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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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miss lula cellphone says, you know, the, i set out our positions on a possible peaceful resolution. i hope that you will equate to me with your position, the position of european partners faith and the credit in conflict on the wireless old ties on getting pregnant as of into our button is on a mission in las go. now holding tools to drive the inputs and also having visits and keys just a few days ago. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other is rapidly declining. hungry will soon be the only country in europe that can talk to everyone to the hill uh, setting or browse to to last. it was a 1000, represent the block. some even suggest the hung game, 5 minutes it is big spring, the principal we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we
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need to show in order for this war to end. iran votes in the 2nd round of its presidential election as the 2 candidates are useful to these. the nation also ahead facts have shown that the united states schemes to plunder resource under the guise of competing terrorism. it talks about human rights all the time. yes, it's infringes on the right of subsistence and the right to life of the people over there countries. beijing takes a man walking to and condemning the us for pillaging, sir is not so resources under the guise of fighting terrorism. the problem must go to the world. this is our team is good to have your company today. my name's brought to allow me to like says updates on hung gary and p. m a vegas to
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or binds visits to the right off the landing. he headed straight to the halls of the capital posty on x. he wrote peace submission continues, 2nd stop loss go. now he's already mad. same for the price of the criminal with the president. rather unpleasant said he's ready to look into any new offices of his proposal. to end the inquiry and conflict, pretty much the best people do. i understand that you have arrived not only as our long standing partner, but also as the chairman of the european council. i hope we will have the opportunity to exchange views on building bilateral relations within this difficult situation. and of course, to talk about the prospects for the largest european crisis, the crisis in the ukranian direction. we know that quite recently on july, 2nd,
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you are in kiev. you have now come here to discuss all the nuances of the situation that has developed in the ukrainian direction. now it's time to talk about what is happening and to have, or you probably know about my speech to the leadership of the russian for ministry . recently in moscow, i set out our positions on a possible peaceful resolution. and of course, i am ready to discuss these with you to tell you about the nuances. i hope that you will equate to me with your position, the position of european partners. ask for bilateral relations. unfortunately, we have had a big decline entry turn over about 35 percent. but in general there was something to work on. we have solid projects underway. anyway, we're glad to see you. we have a lot to talk about bikes for more, all of this less cost of live to the club. then i'm to speak with all the chief
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political correspondent you had got his going over. yeah. good. good to see you now can bring us up to speed on the latest details, please. well, victor, oregon is on his own personal peacekeeping mission. he just returned from ukraine where he tried to persuade key of to cease fire and had to negotiations. this proposal was rejected and now he unexpectedly landed in moscow and as now currently holding talks at the kremlin with vladimir putin. of course, ukraine is among the key issues being discussed. and here's what victor or button a said at the beginning of that meeting. we have this, this is not our 1st meeting in the last decade. it is the 11th, but this one is more special than the previous one. as you mentioned, hungry has become the chairman of the european council on the rotation basis on july 1st. and when we last met was before the war was in february 2022. these 2 circumstances make our current meeting special. i thank you for accepting me in
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such a difficult circumstances. i am very grateful that even in such difficult conditions you agreed to welcome me. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other is rapidly declining. hungry is the only country in europe that can talk to everyone hungry will soon be the only country in europe that can talk to everyone. i would like to use this opportunity to discuss a number of important questions. and i would like to know your position on a number of important issues for europe. now we've heard from vladimir important express secretary to me that this call for said that this meeting will last as long as necessary. of course we'll, we'll be here at the kremlin, waiting for it. the results doesn't mean. yeah. go hungry all through is part of the you. what was the, was the reaction been from the west regarding this trip. victor or button has been under a lot of fire from his fellow senior european union officials who it seems to me
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for me. it was also a surprise that he actually came to russia. and some are saying that he does not have a mandates to hold any negotiations with russia on behalf of your game union. other say that his visits to russia, and these talks with the put in undermined the review in unions unified stance on ukraine. well, here's a few examples of what is being said. it is clear that whatever the messaging around the trip from the home gary ends and from prime into so old on the substance of this truth is not the right one. this is about about appeasement. it's not about peace and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to show in order for this war to end hunger and prime minister victor oregon is visiting moscow. appeasement will not stop puts in only unity and determination of will. it pays the path to
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a comprehensive just and the lasting piece and ukraine, a prime minister victor organs visit to moscow, takes place exclusively in the framework of the bilateral relations between hungry and russia. prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow. the position on russia's war of aggression against you cream is reflected in many european council conclusions. that position excludes official contacts between the you and president, putting the hunger in prime minister is thus not representing the e you in any form. you know, this message that victor or button represents only hungry and not any union or alliance has now been turned into a mantra which everybody's repeating in the european union. and now even at the head of nato, as a just decided to hop on the same frame, we so as long as it's not that are presenting nato at these meetings,
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he's representing his own country and promise to with them. because when i met him a couple of weeks ago we'll, we also discussed his upcoming research to kids. and so he and i know that he also has to give you something um, what is important? these thoughts allow us to also hungry the degrees? that's a, that's a rush. i use the restroom on the roof sized responsible for the war and up to uh, ukraine's territory and take your 1070 must be respected. of the, you know, i think the old might be criticizing this visit, but it's definitely that the most senior european union and the needle officials are closely watching this meeting. mr. stolt number also added, actually that nature doesn't need another minsk peace negotiations, which is interesting. he says they need be lines to needs to guarantees for the
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crate. but it's interesting because last time they use the minutes peace negotiations to arm the country. yeah. yeah. got it. sorry into seeing the seems a of a to over and perhaps is the only one left the as see once these are full of russia . does to that to see how things panels in the next few hours. we appreciate the update of the political correspondent year go to his good on thanks again. now, earlier we heard from the door to send me what a, he's a senior research fellow at the global policy institute in blue. i see said that he is not really interested in resolving the claim conflict as states out the most extreme position possible, which is that we support zelinski through so it can say in come come rain or shine and whatever zelinski ones is our position. so the most extreme view, which is all russian withdraw. busy russian withdrawal to pre 1991 bought as
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is the possession of the unit, but it's just the, you know, mooney. and that's why when victor or bomb goes in the business because negotiates, always remember for bon when 2 kias on tuesday. so he's be quite consistent then saying i'm, i'm interested in these, that's the most important by r as a for uh, your, of. so that's what i went through to talk to zalinski on tuesday. now i'm going to most going to talk to a boot and that is being consistent. and it's the e u, which is a the absurdly staking out position. that has to be on sustainable. i mean, it isn't going to happen that somehow this uh was zalinski circle 10 point beach plan with, by russia capitulates, even though it's not losing the war. that is the position what it's a ridiculous position is complete. 80 all the position. and that's why i think bore bond is i thing stating
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a claim for any future peace negotiations. 5 or more on this as close live now to the said day michael, he's a member of the russell civic chamber. i'm the director to the political science institute, said it was good to see thank you for taking the time to join us here on off the internet as well. so the, i mean this so exciting times indeed interesting times as well. the young gavin problem is, has said his country may soon be the only one in the a you capable of speaking to both sides of the playing conflict. so this main hungry is likely to be the only e u country interested in a peaceful resolution that i see uh, april lucas. uh, i can use both certain countries will go, sees that most of the country is uh, in the europe. and just think about this for what is on your son was. uh,
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is you currently in prizes bought got a months is what i do. yeah. and that was a situation. uh uh, and it will cuz uh we just sold the conference room over there and it's a lot of money to use. uh, i believe that always apply to a piece, but it does, but the premiums, that's one of the keys that we do is apply to a piece. i see examples of plaza. all right, good. i didn't put additions one time before. what does i guess from where you guys just bought it freight um now to rise as the voice was the piece is that's why you can't afford to buy uh keeps this as long as i can put it to show some more chances to be more in a zap uh us idea small rooms such as sense uh uh to go to that piece. so uh, what about uh, set top students out there as well. we don't know if you are being 5 g for piece or
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is that why so much? i have a degree it uh no, i thought your war and that was the last uh, is use more intensive vacation will apply to fees from your ease. uh, what signal yeah. ended. uh that's the page. this policy is only about uh for the regular pad is also going to be by facts involved in that. but let's talk a little bit about so if you, if you don't mind how the reaction we've seen from not only named so from that again stall to above the reaction least we've seen from a sort of button delayed and all the even visit bureau. how that sort of saying that the air bottoms trip to most could doesn't represent the block hey we have been so. busy by the one thing to bring a piece of negotiation on the for the side, we have the block, one thing more aggression was going on. why, why the you like this?
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uh we could see is that the uh kind of get it now or use uh was a couple of days. yeah. will it be uh, chair. oh, was that you end up getting your lift? wyatt such kind of visit would be on a job that as a result of a lead. uh well, uh, one of those, those are kind of getting you into a bunch of features. no, because you can afford a month. uh, june. uh, i guess mom died uh from you that goodness you present what size? kind of uh, visa to costco. is this by the way. fills the visa. what was it? we don't care what i've given country. uh your member over your natal. most the uh, seems uh, special minutes reputation. you and good sounds good. uh, so each unique uh, uh, the zip. uh, anyway, and uh, uh you had a few minutes to cushions. uh, uh, doing, uh, uh, the coupon. right. go to reset or bump to represent certain zip
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lies thursday. so there shouldn't be too long. separation was more problem to get you more than good. our tragic to a survey. so they're not responding to go special grant by 2 or more beach is now kept immunization and you very much and agree about bartos b 's disabled as a result of them. yeah. so interests and they decide they're going to have to leave with that. but it was a pleasure talking to you said your model co 5 member, the rest of the civic chamber. i'm direct. so the physical science institute. thanks again for your time. i a bridge now turns get heading to ron. now, reform is time to date. my sued passage key. i'm is facing off against hard line s i a generally in the presidential election. i'm this is the 2nd round of voting also. neither of those talk to kind of that is good majority. last week,
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all st correspondent is a good model. it has the details from the capital zacharon, the polling stations i've been fussing with people coming here to cast their votes and choose a successor to the vice president where you see who died in a crash and back in may to wants to be leaders fights off how many was among the 1st cast his vote shortly after the post open at 8 am his residents called base interval on palm reporting from is called will send you one of the hotspots of boating and the capital one as it hosts. senior officials from these one for public to come to this folder and station and cast their votes for so it's been a closely contested race between us. each. edu and a hard line, conservative politician. and of course, the best because it should be on a reform is in a closely one or both. after neither candidates are secured, they're required. 50 percent majority of need afford in the 1st round to win the
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election back on june 28th. so this prepared a 2nd round, and now it's under way across the country based on the election law, the winner mazda, secure of the 50 percent of the total votes cast, was one vote. initially there were 6 candidates running to drop out on the 11th hour to support the 2 leading principles. candidates, namely jedi, i'm ready. ball, out of the remaining for the on the reformers or the former health ministers minister there ways with roughly $10000000.00 volts with bad steals all the 42 percent of the total force. cal. somebody fell short of the 60 percent rush hold be . so the election the, the 2nd round of electrons is underway, boarding hours of started at 8 am to all the way to 6 pm. and based on the election laws, it's a 10 hour process that is also expected to witness the extensions with the deadline
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says at midnight's to initially different candidates promise to continue to pass the the lead by the way president, re see i have in his bid to try to move towards the eastern hemisphere and to try to force closer ties with the emerging economies within the brakes and the shanghai cooperation organization. as the process went on, different candidates slide to also share an outline their own unique and distinctive swans. now we have jenny, who is expected to leave the country, lead by the way president, where you see closer ties with the eastern hemisphere. so generally says the world is not limited to the western hemisphere. a handful of western countries, including the united states and european countries as the other $200.00 countries with which everyone can force and establish closer relations and find new trade destinations. um the website is this beyond belief that one needs to and the
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sanctions ones. and for all 514, by easy tensions whether it's, he's not a pro western politician, but he believes that there one needs to end the hostilities into frictions and the rouse with a why do you want me to engage, sit and talk with the western countries to try to and essentially not just neutralize or circumvent the sanctions imposed by the western countries on the one which led to inflation rates and declining currency unemployment. so much economic was in the country triggered by those sanctions. so it's a matter of economic improvement in the country, which candidate has more pragmatic approach approaches to try to solve. and of course, navigate the economic challenges are triggered by the western sciences. so it's a mechanic race in a closer one off that will most likely define the future trajectory for these with
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either towards eastern oriented approaches by the conservative politicians like jenny, the, or a western oriented approach or openness of the was 5 is as well. c is it really is a heading into the polls spaces through out the day we of there as well. bring you updates every hour. they also check out all to the com, the slide for me or on just suited because under the guise of fighting terrorism, us forces in syria actually have a different agenda. now that's a whole into the tiny form is, is which says the us is the to plug in the natural resources. and that has put over off of serious population in dire straits. meaning, siri used to be
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a weed export in country, but now approximately 55 percent of the population is facing food and security. the united states must take responsibility for all of this. fox have shown that the united states schemes to blunder resources under the guise of competing terrorism. it talks about human rights all the time, yet it infringes on the right to subsistence and the right to life of the people over their countries. it claims to defend democracy, freedom and prosperity, while in fact, it constantly creates humanitarian crises. the us should earnestly respect serious sovereignty and territorial integrity immediately. and it's illegal with military presence and syria stopped blundering, serious national resources and take concrete actions to make up for the harm. it has cause to this year and people according to the, to the us. we production and syria has drugs and why 75 percent since k of erupt in the country way back in 2011. now about seeing
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a 1000000 people who are struggling with united a quote to supplies. the lawsuit has repeatedly and choose washington or profiting from smuggling grain as a clear violation of international us have also been trucking out comb way off the comb voice will rubbing the syrian government of finances to support it's people. now video here allegedly shows american men see vehicles and come putting a close world old tanker trucks headed to close it, robin snowden, boulder city. i have 2 and a half 1000000000 barrels of proven oil reserves. but crucial facilities have either been destroyed or taken over by occupying american troops. series government have estimated that its loss of 10, so revenue has amounted to $27000000000.00. local say the us,
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so making their lives on bearable. shifting the only the us troops patrol the main roads in the uh yeah, it'll be area daily. one of the basis is only about 6 kilometers from us. various vehicles loaded with syrian resources constantly. and so this space, it's the kind of occupation. how do we hope to get rid of it? the actions are making us stop. they have taken out food and everything from us making life very difficult. the villages and people here on the won't do us troops to leave our country so we can return see how things were before 2011 to that way as well as so on cody, i was the head of use as of the claim to media outlet. he said the storm resources have funded separate this groups in syria, as the washington seems to cripple the countries officially. i like to double meant he sees a bailey occurrence the depth of oil, the depth of wheat a i think i,
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you know, it's interesting that to highlight the see we have one point was i read exploring a country and now that people, you know, a measly as of serious or for the security, not just because of the looting of the all, but you have to consider that you wasn't going on with the sanctions. so the us currently control is about a 3rd of syria, mainly they are they resource reach regionals? now, syria does not have, you know, a, a huge oil supplies. we're not talking about exact, we're not talking about saudi arabia. so these loading is not meant to, to light the field. the call for as of, of the us government is just may to create both the government into moscow store to force a raging change and also to fund the the activities of curtis processing. ne, syria, mainly the upon them was administrator. on the north end you syria and the syrian democratic forces cool our main before that was involved for the most part in this meeting, operations big. busy us troops in syria, according to washington,
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they don't exceed 900, but then all of these shipments they reach and they wrapped it. curtis, the reason why the us has base is where israel has most outbursts and where all of these resources are result, then the money funneled back into the curtis process so that they can continue to walk through by syria and strangle. the government is prime is never run. the mode is set to visit russell on monday, but his 1st bylines will summit abroad since being re elected last month on to the end because we're not rooting sharma explains the significance of the trip. it was a significant on many dogs. first, this is going to be the forest fine up to visit old marines and will be off till he was ve elected as of the prime in a cell full. the said consecutive time. in fact, it is going to be the 1st wizard in 5 years to rush as a law sign he was, he was in, gosh,
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i was in fact down when he'd visited the far you city of lobby was sold in 2019. but it's also significant because this is the 1st time he's with visiting russia off to the war in ukraine. started remember of water which india to go neutral. stones of war with india, in fact continued to visit each size with the last 4. despite the threats the, the pressures live, the west on india, of course, suite is going to be very, very important to considering in, in the last 2 years. so we've seen that the tweed between the 2 countries as guy walk into the back corner between essentially being military boys. this invitation was sent to india to wants to go. india set to these and it is very, very important in the current context. remember, this is when the west is fueling, it's funding to was
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a design and it looks like it is getting exhausted in depth hasn't been seen. is it a mediator as a balancing force? is a problem broke or in the was so to see which is why this visit also is going to be important in the back to all fun of the war. in fact, india now to be when it speaks, it also speak stuff off for the google south. india has remember, positioned itself is a huge the global south. so these are on these that of course some areas the need to watch off for 8th and 9th. all the dates, big and finally announced officially both by the kremlin and by new denny. it is going to be an extremely significant wizard and we're going to be covering it from all sides. of course need us to say this is all. so was it, which is going to give a huge top barn to the west of the we heard from the full, the indian boss of the rise. you build up. he said, the upcoming visit shows the value,
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the in the cases on his relationship with russia. this was the minister movie offers the election is important and significant in the customer is significant because they're not present for day 10, mr. moore, d o l one connections buyers. there's a substantial, into a spread from the district circle from issues under time when finish reading the words when each door leaders of the countries that are facing near the fees, the shorter injection by the community. so the credit countries, the endorsement from the district of nations who bought yeah the next few years. so he does all difficulties going to be this. this is what he said. there was no longer be a part of the news trends. use german,
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the others use jane box for the for sure, but sure. and then the important countries in the work order, which is the most nice in a word order. the different alignment such as india has much you do to that pressure and india, as with the significant importer for russian, one displayed the pressure. so that shows some brand new video games towards the issues with the show that it does to by the shop run russian. we do export markets for energy resources for it's fine. this is as well. the rugs up listening is as was great to have your company with us here on, off see in to us and we buy from the top of the out. in the meantime. dude said account also, you don't come live in place. so is that the
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the altima 2023, a surprise attack the lowest against israel by how much militaries show the world the no one had expected the palestinian run. the goal is to have so many cutting edge weapons in the aftermath of the attack militants, openly unlocking a thing for us in the frame for the rockets and missiles that rained down on these rays. this is.


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