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tv   Documentary  RT  July 6, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

9:30 pm
the, the . 2 the whole the bill of. 0 tools or you just give them the sure stuff to go. i still have to but they need to be able to see the start of the other one, which is good for 5 list of those limited to the national center. so if there's
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a move from the blue screen, the, the, the, the, the sure. so, yes. so we do the
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silk township is come down to your bill is monthly. yeah, it does, but i'm sorry, i'm got somebody, but most of the piece of letting us know blue the the bid is that is the good will just because he's got plenty of room. i was the hurdle for you to see what the grab says the the, the, the the, the woodson. see i've got the new talk on the
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budget, the junior so the most of us loved the my digit, the last the. 5 last the, and it's the just in the, the, the, what was the the believe that's even you come up with you, little the total number of legends,
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cuz the butler is the only due to the system, the, the the, the, the
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the the, the board. so the whole concern is the service that you want to take them near personally or where do you know where to go back to the, to the issue, the bumble because you can go to the on to her. but is this just new, or this goes in, your boss does it by the doing stuff that i did change the,
9:36 pm
the doors are in your corners. i'm a gosh if so, i mean what the, the yeah. this but did, would use the, the say i got you please do the deal is with us like that use the same. i do investigated this, but do what am i do most of the past with the mobile just smart home would show them no, but the the, the that's the reason why you do the them on the, on the make. i me did the adventure by the use of
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the the, the session in the vision. you didn't do. what do you need to do? but let's go with the, the thoughts of somebody to assess it. there's a process that you're going to, the sort of like, i'm done, you know, stuff, the whole bunch of the level. there's always the guns, like, you know, that the horses important, the the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the property in front of mazda in the best most ba. 6 ba . 2 ba bye. no, it was empty. is there a new lamp? i don't know, but didn't yet. yeah. bill. yeah. the losing the facility here. there's the most of them me in the city. some places and we just find
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the the, the beginning of the the, the it's good does a similar it's got the the the, the piece girl. let me see, i just made it to them
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the purpose i was the certainty solution. what company can do to compare them didn't present you like she's that was who? no one no, no, no, no, no. the the do the, to the 100 is $49.00 of those go to the lydia da da da da. she could do that. it was in bed, most of was in the most or. ringback ringback ringback on the, on the
9:41 pm
sure how small do it, there's nothing to do to sort people are going to do so i'm sure. but what else with a lot of money or vision? i don't, i wasn't bad mazda leslie. as the bus was supposed to go to the, the is it was paid by mazda facilities, the items that i need comes order for that. so the the modem on the shuttle. i'm gonna place
9:42 pm
you pretty nice to be the best buy in the even a few months from the from the list the. 2 the. 2 the news, the news, i do apologize for the good news. the news is girlfriends.
9:43 pm
the they're going to the the a smart the use of. 2 the purchase price is mother given you much in the $1.00 that says the good. 2 good because the do do this is there's good the. 2
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the that's the lower the, what do we do is the, what did you say the middle initial dot inches weight you make sure that wasn't the smart city or the gym to do the the butler,
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the study cielo you're one of the newest bunch on it. but then most of them lives in, so there's a lot better on what my point is. my point, the more moment. yes, that would be simpler form the butler. this is the, to the guys, you know, it's a mileage from, you know that because it is a fairly did the doors
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were wanting to join us to abuse that that'd be the way there's no, it does. but more of the for the one that didn't. yeah. and the reason i did the guy i knew the schedule is that the students are the ones that the bill and the the gums towards the. 2 the for the,
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the, the to the. 6 the to the just the the good, but you more where it was in the this is why as i said, is that you, this will pay attention to the to the customer. do not need the abuse issue or to do the smallwood as the most important thing was in charge. the more towards the you know, from,
9:48 pm
with us and to explore money continue to let you know. and you want to as nice noise in the use of. ready the, the time we'd be good because each of the of this afternoon i just saw it was i did one directly to the
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to that that wasn't about to be sort of just the dealer of the, of the house with the sound of the somebody in your the the, the, the, the the especially for do i definitely the is the what do you know
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the well yeah it's the, it's the, the way we do it. yeah. and you will see my do lessons of them, which is the, oh god plus i put on the what do i put you on the frontier just isn't that? yeah, it's not the it's just yeah. in your system. no, no, no, no. there's no symbol. it's not should the, so i was to the ports of the guy and of course, the cost of presto, you'll still need to the fact that you do that blue is pretty, you know, whether it's a bit or not. but the worst case was supposed to be that i said, yeah,
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it's quotes get better for the sports, getting you. but the but the go to style it to them. yes. yes. cuz only for 3 parts. i want to put some simple grocery store and you needed this my way the new month was discussed with the boys. when you said it was soon most viewed as much as it goes. so that's why we're doing that. so yeah, so v as in silver. cool. cool. and then you live locally. well, the the bowl is done on the, the, the,
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the at the, to the good of the, i don't have that i usually the 20 the fluids and then you go with the, to save you. some of this just means that you need you to lose got here. this is the
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gosh, this is the graphs but certainly blue bodies. yeah. but is this of them but the what so, but from the atlantic? well i thought yeah, it was, it was the, the launch finding us need super and nobody knows. that was thought you said you, most of us about that was done in the c o b, i should say, reviewing the money or should i be able to find you this for my budget for what you see. so that is the only people i'm watching is like a smart yeah. yeah.
9:54 pm
but that's all based on the bus on the yeah. guns too. but the rest of that you put in school, it was actually this budget, whatever it is, a little bit less lead between the evaluate the deal is really to sort through what, let's just do a lot of money to do so much as me as i but i look for the nice thing for the folks who, who is the source littlest use. let me book the the
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not done, i'm sure. so we use the launch. he's supposed to have the sales force now so. so the, the, the show is that the crowd of some of the the the, the,
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the, the, the the, [000:00:00;00] the on the, the,
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the source unless it needs some in the success of this model to see if we can show you some of them. so i'm trying to build a new one, you go and listen. you move from me to somebody just a little good using it for us. do something at the most part. most of the most of them just do something like that, but you must be good. was always stuff i did the meals that the gold on the agenda blue. oh so kind of so much here soon as i'm sure. but we're also still going to see the pressure loss of
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the the number you need, your visa, stupid loyce law here nancy nancy jims and then actually should see where it gets to the the only showcase use the so he's going to the boys at the boys the probably the most new and that'll be for them imagery of assess florida doesn't
10:00 pm
want that extra them put the notes up under that the i'm action or time. see welcome back to going, undergoing broadcasting all around the world from the you. a julian assange is free . you can watch our interviews with them, exposing google. hillary clinton's attempt as a book us democracy and blame russia that illuminate a war crimes in iraq and all around the world. it was wiki leaks that exposed jake sullivan. biden's, now national security advisor ryan speaking, how kind that was on the same side as the usa. it was leaking, leaks that exposed the present head of the ca, explaining the u. s. propagation of russia that would lead to war in europe. well


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