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tv   News  RT  July 3, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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we still have some common ground, the the latter putting meets with the leaders of your race of nations, including china's shoes and thing. and turkey is erewhon. they are boosting security ties of some of the song high cooperation organizations after his disaster as the bait performance sto, biden's own democrat allies begin turning on him, demanding a better candidate to stand against donald trump in the november election. and a russian missile strength destroys that ukrainian military helicopter of an eastern air filled and then he has lost his on the battlefield. some prominent member say of who is on the horizon. probably a knew my don awaits even more ruthless and even more destructive the i'm rachel ruble live
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in moscow. you're watching archie international. russian president vladimir putin is in the central asian nation of catholic stem for the shanghai cooperation organization summit. one of the main topics is strengthening, regional security and bilateral ties. the mr. put in a has met with a range of national leaders at the summit, including china, is the presidency or yeah, for them to skokie to blow to if i remember how warmly you receive this all in china. today, we have a very detailed negotiation. signed bilateral program agreements and launched ideas
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of cultural exchange. christy later during our visit to harvey, we were able to once again the video with how close to historical title and the a so between russian you really and the people's republic of china really hard for the uh, with the expansion of the circle of participants has to model the cnn will become another full member of the seo the organization has strengthened its role as one of the key sellers of a just to most people are world organization that it has been stated more than once with good reason. you know that the russian chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation are experiencing their best period in history . and they are built on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other 70. how cooperation is not directed against any one where we do not create any blocks or alliances against anyone. we are simply acting in the interest of our people's each. i'm going to the drawing board using question font with your successful state visit to china is an important
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historical event on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and russia. so to, to steadily advancing along the establish track, facing the intertwined international situation and the external environment on the 2 sides must continue to have the original intention of friendship for generations adhered to his perseverance for the benefit of the people being and continue to cultivate the unique value of relations between russia and china. let's cross live new arts now to our correspondence in kaz, extend donald of core turns on a busy day for russian president clinton so far, tickets to the meetings he's had so far. well, vladimir putin has met with chinese presidents. she's in pain here at the 24th summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. and russia's president says that relations with china are at an all time historic high because those relations are based on mutual respect and mutual cooperation. and they're in the interest of both
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the chinese and the russian. people seizing ping added onto this, saying that the strategic partnership between russian china is moving full speed ahead and that both sides need to continue to work hard for their people and to preserve this friendship and of create opportunities for this friendship to flourish in the future. now this isn't the only meeting that vladimir putin was able to attend today. he also met with turkish president for the one who said that he was thrilled to see tourism from ross from russia flourish in the country. he also said that he's looking forward to the success of the 2nd joint nuclear power plants project with russia. and that strategic cooperation with russia is just going well and basically all spears sooner. there is a very important step that we are taking together right now. we want to put the, i'll call you power station into operation as soon as possible to finish it as soon as possible. we're conducting negotiations for another nuclear land that we believe
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that we can take serious steps in this regard. and with this one relationship between rush you into a key, of course, i expect to host you in my country. so good for that. have a lot of our put and also met with the president of mongolia who congratulate and putting on his re election victory. this year he also said that the economic situation in this country of mongolia is improving since inflation is quite down from the years of cold. and then he also spoke a lot about joint energy projects with china that are helping mongolia, tackle it's energy deficit. and he said that he would really like to see similar projects opened up with russia as well. for his part, vladimir putin said that energy cooperation is absolutely without a doubt, one of moscow's priorities in bilateral cooperation. and it gets the sales. so energy has been and remains one of the main areas of our cooperation. the work has been established, but we can also talk about expansion. i mean both hydrocarbons and electric power. there is something to talk about here. i am very glad to have the opportunity today
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to exchange views with you on the whole range of relations. bearing in mind coordination in the international arena. on top of that, the russian president also met with the president of osler by john l. home. a lie of who is who praised his country's longstanding partnership with russia. and he also said that energy cooperation is a priority for pakistan for as a by john rather as well. there was another meeting that vladimir potent had with the prime minister of pakistan. and at that meeting, also energy was at the top of the agenda as well, but the russian president there also puts a special emphasis on agro industrial cooperation, saying that moscow is, is highly interested in, in continuing to support as lama, but in the spirit of food security and the prime minister of pakistan responded by thanking russia for being such an integral part of the country successes. and he said that a lot of experience can be gained and has been gained by this valuable partnership
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between pakistan and russia. so this is generally a run down of the main points that were gone through throughout these, this number of bilateral meetings that vladimir putin was able to attend with world leaders here at the 24th, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. all right, archie, correspondent donald a quarter down. thank you for that. all right, let's dive into what this organization is all about. the seo is a group of your race in countries with 9 member states. it is also set to welcome belo routes to join the organization. represents about 40 percent of the global population are roughly a quarter of the world's economy. now established in a 2001, it's main name is to ensure a regional security. so well. meanwhile, russa's foreign minister survey lab rob has met with his in an indian counter part in this donna, mr. josh and car highlighted the progress that's been made in bilateral relations. well, both of the top diplomats discuss the global strategic landscape. while we discussed
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the bilateral relations between russia and turkey with use of error, i'm editor at large of the turkish public broadcast or tier 2 world. he says that these countries ties are even more important to then turkey is membership in nato. as the global order ships more to a multi poli structure, i even think western nations are beginning to understand how important the to see a rush of relationship is. i mean we've seen that relationship birth the green core door deal. we've seen that relationship be able to de escalate tensions in syria in libya. green other countries together like azerbaijan in our media to the table. so i think people understand that there's a diplomacy between these 2 countries are bigger than the trick is a membership in nato. and that through smart diplomacy, there's a lot of advanced needs to be had towards peace in the region towards security in the region as well. and i think the turks, they're not intimidated by the narrative,
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is that we see some western nations where they try to criticize their relationship with russia. they did, they for, begin to close their tears up to that and understand at the end of the day, russia is an integral part of the economy. an important security player in the region in good relations must be had the area, the cold horse way over a bit hold dynamics of the region have changed and those dynamics demand these 2 countries. and these 2 leaders to sit at the tables together. us president, jo biden's for debate performance has been making headlines with growing demands for his withdrawal from the presidential race now openly coming from his own party . i think we, we'd be better off if we had a, a new canada who could present the new vision for our country. and we can do that if we have an open and fair democratic process over the next few weeks. a med growing concerns over biden's cognitive problems and calls for his withdrawal white
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house affordably hold a telephone conversation to discuss his health condition. at the same time, more than 2 dozen democratic governors are also preoccupied with findings for mental state. we are planning to meet with the incumbent president for this by all that as the white house continues to insist that by this health is fine. funds to that, sir. you understand, we're not taking away from what you all saw or what the american people saw. we understand it was a bad life. it is not on common for incumbents to have a bad night on their 1st debate. does president by the 81 years old, all timers, any form of dementia or degenerative illness that cause you sort of lapses and it's a yes or no question. and it's i don't know. why don't you as one of the senior staff members now, are you ready for this? it's a no, and i hope you're asking the other guy the same exact question. while the us media
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is now picking up on the fact that joe biden might actually be unfit to run the country ortiz cut them off and looks back at jo biden's, actual policies over the past 3 years, which he carried out with the full support of the washington establishment, after 5 is dismal performance of the recent debate, us secretary of state anthony blank and rushed in to defend his boss. these are the people around the world are enjoying biden's leadership. they've seen a president who's reinvested america reinvested america in the world. we invested in these alliances in these partnerships. if you look at surveys around the world for what they're worth, you see again and again and again, that confidence in american leadership has gone up dramatically over the last 2 and a half years. and they see president biden having led the way in all of those different areas and in ways that are bringing people together and focused in the same way on the challenges that we have before us with wholesale, a different story, fighting global approval rating seats in 2021 and it's been sinking ever since. and
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why does the world disapprove of us foreign policy? a lot of it has to do with the ongoing carnage and gaza and how the united states almost on critically backs, is rail throughout the entire process. as i told prime minister netanyahu our commitment to israel security gets these threats moran and as proxies is our class . appreciate again, our class we're going to do all we can to protect is here. and then there's the u. s. withdrawal from afghanistan, where washington was embroiled in the longest war in the country's history. now, the world may not have minded the united states finally pulling out after 20 years, but the sloppy manner in which they did it throwing allies under the bus shop, even adversaries. i remember going through all that the that's pretty remarkable. the
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airport was basically for all intents and purposes, american property. so i'm sorry, i just don't find the whole argument of chaos the for all of his talk. ok us. i just didn't see the there was a lot that went right the so yeah, there's a lot to be proud of. the world was unimpressed and polling shows that americans were not thrilled with how bide managed or should we say mismanage that entire debacle. and then there's the conflict, a new crane, after rejecting russia security concerns that lead to moscow special military
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operation bite and responded by flooding ukraine with billions of dollars of american taxpayer money. and in addition to that, he set up some unprecedented restrictions on trade with russia. what was the result? countries around the world not using the us dollar in transactions to avoid the risk and a rise in prices back home. i understand inflation is a real challenge to american families. today is advisory board, confirm what americans already know prudent price psycho city in america hard, but the rest of the world isn't having it. india, china, and the rest of the global south not only refused to implement anti russian sanctions, but actually deep into their ties of moscow. and then there's the ongoing crisis that the us border by these foreign policy is so weak and cannot even protect the borders of his own country. the american south west is plague with drugs and criminal activity. today we have new video justin to outfront this video from the
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southern border. we have a drone there and it captured a group of migrants illegally crossing into california and heading towards us border patrol officers, hardware g footage, from the southern border. when the moments families with children reb, dangerously high river water levels, in order to make it into the united states, the find his own party now wants him out. recent polling after biden's dismal debate performance shows that 75 percent of democrats think they have a better shot of keeping the white house with another candidate blinking says the binding is doing a heck of a job racking up victories and well wishes for the old us today, but the rest of the world sees a bumbling old man. mister president, can you tell us? or donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner in blaine's you directly. what's your response to that, sir?
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do you know last? see who so long as you know, i the, and that raises questions not just about biting, but about the country that's keeping them in the top job. they will not even archie, new york, the process defense ministry has released the video showing the moment when it's forces destroyed, ukrainian military helicopter the attack occurred at an air base and you cranes, eastern pull top, a region aircraft. the service vehicles were also eliminated versus defense ministry has reported. ukraine has lost more than 1700 soldiers over the past day. but as the conflict rate is on, there is no longer a unified voice. and key of one problem at members says the countries own military leadership is responsible for the tragedies that continue to unfold. a question
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regarding the activities of the top military leadership in 2022. in 20232024. i emphasized that this is a tragedy and the situation isn't changing. the principles of decision making do not change and we have a situation with the harkell region. there were the same intelligence warnings. everyone reports that everything is just fine. mind fortifications are ready to go . i draw attention to the work of the defense ministry and the systemic collapse. so the capabilities of the armed forces of ukraine by the creating until ministry come on. i will also mentioned a number of military operations that were supposed to be controlled by turn of ulster leaves me sir. ski ukraine is having a game of thrones, moments blood day or window with betrayal and playing games. yes. key a visit. who would itself? the head of the eastern front, general soto has killed more ukrainian ministry than any russian general. is this
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really going to continue? is it really necessary for the military to unite on the basis of hatred for they? lita, do we have to do man in territory this way? is this how it works? come on during chief of the training forces. do you not care at all or is this your intention for stop in the firing line? other minute treat top ross who straits off tied to the landscape women's insanity off on, in general, valero, as a nurse, me to whether they got pocketing west and $8.00 unexplained residence halls, or whether they've killed too many of that. oh, i wrote a letter to the state bureau of investigation with a call to open an investigation into one military general, who in my opinion, killed more ukrainian soldiers than any russian general of the combatants and brigade commanders are put on trial for the loss of an observation post, but a general was not put on trial for the loss of regions and dozens of cities and the
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loss of thousands of soldiers to settle departure instigated by that top dog of the as a free gate, which is really a whole lot the story. a law unto themselves, they always likes est with an estate greedy for power and fusty for blogs. now room is a flooding the general fisk a might be staring down the barrel of an investigation. so generally failing to live up to his mit cabled the butcher. according to the source, the discontent of the lensky and his office is connected both with the unsuccessful preparation for the russian off ends in the cargo region and with a number of other issues. however, as the source the ledges, the commander in chief is unlikely to be removed from office in the near future. but when the reports that ukrainian full says are losing over 14000 men on a weekly basis, when one does, how long before the 5th is given, his marching orders as the landscape police of the bet on another who was not
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unless the spinning carousel of generals as fools the lens, david's commander in chief himself, while he's also out uh, navigating a political mind field. his approval rating is in fruitful, his ingratitude is getting up some. is it just some estate is on the sports me? his tom expired back in may and his plans for the next selection well, there on, on which i want to see me if he's now a risk of the everything the put him to power in the fall space. a could be the way that the program under the guise of holding a so called national gathering, the attackers blend to announce the removal of the current military and political leadership of decreeing from power. then they hope to cease the billing homes that are holding their rado and blankets work. and finally, ukraine is in a flight for economic survival in debt to the tune of $152000000000.00 a no honey pot from which to pay it off. she it was one month before it defaults
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before washington b. i mass, the wall of banking, come knocking and looking for that pound of flesh. oh, here's what it was, all a guess to upfront need. but then pace, for example, did you know that the u. k. only paid off it so that it needs to be us in 2006, it took $61.00 is she has the economy is 18 times for the non dense, and it's running an empty. it's a prospect storm. the possibilities of the economy have been exhausted and destroyed 1st by the russian army, and then by all security forces, the country has long stopped turning money to live at the expense of tax payers of other countries. now look at the opinion polls. do you notice anything strange from an economic point of view, we have become a closed country, both inside and out, probably in you might, don awaits us even more ruthless and even more destructive. and the trigger for
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this will be a complete collapse of economic stability. still living off the health of the west . so yes, winter is coming for ukraine and waste one. and i just really feel that noose points and with political career is at stake with blank checks at risk. and with the sense that some day, soon the people might come bang for that blog. well, sometimes just to survive. the only thing left is to take out a nice look for a back. we discussed this with officer and a journalist. daniel is there. he said that despite his military re shuffle, ukraine is still facing a losing battle. when you're losing a war, you have um you have a instability and dissatisfaction and, and heads roll. so therefore generals are fired and new generals are put in. but the new generals can't do anything more than the old general said, because the,
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the balance of power is against the ukraine. so they'll keep, you know, lopping off heads, moving generals in and out, hoping go to change the us that some for some sort of change in the fundamental aspects of the war. but of course, it will have no effect. because the, as i said before, the ukraine is hopelessly outclassed. is going to lose this for the united states, as well as lord ukraine into a war that the ukraine cannot possibly, with us, is using a very legalistic definition. as regards the crime me as part of the ukraine and not part of russia, and therefore feels free to strike military targets anywhere in the crimea that have once it claims that the civilian deaths in the crime area, pardon me, as a result of the june 24th missile strike were a mistake, and that it intended to get to strike only a military target. but it reserves the right to strike any military target or at
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least reserves the right of the ukraine to strike any military targets in the, the, the entire crime. the peninsula, the us is escalating the war because it's very, very worried about what is happening into yes, uh, the key of governments is weakening as lensky clearly does not have a way out of political support for the war is full. busy going in western capitals, especially now that it looks like donald trump will become precedents. the bottom, this ration is very worried about the, the state of affairs in the in t as uh, wants to bolster that government. and therefore, as uh, as escalating the war of the, the use green policy is not so clean. after all, while the block for years has tried to export its virtue signaling agenda to africa . it's following its own funds to dig up more dependable fossil fuels are to
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contribute to. rachel marsden picks up the story. european officials have long tried to sell their citizens on the idea that their cash needs to be sent overseas to developing countries where it then disappears, presumably into projects that mitigate the harm done overseas by climate change caused by selfish westerners were told. like for energy efficient buildings in nepal or for mobile apps to predict climate change in zimbabwe, those are actually real you projects brought to you by the people who sometimes can even accurately predict tomorrow's weather. that long climate change with an app. and now the e. u. has a new green project, coal plants in china, india, indonesia, south africa, and yes, even the united states. that's according to the reporting led by the investigative media outlet box, europe and the european investigative collaborations network. and what they found
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was that d u green funds regulated as quote, promoting environmental as social goals and managed by western and financial firms like black rocks, goldman sachs and a subsidiary of the italian banking giant in tessa san pablo. have dumped at least $65000000.00 into dirty coal expansion. but the e. u has been going around lecturing the global south in particular on the need to do what 180 degree turn on cool. i guess. and we are working closely together on how to move from fossil entities to green entities. and we will have a conclusion of that in the drawing declaration. signs together also apply mia virtually between our ministries of the economy and a n c. a we bothered with any due diligence on those supposedly regulated you. green funds is bare. bach is leading the charge then maybe by doing
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a 180 on cool that you really just meant a 360, china's talk whole producer, china sion well and china resources power holdings have also benefited from the u. blast green funding, helping to expand production, the cleaners. what size has block officials quote? very worried, but as climb as commissioner, i do get asked, what difference does the green deal make if you take into account that the issue is only responsible of 7 percent of global greenhouse gases, and that's for the other 93 percent. so today i'm addressing you, we do need china currently the source of 28 percent of global emissions to leave the global green transition together with all of us. coal india, the top producer of coal in that country and also the coal reliance new delhi based power giant and gpc limited have also planned major expansions of their coal operations and made the green cash injections. according to the researchers,
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china and india will have to explain themselves and what they did to the most climate vulnerable countries in the world. so all this begs the question, if even the self styled patron saints of the western green agenda are sitting with coal on the down low then maybe. ringback just another case of their ideology being completely out of types with pragmatic reality, critical mineral mining is also an extremely energy intensive activity. and one that today runs on hydrocarbons. it could not function otherwise. is it realistic to think renewables can meet the expected electricity expansion alone, particularly given the world hasn't invested over 9.5 trillion in transitioning over the past 2 decades. yet the wind and solar still on the supply just under 4 percent of the world's energy. you're paying foreigners subjected to, you climate change, dict. tags. have called the block out on it, and now at least one out for 10 farmer is doing the exact same thing. almost 90
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percent of all you need is coming from binding. bio must bow mazda is basically, by a would chuckle, co done pro crazy do. that's what we using. that's how we get to know what you need . so, what i'm saying is, what we need is energy from reliable sources, screen sources. but they binding chuckle, binding file, which is fun to jump on betral binding, quoted. we don't have access to any do we don't have access to the level units. what i'm saying is let's have a to store fossil fuels because we need it to bid as know doing to industrialize. if we continue binding bio months, it seems that farmers in both of you and africa, i agree on something that the you and the green fantasies that it promotes. just don't jive with reality. and judging by where the bankers are investing the use green funds in fossil fuel development, there seems to be a dwindling number of true believers when it comes to western climate change. or do say with our to international up next on cross talk,
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peter lavelle and his guests discussing just what is the what is new plan for the complex anything the the .


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