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tv   Documentary  RT  July 6, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

10:30 pm
due to the and assign joel the team of going under. yeah, thank you option. thank you. continued condolences also to those bereaved by u. k. u s e u, i'm genocide will be back on monday after this week. celebrations of opec plus is venezuela's independence day with the grades that is in your power bill. the new book, referencing julius on his information investigates the u. s. u. k. attempt to destroy the country with the world's largest oil resources until then keep in touch by the social media of it. so extensive your country and i do i channel going underground tv and rumbled i'll come to watch new and old episodes of going on to go and see monday the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the walk, a town in ivory coast is little known outside the region. but for rivalry and the name country's up memories of tragic events that plunge the once a prosperous country into 10 miles,
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the bloodshed, broken lives, the country deep in crisis. the cause of its friends. the, anyone with an interest in international affairs may associate walk a with the bombing of french bower, explain live, orient, forcible planes, floated by the russian lesson royce. the emphasis is specifically on the woods, the russian medicine race. the african country has been mired in civil war at that moment. it was a turning point. this box that triggered the tragedy. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the ivory coast was the jewel, the from says west african colonies, rich and abundant natural result is with coffee phenomena. and pineapple plantations was introduced from south america and going to be exported exclusively to france. the after gaining independence, the country was turned into a false freak showcase. under it's a long time president. felix will say, believe me to also leads to countries on the political body. he's a former french minister who ruled for 33 years. the pro france president's death provoked a deep crisis in the country. the good news is,
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of course they look for the physically in those ends so that you select for some the was seen within different enough to run the electric question. did, did it? didn't you do me, could you? what are the zip are the zip code? was that low? volume pretty just pretty simple. when you see this one does have to go through this to pull that up for less than that he shifted upwards was dumb. so, so i'm looking at the more appropriate the so it's good isn't a pretty far says so privilege. yes. what was the, who said that, what is it the rate for the real cause we need the shuttle. the appraisal will go
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see the board and then to pay for the full $1.00 item is the 1st thing at this time. i remember my 1st book got that. what do i do? what's a good? not profit, they're not too much. still going up. the fed is independent cit, premier places i don't know if they did get on speed, isn't it enough to then they'll send for us as done there by the end of the say, so long since i lose really i left w y may have some work done on this, it isn't, it is not possible to get off to the 1st. i said to them please to sort of the, the device or the book that you to know about the poorest physical without the study to mr. tell. but he has to be, as if the bed, the
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time was the next struggling, moving forward. the world was changing as well. people that mindset that ideas, new political bodies would imagine the of the boy in his death front failed to find an adequate replacement for him. and in 2000 load on the back boat was elected president, the, the let them look on the st bunk. so for the event that i did locate the, the, to the she lived the bundle. so what does it say significantly? so that's why people, people get someone say a d as in the flows that get to that is the good some of
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the other the book. and so let me just share the pool open for that too, and divide in how long has it been in this document upfront folder? why would absolutely, i bought it from said are they gonna use it this year? but the 1st one is the one that buses into the fitness it will you single movie say they said think that i'm ready to double up with you as soon as you receive the phone. i did this on my left in the laptop because it was in 2002, rebellion burrow count against the battle, escalating into the confrontation between the countries south and north. friends
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made little secrets of the fact that in one way or another, it supported both sides to keep the conflicts going. the government forces jump was made even more challenging by the fact that the rebels had an elaborate network of supply debt. those in neighboring but king of prussia, which was ruled by frances, loyal servant, plays come for the opportunities weeks. the turning point is the government telling me began to repel the variables from the country. then french soldiers put boots on, i've already and soiled, in a traditional french style with no request from an adjustment government. the un resolution adopted after the fact the french army split the country into with the dividing land, running through block a, which became the rebels logistical center. to visit us on the other line. last as of the services of
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was not due by the results. but what did you want me to see to see about the problem, lizzie, because it isn't part of the system to see that from 130 to the other 2 or review. those are some known what these really be about, but the soon it's easy, but it should get it back in july because of them. but we need to know the cervical shift if it needs to be, you know, if we can do this
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when disease is this going to be reduced? so if we can, maybe, uh, we can take the, the green light. but do i selected that? let me do this, you to the list of some of them, give me the 6 sip dump lot sloth i was put in the what did that little pretty done last city a little bit on the me the zip the, the sub system. what this letter that what do you want about an update? in case
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we're going to the world to good to good above those j sending everybody to say i want to know 1st we'll see there's something in there to let me know what bus good is that a little much of this is a little more perfect. the logistics use of it to renew your some of that. yeah. this is the us to call somebody see the one that i was
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wondering whether you got the new suit. do you know, newport that because the boss is the one you know, to 65, see nobody anybody does, you need to fund meaning the exhibit is to do with the power to the level of what it is and the leaves up there if it's on i'll give you the of it. oh not good. you really don't need that. i need a lot of me. what again for shots and i have you better be just a live brute force,
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i just got lucky or you for me and just i have looked at the system, but i certainly tell you what is it the video, but i don't a male less cleanest of this you like me some of what what good, please good. be good. color photos of luck, but it 50 the the you or the or so just i'm lucky. the month old guy letting me but i didn't visit it. you go good. there is something that is sort of the lucky method, things that i think they did. i miss it. if there is a study area, they'll bring the glass up with the can for i did that i gave when you with you have here today is such a look like he didn't see it. we'll see some 40 out of midland and atlanta lifted it just so mean i, i'm definitely got to go just your cool fe advocate, that'd be, that'd be yeah,
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that'd be under viviana doke somebody that comes with my exit this informal across from the, the, the video the video, the physical sec, what not to us. so but i thought i'd give you that said give me a call the this the please take a look at the press. good. you're good at the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscope. it gives him just a shepherd, reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions.
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fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can hi, i'm receptive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do the have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again,
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we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the when the rebels announced an interest in negotiations, the official launched active hostilities and the library and a half. let's begin to bomb rebels supply basis. on the morning of november, the 6th, 2004 to ivoly and air force su 25 planes, foamed french contingent positions invoking the 1000000 french service men and an american civilian specialist. died in the right. despite the assurances from the government and personally from president, little incompatible about the tragic mistake and not being involved in the strike. over the following days, old ivoly and military aviation was completely destroyed on the ground and in the with human casualties. doug, see the move process so but it takes a good no,
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so you would have to do it sooner advise me to i'm ready then one would have to and i don't know if you did the difference in the car to the best of this i guess you'd have to download the roof, and i said that to me and this will quite get to oppose it. i think i like to go see i'm so, but if they don't come back to me today, right. yes. you know sure. look, i'm on the move that the to me i looked at the some them pretty. i love them up for a minute or something like that. the good, the love this i'm going to what i'm doing. i'm really curious with the steps
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ebony that way for us to send me, but let's just see what it is and we'll because the minutes a test done, it'll either get missing having the money to fix this. the widespread discontent resulted in empty french protests during which, under the pretext of protecting civilians. french soldiers opened fire on a reportedly peaceful demonstration number. why that move to system related to windows before you lock it down turned it fed move in?
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don't some of the said that i have it came in. let me bring it down to the place in the next one is a pretty good. good a ma'am. i've lived on says when is that to buy some will be the silver, the silver. it will be to the soon as you, but is that lou, this is the full say better eyes breakfast because the example for me in the prevailing situation that we can both government and the me and helps the rebels to step up their activities. the country remain divided, glanced into a bloody conflict for several more years. and what is a country plunged into conflict?
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most the wind divided into the economy is destroyed. businesses collapse along with a stablished supply and logistics change. installation reduces the populations, purchasing power, and the shortages of goods and produce friends hadn't just sent people apart. it seemed determined to bring them to the nice force to drag out a miserable existence just to survive the d a. d. oh, that's a little most of the possible by the team of people who are the ones who could talk to somebody in which and i did a re, galaxies, details form of the machine for the key point being from a ship is good. but i saw basically
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a couple of tomorrow would be good luck with the law. so the list of properties before because at the end of the vehicle so much i'll see the globe, somebody has the assistant manager. this will be due to the pool to go to the property. they don't go to the units at the museum show much to do that, but yeah, be good by like, what do you want to go to move up with, you know, show up to please the secure body when that event was the most is the rose. this is the
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condition of the best buy luck with the vi, and if you saw before, the too long that the service that i saw that productivity loved to meet them in the loopholes. so to show the swab shows, well you must have this off by multiple phones of my son. is it possible for the photo of up to $15.00 or would it be the the bottle? there's a bit of a leak. busy is a bit of the faucet lady by the talk on
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the please your to discuss it. good luck with you. take a look. see the shut off to the bottom left of the 2nd. i'm going to get a little isn't this of, of back off off to the issues around for the defeat off of the city by macha for us up. or if you think you saw blah the been heading gigi, gigi, for file it po, phelps, p. i model needed display legally events in black, i didn't, and until 2022, during the process of one allegedly miller russian pilots and disappeared from the investigation. one of the defendants died and the 2 of the domain, we're given life sentences and i've sent you
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the, the investigation failed to answer the critical question to all the different barracks, to be bombed. no one needed to know the library and set to restart their lives by returning to abandoned homes and going back to work. but the mental looms needed to hail and still do. they must try to restore relations and to learn to live in peace, to gain the
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mutual fund them is only to do for fee me going to see the sequel to see letter that so that people give you the book is the move body also. so you know, these are the seats all to do, so it is only sort of the interest certificate. i'll put a so let me look at, i think this ethics suit. that'd be the got to do the also enough notice on this, on the sort of a new set then know what to do to remember all these evil. so what i'll do is over by you,
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i leave you this says due to the shipment, would it be chosen with me just because it was a lot this sunday. do you want me to do that? while i'm going to meet you and see if it's so can you just on, on the last of the city a couple of when people saw it is you did, you need to look and see what else i can do to set a meant to be met sola let's us just,
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you have to be such a good example solutions. this is in the form of the soul plus the sick. i'm the system on the why the boy p. you do that so that you from the last on that for the front bumper possibly could be shown on the 3. know these are the thought of him and the secretary, so the minute the or is it just it to me
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corporate actual audi got the software says the the the sub for the alternate the sub for full visa or june. the 5th, if he gets additions to move on for the 266 by somebody, the permit sidney forrest, this record that he said, luckily you run off the lift the but the enough i do the shipment that the ship this are my go to accept the you're left for him to get on to the dentist to say that is not set up. so essentially it's pretty does that gives us it gives you the process of looking
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at this house at the face, the pool that presently this at the sun cause it says service has a body shop it at this time because i had a godaddy video. the son of them does it. uh the says send list. uh the double over at the the, this is the policy. this is the case, has been a big stadium, and not just in the train is the, the bus it, but in israel guys, relationship china is getting any budget goes to the unit. they may have found
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close the challenge with things, but let's understand j buying the i think the bills name and the the julian assange is free, is free and he's home in australia with his family. i'm not sure that any of us ever really thought we'd be able to save that, at least, not this year, but it's all over. and the free agreement, the julian signed in which he admitted to one count of conspiracy to collect and disseminate national defense information is not at all or will give you the details of this rate and long sought victory for transparency. john curiosity, welcome to the west of loading the


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