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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 5, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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vaccines before after the election, should americans take it and would you take it? if donald trump tells us that we just take it, i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance of the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are children of the community. paris is down by 2 points to trump as opposed to 6 for that, which is what biden is down 4745. but before all this, back in march, for instance, a couple hours is approval rating was at 36 percent. jo biden's was 41. so he, she has that traditionally had a low approval rating, then joe biden. and what you played just now is, is so typical of what the public thinks outcome of ours. i mean,
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cuz that's what they said because that's who she is. she, she talks like she's in high school, it has a minimum word requirement to me. when giving a speech, you're writing a paper as she just goes on, you called the word sell it that's very appropriate. she has no grubby thomas. there's absolutely no grubby toddler work, but it has to become a la harris and where what are you going to deal with? are? she's the 1st at the minority female vice president with demons 1st female vice president period and advise and steps aside what the party is going to toss her side. also, that's not gonna sit well with women or african american women. it has to be hera's . if it's not going to be buying unless she says i want to go back home to california, which if she's told to do that, maybe she, well, the, so the labor party comes into pilot in the u. k. is the country is now just moments
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away from having a new appointment as to the leader of the conservatives, and soon to be former prime minister of research sooner because accepted his defeat of the labor policy has won this general election. and i have quotes. okay, so i'm not to congratulate him on his x ray to them any good, hardworking conservative candidates who lost and i despise that type of stuff. it's the local reco, it's of delivery. and that dedication to that communities. i am sorry. we did it. this is much more important breaking news here, and i think you have a look at this. the russian president vladimir putin on his hunger in town. the fox picked the order, but and having. so let's live with your colleagues. welcome to must go to russia. pretty much the way this time you arriving most certainly as our long term partner. but as the chairperson, the european council,
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if you should have been upset, somebody hopefully will have an opportunity to exchange ideas regarding our by let's roll relationships and we update on this challenging situation. and we're not doing that made sense so you can use the facilities and of course we'll talk about prospects of score. so basically the thing is best for just like a sort of an pricing on your brain about tried to use the show seemed to the federal just recently on the 2nd of july, i believe you were in a cab marshall because you had been yet you
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know, you come here 2 months ago to discuss all the aspects of the situation currently developing the, the senior clarify his business. i mean, then we all locked out on the, on the line on which one is pretty good as magic. so on like, full service probably knows out to my speech in the minister of foreign affairs. besides a little recently we have no, we were saying our position regarding the possible settlement of the situation. schmidt, us for me and pass on that aspect of the law because the new stadium wally shanowsky faced the most of the social last one during the issue of us. and of course, i am ready to discuss with you and a new instance of this is going to shoot you a question. and like search you
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to make my boss to notarize me with the position of or you are being talked to somebody from the machine. it asked for all of the psychological relationships. unfortunately, there's a significant decline in our tre turnover. shine most not chicken. the still cost all have to was out before the 31st so far, plus percentage, no ceiling in general. so right there of all things to where phones are a big projects underway. she's real solution function of sweetness. anyway, we're very happy to assist you and we have a lot of discuss number of questions. welcome, mr. prime minister. especially for civilian immunization and thank you. that's just the president for receiving main today. nasa stages just to,
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to this is up the 1st meeting between us. this is already livable, only thing. not at the more or less of dimension 50. the shop is missing, however, is to special us as a value. once again, this is a review and as i mentioned since july, the 1st and last year you were to discuss some very has become the because we are going to share the european council prepaid nation frustrating stage of the bush, of doing my name for a funeral invitation that as of august, in february 20th 22, i may have to started to be transfer you to the nations use the agent. and this is
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the difference between our 2 of the things you know, which one of them that are very grateful. that's even the most use. they use the search engine conditions you've agreed to receive me personally, i indicate what obviously the best coverage to shift the musical control. so can you just put your stop and most of the say stories are based on the conflict that they're used to countries now that's control to both sides of the conflicts. you must, i may be able to pick up what are some of the debates i've seen and probably 100 res. so i'm going to be the only country in europe capable of speaking to both sides or to respond to detective as much as possible. so i made a present for both of and i'd like to use this opportunity to discuss a number of important as much as it is a perfect number. especially i would also like to find out your position regarding certain metro is very important for europe. thank you.
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no, no, no. well i live, i'll come, i try the from the russian president who was just welcomed his on gary and talked about excuse because the prime minister picked the order but who was now right that most go having those tools. right. that would just go over a couple of things they had to say very briefly, of the russian president basically saying that he wants to exchange ideas with all button on source and developing issues in the world. what is he talking about? the russian president basically suggesting that all of you crane a told he says that we want to talk about the prospects of bringing the ukranian process to a peaceful and uprooting date. acknowledge the origin was just in case of food and saying he's very aware the order, but he wants to talk about the landscape and the situation in ukraine put in said he's ready to discuss any nuances with victor, oregon. he also appeared in the saying that he wanted to speak to oregon to discuss with him with the position right now of various european partners. now i think the
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audubon was saying since july, the 1st hungry has started the chair, the you council. he said, he said there are very few countries right now that can openly talk about both sides of the confidence in ukraine, or they've been saying perhaps soon hungry will be the only country in your europe capable of talking to both sides or of and really feeling the heat and you can tell that he understands the pressure he's on that because if you saw our reporting out it with the mind, the chart corresponding to here, european leaders off freaking out that hunger is prime minister is in moscow. why would they freak out? is just back from the key of where he pitched a piece proposal a ceasefire. he's quoting for peace and european leaders according to what will sort of built he names. because according for peace and always come to moscow, guess who else is coming to moscow in the next 24 hours? that's right. india is lita know range from lote. he's coming to moscow and he's
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coming to moscow just as the shy and high cooperation organization summit it's, it's wrapping up in asked to not cause exxon with a brand new party member that have belo loose. so as i was saying earlier, with our correspondent with mine, east right now, today we are seeing a massive movement around the world. these are the coagulation, they'll be strategic partnerships. did you know the order button is now creating a new european party, a national party that is essentially pro peace and see war? and a big open is reaching out to so be as i was just under the voltage, the front is marine, the pen. and all these, all the politicians who are now coming into positions of leadership who want peace and not role. and you wonder why the weston, political media and ministry establishment is freaking out right now will give you
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more details both on air and online. of course, this is the international so the labor party comes to power in the u. k. is the country is now just moments away from having a new prime minister. the leader of the conservative is in the soon to be full of our prime minister receives to knock, has accepted the defeat. the labor policy has won this general election. and i've called for k installment to congratulate him on his victory to the many good, hardworking conservative candidates who last tonight. despite that tireless efforts, the local restaurants of delivery and the dedication to that communities. i am sorry we did at the company board. you pay for it, you voted for. it's a now it has arrived change, but it is now the
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window, the pa, he's just 2 sides of the same coin. i was discussing this earlier with my colleague, steve sweeney habitus. it is a crushing defeat for the tories labels on a landslide victory. they have projected to win 410 seats, the tories, which is 240 for this thing. some big names are gone. golf shops, the defend sexy. he's gone. the big news, the hops is list trust, the former shortly prime minister will. she's lost her seat. now, labels vote share in england has stayed long through the same as it was since it also election in 2019 the totally lost as can be accounting for mainly by its support as switching to reform. you keiser k as tom was saying the celebrations, but yet he received fuels like some jeremy colbin date in 2017 which indicates that this is in fact an empty totally by laws as an i pro storm about now when it comes to changes. well that was a positive storm is election campaign. the problem is investment in the n h s
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investment in energy on the economy. well, this badly, a cigarette paper between the tories and labor that economic policies all pull the the same on the phone policies on foreign affairs. well, storm are very, very pro is well, he finds, he said, is, i'll have the rights to cut off because it was from food from electricity, from water and from medicine. i don't know russia well, stallman sounds exactly the same as any other west. to me, the re, a wrong shape, little commitment for nights and our own psychical commitment to your trade on i'm to with mind every 40, but russia is. i constant for it, not just now for the into the future. go back in 2022 suitcase thomas threatening to sack a very small group of labor and peace that signed and opened less. according for peaceful negotiations to bring the crate and conflict to an end, he pretty much bond any criticism of nato. of course,
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it was labor that took the country into the ministry alliance. now, you know the news, the form, and i believe that jeremy colbin will who won a state standing and as an independent the big news waiting is the results. the polling full reform, new type, they won 4 m p 's including is lita knowledgeable for us. so the tories are going to be out and then, and then we have basically, you know, look really soon at the rich just well fist prime minister ever in the history of that small collection of islands. he's worth about 700000000 pounds since our were she soon because even richer than king charles. and yet he was the one who pulls us now. collections and here is admitting defeat. well, yes, it's quite astonishing where it is me, as you just pointed out that with you soon. ok. among the richest manual, the richest people in the country, richer than attaining charles. now many questions have been asked, why did he cold the snap election? it was a surprise to many people, but again we could look to the polling of the shelving full reform,
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u k. that was of course, on his mind on coding a short period uh between uh, coding the election and the election itself means that were for any type of i have are very little time to kind of pay. we only have very little time to select re candidates and get boots on the ground is very difficult for policies outside of the establish policies to do well in elections. but now of course, they'll be a time for reflection. that will be a lot of these all searching among the toy policies and how they respond to this crushing defeat. and that's a case, thomas? well, he has a huge margin of victory. he's my big problem. this is about change whether he will deliver well that relates to be, say, the west and the thing times in the immediate problem is up printing lives. that's the message from the cuban foreign minister. the sign, the narrative being spread, the china has military paces in cuba in the center for strategic and international studies in w. s. j r,
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lined by insisting on the existence of chinese military bases in cuba. at the same time, they are ignoring the information about the presence of more than $800.00 american bases around the world, including the us base and the occupied territory at guantanamo, which have been turned into centers of espionage, torture interference and global instability. with the cuban president miguel diaz canal took the social media to laugh at the wall street journal. claims that posting a baseball field image saying there's a chinese military base. and on the top diplomatic cute, the financial newspaper of trying to quote, scare the public with stories about chinese military bases that don't exist. and no one has even seen. meantime in china, a similar reaction from the foreign ministry which added that the washington needs to stop interfering in cuba as a fast outside of the united states. as warranty will continue to monitor and if necessary, take steps to counter situation. as we remain consummate in the united states is
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going to be able to meet our security commitments at home and in the region. we know that the policy is going to keep trying to enhance its presence in cuba and the united states is going to keep working to disrupt. and this is a space that we are closely monitoring and will take appropriate steps to my, to counter it when necessary. sound when both the reports did not cite, verifiable source or provide any evidence. it was results with claims about chinese military bases that do not exist. and the no one has seen the us and used to reflect on its behavior stuff interfering and bibles, internal affairs. and we really do, but from the list of state sponsors of terrorism and live in the blockade and sanctions against a few boxes, which i don't know if that is like his actions are not the 1st day published. this report has also provided satellite images, a pin pointing the chinese base locations. last year, the new york base news outlet levied claims of beijing and have on over negotiating
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close at defense and intelligence ties including establishing a joint military training facility on the island. well, we heard from international relations expert and edit that bruno lee motor woke up a cleaning. now he questioned the w. s. j information, but he also believes that cuba has the right to invite any country including china to place administrative based on his territory. if indeed of dinah, she was to do so, the, it's all the interest off of china has the military base inside of cuba, but each cuba invited china to haven't made it 30 business of their own territory. they have the right to do this. you're not to say those are the right to that was done a little prism inside of a few of us every, every single moment. all world wide getting vice. another concept to have a military base and sides of the 3rd party if they're invited to do this. i always believe that the big states, off united states, they do have southern things, federal agencies, they, they have to, to boil the water every single time every month to have
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a new situations to develop and to at least have legitimacy to spread the theory into pricing on the compass so they can, uh they, they can frighten cuba, saying that to buzz does have to have, we have their personal from china. and by the way, they can high their own 800 mew the rebates and moved, while i remember you, i remember the old and they do have 30000. i mean, is there a personal food dining? the lowest 30000 so they are blanks. so it is our top story right now here, one of the international bunk every 5 minutes. i think the order button is in moscow. and in fact, we've just been showing live commentary from 5th to order, been sitting with the russian president vladimir food and they basically made the, should we say polite, opening remarks, but they also said, and we will owe,
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won't drink. they said both of them, but they do want to talk about the continued conflict on crisis in you, craig, not as you know, victor auto. and the reason we go back from 2 of you, but that was a piece proposal. it was shut down off the key of what does it go? it comes right here. it comes to moscow because that's fit to open. the said he's one of the last remaining european leaders who come, let's talk about both sides over the crate or the conflict. i guess he's feeling the heat, he's feeling the pressure, whether it's victor or the button or so if he is alexander the full church or even the russians is not imprudent, they've all signaled for peace for the west. apparently is not interested. oh, laugh schultz said the other day, i refuse any ceasefire. any of russia's c spots of i refused on. that was germany saying that what about she of less, one more whom i'm a shot is now in the studio with us here and i'll have to international i know you put your finger on the pulse of the meetings taking place. i've also got your
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finger on the pulse of european politicians freaking out right now. what do you know? yeah, of course we just heard the from the opening remarks between the prime minister of it for organ and present it puts in and present and put in said that if this is an opportunity for both countries to exchange talks regarding bilateral relations, this in both countries but he did also, of course, talk about the prospects of uh, and in the ukrainian crisis in a peaceful way. he mentioned or been visit to ukraine. and he did say that he's aware of organs position in the situation, but the russia is ready to discuss possible set of settlements on the situation. and of course, also ready to talk about any nuances. now he also mentioned the president puts in, talked about the need to be familar, eyes with the position of the european partners to rush off and talked about bilateral trade in general, the house, there's much more to be done between both countries and that britain big projects
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are on the way now when it comes to prime minister or been on the other hand, he does say that while this is not the 1st meeting because when both readers, this is a very important one, he's very grateful. the president puts an agreed to host him, considering the current situation. and he did emphasize that only 2 countries to now talk to both ukraine and russia and hungry is probably the only european country that is able to do that at the moment that he will. he also mentioned the ford, the opportunity to discuss important matters. and he would like to find out put his position regarding important matters with europe. now of course, with this visit, there's been backlash towards the prime minister victor or been from the you of course the you reacted as shop in shocked and the finish prime minister, for instance, folded, disturbing news while the president of the european council says that the e u has no plans whatsoever to negotiate with ross. so you representative
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a warning that that he is not speaking for the you and that this visit would actually undermine the interest of the european union. but let's take a listen at more statements from the you. on your in prime minister victor, oregon is visiting moscow. appeasement will not stop fulton, only unity and determination will pay the path to a comprehensive just and the last thing be some ukraine prime minister victor organs visit to moscow takes place exclusively in the framework of the bilateral relations between hungry and russia. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow. the position on russia's war of aggression against you cream is reflected in many european council conclusions. that position excludes the official contacts between the you and president putin. the hunger in prime minister is thus not representing the you in any form. a soda and gary and proud prime minister has repeatedly advocated for
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cooperation between the you and ross side and the for the side of the location of military 8 to your grade. and he said that he is not let me go see it and on behalf of be you. but if anything, bring in some sort of peaceful solution to the conflict is not going to happen in a comfortable armchair in process. let's have to listen to one more organ, had to say that he still want to sleep. meanwhile, that'll come will this lead major peace negotiations will be led by major countries . but today the situation is such that there is no dialogue without dialogue, very difficult to understand how everything is what some of them. i think that as well, my goal is to accomplish of too much and to manage the main thinking. and they main phone's always young europe can probably do more to let you know, at least and often i don't need a mandate because i don't represent anything additional than that. i do only one thing. i go where there is a threat of war, which has negative consequences for europe and hungary. i found out the facts and ask questions. for example, i ask presidents lensky,
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3 or 4 important questions about what he thought so that we could understand he's intention skiing and where he's read lines where the can't, if we don't to measure it, if we don't know exactly where the board is. arnold, if we only stayed in brussels, you just want them and won't be able to get the message to you if that because piece was harmony, solve the tool, and therefore of everything that have vents happened and piece flows. we misunderstand. the nature of waterman peace will come when someone takes it upon themselves and be sure that you want to follow. you know, this is a huge step and controversial one coming from a european leader as europe seems to be changing its ways that will bring you more throughout the day as this visit continues. throughout the 105 minutes. i think the order been here in must go with this for a minute. the pizza, see you. all right, so we want the shot. i appreciate you giving us the latest on this breaking news. thank you very much. it will continue. so what are the international motor of how money is here in about 5 minutes time to bring you more developments as a keeps coming in by the moment here at ology international. but from all of us here, thanks for joining us. the the,
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the see the, the local somebody how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipments destroyed locating the bully, but of boston low cream and then the old one used to stand with below grade level nominal filter. so we will some of those other slash we i'm about to the easiest to, to not know. so one of the easiest number mobile bubbles a little while nice to show kind of how it used to have him come down. now, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world? to turn this country into a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally use that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell
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but known as fine apples or any kind of children's toys. we sell weapons. yes, we're also known in the world as items dealers that we must not be ashamed of them the to the we may never know to what degree jo biden's obvious mental deficiencies have played in recent american foreign policy decisions, particularly when it comes to policy. but it is fair to ask your findings, dimension is leading a small into a global count with the the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best most i'll send send up the, in the 65 to 5 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full tech team and our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for what question did you say to stephen twist, which is the type of rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you,
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i'm comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the whole story. they sell a home game room prime is the big so all but lives in north got a nice states look from in to sleep with vitamin for that is peace. and then you create conflict, obviously times comp, lawyers on the table that polls polls over never seen it wrong with the 2nd round of voting in the presidential election as to kind of it's based off to leave the nation for. also, fax have shown that the united states schemes to plunder resources under the guise of competing terrorism. it talks about human rights all the time. yes, it's infringes on the right of subsistence and the right to life of the people over


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