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tv   News  RT  July 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the, the, the breaking news here on our, to the national classes are opposite in kenya as people voice outrage over controversial policies pushed by the i m. s, and called for the ouster of the president route. so it was it for you. does that sound good? but you know, it could be a bit of drawers on a warranty. our lead the pressure, the stories of 5 you create in fighters at, in a single strike. well hungry prime minister visits, you have to push bloodwork zalinski to negotiate for peace with moscow. i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to take
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a slightly different path to cease fire and then continue negotiations. our release today indicates that there were no charges against us. there was torture on an almost daily basis in these really prisons and the head of dogs, us el cheapo hospital described 7 months of torture and he endured in and it's really prison while he was incarcerated without any charges. the live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching archie international. we start with breaking news from kenya. clashes between place and demonstrators have erupt in the east african nation. those people are taken to the streets to the man to the resignation of president ruta. the
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police used to tear gas against the crowds of protesters in the capital. and i wrote that despite the country high courts and having van to the use of tear gas and water cannon for demonstrations to have continued despite president rito is decision to scrap a controversial finance bill. it had stipulated tax increases intended to pay off a huge debt to the washington base. i am asked for testers and now say the problem is much broader as they accuse the president of corruption and the broken promises . so all the main roads to the presidents, official residents have been blocked with police armored vehicle stations around the premises. water cannon are on standby in the area. i met a heavy security presence. crime is also on the rise and that the protests with 1st reports coming in of 3 deaths in the coastal city of mombasa. ours have also been set on fire. kenyon say they have no face in president re toes government.
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the way this is really no, no, no, we need you to do is we can do we do we support or do we booked it for you for us to do it? to save this, i'm going to be too good. but you have tony know to be, i've been on drawers, i use that bar and i do the your thing that i think because we're, let's look for the event. yeah. we put the, the feeds. so have you do, brother? do definitely. did you put your life just know on thing the be the point done? all i want is a peaceful country where our lead that make our lives and the last, the, let's cost live now to our, to correspond to another way you can go to get more on the situation goofy. what's
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the latest? rachel? this is the most serious crisis to be consented by the government of president bhutto. since he took office in 2022. at this moment we know that police arrived at the pro chase to continue in major cities and towns. and can you, even off the president who to the controversial have blocked the roads around state house in the ruby? this of course is an action that was taken in response to see is that to protest is my attempt to march to state house once again. now, the killings of more than $39.00 demonstrates is a series of objections that have a fields negative sentiments against president william who to was in the protest movement. post have been making rounds of the social media with the hash tags so occupied every way at that hash tag safe to my school and reject to budgeted.
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corruption is only the present to step down saying that in his election campaign promises to cubic feet, improve housing and creative economy and bits of public services. but none of these promises have been fulfilled and said, is that ministration that has the boss on a campaign masked in popular, sleeps in kenya. as you can see, i don't sound so many businesses how close to the most of the businesses today that we have closing on the 13 on what's happened on the day. we are not taking any of this and once we add the canyons, even if it says that they have the peaceful demo status. and this past sunday,
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we heard that the president's making it very clear that he does not have blood on his hands and pledge to an investigation into the dates off these young citizens. but he has also defended the police of actions which citizens have blamed to follow the killings. the prison says the police were doing their best and the difficult circumstances even blames the violence taking place in kenya on criminals, who he says, have hijacked these demonstration would also remember that police in kenya have been using war to cannot to a gas lives. i munition rubber bullets and advocacy weapons to dispose peaceful protest as. but as of late a quoting acadia has the board to produce from using water cannons and to a guess a gaze peaceful protest is. and then as much as the president eventually bought the 2 public pressure and announced that he would not be signing the controversial both, which sought to raise taxes on essential items such as bridge cooking, oil,
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tennessee, towels of sugar canyons. i'm not buying that move, but i have listened to what the president touches a we have dropped the finance beef. yeah. what does that mean? it means we have one box almost 2. yes. it means that this here we have one to model like to you should be able to run our government protesters in can. yeah, i'm not buying this move. they see that particular move from the president as an attempt to try and de escalate tenses and have now turned the attention to who to his resignation. then i'll see him as more loyal to the likes of the i am. if then to his own people are to you correspondent know over you can gabriel. thank you. we
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heard from kenyan hi car advocates, stephen. when the long the, he said locals are dissatisfied with the government because they think it is working, not for them, but rather in the interest of western powers. is this the reason for today's broadcast is basically, you know, on all the 59 people walk heated when they were protesting peacefully. i'm communicating the message with a government that they need not want their proposed finance meeting. i sent it to all passed by the national assembly and therefore the protest i or not, of those who died. but suddenly, the corners by a fictional member of the family for the president to design the finance bureau is only a symptom of the problems that exist with the government. and therefore, they're not the right useful even means to do to that, to put it into these governments. and especially when a lot of what i'm shown on the phone to my desk, all expenditure, ways, government,
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and my doesn't really affect distinctive injury over the country. the people, i think the problem is not in the collection. ok then you but the problem isn't how they've been, he's being spent. we don't want to be kids into one, you know, into the, into one box and not with it. i may have for that one, but as a nation we want to approximate we own. um, you know, one question of what kind of parts might be best to be broken is a saturday. um, you know, giving us conditions about 35 employees. denise, the method by the use of this country is that we should do away with the, i mean, nothing is coming from the eye. it may have the conditions that they imposing when our government in including that one diesel. we increase that of any collect. the only means that you do this even in school. we have a bronze on the i am, it seems the most to get. i'm definitely listed on these on government working for the i may have always the government watching for the rest of the forces have
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destroyed 5 ukrainian fighter jets in a single strike to the sea. 20 cellphones were stationed and you cranes eastern until top a region. russia used a scanned or ballistic missiles to conduct the strike into other aircraft were also damaged. that's according to the russian defense ministry. bo, this comes as hon gary in 5 minutes for victor, or bon has traveled to do creating capital for talks with robert zalinski. mr. or bon insisted on implementing a see far he said that would be a critical step toward restoring peace between russia and ukraine. the visit came a day after hungry assumed to the rotating 6 months, the chairmanship of the new council, which aims to resolve issues within the european union. as to our bond expressed hope that zalinski would engage in peace talks with moscow. is he not? the more you are currently living and has a very intense impact on the security of europe, we highly appreciate all the initiatives of presidents of lensky to achieve peace.
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i told the president that these initiatives take a long time because of the rules of international diplomacy. they are very complicated. i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different path to cease fire and then continue negotiations. ballistic deeper into this now with george samuel, a senior research fellow at the global policy institute in budapest, george good to have you on with us. the hon. gary and prime minister has called for a cease fire as a 1st step toward a piece. what are your thoughts on that? and he's a goes doing nothing different from what he has been doing really since the side of the circle of special military operations. he has argued repeatedly that this war makes no sense, least the will for ukraine. it will lead to eventually through ukraine's complete destruction. but above all, it's also extremely dangerous. in the,
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there's a growing rig risk that nato and russia will end up in the world war, including nuclear escalation. and of course, it's hurting your up. you can only play with it's a policy of sanctions, which he has also opposed. so in going to give and, and saying, well, why don't you think about a ceasefire? and then we can start negotiations. i think that's consistent with what you said before. the problem is that, that's not the position of the ukraine is not the position of nato. it's not the position of the european union, but position of the us government. there are no takers for what is really an eminently sensible policy. uh, as you said, or bonded has made statements like this before. what do you make of the timing though of this visit and this call for a cease fire? do you think it's something that zalinski would be open to? now?
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i don't see it a large day because there is the native summit, but this coming up really in a few days time in washington, which is a big samantha 75th birthday party when they so nature will also ukraine. something. i mean, not, not quite an invitation to full membership, but a considerably increased role within nato. so something a little short of membership. so at the moment, this isn't really a particularly um, opportune time for uh, ukraine to start thinking about uh, sees far as i mean, if for instance, um, you know, there was no money pouring into your brain, no more weapons. and then, you know, that would be very different, but at the moment of the nato powers the powers, they're all gung ho for ukraine. and they're all, you know, looking forward to this big summit in, in dc and a few days time. george waters landscape. previously you set out terms for
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a peace deal that russia said would be impossible, such as returning crimea to cabs control. what are the chances that zalinski would reconsider his terms? well, i don't see it at the moment because it is the landscapes terms are also the terms of nato, the terms of washington or london, which is a rupture withdrawal as to the 1991 waters. and you're going to even was russia has to pay of pay, you know, this amount of money to ukraine and ross, or have to submit to international war crimes trials. so there's no reason whatsoever to think that this is in any way likely. the only possibility that your brain might reconsider is if there is going to be a change in washington and that, you know, we'll know as we approach the election in november because it's possible. so it's
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by no means a certainly it's possible that us policy towards your brain would change drastically on the truck. but that's the only thing at the moment that that would suggest that any change is likely george western powers, as you all know, how to pay summit for ukraine in switzerland last months without even inviting russia. but now even ukraine stop diplomat has admitted that russia is needed at the negotiation table. i mean, stating the obvious here. i know you said the timing isn't uh you don't see the list continuing it changing his mind of right now about a ceasefire or about the terms of, of the peace deal that he wants. but do you expect real peace talks between russia and ukraine to take place at any point this year as well as possible? because there is the um, the g 20 summit. uh sometime in the full. and there is a plan on about the brazil and china to hold
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a peace conference. and both are still in china and says that russia and ukraine take part in the summit. and ukraine doesn't want to have a fully now with china. it doesn't wanna have a filling out with brazil and civil bully, the countries that kind of follow the brazilian china is lead. so it is possible that it presented china do get this peace conference off the ground. your brain will show up and russian will show up. i don't know whether anything necessarily will transpire, but it is possible that before the end of the year, russian and your brain will be around the same table. all right, well leave it there dar, send me while i a senior research fellow at the global policy institute in budapest, george, thank you. thank you. again, let's return to that breaking news that we're following from canada classes between place and demonstrators have broken out in the east african nation as people are
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taking to the streets to demand the resignation of president retail. all right, let's cross a live now to tennis of monday, who is in the epicenter of the protests in the capital nairobi. so kenneth, you are right there in the hearts of the protest. what's the situation like around you? the way? thank you so much. no, we're not doing cities of meadow beyond what you're going to see um today the, the ladies that are on but they seem to grab it. don't see the young people who had the file. 3 they are coming to protesting as much as he is on their own with this book as thought did it didn't mean it didn't know what the government was in the grove, infinity of taxes. that way introducing what you quoted for. but again, after that, even though you did that then uh we do find on the
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side of the young people that they don't want the government the government to think that they not they have 3 teams. right now it's not that in the morning and police avery like, you know, how big city, if you can hear from the background, the police have difficulty because they're using to 864 not to be able to contain the young people to do. these are main to the main. don't need to have the cds and that being able to just use that firewall. got that email meantime before. now, when it comes to you and don't want to set up, do any of the young people?
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i don't, i mean all over the place. so the products are on the young people on the phone with the government, the thing that they, the on the government that their little safety, that a number of a number of issues that they have equal properties. one of my, one of them he split up soon did thing, but please tell me a lot of practice of being paid for. but the, the painful definitely for the safety and on the clock on the cutting of the message that i have in the say that protecting the government and the president will probably, i don't know if you do. ok. that's a be able to look mean one of the young people, one of the to do to tell us from down miles why i the on the see the way and they produce produce and to them on the streets because we are tired of little to redeem it has to be less than 2
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years, but you have seen the damage has done so you don't do that onto the truck. you won't have to do that. so the past 2 weeks, the hold on them on to luck on fear that you have shown us as a guest even did not state and therefore we will not see. let's look for any range of possible right now. we're just operating pressure. but we know these 2 are missing just to me, not to be a lot of those of them that turns it into the really a little he's and since he's i tell you, i'm not usually the person who just the just what it is about doing sales as opposed to it goes in in front of him and he has put rooms in the a and then talking to, to kentucky positions. and devil of canyon is just a calling to be there sort of thing on some of the, just the clean because each, each other, a lot of the impunity stuff is what the 10 years we and outside the i've said to
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you let me see what did you mean for 5 years you're not sleeping off, at least today, the date was the call to follow him and put simply paula people that do these slots . thank you for the dentist regularly, but there's quite quite loud behind see we appreciate your thoughts side of those
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local journalists and it's a monday and appreciate your talking with one of the protesters as well. thank you . all right, well the director of el cheapo, hospitalized been freed from it, is really prison, right. he was held for 7 months without charge. he was among 50 other release to palestinians. dr. muhammed a boot, so me a shed light on his treatments and he was tortured nearly every day they arrested me to propagate to their people and their governments that they had arrested the director of al she for hospital. the claim degrade, treasure was hiding their hour released today indicates that there were no charges against us. we were released without any deal or exchange regarding the torture i was subjected to. yes, we were subjected to severe torture. my pinky finger was broken. it still can't move completely. i was hit in the head multiple times, causing bleeding. there was torture on an almost daily basis in these really
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prisons. however, is new found freedom. western controversy in israel is the country's prime minister, was quick to call for a pro, calling the decision to release the dr. a. quote, severe mistake. the release of the director of chief a hospital is a serious mistake and a moral failure. this man under whose responsibility our abilities were murdered and held belongs in prison. the decision to release the chief a manager was made without the knowledge of the political echelon or the heads of the organizations wouldn't know how much of a sudden me and chief of guns as large as hospital on chief. i was already back home telling douglas about his experience and his really jail a heated debate, a rock to denise row on how such a dangerous person, according to these really authorities managed to end up a free man in the midst of the more the countries national security administer criticized what he called security negligence. blame and is really intelligence and
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the military for acting counters to the political leadership. the time has come for the prime minister to stop defense minister gallons in the head of the sion bed from conducting an independent policy. contrary to the position of the cabinet in the government. since last october, the idea of has been accusing how nice of turning out she the hospital into its command and control center. a place to launch may solve and direct attacks on israel from, as well as to store weapons and ammunition battles and arguments beyond the use to justify its been both meant of civilian infrastructure. the army claimed the hospital gave shelter to hundreds of ham us militants involved in the october 7 attacks on israel after they supposedly returns to being played, as well as probably held tide is rarely hostages. as chief on the idea of stated seats on an extensive net of underground tunnels and military base that can be entered through the hospitals, doors. if true they had of the hospital,
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couldn't have been unaware of this defense minister galandes office was quick to deny any responsibility. the prime minister's office replied, that's natania. who owed it an immediate inquiry, but it was showing that or shove box, these rel security service, which reports directly to the prime minister, at which let the man in question go, as well as around 50 other detainees, including on chief personnel. the service claimed it was to clear a space for others. shouldn't that accuse? bend here is a national security ministry impulse remaining daft to its calls and threatened to conduct more releases. unfortunately, these requests written an oral which were forwarded to older relevant policies led by the national security administrate, which is responsible for this were of no use on an practice. the number of places of incarceration did not increase and the monitor appropriate to the need without a choice without an immediate solution to the shortage of places of confinement
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arrest will continue to be cancelled, and detainees will continue to be released opposition. leaders were quick to slammed these rating authorities for freeing a suspected criminal. the news this morning and the chaos and the government regarding the release of the director of the el cheapo hospital is a direct continuation of the recklessness and dysfunction of these really government, which is causing outrage to the security of israel citizens. the defense minister did not know the national security minister was not involved. there was an exchange of accusations, everything is leaked. this is what moral and functional disintegration looks like. was it a mistake or negligence? a devil may care attitude this organization among various branches or perhaps the hospitals chief was not as dangerous as ease. real initially claimed. after returning to gaza had told journalists that the court never pressed any charges against him. this raises another question beyond what caused the release. why was
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this man detained in the 1st place? reef an ocean, a r t, resulting from jerusalem? the right do stay with our to international. i'll be back with much more news and just over 30 minutes time. now, by the way, it was a joy to see joanna sash walk out of prison. i suspect she's a great here of yours. well, yes, um, i mean, i remain somewhat speechless. this has happened to tow. it was very abrupt. i gather from sources last julian that he has been very optimistic over the past year to an extent of the hasn't been before so that he knew this was coming. but now, i mean, it's like an extraordinary victory for many hundreds of thousands of millions of people as well in march to arrest or elected representatives have tweeted, have written about him. um yeah, it's really quite extraordinary. and it appears that he's been given
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a green light to keep on coming now. and i'm sure he will. what can you was the along the reactions to his release, which was the most distasteful one. the ones were, i mean i can make my mind between the ones who are saying she's not a real journalist and the ones who are buying law, the fact that he endangered his sources that she has blood are in his hands. yeah, well i mean it's a difficult tradeoff. i think that we know for a fact based on us legal submissions in the trial of chelsea mounting and also julian's own trial that nobody was at the homes by which leaks some disclosures. so i mean to see people trusting out as perverse libel is pretty repulsive, but it's also to be expected. i think that the to it as a means of maintaining this main stream. stigma around julian
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without of your, even while he's a and a legacy like say to speak. i think of what we've seen. a lot of this me is, has been directed as a science over the past kind of decade and a half. i spun out but the, the as what majority of people are listening, you know, nobody takes the mainstream media service anymore. nobody believes that the name is a russian agent or a or right test or a threat to national security. they see him as a valued truth. tell the who was persecuted and tortured. so the crime is publishing secrets the us government didn't want it in the public domain. you'll come from the cradle of democracy. it's indeed no way here in the balkans we have always a, as we have been for decades asking for those standards of journalism and that kind of freedom of the press. so could you start by telling me how did you get in trouble with your own government? practicing journalism or yeah, sure. well, um when i flew back to london last,
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which was in may 2023 and there was a team of on account of terror police charity waiting for me on the tomeka. and i've been expecting to potentially be this stuff to the border ever since i made these sites lever. reporting on pool masons leaked emails um this pull, my son is a, a breakfast generalist, who has been a distinguished himself as a nosy, 18 propagandist, the nato. and the proxy war and ukraine since february 2022. and a i'm was targeting a number of people that i needed, including journalist and academics and activists who were opposed to the proxy will . and these lead email showed that he was towards making his activities in coordination. so he was coordinating his activities with a, a position intelligence officer linked to my, my 6th, um, uh so i mean, the public's interest in reporting on the c.


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