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tv   News  RT  July 6, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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i know that i think the bells name is the the headline stories a new president has been elected in a room done for the 1st time in 2 decades. it's a rough for miss cabinet. we go live to the country for reaction in moments about don gary and prime minister struggle if he you allegations of a piece, minutes after his meeting with loved him or in most school, it's friday saying it's the blocked bureaucracy. that's preventing the resolution of the premium conflict and also a head. the printer team said you pay you promptly with much to say, i think god embedded with russian. fruits are correspondents. these up close to the
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buffer zone, being created to protect civilians in the border region, with new crate for more money came out to joe, get out of the racial gather a lot of money's not coming back. as the chorus of democrats calling for joe, by this step aside, girls, lighter, we accompanied us presidency, is that only a higher power that prompted to divide up the race, the premier, catching the program from today. welcome to moscow and then use our on our to international. we begin the program with breaking news or run has chosen the new president. following a run off for a form is candidates must food, but just skin so off conservative side generally to head the persian nation's government. the winner secured just over half of the 30500000 ballots cost in his social media accounts. mr. possession can. busy and for really and people to work
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together on pledge to work in their interest with a breakdown of the vote. here's ortiz use of july into rob after a marathon to round a presidential election. finally, the results came in and reform is muscle. this is key on is now. okay, wrong news president that he won by a significant margin. securing $16300000.00 volts out of a total of $30500000.00 cash. his opponents, his conservative opponents. each. edu. garner always 13500000 volts and us that was defeated in a crucial run of both and a snap election that was called in following the on time we deaf father later wanting presidents abraham racy who died in a helicopter crash back in may prompting the country to have to hold a premature election within a maximum timeframe of 50 days. the water turn out has also been registered at
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a slightly less than 50 percent. significantly higher than the voter turnout in the 1st round, which had a record low of 40 percent watts. next for the new indian president, the president position on he has to follow 2 major steps before he assumes office. first, he has to, of course, receive an enforcement by the supreme leader. ask for the new constitution. next, he has to take the oath of office forces. the timeline will be announced soon, but what he has to do is do also proposes cabinet plan up to to be approved by iranian lawmakers. most likely, his foreign minister is going to be a more how much trouble jerry for also serve as the for administer during the role
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honey administration. so based on the experience everyone had with raised during his, on your, as it was for the minister, sorry for is going to pursue a policy all for easy intentions. with the last, the force has made it clear. throughout the campaign trail, he attended the raleigh's business beyond. together they promised to be a vanya nation, to and unless the western sanction, by engaging more closely with the western world they foresaw a promise to instead of neutralizing or circumventing the western sanctions of the country. they said the best way and the best option is to sit and talk with those countries and try to sort out the differences and find a permanent solution to the 1st thing that can only issues in the country with including the rising guns, uncontrolled inflation rates, unemployment and
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a declining currency, the iranian 3 also that is not based on the promises made by my supervisors down during his campaign trail for so he's definitely going to, i'll face resistance by a pre dominant police parliament predominantly conservative parliament in give on of course uh the warranty parliament is dominated by the conservative principle as lawmakers, the say, a who pursue the same path as jerry. these are the rival forms because there's gone during the iranians not presidential election. so those candidates are not willing to make concessions to the west. so most likely he's going to face resistance and opposition on the part of the iranian lawmakers. the potential re entry of donald trump into the white house is going to be another challenge for most because it's going to pursue his goal and his pledge to revive the ailing 2015 deal with wells towers of donald trump was the very same person who withdrew his nation from the
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2015 and he's not going to be willing to return the d o a. so these are all the challenges that are going to be faced by the president elect must be possessed beyond. so we have to wait and see what initiatives or plans he has at hand in order to navigate those challenges. helpless, delve into these developments, let's speak to food. is that a professor of political communications at the university of tier run morning to you? what's the best results? a shock, i know mister position was a head and most of the public opinion polls. and i think and this may be a shop to invest and media outlets. that's a try to demonize the lines elections as you know in the last 2 weeks
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since the election has been a major topic of international news outlets in the 25th, even guessing from vista and media. that is, that it is this conservative the body of clinics. that's, let's candidates the choose candidates. and because, you know this constitution has this body of basically judges then utilize election as i'm not saying of that a democratic. and it may be a shock to them that see is really the for miss candidates coming out of this election process. and so you do mc accusing. is this constitutional counseling you're on as engineering election? it's a good c does. does that nothing's really good. they're not very good engineers and i think it's the 1st case. yeah. and that's in the business of engineering any
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evictions. if they wanted to engineer elections, you would not have it, therefore missed, but they're going to have a peaceful transfer of power. that's very important. you don't see that in the united states. it's 2020 elections a mess. so, so that's, i think, something the number of the guys elections and, you know, we had to the 100, as far as the a speaking channel was telling, you know, on the, is based in u. k. and united states telling you the army is to bind towards elections and the facts as you get 50 percent participation. and that kind of severe this and i'm excited shows. it comes, the polls say no to these the send me the bets and maybe offsets that are supported by the send government. okay. i think that's interesting. i can get see sufficing. so overall, i think this is a good day for you, not me. as the democracies use in practice,
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and i think the new president websites or something to fix some of the kinds of stuff. can i just touch briefly on that turn night? as you mentioned, the 1st run hits historic lows, but then the run off, so significantly more citizens turn, not your view on, on why the variance played out. as you know, the country, there's a li, there's a that said that that's showing up for the person that is not good for countries imaging internationally. i think that 10 percent basically taught that this is, this is the right idea. yeah. the people who didn't show up last time, but they showed this time besides this 1st point that the 2 candidates had a couple of the lively debates on television. i think that's it resulted in some people paying attention in the coming coming through the polls and the sense, given only 2 candidates we had this 7 level is ation. so as the supporters of the
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photos and candidates that is not that they're not present in toronto for addiction, and it came back and they brought new people. but at the end of the day, there mr. physician can manage to attract more voters and, and he's you guys see for him just another point on the, a really in parliament and cooperation going forward. there are a lot of conservatives there. so how do you see cooperation working between m p 's and the concrete new president willing, for instance, the head job will, will that no, it be a particular focus. a you know, that this is part of the last caustic solution. it's not unique to you around in many countries of ministers and need to get a little tough confidence from the countries problem. and this is the case you need on as well as so it ministers, that is,
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this is initially i'm willing to reduce it to the problem. and the i may or may not get to both confir. that's because the problem is, is dominated by the principal is a, historically, is majority of ministers to get approval even then the 2 different political parties in the presidency. and the problem is that the basic idea is to let the president work with the people that he wants to. so i expect the same thing. i would imagine maybe 2 or 3 administrators don't get the approval from the parliament, the majority of them, but to get that, all right, a big day at, let's see how it goes moving forward. thanks for breaking down. all the big elements for us food is not a professor of political communication at the university of terra. thank you. ok. now with adults solver on this presidential election, no official do stay with
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r t owner on line for deeper analysis of the nations political future. the now the hungarian prime minister has reacted to the west, fierce criticism of his trip to moscow, saying that if nato quote choose is war instead of peace, it will be committing suicide. victor or bon also shrugged off you allegations of appeasement in his meeting with lot of group it. this is precisely the brussel in bureaucratic nonsense that yielded no results in finding a way to peace in the russia ukraine war. if we want to end the war, we need to political approach instead of a bureaucratic one, a long carrying p and match with a lot of merit puts in, in the russian capital on friday, causing i'd rage on both sides of the atlantic. the trip marked the 1st time a european leader travel to russia since april, 2022, and happened just as hungry,
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took over the rotating presidency of the after talking both leaders to address the media. pretty much the focus here to see, to the screen sponsors continued to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram or sacrifice for confrontation with russia. as we see it, there is still an unwillingness in kia to abandon the idea of waging war to the bitter end of the cube was never the less. we are grateful to the prime minister. we see this as an attempt to restore dialogue, which is mtv now we in europe have been living in the shadow for 42 and a half years. did not feel safe. and this war has a factor in the breakdown of economic development. for the last 2 and help years, we have learned that we cannot achieve these without dialogue and diplomatic channels. the 1st important step has been made in terms of establishing dialogue. and i will continue this work as to particular or been told vladimir food and about
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his recent trip to ukraine as part of his piece initiative, where he tried to persuade t of to cease fire and had to negotiations. this offer was rejected, the computers actually discussed a wide range of things, but of course, the grain was among the most important issues. vladimir prudent says that moscow is still ready for peace talks. and for negotiations, however, it doesn't see the same will coming out of ukraine. port and says piece would mean the need to lift to the marshal on ukraine, which then means the they need to hold new presidential elections, which still haven't been held in the wedding rated. so ask, he's a term and office officially ended in may so important things that to try and ukraine officials aren't really in that much of a need to, to actually have peace because and they would need to take part in the elections and put in things they would lose the codes administration wouldn't. it was also flattery reporting says that uh, any peace negotiations that should lead to not
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a c spy or a pause, but to complete ending off the conflict. now, victor, oregon says that he's now met with way of putting for the eleven's time. he says, meetings like this and trips like this one to russia. our 1st steps in the right direction. i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to each other is rapidly declining. hungry is the only country in europe that can hold hope to. everyone's cosette hungry will soon be the only counts in europe that can talk to everyone. definitely an important meeting, even though i get to organ is now under a lot of criticism from his youth in counterparts. they either say that he does not have the mandates to hold any type of negotiations with russia over ukraine. or they say that he this is actually doing harm to european union, so unified stance on ukraine. here's a few examples of what is being said. this is about about appeasement. it's not
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about the piece. and we believe that it undermines the unity and determination that we need to. so we sort of as a self that are presenting in a thought at these meetings, he's representing his own country. what is important? these thoughts allow us to also hungry the degrees? that's a, that's russia is the pressure on the rush sized responsible for the war. we are concerned that prime minister would choose to make this trip to moscow, which we not advanced and is counter productive to all this criticism. aside though, i think victor orbiting has shown some real strong political character because it really take some strong will to go for a european lead right now to rest 10 whole negotiations with vladimir, of wouldn't, because of the european union's stance on ukraine and all this military supports of ukraine. well actually, i think it's victor horrible by his actions as showing some free will and desire
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for a final peaceful solution to this conflict. instead of just pumping more and more weapons into it. and while some countries have been sitting there, focus on promoting piece you officials have been composite by budapest efforts with some suggesting mr. or bond is betraying the blocks, principals. appeasement will not stop fulton, only unity and determination will paved the path to a comprehensive just and the last thing be some ukraine prime minister, oregon has not received any mandate from the council to visit moscow in moscow a week to albany. nowhere represents the you of the youth positions. he's exploiting the presidency position to so confusion. it is a scandal. the orbit is shamefully abusing the council presidency and traveling to kremlin without a mandate. either the hungarian government respects its current role in the you or
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it should resign. as chair, victor, oregon, visits put in some very and prime minister. the use position is very clear. we condemn the russian war of aggression the what value the does a you you actually have now, i think is the biggest question because the people of europe, when we want peace and you know victor or bond in this country, he is gone against the brain against the wishes of european union collectively, the leadership of the you is, is very far from the population of the you. and just like the american people are, are very much in opposition. what are the scaling and so in europe, but it appears to be the same thing. the nato wants to continue a war. i'm a mentor mazda and strong enough for me to withstand these attacks on the whole year in the country and hung in society. so it's difficult to say how
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the any of the actions taken by the you at this time is, has been beneficial at all. well, victor or bonds visit to russia has gained support from the prime minister of slovakia. who stated, there's always room for more piece thoughts. i'm in fact would have also travel this week. if possible. both i want to express my immunization for the hon, gary in front of me to serve you like we did not hesitate. both cube moscow. my health has allowed, i would have been happy to join the military and never too many pieces off before they will do my go to school. but i mean, it'll be the will. ukraine launched a series of thrown attacks and rushes across the entire region over night. no casualties were reported by local authorities. these images, those show the aftermath, all ukrainian you may be strikes on the same area. the day before. a 6 year old girl was killed and 5 other people. wounded ortiz, senior correspondent, the rock as the fall of the report from the front,
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where he's imbedded with russian for to are creating a buffer zone to protect civilians in the border region. these, these won't johns, who was little events, remains the fighting, is furious and face to face. here, the building on the right is held by russian troops. the buildings on the lift force and followed by ukrainians. yoda's had come in. the equations needed to be clear that tonight the a t a t tags was chosen for the job. the not so much the time is the crew once you minutes, so you with now i want to talk much spits nice will. and once you with well, you in, i was in pmc wagner, which i, i took part in the battle of buck moved and fight and the outlines settlements.
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lease is a dangerous and delicate nation. well now we were trying to get the no, please, this is within the radius of a 150500 varies. the era for the troops are just a few dozen meters away from the targets, the the to keep the tree cover, looking for a suitable firing position. votes on skis, some columbus is way. yes. to close the
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town for tunes of well today, then that's what you a the pilots on the other side, the minute they slab firing, they going to said everything else, they're looking for these tags. if we little bits of cattle flaws helps soon enough . they begin, the test shows heats to a mock and skill and the next in a few minutes, 5 tank shells impacts you create in positions. the shock waves a new will leave the troops inside. with the silvia contusions and ruptured drums, the
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much the same is happening with charts has been turned into cranes new. not much. let's say i 's big dad and it says he is living it with new units. fresh reinforcements with mobilized folks who uh, who have insufficient training. the is it in ski, it is apparent, has ordered his troops to hold on couple chance a tool will cost you regardless of losses. he would look bad if he lost another large settlement. just liking box more, holding onto which made little military sense and which his own generals urged him
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to abandon where tens of thousands of ukrainian troops perished. it seems zalinski has learned nothing. back mode is repeating, the monks is now being absorbed by ask my battalion. under general f t i lo, deena and ty, units for my private military contracts is reunited component of development. we came back, cable together was a group. and when a companion did you expect everyone to return just i'm going to be honest with you . i didn't, but as you can see, is what happened. proven invaluable. was just the skills,
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but the mindset. com and calculated because i do, you hate them know my feelings towards them are normal. the more so you can kill the very which you don't need to hate snow. the other is to me, you know, i don't know hatred not even when shelves fly it. you're not even that work is work. work is work from oscar. small towns must be pacified to stop blind ukrainian shedding across the board, the tax on russian cities and towns full of civilians. s then 2 months into the battle, the streets are leases with you paid me and dead. and many more buried under the rubble of too much so that the bible has a familiar nickname. the volume chance need more. i'd guys be
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a kind of good region ukraine, the u. s. leader joe biden saying he's there is virtually no way he will drop out of the presidential race as questions were all over the future of his account of the see the 81 year old stated in his latest interview that only god himself could persuade them to quit if you can be convinced that you can not defeat donald trump. will you stand down the offensive? lord almighty comes on. so i don't think anybody's more qualified to be president for women's race. i mean, for more than why they cannot have jo, get out of the race, i gather, i, some florida might, is not coming down. would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive cognitive tests and released the results to the american people? i am a cochran chest every single day. every day have test,
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as president biden said, he's also convinced that no democrats will turn on him on the non to drop his candidacy, but actually a group of some, 168 political donors, civic leaders, and business executives. how about ready cold? only incumbent withdrawal in a letter to senior white house officials that's according to the washington post. perhaps hardly surprising, even not even in about a b, c news interview, which was meant to instill confidence bite and once more struggled to complete his sentences. who's going to be able to hold the data together? likely? who's going to be able to view the position? we're unable to keep the pacific base in a position where we're at least check any child who's gonna, who's going to do that? who has that breach? wouldn't be clear, i political tankless tell you that excuse me, much tougher to in 2024. not when you run against
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a pathological liar. not when he has been challenged in a way to respond to the challenge. not would people said most of the challenge washer and mentor, but i was also doing a lot of things like floors around the world for a democratic members of congress have so far cold and binding to step aside. most prominent is virginia. senator mark warner, who is reportedly rallying senate democrats to urge fighting to quit us liberal media appears to be right there with it. there was nothing in this interview. it is calming nerves of jittery democrats, who fear are they? joe biden is on a trajectory to lose this race to lose to donald trump. what we're hearing from democrats isn't concerned about one bad night. they are concerned, the joe biden doesn't have what it takes, not only to continue governing, but then he has what it takes to win. like, i guess going to be honest, i mean, everybody comes on the air and says, all this great stuff. but behind the scenes is full scale panic,
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and people are passing around legal memos, a pdf with wine back and forth on whatsapp, so on and figure out what are the options, how can you replace bite and all former stuff for, for joe biden, an r t contributor, charter, read, sage, the us leader is not fit to take office once more. and the american people have repeatedly made up here as well. i think, you know, it's absurd. he is not listening to what the american people want and the ratings of his calling. so if he's not a popular president, his policies as well as he is not, are not popular with the american people. 70 percent of the people want out of these farm wars. a lot of people are in poverty. you know, i would say that the fight and campaign, usually they call campaign awards. it says the words that they use is for brand and they talk about a campaign. they biden's case. i think it's the candidate. i think that they're absolutely the leads are as and we panicked right now because they don't have
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a way to move him gracefully. he's, i think they thought he would just step down for health reasons and he's not. what i'm hearing is that there is a close circle of people with the don't want him to step down on me to do his family. and so you have these other more powerful people with as insurance or economic money given to the campaigns that desperately want him to step down. so there is definitely a battle going on in the democratic party, whether the republicans take advantage of this or another party takes advantage of us and tries to get it by a candidate. we'll see. trump will have, will use this opportunity, i'm sure to, to butcher's his campaign, but the fact remains on the jump. ivan is not fix to run the century. what are you hearing? is it people are wondering, who's really running with century who's democrats, who's diplomatic policies are going to be long lasting. so wires.


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