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tv   Documentary  RT  July 7, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT

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links of the bottom main line, we have to bills what are essentially to be secondary continuous routes built over 300 infrastructure sites. in 10 years time, the volume of traffic through the eastern, fully gone of railways, should reach 270000000 tons a year. big plans for big country. that's looking ahead and said multi paula world, where there is a growing list of partners looking to do business with russia. and thanks to the band and it's big brother the trans siberian railway. it's never been easier. marina call sort of a r t. i do say with our to international i'll be back with much more news in about 30 minutes. the on the
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. 2 the do it through the. 0 tools or you just give them the sure stuff to go. i still need to be able to see the started the the the the, the just to look the national. so if there's a move from
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the blue screen, the, the, the, the the sure. so we do where the silica culture
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is come down to your bill is monthly. it does, but i'm sorry, i'm got somebody, but most of the guys who by 5 gigs of letting us know blue the, the bid is the good thing because he's got plenty of room when you're prepared. cuz what was the hurdle? so you do it today. graham says that the the, the the, the words in see i've got the
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release the you know, the last the last the, and it's been a little but just in the, the most of the the believe that's even to come up with you. the total number of legends, cuz the butler is
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the only get the chance estimated the the, the, the, the,
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the the, the board. so the toner is the service that you want them to take them. what where do you know what to do about that? because the new but are slow to amount to the issue. the problem was because you could do the one to her, but this just knew where this goes in. your boss does it by the doing the stuff that i did, the guy, the senior partners. i'm a guy as you're still at the bottom. that's the yeah.
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this but did, which is the, the dog you need to the slide that use the same idea. leslie this but it didn't lush the past, but the mobile just some of the sudden the sort of know what the the, the the, the doing the grandmother was on the make. i me did the adventure by the news that the
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the, the session lead you in the vision. you didn't do what you need to do. but let's go with the thoughts of how the citizens processed on your property at the nearest got to the level. there's always the guns like you know that the horses important the i was the so with
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the spelling of i put it in front of me but as long as ba ba. 2 ba. 5 ba, ba, bye. no, it was empty. is there a new lab? i don't know, but didn't yet. yeah. bill. yeah, the listing agent moves in group a similar to the most of them me in the city of nissan. this is susan, is the, the,
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the the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the monthly just man last year. one of them. so by the time, so then the the purpose i was the 2nd solution. what i'm going to do to compare,
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i'm getting present. you guys, she's up to the, the no, the, the do you do have the, to the know read, there's 49 of those. go to the, the, lydia da, da da . the most invest most of course in the master. ringback on the, on the
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not sure how small do it, there's nothing to do so i think we're going to do so i'm sure, but what else to the i don't i wasn't bad. positive leslie. as the bus was supposed to go to the is it stable speed by mazda facilities? the items that i need comes order for that. so the, so the modem on the shuttle. i'm going to be pretty nice to boot this quote to
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the best buy in the us. so even if. ready something like this, the. 2 the, the, the doing the news, the, the so the thing is i do want to good, let's face the show is girlfriends. the they're going to the,
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the market is month lease but it isn't. 2 the purchase price is mother didn't do much in the one that the, the good you good, which was the do you have to do is go to the. 2 the bill and introduce the both. the smaller the what do we do is just the digit. uh,
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what about the state, the middle, initial weight you most. it wasn't state of the 500 on your smart da da da da da da. the by the state. so we're letting you know number and you're still in the midst of them lives. in phillips, there's a lot better on the quote for just my point is my point,
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the, the this is this, the simple example of the butler, this is the, the war. but suddenly as you know, it's the mileage from you know that because it is. uh, fairly did the doors were wanting to join us to buick. let us know. that'd be the way it is. you know it does . but more of the for the one that didn't. yeah. and the reason i did the got a new jersey, what was the schedule, the cities of the village press 3, are you still want to visit the
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about the bill at the store? why or do you like the . 2 the, the the the, the, the, the, the, the. 6 the just the, just the you the,
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the juma where it was in the this is why as i said, is that you, this will pay attention to the customer. do not need the bus abuse issues smallwood as the nurse and margie are worth and put in was in charge. the more towards the you know, from, with hands explore money continue to let you know it's, you know, she was not familiar with the use of. ready the the
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the moods we'd be good because each of the on the diesel communion i just saw it was i did one but i for the year at the moment that wasn't about to be sort of just the dealer of the house,
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the sound of the somebody in you the news news my the especially for do i the snares, meds, but the the, the, the the some of the groups way with you and. yeah, and you're welcome. i do lessons of them, which is the, oh god, what was,
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what are the, what do i put you? i'd rather just, it's a good for smart. the is just good on your system. yes, i'm not in the movies are not simple as much of the so i was you, i suppose the for the guy was saying, actually the price of presley, you'll still need to the fact that you didn't like that, but it was pretty, you know, for the but the worst it was those 3 that i said, yeah, it's quotes, get those food. you got to put fast foods getting you. but yeah, because the, the style it to them you yes, good zone for 3 parts. i wanna put some simple grocery store and you needed this my, the new month was discussed with the boss. and when you said it was so much get as much as if so,
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so that's why we're doing that. so yeah, so v as in silver cool, cool. and then you live locally. well, the the, the list um, some of the, the, the, the, the, the that's the to the good
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of the, i don't have not. i usually the, the, the, you go with the dishes mean is that you to lose got here. is that not fun to do? it was the gosh, this is the graphs but certainly blue bodies here, but is the, oh it says boom. but the what?
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so but the atlantic well, i thought this was, it was the, the launch finding us new. yeah. super nobody in the you say new most of us about us. the name is c o. b as in sibley, b and the should i be able to find you that in my budget for what you see. so definitely the default no changes as far as like a smart tv. yeah. for the 2 on the yeah. why that was that you but it was actually based budget, whatever the mostly between the value is the largest dealer. they need to sort
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through what that does to was so no money to do so much as means. but i look for the united states, the sole source, little excuse, let me book the, the the, the in the, not the, i'm just like the large piece of the steel cords, not usually go to the show from the
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some of the number of us getting the most of the, the to the
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source unless it needs some in which and see the success of the year. and model was easy to show you some of them. you need to go to some of the so i'm trying to build new on you go and listen to the move from me to the city which to me just a little good. let's do something at the most part. most of the,
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most of them just to somebody to find you must pick with was always stuff i did the meals at the gold on the agenda blue. oh, so kind of show me right here. so let me show you. so what is the move on to the, the, the, what is a part of the, the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word or is it something deep but more complex might be present there? let's stop without cases. let's go part of the
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for all eyes are on moscow, where indian prime minister and a run remotely is set to arrive for tasks with president bladder. we're putting on monday, some locals, and then the say they'll be mostly watching the meeting between the leaders of the 2 family nation. obviously, you know, she has our strategies partner and a very good friend. you know, especially has a very special place in the hearts hoping that you could say that it's a sort of where the special body is really protest. first agency of disruption as they rally against and that in yahoo government. and it's handling of the gods a war which has entered it's a 10th month. plus i ask your approval or politicians just fast to their see bill snow and.


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