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tv   News  RT  July 3, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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of the the, the headlines thrown off the international. unfortunately, the multi polar world is platinum inclusion arrives in the capital of catholics. don for the shy and high cooperation organization summit with 16 nations and attendants, including leaders from china and hook your brain. it rejects the ceasefire of hunger, his proposal is short down on arrival. a conflict meantime is brewing among the military leadership in t v. you purchased africa to follow a green agenda. the props being cold with his hand in the cold bucket, with brussels, digging deep into his pockets out to expand a binding operation. the
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story before we join our correspondence, allow me to wish you a very well welcome to this live program right here on the, on the international. so it's straight to our top story for you right now because of the bottom of food and has arrived in the capital of catholics. dawn as a summit for the shanghai cooperation organization kicks off pumping. the agenda that have strengthening regional security and bilateral times the so the seo is a group of your ration states consisting of 9 members, is also set their welcome laross into the fold of the organization represents about 40 percent of the global population, roughly a quarter of the world's economy and established in 2001 that's main name is to
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ensure that a regional security. well that's across a lot too often. all right, malware, it's just about high noon. i'll see you. so i don't know, quoted joining us for more details on what, what we should expect now for the summit, as it is kicking off this day, don't get to see you. what are your expectations? what, what do you know so far? i they're very well it's the day before the official start of the 24th summit of the shanghai cooperation organization here in austin not but things are ready beginning to kick off today. vladimir putin has a number of bilateral meetings lined up with world leaders like the presidents of, for kia, pakistan, mongolia, azerbaijan. and of course china and using ping even wrote an article actually in the run up to this momentous occasion for shadowing a new horizons and use a universally beneficial cooperation in the future for the organization. we chinese believe that in every challenge lies an opportunity and that challenges
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and opportunities are interchangeable. we need to foster new opportunities and mid crises and open up new horizons on the shifting landscape. we will work together to build an equal and orderly multi polar world. promote universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and bring about more positivity, uncertainty to world peace and stability. john is present also placed a special emphasis on his country, centuries old friendship with the host country of catholic stand and for his part present. the guy upset that his nation, like other middle powers around the world, are playing a vital part in ensuring international peace and stability in a world in which the traditional power houses are increasingly at each other's throats. limits this global disco, the traditional power houses, the world's economic and political behemoths are increasingly unable to work together against this backdrop middle powers, like catholics, donna much is pivots,
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will plays with growing capacities to ensure greatest ability piece and development in the regions and beyond. now in terms of other attending powers, here, india is delegation is set to be represented by a new del, these external affairs minister. while prime minister, lorenzo modi is rumored to attend a remotely via video call to the organizations, events beller roof is also set to expands the membership of this organization. this year becoming the 10th member state of the shanghai cooperation organization and the presence of tortilla, or the one he's also going to be here representing tanker as an observer. now it's important to understand that turkey is actually for a long time showed very keen interest in becoming a full member of state of the s c o. this is something that's raised a lot of concerns in the west regarding the exclusivity of turkey as membership in the nato military block. so no doubt this is going to raise a lot of attention in the west and around the world along with the rest of the
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aspirations of the ceo's member states and, and observer states to further integrate and deep and cooperation with the multi polar world. yeah it's, it's an interesting point you make that don't, regarding what, what, what is now a multi polar well, but also these members of the, a, c o being joined by nato men but touchy and the role told me about regional security and a strengthening of lateral ties, i mean, honestly interesting days are upon us live of the seo se on the corner and as done ok, thanks very much for the most of the come here on the program on off you international activists close a very good drive to way from a public event in new york offer you confronted to us political a whole going is unpacking istic stones towards trying to stick around. we had a chance to speak with mr. vega himself for now here on the program. ukrainian don forces have once again a time the city of don't yet, this time around a targeted local supermarket. the 1st republican market was heavily damaged in the
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attack, proportionally ukrainian on forces use americans of right. hi mazda of rockets to make that strikes. and as much as he serves as of what to put out the flames, we understand. as of right now, there are no casualties. meanwhile, the while and official from the bottom is the landscape. the presidential office says it turned down. lets see spot proposal that was hand delivered by the hun, gary and prime minister, the key of the claims that ukraine still really wants peace or the russian foreign ministry has responded saying that these words have no really wow what it's about the piece. so just a couple of words to these that just to screen with these are just cliche was liza words, that as a thesis must be memorized and pronounced. there was only one go slow, it was voiced by the connective west. this is the infliction of a strategic defeat on the russian. they said the president of ukraine, of course,
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gave the prime minister of hungry the opportunity to express his opinion. what we're saying that ukraine really wants peace for itself. this is logical for this. we have a to the summit to increase which has being held. then we have preparing for the 2nd one or prior to ukraine's rejection. the hungry a prime minister said that a c 5 will be a critical set. so what was a permanent deal between moscow and see if there's a time of day off the hungry assume the rotating 6 months, championship of e you council, which aims to resolve issues within the european union. following his visits, the older than the highlights of his sons on the conflict. the press conference was um a little bit chilly. um because uh, the speculation was very high and on uh, on sure that the, the generates. i'm not sure once we happen to be a public discussion and confrontation between the 2 leaders or the 3,
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it'd be more to corporate, the statement of what was going on. it's been somebody's coming to grants, easy to uh, forecast what will happen, a closing saying we, while ukraine we are with you with a war, all blah, blah blah and so on. but you know, 100 and pollution is different. we don't think you total war. it's a ukraine, especially on the boarding, debated you cleaned by the russians and tongue go to use. the interest is not to continue to worry about the, the piece. and i tried to represent the interest of you don't, uh, you know, enough power and the object the way to reach the front at the tool. then the regularly they used to have well that the calls that continues to rage all and as a no longer a unified voice and key of a deputy from the ukranian, the peoples policy set, the top brass and the country is responsible for the tragedies to continue to one full a question regarding the activities of the top military leadership in 2022 in
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20232024. that's why i emphasize that this is a tragedy of the situation to isn't changing the principles of decision making to north georgia. we haven't seen our ration so with the heart feel free to me. that was the same intelligence warning, so everyone reports that everything is just fine. mind fortifications are ready to go. i drew attention to the work of the defense ministry and the systemic collapse of the capabilities of the armed forces of ukraine by the cranium told ministry come on. i will also mention a number of military operations that were supposed to be controlled by trend of roles. the leasing i'm sir school ukraine is having a game of thrones moments blood day in windows with betrayal and playing games. yes . key up as a rule with itself the head of the eastern front, general soto has killed more ukrainian ministry than any russian general. is this really going to continue? is it really necessary for the military to unite on the basis of hatred for the
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leader? do we have to do this man and territory this way? is this how it works, commander in chief of the premium forces? do you not care at all, or is this your intention? a full stop in the firing line of the minute tree top ross, whose fates are tied to the landscape winds in vanity, i lost all in general velocity, seduce me to whether they got cool pocketing west and $8.00 unexplained resident calls or to whether they've killed too many of that, oh, i wrote a letter to the security intelligence service with a call to open an investigation into one military general, who in my opinion, killed more ukrainian soldiers than any russian general. it pisses me off the combatants and brigade commanders are put on trial for the loss of an observation post. but a general was not put on trial for the loss of regions and dozens of cities and the loss of thousands of soldiers to photos departure instigated by that top dog a v as a free gate, which is really
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a whole lot the story. a little unto themselves, they are always like a state within a state, greedy for power and foss, fee for blogs. now room is a flooding the general fisk a might be staring down the barrel of an investigation. so generally, failing to live up to his mit came of the butcher. according to the source, the discontent of the lensky and his office is connected, both with the unsuccessful preparation for the russian off ends in the cargo region and with a number of other issues. however, as the source the ledges, the commander in chief is unlikely to be removed from office in the near future. but when the report sent ukrainian full says, are losing over 14000 men on a weekly basis when one does, how long before the 5th is given, his marching mode, as, as the landscape police of the bat on another, who was in knots and leslie spinning carousel of generals, as fools the landscape,
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the commander in chief himself, while he's also out by navigating a political mind field, his approval rating is in fruitful, his ingratitude is getting up. some has legitimacy is on the sports me. his tom expired back in may and his plans for the next selection while they're on, which i want to see me if he's now a risk of goods that we think the put him to power in the fall space. a could be the way that the program under the guise of holding a so called the national gathering. the attackers blend to announce the removal of the current military and political leadership of the cream from power. then they help to seize the billing onto their holding their router and blankets work for them. and finally, ukraine is in a flight for economic survival in debt to the tune of $152000000000.00 a no honey pot from which to pay it off. she it was one month before it defaults before washington b. i mass, the wall of banking, come knocking,
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looking for that pound of flesh. oh, here's what it was all a guess to upfront need. but in any case, for example, did you know that the u. k. only paid off it so that it needs to be us in 2006. it took $61.00, his. he has the economy is 18 times for the non dense, and it's running on empty. it's a perfect storm. the possibilities of the economy have been exhausted and destroyed 1st by the russian army, and then by all security forces, the country has long stopped turning money. we live at the expense of taxpayers of other countries. now look at the opinion polls. do you notice anything strange from an economic point of view, we have become a closed country, both inside and out, probably a new might. donna whites, us even more ruthless and even more destructive. and the trigger for this will be a complete collapse of economic stability. still living off the health of the west
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. so yes, when site is coming for ukraine and more ways than one. and as really its feel that news quite sudden with political career is at stake with blank checks out risk. and with the sign is the sunday soon, the people might come bang so that blogs, well, sometimes just to survive. the nice thing left is to take out a nice look for a back, the police, the west. the meantime, looking at a drag feller roost sense of the conflict, according to alexander lucas shank of the answer is yes. the russian leader revealed that during a meeting with a russian state to my deputy of nato countries continued to mass troops along the borders of belarus. because you know, nature was a defensive organization, marvel boxed at all c dot com. we got your company, the, well they use a green policy is also cleaned out. the rule of the block for years has tried to explore hits a virtue signaling agenda to africa. it's funneling its own funds to do got more
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dependable fossil fuels. but all you even surprised is, honestly contributor ritual. most the european officials have long tried to sell their citizens on the idea that their cash needs to be sent overseas to developing countries where it then disappears, presumably into projects that mitigate the harm done overseas by climate change caused by selfish westerners were told. like for energy efficient buildings in nepal or for mobile apps to predict climate change and zimbabwe, those are actually real you projects brought to you by the people who sometimes can even accurately predict tomorrow's weather. long climate change with an app. and now the e. u has a new green project, coal plants in china, india, indonesia, south africa, and yes, even the united states. that's according to new reporting led by the investigative
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media outlet box, europe and the european investigative collaborations network. and what they found was that d u green funds regulated as quote, promoting environmental and social goals and managed by western and financial firms like black rocks, goldman sachs, and the subsidiary of the italian banking giants in tessa. some powerful have dumped at least $65000000.00 into dirty coal expansion. but the e. u has been going around lecturing. nicholas will south, in particular on the need to do what 180 degree turn on cool. i guess and we are working closely together on how to move from fossil entities to green entities. and we will have a conclusion of that in the drawing declaration. signs together also apply mia virtually between our ministries of the economy and a n c. a we bothered with any due diligence on those supposedly regulated you
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agreeing funds is fair. bock is leading the charge then maybe by doing a 180 on cool that you really just meant a 360, china's talk whole producer, china sion well and china resources power holdings have also benefited from the u. blast green funding, helping to expand production, the cleaners. what size has block officials quote? very worried, but as climb as commissioner, i do get asked, what difference does the green deal make if you take into account that the you is only responsible of 7 percent of global greenhouse gases, and that's for the other 93 percent. so today i'm addressing you, we do need china currently the source of 28 percent of global emissions to leave the global green transition together with all of us. call india the top producer of coal in that country and also the coal reliant, new deli base power giant,
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n t p. c. limited have also planned major expansions of their cool operations and made the green cash injections. according to the researchers, china and india will have to explain themselves and what they did to the most climate vulnerable countries in the world. so all this begs the question, is even the self styled patron saints of the western green agenda are sitting with coal on the down low then maybe it's just another case of their ideology being completely out of types with pragmatic reality, critical mineral mining is also an extremely energy intensive activity, and one that today runs on hydrocarbons. it could not function otherwise. is it realistic to think renewables can meet the expected electricity expansion alone, particularly given the world has invested over 9.5 trillion in transitioning over the past 2 decades. you have to wind and solar still on the supply, just under 4 percent of the world's energy, you're paying farmers subjected to, you climate change. dict. tags. have called the block out on it. and now at least
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one out for 10 farmer is doing the exact same thing. almost 90 percent of all images coming from binding. bio must bow mazda is basically by a would chuckle, co done pro crazy do. that's what we using. that's how we get to know what you need . so what i'm saying is, what we need is due from reliable sources, clean sources, but they binding chuckle binding file, which is fun to jump on betral binding, quoted. we don't have access to any. do we do a top access to the level? you know, what i'm saying is let's have a to store fossil fuels because we need it to bid. there's no way of doing to industrialize. if we continue binding bio months, it seems that farmers and both that you and i forgot, i agree on something that the you and the green fantasies that it promotes. just don't jive with reality. and judging by where the bankers are investing the use green funds in fossil fuel development, there seems to be a dwindling number of true believers when it comes to western climate change layer
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. we did hear from a, an energy market analyst or calvin emmanuel. and you spoke about when he called western and paula said he described it as being filled with double style does have a listen for yourself. it is the see that the phones actually fully show your security thing last time you and full and diverse mode, or worst on your phone for us as an ass fam, russian. we google financial system curious pollution pharmacies and being by russian and go to proceed to all of these transition. and i called for the use of course of use and at the same time
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and the company, the, your assumption invest a whole that as, as you know, so whole, lots of useful climate change. i've seen some of the bar for afraid of those time the that's the google stuff. it is not giving the child sustained us for lives. a fee for wholesale feels as a way to west as you know. but i think that the phone feels for disturbing vision over time. all right, state side, big over the next story here. and i'll tell you where active as jose vega confronted us political hol, can matthew part and you know, in for his antique china stones, it will happen on stage 2. during an event of the asia society of new york was eventually drive away in bo, choked. i secured and like you are trying to tell me the responsible one for your it is through. i'm supposed to believe china surveilling
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our kids. we have a mass surveillance phase. yeah. we saw that says um, okay, we add a $75.00 on every thing. we do this a go here and up on the stage there's no different than the angle here, a babbler named biden, who probably isn't running our government. we don't need to have good war 3. we didn't actually work with china. did you know that we work with china? we have the chance to speak to jose vega himself, who said that the collective west pushes a confrontational policy on the world stage. haven't listen for your so a matt putting your who is a state department the spoke is i like to say and is now also advising people on the subcommittee for strategic competition between the united states and the
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chinese communist party was hosting a bulk talk because he just released a book called the bought the boiling moat, and the entire talk was just billed with focus points about why you should continue to be antagonistic towards the chinese and the russians. the room wasn't so big and i was able to get my message across and i did expect attention. i didn't expect confrontation. i knew they weren't going to be unhappy with me, but i certainly didn't expect the moderator himself get off stage and come towards the west as we liked the call. it doesn't have one piece in the world. we know that boris johnson has sabotage. the peace talks that happened in april of 2022 that could have stopped the war in ukraine. we know that the nato has no intention of staffing any of the 3 front world war is whether it's israel, whether it's taiwan or whether it's mean they want the voice to continue. and anybody who present any kind of alternative or threats is notified to that. and to start talking about why he's alive is going to be silent during my case, charles,
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out of the room, don't want to criticize, you know, try it. our russian for being authoritarian. but i live in the united states with, you know, has free speech supposedly. and that's how we get treated for using our 1st amendment rights. but i believed in the american people. mean, that's why i'm running for congress. i believe that the american people, if they are presented with the right, not just information but the right truth, that we can work with the chinese and the russians. and that we can actually cooperate and not have this and taking this to grow. i genuinely believe we can make something happen where people decide, let's stop more, let's work together. people me to actually stand up and wake up and say, wait a minute, my country isn't even being run by the 1st and i thought was running it. so in order for there to be a name, figure out who was actually running our country in our government 1st. and then do take from there. what the people want the foreign policy to be, what should be cooperation and peace for all the palestinians seeking
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refuge from the war. and gods are actually finding a safe haven in southern russia through authorities of taking the initiative to build them a settlement with new homes, have a look at this of the year in russia. i am very glad that you have found the 2nd church and we know firsthand the hardships and deprivations. so we are acutely worried while watching the tragic development of the same humane blood shot the whole world. but the west continues to cynically support israel's monsters. crimes on palestinian soil people in this solution is the chechen people themselves knows 1st hand. what more is what
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the bitterness of war is. what broken homes are, what the crying of mothers is. therefore, the church and people led by our leader, rums on to day off, warmly welcomed all refugees from palestine. they are our brothers or sisters. the old hosting is working the church of republican. we think they had of the republic rooms on 0. and we also think the great church and people for saving us. well, the members of every family in the republic today are in children, go to school,
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young people go to universities, preschool, children go to kindergarten, pensions and subsidies are all documents for temporary registrations. residents permits and citizenship have been formed. all services have been busy for filling the orders. and today we can probably say that we have virtually completed our job . we would like to thank from sun cordero for such a generous gift, which he gave to us palestinians who came from gaza to chechnya, thanks to the church. and so is this number. everyone here helped us with work and house big job has been done. thank you very much for everything. yeah, so just the traction. and so the who these in yemen continue that show of solidarity with the in baffled palestinians by continuing to talk. it is a really link to strips in the red sea. but now the who with these are promising to sing the american aircraft carrier, the us, as theodore roosevelt was about to enter the red sea, with so many hot spots around the world these days. we've got your company here and
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all to international. and all the developments you can find them online. i don't have the, i look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence. the point obviously is to great trust rather than to the area. i mean, with the artificial intelligence we have so many with the in the robot must protect this phone. existence was alexis
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deca itself, the gaining independence and from the law form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan. pro french president felix jose born. you ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the city guaranteed isn't it enough that there is no simple new foster larry shifted upwards, was done. those who saw him and no more appropriate officer. the death of lupe a one year a new lead to long come back. the ball came to power and i'm ready to double for example. yeah, to is the why do you know if we're picking up from or they're gonna use it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is the one from some easily deemed good luck. boeing, enemy, a deep political crisis ensued. the walk a, the country 2nd largest city,
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turned into a theater of war from 132. the only 2 voters of what this. how did the dramatic events unfold, and how is black a recovering from you? he is a bloody conflict. watch on od. see the the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle. zalinski says kemp does not want to prolong the war and make it last for years. is even suggested.


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