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tv   News  RT  July 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the protest this class with policing kenya, and assess pin demonstrations, describe the government, having scrap the controversial bill. post bobby i in the locals code for president brutal to reside in the oh, we bought it for you. good, good, good luck to attorney, and i'll be over in a drawing where, how i think i use a rasa destroys 5 ukrainian find the jets in a single strike while a hungary is problem, manage the visits key of the 1st. let them use the last key to negotiate for peace with moscow. i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to
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take a slightly different path to cease fire and then continue negotiations. and tragic needs from india for more than a 100 people had been killed in the deadly skinned religious me back the robot, considering the coverage of the latest drug shaping the world right now. this is our team to national i a michael, quick check. now we stop, we can, you know, where it crashes between police and demonstrators of erupt to the east african nation as people are taking to the streets to demand the resignation of president rudo. of the police use, see a gas against crowds of protest is in the capital in arabic, and that's the spot. the country is high quote. having banned the use of gas. and
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what that kind of demonstrate does lined up confidence on the street and not to be in memory of those who died in the previous protests at the raleigh's of continued even after president route to the decision to scrub of controversial finance bill. they had stipulated tax increases intended to pay off a huge debt to the washington bays. i am at a project as now say the problem is much broader as the keys, the president of corruption and broken promises now old the main road. so the presidents, official residents had been blocked with police almost vehicles stationed around the premises. what a cabin are on this done by in the area i made a heavy security presence of crime is also on the rise with bus reports coming in of 3 debt to the coastal city of mombasa, a cause i'm also being set on fire. i can say that'd be, have no faith in with them rooters gums the
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no no no we have, do you need to do is we can do the every 2 weeks of board or do we booked it for you for us to get to said this, i'm going to be too good about your time, you know, to be i've been in drawers, i use that bar and i do the thing that i thought would be the event. yeah. we put the the feeds. so have you do barbara? good, definitely. did you buy part of your life? just no one thing on the be the done. all i want is a peaceful country where our lead that regardless of the r t curse, but i know he'll convey on local john this kenneth on monday report is from the crisis as well. um, so what we would need is today the copy to
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a c t's ease of protest of the young people down people who uh, mediately quoting themselves. jim, these um, so they have heated the street today either over to the city of naomi's and uh, we have seen a lot of new content. so need to see to young people protesting. i mean it's, it got me in. so the people who are on the street today, they're saying that the president, we have moodle mazda goals, and with that, with the, these cabinet secretaries and people helping him in the running these comments. and again, young people out so decrying that the model people have looked at eliza never, not seen the president being the most for love for the number of people that have lost their lives. the significance i do, in addition, another human nice bodies of what i mean, they quoted that hold on to name people i've, i've lost their lives and i'm know many people have been needed even today and i'm going to be full of being ange indeed. as a kid, show me the, what does that mean? what does between the police find uh this inconvenience or protesting against the
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government? the, this is one of the did v as the ministration in king is recent history, the protest, worst ball to buy, the canyon government's plans to significantly raise taxes to pay off the state. but the government did a u turn off to things change did lead. when protest is broke into economy to never be and i'm police open size killings, dozens of people present william,
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brutal at the time and on such was listening to the citizens and to the purchase. this concerns at was scrapping he's controversial finance full. he also said that you would instead introduce budget cuts and or strategic this is to try to so i put the countries fine is but the chaotic events in one of epic has major economies. also a key ally to the u. s. have data to questions about the data choking many developing countries in africa and who is to blame for all of that. but this is what the president says is the plan for ken, you're going forward. we have dropped to finance. yeah. what does that mean? it means we have one box for most of us. it means that this here we're going to model. so you should
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be able to run our government problem. watch. we're seeing the estimates of political move has last present to the vacuum of the nation and the peace damage kanyes branch all the economy and democracy it to member earlier this year. the i am, if a good reach an agreement on the disbursement of loans that urge the canyon government to raise its revenue, the government's been decided to transfer the pain. and i mean onto, it's people um, through tax policies that put it into the pool of wisdom. can you know young canyons have no faith to that the taxes will be used for the benefit anymore. and that's why they've shifted the focus to making the coverage administration resign. now we've heard from kenyan the high courts advocate to stephen monday. i'm one key, he said locals are dissatisfied with the government because they think it is working, not for them, but rather in the interest of western powers. the, this,
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the reason for today's broadcast is basically, you know, on all the 59 people walk heated when they were protesting peacefully. i'm communicating the message with a government that they did not want their proposed finance be offended all passed by the national assembly. and therefore, the protest today or not, of those who died by the corners, by a fictional member of the family for the president to resign. the finance bureau is only a symptom of the law, the problems that exist with the government. and therefore, they're not the right useful even due to that because it's in the government. and especially when a lot of what i've shown on the phone to my desk, all expenditure, ways, government, and my does not really affect distinctive injury over the country. the people, i think the problem is not in the collection of payment due, but the problem between how they've been is being spent. we don't want to be changed into one, you know, into the, into one box and not with that. i am
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a have for that one to buy as a nation. we want to box and that we own, you know, one question of why it's not with us. we've, i've seen is a saturday. um, you know, giving us one diesel about $35.00 the employees, denise, the method to buy. they used to be spent with you that we should do away with the i mean, nothing is coming from the eye. it may have the conditions that they imposing when our government in including that one diesel, 3 degrees that of any collect. the only means that you do the 50 then school. we have it, but i'm the i am, it seems, and most of you i'm definitely will still need is a government working for the i may have always the government watching for the the is now a wave from africa. now russian forces have destroyed 5 ukrainian fight. the jets in a single strike. they ask you 20 sevens with space and then you cranes east on pulse of a region. a russian you can actually use out is kind of by,
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let's take muscles to conduct the strike about to all the craft. we're also damaged and that's according to the russian defense ministry. been while a lot of these, the last keys office says he has rejected the seasonal high proposal from the home gary and from administer who traveled the key of to share his ideas on how to restore peace of the hunger in the prime minister said. but the sci fi would be critical step towards the public and peace deal between russia and ukraine. his visit came a day after hungry, assume they irritating 6 months of championship of the you cancel, which seems to resolve issues within the european union. a bond express how the lot of music that's key will engage in peace, thoughts with moscow. the war you are currently living in has a very intense impact on the security of europe. we highly appreciate all the initiatives of presidents of lensky to achieve peace, seen the more i told the president that these initiatives take
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a lot of time because of the rules of international diplomacy. they are very complicated. i asked the president to think about whether it would be possible to take a slightly different path to cease fire and then continue negotiation. steve, we but let's cross live now to a venture walker. we split into elijah magnolia, joining us right now. eliza is good to have you join me now. the home gary and from minnesota has called for a cease fire. as for us that towards peace. what do you think about that proposal? is it realistic? hello, mike and thank you for having me. so i think so ukraine and president dillard escape route out the ceasefire and listen to his arguments that russia would be allowed to room and strengthen these forces. so russia doesn't need to. ready rule, this forces the problem is with the cranium forces. now ukraine review this proposal to cease fire that doesn't include
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h request or for us and withdrawing. now these, all these queues is because right a victor hold on is being an excellent position to negotiate a ceasefire. but only in case the west is to can see it about stopping the will not last is nonsense here. the median in ski is not the one who is at this decision make up in this case and the you abide by what the us want and do us under joe biden wants to continue this little. this is why i need propose or even by the one leading the you counselor as hungry is that stopped at a day ago in a perfect position, maintaining good relationship with roger and good relationship with crane, but not being involved in the war. that gives him the privilege to, to be engaged in such a negotiation. but there is no honesty, by the way,
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to stop the war. and this is why this proposal is not going to work right now. the you try me on the presidential office immediately, refuse the proposal. why is the key of government so against this proposal for peace? it's because the americans austin, injecting money because the americans don't want the war to stop because they want to keep nato type. they want to keep nature under the u. s. the scott, they want to keep the e u under control. they don't want the, you just thoughts having these with russia that is obviously in the continent. and this is the natural things to do. and they don't want the use to regain its power, but it is much better for the us to see the u. d by the i think it's guarantee and suffering heavy inflation because with the form i didn't get 5th of the sentence, it has never been the moment when the u. s. is in control of the you,
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like today and the us on the job i then is not going to give up on that today. and this is why the decision of all and these goes to run state in germany with 50 nation, all gathering to support this war. and they certainly don't want to end it now. all right, that we've heard words about peace, paul struggle west and politicians, but nothing about sees far, is a bond call a change in the european to and when it comes to the creed comfortable or just a lone voice to what the logic would say? well, let's have this habit ceasefire and stopped working, but having a ceasefire to do what is ukraine doesn't have the decision to stop. the war is mobilizing people by force is bringing everybody to the front where the war that they know how it is ending with zalinski is saying,
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we have many people all dying. we need more money. the trump was complaining about the good salesman that every time coming to the us and going back with a lot of money, the e one has be squeezed to give 50000000000 euros. $54000000000.00 for you grade when you need b. u is suffering. so nobody wants the end of the world because it doesn't fall into the interest of the that. but there is another point that is most importantly a ceasefire means that the feet of 15 nations, it means nato has been defeated led by the us. this, the us cannot allow it to happen and can not give this impression worldwide. that dresser has one in russia is winning. we know that we have to living here now had lodging. magneer veteran war corresponded to thank you so much for your insight. thank you for having me right now. shocking news from india web. more than 100
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people have reported to being killed. and this done p, you'd have to really just event with women and shoulder and set to be among the victims. more than 150 injured people are in the hospital. now forward he's fee of a death toll could rise indian problem minister and they're under moody set of the government will provide victims with all necessary assistance. all right, to get more of the touch of the let's cross live to of course, but i really just saw my hand in the run doing this good to have you told me now, can you tell us more about what's happened? a very, very tragic news coming in a from india. now these incidents took place in the novel and stage of or 3rd for the tional town called up to us. this is about 200 or 2 long adults from the national capital that each data 100 over a 100 people who are dead. this has been confirmed by senior district officials. there are several injured well being treated in stage one hospitals nearby. in fact,
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the weekends are being taken to these hospitals of, for both treatments, but also a topsy. and this is a rather tragic because we're seeing that the hospitals around where the incidents to please are also now guessing. well, and let me point out here. the reason why these tragedy to please uh is, is being said would be, oh, well crowded. so let me just paint the scenario for you. this is about 50000 people, you know, ground. this is for religious congregation. all organize filed a lot of south side, but none of this going 9 in this particular belt and taking the hotline. and another thought of india is somebody who's reviewing. so these would essentially devotees, around $50000.00 of them would get to bed and towards the end of the wind. we. so
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there was a bit of a couple of the, with the not very good. it's, it's, it's been v u med. uh, it's been a watch so much. uh, so in this particular situation, we still owe stampeded that sort of broke out. and of course, after that we saw in this crazy commotion that at least 100 people know, stabilize this number or will you be fear, the court rises on it did this incident and back to the sense early evening in that time my a but this, this entire night to go that data, people still running codes are scheduled as a compensation, which has been announced for the families of those who lost their loved ones around 2000 $300.00 for the ones who will say lives for their families. so it is a very, very tragic abuse coming in from india. but let me, let me find out here. there are lots of questions. the re is now this particular wrong way is religious congregation was organized. they were only about 70 or least
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boston that's on rounds. that's what nuclear reports is suggesting. 70 lease personnel for the crowd of $50000.00 people. so how was an event like this old devise? how the permission given where the box are really stop? so more questions than answers at this point, right around doing charmaya corresponding, they're reaching us from the new delhi to give us updates on this. thank you. and has had to the middle east now, as usual, or the residents of the sovereign gather city will come eunice to evacuate the us state department deputies books. boston was questioned by report as that on pato said that the evacuation is appropriate for security reasons, despite and washington opposing department and displacement of guidance when it comes to one of our t a tenants of this conflict,
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the secretary was very clear in tokyo that there can be no permanent displacement of, of guidance, of course, over the course of this military operation that the idea is conducting and i will let them speak to a specific logistical parameters as those operations are being conducted. it is of course, pertinent that civilians and non milton to be asked to appropriately evacuate for safety concerns. but again, these are all logistical parameters that the audience can speak to. now this is the reality of displacement on the ground upon a scene in boys sleeping in the streets. now following the ease ready order, european hospital and yukon. eunice also began evacuating patients with the idea of saying that they have no intention of, of i, q aging patients and medical staff personnel say a hospital is in danger. an employee of the un office for the coordination of
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humanitarian affairs in guys, a shed light on the displacement of follow cdn. so the young players it's so hard to understand forced displacement sometimes. but imagine one evening perceiving that evacuation order, you have 10 to 15 minutes to leave your building because it's going to be boned. your kids are sleeping in the room next door. you wake them up a wine, probably. and you have to make split 2nd decisions to decide what to pack, what's essential, and how do you define essential. so you take one last look at the room and you say permanent good by because you know it will be dust you've been while a video obtained by all g 0 news channel report at least shows a person who appears to have been forced to put on the military clothing and roaming among, destroyed houses, other footed shows and almost naked by the scene in being forced to search the
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ruins of a building. that footage also apparently shows a palace tv and being sent into a tunnel in front of these ready on me. by us cross now live to leader of the palestinian national initiative, which the 5 buck booty of about. good thing is good to have. you join me now, but what do you make of this? are the zeros footage of what the claim is. evidence that the idea is using palestinians as human shields a started so we knew that and this missed the army using 1st thing is as human shields is not, you didn't. and the 2nd thing to forego, this thing goes on. this invest bank on the time and, and you have access to a better understanding was into the buyers enter your site up to understand the jeep and the then that you booked on the streets using this in just man as
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a human. she's now and go to the image is even more of a fine because they're pushing for people to learn to turn those. i've started guessing them and is really out since the end. and this way, do they know that if somebody wouldn't be found completely different, they use the monsoons everywhere. we reported that several times. but that is the, does that any sports person i've nothing you know, the but i mean just sort of as a keep like, let me the thing as themselves are using themselves. as you mentioned, in my opinion, this is one of the cities and also the most, the evaluations of the human rights. but those that aren't goes on and the company is gone so far as it goes or it does or is not subject to the 2 sections. if any of the company has done this, imagine if it was that a hand to using your premiums as a human to use, what would be the send me giving to now? and what would be the government's doing?
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but of course, we live in the midst of the click to me, a comment on the could even of notes, i would say a body that medical books, the some who is just justified at associates and includes includes the population because the people who would be effective today and some of them out of my sense mike weeks have been already moved out to their homes 6 times. they were forced out of a 1000 to them. is it a and then for the new to, to just to i mean this, i've been some time doing this sort of a now, but i'm going to fall back to mossy. and now from last week to find newness, i know that forcing them out of funding this indeed, this is unbelievable. the life of dozens of guns now is absolutely miserable. people have no food. there's on tap water. they don't have good. it says they don't have the don't touch anything. do you like me to kind of care today like me, the kitchens. they like
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a place to stay. they don't even have times because all the things are gone now with this new eviction. this is a terrible crime of continuous ethnic cleansing is not to smoke twice, not 3 times, but not about 6 times. now, in addition to that, the human side of the army is committing in guys which has on and you take them to life. most of the $7000.00 people, but for the $7000.00 people, including $10000.00 them to out of the composing, to now on the, on the boat, including the no less than $17000.00 attempted. and it's the, was crime in modern history, their united states. and but them and money was still governments and busted by participants and distribute a lot. okay. all right, now this are, these are our footage we're talking about one part of it shows a palestinian wearing a blue bracelet on his arm. do you have an idea of what this bracelet is on and what it is useful to? i don't know exactly, maybe it's so did you love this service?
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so today to, to that, to them. but we've seen also a new images of palestinians. what are these that i'm present and the to do the shut back had uh set up to then i believe 20010000 say just know why the capacity is 14500. it's only which means that people out of the conditions and those, but it has already leased the most to the 74 to kind of get out of their way and they haven't been stopped. they have the furniture there with the head to the next to the constructs the downs in the water. and the new would be to the terribly . and that's why the monitors the 60 how or decides and is the best that the part that number. we don't know exactly how many people with physics acute it actually sort of this box is going to be one of the one bottom of the structure that they
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are using and the patients. all right, now the us be department deputies books passed and said that the residential con units are being and colleagues to evacuate. is there no play safe left? football is team and civilians to go. can you give us a picture of how things are there? or of course they have no place to go to because as i told you, people are pushed out to the guys that the most down to the center. and then down to find newness and then dump it off a hole in about $1500000.00 people and plus and then the item, you put them out to sort of the sales. so that very severely, that seems to be on the coast score mossy. and they said that this would be a safe area, but not the same for home bought the 2 days ago. so people flipped from uh, seem to find me with this back. and now the evicted to them again, i will send you this list to go. there is no safe spot and goes in and most of the
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area has been destroyed. about 85 percent of all houses have beautiful and destroyed. right. all schools have, most schools have been destroyed, only visited, haven't been destroyed most times because they haven't been destroyed. and they are now for the same day, it'll be under the title, which is the most important hospitality limited area to be on site visited. so they are not born before seated people out of the civil times out of 10 out of these even whether they are highly but they are also depriving them from medical services by closing down the last method, consistent integrity, testability that dysfunction. all right, thank you for giving us an idea of what's going on. thank you so much more stuff about what the leader of the policy to be a national initiative. thank you. thank you. bye. that's the all day. now we'll see you again. that's all the all with more stories by now the
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the, it was a joy to see joanna sash walk out of prison. i suspect he's a great here of yours. well, yes, um, i mean i remain somewhat speechless. this is happening to tow. it was very abrupt i gather from sources place julian that he has been very optimistic over the past year to an extent of the hasn't been before so that he knew this was coming. but now, i mean it's like an extraordinary victory for many hundreds of thousands of millions of people as well in march to arrest that or elected representatives have tweeted, have written about him. um yeah, it's really quite extraordinary. and it appears that he's been given a green light to keep on coming now. and i'm sure he will. what to you was the among the reactions to his release, which was the most distasteful one. the ones were, i mean i can't make my mind between the ones who are saying she's not the realtor
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and the ones who are buying law, the fact that he endangered his forces that she has blood are in his hands. yeah, well i mean it's a difficult tradeoff. i think that we know for a fact based on us legal submissions in the trial of chelsea mounting and also julian's own trial that nobody was at the homes by which leaks some disclosures. so i mean to see people trusting out as perverse libel is pretty repulsive, but it's also to be expected. i think that the uh it as a means of maintaining this main stream. stigma around julian without of your, even while he's in a legacy like sites as big as it think of what we've seen a lot of the this me is that have been directed such a science over the past kind of decades in a huff i spun out but the, the majority.


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