other released palestinians. doctor mohammed booth sent me a shed light on his treatment saying he was tortured nearly every day for the rest of me to propagate to their people and their government. the state had arrested the director of al she for hospital. the claim to great treasure was hiding their hour released today indicates that there were no charges against us. we were released without any deal or exchange regarding the torture i was subjected to. yes, we were subjected to severe torture. my pinky finger was broken,
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it still can't move completely. i was hit in the head multiple times, causing bleeding. there was torture on an almost daily basis. and these really prisons are his new found freedom has started a controversy in israel as the country's prime minister was clicked, a call for a pro, calling the decision to release the doctor, a quote to severe mistake. the release of the director of chief a hospital is a serious mistake and a moral failure. this man under whose responsibility our abilities were murdered and held belongs in prison. the decision to release the chief a manager was made without the knowledge of the political echelon, or the heads of the organizations wouldn't know how much loosened me. i'm chief of guns as large as hospital. i'm chief. i was already back home telling journalists about his experience, and it was really jail and heated debate erupt to denise ro on how such a dangerous person, according to these really authorities managed to end up
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a free man in the midst of the more the countries national security administer criticized what he called security negligence. blame and is really intelligence and the military for acting counter to the political leadership. the time has come for the prime minister to stop defense administered gallons in the head of the shouldn't bed from conducting an independent policy contrary to the position of the cabinet in the government since last october of the idea of has been accusing her last of turning on she, the hospital inter, it's command and control center, a place to launch me solved, and direct attacks on israel from as well as to store weapons and ammunition battles and arguments beyond the used to justify its been both meant of civilian infrastructure. the army claimed the hospital gave shelter to hundreds of chemist militants involved in the october 7 attacks on israel after they supposedly returns to being played, as well as probably held tide is rarely hostages. as chief on the idea of stated
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seats on an extensive net of underground tunnels and military base that can be entered through the hospitals, doors. if true they had of the hospital, couldn't have been unaware of this defense minister galandes office was quick to deny any responsibility. the prime minister's office replied, that's natania. who owed it an immediate inquiry, but it was showing that or shove box, these rel security service, which reports directly to the prime minister, at which let the man in question go, as well as around 50 other detainees, including on chief personnel. the service claimed it was to clear a space for others. shouldn't that accuse? bend? here is a national security ministry impulse remaining dafter. it's calls and threatened to conduct more releases. unfortunately, these requests, written and oral, which were forwarded to older relevant policies led by the national security administrate, which is responsible for this were of no use on an practice. the number of places
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of incarceration did not increase in the mind are appropriate to the need without a choice, without an immediate solution to the shortage of places of confinement. the rest will continue to be cancelled, and detainees will continue to be released all position later is work quick to slammed these radius ortiz for freeing a suspected criminal. the news this morning and the chaos and the government regarding the release of the director of the el cheapo hospital is a direct continuation of the recklessness and dysfunction of these really government, which is causing outrage to the security of israel citizens. the defense minister did not know the national security minister was not involved. there was an exchange of accusations, everything is leaked. this is what moral and functional disintegration looks like. was it a mistake or negligence? a devil may care attitude this organization among various branches or perhaps the hospital's chief was not as dangerous as ease. real initially claimed. after
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returning to gaza, he told journalists that the court never pressed any charges against him. this raises another question beyond what caused the release. why was this man detained in the 1st place? reef an ocean, a r t, resulting from 0. so then we discussed the situation with a former colonel of israel as the security agency. i mean, also who explained that the decision making behind the so called release list. as soon as the case it was of a meeting with the managing the position that. busy see that the in the all motion protected you uh, interrogation and intelligence we mishawaka. all righty. so maybe they have something to say about that, but may and most of the, all the blame we are talking about some clashes on the use of failure is
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an issue. this would be nice and this was the names to release it. so even the people that is connected to the ceiling position. so we have a lot of these things when they um, she's back in position officials due to that. so as we can understand, everybody is covering so alex is a situation warrensburg, missouri is economy is on the rise and made an increase in the countries for in reserves, according to the countries of the central bank. the world bank is stepping in as well say more than $2000000000.00 is on the way to help stabilize the economy and support public services. how nigeria is building its future and much more was
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discussed with the governor of the state of logos beach day sun. will a crisis pass to be as a way to world right now, you know, front is not immune to eat. that's why they're calling the lecture on u. k is not, is not, is not, you mean as why they're that, that, that clement for you next on us, you know, as having their own crisis. so you went in to develop nations, the economy crisis. there's been global, you know, disruption of, of logistics, that movement for crisis, which shortages here. and so we're not in mean, you know, africa is also part of the was and that you guys in that conversation, is it live? yes. block, you know, continent, sorry, blocks nation them into. so we, we have our own, you know, talent, use our dealing with it. i'm and the leadership of the country know to, well, you know, that we all need to a little boss groups i get to under got into walk, you know, they had to stabilize every quarter and see, i mean, if you things have to change. yes. and fish on, you know, it's a bit high,
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but the cold coordinates and we're hoping that you'd start coming, you know, um south. and it's really around, you know, it a stays open t rex on where things have to just begin to turn positive. i'm, we're beginning to seat, you know, and so we basically need a bit more of patience. we need it'd be more collaborative effort amongst ourselves . that's been a bit of bills tied me. you know, there's been a bit of reduction in, in the things that i know necessarily, you know, so everybody just needs to be able to understand that there's like down to, to know what that will be. so i'll just stop selling you out on the day. and we'll come, i don't reach, i'm very well in the leadership, i believe. and indeed, as you and i believe that they will do a good job, you know, as i see, you know, and then once i didn't weeks i had it was i, like i said, it's not picky that to us, you know, in the and i will well will come out of the government has done a whole lot of learning in the last 56 decades. you know,
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that will discover all you know, the country. we continue to ensure that we're kind of dignified, real putnam's lookout and gauge real invest. so i've probably set all, you know, partnership way, we can see investment where it's a, it's a win win situation. investment where and the low cost goes to as far as local, contenting everything they do. and this opportunity for ally use in your population to, to take full benefits, you know, if those integrations, we also need to relent lane are we to ourselves. we all need to be sure that they had no local community issues, you know, but there's a church for tests out in the whole of african countries. i don't mean, i mean there are resources. we just need to be able to understand what he requests and how we can indeed talk those great opportunities for economics which are to go to the benefit of the citizens of the continent. so we want to governments at the
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highest level to be a lot more comfortable responsible, you know, and, and then i believe that, um, with these, you know, i forgot is the only on, on, on is the only continent that i was on the, for the, for the explore, i would believe that they put their test out there to test out that day if we kind of bring about to real partnership from all of our local and international investors. and we get everybody 16 acceptable where we can resolve this thing. what is say with our 10, our national up next to let's talk about rocks with unemployment care. i think the we are going away from the court only has the influenza of the indian system had by revenue as an oil is different than you are,
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the and everybody who comes to me and the sides. bye bye. hello and welcome on from church. not ever changing the focus, no more than ever is on india. on visual, we bring your unique and establish guest and their views on indian culture, politics and history. this week, my guess is one of the most i provided for them in the law. i as in india, please welcome mr. sedation, my dish and now scrubs so they can verizon. wonderful, wonderful. thank you very much for joining us that you have from the hardwood. yeah . and you came here. your father was a charter. yeah. and which department? the other department in the government. okay. and you came here. i came in in 1980 g. yeah. in 1982 i had competed for the call completion of for law students that
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were certified towards the d as in dice or the one of the top one, the law students. all that you have. you contacted brother back on zillow for in de, incidentally who use your license subject? is it all the doing? it just came for the competition. whoever monday me that you've this isn't the one bag court in the next scene. had judge me. so they spotted me and visit the wider to come over to mom, be able to set you up with somebody. and so that's how i know the i joined us. you know, i've, i've heard of mr. max. mm. i mean like, so i the film industry my just and after about 68 months i joined was that i'm did money. that's a i joined them right now the 10 years. so those to me, as i worked almost 16 to 18 hours a day, it goes to work with the top criminal lawyer who had to perform yes. and do you need your sense? yeah, so he taught me a lot. mr. did provide me with a nice boss. yes. yeah, that will be jameson. and he to get those see that all of us got enough work. we
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hard enough money just so i.


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